Tai Chi Step by Step For Beginners Training Session 1

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haiji for health and well-being hello everyone i'm Dixon in this haiji training session we are going to start from the very beginning learn how to woman and woman done perkily get used to the Tai Chi's theses I am pretty some Tai Chi walking as well before we start just a friendly reminder if you understand what Tai Chi is I'm Tai Chi Cheng which is the Tai Chi forms welcoming the products will become so much easier I have a tutorial explain it clearly so if you have anything in yet I will just put that thing in here and the link down below in the description let's start with our warming up exercise so over your legs cross your hands let's gently twist with a wrist okay why two three four if you leave it or by only this see like a wig all right six all right that's more than six just give a twist with the wrist on next one next give a twist with our ankles one two three four five sticks they are tied the same you can twist a bit slower it depends on you okay make sure we warm up properly a mix let's twist the wrists like this with your ankles at the same time why two three four the next relax your shoulders relax your shoulders okay three four five six leg next with a neck around so like a mention before you can crease the best slow okay in this treaty station adjust to the general speed okay Dylan or speed next one the last with our waste roulette your waist most importantly when you warm up okay or we're doing Taichi make sure you're trying to be as relaxed as possible next one or stretching without shooters okay we'll wrestle hands up and string or arms three four five six okay next right arm to the left straight you with your shooters and the same time with twist okay one two three the other set next put your hands on your back still she's always around next one is a similar to twist with your waist I will just press up with your right arm to the left creepy Oh are you looking at high go wrong look a hunch roulette yes right straight inhale [Music] look behind alright next let's move on with our knees okay put all mixed together let's Jim do it with your knees okay you may have cracklings that's totally normal okay three four five and six and he both hosts crowd close to the degree you feel comfortable if you can crush all the way down that's all good even not just a bit higher all go that's me no put the legs together and straight one more time cheers to a degree you feel comfortable and relaxed okay so even to be high in a this.c oh good or even higher okay now next we're over your legs like a horse stance soli down we'll learn some peggy's pieces so they horse takes put our hands on our Bobby needs stretching with your shooters and sing times you twist your way one that means you warm up properly with the whole body next why is our hips you just a little leg up and up and out c3o now let's try to lift up waffle let okay higher and lower depend on you okay I don't mention this anymore so remember just to the degree that you feel comfortable higher and lower total depend on you okay it's very important and over always balance the other set try to be still become okay look at the front folks at a wine spot to this week you can punish if you like thinking too much of course you will loose your balance okay be here all right try the whole for three seconds first and then you can try to hold a bit longer okay now next wine is steadily by the way alright next let's get used to the Taichi stances so now I'm good she six phenomena stances to start with both things please remember the names of the stances to lay down we are learning more HST the name of the stitches so you will understand so fresh things called postage like a bow and arrow boom boom a minor E ku both things boom boom alright leave leg up front start with your live leg all right boosting so this is a post things we do a bit lower you get stable higher as long as you feel comfortable the big leg with it throw it in front knee can I be oil toast otherwise you will lose your body the weight not in this teacher make sure the weight is in the center this kaboom boom ok boom boom be honest that the same body naturally straight post things [Music] alright next ma boo horse things lead to my property next over your feet why two three and half your toes is not exactly put in front two little big to the steady way and put your hand ladies crush down Maya Pope like a mission people you always tell me higher so in here I've just to the standard one so make sure it is flat if you want to the standard one body naturally strict ma oh the horse ready in the feet invisible horse here ma o next one she book which is empties things for example with empty space if if I'm going to crush it on my right leg my red foot host pouring out about 45 degree please remember this okay about 45 degrees I'm gonna crush it on my relic moves over the weight on my relic the front leg just table toes almost empty that's white coat empty space she booked between two legs is one fist and one half is taste can I be to wipe it on your toes like this sometimes turn a bit inwardly on your Peter that's all good alright let's try with your lovely lovely we'll be toast pouring out about 45 degree crotch see empty stance next we want to the cheese things in poo in these things I'm going to crush it all on my relic so I hit with my neighborhood I Croce see this against them be called a bit lower or good and the other side the same higher or good rest instance Shibu stay with you lately the live leg behind your relic on your toes try to put a weight between two legs okay now I'm going to crouch down see Rio go ladies Oh lor oh good okay make sure the weight in the center try an ollie you need touch the ground if you cannot push this low high start from a higher first all right the other leg this thing all your tools for the wid in a single and crushed hi lucky last is crouching stance crow distance of a challenge boo boo so I'm going to crush him on my relic I step out with my left leg so higher start with a high effort if you cannot cross the loop will be like this alright once you get used to it you can crush down crosses them put your foot route it see now let it all right rooting crouching stance and the other side crotch on the step if you can oust rub away this this challenge okay you can always start with crushing down first like this I step up hey Bert who's first once you get used to it put him down the best takes hard ok takes time and the you're crushing down and step out thank click you down all right this takes time all right be patient finish so that's the six phenomenal stations please get used to those spaces and also with the names as well next one let's move on to the Tai Chi hands we are parties in Tai Chi hole shooter your hands be let's do it together put your hands on your head and relax take off your hand see relax your hand don't believe it using too much strength chicken bit less your hand so this way your movement will become flow all right let's try some Tai Chi walking so I fish to this direction first you're gonna open with your left leg I'm hands are I relaxed all right so this is the commencing move let's try these together so I open with my left leg hands are breathing breathe out watch a bit okay remember even coach this low make sure you maintain this level there's no oven down and they provide on star with your live leg first step off land on your heel and shift a weight from the back to the front end all right no I've been done which means there's no pump and up and down try to maintain the same level try to maintain the same level okay and flow see this is for overall training balance because I'm standing on my on my neck see this balance strain condition and overall training okay so now they try again from the beginning left leg out pretty now with your live leg off first then are you feel flow through like a water okay with two sticks hands if at the beginning if you to lay this that's all good and produce mix bed okay finish breathing oh and bring your left leg back together now let's go one more time then I appeal first [Music] party is more if you let okay but here we just read six hands so that's walking last had she walking forward Leigh Leigh's trial with Peggy waddly with a big watery a fish to this angle first start start with you live Lee a big first before Evo Prady if you too tight you walk you food Lee you stand on your hero first but this time if you walk in big moodily open it around land on your toes first change your foot the angle about 45 degree like empty stage member and the sea change the angle all right now let's do it together over time can use the coordination the corn it in for your coordination but don't do too much investing in station which is gradually to use to it and if next day or legs up a school that's totally new Moo just keep it gently massage alright next let's learn how to warming down properly start with our legs first modulate the muscles all right massage and above oh nice better side give a gingerly massage your spies like I mentioned before you can do more if you like okay which is cool through-hole - booming down probably and your hips and your bag up swap give them a shot with your face and kidneys shooters you can rub your shoulders walk it arms up here the asset rubber shoulders and arms use your thumbs to massage behind your head leg as well all right our paint balls like a glass shower head oh hey there's too many pressure points okay just keep legendary massage all right let's take a deep deep breathing push-up Oh or we can cross your hands breathing oh oh breathe breathe oh I keep it going okay she leaked through dance and shake your legs that's what all right everyone please try to memorize everything in this training station for example always make sure you warm up properly before your products and next training session after you turn on your panties and always make sure you woman done properly to avoid injuries I hope you enjoyed the train station starts with our YouTube channel for more training or support us on patreon happy training happy life we still next time
Channel: Master Song Kung Fu
Views: 2,225,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tai Chi Step by Step For Beginners Training, tai chi, taiji, tai chi for beginners, tai chi push hand, 太极拳, tai chi forms, tai chi tutorials, tai chi at home, tai chi quan, qigong, kung fu, wushu, shaolin, tai chi health, wudang tai chi, tai chi master, tai chi power, tai chi for fitness, tai chi for free, online tai chi class
Id: NsZaY-EMpiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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