Take a 360° tour of the Bodleian, Hogwarts’ library in the Harry Potter films

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my name is Vanessa Couric and I'm head of Bodley and library reader services a roll life held for the last six years the Bob lien libraries are at the University of Oxford and make up the largest university library system in the UK it's one of the oldest libraries in Europe and what makes it distinctive is it's entitled to claim a copy of every book or printed item that's published in total we have over 12 million printed items one of the oldest books in our collections is the Gooden burg Bible which dates from around 1450 v we've actually hold four original Magna Carta manuscripts the goths map which is the earliest recognizable map of the UK and the papyrus scrolls that were buried in the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79 the Baath lien is most famous in terms of filming for its role in the Harry Potter films Jew countries library was actually used as Hogwarts library it was built to accommodate hundreds of manuscripts and opened in 1488 the reading rooms are generally very peaceful and that's the way our readers like it for the libraries as a whole we receive about 2 million reader visits each year as well as accommodating well over 200,000 external members of the public have to have a specific reason if they want to use the library and our resources we have to control the numbers of Tours we do because our primary function is as a library for students at Oxford the Radcliffe Camera is the image that's often used of Oxford on postcards and newscasts etc do take note of the really beautiful ceiling above us in this space the word camera simply means room in Latin the Divinity School seen here is one of the most beautiful parts of the Bob lien although it's not actually a reading room or library it's the oldest surviving teaching room at the University and as you can see it's got a very distinctive ceiling carved out of stone
Channel: The Telegraph
Views: 124,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Telegraph, News, World News, UK Newspaper, Telegraph YouTube, Daily News, Video News, World Events, Harry Potter, Hogwarts Library, Oxford University, Oxford Library, Oldest Library, 12 Million books, Bodleian Library, Oxford, Books, Age old books, 360 degree, 360 video, dream jobs, weird and wonderful jobs, Explore 360
Id: M70H4M_pL4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 30sec (150 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2016
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