Talia and Kevin JOIN The VC Gang!

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what's going on everyone we're back with another video for you guys and today we have a very special video Jin we got Talia and Kino in the VC gang welcome welcome new VC gang members we got Talia and kevino V everyone say hello to them please give them a round of applause come on come on hell okay so they're going to host the first round which is guest the sheriff you guys have to work together to try to find the sheriff amongst the VC gang okay if you get it right very fast you get a good prize if it takes you a long time CU you get nothing okay all right I'm grabbing a seat and good luck I don't like okay she instantly kills wrong with the squid hat yeah Fair w w good job Talia very good can you you got you got to meet uh Justina right here like uh yeah yeah she just joined you not the bubblegum wait Talia got it in two tries she killed Justin cuz he looks like a bubblegum wait Talia you're pink too though hold up you're Pink as well no no no no no no my hair's not pink my hair's not pink okay true true true my bad my bad okay bubble gum Talia do you want the prize or do you want to give it to Kevin you pick split or steel split or steel I I'll split I'll split he's he's a little poor oh he's poor wait that's crazy Kevin are you going to just take that are you a friend or a hater all right Kevin I'm going to give you the prize cuz Talia called you broke I I don't know I wouldn't take that to be honest all right Kevin Talia called you broke so I have to give you the Godly I guess love you Kevin I can't believe she said that about you Kevin that's kind of mean honestly Talia why'd you say thatal sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry so rude yeah Okay Kevin I'm going to give you a Godly ever gun there you go Mr Kevin wait I should give you something red too I feel like cuz you know you are literally red okay there you go I'm going to give you a sugar as well there you go Kevin though oh my God thank you no problem all right this round is Talia and Kevin says okay so whatever they say we need to do if they say like something else like Dei says we we cannot listen because uh then we die so you guys can pick what you want to say of course yeah okay here we go here we go here we go okay I'm ready I'm locked in I'm locked in I'm going to win no I'm winning Talia says sit oh this guy whipped out a milkshake he whipped out a milkshake yeah just kill just coming just coming but my my voice my Voice's delayed my Voice's okay byebye oh yeah sure Ro it's okay all right all right go ahead continue okay um Kevin says dance oh no no no wait I'm not ready a little bit late they all did it okay you can also kill the last person that did it but after this round after this round like whoever takes the longest whoever takes the longest you can also kill them but not this round but not this round cuz it was me okay go ahead got a cheater bro he um jump oh bro you're bro are you serious Jing Kevin Kevin I wish you Happy Birthday Kevin I wish you happy birthday I wish you happy birthday but just go ahead do it just do it sorry buddy also this this funny orange looking guy did it to say something listen listen listen listen listen Okay Okay Kevin says jump twice Kevin killid kill this guy kill this guy kill this guy he jumped jumped earlier yes bro like bro like mushrooms bro stop jumping bro okay good job Kevin good job Kevin okay top six seven Talia says say strawberry strawberry strawberry Strawberry wait did you do you mean Ty did you mean tyer I'm NC I'm I think you I think you might have to kill everyone he typed it exactly she's right she's right and I didn't type it it was Ella Chris for sure all right here we go so she said say shw oh don't kill Talia Kevin why is he trying to kill Talia okay you can execute Us Now Kevin you can execute us execute us exe us wait okay one is next no wait that's so many CH and Ella yes kill me okay top three okay top three very good SE you're not real you're not no way Kevin got Justin bro yo there is no gosh darn it way final two Jade and Kai just gosh okay let's see what they say spit in a circle ooh okay that a good one that's a good idea though Kevin says to any emote any emote oh they both FL at the same time synchronized says stop oh Kai you you jumped she just had stop yeah exactly exactly W kill Kai kill Kai kill Kai oh you're not what the k Kai come back Kai he's chasing Kai down get him Kevin get him Kevin we have a winner we have a winner Kevin's right we have a winner and that is Jade great job to Jade she waits tyia and cavino says congratulations to Jade good job winning that round honestly kind of embarrassing the way I went out I'm not going to lie but Jade wins great job W poy why did L say w Pooky what the what what okay take your Godly take your Godly take your Godly okay on to the next round all right this round is Dalia and cavino hide and seek they're going to try to find the VC gang and we're pretty good at hide and seek okay so good luck to you guys we're all in our avatars count to 30 and then you guys could start I see a phone running around J come on bro you got to find a good spot don't wor okay I think the bathroom is probably maybe they don't know about the phone bro maybe yeah yeah yeah they don't really know about the phone it might actually work L it's just sucks that my knife is sticking out and my gun oh I'm so cooked I'm so cooked I'm so J I'm hiding right here as a fly and you're hiding as a phone good luck dude this is going to be a crazy hide-and seek I've hidden here before and I could like watch them right now they're literally right there let's see if they know this spot I know the VC gang knows but I don't know if they do let's see if this works oh Kai's running around as a phone as well well oh my gosh I wish I could hide my gun I don't know where okay they started they started I see them instantly running upstairs they're on the second floor right now Jin I can see them no no no no I hope they don't go to the third please don't I'm actually scared yo low key wait oh no oh no oh no I really want to try to win the third I drop a turd what I'm in the B J oh okay that that makes a lot more sense now by the way Jin I can give you a warning cuz you walked by me so I know when they're going to go into your room okay okay so I'll tell you I oh I just I got out SP bro I'm literally in the shower no but like you blend in maybe they won't know like maybe they don't know how the M mm2 map supposed to be you know wait where are they I haven't seen them in a oh they got one they got somebody second floor mhm oh my goodness they got somebody figure out what gun could match the wall yeah that's not working that's not working it's the beige wall yeah none of these are going to work bro they're talking to oh she oh Talia found someone oh maybe here in this room they're saying oh maybe here in this room I see them they're going into the little they're under me yeah they are they are they literally are under you go oh they oh oh they found some people in the boardroom for sure I hear them all screaming I'm I'm actually I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die my gun is sticking out like a sore tum dude Jovin you might because I just heard cavino said this is really smart I think they were hiding as a chair and they still found them they're coming to the third floor oh Kevin used the so quick I'm so he used the elevator strategy waiting for Talia he's checking behind the vents they're all beside me I might be cooked first why are they she said why are they why are they actually good at playing hide and seek we are actually good we know our spots oh my gosh I'm so scared oh maybe latte don't it's too Brown J still oh they found people they're in the other area on the third floor okay okay you know there's going to be a lot of people there bro this stupid gun bro Jo no join no oh my gosh it's gone quiet oh I see them coming okay they fully cleared the k kitchen room if there's someone still there they might win they're about to come by right beside me oh yep they walk by me they walk by me class are you in the they're going in your room they're going in your room B for me guys peace out no Jin she looked she passed the shower she pass oh no Jin they're in your room I yeah there's person it's me Jin are you serious I could have hide Myst person was Jovin no no no it's me you have any last words you have any last words uh bye for me bye for me okay Jo now you can check how many people are left they're going to walk by me again gosh reick reick has such a good spot wait what if someone lks and Kai is still a chair in the Comer's room wait no way you walk by the chair two flies two props bro okay two flies so there's four people left they clear Larks yeah they did clear Larks in the kitchen bro no way bro wait wait I think you guys went L I just messaged her and I told her that there's four people left so they don't give up four people is a lot of people they got to lock in VC gang is going crazy I'm going to keep spectating them okay okay oh my gosh they did it check the f r is literally right there guys a fly in this oh Kevin's going in there uh-oh oh yeah there's someone here Kevin found R oh we killed him right away three people left bro three people left three people left she's checking the reception room very smart they're clearing out together they're working well together they do make a good team they're all below me they're right below me bro oh my go oh my gosh I can't believe they didn't see you that's insane she's going back into the boardroom I think this is your fault she's going back into the boardroom they might clear Kai here Kai is literally a chair oh my gosh what do you mean I found every single one of them gosh don't see K Kai literally has his weapons they're walking around no no oh my gosh they're literally walking around guys there's no way oh my gosh oh wait wait wait heit no I been informed by there's three people left go oh my gosh they in clear Guy this is insane Dyan oh they're coming up to me be careful they're actually so confused such a good spot what if they're like invisible We're Not Invisible We're Not Invisible We're Not Invisible okay they could clear l I'm going to tell themar lks here no they're not going to clear the kitchen oh my gosh wait T's coming back into the kitchen wait lks might be done here be done here there's no one there's literally no one wait no yeah what oh my God they don't notice that this crate doesn't belong oh my God no way bro there's a crate a chair and me as a fly hidden right here bro you deserve the win bro oh there's there's someone there girl how did oh see you D oh come no no no don't kill me wait wait wait no way yo guys you found me no wait tell I'll die but wait don't kill me yet don't kill me yet let me just tell you guys after you kill me there's two people left They're Not Invisible okay all you need to do is find one person and maybe they don't look like a Roblox character that's your only hint bye for me what he said Okay Kevin said what continuing the hunt okay who is going to win we got Kai and Larks oh look at this oh she accidentally killed Kai I she just killed the chair which means LS is the winner L wins well well well is the winner congratulations to lar she was literally a chair go I'm up here bro yo up here BR Ral here it was l show let me show go upstairs go upstairs going to show the spot past me like three times it was so funny Larks was hit it as a classic crate bro I was right here bro was just right there actually a think of that that is so that was a smart spot great job to lar Larks is the winner wow great job to everyone Kai you had a really good spot that was hilarious I should have won I should have won I but Larks you are the winner great job Larks that was so good thank you thank you thank you and you know what Kevin Italia you guys did really good everyone pulled out their best hiding spots and you guys still found everyone so you guys did really good that was so I didn't even think like that someone would be a chair yeah no that was hilarious I liked Kevin's reaction when he found me though no you found me Kevin you're like wait wait wait that was hilarious okay Talia turn your trades on so I can trade you let me trade you okay great job tatalia I you know what I going to give you guys both a golly for that route because you guys Both Deserve one I'm going to give you guys both two godlies actually there you go great job winning that round no not an ice Wing what the heck I don't want ice wig okay fine thanks and Mr Kevin there you go enjoy your godlies as well great job guys on to the next round what the sus I just got scammed bro don't wor my Godly bro what the okay I'm giving you one too I'm giving you one twoo don't worry bro I to give them cuz they did a good job all right lks and of course you won you're not doubling it you just take the Godly Larks I'm going to give you of course cuz larks the hide and seek I gave them God cuz they did really well I'm going to give you five orange seies you know what I'll make it six bro cuz that was so good this round is Talia and Kevin pick aide here we go um I hope you guys all did your studying cuz we need to know what they like more okay here we go plenty of time studing why am I studying okay this is strawberries this side is mushrooms okay strawberries or wa but that's both of them bro but guys who do we how do we pick up who's the murderer oh we don't even know who the murderer is I do okay all right te I pick I like mushrooms you put mushrooms on like mush mushrooms are ground I just like chicken tendies and ketchup I think we're dead Jo straw good Jus no hiding all right kill everyone that got the wrong answer please not me please not me please wait they're on that they said they know bro you're done bro it's okay if you kill us it's fine W he's s bro no I didn't I didn't I didn't wait who's murder is it is it us Kevin I picked the mushroom Kevin I told you Kevin I picked I'm never supporting Kevin ever again Kevin we picked mushroom that's the last straw Kai we picked okay whatever I'm so sad side is Chase mm2 come on wait what they Sayo I I love Chase I I know they like wiom so I'm going right hereo yo didn't Kevin say ill to chase I mean ws10 oh okay they said Chase or wisdom by the way if you guys didn't hear Chase on one side wiom on the other side final choices they're all on wi side just I'm uh they picked wizard oh no let's see what's going to be their next question I like this game this side is Sushi and this side is pasta okay left side for sushi right side for pasta any day any day I'm sorry this is the worst take of my of okay most people picked pasta see like sush to go for y'all just uhoh oh loses and Sushi Sushi's on top apparently all right we have our finalist Dogo and reg Sushi is the nastiest thing ever bro bro there's no way you're saying that with your dinner bro there's no way yo there's no way you're talking about sushi like that bro when you're eating some radioactive nuclear waste this side dogs and this side cats okay left side dogs right side cats that should be easy bro oh dog and dogs oh oh wait oh GG to dog mass of course dog the actual dog B so picks dogs and wins we know Talia loves dogs I would have also picked dogs as well great job the dog meso I would have picked dogs too just saying just saying I would have picked dogs too dogs on top you got the first one you got the first I know tell the first I'm sorry didn't pick strawberries I'm sorry I didn't pick strawberries you betrayed me no listen I thought okay cats are cuter my bad my bad I know why yo these guys set these guys set Kevin so they thought Kevin was going to kill n you guys are cheaters bro no I didn't even know who it was I didn't know who it was all right dog B so great job you it's funny how dog mea won on the dog question that's kind of funny all right there you go Mr dog so enjoy your Godly great job she's an L take bro thank you all right this round is dodgeball you guys know what to do you just got to throw the knife wait who has the who's the murderer here I am I am okay well then Kev Kevo guess what you're playing as well get in here get in here you also have to play y we're playing with us good luck this has Talia dog super died Lars is dead oh uhoh uhoh oh my oh no no no wait wait please just Talia I said I like dogs I said I like dogs uhoh there goes I actually hate my wait she's actually really good talia's actually good at this Hold Up Wait why you going for me I saw that Talia I just said you're good oh my God that was so close that's oh no oh no oh no oh no wait I froze oh I'm stuck oh my gosh Jin wait Jin you got killed yeah I got killed already J always getting killed earli in dodgeable bro is the unluckiest of the DodgeBall keep going through Kevin they keep going through him I see you going for Kevin but oh there goes oh top four top four Kevin was the best Dodger in the in the YouTuber tournament the cavino method just don't move see look it works let me try it I learned from Kevin oh my gosh wait he might be to something let's do this wait Kevin you actually on to something why is this actually working wait I have a new method l Kevin shut up look oh the method the cavina method the cavina oh how are you alive bro oh my gosh you got to Lo it who there goes Kevin it's Jade and Ella uhoh who's going to win god um oh that went right over Ella's head oh my gosh these are so close bro that gave Ella a haircut like seriously oh LOL there goes Jade and Ella is the winner wait HX what the what was that hit box L you died first well well [Music] well God forb all right there you go en got the great job thank you guys so much for watching if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to drop a like check out Talia and Kevin they both make awesome content on Tik Tok and on YouTube thank you guys so much for the support recently I appreciate you guys supporting the jaded birs yes check out all of our channels link down below we'll see you guys in the next video bye for me and bye from the BC gang make sure to go check out Talia and Kevin bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye [Music]
Channel: JD
Views: 127,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, murder mystery 2, mm2, gaming, jd, godly, ancient, chroma, unbox
Id: DciNORwwIpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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