Taking myself on a Solo Trip to Kusatsu Onsen |2 day Itinerary| Everything I ate |Japan Travel VLOG
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Channel: Sol Life
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Keywords: japan, tokyo, japan vlog, tokyo vlog, solo travel, solo travel japan, alone in japan, traveling alone, travel vlog, solo travel vlog, solo travel female, kusatsu onsen, japan travel, kusatsu, onsen, kusatsuonsen, hot spring, otaki, ohtakinoyu, yubatake, sainokawara rotenburo, gunma, yumomi, netsunoyu, sol life, sol life vlog, vlog, 草津温泉, kusatsu solo travel, life in japan, travel japan, living alone in japan, onsen japan, japan travel tips
Id: Ep54O15yvH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 40sec (2080 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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