Tailwind CSS Component Libraries: DaisyUI vs Preline

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we're seeing a lot more component libraries for Tailwind show up and there seem to be two schools of thought about how to implement those there's the daisy UI approach where we take multiple Tailwind classes and coalesce them into a single class for example button BTN which gives you a nice looking button and you can put some different variations on it like button primary or whatever and there's also the pre-line approach where they give you a library of Tailwind templates like in this case button which are well much longer because they're basic tailwind and the idea is that you copy and paste these templates into your application interestingly though preline is also actually a library you install it as a plug-in into your Tailwind configuration and you put it into your page code where it injects vanilla JavaScript onto the page to automate things like opening and closing mobile dialogues based on a trigger so I'm curious which one do you think is better Daisy wise bootstrap style class approach or pre-lines Tailwind templates let me know in the comments
Channel: Jack Herrington
Views: 76,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tailwind, tailwind css, daisyui, preline, ui library for react, ui library, css tailwind, tailwind react, tailwind ui, tailwind daisyui, tailwind preline, tailwind text, tailwind color, button tailwind, grid tailwind, daisyui react, react daisyui, tailwindcss, tailwindcss tutorial, tailwind css components, tailwind css component, tailwind ui components, tailwind css ui components, tailwind css library, tailwind css component library react, component library, daisyui tailwind
Id: hsF5eiT6iOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 0sec (60 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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