Taking my 5 Year Old Son on a Trucking Adventure - POV DRIVING PETERBILT579

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good morning guys so today is saturday and i'm bringing my song along with me to work today it's not here yet but we're going to disneyland this week for the whole week and um i told them if you wanna you wanna buy some stuff out there and you know like spoil yourself you gotta come to work with me and he goes heck yes i'm going to work with you this weekend before i go and pick them up i'm gonna go get one of my tires patched that way i don't run into any issues this spot right here actually was the first time i almost got into my first semi truck accident i was driving down here like this there was a pickup truck hauling bins on the side probably over there by where that black truck is coming and i seen him i watched him i knew he was there and i'm driving casually probably the same speed 50 and all of a sudden he starts making a u-turn literally right here and i have to just slam on my brakes and i seriously got inches away from hitting him when he realized that my truck was about to hit him his eyes bugged out of his face it was crazy it was it was one of my scariest moments as well i only had one pallet on me um which was a good thing i guess because i'm sure if i had more pellets they probably would have fell but yeah that was probably the scariest one of the scariest moments of being a truck driver it sucked what do you do at that point you know you kind of just pray to god that nothing happens or that no one gets hurt if something does happen you can't control the actions of other people that's what's scary and that's what i that's why i hate driving sometimes because you can be fine but the other person on the other side of the road is the one not paying attention that can cost you your life or even their own life and so it's it's always a scary time when you're driving honestly you got to always be aware but sometimes even if you are aware that doesn't always help because the other person might not looks like they're fixing this roundabout gotta go this way yeah my tire is low yeah that thing is low low damn so this place i i pull in and then i have they have to stop traffic when i reverse out because it's such a small place that it's very the first time i did it i was like oh how am i gonna do this but it's pretty easy you just it's kind of a little nerve-racking doing it because all the traffic is stopped everyone's watching you reverse the semi-truck and if i don't know it's just nerve-racking but i'm almost there hopefully they're dead and we can get in and out we're pulling up it's right here lee's service it's going to be on my left hand side my girl's cousin's right there this guy right here what up all right let's go get this tire so that was 119 to get those two tires back but now i gotta reverse out and then out here like that they're gonna stop traffic right now and then we're gonna go pick up this load now it's the fun part now it's the backing up i've only done this twice so i still get pretty nervous to do it just gotta turn the wheel that way so my trailer can go that way and i can drive that way oh oh and um i'm good later bro [Music] i gotta pick up at moonlight so i got one pick up there and then i'm gonna go around and pick up my son i was gonna go pick him up right after this but my uncle sent me to go to moonlight and i'm already in the area so i don't want to drive to dainuba then come back to ridley so let's go to this packing house real quick okay so now i just got out of this uh place moonlight now i am on my way to i wait what i'm on my way to pick up michael since he wanted to come and work with me today on saturday so why not and he picked up my son he's in the truck with me now he's acting a little shy doesn't want to look at the camera yeah i do um but we're going to go to our our well my second his first pickup we're going to go to cutler or rosie yeah [Music] are you excited for today so why are you coming to work with me on my birthday where from disneyland you see the avengers yeah we're gonna go to california adventure take them and see the adventure campus all that stuff but uh enough about our vacation it's time to get to work you hear me you want someone to do that to you okay we'll see if someone sees us okay we're about seven minutes away from our first pickup all right i let him go but i'm not gonna let you go my guy people try taking advantage of you the minute you let someone do the minute you let's then you do something nice yes we got to come down here looks like it's a little neighborhood railroad drive so i gotta make a left over here it's 1204 right now so still pretty early and so far only have three picks the cool thing about saturdays is that the box trucks usually help us pick everything else up so like i don't really got to worry about doing too much i thought i was gonna be in here i was like no way i'm going in there they're tripping where is this place i don't think i've ever been out here i [Music] i found it it's right here that little brick brick building over there yeah great all right it's right here on the left side wildman bros and elliott right here you have to turn right and then you just said right there's one okay no my other one's right there one two three michael so this place doesn't let kids in here so you're not gonna be able to get down okay they won't let you buddy they'll get me in trouble you can get hurt by like a forklift or something so they don't like to have kids in there here we come i said last time he likes to bring his um his toys he has his wwe ring he has like three of these rings no i have two oh you have two i thought you had three remember i had the first one in it was this one and then he has like it he has all these toys i'm gonna dump it out okay i bring my slime you brought snacks too yeah there's water's in there oh and he has this little water i'm gonna put these in the fridge okay this one i'm gonna leave out but i'm gonna put this one in the fridge because i don't want it to get gross got a soda in there too if you want one okay when we eat though not right now bro what's up bro for us really so i can't pick it up all right for sure i don't even know you guys closed this early today [Music] i almost missed this pickup i guess they closed at noon i had no idea i was about to drink this water because i brought it for myself and this little guy back here peed in it i mean i guess he i taught him i taught him how to do that but boy i almost drank yo pee [Music] all right so i'm just gonna make a u-turn so i don't have to do it blind side oh oh oh yeah definitely let me not out a different way it looks like take a quick little user you're not sure get out and look it's okay so oh oh oh then finally the only issue was this i was scared that i was gonna hit this because i couldn't really see it and i was scared that i might hit this truck but i had way way more than enough space i got back then um it's my first time ever backing in like this here so let's go see what kind of palette they have for us today this door is going to be unlocked to submit it hard i guess oh no i don't think it's unlocked so while we get loaded right here at this place we're gonna come back here and play some wwe for a little bit of slime on him [Music] no you ain't gonna take these hands [Music] now we're gonna go get loaded he's gonna come in here with me so he sees what it's like to get loaded as a truck driver we're gonna have some some peaches so you might like some peaches so we gotta sweep out the trailer another video made a tick tock saying that some places won't load us up if it's not clean and some places are really picky like like they want it super clean get it grab it [Music] okay buddy you're gonna stay right here so you don't get hurt right there don't move okay i'm gonna put it after they finish loading me this is gonna be one of the first spots i go to
Channel: Alex Nino
Views: 578,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -77olp1_Kv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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