TAMAR : The Most TRAGIC Story Of Lust And Revenge (Biblical Stories Explained)

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tamar and absalom the most tragic story of lust and revenge biblical stories explain after david committed the sin of adultery with bathsheba and slayed her husband the prophet nathan gave the king a warning that the sword would never leave his house again because of david's actions now therefore the sword shall never depart from your house because you have despised me and have taken the wife of uriah the hittite to be your wife second samuel chapter 12 verse 10. [Music] in accordance with a prophecy david was plagued with marital issues from that day forward including lying adultery incest and even murder david never did figure out how to effectively deal with the rebellion it was almost as if the anointing and authority that had been given to him had been taken away sinful behavior or counsel can also be a source of negativity in an environment because they both eventually lead to the establishment of a sinful standard the story of david's children is evidence of how negative attitudes can destroy so much if they are not dealt with and stopped in time in the course of time amnon son of david fell in love with tamar the beautiful sister of absalon son of david amnon became so obsessed with a sister tamar that he made himself ill she was a virgin and it seemed impossible for him to do anything to her now amnon had an advisor named jonadab son of shimiya david's brother jonadab was a very shoed man he asked amnon why do you the king's son look so haggard morning after morning won't you tell me am non sedium i'm in love with tamar my brother absalom's sister go to bed and pretend to be ill jonadab said when your father comes to see you say to him i would like my sister tamar to come and give me something to eat let her prepare the food in my sight so i may watch her and then eat it from her hand second samuel chapter 13 verses 1 to 5. the lord had forgiven david's heinous sins of adultery and murder but he had also warned david that the consequences would be disastrous for david's family david had committed adultery and assassinated a man david's numerous wives had given him half brothers and half sisters as sons and daughters david's practice of having multiple wives was about to come back to bite him the son of david amnon developed romantic feelings for his half-sister tamar who was also absalom's full sister amnon's cousin jonadab offered to help him with his conundrum when he had heard about it jonah dab came up with a cunning plan that would allow him to be by himself with tamar for some of the time even worse he would enlist the help of david who was completely unaware of what he was planning to do so amnon laid down and pretended to be ill when the king came to see him amnon said to the king please have my sister tamar come and make me a couple of pastries in my sight so that i may eat from her hand then david sent a messenger to the house for tamar saying go now into your brother amnon's house and prepare food for him so tamar went to her brother amnon's house and he was lying in bed and she took dough needed it made pastries in his side and baked the pastries then she took the tray and served them to him but he refused to eat and amnon said have everyone leave me so everyone left him then amnon said to tamar bring the food into the bedroom so that i may eat from your hand so tamar took the pastries which she had made and brought them into the bedroom to her brother amnon when she brought them to him to weed he took hold of her and said to her come sleep with me my sister but she said to him no my brother do not violate me for such a thing is not done in israel do not do this disgraceful sin as for me where could i get rid of my shame and as for you you will be like one of the fools in israel now then please speak to the king for he will not withhold me from you however he would not listen to her since he was stronger than she he violated her and slept with her second samuel chapter 13 verses 6 to 14. the ambush had been prepared at the request of the royal family the innocent tamar was taken to the bedroom of her purportedly ill half-brother once they were alone together she made preparations to feed him on the other hand he took her and made his intentions crystal clear tamar begged him not to bring shame on her by committing such a heinous act but he ignored her pleadings if tamar were to commit to this act not only would she be embarrassed but amnon would be considered one of the most outrageous fools in all of israel she went so far as to suggest that he asked the king to make her his wife instead on the other hand amnon was not persuaded rather he was adamant about his sin then amnon hated her with intense hatred in fact he hated her more than he had loved her amnon said to her get up and get out no she said to him sending me away would be a greater wrong than what you have already done to me but he refused to listen to her he called his personal servant and said get this woman out of my sight and bolt the door after her so a servant put her out and bolted the door after her she was wearing an ornate robe for this was the kind of garment the virgin daughters of the king wore 2 samuel chapter 13 verses 15 to 18. amnon true to his low character despised tamar was such zeal that the hatred he felt for her was greater than the love he felt for her after he had violated her obviously his love was nothing more than lust driven by his own ego this is demonstrated by his response to her after she had asked tamar pleaded with him not to abandon her or send her away since he was the one who violated her he should marry her as compensation for taking away her innocence if she did not do that she would almost certainly have no other marriage prospects available to her amnon just cast her out of the house rather than making amends amnon compounded his sin as his father had done tamar put ashes on her head and tore the ornate robe she was wearing she put her hands on her head and went away weeping aloud as she went her brother absalom said to her as that amnon your brother being with you be quiet for now my sister he is your brother don't take this thing to heart and tamar lived in her brother absalom's house a desolate woman second samuel chapter 13 verses 19 to 20. absalom comforted tamar as if he did not think it was severe but actually he was already plotting revenge against amnon tamar was comforted by absalom but in reality he had already devised a plan to exact revenge on amnon absalom gave the impression that he did not believe the situation to be particularly dire thama remained desolate in her brother amsam's home even though she had done nothing to deserve the shame now she would be rejected for marriage her situation in absalom's home indicates that she did not marry and did not have any children before her death the innocent as well as the guilty can suffer harm as a result of lust even though david was seething with rage he did not punish amnon as severely as he should have most likely because everyone was still processing david's transgression at the time he was aware of his responsibility but he was unable to act this situation is the result intentional sin has on us as it robs us of moral freedom and the freedom to speak freely and testify david might have been influenced by the fact that amnon was his first born child and therefore the most logical choice to succeed him on the throne these were the sons of david who were born to him in hebron the firstborn was a amnon by ehinum the jezreelites second daniel kiliab by abigail the carmelitis when king david heard all this he was furious and absalom never said a word to amnon either good or bad he hated amnon because he had disgraced his sister tamar second samuel chapter 13 verses 21 and 22 amnon was not punished in any way by the king which came as a surprise at this point the reader may wonder if david's moral fortitude had been weakened by his knowledge of his past sexual sin this is a reasonable question to ask regardless his failure to act was a statement in and of itself absalom on the other hand would do something he despised amnon for defaming his sister so he waited patiently hoping for a chance at vengeance two years later when absalom's sheepshears would bail hazor near the border of ephraim he invited all the king's sons to come there absalom went to the king and said your servant has had shearers come will the king and his attendants please join me no my son the king replied all of us should not go we would only be a burden to you although absalom urged him he still refused to go but gave him his blessing then absalom said if not please let my brother amnon come with us the king asked him why should he go with you but absalom urged him so he send with him amnon and the rest of the king's sons second samuel chapter 13 verses 23 to 27. absalom patiently waited for the right moment to exact his revenge it arrived after a period of essentially two years when it came time to shear the sheep close to bethel as per usual there were big celebrations in the works the urgent invitation that absalom extended to his father was not accepted most likely because david wanted to spare his son the burden of costly expenses however they successfully brought all of the king's sons the most important of whom was amnon who as the eldest son represented their absent father at a predetermined signal absalom spoke to his servants then absalom commanded his servant saying see now when amnon's heart is cheerful with wine and i say to you strike amnon then put him to death do not fear have i not commanded you myself be courageous and be valiant and the servants of absalom did do amnon just as absalom had commanded then all the king's sons got up and each mounted his mule and fled now it was while they were on the way that the report came to david saying absalom has struck and killed all the king's sons and not one of them is left then the king stood up tore his clothes and lay on the ground and all his servants were standing by with closed torn and jonadab the son of shemia david's brother responded let my lord not assume that they have put to death all the young men the king's sons for only amnon is dead because this has been set up by the intent of absalom since the day that he violated his sister tamar so now may my lord the king not take the report to heart claiming all the king's sons are dead but only amnon is dead now absalom had fled and the young man who was the watchman raised his eyes and looked and behold many people were coming from the road behind him by the side of the mountain and jonadab said to the king behold the king's sons have come so what has happened according to your servant's word as soon as he had finished speaking behold the king's sons came and raised their voices and wept and the king and all his servants also wept very profusely second samuel chapter 13 verses 28-36 in the meantime david was informed that absalom had been responsible for the deaths of all of his sons once more david was overcome with grief and sorrow jonadab put an end to the rumor by providing the information that only amnon had been slain and that absalom had been planning amnon's crime ever since tamar was violated this revelation put an end to the false report soon after that david's sons arrived back in jerusalem with much weeping confirming jonadab's announcement that they were indeed still alive the miserable and tragic story of amnon and tamar sheds light on a number of the issues that are connected to sexual sin and the consequences of that sin the treatment that tamar went through is something that no one should ever have to go through and it is essential to respond to situations like these with integrity and justice david failed to uphold his responsibility to provide justice which allowed absalom to establish his own standards while simultaneously causing additional issues first amnon had lustful thoughts about his sister and then his close friend jonadab urged him not to act on those thoughts by committing a crime when absalom learned of the heinous crime committed by his brother amnon he was prompted to feel a supplemental negative emotion known as revenge he concocted a scheme to exact revenge on amnon ultimately bringing about the latter's demise we need to be careful about the kinds of people we take advice from because those who do not have the spirit of god can give us bad advice that can mislead us in the wrong direction have you ever pondered the question of why it is that we are involuntarily drawn to some people while actively avoiding others most of the time we can't even place our finger on a trade word or action that draws us away from these individuals but we know we want to be as far away from them as possible our intuition tells us whether we should be careful or carefree around different people sometimes this negativity shows up as a result of unwarranted pressure from people who want us to do beyond what we can soon after some military conquests david suffers the first of several horrifying consequences of a sin with bathsheba amnon david's son kidnapped his half-sister tamar when david learns of it he does nothing which surprises and upsets david's son absalom absalom murders amnon after two years the whole thing plays out like a soap opera leadership has shrunk to a mere shadow of its former self by this point take note of the following changes in david's leadership number one he no longer works proactively but passively interacts with those closest to him number two he no longer represents joy but is full of grief despair and mourning number three he no longer acts on his convictions but buys into rationalizations about his laws number four he no longer solves problems but licks his wounds number five he no longer pursues his desires but remains paralyzed regarding absalom ultimately absalom died as a maverick leader whose passion went awry as you study his story in 2nd samuel chapters 13 to 18 look for those lessons about passion gone bad first passion without perspective brings death passion will find expression in either healthy or unhealthy ways people follow passion over orthodoxy even when it's unwise leaders who follow passion defeat leaders who follow protocol self-centered passion always skews the judgment of a leader unchanneled and unbridled passion harms everyone on its path leaders sabotage themselves when their passion outweighs their wisdom the great news absalom represents a leader who was unable to control his emotions when a leader embraces passion before learning submission trouble is unavoidable is this to say that we should condemn passion certainly not consider the following advantages of passion number one passion is the first step towards success number two passion boosts your willpower number three passion transforms you number four is that passion makes the impossible possible passion aids in the development of leadership passion on the other hand must flow from the heart of a wise accountable submissive and unselfish leader let us pray father thank you for your words that always birth positive hope in me thank you for also opening my heart to understand how dangerous negativity of all kind is please help me to stay far from people whose aim is to tear down all you have built up in my life with negativity and surround me with positive or hope-filled relationships amen [Music] you
Channel: Grace Digital Network
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Id: Ao2anumhw7o
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Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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