Tantacrul's Impossible Music - Let's Write Impossible Music with Ben Levin Part 5

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that video, and he, scares me

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/ColorCoatDrawing 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

The other musician, Ben levin, is incredible and I highly recommend you check him out. Favorite artist for a while now.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Zebratonagus 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
I've been writing an impossible piece of music for months and now to finish the piece I sent it to Tentacruel who I know can make it way more impossible than I ever dreamed I'm gonna now listen to what Bennett was already written and the brief he's given me is here's something that's impossible to play I want you to write an ending for this impossible music and I'm now going to try and do that so let's listen to what he's got so far [Music] lots of tuplets and insane the mental rests [Music] bass bears got some crazy strings if you want them to play this perfectly yeah sure it's impossible okay we have beautiful 4 string pizzicato on the veil violin I like that I like though you've kept it just for you you've like kept it within the realms of possibility if you'd put like seven notes that would be more impossible actually let's just stop this um you know let's let's add a couple more notes shall we that's right and that's impossible that's a preferred type of impossible as far as I'm concerned but I think we can take this to new realms of impossibility that's what I'm going to try and do [Music] [Music] I love all the the tablets the insanely unnecessarily complicated offbeat patterns within tablets and that Cecotto is just inspired I love the idea that a violin could sound like that [Music] last week there [Music] it's like the way you've not done tempo changes you've just done everything within tuplets [Music] so we're here this is where Ben leaves off when I take over [Music] so first of all I thought it'd be nice to change the pace a little bit so first off I've changed it to 7/8 and within seven eight I've told the piano player in particular that he needs to play strict tempo non Roboto he must be absolutely dead on and to help him with that I've given him some oxy Demi semi quavers I think they're cold let's look that's just Demi semiquaver worthy where's the good stuff Ben help me lordy Lordy this is gonna be pear-shaped let's go to chicken Jacques's oh yes this is my 100k it's not great not that great now you might be wondering why I have a crazy version of musescore that no one else has the secret it's just a mind just for me but you will all see it soon enough trust me okay got that working now quasi Hemi dummy semi quavers right and as you can see with the quasi Hemi dummy semiquavers they'll need a little bit of practice to get this right I've also put in some rests because it needs to be very strict they need to make sure that that caused the Hemi dummy semiquaver rest is exactly there and there needs to be absolutely perfect so you know you can't quite hear it when when I play all the instruments listen to the piano hit this cause ahem it's emmaandemma Quivers [Music] I just thought that if you are gonna give them cause say how many Demi semiquavers it would be good to split as far in the register as humanly possible because so they you know they have to prove it feel like an octopus I thought that was a particularly beautifully impossible thing to try and achieve so you can see here that the right hand is descending down into the left hand that's not because the left hand needs to play those that's just the right hand part overlaying the left hand so that it's like an extra challenge so the left hand player still needs to play these crotchets or rather quarter notes and needs to sort of clear those other ones out of the way you know so the as I said it's an extra challenge let's see if they can do it if any pianists would you like to try this out I will happily get on skype and what you attempting it would be very good to see a couple of other things I've done as you can see a bar gets extremely long when you fill it with cause I have me that cause I have me semi Demi quite first it gets in fact so long it's extremely hard to figure out when you zoom in what part of the bar you're actually in so there's an element of just guesswork when it comes to figuring out what the other instruments should be doing so I would say that the piano is providing almost like white noise in the background for the other instruments to try and and play alongside so I think um performance directions are very important you know you can take a stem and mu score and you can just stretch it stretch it right up there and that's it and I thought that was nice I thought that might make for some interesting printed music that the left hand stretches up over and past at the right hand only that way can the bass player see what the actual note value is I've also said to them the performance Direction note the stem and then I added the word cell research just to add an extra little bit of confusion but I think performance directions are another like avenue of impossibility that we can perhaps take advantage of for example obviously I've said strict tempo non Roboto and I like to repeat that over and over again in case at any moment if the piano player feels like they're like I want them to basically feel like they're in prison I actually also like that text placement I think it's nice when the text is intersecting with the bar makes it an extra challenge for the player to be able to read it and this does add lots of nonsense in this particular one and that's also I can break it down to another line but I do like the fact I can just keep going oh there we go so no player will really know what it is they're supposed to do and I think again just it just makes for some better music now new scores not particularly liked what I just did it's a bit upset oh that's a right pity Oh me scores very unhappy with me I wonder is there any way I could possibly not have me to score crash on me right now come on musi I've done musescore mischief now there we go oh hold on no it's back well done Mew score I also think we should just do some some general bar stretching and that way then the musicians can know that the other musicians music is also being played they can get a sense of what the other musicians are doing or at least get a very abstract sense because for each player you just see a diagonal line and it'll just it'll make them ask some interesting questions that will probably result in some better music let's stretch downs at this quarter note here let's stretch it all the way down let's keep going let's see how far we can go actually we can go pretty far I think oh gee gee whiz thank you me score I've now stretched it off into infinity and I think that's worthwhile if we take this time signature I think whoops move this time signature above the triplet here hold on probably the top --let rather excuse me you can also see here I've got another time signature midway through two quavers I've mixed around some impossible notes that it can't be played by the instrument I think that also helps quite a lot let's also stretch this beyond the black beams can stretch they can stretch really high I think these should also stretch off into infinity and though you can't tell whether or not these are actually semiquavers are not or quavers or whatever they were I don't remember anymore shout out to the zoom feature in any music or this zoom feature super responsive okay here we go I've also put an instruction here play it like a um it's nice and ambiguous play a like a even though there's no actual a there so I do also quite like the idea that music or is really struggling with this particular part as continues nice curve begins to get a bit upset letting go will be great here will be really excellent and wise idea would be to continuously do that for all the instruments and because I think the way the best way for this to end is if music or crashes copy and I think I'll pop it on every other instrument at the same time to get a beautiful black cacophony of nonsense there we go I'm on boil now I'm curious I'm very curious to know whether music or can deal with this I think we should save if we take a nice run up to it can you score handle this it actually did it that's impressive I think a piano player could take a stab at this they could look at it and kind of go that those are notes I could play those notes I think we should perhaps try obscuring those notes with some other notes so if I go to Google and if we go to images well let's take this one first of all and let's save this we have some music now you might think to yourself I will ask I believe them is just put an image over the other music and that's true and that is a bit mean I think you should be able to see both types of music so you can make the decision regarding which one you actually want to play or you could play both so we have this beautiful option a musical called stacking order now you could be forgiven to be part of the hundred percent of people who have no idea what this does stacking order actually means because it says helpfully said there that it's some sort of spatial depth but in in three-dimensional space it's on the z-axis so this means you can actually play stuff behind why they don't just use the term arrange to back is beyond me but anyway you know let's just change it to zero a and now you can see at the bottom of the stacking order is that music and that adds an extra level of cheery complexity for the piano player and I think they will especially be interested in those lovely checkerboard transparency patterns which I think just help in every single way I think we should do a couple more of these let's save some more music oh I like to look at this one let's save that guy and I'd like an image of some Tigers that'll do Ben Levin dairy that's not you whoa nice hey go Ben oh wow look at Ben a yellow jacket yeah that's a good one let's just use that hey Ben there's another guy called Ben Levin who looks very different to you he does look like a slightly more powerful Ben 11 than you I'm afraid who scores kind of going no no no this this particular image this kind of intersecting music I won't allow this what to do it's just stretching this every time I try to move it over to the left it just it just gets a little bit wider it's been really coy with me there we go we got Ben in the background there let's just make sure that he's baaack and a lot of players all at the same time and let's make him gigantic yeah now the people who are playing will be able to be inspired by Ben 11 as they try to negotiate their piece and negotiate their music I meant to say that actually looks really cool we just take a moment to appreciate quite how different that looks I think it's wonderful they just pop in some more of those images oh there it is oh it's been all coy with me again okay in this one instance I think it is good to just actually completely block the music inspires the musicians to use their imagination a bit more but it's strict tempo they have to play exactly what's on the score in fact we should actually say that right at the very beginning play exactly once on the score you I don't like calling people you we've a nice word in Ireland I like to use gobshite Oh can we just rush that out a little further hey let's move down on out actually I want to put one more performance direction in here then live in Ben Levin I'm gonna spurt wrong Ben leavened bread it's like a palindrome but it's not a palindrome I like that performance direction I think that's very specific I think this is a wonderful a really really wonderful thing we're looking at here those descriptions going all the way through the page and that's just fantastic and this is just a thing of beauty look at that an entire bar going through another bar so it's doubling in upon itself we are now in impossible land ladies and gentlemen this is what impossibility looks like this should be printed exactly like this hand it to the musicians look at this cacophony this beautiful cacophony I love the way think keep disappearing like he's moving out of the way it's like it's embarrassed by itself don't be embarrassed you are a thing of beauty musescore darlin isn't that just wonderful look at kind of look at this I mean it keeps disappearing and reappearing and then for the coup de Grasse look at this baby and it just it just stops the music just stops music or goes that's it without any further ado let's listen to extreme spaghetti friend with the performance direction play exactly what's on the score you gobshite right here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's what you want oh my god look the blue line is gone off the bloody page okay there we go that's it that is impossible music made doubly trebly quadruple e cause ahem a dummy semiquaver Li impossible by me tanto crew thank you very much thanks Ben eleven all the best
Channel: Ben Levin
Views: 53,278
Rating: 4.9120879 out of 5
Keywords: tantacrul, Ben Levin, Impossible music, let's write
Id: xmCyuqc5e2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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