Taco Tuesday: Creamy Chicken with Roasted Poblano and Caramelized Onion

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I've got some chopped garlic here that I'm gonna put into a skillet with some caramelized onions because this mixture for this edition of Taco Tuesday is going to be what gives richness sweetness to a mixture of braised greens and pull the shreds of chicken okay now that all gets cooked with cream which is the thing that makes this whole thing so beautifully luxurious and this recipe is really an inspiration of what I ate when I was in school in Mexico City many many moons ago so it was this lady who basically would roll up a garage door and she had this room where she made probably I would say like 25 different fillings and she put him in the big earthenware cazuelas and all during their lunch service if you will in the middle of the afternoon she would rotate those things over the fire but the earthenware kept the contents really hot and you would say I'd like a taco of that and a taco of that and a taco of that and she would spoon it into fresh made tortillas for you and it was some of the best food I have ever had in my entire life this is one of the things that she made I'm smelling that the garlic is cooked now over here and I'm going to add to this the crema so we have thick cream that's what she used like Mexican sour cream but it's much more really closely related to creme fraiche than it is to our sour cream and I'm going to add some broth to this this is just chicken broth we're gonna put the temperature up too high now so that we can reduce this quickly and we're going to reduce it with some greens this is a mixture of spinach and some Swiss chard you can use any kind of greens that you like just no spinach cooks really quickly things like collard greens take a lot longer so you'll want to reduce the temperature so that you can let this reduction happen over a longer period of time if you're using tough greens the beautiful kale that everybody is so in love with now takes quite a long time to cook sort of like collard greens do now I'm gonna just like put all this down in here like Moo down in here add the last little bit of the stock I wanted to see how much volume I had and we're gonna let this cook down since I'm using a mixture of spinach and Swiss chard the Swiss chard won't be quite as done as the spinach will be over the next couple of minutes of cooking here but let's go talk about some greens so what I have here on this plate is of course the red vein Swiss chard this comes also with a white vein in it and then of course there's those beautiful multicolored once there in orange and yellow and I don't know pink they just go on and on this is our spinach that we're using here but this is the ringer this is wild what we call here in the state's lambs quarters and I can guarantee you you have pulled it out of your garden it grows everywhere around the United States well this is actually a cultivated green in Mexico and people love its flavor it is one of the sort of sweetest nicest if you like kale this is even better and it's a kind of tougher leaf like a kale would be and it's just wonderful okay so that's another option for you but you'll probably have to harvest it from the wild okay so I'm going to take now our flavouring which is going to be poblano chili you want to roast the poblano chili until it is completely blackened on the outside like this we did this over a gas flame once it's cooled down you can peel the charred skin right off of it rip it open and pull out the seed pod and then it'll look like this one and I'm going to slice it now into that 1/4 inch slices and we'll mix that into the skillet now with everything else that's simmering I'm going to add to that a little fresh thyme you could use dried thyme for this if you wanted to but I think I would like the freshness of something if you've got cilantro if you've got harshly that would be lovely in a dish like this even more I think than the dried thyme but I have fresh thyme to work with right here so I'm gonna peel or pull the little leaves off of the stems I think time is one of the stronger herbs so a little kind of goes a long way for me so I like to not put too much of it in there I'm just going to bruise the leaves by chopping roughly across them but I'm not gonna like completely mince them that's enough for me I know that it's right when I can smell the aroma come up we'll put that into the skillet here we're gonna need of course some salt for this mixture and then lastly for this one not very common in Mexican cooking well put some pepper in it and I like to pepper with the cream to me that's one of the things that it works really really well here so put the fresh pepper in there I'm going to let this now simmer until it's reduced and the that cream has really thickened to the point that it can nicely coat all these greens I'll show you the very last step when we come back you can see that the cream and broth mixture has reduced and is now really quite thick you can see the bottom of the pan very easily with this to this mixture I'm going to add some chicken I would just suggest you buy a rotisserie chicken for this but you could grill some chicken breasts is very delicious in it and then add enough to make a sort of half-and-half mixture I would say here and we'll let that heat up together for just a minute while I get out the tortilla I've got a couple of very hot tortillas to lay down here and you can start to hear the little sizzle e crackle and this I'm gonna give it a taste before perfect I added just the right amount of salt at the very beginning so now our creamy chicken and greens mixture will go on to the tortillas and I like to garnish this one with just a little bit of queso fresco leave that off if you wanted to or choose another kind of garnishing cheese that suits your taste this takes me right back to my school days in Mexico City
Channel: Rick Bayless
Views: 22,514
Rating: 4.9574466 out of 5
Keywords: tacos, Rick Bayless, Taco Tuesday, creamy chicken, roasted poblano, caramelized onion, recipes, dinner, cooking, chefs, meals, Mexico City
Id: dLe4piTjvr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2016
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