Take Charge of Your Health with Dwayne Lemon: 05 - Diet and the Mind

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to testing one two okay good evening everyone how are you all doing you had a great day today good good good good I did too and I am very thankful to be here with every single one of you we're gonna go over some really deep things this evening and I just want to go ahead and jump right in and get started tonight we're gonna be talking a lot about diet and the mind and it also rounds the subject of mental health so we're gonna talk a lot about this because this is something that's really huge it needs to be addressed and I'm so thankful for the context of how we're gonna address it this evening so let's go ahead and as has been our custom night after night we just want to go ahead and offer a word of Prayer we want to thank God and ask for his blessings to be with us as we go ahead and I want to ask for his blessings to especially be with you so let's go ahead and let's pray together our loving father I am very grateful for the opportunity for us to consider some very serious subjects that you have solutions to and I ask that you'll please abide with us now and that you'll make your presence known and that you'll touch every heart and that you'll bless the individuals under the sound of my voice and while your blessing them please don't pass me by I ask for fresh blessing and revelation of your love myself and we ask all these things in Jesus name Amen well when we deal with mental health we got a lot to talk about you know there's a lot going on in the world of mental health the mind there are many different forms of quote/unquote mental illness and I want to cover some of these with us because I think it's going to be good for us to understand so as we go through this when we think about forms of mental illness there's a lot out there probably one of the huge ones that affects at least 47 million Americans is anxiety disorders we have different things that happened in our past that sometimes it haunts our present and we find ourselves that as our minds dwell on certain things or we receive what's called triggers you know it can be music it can be a movie it can be just something you saw across the street and lo and behold when that trigger hits all of a sudden our minds are impacted and we find ourselves going through quote-unquote anxiety disorders people with anxiety disorders respond to certain objects or situations with fear and dread as well as with physical signs of anxiety or panics such as a rapid heartbeat and sweating but it's not just that of course there's also somatic symptom disorder 'he's a person with a somatic symptom disorder formerly known as psychosomatic disorder experiences physical symptoms of an illness or of pain even though a doctor can find no medical cause for the symptoms I don't know if any of you have ever been through that before but that's very nerve-racking when you know you're going through something but the doctors check you out through and through CT scans MRIs bloodwork everything and it seems like they can find nothing wrong with you but you know something's wrong those are often put in the category in mental health of psychosomatic disorders then you have something called psychotic disorders what's that psychotic disorders involves distorted awareness and thinking two of the most common symptoms of psychotic disorders are hallucinations the experience of images or sounds that are not real such as hearing voices and delusions which are false fixed beliefs that the ill person accepts as true despite evidence to the Scott to the contrary schizophrenia is an example of all of a psychotic disorder as well sometimes you hear the voice you hear it clear as day and you are sometimes experiencing what we would call torment you don't like it it's not like a voice that makes you feel Pleasant it's a voice that makes you feel very unpleasant and when you keep hearing those voices and what-have-you you're asking other people did you hear that did you did you hear that or you feel something is saying did you feel that just now and everybody else is saying feel what heard what and so often they in the mental health world they call this psychotic disorders and I find it very interesting that they said this point here so I want you to look again at this point here it says the experience of images or sounds that are not real so the conclusion that the medical world makes is if they can't hear it but you're saying you do hear it in their mind they conclude it's not real you're actually going through something else now I'm going to show you later on that there's a problem with this thought process and you'll understand it better as we progress in our time together so I'll pause right now from that well there's more you have eating disorders do you know they put that in mental health eating disorders what is that eating disorders involves extreme emotions attitudes and behaviors involving weight and food anorexia an averse nervosa bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder are the most common eating disorders just an absolute lack of control or again there's triggers that causes us to eat eat eat and it we find it almost impossible to stop okay eating disorders in addition to that there's the impulse control and addiction disorders I am sure many of us have heard of the OCD obsessive compulsive disorder well people with impulse control disorders are unable to resist urges or impulses to perform acts that could be harmful to themselves or others pyromania starting fires kleptomania stealing and compulsive gambling are examples of impulse control disorders there might be some of us even in this room that you find yourself just struggling with these impulses and once those impulses kick in we act on it and as reference some people kleptomaniacs they'll take things some people pyromaniacs they'll start fires and the list goes on in addition to this you have personality disorders people with personality disorders have extreme and inflexible personality traits that are distressing to the person and/or cause problems in work school or social relationships examples include antisocial personality disorder or obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and paranoid personality disorder there's a lot going on in the world of mental health and the question is what does this why is this happening where is it coming from we not only control it but how do we get victory over it now again this may apply to someone in this room and we're you know we're not in the mindset of confessionals here so I'm not asking you raise your hand if you're going through any of these disorders that's that's not what I'll be asking you what I want you to do is just simply listen and make them little mental note that says wow that's me wow that's me and if you make them if and when you make that mental note then you go ahead and see about okay how can I overcome this and then we're gonna take a look at some pretty powerful principles this evening that could potentially help us if we take hold to it well there's just a few more of course you got OCD people with OCD are plagued by constant thoughts or fears that caused them to perform certain rituals or routines the disturbing thoughts are called obsessions and the rituals are called compulsions an example is a person with an unreasonable fear of germs who constantly washes his or her hands it's like almost at every greeting you know like hey how you doing I'll be right back and you know they go and wash their hands and somebody else comes along hey how you doing oh hi how you doing okay he'll be right back again and you know we find ourselves or if we just simply go welp I just touched that there's probably a thousand other people that did back to the bathroom and we go ahead and wash again again very compulsive we have such an incredibly high fear of the germs that we find ourselves literally washing our hands up to 20 30 40 times in a day all right it's not to be ridiculed but it actually could be dangerous it actually could be counterproductive if you keep washing your hands throughout the day especially if you use certain bacterial soaps antibacterials do you know it washes away not only bad bacteria but good and when it washes away a lot of that good bacteria now when you touch something you become more susceptible to actually absorbing certain germs that can get in your hands you know in the pores through your hands in your bloodstream and make you sick so there does come a point that over washing your hands is actually not good for you so this is again sometimes the dangers that happens with obsessive-compulsive disorders then of course PTSD post-traumatic stress disorders you went through something horrible and then post after that whenever you refer to that traumatic event it causes a disorder in the way we think and ultimately the way we act PTSD is a condition that can develop following a traumatic and/or terrifying event such as sexual or physical assault the unexpected death of a loved one or a natural disaster people with PTSD often have lasting and frightening thoughts and memories of the event and tend to be emotionally numb my heart goes out to anyone who battles with PTSD because I think almost all of us especially as we get older in life pretty much once we pass about the age of 20 we probably have had at least one traumatic experience you know somebody who was mean to us and maybe they hurt us or something to that effect bad marriages bad relationships an abusive father or mother and the list just absolutely goes on how do we harness our thoughts and literally move on with life and actually enjoy life rather than living a life of torment and fear finally mood disorders these disorders also called affective disorders involve persistent feelings of sadness or periods of feeling overly happy or fluctuations from extreme happiness to extreme sadness the most common mood disorders are depression bipolar disorder and cyclothymic disorder so there's a lot going on and we're surrounded by this okay you got people more than likely at work who's battling with some of these you got people at school who's battling with some of these because a lot of these mental illnesses you're gonna see tonight a lot of these mental illnesses are actually affecting adolescents very young children and this thing becomes quite serious and outside of all of these of course there is none other than depression you know heart disease we have at least up to 800,000 in a year in America that are not merely dying from it but also diagnosed with it cancer about 700,000 or more but when you compare the numbers to how many people have been stricken with depression it makes heart disease and cancer look like it's nothing we are surrounded by depressed people we are surrounded and I'm a minister and when I get to go around and travel in churches and you know people who you know they say Amen they sing songs and they say they trust God but you will often find when you get with them one on one they are battling with anxiety and depression they don't have that peace that passes all understanding like Philippians chapter 4 and verse 6 talks about and so you're finding that these type of issues are not just existent in the quote unquote secular world but these things are existent in the religious world so you're talking about a plague of plagues okay it's very rare that you meet people that are truly happy you know as a seventh-day Adventist minister that's what I am you know we have a greeting that we do ritualistically on what's called the Sabbath day so Sabbath begins and pretty much right now you know Friday sunset to Saturday sunset so when I go and I meet with the fellow believers I often will say happy Sabbath and a lot of them are thoroughly dishonest because then they'll say happy Sabbath when they're not happy so it's become a routine statement but it's not a genuine response and the reality is is that God actually wants you to be happy do you know the word happy in the Bible is often replaced with blessed so whenever Jesus was on that Mount of Beatitudes and he would say blessed are the poor in spirit for they shall see God blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled literally take the word blessed out and put happy he literally said happy are the poor in spirit happy are the meek happy are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness john 13 and verse 17 says if you know these things happy are you if you do them I mean just over and over and over again the Bible actually talks about God's desire for his people to be genuinely happy people but yet we're finding an alarming amount of individuals in the churches as well as those outside of the churches they are not happy in fact they're depressed they're going through depression and depressions pretty bad and so what I did was I started looking at this I'm thinking to myself if there's all of this anxiety and all of this depression and all these things I stand before you in utmost sincerity that I say I am NOT a depressed man I am NOT battling with anxiety I am an extremely happy individual that is the truth of what your brother's sharing with you but I will tell you it took time to get there it took time to get there if I talk to anybody they said I battle with anxiety I battle with depression I am thankful that I can say I don't just sympathize for you I empathize with you because I know the punishing type of lifestyle it is when you're living a depressed or anxious lifestyle it is not fun it is not friendly and I guarantee you it's not God's will and so we need to find our way out well when you're dealing with a medical crisis you go to the medical practitioners don't you I mean that's what we supposed to do that's what we taught in America to do is go to the medical practitioners and say hey what's going on because we've been learning something all week haven't we we've been learning that anytime there's a problem what do we need to ascertain we got to find out the cause it's not enough to have these various mental health issues mental disorders we need to get to the cause so I went to some of the experts and when I go to the experts I said hey what is the cause for a lot of these psychosomatic disorders and their answer is psychosomatic disorders the exact cause of somatic symptom disorder z' isn't clear well that's encouraging you know that's pretty encouraging isn't it you don't know why and this is why often in in the practice of medicine you hear the word treatment and you hear the word control but you very rarely hear the term cure that's not the typical language that happens in traditional medicine and one of the key reasons why is because if they don't know what's causing it then the best thing you can do is when it shows up is try to control it try to treat it it's a sincere effort I mean don't get me wrong it's not something to really put them down on but we do need to understand certain facts and this is the fact now outside of mental health disorders we also have another type of disease factor that's real in our world it's called neuro degenerative disorders when you think of neuro again you are thinking the mine but you're thinking things that connect with the mind probably the number one connection to the computer which is the brain is our spine lots of communication comes out through that wonderful instrument in our backs well here it is that when you think about the neurodegenerative disorders we're talking about Alzheimer's we're talking about Parkinson's disease we're talking about multiple sclerosis lou gehrig's disease better known as ALS we're talking about all these things again we go to the experts we say hey what causes this their answer the exact causes of Alzheimer's disease aren't fully understood and I you know highlight Alzheimer's but you can ask them what do they say about Parkinson's multiple scripts the same answer it's the same answer okay I like putting this information up because some of us give undue trust to the medical industry I hope you heard my worth in exactness it's alright to trust certain things that goes on in our medical industry like I told you from the very beginning I am NOT anti medicine I'm not anti doctors I'm not anti medical facilities I believe they all have their place but there's been an undue amount of trust that we have put into the medical facilities into our doctors into our medical practitioners and that is not wise especially when they're openly admitting to you and I we don't even know what's going on we don't really understand why this is happening and I promise you when you don't know the cause chances are you're gonna repeat what brought it on so here we go overall mental illness the answer again although the exact cause of most mental illnesses is not known it is becoming clear through research that many of these conditions are caused by a combination of biological psychological and environmental factors there's one factor they did not include but I don't expect them to include it it is true some of the reasons why mental illnesses are happening in our world is most certainly because of biological psychological environmental that's all true biological your actual body there's something going on in the body that's off especially hormones we're gonna talk about that tonight if you really want to get over some of this anxiety depression and a lot of these other things that are plaguing us we are going to have to look at things on a biological level we will have to pay attention to that but it's not just that it is true also when it says psychological the way we think things that's going on in our minds and the way we're processing it that also is a factor environmental things that's happening outside of us but around us that's true as well the things you can see the things you can touch there's one more fact that they have not considered but it's just as real and that is spiritual spiritual again I don't expect the medical world to talk about that they're not designed to do that but I've never seen a problem gets solved by ignoring it I've never seen that happen have you seen that happen as a matter of fact I've seen the worst I new wives whose husbands were cheating on them and I used to have to counsel them and tell them your husband is being dishonest with you he's cheating on you one of the things I do largely is counseling okay so I get I do more counseling than I do preaching and teaching combined and often I may have to tell someone your husband's not being faithful to you he is committing adultery and do you know I've seen wives actually say no he's not literally they say no he's not no my husband's not he's faithful and I'm like sister sometimes we have the tape we had the evidence we have a video camera that was playing where she walked in the little room with him and the sounds are recorded nope not my husband and so it is that that's called denial you can deny a problem all you want doesn't make it go away you understand that and so I'm not gonna be like a lot of people are I'm not gonna try to simply say it's all biological environmental and you know psychological I'm gonna tell you the whole truth because I think you need to know that there's also a spiritual component you can deny it all you choose it does not make it a lie it's a fact and this world is loaded with evidences that show that there is a spiritual realm out there ok so the reality is is that we need to recognize that some of these mental battles that we're going through and some of these things that might start just in our thinking but then produces into a physical actual disease is not always just biological environmental and psychological it is according to the testimony of a book that boy I tell you in ages they've tried to get rid of it but it's still here when they're gone and that is the Bible and that's why all this week I have not just been teaching you health all this week I've been trying to teach a principle that is called the gospel of health that how the gospel and health they actually go hand in hand and I share that with you very unashamedly because like I told you before we all know how to listen to people and say that's a watermelon ah that's a seed you can decide what you want to spit out but I just want you to hear me out just think about it okay just consider it that's all I'm asking you decide ultimately what you will internalize and what you will reject but the reality is is that even the highest of the highest are telling us today we don't really know what's going on we're just trying to treat it and control it the best we can but the problem is is if the diseases are still rising that tells us that their work and their theories are not going to good otherwise why is the disease rising and notice what I mean ScienceDaily mental health shus increased how significantly in who young adults over the last decade hey what's the date that this article came out March 15 2019 so we're dealing with very up-to-date information and here's what they said more us adolescents and young adults in the late 2010's versus the mid-2000s experienced serious psychological distress major depression or even suicidal thoughts and more attempted suicide said lead author Jean twing PhD author of the book ai-jen and professor of psychology at San Diego State University what else did they find they did find a connecting link and this is why parents in the room those of us who have any type of oversight over a lot of young folks today we really need to start being more prayerful and really starting you know practicing a greater degree of genius on how we're gonna help the young generation because here's a connecting link they found and I think this connecting link has a whole lot of accuracy to it here's what they said the increase in digital media use may have had a bigger impact on teens and young adults because older adults social lives are more stable and might have changed less than teens socialize have in the last 10 years said twing older adults might also be less likely to use digital media in a way that interferes with sleep for example they might be better at not staying up late on their phones or using them in the middle of the night this is a very interesting article and so it is that if you want to look it up like I said you just look up you type in Science Daily in Google March 15 2019 Boop it'll pop right up there my point is this we are in an absolute crisis above and beyond the sicknesses of the body this sickness of the mind it's not just on the rise as it relates to adults but it's also on the rise as you see with young adults and even adolescent and when we go to the medical world at large they have much to say and much to share as it relates to what can be controlled or treated but they don't have a lot of what can be cured and they don't have a lot of understanding what has caused it and therefore I want to introduce something to you that probably never considered it before it's actually a principle from the Bible and I want to share it because I want you to at least think about it I just want you to think about it you decide ultimately what you do with it but I want you to at least think about it okay I am I stand before you definitely a believer in God I believe in Jesus Christ I definitely am a creationist not an evolutionist and I'm not here to try to get into any type of battles or anything like that in the event that there's someone here who believes differently but all I'm asking is is that you know in your life you know how to listen to things and even when you don't agree with it you still at least hear it out I want you to just hear this out the Bible presents a picture that I thought was very interesting if you have a Bible with you you can actually join me in this little exercise I'm not gonna spend a whole lot of time in the Bible right now but I just want to share a little something that I think we would do well to consider the Bible presents a concept or an idea a reality in fact of what took place in heaven and eventually ended up happening on earth the Bible says in the book of Revelation we're going to chapter 12 and I want you to just kind of hear this out in Revelation 12 here's the picture it starts in verse 7 it says in Revelation 12 right there in verse 7 and I'm sharing this with you for a very important purpose in Revelation 12 and verse 7 it says and there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon fought and his angels verse 8 and prevailed not neither was their place found any more in heaven verse 9 is very intriguing it says in verse 9 and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the what called the devil and Satan it says he was cast out now when he was cast out it says that he went somewhere he landed somewhere so where is it that he landed it tells us right there as you go a little further down in verse 12 it says in verse 12 therefore rejoice ye heavens and ye that dwell in them but woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea why because the devil has come down unto you having great wrath because he knows that he has but a short time so the reality is is that the Bible teaches a concept that there was a time in heaven that the devil was fighting against Michael I'm not gonna go into too much detail of who Michael is right now but the Bible is clear that the devil did not win and he was cast out and where did he land he landed on earth that's what the Bible says now it also puts a warning out to the people of the earth saying hey watch out now because he's come down to you having great wrath now I want us to look at just two more verses and then we'll be done with using our Bibles at this point 1st Peter chapter 5 in 1st Peter chapter 5 I'm gonna again introduce a thought in 1st Peter chapter 5 and verse 8 the Bible now goes on and tells us something else that we need to consider in 1st Peter 5 and verse 8 because the devil has now come down unto us having great wrath this is what it says in 1st Peter 5 and verse 8 it says something logical it says be sober and be vigilant because your adversary the devil walketh about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour so the Bible is very clear that it testifies that the story goes like this the devil was once in heaven but he got kicked out because of the war as a result of that he landed on earth then as a result of him landing on earth now he's waging war with the people on earth so the counsel of God is be what sober and be vigilant now I want you to watch this gold this is the last verse we're gonna review from our Bibles go to first Peter chapter 1 you're already in chapter 5 so just go a couple of pages over to first Peter chapter 1 churches were always supposed to teach this even though some may not but it is very clear in the Bible the reality of what we're in right now in 1st Peter 1 what does it say in verse 13 it says in 1st Peter 1 right there in verse 13 it says wherefore gird up or protect the loins of something protect the loins of your mind and what's the next two words be sober and hope until the end unto the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ here's the bottom line war in heaven Satan gets kicked out of heaven but the Bible says Satan landed on earth it then tells us who live on the earth be sober now because the devil like a roaring lion is walking about seeking whom he may devour then in verse 13 of 1st Peter 1 it says the way that you are sober is protect what you let in your mind so you know what that tells me that tells me that when it comes to this spiritual war between God and Satan and you and I the battleground is our mind that means did you know the Bible always taught that the devil's going after your mind he's not so much interested in just your body he's going after your mind that's what he wants the mission of Satan is to attack the mind and when he gets access to the mind he'll get the body because there's an interesting sympathy between our minds and our bodies I remember one time when I got in trouble as I was a youth this is the first time I found out that there's a connection between the mind in the body I was a young kid very bad I was so disobedient I mean I was a bad guy when my wife went to my mother and said to her just before she became my wife she was like you know checking me out and she said to my mom she said you know tell me about Dewayne when he was a youth and I'm thinking oh you know like all it's over you know like I'm not gonna she's not gonna stay with me my mother my mother said to my wife she said he was a demon and I'm just like I was a bad kid I mean I'm serious I was a really bad kid but I think God for conversion I promise you I'm not the same guy but nevertheless I was bad I already knew that so anyhow I used to always get in trouble oh it's fine to something sneaky to do and then I get in trouble so one day I got in trouble and my mother was so bothered with me she was like why is it that you won't listen what's wrong with you and I'm just kind of you know head down like oh you know oh when is this gonna be over you know mom lecturing me why don't you go to the and then my mother said some words that got my attention she said you know what she says i'ma call your dad and then she picked up the phone dialed my father and I was like oh no and then my mother said this next my mother said huh yeah okay hold on she says Dewayne your father wants to talk to you and I mean like it was like slow motion I mean I was just walking towards the phone you could imagine like monster movie music playing it says Denton tintin tintin you know I'm in trouble and I pick up that phone and my father said when I get home I'm gonna take care of you you know and I knew what that meant you know in my home we didn't get spankings my home we got beatings all right so when dad told me that I knew oh man I'm gonna get it and that's when I discovered there's a connection between the mind and the body because when my dad gave me that information suddenly that information went from my head to my stomach and I was like my stomach suddenly hurts I don't understand why I didn't need anything bad or anything all of a sudden I got all this stomach problem I had to go to the bathroom sitting on the toilet for a long time I realized there's a connection between the mind and the body before I was born and before I was a twinkle my mother's I to people understood the connection between the mind and the body God and Satan and God knows when the mind is right or the body sure can stay healthy and strong but the devil knows when the mind is weak and when the mind is challenged the body can become very sick weak and debilitated and so it's for this reason that when we talk about dealing with mental health and all these things in my mind it is very very useless or that least very temporary if all we do is deal with it on an earthly realm we need to pay attention to the spiritual realities so what did I do I went to the goal the group that works with the mind psychology psychology look at what it says the scientific so this is psychology at the end of the day the scientific study of the human what mind and its functions especially those affecting behavior in a given context so whenever you think of psychology it's the study of the human mind and its functions that's why when people have mental disorders they go to psychologists okay or psychotherapists and there's a whole lot of other psycho blanks so here it is that when you look at the branches of psychology they're huge because this is where you're gonna be sent I guarantee you if you go to your PCP your primary care physician if you go to your doctors they're gonna tell you oh so you're battling with negative thoughts oh and it's causing certain you know what we're gonna send you to and it's gonna go to the realm of psychology there are many branches to psychology okay many branches you have general psychology social psychology child psychology abnormal psychology physiological animal para clinical industrial educational psychology of crime military psychology mental health there's so many branches so many branches and then when you look at their branches here is a list of their therapies I mean there's just so much I was like man I don't know fit it all on the screen you know it's just a lot of them you know so I mean you know this is just an example like if we magnified here acceptance and commitment therapy then you have Adlerian therapy animal assisted therapy you ever heard of how people they go through such trauma over the loss of someone sometimes they recommend get a dog get a horse you know what have you there's all sorts of therapies out there to try to help people cope with the mental disorder but here's the bottom line psychology solves mental health issues basically one of two ways one of two ways one is going to be with drugs or two it's going to point how you somehow can solve the problem yourself that is always going to be the various steps in psychology they're either gonna say here's a medication and the medication starts and manipulating the mind okay and then it causes certain things to happen it causes people to become dependent often people take the drugs it doesn't work they get put on another drug or they point to you to tell you you need to start thinking more positive you need to start thinking less negative you need to do but the bottom line is they're counting on you to solve the problem psychology does not teach us to look outside of ourselves to another power source to help solve the problem this is the dividing line between dealing with something from the standpoint of psychology versus dealing with something from the standpoint of biblical Christianity the Bible teaches us very clearly from the words of Christ himself without me you can do nothing it's an unapologetic statement that Jesus makes when you try to solve the problems of life without me you will get but so far that's actually a responsibility of the church to tell the world that and so it is that without him we can do nothing now what are some things that he promises he says for in me you live you move and you have your being why wouldn't you accept me Jesus says I hold myself responsible for every movement that you make in life why wouldn't you acknowledge me did you know that when this is why when I said I I go to churches and a lot of us are battling with anxiety and rushon the reason why in all honesty it is it doesn't make a lot of sense that Christians are so caught up with anxious thoughts and depressive thoughts you know the reason why is because the Bible actually promises in 2nd Corinthians 10 and verse 5 did you know that God has a Vail power to you that you can cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and that you can actually bring into captivity how many thoughts every thought to the obedience of Christ did you know that power is available it's kind of like it's kind of like these gifts that God makes available but for some reason we're just not grabbing the gift he says I got so much power I can show you how to take every thought and bring it under the obedience of Christ so it never overwhelms you this is why children of God should not be anxious children of God should not be depressed we should not be if you're a child of God because God says I have a veil power that you don't have to be that way and so sometimes what's happening is maybe we just missed the gift and we need to get back to it all right so let's continue with this study you know there's a little book out there especially for those of you who have been visiting with us it's called ministry of healing there is a reference that I want to make from it because you're gonna see it's a very powerful truthful scientific fact the fact is this in the little book ministry of healing it says disease is sometimes produced and then it goes on to say and is often greatly aggravated by something what does it buy by the imagination it says many are lifelong invalids who might be well if they only thought so it goes on to say many imagine that every slight exposure will cause illness and the evil effect is produced because it is expected many died from disease the cause of which is holy what can you imagine that somebody could actually die from a disease and the cause of it was what was going on in the mind now again this is from a pretty awesome book called ministry of healing but what you'll find is that this book ministry of was written in the late 1800s way before a lot of the scientific advantages that we have today in advancements but look at what science eventually figured out the placebo effective and if you ever studied the placebo effect you have a study that well when you study the placebo effect basically medical science has discovered what we just read from ministry healing is a hundred percent correct so notice it says a placebo is anything that seems to be a real medical treatment but it actually isn't it could be a pill a shot or some other type of fake treatment what all fuzzy balls have in common is that they do not contain an active substance meant to affect health so sometimes people will take a placebo or like a pill and just put water in it but they actually would go to the person and say we we found the cure for your ailment and then they'll go ahead and tell the person to take it to process all they're taking is a pill with water in it or maybe a pill with sugar in it I mean nothing medicinal and do you know after a period of hours if not days you know what those patients start saying doc I feel so much better and this is what they found out research on the placebo effect has focused on the relationship of mind and body one of the most common theories is that the placebo effect is due to a person's expectations now isn't that amazing didn't we just read that from ministry healing it then goes on to say if a person expects a pill to do something then it's possible that the body's own chemistry can cause effects similar to what a medication might have caused so that's amazing that's how powerful your minds are that's how powerful our way of thinking is so when we again look at all of the mental challenges that's happening in our world one of the first things that we need to start doing is harnessing our thoughts better so what were some of the biblical suggestions made for this the Bible says that will keep them in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusts in thee the Bible goes on to say be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God God even says in Proverbs 23 my son give me your mind let your eyes observe my ways so the God of the Bible actually presents this concept that I want your mind to focus on me because when you do that it's gonna afford for good health when your mind stays off of me it can afford for the negative and let's prove that one of the number one ways that we can get off mentally is by what we eat I put that Burger up there because sometimes we just have to face the foods that we love to eat and the reality is is that a lot of us love to eat all sorts of great things you know when I was going through my little books here my my arsenal of medical books it has a section on anxiety okay and again I appreciate these books because again they're put together by medical practitioners individuals who said you know what we're gonna look outside the box we're not just gonna go ahead and look at you know mental disorders just from the standpoint of environmental and so on we're gonna look at it from the standpoint of food so what they did here is they have a section just on an anxiety and they should have an arrow pointing down saying don't eat these things if you're battling with anxiety then they have an arrow pointing up saying please eat more of these things if you're battling with anxiety so one of the things that they put up here which fits the picture just perfect is it says meat it actually encourages individuals do not eat the flesh of animals if you find that you are battling with anxiety especially red meats it says it's regular consumption produces addictions and can foster anxiety and then what they do is they actually should tell you to go to book one where there's a whole section just on meat and it kind of walks you through what's in the meat that when we eat it this is what's happening in our bloodstream and that's how it eventually affects the mind well it's not just these people take a look at this article this was just a few years ago the Washington Post can what you eat this was the question can what you eat affect your mental health they said new research new research links diet and the mind research exploring the link between diet and mental health is a very new field the first papers only came out a few years ago said Michael Burke a professor of psychiatry at the Deakin University School of Medicine in Australia but the results are unusually consistent they notice and they show a link between diet quality and mental health here's what they found the common elements seemed to be the more that we ate whole unprocessed nutrient-dense foods it had a direct impact upon the mind the more that we keep eating processed foods foods that were not whole but refined they foods that the nutrition has been taken away even though it tastes really good they have found that those debilitate our cognitive functions to the point watch this article this article is amazing this article came out about what nine years ago a new study published online March 28th in Nature Neuroscience check this out what they did was they fed these rats and they caused them to overeat and here's what they found they described these rats indulgent tribulations adding to research literature on how excess food intake can trigger changes in the brain alterations that seemed to create a neurochemical dependency in the eater or user so they found that the more that individuals would eat and eat and eat and overeat that it would have a chemical response in the brain and would affect the way we would think because it would damage something called the dopamine response so what happens is this when you think of dopamine dopamine is something that controls the flow of information from other areas of the brain dopamine disorders in this region of the brain can cause a decline in neuro cognitive functions especially memory attention and even problem-solving the more that you and I indulge in the way that we eat especially overeating I would like to recommend to you even if it's healthy food this still stands eat until you're satisfied not until you're full the more you eat until you're full oh I can't take another bite you and I put ourselves in a place that we're going to go through some of those dopamine disorders and as a result of that memory gets damaged our attention is affected I've met many vegetarians that don't have very good attention spans they know how to you know tell you what's on their minds but they don't know how to listen very well seriously myth that lots of vegetarians that I know and a reason why is because even though they're vegetarian they still are not practicing the best eating habits you can over eat even as a vegetarian and over time it affects the way you think it affects your ability to pay attention it affects your ability to hear and to understand and to execute then on top of that it can affect your ability to problem-solve you know one of the things I'm gonna start doing very soon I decided to start doing it I'm gonna learn another language and I wanted to learn another language because I was like man I need to learn another language so I can get to a point that there's certain communities that I can start ministering to so I was battling between French and Spanish and right now looks like Spanish wins so as I start to learn this one of the reasons I like doing this is because there's some things you and I have learned that it's so well locked in our minds that it's almost like you can press replay in your memory and you can spit it out with no problem because you've you've practiced it so much but the real test of how strong the mind is is when you can step out of that world into another world and then see if you could still comprehend very well you can understand things very well you can listen very well you can solve problems very well and so on so I want to have a very balanced mind okay so I find myself deliberately and intentionally putting myself in environments where it challenges my thinking when something becomes too easy for me I'm not growing anymore that's the way your body is if you do ten push-ups a day the first time you do it it's gonna be kind of hard but after a while you're gonna do it and you will develop some degree of muscle but do you know it's almost like your muscle fibers has brain has a brain after a while your muscle fibers are gonna say okay if you don't challenge me anymore I'm gonna stop growing and it's only until you challenge the muscle again it starts growing so it is with your minds family you got to keep challenging it so it can grow so a lot of times a lot of us we're overeating even if it's healthy food as vegetarians of what you call vegans I'm not a vegan I'm a health reformer but in either case I want to encourage us to be more mindful about not just what you're eating but also how much you're eating because that can impact the mind all right eat until you're what satisfied not until you're full very good June 27th 2019 just a couple of months ago a new study released by the American Association for the Advancement of science so that's what the AAAS stands for American Association for the Advancement of science shows that overeating effectively cuts the brakes on the brain's ability to reduce food intake and can therefore cause neurological changes that lead to obesity a disease that affects more than 500 million adults world wide chemical changes takes place when you and I overeat okay chemical changes take place when you and I overeat so this is why again you want to be very mindful of not just watching out for the quality yes over here it tells you stay away if you're better than anxiety stay away from the stimulant beverages stay away from the meat stay away from alcohol if you're battling with stress stay away from white sugar they go through all of the things that unfortunately can impact our minds that causes us to go into these bouts of depression and anxiety so there's some things just in the food world that we really need to pay attention to but it's not just food coffee ladies and gentlemen rember the other night I told you about coffee I want you to watch this little video clip that talks a little bit about coffee and watch the facts that this video clip brings out because it's pretty powerful remember if you want good health you need to minister to the cells minister on the cellular level well what if this thing's were taking in that's impacting us on a cellular level like coffee take a look at this whoops I never plugged it in sorry about that I think that's necessary isn't it all right all right let's try that again did you know that caffeine doesn't actually give you energy at all it actually tricks your brain into thinking you're not tired it does that by impersonating a compound that signals your brain to sleep that compound is called adenosine it builds up in the brain the longer you're awake adenosine bonds with its receptor on brain cells slowing them down and making you feel tired caffeine and adenosine have very similar structures which makes caffeine the perfect impostor here's how it works when you drink a cup of coffee or a can of soda the caffeine gets into your bloodstream and makes its way to your brain that's where it meets the adenosine receptor since caffeine and adenosine looks so similar the receptor cells happily bind the caffeine instead of the adenosine basically the caffeine is stopping adenosine from slowing things down by taking its place so your brain cells stop getting the slow down signals from adenosine that boost blood pressure and heart rate and keeps you alert of course what comes up must go down the receptors eventually let go of that caffeine and that lets the adenosine back in after about six hours you're only going to feel half of caffeine's effects and you're going to start to drag so the next morning when you wake up you're probably already feeling the early symptoms of withdrawal that's why in a desperate attempt to get things back on track you reach for that cup of coffee so the key is is that coffee tricks the brain you see that you see how like one receptor mimics the other receptor and therefore that's how we end up staying awake but did you notice that I said it increases our blood pressure as well as our heart rate now when you do that day in day out week in week out month in month out year in year out after a while you start overwhelming your body and this is where you start finding the mental decline starts to take place as a result of constant coffee consumption so it's not just about what you're eating but it's also including what you're drinking so like I just said here if you're battling with anxiety it tells you right there stay off the stimulant beverages so that's getting into the coffee that's also getting into your sodas and all of these other things you got to be very careful what you're putting in because it contributes to the anxiety the stress and all these other factors that we try to overcome in our lives well let's continue because it doesn't stop there music ladies and gentlemen please be careful what you're listening to you know sometimes we love a beat and a rhythm so much that we don't pay attention to the words you need to listen to the words that you're listening to and you need to pay attention to the music you know there was a time and I was working with a man by the name of John Lowe McCain any of you know him John Lowe McCain and he and I were working together in the Bahamas and when we were there brother Lou McCain he play he showed the power of just music and what he did was he played something that some of us right might remember he played music and he says tell me what you start feeling when you hear this and so he put the music on and the music just started going in tintin tintin tintin he started to play the music from an old movie called jaws and lo and behold when he played that music he said do you notice how your mind all of a sudden goes into this suspicion realm you know you're kind of like what's going on what's coming around me you know what have you and and he was just showing how music not even the lyrics music is what's known as a mood response mechanism music creates moods when you go into a gym there is a reason you don't hear classical music when you're in a gym you're hearing to students students doo doo doo why do you hear that because they want you to get on that step machine and you know they want you to go ahead and start working out right so they got to play that upbeat hyper music music is a mood response mechanism but music can also impact the mood that it can bring on anxiety so this is why you got to be careful what you let your ears hear again that verse that we read in 1st Peter 1:13 gird up protect the things that bring that connects with the mind protect your mind there are five ways that things get to your mind by what you see by what you smell by what you hear by what you taste by what you touch that means that you got to be careful you can't just touch anything you can't just taste anything and you should not just listen to anything you understand that so here we go Psychology Today five problems music can create notice what they said here music has a powerful influence on our bodies and emotions is that always good music can be anxiety inducing they said notice in a clinical setting I always like clinical in a clinical setting music therapists are trained to be aware of responses that may indicate heightened anxiety even in choirs who are unable to speak for themselves so watch this for example consider a community of individuals living with dementia or Alzheimer's disease although music can be a powerful elicitor of memories for them it says the wrong music can have a different effect causing anxiety and distress in one individual that could easily spread throughout the group this isn't the reason why when you read First Samuel chapter 16 in verse 23 the Bible shows a story that's amazing King Saul is troubled in his mind and he wants to calm down and so they send David to him a godly man and the Bible says David began to play music music on his harp and as David began to play music on his harp the Bible says the evil spirit went away that's how powerful music is and that's why you know again that's why I love the idea in the you know when you look at the Bible principles it shows you the best kind of music you and I should be listening to are basically two things Christian music music that uplifts the mind towards God number two classical music not every form by the way but a lot of the mellow classical music and if I could use an example I would use buck Bach is a really good example a lot of his music has such a medicinal impact upon the mind it keeps the body in a calm state okay these are the types of music that we should be listening to if we're gonna listen and it's not just music but it's also TV videos and theater it was even King David that said in Psalms 101 and verse three I will set no wicked thing before my eyes my mother one time thought my father was committing adultery my father was faithful but she just accused him you're cheating on me and my father said where are you getting this from she says I'll you just come home late and all these other things and I was just watching this like wow this is messed up what I remember one morning the following morning I stayed home with mom it was a school day but I was feeling a little sick so I stayed home and I discovered what my mother was watching for probably three to four hours out of the day they were simply called soap operas and in soap operas I learn John is cheating on Mary and Beau is cheating on Sue and Robin is cheating on Jeff and it's like everybody it was like what kind of programming is this it's like nobody's faithful and everybody's lying and do it why do we end ourselves with this and so it is I discovered very quickly that's why mom thought dad was cheating and so it is that what we watch has an impact on the mind and can increase our stress factors but it's not just these movies and soap operas and stuff you know something that's actually increasing stress now the news NBC News June 2018 look at it headline stress disorder do you know they have something called headline stress disorder isn't that crazy like when you're looking for the latest headlines on news they call it headline stress disorder how to cope with the anxiety caused by the 24/7 news cycle well here's what they said a study by the American Psychological Association released last year found that two-thirds of Americans are stressed out over the future of the country and the constant consumption of news cycle was pinned as a major contributor dr. Steven Stasi a therapist coined the term headline stress disorder in the wake of the 2016 presidential election being tuned into the 24-hour news cycle may feel a lot of negative feelings like anxiety sadness and hopelessness says dr. Janus Cavani a clinical psychologist subjecting ourselves to an endless barrage of tragedies and trauma can foster a real sense of being out of control even watching the news is increasing our stress and this is why the better way to watch news is to moreso do it from a paper like a newspaper or if it's online something where you control what your mind sees versus letting everything just kind of come in front of you before you get to the thing you're really interested in sometimes you just want to know what's happening but with it with the elections but before they get to the elections two people just got murdered over here this person got killed over here this person ended up dying over here now latest again suicides now little children are constantly so you've just watched a whole lot of death death death death death just before you got to know what's going on with the presidential election so what happens is maybe you can decrease how often you're watching the actual news and all of what comes with it and you go online or get the actual news paper and control I'm just looking for this and that way you just look at that thing and now you can control better what you're letting in your mind does that make sense that is something that you can do that actually will help in large ways as it relates to some of the battles with the news media one of the problems that we have as we get ready to wind down here is we don't get enough sunlight when you get up in the morning I want to recommend I want to get into some very practical solutions with you one of the great reasons why a lot of us easily start having a lot of these psychosomatic disorders is because we're not getting enough of something called serotonin it's what's your happy hormone serotonin is your happy hormone this is how you and I can become more genuinely happy people you need to have your serotonin levels up higher it's a literal happy hormone that the creator made it comes out of your path in your pineal gland with the hypothalamus and it literally keeps you happy all right you have many different hormones in the body of dopamine you have ghrelin you know we have many different hormones in the body that are designed for our health ok dopamine is the one that helps you stay mentally alert your ghrelin is what helps you to have a healthy appetite ok these are all good you know types of hormones that we all have in our body that function very well very beautifully and God made it that way in addition to that you also have endorphins your endorphins are released when you exercise and endorphins are a wonderful way to overcome pain when you're in a lot of pain the more that you do some type of exercise in the midst of your pain even if it's water aerobics or if you can't run but you can walk and we're add the more you do that it releases endorphins that actually helps with managing pain and then of course you also have your serotonin your happy hormone okay your beautiful happy hormone brothers and sisters friends I love being happy being happy so much better than being sad you know and it's nice that when you're intentional about balancing out your hormones you will find that you genuinely become a more happy person you're not like kind of faking it you know I've seen that type of group with in front of you they're like hey how you doing you're doing great right you know they're real happy but then as soon as everybody's gone all right mm-hmm and then it's just sad just say oh yeah and life you know God doesn't want that don't be satisfied with that you need to know how to be happy when you're by yourself or when you're in the throne okay but one of the ways you can help remember it is true part of it is biological sometimes we are not just getting in other words you could study your Bible through and through you can pray all day long and still be depressed because you're neglecting yourself on a biological level you understand that it's a package deal family you got to take care of your body and so it is like I said the connection between the body and the mind it's got to take care of your body so when we talk about serotonin again what you know when you think of serotonin here's the bottom line serotonin is a chemical that has a wide variety of functions in the human body it's sometimes called the happy chemical because it contributes to well-being and happiness the scientific name for serotonin is 5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-ht it is mainly found in the brain bowels and your blood platelets okay brain bowels and blood platelets now if you go through at least three or more of these you are probably serotonin deficient right now alright so what do we see here we see anxiousness worry and fretfulness constantly panicking controlled by phobias mental obsessions very serious behavioral compulsions constantly feeling pain even though there's no cause for it depressed moods PMS post menopausal symptoms sleep cycle disturbances GI distress constantly having gut issues gut issues gut issues if you're going through a lot of this stuff there's a good chance we're probably serotonin deficient so what are some ways that we can build our serotonin up when you get up in the morning one of two things I'm gonna recommend all right I'm gonna go past some of these slides because they just kind of reiterate stuff all over again I'll get to exercise in a second when you feel that you're going through you know you possibly serotonin deficient here are some things you can do when you get up in the morning I want to recommend first of all I would highly recommend if you're not doing this already please do this I would recommend that you get you have yourself a little devotional time get acquainted with God I mean I understand it there's some of us out there that maybe we've been very disappointed all the church people hurt me you know or maybe you you prayed and said lord please save my mom and and if you do I'll follow you for the rest of my life and then mom still passes away and we say all see I'm gonna I'm gonna take revenge on god I'm gonna reject him this is real stuff this is why a lot of people are actually atheist today and they don't believe in God anymore it's a response of hurt or disappointment and what they expected God to do and then God did not do it well there's a way to get past that and if you want to talk to me afterwards I can actually show you how to do that if you want to get past that but also I will tell you that if you can get up in the morning and just kind of get a nice inspiring book that book ministry of healing is absolutely perfect you get up and you read but one of the things I would say is one of two things one if you can go outside and let the sunlight shine on your face do not look into the Sun please I did not say that just go outside and just sit somewhere where the Sun is just shining on you just let the Sun Shine on you and you read where even if you close your eyes the light from the Sun will penetrate through your eyelids and it will send a communication to your brain release the serotonin your serotonin rises in light especially sunlight now what if for any reason you can't get outside well this is one of the things I use to help get me out of my tough situation this is what we call an LED light that has 10,000 Lu X which simply means that it has enough light that it mimics the sunlight and you can actually turn one of these on now I want you to watch this you ready he's a smart guy he put his he put the shirt over his face watch this you ready this is what it looks like it's extremely bright again do not look directly into it that's not the goal what you're doing is you're just simply going to kind of let it sit somewhere on a desk where you would probably again do your devotion in the morning and you just let it sit there and you just set it up and you just let it shine on your face you know not like how I'm doing it to the side I'm only doing that because I don't want it to shine directly but you're more so like this and you're just letting it shine on your face without looking directly into it believe it or not it will boost your serotonin levels up notice this we went over exercise yesterday yeah here it is right here look at that short exposure to light treatment improves depression scores in patients with seasonal affective disorder called sad look at what they said light therapy is an effective treatment of seasonal affective disorder when administered daily for at least several weeks but watch we have previously reported a small improvement in mood in sad patients following exposure to the first hour of treatment so I mean just the first hour you're gonna start improving now you don't have to look at it for an hour I usually do 30 minutes 30 minutes that's it and they say and they say it right here the treatment consisted of 10,000 Lux of white cool fluorescent light we conclude that immediate improvement in mood can be detected after the first session of light with exposures as short as 20 minutes where did I get this from my friend Amazon Amazon and you're talking about very and expound me less than $40 Amazon and you can go in there and pick all sorts of kinds you want so you can go on Amazon so people who have done this the light literally helps boost up your serotonin it's gonna help you become more happy you're gonna notice that it's not gonna be as easy for you to get sad and depressed and anxious then here's the next thing what you need family is you need the serotonin levels at night you need your serotonin levels to go down so that your melatonin can rise do you know a great way to do that these are scientifically proven they are blue light blockers these lights in here are emitting blue light the screen is emitting blue light I wish you could see what things look like right now it blocks all of the blue light you need the absence of blue light for your serotonin levels to go down when you're outside in the Sun that's gonna be your strongest rays of this type of light but even in your house you're gonna have lights from all over this is why two practices number one I actually encourage people especially if you're looking at cell phones or tablets that's the worst thing you can do at night worse thing you can do is look at cell phones and tablets because they are emitting blue light and they're gonna affect your sleep you're gonna find out either you don't sleep well or you're gonna go to sleep wake up and all these other problems it's hard to get a full-blown good night's sleep but one of the things you can do is you can get one of these again my friend Amazon probably about $20 $25 okay blue light blockers also start turning the lights down in your house don't turn it down so dark that you're tripping all over the place but turn the lights down and you will find that this works wonderfully as it relates to helping that serotonin go down and that melatonin going up you saw me kind of fly past the exercise but I cannot tell you how important it is to exercise daily the more that you exercise in the day you are preparing the body to rest at night okay so I would highly encourage you try to get that 30 minutes per day of just some good exercise you will find it will work wonders for good hormonal balance in addition to that I would also recommend if you're gonna supplement you can take something called l-tryptophan why because notice the bottom statement it says tryptophan is an essential amino acid that serves several important purposes like nitrogen balance in adults and growth in infants but what is the last sentence a it also creates niacin which is essential in creating the neurotransmitter serotonin so there are some people that their serotonin levels are so low that you might have to supplement for a little while on something called l-tryptophan you take L tryptophan you can get it from pretty much nature's grocer you can get it from Whole Foods you can of course go to our friend Amazon and you can get you know various brands the l-tryptophan works 500 milligrams a day but in addition to that there's also high tryptophan foods like the following so what are some high tryptophan foods number one spirulina so if you take spirulina high in tryptophan alright it's a green powder then you also have whole grains the more you eat oats brown rice corn and quinoa that's gonna have some tryptophan in it if you eat sesame seeds cashews and especially walnuts that's why you always hear walnuts when you're thinking about mental you're always thinking walnuts walnuts if somebody's coming out of depression give them more walnuts but in addition to that sesame seed definitely go to bananas all right bananas are awesome potatoes especially sweet potatoes then of course your beans and your legumes green peas chickpeas and the list goes on these are great foods to eat that help boost up that tryptophan that gives you that serotonin so you having that nice balance okay lots of things that you can do in closing always remember your breathing exercises doing your deep breathing exercises helps tremendously when you're trying to manage that stress and that anxiety do your deep breathing exercises they work wonders okay remember breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth remember what we learned last night four seven eight breathe in through the nose hold it for seven seconds exhale for the eight seconds four seven eight do these practices but the final thing I will tell you is this in seeking to control the anxiety God can get rid of it I am I am a living witness I suffered from anxieties so bad that I could not pass a graveyard without seeing my casket being rolled and my family walking behind me behind the casket I mean this is how much the devil was tormenting my mind okay couldn't even do that I got to a point I couldn't even heal here Bible prophecy about end time events it started to scare me it was an anxiety that I'd never experienced in my life but boy was it controlling and to think today when I go past the graveyard and I can just say wow I wonder how many people are in there marked for the first resurrection you know I mean now it's like you just pass these things and there's no impact of that negative type of sphere anymore there's no dark cloud following me when I walk all I do is I just enjoy life and I seek to do it by the grace of God every single day and to impart it to others this is what God wants for every single one of you and so it is that when you get these negative thoughts remember you can choose to change your thoughts you can choose and so I want you to remember these verses in Joshua 24:15 the Bible says choose this day who you will serve choose him you can make choices when I find myself getting negative sing a song sing a song if you know a good song a good uplifting god-centered song sing that thing when you start seeing things getting your way choose Christ in that moment and be able to say you know what I'm going through some anxiety right now I'm gonna lift a song in my heart that's what I want you to remember when you choose also remember this one not only that Deuteronomy 30 and verse 19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you he says that I have set before you life and death blessings and cursings but what does God tell us to choose he says choose life he says I want you to choose life I want you to focus on life thoughts stop focusing on death thoughts stop focusing on you know all these negative thoughts choose life you only accept death when it comes until death shows up don't even talk about it don't even think about it don't worry about it it's like seriously choose life and choose life thoughts okay when those thoughts come to you that says you're gonna die you're sick and you're just gonna die those are not the thoughts of God you need to know how to say okay this is not God talking to me this is the devil and therefore what do you do did you know you can't you can't have two thoughts at the same time so when I have a negative thought that comes to my mind if I start going we praise the old God for the son of I love for Jesus who died and is now gone above hallelujah find the glory hallelujah and hallelujah then the glory revive us ugh in all glory as I sing that that last thought is gone it's just gone it's just gone you you cannot have two thoughts to occupy the mind only one thought so when that thought comes in isn't this temptation is strong that's what I throw a promise back to that thought that's how Jesus beats eight and every time when that thought comes in tempting me I can remember there's no temptation that has come upon an annex and that which is common but God is faithful that he will not allow me to be tempted above that which is able but he will provide a way for me to escape first Corinthians 10 and verse 13 Dewayne you can't do it Philippians 4:13 says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Dwain God does not love you John 16 and verse 27 says your Father in Heaven loves you you literally you combat the negative thought with the promise of God's Word that's this is practical I mean that's why one of the best things you could have is a Bible promise book now you can either buy one from the local store or you could do something I did I took a little black book I took my pen and I wrote out my own promises not my like doing I can't promise myself anything but I wrote out my favorite Bible promises I'd open up my Bible I open up my book and I just start writing out these cool promises now I got a lot of promises in my Bible in my book and so this is how you combat it this is what I'm saying when I say choose life don't just say choose life okay she's like think thoughts of life you know think about the happiest moments in your life think about hey the future life you know new heaven new earth both things are passed away behold all things have become new and finally remember first Kings 18:21 how long halt ye between two opinions if the Lord be God follow him make a decision whatever God says I'll do whatever he says I'll do no more protesting no more fighting against it Lord whatever you want you're the best you know what's happening you know my future and everything that God does is not only good but it's righteous psalms 145 and verse 17 all the Lord's ways are righteous that means he can't do you wrong he cannot do you wrong I told you I had heart surgery three years ago thought it was the worst thing that ever happened to me when people asked me today Duane some of the top five things that's ever happened to you strangely enough heart surgery's right on that list the experiences that God has brought me through couldn't have got it if I did not have that open-heart surgery just couldn't I got it and so I can actually praise God for open-heart surgery I thought it was my greatest curse but it turned out to be my greatest blessing Romans 8:28 for we know all things work together for good this is what God is trying to convince humanity of to date he does not want to hurt us it's the devil that's into that business God wants to bless you and so it is that as you choose to do that and remember I told you the cause of disease is the violation of God's law remember that did you know the Bible says so then with the mind I myself serve the law of God choose to honor God and keep his law take care of this physical structure honor his precious Ten Commandments and you will find that it brings about a life of health happiness and one more thing peace and that's what he wants to give to each and every one of you if you're willing to accept that tonight once you stand to your feet with me I want to offer a word of Prayer for you and as you go home tonight and get some good rest I think you can still make it it's 8:28 you could probably still be in bed by 10 o'clock or at least 10:30 but let's go ahead let's have a word of Prayer and let's close out our evening and for those who know what I mean when I say it I say to you happy Sabbath I hope you're really happy let's pray a loving father we are so thankful for this evening truly Lord there's a connection between diet and the mind and our lifestyles and Lord you want us to have a peace of mind that doesn't even make sense to those that we are around so peaceful so filled with joy so content that it baffles the minds of those around us and this is possible when we learn to walk with the master which is none other than Jesus I pray father that you will bless every precious individual under the sound of my voice that we might go home with the peace that Christ offered because we have accepted him we now can have his peace as well and may you keep us until we're privileged to meet tomorrow is our prayer we ask in Jesus name Amen you know before you leave there's one thing that prohibits a lot of us from having God's peace and it's called unforgiveness if you got somebody in your life that you are so hurt by them so mad at them that you don't know how to forgive them you have no idea how that can cause so many diseases but tomorrow I'm gonna show you the key of how you can forgive the unforgivable that is gonna take place tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock right here in this room so I want to extend that invite to you if you're battling with forgiving some some people who've hurt you pretty bad I'm gonna show you some keys tomorrow how you can do that and then in the afternoon at five o'clock we're gonna talk about arthritis a disease with a thousand cures so we'll go over that tomorrow evening we look forward to seeing you hopefully for both things you take care and have a good good night and a safe journey home
Channel: Golden SDA Church
Views: 1,589
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: cure, health, healthy, healthy living, live better, diet, mind, diet and mind
Id: spgMZ2tNmeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 47sec (5147 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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