#TalkFood【#找吃的】漢堡包新世代|太安樓隱世手打騸牯牛漢堡|真魚柳包 癲!原條龍躉起肉|港式最終極 枝竹腐乳羊腩堡|銅鑼灣後街 超人氣米芝蓮漢堡|爆汁關鍵 半Smash半煎漢堡扒|#廣東話

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Channel: TalkFood
Views: 65,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 漢堡包, CafeWhale, 手打騸牯牛漢堡, 太安樓, 騸牯牛, 龍躉魚, 沙巴龍躉漢堡, 枝竹羊漢堡, 羊腩堡, SickBurger, smashedburger, 銅鑼灣
Id: 2zadKquyUiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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