Tank Crew Skills in War Thunder Explained - REMANNED | War Thunder Crew Skills Guide

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hello and welcome to the tank Cru skills guide for War Thunder in this video I'll be explaining all the cruise skills that are for ground vehicles and how they work from the Gunner to the commander and all the way to the radio operator I'll be giving detailed explanations along with visual guys to help you understand each crew skill in the game first let's take a look at how the skills actually work every nation has a set of crew slots which represent different groups of crew members whenever you buy a vehicle and assign it to a crew slot you train those crew members to operate set vehicle each crew member has a set of skills some are generic skills that all the members have while some are unique to each one every skill has a set of parameters that give you a variety of benefits these benefits get better with each skill level to upgrade skills to higher levels you need crew experience points or crew XP points for short you can earn these points by either using the vehicle in battle or buying them with golden eagles the more you upgrade a skill the higher the cost the combined total of all crew upgrades are shown in the form of crew levels whenever you get to a certain crew level you can promote your crew to expert or Ace an expert crew gives an extra three levels to each skill and an ace crew gives a plus two on top of the plus three for a total of plus five experting cost a Reliance while acing can either be unlocked with enough RP or by simply buying it with golden eagles the commander skill will also give a plus one bonus to all other skills but we'll get to that in a bit now that the basics are out of the way let's move on to a rapid fire Q&A do the crew levels and qualifications stay on a crew slot even if you switch to a different vehicle the upgrades stay but an expert or Ace crew is tied to the vehicle and Slot this means you can use whichever tank you want in the slot and you can keep the upgrades but you do have to buy another expert or Ace crew for each tank so pick your lineups carefully can you refund skills you upgraded no if a crew member dies in battle does the tank still get the effects of their skills that depends if your commander dies and doesn't get replaced you lose his skill if the loader dies without a replacement the reloading time and storage time doubles the bonuses of the generic skills also decrease for each crew member that dies but for the rest of the crew's unique skills they stay even if those members are dead a replaced crew member will also provide Buffs so so if your commander or loader dice but gets replaced you'll still keep their bonuses you will lose the benefits of the member that replaces them though so keep that in mind if a tank doesn't have all the crew roles listed on the skill menu does it still get the benefits for example if a tank doesn't have a commander will the commander skill still apply yes regardless of the amount of crew roles you'll still get the benefits from all your upgrades this also applies to tanks with multiple crew members of the same role for example the yak tiger with his two loaders if only one of them dies the loading speed will still be the same if a crew M gets wounded how does it affect their performance and will they heal over time a wounded crew member performs exactly the same as a regular crew member and no they cannot heal themselves over time even with a max out Vitality skill however gin is considering adding a healing mechanic so this might change in the future check the pin coma for further updates still with me good let's move on to the skills themselves starting with the generic ones these are skills that all the crew members have you should keep in mind though for these the average value of the upgrades counts think of it like a big skill bar bar which gets increased as you upgrade your crew for example let's say you upgraded a generic skill by one level on your Gunner one with your driver and two with the commander the total value for that skill would be 4 out of 25 or 16% of its maximum potential these generic skills include Keen vision field repair agility and vitality first up is Keen Vision Keen Vision allows your crew to spot tanks further away in arcade it affects how far you can spot enemies and in realistic it affects render distance and the small arrows on the side of your screen take a look at this example me and the enemy are standing roughly a kilometer apart and I can see him perfectly fine through my scope and binos when I switch to third person though poof he's gone in this example my tank has zero upgrades to Keen Vision now take a look at this in this example my tank has Keen Vision fully upgraded and as you can see the tank is fully rendered in third person if a far away tank isn't moving or shooting they'll be invisible after a certain distance if you don't have any Keen Vision levels if you upgrade the skill though that distance gets increased by a decent amount besides that you'll also get more the arrows on the side of your screen that points towards an enemy tank or plane this can be quite useful for spatial awareness not of that side of the way let's take a look at the parameters upgrading key Vision gives you a variety of boosts you can split them up into two groups detection and identification in arcade detection allows you to see an enemy and create a marker over their tank identification allows you to see exactly which tank it is for example if you see a tank far away it would just say medium tank but the extra identification will give you the exact model for example t3485 the first through third par parameters are about detection and they're quite similar absolute detection is about how far you can spot enemies around your vehicle even if you're not looking directly at the Target you can still spot them thanks to this parameter the second one is movement line detection this improves your driver's ability to spot enemies in other words you'll be able to spot targets where your hole is facing the third parameter is lineup sight detection this one lets you spot enemies with your turret or camera it has an interesting feature along with it though if you use your scope or binoculars it triples the total value so you'll get three times the distance you'd get in thir person the four through six parameters are about identification these aren't very useful since they just tell you the model of the tank you're facing and the last parameter is aircraft detection this one lets you spot enemy aircraft in the sky it's quite useful for both arcade and RB since you'll be getting the markers in the sky or the arrows that point towards a plane this parameter also triples in value if you use your scope or binos now for some extra tidbits about Keen vision and how it affect scouting the improved Optics modification on scouting Vehicles gives all Keen Vision parameters a 30% boost but the skill does not affect how far you can scout enemies in this example I use the Centura with zero Keen Vision upgrades or qualifications and without the improved Optics modification I could still Scout this enemy 2.5 km away that's more than triple all the parameters so the skill has no correlation to the maximum scouting distance and to wrap it up upgrading King Vision to the max will cost you 232 points per crew member for a total of 10,160 points for all five next up we have field repair which lowers repair times in battle it's a crucial skill to have as a damaged Cannon or engine can lead to your downfall in the fight the maximum repair time varies from tank to tank and from module to module but each FS K Lev take 0.4% off the max repair time and once it's fully upgraded you can bring it down to half doing so will cost you 3,60 points per crew member and 15,300 points for all five keep in mind though it doesn't cut all repair times in half it just reduces the maximum repair time so you might see different results for each module the third generic skill is agility agility is how fast a knock do crew member can be RI placed when stuck it takes 133 seconds and each half a skill level takes 40 milliseconds off that time for a minimum of 8 seconds upgrading agility to the max will also cost you 3,60 points per crew member for a total of 15,300 points for all five and the last generic skill is Vitality this one speaks for itself it increases the amount of Health points your crew members have here are a couple of examples a crew member with no Vitality upgrades can be one- shotted by a 7.6 still but with maximum upgrades he can withstand up to three rounds and in the case of of a fire run Deck The Crew with Vitality upgraded can last much longer than one without upgrading Vitality by half a skill level will give an extra 5% Health your crew member with maximum upgrades you can double the base Health but that will cost you 393 points per crew member this is the only generic skill that doesn't take the average value of all your crew members so you should upgrade it on the most important or most vulnerable ones now it's time to move on to the unique skills as the name suggests these skills are unique to certain crew members the first one is the driver's tank driving skill tank driving affects how fast the driver can hit the brakes and switch gears so it improves acceleration and responsiveness when turning the skill has two parameters braking time and gear shifting time don't confuse braking time with breaking distance braking distance is how far the tank goes before fully stopping on the other hand braking time is how fast your driver can hit the brakes so it doesn't change how fast you can stop braking time does affect responsiveness when turning however so it lowers the time between you pressing a button and the driver turning gear shifting time changes how fast you can switch gears when you reach a certain speed your driver will automatically change the gear and this skill affects the time between reaching set speed and the driver shifting let's check out some practical examples of this the first test was turning in place and as you can see there isn't a huge difference in fact they're almost identical the next test was how fast they can reach their top speed and again little to no difference and lastly I tested a slope with a paner 4 once again it's pretty much the same I also tested whether the skill has an effect on manual transmissions and lo and behold it doesn't so if you're using manual gearbox controls you can pretty much ignore the skill anyway while tank driving isn't the most useful at least it's pretty cheap only costing you 1,20 points to upgrade to the max the next crew member is the Gunner the Gunner has two unique skills targeting and rang finding targeting affects how and how fast you can turn your turret the skill has three parameters targeting quality targeting speed and targeting vertical speed speed targeting quality lets your Gunner turn both horizontally and vertically at the same time an inexperienced Gunner will turn horizontally first and then vertically which can be detrimental for anti-air Vehicles the base stat is 0% and upgrading targeting by half a skill level gives an extra 4% to targeting quality with a maximum of 100 the next parameters are targeting speed and targeting vertical speed these affect how fast your Gunner turns the turret targeting speed is for horizontal movement while targeting vertical speed is for you guessed it vertical movement keep in mind that it affects every turret regardless of whether it's hand cranked or electric upgrading targeting by half a skill level takes 1.7% off the turret Traverse time and with maximum upgrades you can bring it down by 30% for a useful skill like this is surprisingly cheap only costing you 1,20 points to upgrade to the max the Gunner's second skill is range finding which allows you to know how far away your target is the skill lets your rang find longer distances and do it faster a stock Gunner can only find the range of Tanks up to 800 M of weight in 6 seconds while a maxed out one can go up to 1.2 km in 3 seconds this can be quite useful for longdistance du the skill has a bunch of parameters which are basically the same thing they're all about the distance you can range find and how much eror you'll get now how does it affect tanks with a rangefinder modification for laser rangefinders it's pretty much useless if you have a non- Laser Rangefinder though the skill will improve the max range as well as the speed at which you can rang find all of this can be yours for a ground total of 1,20 points to upgrade rang finding to the max up next is a commander with one unique skill leadership which is one of the most important skills you can get it improves the skills of all the other crew members half a level of leadership gives your crew a 1% bonus to all their skills and the maximum you can get is 10% which is the same as an extra skill level qualifications don't impact this skill though and it's the most expensive one out of them all costing you 4,21 points to upgrade to the max next we have the loader with one unique skill weapon reloading this is one of if not the most upgraded skill in the game and rightfully so it decreases the time needed to reload your gun upgrading weapon reloading by half a skill level takes 0.9% off the reloading time and with maximum upgrades you can decrease it by 23% it is one of the more expensive skills though costing you 3,60 points to upgrade to the max aside from the primary gun it also affects the secondary weapons machine guns and the ammo storage time as well with a 23% decrease on a maxed out loader if your tank has an auto loader though the reloading time will be pretty much useless so the only benefit is a decreased storage time and the Machine Gun reload time keep that in mind for higher tiers the next crew member is a radio operator SL machine gunner and he has three unique skills artillery targeting accurate artillery strike calling time and radio communication the first skill is about how accurate your artillery strikes are with a stock radio operator your artillery bares will have a Max radius of 58 M and you can bring it down to 45 with a Max do Crow it's one of the cheapest skills to upgrade only costing you 541 points to upgrade to the max next up is artillery strike calling time this skill is not about the artillery cool down time which is exactly 2 minutes on each vehicle it's the time between you calling for an artillery strike and the shell is being fired the base stat is 13 seconds and with a maxt crew you can bring it down to 10 this skill is also very cheap costing you 541 points to upgrade to the max keep in mind though heavy tanks and tank destroyers can't use artillery so these two skills are pretty much useless for them the radio operator's last skill is Radio communication this skill is mostly useful for arcade but it does have an effect for other game modes as well in arcade it highlights enemies that have been spotted by allies with a default range of 250 M and a maximum of 500 in realistic you get more red arrows on the side of your screen upgrading radio communication to the max will cost you 1,20 crew XP points and the last crew member is the mechanic who doesn't actually go into battle he stays in the hanger he's got two unique skills repair speed and repair rank repair speed is not how fast you can repair in combat that skill is field repair repair speed is about free repairs if you disable the automatic repair setting your destroyed Vehicles slowly get repaired in the hanger and if you wait long enough you won't have to spend several lines on the repair costs the repair speed skill decreases the time needed for these free repairs each half a skill level takes 3% off the in hanger repair time and you can get it down to 33% of the base value with maximum upgrades doing so will cost you 1,322 points but to use the skill on tanks higher than tier one you need repair rank which is a mechanic second skill repair rank is automatically upgraded by one level on every tank so the repair speed skill applies to tanks at tier one each skill level will increase it by one tier and the maximum is currently tier eight upgrading repair rank to the max will cost you 1,340 crew XP points and that concludes the X explanations now time for some general tips starting with which skills should you upgrade first weapon reloading field repair and leadership are the three main skills you should prioritize for any vehicle the other ones depend a lot on which tanks you'll be using for example for anti-air Vehicles you might want to focus on targeting and Keen vision for the diagonal turret chers and the extra plane detection for a tank destroyer rang finding and vitality might be more useful since you'll be staying at a distance from the front lines think about how you want to play with which vehicles and pick skills that complement that play style but this is very important you should distribute your points across multiple different skills even the game tells you to do this remember crew upgrades can give you a maximum of 40% the max value qualifications will give you an extra 30% and 20% to get qualifications you need crew levels and for crew levels you need to upgrade skills but like I said in the intro the more you upgrade a skill the more it'll cost the most effective way to get crew levels is to distribute your points across multiple different skills I'll simplify it with two examples let's say person a spent their points on maxing out weapon reloading field repair for three crew members and Leadership the total cost will be 16,000 correct speed points and will result in 25 crew levels enough to get an expert crew for a tier 2 tank so in total person a got a level 9 weapon reloading a level 6.6 field repair a level five leadership and got all their other skills to level four for 16,000 crew XP points person B on the other hand spent their points on getting all the generic skills up to level two for all the crew he also upgraded weapon reloading and Leadership to level three and UPG upgraded the artillery skills to level three as well for a cost of 9,000 points person B will get 52 crew levels enough to Ace that tier 2 tank the results will be a level 7.5 weapon reloading a level three leadership and a level 7.5 field repair at the cost of only 9,000 points in addition to that they would have all their generic skills at level 7.5 and the rest of the skills at level 5.5 as well see the difference diversifying your points is not only better cost wise but you'll also get much better stats a lot quicker oh and the reason for upgrading the artillery skills is they're really cheap so you can use them to get qualifications faster and if you want to get crew XP points quicker you can use ground air or Naval Vehicles the points are stored in the same place for any game mode so if you want to grind some points for tanks but want to use a plane go ahead the XP gain is also different for each game mode in RB or Sim each 100 RP gain with a vehicle gives you roughly one correct speed points in arcade though you get Triple that value so if you're focusing on maxing out your crew try out arcade anyways in conclusion prioritize weapon reloading field repair and Leadership pick other skills that complement your play style distribute your crew XP points and get qualifications you can upgrade the artillery skills and use different game modes to grind quicker as well and that about covers it if you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments if you have any suggestions or you think I missed anything again leave a comment below other than that thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: skDoger
Views: 30,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: war thunder, war thunder guide, war thunder crew skills, war thunder crew skills guide, war thunder keen vision, war thunder field repair, war thunder agility, war thunder vitality, war thunder rangefinding, war thunder tank driving, war thunder leadership, war thunder weapon reloading, war thunder radio operator gunner, war thunder artillery, war thunder radio communication, war thunder repair speed, war thunder repair rank, war thunder skills
Id: ZtjG8HUqe2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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