Talking to Amy Schumer About Trolls, Confidence, and Self Love

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hey everybody I don't know if I've been this like excited nervous mix of emotions as I am for today's video which is like kind of like a Sunday spiel but more like what happened in my life this week slash a really cool amazing thing that I can't believe I did slash Wow the internet you kind of suck sometimes that's like the theme of the video all of the things so if you guys missed it this week I had a picture that I took where I wore a bikini in Las Vegas and had kind of an unfortunate incident with those security guards I'm not gonna get into telling the whole story just because I'm so tired of talking about it I'll just show you the image here and then you can google it if you really want to probably should tell the story sometime but like right now I'm just like I don't feel like it in the midst of all of this I got invited to interview Amy Schumer and also several the other cast members from the movie I feel pretty so like setting the baseline here I've never interviewed someone famous I've like met people famous in like photo shoots but like we don't talk right they just like shuffle in I posed next to them and then when their handlers shuffle them out not only was it like my first time doing it I was supposed to interview at this one time and like that morning a couple hours before I was supposed to be at the place that we were interviewing they're like hey um I don't know if this is gonna be a bobble but can you come like an hour earlier and given everything was going on in the day that Metheny was no time to prepare so it's like my first interview I'm a type-a person that likes to prepare so I was I was a hot mess I was very nervous so this is my first interview first I interviewed sasheer zamata and Busy Philipps like what do we do with I wish I was about ready I think it'd be more fun I actually just got really drunk in Austin one night and I was like what is the most thing about a like fun thing about a woman's world and the most fun thing about a men's world I saw glitter and lasers okay so I loved watching your film I finally got to see the preview so I guess it was co-written by your husband right yeah my husband co-wrote and co-directed with his longtime collaborator Abby Cohn so did he reach out to you for inspiration cuz he seemed to really get into like the female mind as far as like has a really amazing ability to do that you know he and Abby have worked for 20 years and Ransom amazing romantic comedies together and I feel like they're you know the way that they work together is pretty awesome and they each bring their own thing to the script I mean we I've been talking about them I've been talking to them I'm talking about them talk about them talking about them all day yes I mean they I knew about this movie when it was just an idea that they were working on and we certainly like talked a lot about it through the entire process because you know we're married so for you you had a character that was kind of I guess of the females in the movie a little bit more than not the nicest character yeah was that hard for you to play a character where you're like I'm not nice no because I'm like a really good actress I mean it I guess it was just really fun too this is not the first time I've played this guy character me like Amy put me on her inside Amy Schumer on Comedy Central and I have played the behind the counter clique before so it was fun to revamp that I mean maybe this will just be our thing in our careers were following there's no matter what her journey is and tell her you're doing this wrong as bad so I guess for the movie what do you think is the most important message you're trying to get out obviously to love yourself confidently but like how do you feel that you are doing this in a different way than what we typically see women you know poised with as far as confidence I guess look like you know the thing is about the film is that it's incredibly funny and enjoyable and I think Amy gives such an amazing performance and you just love Renee and you're rooting for her through the whole film and you know I would hope that like my friends and family and all the people that I love all the women that I love in my life when they go see the movie that they come away and they just feel really great and empowered and like that you know yes like if you feel it you can be it you know if you can dream it you can you can be it and I don't know that to me is sort of the takeaway yeah and it's cool to see this message in like the package of a romantic comedy you know it's not typical message that you would see in one of these kind of movies so it's nice to be able to deliver that in a way that that's enjoyable and fun and you get to laugh still but you still come away feeling good definitely yeah so I guess the last question and I know I have to get out cuz he's giving me hand signal always always very good with the hands anyway um as the best friends they were kind of like anchors in this Mary why do you think it was so important for them to be shown as not having the same kind of self analysis that Renee had well because I think you know it's interesting I mean uh I have separate struggles than my best friends you know I think that like you're not you don't generally like I mean I don't know maybe some people like they they're they're like attracts like you just see it a lot in movies where women all tend to like evaluate themselves together and I felt fresh that they were good happening in this film great well I think it also you sort of need it for the for the when Renee I will say I don't want to give anything away it's hard for me but I mean I think that I think that it's important you know to show women that who are truly like sort of secure in who they are and also like don't care are like that's not the thing that they're we don't know we don't like spend enough time with Jane and viv to know what their true insecurities are yeah but you know we certainly get to see some of the other women in the in the movie and what their insecurities are and they're all different you know Michelle's character has her own and and so I think that it's it's just an an important thing for to show against what Renee is like true deep insecurity or what why she thinks things aren't working out the way she wants them to and her life is like all physical based and her friends are like girlfriend what are you talking about like we've always loved you yeah beautiful no matter what like it doesn't matter so then after I interviewed them they like to put you in a hallway right - wait to interview Amy Schumer obviously in Rory Scovel who is like the meal romantic lead in this film and I sit down on this bench and like I'm a talker I just talked to people when I go places and I turned to the woman next to me and I go oh I love your you know outfit cuz I did it was awesome and we start talking she's like oh I'm the lead anchor for New York News I'm like okay that's like kind of intimidating but like still regional right so I turned the guy next to me I'm like oh who do you work for and he's like oh I'm a I'm the I'm the interviewer for II so I'm like okay okay panic and then the next lady who was like standing up I'm like who do you work for she's like oh I work for Associated Press I'm like okay so is there anybody else in this hallway who's like mega rookie or is it just me am I just the only rookie in the hallway right now surrounded by like basically all-stars and up-and-coming all-stars that did not help me feel more comfortable so as I'm waiting they take a person in it happens to be the guy from E and they come out to me and they're like you are gonna be next and I was like great yeah put me after the guy from a that's been doing this for like 30 years that's just great just great so it was in that moment like okay well everybody else knows what they're doing and I have absolutely no clue that I just was like I'm gonna ask them whatever I want to know who's gonna be a selfish interview this is going to be my personal conversation with Amy Schumer and Rory Scovel that is what I decided um it ended up turning out amazing imma let you guys watch it now I definitely did this so let you guys watch this so I'm so excited to be here so excited to have here I'm kind of new at this so if I totally screwed up just smile we're in this together yeah that's right actually my first question is for you boy effect so one of my favorite parts of the movie was actually that they showed a little bit of male insecurity yeah how does that feel to be that person that finally like expose it men don't always like their bodies either yeah I think it's great I think it's important I think it's very relatable to a lot of men I don't think a lot of men are this like suave great looking person just out in the world I think men maybe fight a little bit less of a confidence issue than women do but I think it is very realistic to point out that not every guy is coming from a super confident place and and has the similar insecurities for sure awesome thank you okay so I waited to talk to you because I'm gonna probably cry so what's great you have a makeup see my dog so what I really appreciate about film and I guess I'm talking to you which is like the waste of this but whatever I get the moment I can do it exactly the whole movies about it was really important to me to see that through confidence negativity was overcome yeah in playing that character okay especially let's talk about the bikini scene yeah cuz that is the best thank you so much did you feel like you had to overcome any like self-doubt or fear and having to like to do that to do that feat well so I have to tell you that is my favorite scene and it was written for me to just stand there and pose and I said no I'm doing a whole dance I'm gonna be yeah yeah I'm gonna like pour water on myself the whole nine and they honestly fought me on it and I was like no and I the moments where I'm looking at myself in the mirror and that was all stuff that I really wanted to that was important for me to add and yeah and and to prepare for that all I had to do was do stuff to make myself feel good I promised myself that going into filming this whole movie that I would just do whatever I had to do to feel strong and beautiful and good and so just like the music I listen to taking time meditating going for walks a lot of Beyonce a lot of Yonsei make sense and that was the only prep you know I had my period that day oh wow I like fighting the good fight right there yeah it was just like everybody really responded to that to me feeling good and just wanting to go out there and bring it you know all the extras and Rory was there for all the takes and it was like a very it was like a very did you do it nothing show me how many times been like over the a period of time it was like a full day long day of getting in so yeah it was it was impressive want to just have the energy yeah it looked at under yeah that song seems to get longer okay I think I have one last question left ok the hand signal yeah um obviously you've dealt with a lot of trolls online okay yeah how do you feel like this film can help girls in the same situation cuz like trolling is not just for celebrities oh no it's for everyone's blessed with troll how do you feel like this movie and even just like what you've learned in doing this movie helps you with that right so I have been aggressively trolled online for over 10 years now and I couldn't I couldn't read a comment and feel bad about it now if I tried tell me okay tell me or see first of all doing your best just not to read it like I haven't read a tweet in years oh wow um and I I feel so bad for the people who who take the time to go out of their way to write something mean to a stranger how can you imagine what it would take where you would be in your life mentally to do that I don't even have anyone on my phone that would do that so I feel such sympathy for them I I don't read it and then when I do it's just I've become pretty desensitized to it what what they write isn't even necessarily how they feel and they I don't know them they don't know me my family my friends my dog Who I am what I do what I put out into the world that's who I am and I don't I don't even think about what I look like anymore that's beautiful I mean for real I'm done with that so beautiful yeah thank you yeah thank you what you can't see from the film that you just watched and I tried to like edit it into like a separate clip for you guys to watch but it just it it's hard to watch in the way it was filmed is that as she was talking about trolls I was literally like choking on my tears because I like didn't want to be a baby and like full-out cry in front of her because I felt like that would be super embarrassing I was like trying to be like my pride my pride was like keeping me from like fossa ting there and I just started crying because like people tell me that stuff all the time like don't read the comments and like you know your friends and family matter but like sometimes it doesn't sit with me because I'm hearing them for people who have like absolutely no clue what it's like to have an entire population of people commenting on you like if my like mmm stepmom tells me that right like she's never like faced a hundred thousand comments about her body in a day like that's like not something that a normal person faces and so hearing it from Amy directly was just like it was so special like it's so cheesy but it was really special now it's not captured in the film is that she turned around at the end of their view when we were taking the pictures because I we got pictures duh please I'm not leaving here without a picture with Amy Schumer I don't care whose throne I've got a joke getting that picture I would not choke any throats no violence here but I would make a scene come on I did not insert endure that much anxiety to not get a picture anyway so we take the picture and she just turned around me and she's like don't let them get to you like just don't let them get to you and I just again I want to be like good I wanted to ugly cry um and there's a lot of reasons why I really look up to Amy Schumer I think the crazy thing about meeting Amy Schumer was for me I don't see a lot of women I really to like in the entertainment industry probably cries why I'm actually filming this part less and injecting it earlier because probably gonna cry but I am loud and I am sassy and I'm a bit uncouth and I am NOT a sized - and when I look at Hollywood I don't see women like me getting to be leading ladies I just don't see that and when they are leading ladies it's in the construct of their weight so I am not the same person as a machinery obviously have very different but assets but I relate and have related to her entire career of her just being different than what society was used to seeing in various roles and responsibilities even just being a comedian like if you watched her stuff way back in the day when she just start out people gave her so much crap because she wasn't afraid to be like vulgar like she's like I like vulgar humor so I'm going to be a little vulgar and people like slut-shamed her and took her out when she talks about having been shamed for 10 years like literally that is a woman who's been shamed for everything I mean I've seen it unfold I've just seen her always be a class act and always seeming to come from like a really great place even though like so many people are like terrible garbage juice humans to her and in meeting her I felt she was so genuine to me and she didn't have to be you know she is a real ass woman like she is not a coin-operated you know person and in my career I was that woman and now online I'm that woman and it's just like wow there are other women like me and they are successful I don't ever say the f-word but yeah because we need that we need people who are different and weird and quirky and being who they are versus like who they should be you know and man I just look up to her she's just she's just a boss also many of you guys have been sending me screen from the trailer thinking it's me as much as I would like to think that I'm in this movie and that I am a machine where I am NOT but it's kind of funny like it's another thing that connects us anyway so when I watched the movie and now I'm gonna talk about my feelings that movies movie I cannot express every feeling I have about the movie without getting spoilers so I'm going to talk about my feelings but if it seems vague it's because I don't want to ruin the plotline of the movie for everyone that watches this video because that would be sad face so the movie general like plot summary is this girl isn't like her body there's various reasons she doesn't like her body she doesn't feel pretty she doesn't feel attractive and she's trying to find ways to fix herself and when I say fix herself it's primarily her looks and her body type and she goes the SoulCycle which I related to because I personally did that same thing once I had a friend who's like a soul cycle advocate it's like people don't go to SoulCycle to fix themselves and I was like correction they do because I did that once I know that I know a lot of other people that have tried SoulCycle for the same reason well it got my butt in that seat the first time and actually the second time because the first time you go to SoulCycle your butt hurts like it's literally like someone rubbed a brillo pad on your booty and a little bit further up and it's not a great feeling anyway what was the thought that it would change me or that it would help me be better that I would look better feel better all that stuff right let me know it's I'm not gonna lie that that's why I did SoulCycle initially so she ends up falling off the bike hits her head and has a concussion that causes her to like see herself in a different way aka she now sees herself her body is like perfect her face is perfect and everything and she literally thinks she looks different like in her mind she looks entirely different where in reality she's the same person as a result of thinking she looks different she's able to be more confident and the movie goes on not gonna say any more about how it goes on but I'm gonna talk about a couple things this was the first movie I saw a character that was like me ever in like any film but when she was confident when she thought she was like beautiful whatever I saw like just like mirrors of my life there was one scene where someone comes in and is obviously like being derogatory to her but since she's so confident in herself she can't even like process that they would be negative so she just assumes they're being positive and shrieks them great and basically eventually wins them over there's a lot of like little scenes like that I've heard a lot of women say like I felt that jammed or I felt excluded so much in my life and have I been excluded in my life gasps I'm not gonna pretend like it's never happened but I don't think I have had it happen as much more that I've recognized it's happened as much because I'm so positive that sometimes when those negative things actually do come into light I don't see them as negative because they're not even part of how I frame my identity and seeing that character which is like so weird helped me understand why sometimes I don't relate to other women like me I was gifted confidence and I think that has protected me from negativity and from you know everyday abuse this is reality here and it made me think about how confidence in general can protect us and be our own kind of shield against the of the world and that for me was like an amazing realization that I never expected to get from this movie and led to me like literally bawling in the theater because I just felt like for the first time in a film I like saw myself just it was so weird like I can't explain like when you've never seen yourself and I'm not talking physically but just like how you see the world when you never see yourself in a film and then you do it's it's crazy man emotional rollercoaster seriously and then there were two other things that I like just pulled out of that movie that just made me really like happy that they were just it thoughtfully included in the film the first is the male lead is not a dashing dapper perfect looking man he's an everyday guy and what I really really appreciated is that they show that he has some body issues but it's not in the presentation of like he's a depressed man and therefore hates his body no he's a normal dude fairly well adjusted but has some body issues and I was like thank you thank you for someone putting it in there you hear Rory kind of talk about that in the interview but it's just so important that you know men are seen in this light where they can be vulnerable and they can also struggle from some of the same things that are characterized as female emotions so it was it was really great to see that I thought that was a very unusual attribute in this film that we just don't really see a lot in in modern you know cinema the second thing I really enjoyed is that there was a plus-sized girl in the movie which is eighty Bryant and her character did not have any like body issues they never once talked about her weight they never once like fixed anything about her weight her reactions to things were just like a normal girl it wasn't like tinted with the fat girl lens and I was like hold up so you're Tommy that a bunch of people are angry that a thin woman doesn't like herself and that this is a movie about a thinner woman who doesn't like herself because you guys think it should be a fatter woman but not a feeling to recognize that this is a movie that put a character in there that is a not stereotypical like some of the critiques of this film obviously have come off the trailer which i think is maybe not the best gift to this film when be really honest like I think the trailer was set for a certain audience and it and sometimes when you tailor like a trailer for a film you have to tailor it to a certain audience and it leaves other audiences with like it oh I don't like this taste I think that happened a little bit with this film there were some things in the movie that were obviously a little bit imperfect I'm not gonna say her and say like everything in this movie was perfectly done in the audio yah I take it with a grain of salt the reality is this is an hour-and-a-half long movie it is a comedy it has to have certain premises to work in that structure he's not a drama and does not you know a woman's journey in India to love herself this is not Eat Pray Love that is not what this movie is but I was surprised by the depth of the movie given the fact that it was a comedy and the limitations on the timelines and things like that I thought the character progression was really nice I you know felt like the construct they were very situational as to library name didn't like her body which she'll see kind of in the first 20 minutes of the movie I kind of went back and forth on this I I wanted her like lack of self love a little bit to come from how she thinks the world sees her versus how the world actually has either seen her or situations who's been in but I also understand that that's a really really hard to convey perfectly in 20 minutes while also making people laugh so those situational pieces they used I think we're more for humor right like and also to keep the plot moving because I could just be a really long depressing section going through why a person hates their body if you can speed it up and add a little panache and funny I get why they did that maybe could be a little better but like it's a movie I'm not I'm not you know I'm realistic about what can happen and what can't there's another part of the film that I didn't love I didn't hate it it's it's not necessarily that it's bad it's just that I think they could have chosen a different industry for her to aspire to work in by attaching you know in the film she works in you know her dream which is like a beauty company and I just kind of felt like maybe they could have picked a different career line that also has aesthetically beautiful people that work there when I look at movies like this I walk in with one perspective and I go here someone watches this are they gonna walk out of this film liking themselves more or not and I think most women will watch this film and they will question the way they see themselves and they will relate to the character and I think that they will walk out feeling empowered and maybe thinking a little bit differently about how they judge selves and for me that makes it a really great film I had a lot of fun watching it like and being very critical in my critique because I feel like that's who I am as a person I'm like I'm a critical thinker but in the end of the day I really liked it I laughed a lot I cried odd like several parts and even though there's some parts that I didn't like love the premise of they weren't enough for me to be like frustrated or angry with the decisions of how the script was written I was pleased overall made me think about all of this I was talking a couple the PR people when I went to see the screening I guess a couple people knew who I was and they told the PR team that they were really happy that I was seeing the screening I don't know like why that was important but they said that and the PR team told me that before I interview it I guess they were trying to like you've got it girl me in the fan and I was sitting there and the big realization that came to me from all of these things that happen from the stupid Vegas thing to interviewing Amy - just everything that's kind of happened in the last month and I was like my life is becoming less and less mine in a lot of ways it is still me it still AM but it is owned in a small way by the public and I don't know how to like change the way I phrase that I'm not in the perfect words right now there is a lot I lose because of that there's a lot that you know I don't have anymore I don't have privacy I don't necessarily have control of how stories get told about me a lot of that is gone but what that has come an amazing power to change the way people see a woman like me and I don't say that just as a plus-sized woman they say that as a as a woman who is strong and business minded and unafraid and secure and who she is like that is what I am here for and as much as all of this is super overwhelming and at times really not great the gift I have been given and the opportunity for a change that lies ahead of me oh it's so exciting a woman like me can change the world standing at the front of a crowd and encouraging everybody to stand up and fight for themselves and that's just awesome it's just awesome to think about and overwhelming and I'll just repeat all the things I just said anyway thank you so much for watching guys I like maintain my makeup through this which I'm super proud of I did cry a little bit I put extra stuff under my eyes because I watched a tutorial and they told me to do that I want to say thank you I do like I not everybody gets to do this and it's because you guys believe in me so thank you so much for having the faith in what I'm doing and and continuing to support me anyways have an amazing rest of your week guys I hope you enjoy this this is obviously a little bit different I'm just really proud of myself I did a good job and so dumb like you should cheer those things on in your life when you do something really hard and scary and you don't you do better than you think you guys cuz I you don't do bad I was like no I did better than I thought I was gonna do so with that I'll check you guys later have an amazing week and peace
Channel: Glitterandlazers
Views: 33,636
Rating: 4.7413697 out of 5
Keywords: Amy schumer, I feel pretty, story time, vlog, vlogger, plus size, plus, movie, confidence, trolls, self love, happiness, movies, films, cinema, interview, rory scovel, Busy Phillips, comedy, in theaters
Id: gGjmZS6lL40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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