Tactics used in Arab Conquests of the Islamic Empire

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firstly the Middle East is a land of quite hard terrain you have substantial deserts huge deserts in the case of Saudi Arabia and the Sahara in Iran many of them bigger than Western Europe and also many major mountainous ranges such as the Hindu Kush in Afghanistan well given that the terrain is very difficult in many cases the Arab who didn't want to have to march our mountains and through deserts to conquer certain groups so yes they've devised a whole repertoire or means for getting the agreement of these peoples to leave them alone one was tax exemption there's quite a popular one inevitably which is others are simply two agreements to respect the life property and customs of people this is actually a very ancient form of agreement which in the Middle East which goes back it's used by the Romans it's used actually by numerous people like the Achaemenids in the Syrians as well we've got a very long tradition they also allow certain groups that were perceived as very tough and Hardy like the Kurds and the dynamism in the mountains around the Caspian Sea to provide military service instead of payment of taxes and instead of having to submit to Islam secondly they had a lot of problem in holding the community together they fight to civil wars very quick succession in the seventh century and to further ones in the next century the Arab identity of the core of the fighters manages just to hold things together gradually though the religion of Islam is developed and becomes able to bind quite broad community which he now starts to include more and more non Arabs and so over time this becomes the gel for society and allow it to continue forward until today you
Channel: Oxford Academic (Oxford University Press)
Views: 22,431
Rating: 4.5432525 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, video, oxford university, Oxford university press, education, publishing, scholarship, oxford, oup, oup academic, Oxford academic, Robert G. Hoyland, Robert Hoyland, Islamic Empire, Arab Conquests, conquests, caliphate, Byzantium, Persia, Muhammad
Id: QknXyD-CRrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 23sec (143 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 26 2014
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