Taiwanese Food Tour | Fuhang Soy Milk, Peking Duck & Elephant Mountain

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[Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] good morning it's day one of a trip in Taipei we this morning we're ready for breakfast and we're heading off to fuhang soy milk it's very a popular breakfast restaurant um we're a bit late it is about 10 30 so we're gonna see I think this there might be a few which I'm a bit worried about but I'm so excited to eat yeah they say there's like a queue usually for about an hour but oh wait it doesn't matter we're keen to try it's been awarded like a Michelin star or something for the last few years so yeah I really came to try the fun find one which is like sticky rice with um I think pork floss and Chinese donut inside so um yeah pretty Keen to try that out so we've made it and um HQ that wraps around what are you gonna get so we're thinking uh we'll get the hot and cold soy milk the dried radish roll Sesame flatbread with donut stick and um the rice ball with eggs yeah [Music] [Music] we ordered Sesame bread with Chinese donut we've got a rice roll fantuan this is what I really wanted to try in Taiwan with uh I don't know turnip roll or something reddish reddish roll we've got some uh signature soy milk we got we got it in hot and we got it in cold can't wait my focus is good I like this one yeah oh that's good it's really good Minnie's going to try his favorite now what is this um it's called France one it's got like egg on it oh so good can you say that oh it's like yeah it's like a sticky rice inside it's got egg Chinese donut and pork floss I think yeah are there sandwiches [Music] good we're trying to try a little oily out of everything this is my favorite this and then that Destiny ball that we had earlier and then everything else but everything total two oh yeah 2 25. and that's roughly 11. Australian dollars for the entire breakfast which is a really good deal thumbs up so my and I are trying to find a place to store our big bags because we don't want to take it with us to children and we checked the train station lockers but the max rental period for the those lockers are 24 hours which is not enough for us so we had to find a different alternative and luckily Maya found this place we'll link it or whatever it could be because it's all in Chinese characters um but yeah you can we can store the bag for longer than 24 hours and it's pretty cheap I think it was like what 30 30 Taiwan dollars for a day which is you know peanuts vegan store stuff as small as your backpack or even like your suitcases and you only get 24 hours in the train station so this place is good if you want to go for like a few days out of town yeah just drop it off and then come back and get it it does say that if you leave it more than 10 days 11 days that will double the price double the price yeah they're still cheap it's like what 60 60 new uh sticky Thailand dollars it's pretty cheap still so tomorrow we're gonna upload this stuff have a day trip to yeah and then come back pick up our bags okay perfect so now we've sorted that out we're heading off to lunch yeah um we have a reservation at this Peking duck place at 1 20. so if we leave now we'll make it there on time [Applause] [Music] so we made it to lunch now um I'm at this place called chiangtok and it's packing done so I'm super excited to try it and everything is older when I was making this reservation between two people there's only two of us so we're both not starving yeah we just had breakfast but we're gonna just enjoy it because this is and it's really highly rated as well we managed to get a book in last year what's the rating it's like 4.7 11 000 reviews [Music] all right now that everything's here I've got a dark skin a little trail of sauces the pancake the Duck Soup the duck itself the duck porridge uh some complimentary entrees and a cucumber and spring onion thank you I was going to try the crispy duck skin with the sugar [Music] it's good yeah okay [Music] odd Taste of sweetness at the end in the sugar It's a combination so we noticed um something different about these saucers you've got the normal it's a normal sauce poison sauce or something that you have with Pagan duck pancakes we noticed this um that's obviously like chili flakes and then we notice this and I think this is um passion fruit sauce and it's the first time that I've seen passion fruit sauce with um Peking duck pancakes so mine's gonna give it a try and let us know how it tastes apparently it's like game changing [Music] how is it that's good tell me from the passion first yeah um would you prefer it would you prefer the Hoisin yeah it's just because this is this is how I usually eat it okay let me try it foreign [Music] um [Music] I have to try the Duck Soup that we ordered [Music] [Music] it's also got some Szechuan flavors in there as well [Music] but yeah it's pretty good that's good because it's just soup so it doesn't feel like something but more response stuff there's so much food here for two people mine and I have um finished up with the Peking Duck and um yeah you've only got two people you probably just don't need to get uh half a duck because one duck between two people was way too much but we're stuffed right now and we're going to go to Elephant Mountain to uh do a bit of a hike just to pop it up walk it off because yeah we're stuffed and we've got a dinner reservation as well um yeah we'll see how let's see what happens um after this hikes if we're feeling any hungry up [Music] all right mine and I have just made it to Elephant Mountain the start of the trailhead and we're going to try and walk off that duck yeah I think you should take about 30 minutes each way so it's a short one and you can see the views yeah yeah so let's get started [Music] foreign [Music] so mine and I have made it to the top of um Elephant Mountain now it's not bad but um because of the humidity you actually sweat quite a lot um and there's a lot of stairs as well uh and bear in mind the trowel you could just walk right past it like we did yeah we walked right yeah sorry you're gone there's four points four animals apparently yeah four four mountains uh named after the different four different animals word of advice probably don't do it after a big face like we did and also bring insect repellent because there's a lot of mosquitoes but apart from that it's quite nice you know you're in shade pretty much the whole time so and there's a lot of resting spots on the way up so you can have a quick break everyone disc brakes so it's fairly easy we're at um rauhur uh Night Market um it was raining before but it stopped so it's good for us we're just gonna like uh walk down the streets and check out the Stalls and what they have to offer yeah get a snack maybe we're excited to stay at the store yeah it's very Lively as well so um yeah can't wait to check it out [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] we are doing this one yeah yeah good what do you think thank you delicious it's softer on the outside I thought it'd be hard yeah same I thought it'd be like a hard quail egg but it's [Music] like soft but still tasty like the sauce makes it a little salty yeah I thought it would be hard-boiled but it's it's actually soft boiled okay so next one we got is this cranberry juice needed it we hadn't had a drink since that hike at Mount elephant this is so refreshing we've got it for 50 50. medium size uh 50 and then we got the eggs that we ordered before the Pearl eggs that was I don't remember being you paid uh six pieces six pieces for 35 35 there you go thank you [Music] so we didn't realize this is all you can eat and this is all our trays of meat [Music] what are you getting my some green yeah boy what do you want look at this selection this one I'm just gonna do one plate I don't know how to do it yeah yeah true yeah don't get too much I'm sorry we didn't realize that's all you could eat [Music] um but we've got pretty much one of each of the meats the top of the top the line meat it's a wagon food is there outside it's going all out and then these are the saucepans options I made but yeah I'm so excited because I can pack up some noodles it's me what do you mean put it in is that done is that enough yeah you're in yeah entire area [Music]
Channel: Mai and Vinny
Views: 9,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n8nAPY0bU8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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