Tal Wilkenfeld on Jeff Beck | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips

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you and the world lost Jeff backck a year ago you told me you really miss him how's the pain of losing Jeff change you maybe deepen your sense of the world you know it's hard to accept that we won't create something musically again in this lifetime um but in terms of the grief grief was easier for me because I went through a major grief period in 2016 uh and 17 and that was the first time I'd really gone through the process of grief uh in a in a like in a non family situation like with friends and mentors and people that I'd created with which which is different it's a different kind of connection um when my grandparents died it's like there was nothing left unsaid and I was at peace with what was happening with this when Prince died out of the blue um in mid uh 2016 and then Leonard Cohen died in November that just tore me to shreds because Leonard Cohen was was not just someone that profoundly inspired me you know musically and lyrically but spiritually we had a very deep connection um and that was the basis of a lot of our conversation was spirituality and so at that time I felt like a piece of me went missing and that was a very long process where I just stayed in my place and didn't want to play a note of music I kind of wanted to just get rid of all my stuff so I I had a friend come over and he's like you should just why don't you come to The Comedy Store I'm like Comedy Store like what am I going to go go to some store and buy clown suits like what are you talking about what's a comedy store he's like no no no like The Comedy Store the place where like comedians go I'm like okay well I've I've never seen standup I you know I've seen Seinfeld on TV that's like the extent of my standup experience so he took me to the comedy store and every single one of those comedians like embraced me like I was family it didn't even take a day I was like part of the family and I made like 25 best friends and I ended up throwing all my stuff in storage and like finding a little room to stay in where I rented my gear out um and that was me pay my rent paying was me L loaning the gear cuz I didn't want any any responsibilities Financial I just wanted to be completely free so that I could like just process it and not feel like I had to commit to anything workwise or creatively I just wanted to unplug and so this was like a fun and very different way to unplug because you know previously I may have just gone to a monastery and spent you know weeks in a monastery or months but in this case I was like you know what this is a different kind of experience I'm going to just hang out with Comedians and stay in this room and with no responsibility really yeah other than to really deeply connect with this grief that I'm experiencing I'm not going to negate it I'm not I'm I'm going to really fully connect to it and I did and it was tough and then you know more people in 2017 were leaving Greg Alman Tom Petty I mean it was like these are people that I I worked with all these people and like had great connections with them and they were all going and the world was mourning the loss of these people because the of everything that they' they'd given to the world like they'd changed the world's lives not just mine cuz I knew him personally and so that was also complicated and why for me it was it was interesting to be grieving the loss of these musicians with comedians MH and uh I learned a lot it changed my life because I just learned to I learned to laugh at absolutely anything everything I mean my grandpa had a really great sense of humor too my grandpa's a holocaust Survivor and like he could just kind of like laugh at anything and like so I already kind of have that in me but being around all these comedians just kind of like exagger at that for me and that really changed things for me for the better so then when Jeff Beck died it was like okay I've got these tools I know what this is and and I'm going to go through it again and I'm going to be on tour with Incubus in two days yeah and so Mike D from Green Day he called me up he said hey like I know you're going through a lot and I said yeah I don't even know what I'm going to play like I really want a vintage J has base for this and I only have a 70s one that I don't really think is appropriate I really need a 60s one blah blah blah and Mike's like I'm going to hook you up he showed up to my place the next day with a truckload of old PAB bases and Jazz bases and brought them all into my studio and I'm playing them and then I pull one out of the case and it's it's Olympic White just like Jeff Beck and I play it and not only did I get goosebumps and started crying but I looked over at Mike and same thing was happening and he's like uh I guess I guess Jeff might might be happy about this and he's like well you know I didn't want to let this one go I was just trying to cheer you up a bit and maybe loan it to you for the tour but if you really want it it's yours and I was like oh my God this is like like what a like Mike D is the nicest guy ever um so so that happened so that bass's name is Jeff and it's a white Jazz base and I played it on the incubus tour but yeah I do feel like I'm more equipped to handle grief now
Channel: Lex Clips
Views: 83,103
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Keywords: ai, ai clips, ai podcast, ai podcast clips, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence podcast, computer science, consciousness, deep learning, einstein, elon musk, engineering, friedman, joe rogan, lex ai, lex clips, lex fridman, lex fridman podcast, lex friedman, lex mit, lex podcast, machine learning, math, math podcast, mathematics, mit ai, philosophy, physics, physics podcast, science, tal wilkenfeld, tech, tech podcast, technology, turing
Id: DdZ93yDXqvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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