Talking about HOBBIES in French - FREE FULL LESSON

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intro I've pressed the main we're good to go okay here we go bonjour tulmond uh as always there are people listening watching us from everywhere the real Dan Alexander is watching us from Canada bonjour bonjour what is okay today we are going to do something of a to level a1a2 level and I'm going to make you uh make make you make I'm going uh we are going to make sentences together okay using two verbs mainly fair and fair I can't speak today [Music] now of course if you have any questions you may ask the questions I will get on with my lesson of course but I am open to any any uh any questions I have My GCSE French exam in two weeks do you have any suggestion on how to get the best grade that can Alicia I mean it's a shame you have your GCSE this year because we are building a really amazing course for gcses now please watch all my gcsc's videos on speaking and you will see there is about 40 35 I don't know um videos uh all I can say is learn sentences in the past tense in the present in the future tense and a couple of idioms as well and try to throw them in speaking as well watch my videos there's lots of them for free on YouTube please do that can you please uh tell some job opportunity after learning French oh there is a Blog written on that I think that Josh has written we have a content creator that writes blogs and I think he has written something good to learn French with have a look at the blog okay and you will see as well as you know why it's important to learn French you have a selection of cheeses that you can choose from not that is important for you to get a job in France but hey if I uh pronounced your name right how fast do you think I can learn French from being an A2 in the shortest time with your course and as this year we have um I think reaching B1 level will take you six months if you fully fully do the course and of course with that you should really uh practice uh we have created master classes now where you can actually book a slot and uh practice your French with a proper French a teacher this is our new feature at learn French with Alexa is French I'm going to ask Liam will they be a support guide with this lesson afterwards for members only okay that's another thing if you are a member of my YouTube channel at all not a subscriber a member click on the join button and then uh you can select which uh perk you want and one of the perks you watch the exclusive life lessons which I will hold at 1 30 today whereby it's a lesson where you have the support guide it's a much smaller group and yeah that's pretty much it um so bonjour can you tell what is YouTuber in French a YouTuber oh YouTubers uh so that's that's what it and YouTube thank you ishan or in YouTubers so I am a YouTubers uh thank you the real Dan Alexander okay we are going to start now okay I'm going to make myself small just like that if voila so this is it we are going to cover uh some Hobbies because um I would like you to at the end of this lesson be able to tell me what it is that you like doing in your spare time okay in order to do that we are going to cover a few Hobbies but of course there is more Hobbies like my hobby I don't know if you know what my hobby is it's not in there it's such a niche or hobby um that maybe they didn't have a picture for it okay so we are going to have a look at sentences you can uh make using that and then the verbs that you can use in order to create sentences using those pictures okay so in a minute I'm going to ask you to make sentences using these pictures but before we do that let's have a look at some of the verbs we can use in order to make sentences fluently is fluently by the way uh I Alexa have a net French exam can you help me in grammar adiya I mean learn French with Alexa is quite an amazing website where you get to A1 and C2 level from A1 to C2 and we cover every single points of grammar possible in that very website www.learnfrench with anyway um but alternatively if you don't want to pay YouTube my first 55 french lesson essential covers huge amount of grammar points okay my favorite hobby is everything really really you like everything okay so here we go there are multiple ways of talking about Hobbies using the verb fair is one of them okay now fair means to do or to make what's very important here is the article that you're going the uh to add to that verb for example you can say now the paston is a hobby or bus time if you wish okay so fair in order to know how to conjugate fair please try to know how to conjugate it in the present tense so fair it's given to you in its Infinity form okay infinitive if there is a verb that is not yet touched or has not yet been conjugated okay you have to understand that in French it's very very important to know your Infinity from your conjugated form uh verb the reason is that it changes depending on the tense you're using in this case to do or to make okay becomes in its present tense I do or I make okay now Jefe but you can I'm pretty certain uh conjugated with me which is he she one and new and this is where actually this verb is really hard because it's a what we called an irregular verb that means it doesn't follow a pattern okay unlike the ER verb okay and then vu effect okay and ill and El so once you know that okay it's very important that you know your pronouns so these are called subject pronouns I you he she subject pronouns okay and once you know your pronouns okay your subject pronouns you must know what the ending of the tense you are using according to the pronoun is for example Nu it's o-n-s at the end okay so it's highly uh irregular means to wish we absolutely so we've got Fair now we know that and I'd like you to know it by heart ideally okay which means that when you're going to tell me what you do as a hobby you would say the verb Fair conjugated of course and then you would have the partatives so you may think well why do we have three different partitives yeah well because everything in French has to take in consideration whether the word you're using is either feminine masculine or plural okay everything okay so for example he does Sport okay and why is it do because por is masculine here okay [Music] I do paintings okay as a hobby you have to have the partitive Doula in front of Panter why Dola because Panter is feminine why is it D here because we are using the plural version of ghetto here okay so everything everything has too much engender and number always so Pantry I'm going to put it pink okay might not be nowadays you know too politically correct but this is a visual here so Panter is feminine therefore Doula the partitive is feminine and the same with Spore is masculine therefore do is going to be masculine okay so please do plus Dollar Plus de in terms of pasta or Hobbies the Obi Pasto okay so and uh absolutely okay then then you have to use the partitive okay absolutely it works I like to do when you're going to start live lessons for beginners these are this is quite beginners like sometimes I do sometimes I do uh Lily did I make it to your live lessons again watching while preparing breakfast lightly you have you've met it well done you you meant it okay and Bon Appetit okay if you're having breakfast so here we go now another uh another thing is Ali so Ali and what's very very important is all the prepositions that come after those verbs so sometimes you can say I go and Ali means to go and again you use the right preposition when you go somewhere again we've got three different prepositions why is that yes because it depends on whether the word that follow is a masculine feminine or masculine feminine or plural okay so I know your way because I bought some bicycle playing cards okay visible Aesthetics to play but we are going to to see that so I'm going to Judo Club now that's karate isn't it that's not Judo okay though I don't know okay by the way Club is masculine therefore we say oh to the to the okay a swimming pool and it's feminine so we say Allah is masculine uh so we say o to the cinema I'm not sure why here there is aux ignore ignore that ignore that that's a mistake so we have very quickly here oh Allah and oh and each one of them means to the using Ali okay Ali means to go and this is not conjugated at all which means it's an infinitive verb now this verb is the only ER verb which is a third group verb which means that when you're going to conjugate it it's not going to look like that so I go is can you see that and then I would like you to learn this by heart I'm conjugating the verb in the present tense salon and Ill now remember that we have two ways of saying they in French okay because again we need to consider whether we are talking about a group of masculine things a group of feminine things okay and remember that when we use a group of feminine and masculine things together we use ill this one here the masculine version I know what you're thinking that's not fair but grammatically grammatically speaking the boys are always stronger that is grammatically speaking okay so here we go we've conjugated Fair and now let's have a look uh conjugated alley sorry let's have a look at Joey now Julie is an interesting verb okay because the preposition following will change depending on what you're talking about okay for example if you want to talk about a musical instrument so in a minute I would like you to make your own sentence because you guys I'm sure are playing an instrument okay uh well some of you some of you now Joey followed by okay so it means some so this means some I play some some okay piano so do is used when the instrument that follows is a masculine okay okay Marie plays the guitar for example now you are playing percussions okay again refers to the musical instrument to play some something okay but in certain cases for example it is play at the piano this melody is played at the piano okay by a pupil from the chalori school funny example anyway if you want to talk about sports however to play a sports or a game then we are changing the prepositions it becomes the same way as we use them for Ali to go for example now think about your now they play cards it's masculine um it's plural therefore o has an X at the end uh [Music] uh yes what are we [Music] contrabass the real Dan Alexander now this is uh I'm glad that you're making this mistake and it's no fault of yours by the way but let me explain something your sentence is very good except for that what you're doing here your country you're not conjugating the infinitive verb you're giving me so it's like um it's like you saying I am I to play double bass for example you must conjugate Joey in order to be accurate so I play is Juju okay see what's happening we drop the r here and it transformed into that because we changed that Infinity verb into the present tense we have to do that and I know in English the infinitive is to play and the present is I play okay it doesn't work like that in French at all you've got to transform the verb into whatever form you are using prison composi and all the different tenses we have there will be a different ending so two becomes you okay it has a nest at the end but we still still seju and IL and El and um can you see that and then new we are conjugating that verb this is what's called conjugating from an infinitive verb that means a verb that is untouched to a conjugating firm yeah let's talk but I don't know much about French just Basics okay uh direct okay it seems like we're having a conversation um uh parallel here okay and notice something here same pronunciation though that the ending changes same pronunciation Okay so we've come hello so the real Dan Alexander your sentence is [Music] Okay so we've done a little bit of You Know lesson here let's have a look at our uh pictures now you can also use all the verbs that refers to Hobbies Naji to swim Destiny to draw pant to paint Shanti to sing lyrics to cook peshi to fish a dormier that could be a hobby to sleep jardini to do gardening design me to go out with some friends okay so here we go let's try to make a sentence using this little fellow here swimming in the swimming pool okay so you could say he whatever swimming so here we go you're looking at this one what could be the sentence you could describe in order to you know practice your hobby vocabulary that's a that's a hard uh read actually never read it just know it's big um anyway uh uh Alexa can you tell how to tell my hobbies to learn new language for example okay that's perfect yes Maria and I plays chess we need absolutely need an article here when you do a sport can I just go back to what I said when you do a sport uh where is it fair have a look at that what I'd like you to do is write this sentence again fair you've got to use this okay here to do something okay so when you use the verb fair you must have okay go for it is [Music] you need to conjugate that verb is not conjugated uh okay so Sayed okay so when you use the word Fair the verb fair you must follow by dude okay except the use for a spot you use okay in this case you can say IL Fe it's different because the verb is equally you could say Naji so he swims and you can add when that's happening okay so hold on perfect okay I'm going to do Tule okay perfect okay your name is now let's have a look at the second one so Naji to swim okay what are these children doing here okay now John Clarke is the present participle here is he is having fun while swimming okay uh okay translation [Music] okay so without using Fair now can you use just the verb now the verb live is to read okay but of course leer here is used as an infinitive we need to conjugate it there are two of them you could say as in the children like infants okay can you see what we've done we've conjugated that verb into this and it's a third group verb which means that it's not going to follow a pattern uh necessarily Alicia Liz uh live the children are reading a book from they are reading like they are in a process of reading we can't say that we say is to do reading sometimes you can use Fair okay for hobbies such as Le lectures we I was thinking that they were killed that they were in a process of painting do you think so their reading is a Liberty you must conjugate okay if you describe as La Petite fee the little girl what is replace that replace okay we Place La Petite fear okay the little girl you replace Le Petit fee by a subject pronoun is well it's going to be L okay Le Petit fee and then once you have the subject pronoun you've got to tell yourself what is the verb okay which is here and it's infinitive how do you transform it according to L okay El okay let's move on very quickly here we might not do all of them but doing um enough uh will help you I'm sure I like that a lot uh I'm going to do swimming that's perfect sentence [Laughter] uh when something uh doesn't smell good you say boom okay is an adverb is an adjective okay so I like the random nestora of it I'm sorry to hear that your dog doesn't smell good perfect so here we've got Fair de la rondoni to do hiking okay and it's dollar Shannon it's a perfect sentence why is it because Shannon is using the right positives here Doula and why isn't it because the word rondoni which is hiking is feminine Don La NES by the way okay so fair foreign I can see only one lady okay in that case it will be La fam the lady lifa means ladies okay that's you've put it in uh in the plural La Farms hi Alexa could you give hobbies that involve technology um I don't know maybe Liam can help us what hobbies involve technology video for example sorry I'm so so rubbish at that I don't even know videos she's walking in the forest is the lady is foreign okay so here we're using fair to do some sport okay uh uh the axon igu is always on the last e right no no it's always on the first one you never have an accident okay okay for example the first axon will be here you would not have the there no never it's always on the first one okay are we good with that but good question um okay playing guitar is a sport or game and should I use I know that I've confused some of you hello you would say so when you play an instrument you say guitar yes that's good idea so here we go let's have a look at this one what do you think is happening here on this one the top one um well done that's really good through the snow a traveler that's a good one ceraman okay so Tara here's the guitar one [Music] music okay you can use Fair as well and Joey is good here music [Music] what's interesting here El ju and we've got two instruments and they are not they don't have the same positive so piano now this is where you have to know your feminine from your masculine which is actually really tricky to know you know but uh just one piece of advice is when you learn a word vocabulary learn it with its article is the article ah when Liam and I are going to record tomorrow I think a a video on articles um so watch that one and I have one which is quite popular on YouTube uh in definite and definite articles she's learning to play the guitar Avec no matter what in French you've got to give me some kind of articles in front of the world okay I know that you're saying she creates music with with a piano or with a guitar you here you've got to have one Le chanter and compose music perfect okay music because it's music okay isn't it yes you can say on a computer keyboard as well how do we say that synthetize no what [Laughter] is a okay actually if you learned from your computer is good hahaha uh okay if you want to say school sorry man I think we say music we say music is it a music score yeah I think we said music Santa teaser thank you I'm not going to repeat it okay so and then we're going to finish because soon I'm going to be live for my exclusive life and I've got to to have a break in the middle oh by the way by the way because I was prompted to do so we have a uh our new our new bag the cuckoo bag cuckoo which means hello and that's a learn French with Elixir limited edition of 100 we have sold how many so far we've sold 10 so far the cuckoo uh toad bank which is quite big look at the size of that uh I feel like I'm on the market selling my handbags uh in the description it's in the description it will be in the description below and and uh Liam and I had this great idea that I would write a personal message to you if you buy it so here we go all the way from Woolwich in London uh cuckoo yes oh that's adorable I know right sorry man okay when is your next exclusive lesson now in 24 minutes I will be exclusive oh yeah sorry I forgot what we were doing we are going to finish here and so you can use Fair as well or you can use just simply Cuisine to cook Cuisine La Cuisine okay that's perfect the couple is cooking in the kitchen and cooking kitchen is the same word Cuisine okay have you notice so you could also say IL font La Cuisine okay now weirdly in this one we do not need the duh okay so far La Cuisine is to cook okay we do lots of things we use the word fair in a lot of different settings in French I got to go but I love your explanation Mercy Madame it's okay idea thanks for that and to you ishan that you've put ENT at the end of M because we're talking about two people but the subject is Le it's yes absolutely it's singular so therefore you've got to think about that if you replace Le coupler the kapol and I'm going to do the same here if you replace Luke coupler by a subject pronoun is it I you he she because it's singular look who please so therefore whatever follows as a verb has to match the singular pronoun okay what level is the next life lesson for okay are you a French it is of a quite high level It's A to B one thank God I've got Liam I don't know what I'm doing it's the easiest exercise for the Tiff um so it's 80. doesn't know what she's talking about thank God that I have amazing people working with me uh so yes idea bye-bye see you soon okay I'm going to stop here there will be if you are a subscriber or you've joined the um the channel you know as a subscriber you will have access to the rest of that you will have access to all of these as well explanation and the lesson that goes with that okay so please please have a look at that but I've got to stop because well I'm I'm a busy lady and one has to teach people uh so I've got Liam going to do that I don't know what that means I don't know what he expects me to do and uh okay this is it I'm showing you the bag again the busy busy bag foreign I can hear I can hear the girls you know laughing in the back I've got I've got an audience here today uh anyway I've got Valentina here who uh um mummy has decided to bring to the office today Valentina do you want to come and say hello yes Valentina is coming go on Valentina she's coming say hey we are going to say bonjour Valentina excellent Mercy ah love your jumper thank you Valentina has little clouds in French we said thank you for that no problem no thank you love it uh people are saying bonjour to you Valentina to them too yes now I love the cuckoo Bank not the bizu bizu bag I'm an idiot okay um no I'm going to go because I am going to go uh and teach another lesson any tips for preparation of Dolph B1 Asian watch that space because we are creating a brand new course on the Delph and Delph uh exam um um I can't give you any tips but uh if you watch our website we do give a lot of tips for the TEF which is quite similar uh exam next slide from 130 linking membership tab on profile yes but it's big it's very big it's it's cool that's my you know can put lots of things look in my makeup wipes my hair thing whatever my makeup my telephone look at that look at that my pen my uh brush okay right uh that's it for me uh foreign [Music]
Channel: Learn French With Alexa
Views: 16,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: French, france, learn french, french school, french tutorial, francais, speak french, french video, be french, language learning, paris, french song, grammar, french language, bonjour, au revoir, french music, french lesson, french verbs, lesson, School, Teacher, Lessons, Student, Education, french girl, alexa, je, tu, il, elle, vous, nous, le futur simple, futur simple, free french lesson, full french lesson, future tense, future tense in french, hobbies in french
Id: jlGiz-e16tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 6sec (2526 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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