Tamar Braxton Says Mariah Carey Is A Better Vocalist Than Whitney Houtson

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[Music] on The Breakfast Club she's a cult time to set it off why you already look disgusted at your own news you already shaking your head you saw because because as they reveal more details I'm like uh no they did not put this girl through this but we're going to get to that um first we going to get to dirty Tay sentence to 17 years so dirty Tay is is I hate calling somebody that um his name is cavius right and he's little babies artist and I'm back in August of 201 22 Tay was arrested for allegedly shooting a three-year-old boy and his father yeah the taller and his father were leaving a barber shop when a car pulled up next to them and started shooting uh the taller was shot in the head thank God the bullet was removed and he recovered um the hit was suspected to be a gang related attack uh aimed at the toddler's father uh he was reportedly arrested after a traffic stop he was charged with attempted murder aggravated assault first deegree cruelty to children and violating the Georgia street gang terrorism and prevention act and more his girlfriend was with him during the traffic stop when he was arrested and she reportedly had the gun that belonged to dirty Tay uh dirty Tay originally maintained his innocence he told Instagram followers I'm innocent the news is not always right don't bash me because of allegations even though he claimed to be innocent he accepted a plea deal of 25 years so he'll end up serving 17 years in prison and eight years on probation I have no idea who dirty tell is yeah he's one of little baby's artists and that's his friend so yeah I don't never heard a song I never heard never heard of him ever yeah I just hate like little stories like this cuz they they'll attach it to L baby because that's his friend in artist and stuff so I guess that's where they would uh get the clout of the story from because he's one of little baby little baby da and I hate finding out about rappers when situations like this happened I should have heard of if you're a rapper I should have heard you cuz heard of you cuz you're rap cuz your music not your rap sheet yeah absolutely you know what I like that little you know you could have been a little rap a little bit but you're not so um moving forward with Tamar's musical preference so listen y'all this took place in 2022 but y'all know it's one of those things as though time goes on as time goes on the world get gets Messier so messy stuff circulates and it gets blown out of proportion but people are giving um Tamar a lot of feedback because during a show back in 2022 she was playing a game of this or that and they asked her about her musical preference and she was asked to choose between Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston in fans are not happy with her answer Whitney or Mariah that was the next one funny enough okay I've never been a huge Whitney fan like that I'm not saying that I don't like her music I'm not saying that she wasn't a phenomenal singer I'm not saying her songs wasn't amazing but for me because you asked me a personal question my personal preference will always be Mariah Carey period first of all she don't got to explain all that exactly it's her preference yeah yeah and I was going to say even after that I don't she she explained it just so it won't be newsed like it is today but it resurfaced or whatever um but it's r that back in the day when Tamar was singing back up for Tony Whitney noticed her and praised her saying that she's an amazing singer so people saw that and was confused like where is the love for Whitney she never said she didn't love Whitney um she just prefers Mariah care and she may relate to Mariah's vocals you know more than a Whitney she might just like Mariah Bops better sometimes it ain't even that deep you know cuz the discography of of of Mariah's catalog is is great you know what I'm saying so she must love that and it's also important to add that um in a different conversation that uh Tamar had with Nick Cannon a couple years ago don't ask Nick Cannon about no music first of all no it wasn't even about that you know I'm the first one to say that okay but uh he had asked uh her her top asked her to name her top five and Whitney was her number three Mariah Carey her number one that's just her that's her preference and that's her favorite artist if somebody who I like between Whitney and Mariah I'm going to say Mary J BL what so what that got to do with anything oh my God I'm just saying it's my personal preference I get it but that wasn't even an option so she wasn't an option but all right so let me at you right now Whitney or Mariah out of Whitney and Mari yes I would I would probably go Whitney just because there I got Bops from Whitney like yeah yeah I want to dance with somebody come on now let's get it come on now I to me I would say Whitney uh and then I would say Mariah I can't say I can't choose one but Whitney will be first and then Mariah and then Mar and we don't want to hear Mariah say no more oh my gosh she ain't never say that anyway I know I know don't try play like that I I know H real quick let me get to this s threatens to end shows early so she was in Australia and look a lot of these celebrities are getting tired of this like that it's this thing now and it has been for quite a period of time where your fans are so excited to see you they got to throw stuff on stage like that that kills me but she was scheduled for three shows in Melbourne and uh today was the second of three and she she threatened to end because the um to end the shows there because fans were showing crazy behavior she had to stop the show to ask fans to stop people was throwing stuff like shoes cell like what cell phones all that hold up what else what oh they just said other items but yeah throwing your shoes what how are you going to you just going to walk back see you called Barefoot yeah and at least throw something scissor want throw some Sage on stage you know what I'm saying roll some candles up there yeah your phone your phone in your shoes yeah that's ridiculous and then what if you hit her with that like well I think they throw the phone cuz they want her to pick the phone up and then take a selfy and then throw it back but nobody got imagine 20 phones being thrown at you at once that's ridiculous you can Crack Your Screen you can do all of that like how she even going to record I agree she reportedly said if you throw something else I will leave do not throw any cell phones up here I'm a person that's crazy and there's more video circulated fans called out um fans called out other fans in Melbourne for being out of control ruined everything so a lot of fans of Melbourne did not like it like cuz it was like damn y'all y'all messing it up for us the people that's not throwing nothing on stage yeah don't be that much of a groupy that you that excited to see your favorite artist that you just throwing random things at them so then it started like getting crazy people started twerking in the aisles doing handstands and fighting that's fine not fighting but popping the P pom on the handstand twerking that's what you're supposed to do at a concert what song sciss got for y'all to be doing all of that but s be doing that in the videos she be having slow songs that she be twerking to in the videos oh if she does the record with Drake in sexy I can see that yeah I'm talk it's other songs too you twerk on my mind I forgot it's called good days she be big twerking in good days and that's like a song that you can do ballet to popping pom pom on a handstand though ain't got none of them records do she s got the body so she be just you know flating it what's up okay yeah she don't got really none of those but listen if you got it do it and that is just with the mess and her news is real allegedly we got front page news when we come back it's the world's most dangerous Morning Show to Breakfast Club wake that ass up in the morning The Breakfast Club
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 115,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, jess hilarious
Id: q6WzpVauKjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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