@Tall Guy Car Reviews & @Mr_Organik Meet Miami

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[ __ ] in the face what's up guys welcome to fresh fit podcast man we got two special guests in the house man mr organic and tall guy man let's get it [Music] keep it [Music] hey what's up guys welcome to the show uh we got a special show today man before we get into it uh guys patreon.com where you guys can see all the exclusive behind the scenes stuff of me kicking out unruly and annoying girls off the show you guys want to see the frank castles and everything else like that see the behind the scenes we're wearing the you know kicking them out into the hallway go ahead for all the craziness over there uh and then what else um zoom close as well zoom calls guys uh we have for all our higher tier patrons at the 97 and 200 here we do one weekly zoom call per week we're going to do our zoom call probably tomorrow guys tomorrow yeah so uh 8 p.m so get ready for that also merch guys obviously you guys want to get the i when girls reschedule dates i punish bad behavior uh and then the freshman podcast shirts link is below and then also guys we're on spotify apple google podcast every single platform that you guys listen to podcasts we're on there just make sure that you listen with headphones because you will definitely get fired from your job listening to us and also follow us on twitch as well we just made an account it's live right now on twitch go follow us as well cool and then the party may 50 is going to be lit hella bad checks mr organ is going to be there good god they got himself and he's going to be lit guys so party may 15th yeah man party mate 15 get the tickets below we'll put the link down there guys if you want to join uh for general admission and for vip jump in join us meet us in person you know shake hands kiss babies all that type of thing there won't be any babies there but you guys know what i'm saying uh and then what else are we trying to i think that's shamelessly all right cool other than that man let's introduce the guests man guest of honor yeah so we know who you are they should know who you are by now but if they don't know who's mr organic and who's talking no have no fear mr organic is here i know you ain't going with the food yeah i ain't going shoe [Music] but yeah mr organic man the one and only um the 66 230 you know what i'm saying sturdy rich [ __ ] you know what i'm saying um came here came here on this earth to you know apply pressure through finance positivity and prosperity man you know and uh just keeping it pure and positive at the same time happy to have you here man man i appreciate being here man appreciate you thank you brother yeah hey i'll do that that's a restoration yeah i'm just tall guy brother cory slim tall okay so first question is guys how did you meet and start your youtube career oh man this story about us meeting is legendary yeah it is um basically was that um we started off knowing each other from playing basketball yeah and uh so when i came home from prison yeah i met him yeah he come from prison he was he met me um he was on the same like basketball team like a it's like a rec league or something you know i'm saying yeah and i was on the same team and [ __ ] like that and um you know me i was playing getting my points off killing and [ __ ] boom you know and then all of a sudden i heard aaron you know i probably had about 30 at half so like i know [ __ ] coming for me you know what i'm saying i'm just on the court like i'm going to get 50 this half like anybody so i'm just bending down that to have a court resting you know what i mean like jordan be doing and then um i heard her go earn i look over and this [ __ ] come on hey man i got you and i look like no you don't [ __ ] man get out of here man you ain't coming for me man like what are you doing so like hey man i got you man i'm like oh we gotta pause there so before this you know what i'm saying everybody got subbed out right so mind you at this time i still got a bracelet on my ankle i just go down yeah so i when i came over prison i had a conditional obviously parole but they didn't give me isr so i had uh just a bracelet so my first two three two months when i came home from prison i had a bracelet on so you know i'm getting paroled not parole time um time that's granted from my parole officer to be able to go to the gym to be able to do this [ __ ] you know what i'm saying so i'm trying to transition to a basketball player you know what i'm saying yeah so i come and i had a few hiccups and a few problems before at this time and my little brother was with me his name is officer jones what do you know jones youtube channel and that's my dog my right hand man but he uh we went and everybody got subbed on the team so i'm learning about basketball just like everybody else right well everybody else are basketball players but i'm learning as i'm here so you know everybody gets stuff done and nobody's subbing this [ __ ] right so i'm like they wouldn't dare they get scared to stop this [ __ ] you know what i'm saying like hey worried about that [ __ ] you about to come out the game you know what i'm saying so next time and say hey man i got you man nobody else grabbed this [ __ ] so i'm like i was thinking about to come out the [ __ ] game so they start going did uh i say i got you and he just looked he was spinning on his knees like this when he looked up at me and i said yeah you ought man and he was like and he just looked back forward and just ignored me now mind you though the last person that did that to me concussion you know what i'm saying head split over to the dome yeah so it's like i don't like none of that it's disrespectful because then you pretty much telling me do something oh yeah so i just had a situation yeah where i almost you know what i'm saying god then got sent back to the clinker yeah and my little brother so i looked at my little brother and my little brother was like no and i was like i don't know but i made my little brother in promise i was stopped so look at this thing i said so i walked off the court with the goddamn dry mouth oh but yeah because he had to walk back because he walked all he took me half court in the city court yeah i'm looking like man come on man how dare you even touch me really oh man i was thinking like [ __ ] don't come in for me you know what i'm saying but he didn't give a [ __ ] and i didn't know him like that so he didn't know me like that he didn't know he was two like real ferocious people but we didn't know each other right so he goes back sit down and i'm just sitting there you know i'm going then we continue the game as i'm looking this [ __ ] just [Music] [Laughter] so i got my [ __ ] pj who knows i'm like man what's up this [ __ ] keep staring at me man this [ __ ] i said man i need the guy to join that [ __ ] crazy i said all right okay [ __ ] and then uh after that we we finished i hated that yeah so after that from then on he hated me right so we never talked nothing i see him in passing we play like the little in the gym we never talk to each other no nothing and then like i think he went to school right yeah and he started coming back like working out in the gym and i'm seeing him like damn okay this [ __ ] putting in work because i'm always the person i'm the only one that put in super work like working out and doing all the extras i never seen anybody else doing it right but i see him coming back from school going to the gym working out by himself only me and him in there he got an extra shake he got a little food i'm like this [ __ ] going he putting that work in so he came out one day like hey man you going type crazy bro i see you getting bigger and shitty man you're doing good bro you're like all right man whatever like this was calm like kind of blew me off like all right but he listened you know what i'm saying but he's like yeah whatever you know what i mean but then after that you just went to school and then i see at school it's like we still wasn't that cool you know what i mean but he was like tuning in to my [ __ ] on snapchat and [ __ ] like that you know what i'm saying so pray like we basically got cool through like snapchat he's watching my snapchat so i'm just talking crazy but every time i came back you'd always try with me you know what i'm saying yeah so i was like this [ __ ] yeah so i kept trying to be cooler with everything i knew i i realized he's the cool [ __ ] you know i'm saying i'm seeing what he's doing he's going to school i heard about his story he was in prison i'm like damn it's actually a cool [ __ ] so ain't too many like us so i'll try to break that barrier like man i see what you're doing but he still was like stiff on me you know what i mean and then uh you know and this is in minnesota right for the people for the people that don't know you guys what part of minnesota you guys from well he's actually from san diego yeah originally from san diego then i moved to a small town in illinois um but i'm originally from san diego california oh yeah i moved to minnesota i was already like 25 26. okay you know what i'm saying because i'm an old-ass [ __ ] ancient dinosaur you guys were the the youth center right yeah but it's uh well it's not you yeah it's a basketball game so we trained uh nba [ __ ] it could be d1 d2 d3 but you know most of the time during the season it's children because you know all the overseas they're overseas hooping yeah all the people in the league they in the league hooping at that time so it's like the only people that's available in that time uh span on season is kids that once they're done with school then they come get the extra training but you know top-tier kids and all that stuff so i've been watching you from the honda days right i can tell you earlier we spoke um what made you kind of like transition from the youth like with the basketball place to like uh youtube and commit to that cause i know like you guys are making money from that of course but like what made you say you know what i'm gonna stick to youtube see how it goes and then put some faith behind that well i'll say it like this so after i became and we're going so it's going to be a full circle spin back to what's your tumble here right okay but just to kind of finish where we were yeah how we met how i met with him is he when he was trying to be cool with me right and this is going to be full circle back to what you just asked me when he was you know being trying to be cool with me right and i'm sitting there and he's hearing about me and i'm hearing about him right and then next you know i'm watching his snapchat thing and he was like a real personality you know what i'm saying like he's everything that y'all see he's always been this way i'm talking about when nobody knew this [ __ ] you know what i'm saying like we're like it was like funny it was like this [ __ ] because but that's how you knew like really manifest yourself to be who you want to be right you know i'm saying because this [ __ ] would be this way every day on snapchat it was the most the funniest [ __ ] ever right and even though i didn't like him i was like it's [ __ ] like i never didn't like him for how cocky was or what i did to him well it was just one thing it was it wasn't him it was that that one instance where yo i'm subbing you like you know what i'm saying that was unheard of i never had four years in prison no [ __ ] ever play with me so for this [ __ ] to do that to me and i'm free right oh [ __ ] that was bad that hit a court you know what i'm saying so it was like getting past that and then we becoming cool and then me he keeps showing me love and showing me respect and i'm like and i'm hearing different things and i'm around them and i'm watching [ __ ] right yeah and i'm also watching snapchat i'm seeing he's a personality he's really funny right and he's saying [ __ ] that you know just isn't socially normal right to say but i agreed with you know what i'm saying so i've already noticed that hanging out with him 100 you know he's an ignorant [ __ ] that's awesome though but it's dope like because the [ __ ] he's saying is like it comes off as really ignorant but he's actually really smart yes and he has a whole different part to him that a lot of people don't know if you can't scratch past the surface but it's a lot to scratch by with this [ __ ] you know what i'm saying so it's like once we became cool and then like you know we were working together because i ended up getting a job there right and he was already working there so that's a whole nother story today we could tell another time but then i'm around him a lot and i'm seeing him in the uh office and he's making shirts and [ __ ] you know what i'm saying and so by the time we just it kind of just happened how we were cool right right for sure working together so much we're doing camps we you gather [ __ ] 12 hours all day tired so eventually you're either going to not focus somebody or you are yeah and we're around each other so much we so got that similar mindset eventually we became cool and i'm saying and um it's just it just it just actually happened you know what i'm saying from the negative it turned to a positive we're working every day we're talking after work we're there for hours i'm learning more about the story learning more about me see how i move i see how he moved and eventually we just became i'm saying freaking frack man yep and and now just spin back to what you asked me right yeah so seeing him you know after we're cool this is a [ __ ] that really really wanted to be like famous right and he was a [ __ ] that really had all these different niches you know what i'm saying these like real niche things and he's building merch and you're like what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] doing i'm saying like this is things i've never wanted you know what says i'm watching him every day where he's stenciling his sweaters and [ __ ] and i personally was like this [ __ ] ain't got it all but i [ __ ] with him because i ain't got it all so i take one to no one so you know i buy the merch you know he had his rap shows outcomes rap should it be three [ __ ] he always say goddamn the first was ten five it was like five people max and he was up there he was doing this mr organic thing right there going dumb and i'm just like man i'm like okay yeah okay all right keep going brother but he was doing it though you don't say it so it's like when by the time it came to me to do youtube now here goes the full circle so my nephew when i came over prison shout out to my nephew baby b like he told me to make like a facebook when i came home from prison right i didn't know what the [ __ ] facebook was right because the only thing that when i was in prison before i went to prison was my space you know before like damn yeah yeah i mean me and you're right around the same time so i i feel that the only thing before that was black planet yeah right so i was like yeah so i'm like [ __ ] i don't know [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is facebook so he told me to youtube and i said what the [ __ ] is youtube what i'm saying yeah so the next day he said youtube that type [ __ ] you know what i'm saying so i was like so i found out about youtube and then what happened was is uh i started teaching myself i taught myself everything to youtube how to build my credit i taught myself how how to get cars i taught myself you know how to play basketball through youtube nobody taught me [ __ ] you know right and i self-taught myself everything yeah but once i found out about youtube i was like you know because it was crazy coming over prison and you you could just type in something and then you can just yeah it just shows you and i'm not a i'm not a good uh reader like i can read good but like i don't retain knowledge well from reading right i retain knowledge from visually seeing and somebody breaking it down really slow for me because i'm a slow i hate reading too yeah i'm not with you that's inaudible books if anything yeah everybody got their ways that they retain their knowledge right so it's like i could read but i used to read in the hole when i was in prison just to go to sleep because it'll make me sleepy yeah you know what i'm saying yeah so just to get some sleep but um yeah so i found out about it and then next time i started finding out like yeah you could literally find out everything on this [ __ ] right yeah so they need to know i started looking up things i was passionate about like cars i always loved cars i never i never wanted to come home and play basketball i wanted to come home and do cars but the thing was it was like i had an opportunity my brother told me i got tall i could do this basketball [ __ ] so [ __ ] it let me give it a shot you know what i'm saying we're supposed to come shop i can always go back and just do some car [ __ ] right yeah so i said [ __ ] it so i did it and then next you know when i was doing the basketball [ __ ] [ __ ] i had always hated and never liked it was like i want to look at why i'm doing this basketball [ __ ] it was like an instant meeting that's how i looked at basketball so it was like i eventually want to get to cars right ain't that crazy how it worked but then next you know uh i started like looking up different things how do business credit get certain cards blah blah blah yeah then i find the cards i like and then i'm i started finding like there's people that really just vlog their cars right like and i didn't know what vlogging was yeah so i just stumbled across people i really [ __ ] with they had the cars i liked and then i would keep watching their videos i didn't i didn't know how to subscribe to somebody for years you know what i'm saying oh yeah you just like manually search them on youtube sorry i want to watch this guys like i get the more videos up on that show like yeah but usually it was always i would just search for the people i [ __ ] with find out their name who was somebody you watched all the street speed seven seven seven seven that was that was my [ __ ] that's the one i was watching 24 7. you know what i'm saying because he had the car that i wanted cool personality white dude you know what i'm saying so it was like it was kind of crazy to see it and i'm like damn this is kind of cool what the [ __ ] you doing you know i'm saying even though he white and i'm black it was still like you know it's pretty yeah it was inspirational to me you know i'm saying i like the content making i wasn't making it like a race thing you know what i'm saying i was just like i like what he's doing right and he was pretty universal across the board to me to for it to stick with me so i was like damn i like him he white i can't really relate to him you know what i'm saying as far as like upbringing or life or whatever like that but i liked him as a person i liked the content he made and the cards was the comment and the card was a common denominator you know what i'm saying so i was like damn you know like by the time i got done with basketball and everything i blew my knee out and all that [ __ ] i'll give you that story later but then that was crazy yeah it was not actually like a means to enter what you went to too where it kind of connects it did that's what i was saying it was nuts right it's crazy so then i was like [ __ ] uh i got i had a hellcat and i was like you know i wanted i had a hellcat for months and uh now it's gonna fall back to him it was uh i wanted to do youtube i'm like well [ __ ] i'm watching him every day and all these people i [ __ ] with and you know nobody everybody has these cars and there's cool [ __ ] this fly [ __ ] but nobody's teaching people how to get it you know what i'm saying everybody's making it seem like every car has bought cash everything is this everything is that but nobody's giving the blueprint on how to get these things it's just i got a lot of nice [ __ ] watch me be entertained right which was cool and i was entertained but what about the people that's like me that had to take the background like me they wanted to know the blueprint because when i was watching their videos i was wondering how the [ __ ] they were doing yeah so you know what i'm saying now that i did it i said i want to show other people how to do it my way wasn't perfect i was broke as [ __ ] at the time yeah you know what i'm saying so it was like i'm gonna show people i got it but here look i'm still broke but i'm gonna show you how i did it and maybe this might work for other bro people like have the same situation as me and you gotta take that long back route so then i went to him and here goes where it goes full circle i'm not a camera person i'm not a person i like spotlight we talked about this at dinner right yeah i'm not a person that's like that [ __ ] like even though i'm an extroverted person and i could talk i got personality yeah i wouldn't say that that was just something that was seamless on transferring on camera you know what i'm saying like yeah so i tried it i felt stupid as [ __ ] i said man i'm done with that [ __ ] i'm doing it but then my little brother officer jones was like bro [ __ ] it just do it and i said yeah i felt stupid as [ __ ] though you know what i'm saying like even editing myself i'm like why the [ __ ] am i looking like that why the [ __ ] do i sound like that [ __ ] i was critiquing myself so hard yeah so i went into the office was at work the next day and i went to the office and i asked him and our dog earth shopping like man yeah for sure and i um went in and he [ __ ] with y'all podcasts every day you do what i'm saying yeah that's awesome yeah shout out to him man shout out to my girlfriend and uh so um i told him i said hey man i went to both of them i said you [ __ ] don't make fun of me right i don't like being made fun of right so it was like definitely if i'm being serious right if we cracking jokes cool that's one thing but if i'm being serious don't make me feel stupid for asking a question i don't like that feeling yeah so i went to him i said what do i do don't make fun of me and i said how to [ __ ] you up because i listen i watch this [ __ ] make a music video one time there was no music in the back and he was dancing and he was like it was the weirdest [ __ ] ever you know what i'm saying yeah he'll be dancing there's no music right here he'll have some on his phone or he'll just be voicing it and knowing it in his head yeah yeah yeah yeah i was just like really stupid you know what i'm saying like it's just like but you you got to have a vision for it right yeah i knew that that's what he did right so i respected him for it so i said hey and i watched him do all this behind the scenes [ __ ] so i went to him i said hey uh so how do y'all do that [ __ ] like don't you feel stupid and he was like yeah but you gotta just say [ __ ] it you know what i'm saying right and then [ __ ] was like man you gotta hit the [ __ ] button yeah and i was like [ __ ] okay well i kind of imagine like dexter laboratory and indeed he hit the big red button that's the [ __ ] button so i was like [ __ ] it so i went home and then i said [ __ ] it and i just i talked about because at first i was trying not to cuss i was trying not to be like me you know what i'm saying because at that time like it's normal on youtube now to see you get on youtube and you see [ __ ] doing cars and [ __ ] like that but at this time it wasn't that was not it didn't exist to give people what timeline what year was this approximately 2000 uh i started my i made i created my channel i'm going to show you how long i was bullshitting i i made my channel in october 2016. okay i didn't put out a video until like february or march of 2017. oh wow and i had my hellcat i bought that in january of 17. i'm saying so it's like i was just like [ __ ] because it was like like i said it wasn't a social norm to be like how we are yeah on youtube of course back then in 2016 2015 and the early 2010s it was like prank channels right if you didn't do a prank channel it was you know it was very tough to blow up and i was we were talking about this yesterday after the podcast like vlogging guys for those that don't know is by far the hardest way to grow on youtube it is tough and it's like i bro when you were saying like i feel stupid doing this whatever it is i felt that because i've walked around with the sony a6 400 and like a gorillapod walking around like this and like i'm like bro i can't do this this is this is the worst level yeah so it's like it's a whole other thing i gotta hit that [ __ ] button yeah man so for anyone that's a content creator like you know whether it's even if you're like on tick tock or anything you understand that like vlogging and shooting yourself alone even with your cell phone it's like weird sometimes yeah people look at you like you're crazy so i i i feel that man yo boss when he's vlogging right it was all educational he broke down okay you know what i took a l here by doing this but you know what you try this and like real talk i used to watch like car vloggers as well oh yeah how do you think it's getting these cars did they buy them no one tails he broke it on you know what this is what i did learn from me and he's financed exactly to pay for it the only guy i know man and i want to say this too so thank you because um because you're right around my age slim so like we grew up in like that mtv cribs era yep right so you just saw the finished product you would see a rapper's house you know back in the day like go down memory lane right like [Applause] early 2000s right you watch mtv cribs you watch your favorite rapper oh it's my house whatever and it's like the same thing all the time it's a big-ass house in l.a wherever it is and then they show you oh let me show you my movie room and then they show you scarface right every single rapper bro they didn't even find out it was not really real yeah i'm saying so like like those days with cable television whatever you just saw the end product but with youtube now you see how it's done which is why i think personally we're talking about it uh earlier at dinner i think you know youtube is going to overtake cable television in the next five years yeah more more connect nothing connects more than youtubers yeah what they support system exactly is more hands-on and and like you can really you live with the people like i always tell them y'all not living through me y'all living with me right y'all see me climb this mountain y'all was there with me yeah y'all saw my ups i saw my downs y'all was with me yeah i'm not living through me y'all right here with me [ __ ] i won't be here without y'all and the fact that they can like interact with you in the comments or like you know directly support you whatever i think youtube's gonna transcend cable television soon oh for sure but but yeah like you're an example of that you're telling people like okay you see the nice cars and all that but i'm gonna show you how i actually did it the background and that's like people love that because youtube just like you said i was self-taught a lot of people go to youtube for edutainment right so it's like it's uh that's fantastic and also you guys are the only guys i know from back then that showed your elves because like us we show all our elves right yeah we had some bad things in the past whatever we talk about on camera right you all just get to pure from the sea like in front of the jump and you know it's funny like you feel that energy because once again people all try to pick a perfect picture but always perfect you guys broke it down you know what i feel here i did this wrong but you know what learn from me that's powerful man 100 streams so they love to see that they not only do they love to see it for so there's a small concentrated few that love to see it because it lets them know that the the blend of emotion they're going through is normal in this grind to become something great right but most of the people want to just see it just because it's toxic and it's [ __ ] right and they want to see you take losses not wins you know what i'm saying that's more why do you think that everything in the headline around the world is always negative you know what i'm saying because the sales better nobody if somebody say hey man i won a million dollars a day like people want to hear about the you lost a million dollars oh yeah sure yeah yeah that's what gets the clicks that's what get clicks more than i wanted all right here's how i learned it here's how i got it so it's like that shit's huge so for us to get in how we got in i think that's also another part of it that helped us um have the growth we had is because people love to hate us right from the beginning right because we you know we get into this world and let's just keep it pure like youtube is more prominently of a white man's sport you know what i'm saying what i'm saying we were dr jay we were yeah he was we was a wilt chamberlain we came in brother little white boys and all that man our genetics is way more pure more substantial than theirs how we entered this game no one ever came in the way we did no one's in this game the way we are in this game and that's it's got to be understood you know what i'm saying my dog came and put his life on the line bought a car he couldn't afford and showed y'all everybody told me don't do it told him how you got it how you didn't have it he telling y'all how much gas in this [ __ ] and boom told you how you parked that motherbug outside when he couldn't get in the garage he showed me the realest [ __ ] ever man and it should be appreciated and condoned without him a lot of people won't be doing youtube to this day and having no success because a tall guy and that need to be understood you know what i'm saying so i wouldn't be here without him because once he started doing that [ __ ] i knew what it was ice uh he had a couple of bills in i i said [ __ ] you guys people said man i get a thousand views i said [ __ ] this youtube you just started you getting thousands of views yeah yeah i'm over rapping for three years i do a goddamn rap video i get a thousand views in a year you know what i'm saying i said no [ __ ] you're getting a thousand views a day and you just started because i'm gonna talk about thinker though i'm like no [ __ ] you got it [ __ ] you in there what are you talking about you know what i'm saying so i already knew what it was and then like for me once um he came and was doing youtube i always want to do it too because i watched a netflix documentary on it yeah so so but wait tell them real quick before you get that one so when i came into the office and then i hit the [ __ ] button oh yeah i went back i did the video i talked i moved how i'm moving i said [ __ ] i don't give a [ __ ] and then i taught myself how to edit yeah right so then i did that and then next i went back and i threw it up there right and i threw like a couple videos and then they saw i went back and i said look [ __ ] i did it just sent me the video part look at my video man i'm like i see he got a little edit boom he played music in the background i said okay boy yeah yeah because i do music so i know like how to make a video so i'm like that look clean boy you're working you know he's like you know i always thought about doing guns and [ __ ] right and he was like you know he'd be and i said so what the channel would be around he said i said am i gonna be cars he said mine's gonna be about me i was like for the reason i wanted a full production i want a [ __ ] to follow me around yeah from day one i said i want to do it unless i get somebody to follow me with a camera yeah i want them to film my life so they get full body see the outfit see i'm towering over people i want to understand it from the rip and i said i'm going to do it since then he was like man just come on my channel bro and do your car on my channel i'm like man i don't want to do that dumb [ __ ] like no come on man and i got on this channel and he had this dance and i was like [ __ ] we gonna do your dance yeah i'm hopping out the cool y'all gonna stream that [ __ ] legendary we're gonna do the dance hopping out your car i'm like man i ain't doing all that bro like nah we doing too much and it was a smash and it went crazy the people loved it they went crazy yeah they went nuts yeah and then we just kept going we're just kidding i kept turning in and then uh i told them i said uh i said man uh maybe we're gonna start we're gonna start you a channel oh yeah every time i'll start your channel i said [ __ ] you already got it going utah i'm tall we're the tall guys [ __ ] listen we're the tall guys let's do that brother like dog [ __ ] can we start getting money going [ __ ] some [ __ ] about seeing people do it all the time so he grabbed my phone made my account what you want to be called but i was like uh this dude is saying my snapchat man organic mixer organic they're like oh yeah mr organic put it in boom set it up that's how you get your shoulders yeah put your picture you get these amount of hours get this amount of [ __ ] boom you have to start getting money i'm like all right whatever no at that time it wouldn't even know about the money no no you didn't have watch hours then you already had nothing no you ain't nothing your grandfather didn't with the old rules oh yeah i was gonna ask you next time i came in i was just monetized right the door yeah oh really yeah okay and we didn't know nothing about the money so you gotta tell me about that cause we didn't we like we don't do videos and whatever happened can happen we didn't know about the money yeah back then there was no rules you know people underestimate yo a thousand views right imagine that being a room of people yeah now imagine ten thousand views there you go most rappers like you say earlier they do a concert they might get maybe 500 yep most maybe 300 maybe 200. youtubers bro we get thousands of views that's packed that's a stadium full of people yes so that look at that is a lot yes it is it's like he's always thought like always not like that no real talk yeah so i hate when people say oh i only got like four thousand views a lot of people bro that's a whole lot of people yeah stick them in the room see if they fit i'll hit the super chats real quick because we got nineteen hundred forty nine nineteen forty two uh-oh yeah guys uh hit the super chats real quick get right back into it um okay um so which one chris yeah let's do here okay um we got jared robert uh question for tall guy car reviews uh thoughts on buying a hellcat cash versus financing if you got cash which you recommend i recommend financing all the time i think that buying a car cash is i mean it depends i ain't never been a super rich [ __ ] so i don't know how it's like to even be that way but since i've had to take the back route that i've had to go i always say uh lease or finance you know what i'm saying is better than buying cash because as soon as you do it by cash you imagine spending a hundred thousand dollars in cash right and then leaving a lot and losing 30 grand yeah how is that a good investment you know what i'm saying so it's like but when you lease a card so people actually this is crazy right that's how you know ignorance is truly bliss when you lease a car right people want to talk all this [ __ ] like rappers rappers have made it really bad when it comes to people but white people use cars all the time the most rich we're talking about hundreds of millionaires billionaires still at least their cars so it's like when i was teaching myself this on youtube i said there's got to be something to this [ __ ] how's he 100 millionaire [ __ ] and he leaves it in his car but then i listen to a rapper they're saying it's bad to lisa carr well then i go teach myself i go look up all the videos like what he asking me shout out to you champ and uh you when you lease a car you're literally only paying for the depreciation of that car so that 20 30 grand you would lose instantly if you spent a hundred thousand you're only paying for that twenty thirty thousand in three years mm-hmm right yeah you get the card back if you want to yeah you can keep it though yeah people think when you lease you keep you you you it's just a rental yeah you keep a finance or at least is a rental until you pay it off completely in cash but the thing is with a lease you can you have since you can get out of that yeah finance you're stuck like chuck yeah and at least you can keep it yeah every three four years they change the goddamn face of the damn car anyway so you want to be paying on a car that doesn't change you look all old in that [ __ ] now like if i don't want it i could just bring it back yeah or i could keep it if i truly want it it's the same thing dude you don't own a car until you pay it all the way off anyway yeah unless you're buying the cash but who really want to do that i did it a few times just to be ignorant i'm a rich [ __ ] you know what i mean we live in life though but for sure finance release it from the beginning okay anytime somebody gets super rich like if he got cash cash like that i think everybody like i would never say i wouldn't do it one time if i had super money money and i was like a super millionaire or something i'd do it one time just to say like i did it yeah like yeah you know what i mean i would do i wouldn't go buy louie or nothing i'd go buy a car for the average joe just financial release yeah i find that solution and i say if you're trying to get your foot in the door the leasing and another thing about listening to is you gotta have way better credit score to lease a car than you do in finance so people will be saying that like that's a roast but you need to lease something your credit's got to be up to par sure i'm saying is much easier to do with a super high interest rate with bad credit but if you leave something you got to be in the two three percent yeah of interest you know what i'm saying so it's like let's just keep that in mind you know what i'm saying um okay so uh rich c uh ten dollars shout out to my guy slim hashtag big g squad tmc appreciation don't uh doc doc tulum just knocked into loom just oh just a smoke okay that's mr organic hashtag 707.7 a whole lot of horses okay instead of a seat champ come on uh and then uh gargoyle gang don't stop doing the intro bro um and then the tonight and new jersey five hours much love freshman fan y'all have opened my eyes to my own value as a man and now the dating game has changed for me homie in the gold too fresh too all right there you go talk about organic uh and then we got uh professor trill 10 hours ask lim if he was able to finish teaching organic how to drive a manual vehicle uh the special sauce of this show is that it combines dating advice with finance fitness and the occasional not legal advice content in an entertaining way uh respect to the guests paying my tuition thank you so much random take 20 hours just became a fan of fresh fit two months ago been a fan of talk talk car guy since he first got the hell keezy shout out to mr organic gargoyle gang love to see great things across pads yep um man uh black black wolf uh mafia 30 hey i love y'all podcast i make my wife watch she gets mad but can't deny the truth i got y'all my big bros no cap thank you so much and we got 2 000 live viewers guys please like the video how many likes are we at right now guys uh let's see refresh guys get us to at least 1500. 929. what 929 guys get us at 1500 likes there's 2088 of you guys watching this is a fantastic interview right now now and uh yeah so marcus baron 25 has been watching these dudes since 2017 big g squad organic nation in the building thank you so much last one uh traquan jacobs uh 20 hello fresher fit love from atlanta love the collab with the roommates keep me out of bizarro land first trip to miami next month for 25th birthday can i please get on the show hashtag promise no interruptions seriously uh shoot us a dm on instagram and then we'll set you up with our boy uh our talent coordinator guys so he'll schedule you in uh but we gotta look at your ig first make sure you ain't crazy um you gotta do that uh but yeah so going back to what we're saying uh go ahead fresh okay so i guess the next question is um what made okay how did you believe in him that youtube was like the way to go because i know like slim you kind of guided him how to start the path but like what made you believe in slim rather than anybody else um because when i to watch his videos it was so genuine you know what i'm saying because he's truly was being himself and it was resonating to the people like i said by the views the views is one thing because i'm a numbers person but it was the subscribers that was growing so fast because no one in minneapolis had no goddamn youtube and no subscribers on it so i'm looking like this dude you're gaining subscribers people are locking up to you they're following you this is different so i'm like dawg you got to just keep going you already in the game you getting thousands of [ __ ] views you got thousands of subscribers no one has this dog just keep on going you know what i'm saying so once he put me in there and in his videos and i start feeling that energy so people are streaming my music more people following more ideas about the famous thing bro oh my god so they come in one day right so me and my man mac is like we already like known in this this is two times even though it's probably five people at the shows other people had zero [ __ ] at the show how about that that is minneapolis so it's just never saying but i'm still known i go to every club about red carpet i parked my car up front i always was like that for 10 years you know what i'm saying it's always the king downtown i was that before youtube anybody can't tell you otherwise so i was already was already the guy so he comes in in the office one day when he's starting his youtube and he's doing good the numbers and all he's going there hey man uh send me no new music bro talking to both of us send me your new music i'm gonna put it on my vlogs i'm gonna get you all famous man more people [ __ ] with y'all be like man if this [ __ ] don't get the [ __ ] out of here talking about making us famous if you know who i am but i promise you boy that next couple weeks when you put the videos in there and them songs that [ __ ] matt kevin hey man [ __ ] type was right one i said yeah that [ __ ] was right he making us famous so it was true he has had that personality that just slim like he don't mean no harm he's just pure and how you move and i think so right he anybody else you'd be like man what's wrong with this [ __ ] but you know that slimy serious he ain't playing he that's how he moves so yeah it put it put me in a different dimension when i because i already knew the numbers when i seen it the interactions the comments i said this [ __ ] is gold so next question guys so i know the path was kind of like going up well for you guys what was like pitfalls that kind of held you guys back like it's things that came into play like you know what damn i messed up here um with the packages no we're like youtube youtube youtube like the journey like what happened like that set you back a little bit i mean [ __ ] it's still to this day it's still the same thing it's like you got to come up with this content you got to be consistent like i can't pinpoint one thing that set me back or set us back it's just you got to stay on this content every single day you got to put money into this every single day or it's over for you so the main thing is being consistent the main thing is keep taking leaps of faith the main thing is don't get discouraged you know what i'm saying that's the main thing it ain't no one thing in this it's the key those things have to go on at all times or it's over yeah still to this day because it could it could be a blend at times of a perfect storm of things just hitting you all at one time so it's like you said it's not just one thing right it's coming up with the content it's continuing to take leaps of faith continue to keep your people entertained but you got you're always trained in a thin line right between keeping people entertained yeah and losing your [ __ ] mind yeah so it's like you you want to make sure that you're always you know self-aware of doing things for you and getting people entertained at the same time the time i feel like you start to lose is when you do [ __ ] just for the people right you know i'm saying like you should always keep your people friend in mind right because there's are you blessed to live this life right but at the same time there's a lot of people majority of the people right that's that's going to tune in when there's a hot title or a thumbnail but there's a very concentrated view i can put up a picture of this or this keyboard thing right here you know what i'm saying and they go on they're going to watch regardless but that's a small amount of people that's worse that's your core people right you know squad that's why i said there's levels to g squad two there's g squad and there's big g squad yeah right like you know what i mean that's why i say there's people that tap in every now and again i appreciate those people that type in every rare occasion appreciate them but for the people that's like even the ones that's watching y'all podcast everything you throw up right they tapping in with yeah they follow you on instagram personally the the fresher fit instagram they typed in with the youtube channel they're hitting the super chat and they're doing all this [ __ ] that's your real core people yeah right and there's the other people that's just following because it's trendy yeah yeah yeah so it's like for those people you always want to keep your main people in mind but at the same time they should also keep you in mind that the [ __ ] that we're doing in this world is really hard to do on a consistent basis so still human man you're still human so do your [ __ ] and find a way to entertain them at the same time otherwise you'll feel like you just flooded with all this different [ __ ] and then you'll start do [ __ ] just for the people and then that makes it worse sometimes because if it if you do something for just the people one time and it goes good that's great right because it's like okay that worked but if you do it again and it don't work how you gonna take that loss you know what i'm saying but now if you do something you really love and you're passionate about and you do it for yourself and for the people now if the people don't buy then they not [ __ ] with it it's cool because you want to do it anyway you see what i'm saying so you got to find a way to knock out two persons if you don't do that you'll lose it the thing i'll say with that that that's so true because like if you're let's say you're a prank channel right and guys this is not hanging on prank channels or anything like that not at all but like you look at someone like vitali right every prank had to become more and more excessive and craziness you know what i'm saying like running you know on the soccer field you know getting arrested for you know making certain threats if you guys know what i'm saying i don't want to say it right but but yeah it's like you have to get to that next level so i get what you're saying whatever path you take it needs to be sustainable long term for sure and you're better off just keeping that audience that messes with you versus like you're getting a new audience by doing crazy stuff right but can you continue to do that crazy stuff sustainably for a long period of time and keep your people happy and i'll say this too about you guys uh that i really like you guys have a certain terminology that you guys use uh can you guys for our audience that might not know uh what top of the mooc means gargoyle gang et cetera can you guys define some of these terms for us yeah so basically like move forward so it's something i always said something we always said you know i mean it just it just means almost any and everything right you say this is a mooc but top of the mooc is the top level of it so and that's what we do everything is top i don't give a [ __ ] it is i got this mic at the top of the mooc mic you know what i'm saying like i don't want the regular one with the top of the movie it's happening fell off yeah not your mooc it could be mooc and everything yeah okay and the main thing is top of the movie when we say something is top of the move that means whatever it is is the top level of it ain't no more i'm not playing you know this top of the [ __ ] move so anything could be a moot you know what i'm saying but you go top of the moon that's the elite level there is nothing above it baby you know what i'm saying that's private jet that's the top of the [ __ ] move but i gotta say this though so we are both very innovative with our words right so it's like that's one of the things that attracts us to each other so like i'm very good at coming off words with a dome right he's very good at that right so what we do is we have our words that we use together yeah and then we have our words that we have created separately right right you know what i'm saying so it's like i think that's good for people to keep in mind for people that really [ __ ] with us so it's like don't be a a a a wave hopper right to hop on whatever wave is just trending right create your own wave and this is something that i knew i didn't know i had in me it actually really or that i could really appreciate in me until i met this [ __ ] you see him saying because then he would say [ __ ] that resonated with me and i would see [ __ ] that resonated with him with me you see what i'm saying and then that right there will start to make you feel like damn it is very important that like even y'all two together how you do your podcast you have your strengths he has his weaknesses you have your strengths you have your weaknesses so you blend them together but you have both of the things that you're both very good at and then when you do them together it makes it better makes a movie yeah yeah and that's how we are that's how we do like and so we just merged that [ __ ] so when it comes to me i've always been a person of like um things that have to make sense when i say them you know what i'm saying so when i say i'm a gargoyle i could break it down in the simplest form like i always was an insomniac as a kid so i would always beat up all night right same and my my favorite cartoon as a kid was gargoyles guys i love them because they come to life at night boom and they just go terrorize the city take care of [ __ ] the cartoon and then i like i'm a gargoyle cause i'm up all night but then i started resonating with him like okay damn they made out of stone so they hard i'm a hard [ __ ] i was always a bully people but i'm not a bully i could whoop any i didn't pick and choose but i was a hard person yeah but then i was always flying look at my clothes now look at the texture so that's the best thing a [ __ ] could be it's hard and fly at the same time yeah so a gargoyle got wings and it's made out of stone on top of that they always on top they're on top of buildings on top of churches so you're a winner i'm always on top that's a gargoyle on top of that they're on top of churches for the most part too so gargoyles is with god holy the yup the devil has the demons so we i'm ferocious and i got wings i'm flying i'm hard but i'm on the good side don't get it [ __ ] up you know what i'm saying but if i come down it's whatever you know what i mean but on top of that i'm immortal i'm not gonna be here forever but my energy and what i put on to the other people will be here forever and the end of the day i need a statue up for me and that's how i'm a gargoyle it's gargoyle's status and the people that rock with me they gargoyle gang and gang turned a negative to a positive gang stands for going after new clothes so gargoyles we're never thirsty we always hungry i get to one go i go to the next look at my life you can see i'll live like that for real i get one thing i'm going to the next and the next and the next i'm never thirsty i'm always hungry though i'm never satisfied and that's the gargoyle game my people riding with me there's nobody ever seen a youtube history with this amount of subs living like i live because that's why i separated myself from the pack and i ran with the game yeah you guys got a strong stuff yeah there you go there you go holy smokes i love that see like even how he broke everything down to nitty gritty like yeah yeah that that's his god-given ability his gifts from god you know what i'm saying that's him you know what i'm saying like he'll see some [ __ ] like like let's say right now if it's raining outside this miami rain's like right oh no yeah you hear three thunderbolts he's like three of them you'd be like what the [ __ ] like and i'll catch you right that was god he threw down three lightning bolts for three of them that's how he'd be thinking you know what i'm saying though he could be in the water and uh and a wave of splash and it hit everybody but don't hear me say poseidon's with me you see i'm saying like i [ __ ] with that so from the beginning i've seen that and i was like so in ways i've inspired him in a lot of ways and he's inspired me in a lot of ways sure and we brought those things together and that's how we've been able to do what we do so question you guys talk a lot about leaps of faith right man so you guys were in minnesota doing anything but then you saw a vision i went to l.a so tell us about how that happened and how you made it that's another big all the lease of faith that comes from him he's the leap of faith god yeah you know what i'm saying he's the master of that [ __ ] uh yeah yeah minneapolis is a lot different than uh l.a man yeah shout out to our boy solo tv 84 by the way man from minnesota yeah but no um i just knew that like i got to a point in minnesota i think at that time i had like around 400 000 subscribers and i felt like man it was just getting harder like you have no idea like the car content making car content in minnesota at negative 20 negative 30. damn you know what i'm saying like weather bruh yeah it even hits your bones but it's worse no matter how old you get i'm bored and raised there brother no matter the older you get the weaker it gets i'll get [ __ ] with nobody west i i'm a new england guy from connecticut yo midwest is worse than the east coast bro you know what's crazy i used to take that really personal dog so when i used to take that soul first i'm with my dog frankie that's my dog frank frank he know because i know he tapped me with this right now shout out to my dog so you know he's from the bay area so when i went to school like i'm telling you connecticut baltimore yeah all that right i remember people don't talk about that tomorrow by the way guys don't worry about that people you know people ask you when they meet you and [ __ ] like that and they get really intrigued with you you know somebody really [ __ ] with you they'll be like where are you from yeah i like minnesota but oh [ __ ] i know it's cold up there and i'll be like [ __ ] you live in new york or you live in connecticut like [ __ ] it can't be that big of a difference oh no it's a huge oh yeah it's a huge difference high new york might be around the same yeah but like connecticut baltimore maryland it's of no comparison yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah minnesota is way colder yeah it becomes antarctica sometimes yeah that means it's true yo that midwest cold head's different bro it's it's much worse you know and i can say that as a new england guy hey man it is what it is so imagine yeah your barbados yeah come on five-star so think about making all these videos at this time i was pure workhorse right right now in my content i'm focused more on quality over quantity right but at this time it was just it was the beginning so you're putting out everything right you know what i'm saying every day every day sometimes people have no idea i do seven eight videos in a day oh yeah that time well that boy said wake up he's when he he's awake at five in the morning you know what i'm saying go to the gym and then boom hit me boom let's go and then we go to these dealerships and get five videos review five cars and i'm saying we're doing it all day then we get done doing those cars we go to the go to work we got to train the kids yeah and i'm saying this was every day and i'm saying all right we would make videos i was doing my live streams at the time so we wake up five in the morning workout we go get five vlogs done we train the kids then i get my workout on and then i sit in the gym where everybody leave i go upstairs and hide and do a live stream for four hours straight and do like this and get all my super chat money because um that's how i was eating because i was doing king of downtown with all the girls and stuff like that none of my videos getting monetized oh so i was living on my super chats you know and nobody really knew it but i was making more money than most people from the rip i'm a money [ __ ] you know what i'm saying yes i'm a money monster i know how to get it i know how to feast upon it it's like a cookie monster there's a money monster i don't even find a crevice i be like ooh i could get it i don't give a [ __ ] where is that i'm gonna get it so i knew the niche for me was gonna be these live streams so i'm making i'm making four or five hundred dollars a day on live streams oh [ __ ] my first month my first month youtube i'm making 10 15 000 a month little do people know they understanding what's going on i knew it i knew i'm getting off i come here every day okay 300 if i get 300 super chats i get 500 times 30 that's 15 000. see damn and the thing was is all this was cool while we're in minnesota right but it's like and we're surviving and we're super blessed to have been able to even been able to survive right some of the storms that we've weathered you know what i'm saying but it was like for me it's like how high can we scale this [ __ ] you know what i'm saying it's like because everybody has a window in this [ __ ] i don't give a [ __ ] if it's in basketball business podcast whatever the [ __ ] the [ __ ] is we all have a window of course i'm saying so it's like some people like let's say uh michael jordan lebron james their window is much bigger than anybody else in the nba like your average person in the nba you know what i'm saying but the people that are in there that's even on the bench or the people that's working their way up from g league they have a window of times that they can maximize opportunities their brand deals all these different things do all that [ __ ] while you're hot right and try to maximize as many subcategories to to elevate your ultimate legacy on what you're going to leave because when you got this window it's all you got to learn how to monetize and get as much [ __ ] as you can while you can because at the end of the day you might always have your call people that's [ __ ] with you right but there's a lot of people that don't give a [ __ ] about you you know what i'm saying so it's like for them for the people that follow you as a trend maximize this [ __ ] you know what i'm saying and and find a way to to scale your [ __ ] to be as big as possible to where you can set yourself up for generational wealth yeah so it was like i'm not as business-minded as him you know what i'm saying but i do know this because i'm a seven-time felon what the [ __ ] were the eyes of me even be able to do youtube to be able to get a hellcat to be able to get a [ __ ] truck to be able to do all these cars track hawks and all this cool [ __ ] right right so it's like now it's okay we hear this what guy want me to do i'm going to the mooc with it you know what i'm saying so i said [ __ ] it that's how l.a came into the equation it was like it's cold as [ __ ] here i'm going seven eight videos a day man it's just not sustainable in this [ __ ] cold so but i know if i go to l.a right and i can do this car [ __ ] i can do this car i can do 12 videos a day right there's nothing there's never cold here because we can't even visit we came that really made him say i'm coming yeah we came in visiting one time went to platinum shout out to platinum motorsport and we went to the platinum jack harry sam yeah our first day there and we went there like man let's go i know platinum they give rappers out of their cars and he was like let's go see if we could review a car i'm like [ __ ] come on man we're gonna go in there like [ __ ] i'm gonna go let's go we walk up there and talk like i'm tall guy man that's why i do it to youtube i got all of it about he broke it down to him it was jack yeah jackie and sam they're the owners so they he instantly understood instantly and appreciated what we were instantly right and the niche that we was feeling you know what i was saying so it was like it was so instant yeah like in minnesota i had to really sell myself i had to really i go to car view the dealership so much there's only one luxury super top-level luxury dealership in all of minnesota oh okay like they've got maserati's lambos and [ __ ] like that oh [ __ ] okay yeah there's one so it's like i go there and i gotta pitch myself to these [ __ ] yeah you know what i'm saying and the crazy part is i wasn't always getting the cars that i wanted right these other dealerships i'm going a small chevy dealership i'm getting towed no to driver corvette right what i'm saying is yeah because the thing is i got something to bring to the game to give y'all like y'all might not like my videos y'all might think i'm this or you might think i'm that or you might think he's this or you might think he's there you might think we're driving harsh whatever but it doesn't matter because we have something to give y'all yeah right we have a direct source to the car people because we are the car people free platform for them crazy wait at this time i'm not charging for nothing yeah so it's just like you give me the car ask my shoulder l.a got it they got it right away but nobody in minnesota would understand that right so for me for us to go to l.a first at this time she went to yep but at this time i'm going to la like every week uh or yeah once a week every month um in the winter time in minnesota to create content you know what i'm saying because it's so [ __ ] cold here i ain't got [ __ ] i can do yeah so it's like i'm going out here and then next door i went we went there and it was instant like they understood that hit a quarter with me crazy cause they gave me a lamborgh truck yep it just came out they just got it that day yeah and they're like y'all reviews take the plastic off and give it away like what the [ __ ] they're like go ahead do what you want to do you know what it is small time thinking was it minnesota yes it was big time thinking and i've seen that that day yeah and from that day i said i told him soon as we left i said i'm moving yeah from that day i moved to l.a but i have been saying that for years yeah but yeah [ __ ] and again here it goes procrastination right i'm like i'm going to l.a i'm going to go to la i'm doing it for years yeah but then i said now if something a hard time would hit or some reason would hit and i'll use it as an excuse not to do it right but then this [ __ ] happened and i was like man [ __ ] that [ __ ] god just put it on my brain i'm going for it yeah like we talk guys all the time go where you're appreciated and once again you might be in a small little town and you want to be big you can't be big in that town no you got to leave you're going to leave like you left connecticut right you came over here yeah in mexico no you went to um texas right i was in texas yeah so basically sometimes you got to move to get your blessings get yeah they never love you where you from you know even though minnesota loved me i'm going out had the girls and like cool [ __ ] when it came to music even my merchandise it was like it was not in minnesota it was outside of minnesota like they loved me as a person but they don't want to see it grow oh they didn't want to see me get this bad they back this big cuban on my neck yep and i'm saying that's why i got two of them just actually three of them but look at jesus yeah i had to leave come on man he only had 12 people riding with him till he died yeah so we understand that he only had 12. yep and no baby people walked he took me [ __ ] blind can see it only had 12 people that really rolled with him like that and they hated him how we exempt from this exactly and i'll say this too because you you mentioned something really i was paying attention you were like there's only one luxury car dealership in minnesota so those [ __ ] had all the leverage yep but when you go to l.a well this is the place at least they thought they did yeah you know what i'm saying so but now that you guys go to la hey there's a bunch of them now so they need any edge that they can get right so these guys want to these guys want to review cars from our dealership and they got a youtube platform and here's the thing l.a whether people want to you know i'm not going to lie i hate los angeles but i am i would be stupid and i'd be captain if i didn't say los angeles is a trending city that it happens in l.a and then it trickles down everywhere else la first then typically new york or vice versa and then it trickles down to miami whatever it is so they already saw the writing on the wall back then youtube is going to be the new frontier for for um you know for influencers everything else like that because now you got youtubers that get more views than like big time tv stations but tim cast irl gets more views sometimes than like fox news and cnn and as a news ring like as a news channel on youtube i didn't i didn't like la though either like it was i didn't like la it's just l.a wasn't la is more of a thing for him yeah i want to be showy the people that want to go out and i'm not that person but the thing was is business-wise i love l.a it's important place to be as a content creator bro me and fresh were talking about it the other day like at some point you know if we're going to expand la's like that you you have to go out you got to go there you got to go at some point so guys when we come through there we're coming out your response all right you're going to the mansion malibu yeah you got it organic just don't shoot us don't show up bro the gargoyle is the rest easy don't open up the gate and let you enter you know does anybody enter that state without me knowing they will not leave straight up uh we'll hit some of these super chats real quick um okay where are we at uh chris okay marcus baron uh 25 hours been watching these dudes since 2017 big g squad organic nation in the building thank you so much jerry b 10 hours yeah get those likes up before fresh unleashes those dried up credits hey man don't kill me bro captain sable hold 10 hours uh mr oh the king of downtown miami easy too easy and then elijah uh uh 10 hours australian thank you so much from down under the love and appreciation these gentlemen have for each other is one hundred just a reminder for us we always do better when we collab and build each other up faster manic artifacts right there man facts that's the fact and organ i didn't break down more organization too because i know it's different differentiate the two gargoyle gang and organic nation organic nation is all the subs and people that's riding mm-hmm and i'm saying we that's people that you know i mean this [ __ ] with this the the channel you know yeah the gargoyle gang you [ __ ] with everything ah i'm saying i appreciate the organic nation number gargoyle game is different yeah yeah yeah they got the guard look at that they spend money to support you yeah yeah they pay homage to the guard man i appreciate it more than anything so real quick you guys are the car guys right we all know this but for the average guy over here i mentioned earlier tell us like a tip to like finance in the car to get what you want because i know like you've been through some elves regarding you know you know lenders how does one like um how do you finagle a way to like get into like getting a good interest rate or like you know getting a car that you actually want okay well to keep it all the way pure and just bring the mouth as short as possible there is no way to finagle that you know what i'm saying like you have to to build credit is something that's over a long period of time that credit is everything you know what i'm saying definitely if you don't have liquid cash so that was one of the routes i had to say that's why i had to take the back route because i didn't have no money i didn't grow up a trust fund baby i didn't grow up having all this [ __ ] i didn't have people that was just dumping [ __ ] over here or investors here or none of this credit changed every day what you got what's your score [ __ ] i got seven oh wait until next month i'm gonna have this [ __ ] hold my credit i'm gonna get this oh yeah so that's credit money credit is everything basically right thanks that's in the beginning that credit is the most important thing man please pay attention get you a secured card um pay some gas would it pay it off at every month uh don't go over 30 all that little [ __ ] we learned and we use it that's the most important thing in the beginning stages get your credit right man if you really want to be structured don't go above 10 15. just do a little bit yeah back do a little bit come back a little bit dump it back and then before you know it you'll be able to build up that [ __ ] and shout out to our boy batman kevin man cave on yesterday guys like watch the show that we did yesterday with batman kevin where we broke down credit pretty well guys you know i'm saying it's very important because you need it to leverage because the way you guys are buying cars you guys are buying them as assets oh yeah you guys aren't really buying them as liabilities you guys are buying them as assets because they pay dividends later on that was a good episode y'all did too you spend a lot of games yeah for sure but the the next the the next part that you were talking about right after that was is will you find we found a way to take a depreciating asset because it is yes we found a way to take a depreciating asset into something no different than what enterprise does or any rental company yeah so they don't say enterprise got a new car oh this is a dummy you see what i'm saying what the [ __ ] is y'all talking about yeah you don't see a [ __ ] who got a car rental business like oh he got another car look at this [ __ ] you should have bought a house right just paying for my house you [ __ ] exactly don't you see what i do that's my job because i'm not no regular pedestrian buying cars honestly look at it though look how hard this [ __ ] is and look how long of a journey it is to build credit yeah that [ __ ] is weak as [ __ ] right so it's like for the people that don't got the discipline the structure to build up their credit guess what they're going to do they're going to go rent them cars you see what i'm saying so it's like to be able to do what we're doing and then be able to like use that as a way to get money is one billion percent genius no question just like what the rental car companies do the thing is they know that if somebody wants to drive this car for a day you know how hard it is to get your hands on lamborghini vendor i know i got one i own one so the thing is to be able to buy that [ __ ] right is extremely hard because not only does your credit score got to be in the one percent of the world down payment is going to kill you got to come down brother that's money and they're going to get it or get the [ __ ] on yeah so you think that your average person is going to want to go do all of that pay like my lambo my inventory payment every month thirty four hundred dollars to the scalp so my shit's about four racks total with car insurance wow so let's think about this and i got umbrellas with millions of dollars so i can hit a bugatti divo and i'm good you know what i'm saying so it's like to be able to have all of that with those kind of cars yeah you know what kind of money you got to be able to make come on man to pay for that [ __ ] every year you see what i'm saying yeah so it's like the rental people know this so what they do is it this eagles apart you might get all the money there's athletes there's rappers there's all this you got all this liquid cash but ain't got no credit yeah they might not got enough legal crash to buy lamborghini and vendor outright right but they might get enough to be able to live and come out to miami for four days and have it for four days right so what they'll do is if my aventador is 3 400 a month in four racks with insurance and i'm in the one percentile of credit scores my [ __ ] is damn near perfect you know what i'm saying so it's like to be able to do that what they'll do is they'll say okay you got legal cash it's 3 400 a month for this one card so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna charge seven grand a day that one day pays for that entire car coming in and then you just rented it for four days yup so you see it was look at the map and look at the game behind myself yeah but they know that you want something right now this world we live in 2021's instant gratification right microwave yeah they don't play the in-game so we'll be reading all that yes we want you to you want to know right so it's like i could tell you okay here's how you build your credit here's how you do this but that's not going to fix it right away you need years to build credit it takes years to build credit but it could take one bad two bad decisions to knock it all away that is white robbers and some celebrities rent cars because right like you said the no credit score not only that and then flex we talked about this with kevo like even if you got the money and you go into a lamborghini dealership i could still tell you we ain't selling you nothing but like yo we you know because and uh and i learned this from cuban shout out to him he was talking about this too certain dealers aren't they just won't sell to lamborghini ferrari etc it don't matter if you don't got the money do you have a lambo or do you have a friend oh no we ain't selling it to you right now the card game especially super car game is is a different type of echelon understanding because they don't want that money up front you know what i'm saying so that what you got to know your credit could be whatever but if you ain't got that money up front too it ain't going to work you know what i'm saying we got plenty of them you know what i'm saying and uh i just thank god that i took care of my credit and knew finance before i stepped in this game and i knew each car i get i did my research i know my 488 you that's not gonna depreciate those cars hold weight they hold their value i can sell that car next year and get my money right back my 720s the same thing let me go i just want to talk about my cars i know one of the things that he was talking about where he said what were some of the things that we struggle right talking about when we did go to the ship because talking about supercar [ __ ] that's not relatable for the people right it's legendary as [ __ ] congratulations brother i want to go back to the hellcat talk about the time with the manual when you got the knife yeah well people don't know that day when was doing the manual uh goddamn jeep [ __ ] when i was so frustrated because that same exact day i got denied for my hellcat because i didn't want because once again good credit score a great credit score but i didn't have enough equity of that level of a car on my name because i just got my credit right my first ever car ever bought under my name because i was finicking this [ __ ] [ __ ] yes putting it in their name good dick for a couple months and they get a new boyfriend that i ain't giving it to no more they want to take it out my name that happens like three or four times let me get my own credit up let me get my own license and go get my own cars my first ever car little do y'all know that was in my name really was my challenger gt that was that first yeah so that's the first how old were you bro man i was 30 something old [ __ ] now i was probably 32 no no now i'm 39 now that was for you i was about 34.35 we're just around to say 40. yeah so to keep it all the way poor even at that time my first ever apartment was that time by myself i was 34 35 to keep it pure oh [ __ ] i said let's get real sturdy right you know what i mean so but anyway when i did that that day they denied me i had to get a cold side or something so i'm frustrated like damn slim and slim made me go for the hellcat i was gonna go scat pack but that's him though that's what i'm saying he applied that leaping and leap of faith i'm like [ __ ] i can't handle that [ __ ] payment [ __ ] [ __ ] me i want to save my money i'm getting he like [ __ ] you need a hell cat you get a buffer scat because it has more of a cut following on youtube right now i love the hellcat so i knew what that was going to do right and i knew that for him and what he wanted right he want that he want that glory right he want this he wants people not playing with him yeah go for hellcat cause they can't nobody [ __ ] play with you right okay i never yeah like the hill cat no he barely do today that was strictly business [ __ ] come to a dealership with me one time and just sit in the [ __ ] he's not one go i don't know what he was talking about i'm like [ __ ] go get a corvette that [ __ ] look fly yeah like this is like the mother [ __ ] that worked at [ __ ] mcdonald's got a charger yeah cause he said he'd rather have a stingray over a hellcat yeah before he knew obviously yeah before i knew because that looked like a regular charger that [ __ ] worked at mcdonald's got yeah you paying eighty thousand for this one cost twenty thousand they look exactly the same [ __ ] you know that you gotta know all this car with only [ __ ] know that is [ __ ] that smoke newports and [ __ ] drink not to do all day or what i'm saying or another [ __ ] i need the [ __ ] to know i'm in a corvette look at me baby yeah i mean something special i don't need to make a [ __ ] understand i got a fast engine so i didn't get it but he always wanted a goddamn hellcat so he took me to the goddamn dealership yeah and he's like man that's the one i'm like i don't know no look at this on the showroom floor they roasted me too i actually started out they once started yeah we're sitting there i'm like all right bro like this i'm like no you got to hear because he kept roasting this [ __ ] but he's right now you got to hear [Laughter] honda for two or three years actually the same honda you're talking about and i was trying to get a challenger i didn't at the time i didn't know difference between all the trim levels scat pack gt sxt rt i didn't know all this [ __ ] so it was like i just wanted a challenger and that was it and i would be cool i wanted it was red interior white with red stripes yeah you know what i'm saying with the black with the black rims with the red brake calipers that's all i cared about i didn't get i didn't know [ __ ] about the inches or nothing so it's like i got denied and through that two three years of building up equity in myself i learned the different levels through youtube of these cars and i was like damn so that's why my name is tall guy car views it was because it was like i'm tall and when i watch people's videos there's like they're like five nine talking about how they fit in this car what about a big abnormally sized [ __ ] like me right and then so if i'm watching you [ __ ] i know there's other talk about [ __ ] watching yeah so that's the tall guy part and then the card used part is it was like i'm not an analytical dude just like i sat there and told you i can admit to you i didn't know all the different levels so it's like once i finally learned it i was like damn well my [ __ ] don't talk about this [ __ ] in more some simplistic terms instead of going all car brain [ __ ] yeah most of that [ __ ] fly over your head and then you feel stupid for not knowing so what i did was i found a way to break this car [ __ ] down for people that were like us normal [ __ ] that just want to know and be entertained and ain't super informative when you're learning about the [ __ ] and be entertained very important like you said you need a car history because you can have the credit and the money uh-huh you don't have that payment that you made before remember we went to buy the range over and hey we need a history of having cars of this value to even get this loan yes you're right so it's stepping stones but you get denied though what it would do is you're discouraging the most yeah because it's like you get told no your man [ __ ] that [ __ ] man like it's embarrassing happened numerous times he like [ __ ] you want to get that car i'm like damn i won't be like no it's all right bro you'll get something better better every time i got the better or the best car for me at a time it never failed but and then on top of that those fails like they say it's not losses those are lessons every time you learn something yeah okay i need what this is this next time i got you i'll be back with that it's like it's a blessing it hurt but you're like oh now i know this though mm-hmm and we just applied it every single year but it hurt like a [ __ ] it hurt it's embarrassing god damn you know what i'm saying that [ __ ] hurt bad man yeah because you got to go back to the drawing board it's like you think you bout to go in and get some [ __ ] ain't nothing worse than that you go and think about to get some [ __ ] in the [ __ ] tell you no you but we got a honda over here for you you waiting to ask for a hellcat oh my god god damn so that's how much of a difference i got to go from here to god oh [ __ ] in the middle man [ __ ] that [ __ ] and then you you say it [ __ ] it initially then you go home and if you really want it you're gonna go back to the drawing board you're gonna say [ __ ] it whatever it take however much time it takes no matter the money no matter nothing i'm gonna get this [ __ ] and that always came out without what we wanted yeah so don't take those losses don't take that embarrassment people use that as motivation and use that information to grow and go facts i'll hit the uh super chats real quick uh salute to the guys and tall guy and miss oregano keep doing what y'all doing that comes from the club professor richard go subscribe to his youtube channel guys um uh and then what else anything else chris nope we're done all right cool okay so question for you guys how's dating been for you um before the fame and after the youtube like i would say blow up i'll let you go yeah this is definitely down my alley um like i always said and i keep standing on this always was that guy my whole life i always had every girl i wanted um always was the cool guy i always had the baddest girl in the town school the club so that what i thrived on and then i was a pure i was the king of downtown and where that comes from is i should go downtown go to the clubs i walk in free i get all the love and i don't spend a dime because i don't drink so i never i didn't come in the club tricking and spending money and kissing ass i came in with aura i came in with respect i came in with and i'm saying feng shui and i worked my way to the top and i ain't never spent a dime in no clubs ever in my life bam and i'm they parked my car in front of nba [ __ ] and all that my [ __ ] right there in front of them even before youtube so i've been that [ __ ] been having all these girls before youtube so you got a mind and i never go i never should go on no dates i barely even turn the tv on with a [ __ ] when it comes to the crib they come in the house i'm just like boom it's already game time you know what i mean so when i but now when i got to youtube thing yeah and i got money it's the opposite for me i want this i want the backwards way so it's like this [ __ ] is harder for me because now women want you to take on nice days they want trips they want you to buy them bags they want you to goddamn cater to them and what you're going to do because they can [ __ ] regular [ __ ] just like they [ __ ] you but you got money so you need to be doing more thanks but for me my whole life i never did nothing and got all that so it's way more difficult for me that's why i type settle down got a woman like this is easier for me brother like me i got to throw in the towel and on top of that you scared the death of any situation because me too me too the fall of death of every successful black man is going to be a woman would go to tupac we go to [ __ ] go to mike tyson we go to whoever we'll keep going down the line gonna be some kind of altercation that really [ __ ] them up and you're in l.a there's also some great since the barack and there's michelle you know what i'm saying all right that's one item brother yeah yeah i'm talking about i'm just talking about it of a of us are you thinking like 300 tight don't know what i'm saying there's nothing that cause that is true i'm talking about a person that's [ __ ] a lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] all that you shuttle down that's a blessing you got a woman in the dead i ain't saying that's a bad thing i'm talking about [ __ ] when the [ __ ] hoes i'm gonna party and be the black new hefner no [ __ ] can do that look at all these [ __ ] you could name i don't want to know [ __ ] name but every single [ __ ] i heard slang addicted to these [ __ ] they're in all type of controversy and it's never going to fail they ain't going ain't nobody yeah i ain't going to name them people wondering do they know what i'm saying a lot of singing [ __ ] well you got it you got it so with me is it it was 10 times more difficult for me with fame and money yeah because now they want to go on dates i don't take nobody on dates now they want to buy them [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i like buying you some i'm the [ __ ] you're getting all the blessings even being around me give you something what the [ __ ] what the hell is going on so this [ __ ] was like repulsive to me so um i had to throw in the town this is and i'm saying settle down and relax it was way more difficult now then i had a free it was a free-fall right and i'm saying it was a grand scheme bro let's keep it set bro we live in a day and age now we're like you know i'm gonna say me also because we're on youtube right uh because i think that's flagged but anyway like these chicks out here coming with crazy allegations bro right because they can say it and it not be true and people are going to believe them sure because the man is always guilty until proven to be seen that fat [ __ ] that was talking about usher was [ __ ] her and all that she had a fool god damn like there's asher here what's going on you're telling about the girl with the money that came in the studio which one oh yeah so we had this chick over right so i'll go down memphis [Music] oh yeah they watch our video but like bro it's crazy because like we had everything filmed and this is for all you guys that are watching all uh 2800 you guys by the way thank you so much like the goddamn video because i don't want to stop like like hit that like button but so the thing is the scary thing is this we got a a studio here where we have like literally nine cameras right all over the place right we even got a kick out cam this chick was being recorded in 1080p right right on stream and she still had the odd like audacity to say we stole money from her when everything was on camera and on top of that we're using our cell phones you know what i'm saying back in the back you know uh and we we ended up uh recording everything on our cell phones too and we recorded me putting her back down and then before our boy trey pastor trey out there took her phone and took her bag and gave it to security to try to get her kicked out we recorded the inside of it and this chick still went back and said you know these dudes stole 1700 from me which we did the math and figured it out we made about 1700 on super chat that day and she tried to say oh we stole 1700 from her and then she tried to say we took it out of her purse but this is us recording everything as youtubers youtubers and she's still the allegation and the sad part is some scent paid her two bins yeah on on because they believe their cash app or whatever they believed cause they believed her so we live in a world now yeah that's it it's just it's just dangerous time to be a man with affluence because women know bro they can always pull that trump card of he did this to me or he stole from me or whatever and sims are gonna feel bad for them and then they're gonna pay them and give them money so it is what it is man so i get exactly where you're coming from uh we're getting it it's difficult slim for you you've met someone right that's totally changed how you move you definitely changed up you kind of i would say evolved as a as a man tell us about how you met her and how that changed me so you know what she's the one man it's hard to even explain it was just a feeling you know what i'm saying like even my dog this is my [ __ ] and he right through the door as soon as i met jazz it was like love and slam y'all go subscribe if y'all want to happen as soon as i met her hold on i could do something something real quick you might come on on the screen thank you you all come say hi to the people oh my gosh they got they got to see her man this is amazing man oh man fresh points crazy story yeah that's amazing i was right there the whole time it's gonna make sense now yeah oh we'll get we gotta interview okay wait okay yeah maybe tomorrow i'll maybe i could get it oh we'll see yeah so slim is wait and then your boy get married too right yep so tell us what made you choose jazz over everybody else and kind of like um maybe the guys could learn yeah exactly because oh for sure we we know that this quality goes out there but it's hard to find them sometimes how to like vet them and know if she's the one well sometimes you know what i'm saying like you can find the right people by just simply just going through life you know what i'm saying like i was in a 7-8 year relationship before i met jazz so going through that kind of built me to be what i am today with her and be able to appreciate and respect who she is yeah because had i met her too early on i [ __ ] it up you see what i'm saying so i think that's huge to be able to go through life to be able to appreciate and understand you know what i'm saying yeah yeah yeah he's just gonna get a chair a chair so i think that is huge you know what i'm saying like god's divine order and timing is everything right so i feel like maybe you had i met him while i was in prison maybe me and him would have wouldn't work we wouldn't have been cool you know what i'm saying yeah but it was how everything happened in his time i had to go through a certain set of things i had to go through a certain level of friends i had you know what i'm saying like maybe i wouldn't have appreciated him as a friend and i never had other friends who did me wrong or didn't bogus you know what i'm saying so it's like to be able to go through that and then meet him is like it made me respect and value what we have as friends you see i'm saying same thing for jazz just on a different level no homo brother you know what i'm saying but it's like you know what i mean it's always that same analogy too so i get it so that's huge you know what i'm saying so i had to go through what i had to go through in life to be able to understand and appreciate and respect who she is and tap out to her greatness you know what i'm saying so i can't really tell you what feeling i had it was just something totally so world renowned that i never felt in my life like you know what i'm saying like he knows me you know what i'm saying yeah and even before like you know even you see i am now i always try to express this and we express this on our channel love islam i never ever pretend to be the good guy i never try to be like oh i was this good guy this whole entire time and then now like you know how i found my soul mate no i was you know i i wasn't always the ideal [ __ ] you know what i'm saying so and to meet her to be able to move accordingly right through the door was insane like even him he seen it right right away at the beginning he was like damn bro you you're moving different with her yeah right there we got one out there i went out there and stayed with him for like a month um before i moved i was gonna make trying to make my decision he'd like man to come out here for a week yeah and i was out there for a week [ __ ] just stay a month dude they stayed so i'm sleeping on the couch and every night they're just going doing [ __ ] and flying the helicopters oh god damn that's the most legendary seat in my life you know what's on my bouquet of flowers that [ __ ] you don't you buy that for your goddamn 20-year anniversary type [ __ ] right right i'm like damn this is some legendary [ __ ] i'm just watching it every day like he just living through it but go ahead champ but it was it was it was really like appreciated but it was like really like a a feeling that i can't even tell you it's just like she's just my soul mate and i'm saying like i felt like and i knew that and god instantly put it on my brain you know what i'm saying no [ __ ] move right with this one you know what i'm saying and that's exactly how it happened so it's like after my my last relationship ended it was like people think i was in l.a and i was just out there and i'm living no i was [ __ ] up you know what i'm saying like totally you know what i'm saying so it's like to meet her at that time perfect timing perfect timing yeah and no because it was like i feel like i was still healing you know i'm saying and i was still trying to work my way around certain things you know what i'm saying and i felt like her god placing her on me it was like had he waited six months and then delivered her to me maybe i might have been too far gone you know what i'm saying so it was perfect timing and in that sense but the time where it felt like it probably wasn't perfect time because i tried to fight it at first it was like i'm feeling these feelings and then i'm feeling like man maybe i'm tripping i just got out of a seven year relationship you know i'm saying like it was like don't [ __ ] say like you're supposed to be like free for a good long time and [ __ ] like this and what the [ __ ] is going on with me you know what i'm saying so i was like i can't even lie to you and say that it wasn't scary to me because i'm filling things with her that i didn't feel ever in my life i never wanted marriage i never want to kiss and then all of a sudden i meet her and i'm seeing things like i'm i'm literally having i had dreams my [ __ ] you know what i'm saying about this [ __ ] so it's like and i'm a sign follower right so i feel like when when life is going right it's because you're following god's signs like if he plants a seed in you it's up to you to water it and then watch the [ __ ] girl right but for if you don't if you don't follow what god's giving you i feel like that's when [ __ ] goes all bad right and i feel like i learned that by going to prison navigating my way through life like i have you know what i'm saying so when he puts something on my brain or i start to feel myself being obsessive about something yeah i follow whatever whatever i'm visually whatever i'm seeing whatever my i'm feeling i follow it so i followed it with her and i felt like there was things that scared me too being honest you know what i'm saying that's a lot of things men don't talk about a lot of times it's just actually really being scared like i was scared because you gotta think you i'm in l.a like what what the [ __ ] was the eyes i moved to l.a and i find a woman that's finding a [ __ ] i can trust and ain't gonna be that ain't going to stain me later yeah what i'm saying like what's the odds of that in l.a got to be careful careful and i'm a minnesota boy i'm not i'm coming to l.a now you you might be you might be really good you might be you don't say you might be trying to get me so you'd be scared about that so it's like i had to work through that emotion that's why i said the time it didn't feel necessarily impeccable at that time because i felt like i had to work through that in my brain and be okay with being vulnerable with her you know what i'm saying yeah powerful cool yeah okay because i feel like most guys have to vet and for example if it's the first girl that you meet bro you don't know what's good and what's bad right but since you've been through the storms you've seen good and ugly you know what this is the one i can actually say give a chance to because you know it might work out yeah do i let my fears and insecurities run me to the point where i run away the best woman i've ever run across you know what i'm saying so it's like it's never going to be a great time to just be heading the needles over love you know what i'm saying then thinking and believing that you can find your soulmate it's never gonna be by the way the chat is saying that you're following your beyonce for sure all right yeah yeah i'll read the super chats real quick uh okay so we got david k uh trust in god uh move with a purpose thank you so much david so what are two things you guys would say people need to be uh successful um i'll say passion and consistency mm-hmm you know what i'm saying work ethic if i could throw in three i'd be like you know what i'm saying your work ethic is everything but consistency you can't have consistency without work ethic man so i would say consistency and passion okay i'm saying because you're being gonna work with the consistency if you ain't passionate about what you're doing yeah that's pure facts um for me what i always thrived on and what got me to my my my my plateau um is just believing in myself like i believe in god that same energy that same faith i put in god i put into myself every single day um the same prayers i give to him i chase those prayers down every day i don't wait for him to fall upon my head i chase him and try to jump to him and that and i'm saying and meet him in the middle so believe in yourself like you believe in god and the last but not least the most important thing coming from a young old [ __ ] 39 years of age didn't have his first apartment until he was 34 didn't have his first car in his name until he's 34 years old and i'm 39 now it's just never give up that's it the ones that made it they never gave up and they never gave a [ __ ] that's that's what you need right there that [ __ ] button never give up and believe in yourself like you believe in god that same energy you praying that you get that job that same energy you praying you get that woman put that in your [ __ ] self [ __ ] and go get it and die about it or kill about it you know what i'm saying and it's gonna happen that's it there man that's that's all facts right there yeah um guys like the goddamn video man how many how many uh likes are we up to guys right now let's say we had uh 1.9 guys get us a 2k at least all right 2k at least any closing thoughts okay um fresh can you read that i can't see it okay make it 20 bucks says big gargoyle gang just go out in the building how do you make thank you brother all right we're good cool okay where can people find gentleman because y'all drop a lot of gems here so i can't imagine the vlogs that y'all do now oh yeah for sure um mr organic um youtube is mr underscore organic make sure to organic with the k you know the k stands for kill you kill people with your freshness you kill people with your realness you kill people with your growth you kill people with your responsibilities you kill people with your with your grind that's what the k is for um and same thing you i mean instagram mr organic is just one word of course with the k at the end you know get my books off amazon i wrote two books one book how to be entrepreneur and youtuber i'm a millionaire and i ain't got a million subs and they can find another on top of that i wrote a book on financial freedom know about cryptocurrency you know about insurance policies know about investments or there's everything you need to know about money and get your financial freedom that's my purpose on this earth is to get that to my people is going to believe in themselves so much so they could be free and put it all online to shine you know mr organic that's me how much cars you own and what cars you own real quick let's go back to that yeah yeah yeah man that's a katie air by the way this is my baby watch you know i'm saying that big come on big bracelet man all this [ __ ] is sturdy too by the way you know what i'm saying don't get your life confiscated [ __ ] with me but um the cars i got right now man i got a uh a rolls royce wraith um all accustomed to t nothing like it the best one in the world by far no comparisons at all because there ain't no competition um i got a 720s mclaren doors go up with an extra little extra meat on top of the forehead no i'm saying um i have the amg gt the coupe i got that too um that's the mercedes-benz um on top of that i got the 488 spider 958 not the gtb whatever the [ __ ] that is i got the spider man that cost you an extra hundred thousand just for that top to come off um i also got the four by four g wagon squared not a g wagon not the baby mama mobile just the big daddy mobile okay and it's the [ __ ] green beam that one out of 20 in america yeah that's the whips i do have right now i had a super stock hellcat gave it to my brother i did have a hellcat charger gave it to my girl shot the champ three of the guard and i got a malibu steak [ __ ] let's get all that yeah damn son where did you find this coming from nothing to that that's amazing and did that [ __ ] like i said i had my first car and my name 34 i had my first apartment at 34. i'm 39 now look what i got [ __ ] i never gave up look at me y'all could do this too don't get it [ __ ] up mr scooted don't take my confidence as anything people think oh he he's not cocky confident actually you're wrong again [ __ ] i'm just factual i'm just factual i'm just factual six two thirty sturdy i'm a genius i look good look at my skin texture it ain't my fault and i'm saying these are facts of life i am six six i'm a 98 tower [ __ ] on my height alone i'm [ __ ] diesel i bench press over goddamn 300 pounds that's come on man [ __ ] ain't doing all that i got 360 windmill right now i'm 39 [ __ ] ain't doing that i rap make sure you stream the music i do everything man i'm just one of the ones it ain't no competition i just know what i am you know what i'm saying i'm not better than nobody i'm just me that's it i ain't trying to be better nobody don't take it that way because i'm not thinking about you how dare you put yourself in competition with me what the [ __ ] were you thinking you know the god man yeah what's up brother what's that guy hey can i just say this right real quick so for all the people out there in the world i always like to let people know whatever it is that they're going through as normal right so it's like the daily grind of anything right so before i tell everybody where they can find me and my beautiful soon-to-be wife you know what i'm saying just let everybody know like because even talking with y'all kind of like worked up my spirits where i'm even talking about something like this so when you're going through your grind right and you're going through everything you're going through in life sometimes we ask god all the time like why why are we going through this or why are we doing this or why is this or damn i feel like it's over i feel like this or i feel like that you know i'm saying instead of appreciating some of the [ __ ] that we're going through because that [ __ ] is eventually going to fertilize and give us everything that we've ever wanted you know what i'm saying and that's what made me just think about my baby you know what i'm saying just everything that we've ever been through in life that's gotten me to this point has set me up for her has set me up to be with my dog shining the way he's shining and everybody else on my team to be able to do what we're doing to even be on a platform like this with y'all to even be having these conversations so really was my life all really ever that bad on the [ __ ] i was going through when i was going through it no no you see what i'm saying it was worth it so i want to tell everybody out there in the world man whatever it is going through no matter how bad it may be no matter how [ __ ] up it is no matter what you're questioning no matter how unideal it is keep going because eventually you're going to be on your platform and you're going to be sharing your [ __ ] and you can be telling people stuff like this you know what i'm saying it's going to give people the feel that they need to be able to get through the [ __ ] you know what i'm saying but to find me and my fiance you go to loveislam subscribe you could um follow us on instagram i love islam you can follow my beautiful i know that she finding a [ __ ] i know people don't know where it is what do you say chris no that dog chat knows he's like yo who oh she's oh she has one me up in p.m all the all the links are going to be below guys i got all their um youtubes instagram social medias all that stuff uh down below in description so and then one last thing you'll trey without you this wouldn't be possible bro something you want to talk to tall guy in organic one on here anything you want to say no i just want to thank them for dropping all the dribblings throughout this podcast guys it's definitely much appreciated man because almost every video you get you get the game if you listen tightly you listen closely and both both of the videos if you see past everything you can tell they really have that true passion for helping people man and sure that everybody don't have that man they want everybody to eat they always link everybody in the description facts there's nothing we notice that you guys do that dude they always shout out from the small youtubers to the big so i respect the grind i respect the hustle keep doing it y'all my motivation yeah i got me through through the pandemic last year live just watching our videos and that energy is contagious it comes off the screen you guys have no idea that energy comes off the screen and amazing man top top of the movie man it's legendary and podcast make sure we shut that out yeah yeah yeah hey bro we appreciate you my [ __ ] appreciate you trying to trade the big part how the world even came together to even all single stuff together to even be able to have this to you know say because it's a blessing for us to be on your platform just like yeah you know the most one in the game yeah y'all killed this [ __ ] man so keep doing y'all [ __ ] and shout out to you champ thank you bro trust me we noticed that cuz like there's other youtubers that like they won't even give us credit or you know tag us and they're joining they're gonna say no names but uh but you guys do that for everybody no matter how small they are you guys shout them out and you put their stuff in the description man you guys aren't like here to you know just oh i'm gonna i'm gonna you know hoard all the clout like you ain't getting nothing we ain't helping you you guys be putting other people on too man so that [ __ ] is petty man that [ __ ] ain't gonna get you nowhere life man if you bless in this position to get somebody else some shine then why not do it you know what i'm saying because especially for me because my dog allowed me to shine like no one could ever move the way we move you ain't never seen [ __ ] come up like this both i got i got all these lambo he got lambos i got ferraris and all this [ __ ] nobody did it together for the seed [ __ ] didn't go from a cts you know what i'm saying use cadillac and he from honda to lambos and big ass mansions in california like that show me two more photos that did that still stand strong with each other shoulder to shoulder it never been done so we could do it with each other we want to pass that on to others it's enough for everybody to eat man like they say crabs in the barrel that way they call [ __ ] we pull each other down but that's not our natural habitat me and my dog we king crabs we're in the ocean swimming doing what we want for everybody and like i said ain't no competition over here man why would you people just always say that though and i told you i had a long conversation with fresh and straight about that the other day i'm saying people from the beginning always was like hey man you gotta get him a bunch of [ __ ] you know i'm saying he's trying to take your shine or whatever and remember how i just told y'all about god signs when guys put something on me i'ma follow it you know i'm saying to my best ability i [ __ ] up a lot of times i'm saying but to my best ability i'm gonna follow you know what i'm saying then to me i always had godzilla but god was like i felt i felt like i was always a testament of god's work so i felt like how could this [ __ ] take anything that god got set for me boom you know what i'm saying like if he went then i'm winning that's what he always said from beginning like even though his [ __ ] was way still way bigger than mines and he always thought from the beginning he's like [ __ ] you are built for this you're going to go crazy i'm telling you just get on the [ __ ] camera and go you're going to be the biggest [ __ ] in the game so the whole time he always thought i was going to be the biggest even though he is it don't matter we never we never cared you know what i'm saying yeah we still don't give a [ __ ] because you're you're a unit yeah if he wins you win all you gotta do is anytime i get a card any time you get a card any time we do anything just look at our face and look at our expression look how we talk like how we look at each other and what we've done did we happy for each other and we are for ourselves yeah because we know where we came from and we know we talked about them again we know them [ __ ] road trips we pay for our own tours we know about them talked as me and my man we know whose [ __ ] [ __ ] put a gun on us he i [ __ ] had to run fight for my life this [ __ ] ran and got that came back from me you know what i'm saying that was me and him nobody else could do that [ __ ] right thanks dory man we're up next friday yeah we're live yeah we're coming up next yep that's what's next they said don't buy a hurricane buy aventador unless you like a real like speed racing [ __ ] you want to just be comfortable in it yeah if you're doing peppermints and you want evil and [ __ ] i get that cause you on some car brain [ __ ] right but you want something i'm trying to stunt yeah [ __ ] you gotta get advent the door [ __ ] don't tell yourself sure don't do that but you blessed if you got an ergon [Music] you know you're cheating the game yes yes you know in your heart you look in the mirror like i wanted to get that 480 458 i went to california i was going to cut them real short oh no oh yeah oh no i was going to do it but i looked forward to it i said i couldn't do it in california okay i'll [Laughter] yo man guys thank you so much for coming on the show man this is really entertaining this is fantastic uh real quick i'll read these super chats um okay um hcx uh at large all you ten dollars all you guys are the truth mr organic what does all three of them mean people always know what three i break it down real quick um three b's is my original like uh nickname and name people should call me three b's and stand for big bone the boss that was just something people should call me just call me bone because i have to play basketball so i was breaking that was what i always known him as bones ankles and knees like even in college my daughter james they just call me j moves because i always make a move before i shoot i always the wiggly [ __ ] they should call me bone and then um bone stam everything has acronym bone stands for ball or nothing else that's how i live my life i want a ball when i have a ball and um so i was like i was ahead of the time you know everybody was saying big and [ __ ] now i wanted to be big everybody's going little so i want to be big bone and it was big bone to boss so it was like three b's people like big boner balls i'm like yeah three b three of them three of them and people just kept saying three of them like yeah three of them [ __ ] so then i changed three of them some three of them means mind body and soul all chasing goals all chasing greatness you got all three of those aligned you can't go wrong so when i say three of them that's when i'm on my [ __ ] three of them that's one [ __ ] i can't be [ __ ] with that's when my mind body and soul is all right when that's all right that's when that money right the guard three of them there you go man i love it man uh seven degrees twenty dollars i don't donate on twitch i don't tip the pizza man but i stay super chat and fresh and fit because i le i love you guys man this podcast changed my life man keep it up fellas thank you so much bro for real man um and then uh the sabby bg show to nars youtube with 300k followers thriving business recently separated wife couldn't take that i am ambitious and left nine to five and chasing my passions any suggestions on how to have fun now get out there and date chick man yeah yeah because raw coming [ __ ] get playing b's eat ass like this i love it man and then lmm oh come on 20 support super thank you so much bro i appreciate that all right guys uh guys thank you so much we're going to close this show here we have another show wrapped this one yeah late night with some someone organic yeah and i know he got to go yeah but um oh also guys follow us on twitch please do me one favor get us on twitch it's uh twitch.com freshpodcast it's gonna be lit bro check it out it's gonna be lit all right guys thank you so much man we'll catch you guys in a little bit man we're gonna do it back to back so walk back [Music]
Channel: FreshandFit
Views: 64,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tall Guy Car Reviews and Mr. Organik, freshandfit, freshnfit, fresh and fit, fresh fit, freshfit, freshandfit podcast, freshandfitpodcast, fresh and fit podcast, myron gaines, tallguycarreviews, tall guy car reviews, tall guy, tallguy, car reviews, mrorganik, mr organik, mr. organik, organik, organik tall guy, mr organik tall guy, Tall guy and mr organik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 24sec (5724 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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