TAHM-good for you that

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good for you that's a good start yeah it was you make learning fun are you going take a shower so how'd it go Oh little slow it's not exactly the quicker picker-upper well that's why he needs you he's kind of an idiot yeah anything but so we'll see you tomorrow then great hey Charlie thank you for what well you've given me back something I lost a long time ago I gave it back how did I give it back my self-respect oh sure that you can't get back you haven't even tried to hit on me no and I don't intend to I just want to see you get your life together again boy I've hated you for so many years I'm starting to think maybe I was wrong no no no you were right this is new for me well I like this charlie it's got a big heart Thank You Desiree wait instead of going back to that motel why don't you stay here no strange just until you can get a real apartment where would I sleep you can have the guest room well where we're at Alan asleep there was any justice at the bottom of a ravine
Channel: English Box
Views: 761,600
Rating: 4.7727666 out of 5
Id: U77x3uEVZ-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 31sec (91 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 26 2014
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