Tableau speed tipping rematch: 87 tips in 50 minutes?

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good afternoon and welcome my name is Greg Dean and I'm the development manager for the dashboards team it has been my honor over the last five and a half years to work with a great group of engineers that both strive to help people deal with their data and make it fun - it is my pleasure today to introduce to you the Bert and Ernie of infographics the click and clack of analytics or as I like to say the Penn & Teller of data visualization and eke rebo dedicates an incredible amount of time to working with table users with projects such as makeover Monday tableau tip Tuesday and workout Wednesday's I expect by this time next year he and his collaborators will have Thursday and Friday covered for inspiring the tableau community Jeffry Schaffer has been helping people visualize data since before I started at tableau his blog is a wealth of information on both how to use tableau and create beautiful and insightful data visualizations Jeffrey is also the co-author of the big book of dashboards available now on Amazon together they spent 52 weeks working on a project called dear data - where they got to explore data such as their favorite clothes or what foods they ate where they got to deal with snail mail and improve their drawing abilities today they are going to do a rematch of last year's very popular and some would say controversial speed tipping talk so please join me in welcoming Andy and Jeffrey thank you I did have WTF Friday last year as well but I but I'm not gonna curse this year cuz this is being live-streamed so I have to be careful okay so I'm Andy it's Jeff you want to go through kind of the rules first well last year Andy took an extra five minutes of time so we now have a chess clock up here marked with 25 minutes each and we have our score keeper so at the end somebody's gonna run out of time that'll be fun and we'll see what the final score is okay there were something else we were gonna say as well what was that watch on YouTube huh watch this on youtube oh okay yeah it'll be up on YouTube later oh yeah don't follow along if you try to take notes you'll be behind in about 30 seconds so these are very very fast tips it's being recorded live streams so you can always watch it later Jeff and I'll both put it up on our blogs up on YouTube and that's the best way to kind of go back and see things this is about this is a 50 minute sprint that's not a good way to put it okay uh-oh and so here's how it works so if you think something is a tip it might not be the tip that we actually thought we were showing but if you if you learn something new or if you think it's just the tip in general cheer okay that's how we keep score if I'm presenting it here for something well get a point and then Jeff will get a point for his so make sense you want to press it and practice cheering so but keep the cheers short so that we don't know just cheers make sure they're at least 30 seconds yeah okay we're ready to get started we're ready okay you guys ready did you start did you start the clock she did you started the clock you started over okay all right and I tried to put out last year I messed up my tips so I tried to do better titles this year so the first thing I want to do is if I just want to look at a map of maybe proper ratio or something like that and I want to break it up by regions I want to have actually have a region as a as a geographic field instead of state but region isn't a geographic option in tableau so if I get on Geographic well you see how there's no region there actually I can actually do it from the state field so I can just kind of put region I now have a region geography and I can look at regional okay so in this particular example what I want to do is for each month so January February March through December I want to see each of the individual years the temperature change this is looking at global warming data so first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to change my month to a discreet field and I'm going to drag Iran to detail and I get a series of lines like that but what I really want to do is I want to jitter this so there's a hidden function in tableau called random R and it's hard to type when you're shaking and hit that and you get random just like that and it's really cool when you stick a reference line let me just take an average reference line on here for each median oh forget it okay so now I've got that same view and I want to actually stick a boxplot on here so I'm gonna just throw a box plot on the median and I get something like that right but what I want to do is I want to hide everything and I only look at the outliers so I'm gonna edit my box plot and there's this little hidden option here that most of us probably have ignored called hide underlying marks click on that and now you see just your outliers okay so in this particular example I have year fields and I have month fields but I need to create a date so how many of you have written really long case statements or if-then and it's super long right well there is actually a make date formula so I'm gonna create a calculated field I'm gonna call it my new date because I already have a date and if I just start typing in make date you see I need to put the Year in there so I'm just gonna drag my year number and this uses all numbers so your number month number comma one because I just put them all at the first hit ok and now I have a date field so I can now use that stick that up here and I can look at it by year and month I get back to something like that anyway you get the idea okay alright when you're working with CSV a lot of times numeric fields will come in as text fields and that can be kind of a pain to clean up but so in this particular example my unit price came in as the text and I want it to be a number in a measure so if I look down here in my dimensions area you'll see this has a little ABC next to it if you click on that ABC I can just quickly change it to a decimal and now it's now it's a number and then I could just drag it down to my measures and now it's a measure that's it was it called unit price okay there it is see proof okay all right in this particular example sometimes you have a scatterplot and you've got tons of outliers I'm sorry not tons about life tons of null values right so how many of us go on here and we just automatically hide that and then we say oh how do I get that back right I need to know if I got rid of my Knowles or if I change them to zero as well up here under the analytics pane if you get on to special values and you choose show your little indicator comes back okay this is one of my favorite tricks a 45-degree reference line so I want to understand which customers bought more in 2015 than 2014 so the trick to this is to duplicate either one of these fields so I'm just going to take 2014 oops wrong button and put it down there and make a dual axis and on this one I'm just going to make it I can leave it a circles doesn't really matter but I'm gonna make them super tiny actually you know I'll just make them white and make them very small kind of like invisible and then I'm going to make a dual axis and synchronize okay now from this point I'm gonna go back to my all marks card and get rid of measure names so now you can't see that and on the Analects pane I could just put a trend line on my 2014 sales and as soon as I synchronize that I get a perfect 45 degree reference line okay this one comes from Rachel Fang at the data school and this totally blew me away when I saw this so typically when we want to create a bar chart let's say by we wanted to look at sales by subcategory well do something like this and let's just make an entire view and then maybe we'll sort it or something like that right and if we don't want to see the access we'll right-click and we'll choose uncheck show header well that's not really what I want to do I don't want to have an access at all I don't even want a green field up here so how do I do that well I'm gonna take sales I'm going to move it to the size shelf and I'm gonna change these to bars and there we go I got a no access bar chart that's that goes back to the previous one where you're not supposed to you know anyway shoot oh okay so this one comes from you want to raise your hand okay it comes from her in the front so what I want to do is if I if I publish this to tableau server I don't want anybody to be able to click on this right so if like let's say you know you here in the front I don't want you to be able to click on this and to change the the graph around or anything like that I want to make it unclick Abal so to do that what I would do is I would go here to the the floating section and put a blank one on here and just drag it like this and put it over top like that and now nobody could hook all right one more okay so someone sent me a TW BX but I have no idea where the original data is right so help me all right so let's go to my finder here I've got an unzip folder so here's my t WB X everybody see that ok so to do that I'm gonna actually go down to oh boy where's my thing here oh there we go open with other come and I'm gonna go all the way down to the bottom let's do all applications and what did I call this now oh they're out of order oh no I'm losing time or am i there we go the unarchive err hit ok hit open and now I can actually see what data is comprised in there so it's made up of superstore ok so already Jeff I'm up alright to get started we're calling tech support and they say oh well we need to know your key or your version of tableau right so we're always always trying to do that well let's start with the tableau key we go to our help menu here and it's under the manage keys and we have this really long digit of numbers there how do we get it out of here well we can actually click on it and hit ctrl C and that will copy your tableau key now for those of you who are gonna follow this online on YouTube and think you're gonna get my tableau key that's gonna expire pretty soon so it's a temporary key in addition to that I want to see it here in the calculated window we're doing some training and we want to show somebody our calculated field this is a great tip here we're just gonna zoom in on the calculated field how about that we can just zoom right in there how do we do that we just use our trackpad or the write the scroll on your mouse we'll do the same thing all right we can do the same thing with our version of tableau this is a little there's nothing to click on in here so we go to our tableau window and as soon as you try to copy and paste that oh it disappeared I can't get it so same thing go to your window just hit ctrl C and we're gonna do the same thing we did before close my window and go into a calculated field and they is my version of tableau all right that'll save you some time and figuring that out later all right copy selected marks we showed a variation on this one last year what if we wanted to do some analysis we're digging in and we look at that mark and we look at this mark and this mark and we're multi selecting these marks well we can actually hit ctrl C on that and we can create a new sheet I'm just going to go here with a new worksheet I have four data points I'm gonna hit ctrl V and I bring my four marks back in to do analysis just on four marks but I want to do all right Andy showed one where he was typing the random up here he went up here and double clicked random well you can actually just type fields that already exist rather than hunting through a list so if I go to say my superstore data and I want to find sales well I just start typing sales and that's a fast way to get sales in there just a quick easy way to do that now along those big you along those same lines with with color last year I showed a quick tip on color where we took the the the column and rows and dragged them from over here on to color and a lot of people hadn't seen that before you can actually do it from your rows and columns as well just click category and so drag it down to color just put it right on there quick color easy enough if you want to change your color you can do that too so all right moving on all right I am always doing this and I figured there had to be a better way to do this I want to show a filter for something let's say I want to show the filter for the subcategory here so I go find subcategory and I dragged it on to filters and then it gave me the box and then I clicked ok and then I went here and clicked here and said show filter well there's an easier way to do that a faster way to do that just go to the field that you want right click on it and click show filter so just saves you some steps all right okay so color marks you'll notice in this slope graph here that the red lines are sort of in the back the other lines are on top of it and if it's a mark you can change the marks you can click on the mark and and right-click and you would be able to change a mark but in this case it's based on color it's not based on the actual mark to go bring mark to the front or send it to the back so to do this we just do it in the color legend we can actually pick the red and bring red to the top and the red line will be at the top so whatever our order is of our legend is the order of the mark on the color all right along those same lines let's say I'm diving into technology I want to click on technology whoops not that over here so I'm gonna highlight my highlight must be off there we go so I clicked on technology I don't know if I there's a highlight button right there that has to be selected to be able to do that so if that's off make sure it's on to highlight I've highlighted the red and now I want to recolor based on that on that color scheme well I can go right here and click assign highlight colors to palette and that new color scheme with the red and the gray are now assigned so my color palette I don't have to redo the colors for my assigned color okay using color shapes you bring a shape in I don't have anything on my color pill well if it were if these were dots here and I was using a circle from a default shape I could change the color in the color menu but when I go to color here and I change it to red nothing nothing changes to red easiest way to do that just an inline formula double click there right on my marks car I'm just going to type a letter a in quotes and I'm gonna take that a and put it on color and now I can change the color to whatever I want so all right a line per color but the trick is I want to keep this black line and so to change it per color I can right click and under the Edit trend lines there's actually a box that says allow a trend line per color and when I check that box all is good you'll see behind it I have a red and blue but my black line disappeared and when I uncheck that the black line so how do we how do we get both of those I want both of those so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna duplicate a measure we talked about this in a tip last year I think ctrl key just to duplicate so we have two doesn't matter in this case which one because they're both green pills I can duplicate either one and I'm gonna right click on the second one and edit the trend for the second one to give me my colors and then simply put them on a dual access and so now I have both of them and then I guess I'll finish with this one we showed dragging of to get rid of lines last year I think Andy showed this tip where you take the average line and you drag it to get rid of it that's a pretty fast one I like to use the keyboard sometimes more than dragging but I'll click it and I'll just hit my delete key so if I if I click the line and hit the Delete key it's gone so and we'll turn it back over to Andy I just realized he took one of my tips so I did okay all right so in this case what I want to look at is let's say I'm looking at a year I'm gonna make this continuous and let's say we just want to look at the median temperature by year but you see how I've got this kind of gap here if i zoom in a bit you can see I've got this gap here I want that gap to be smaller right so all I need to do is change my data type on my year to a decimal and then I can change this to say I wanted to start at one fifty nine point five and end at 20 was it 16 point five and there we go now I can get them right close to the edge so and if you're unsure how to kind of create that year field so let me take that off what you can do is if you have a date field and you're unsure how you're supposed to create the year field so let me let me go ahead and make this continuous as well if I just double click in here I can hit ctrl C and then create a calculated field and paste it in and there's my new year so that's the way you can create a year field as well if you want to have it separately so okay so this one was pretty fun I learned this one the other day so a lot of times what I what I want to do is I want to put dots on either end of the line right so I'll go to the label shelf and I'll say show mark cards and I'll say line ends and I get lines on both ends right but I like what the most recent does where it puts a tiny little dot on there as well right how many of you actually duplicate this so let me show you a couple ways to do it I could say something like if first fist first equals 0 or last equals 0 then give me the median right and something like that and that's broken but that's okay you could do it like that and then you could you could you could do it like that and then dual-axis to make those dots right basically they just put dots on either end of the line but this is really cool I never knew you can do this so if I go the label shelf and I do line ends no I do min/max I can choose a field here and I want to base it on my year right so now I get the dot on the end and let me go ahead and put median on the label so we can see it better and there we go now I have lines on either end plus the dots never do that and you knew that one didn't you no okay all right okay so this one's pretty cool so Jeff just did this but he didn't point it out so I'm gonna steal it all right so what's really cool here is when you hover over any axis or any any field in the view you see I get this little triangle here on the edge that turns into a cross well that lets you actually just move the field wherever you want so I can make it dual axis like that and maybe put these on color for comparison purposes or something so anywhere you see a cross you can move this around so I could now take this and maybe move it to color and create something hideous so we can make it even better and make it a pie right so we could do something like that yeah yeah it's really good it's fantastic isn't it okay so let's put 2015 sales on angle and make something like that really good yeah love my pies okay so in this particular example what I want to do is I want to create a gap between the west and the central here right I want to have a bit of spacing in between the regions pretty you know just make it look a bit cleaner so to do that I'm going to go over here to my analytics pane and I'm gonna go to my totals and I'm gonna put it first I'm going to turn on my subtotals right so now that had these subtotals I'm gonna click on one of them and in this little tool bar I'm gonna go down and choose to hide and then I'm going to right click on my format my total line and I'm gonna just remove the label and there we go I've got a gap in my reports now but that's that's how it works with dimensions but how does it work with measures right let's say I want to gap in between these two so to do that I can just simply do in two null int no like that and now I can use that in between and put spaces in between my columns like that so that works as well space things out all right so in this case we're gonna create a I want to look at a world population bikini chart or you might call it a population pyramid I think the key chart sounds better but so in this case what I want to do is I'm going to take a year and I'm just gonna put that on the rows so we get something like that and I'm gonna take my female population and put that in the columns and then I'm going to take my male population and let's make these may be a shared access something like that and then put measure names on to color just make it nice and easy okay well now they're stacking on top of each other which isn't particularly helpful let me pick a single country let's pick I don't know Australia it doesn't really matter okay see that counts that's a tip no okay but notice how it's not really a bikini chart I want one going one way and one going the other well I'm gonna do is just double click here in females and stick a negative in front and now I get a bikini chart so so if I make an entire view I get something like that which isn't particularly attractive so I would make this continuous and change it to an area chart and now that actually goes from most recent to older so if I want to reverse that around I could just click on the reverse down there and there we go all right so there's one more thing I want to do on this though I want to have actually have the year label kind of go down the middle right so let me switch this back to discrete and I want you my years labeled kind of going down the middle right so let me actually filter the years first just to make it a bit easier to see so I'm gonna just highlight a bunch of these and just uncheck them okay do something like that so [Applause] that's pretty damn good wasn't it yeah okay so I'm gonna do is I'm going to just type an average of zero in here and on this I'm going to actually make this a text and I'm going to put country on to the text I'm sorry not country here on to the text and let's go back to sorry go to this card here remove measure names and now I can make this dual axis and I can get my country my years going right down the middle something like that alright so this one's pretty cool so in this in this what I want to do is when I click on a state let's say Montana because this orange one that's sticking out I'm at the whole map to zoom into Montana right so to do that I'm gonna create a dashboard action and hopefully I don't mess this up because I did the first time I'm gonna do a filter action that goes from the map - the map but down here the trick is I need to actually change this to be the worksheet which oh god what is the name of it let's go with let's go with 16 let's hope that's the right one I don't know if it is or not but we'll figure it out and what I want to do is I want to do that on select and then I want to show all values when it's not picked and then here I'm going to add a selected filter on state so ste okay okay again hit OK again 14 times and now when I click on that I can zoom into a particular State okay well with I think it was tableau ten - they gave us airport codes that's pretty cool and we can bring that in yeah we can cheer for airport codes so I'm gonna go to my desktop here and just we have a sheet here called airport codes and a new workbook I'm going to just drag that over I have the airport codes that come right into tableau so they're a quick data import and then thank you and from here we're gonna I did okay don't give me that point I showed it last year Airport code just go to airport code and we'll go down to the geographical role and we're just going to mark it as Airport and there we go we have the airport code I'm gonna just double click it and we're gonna see our airports that I have in there kind of put it right on there right next boom this is also fairly new to tableau in the in the map options here excuse me we can add the we can add the map scale so there's a box for the map scale it'll put the map scale down in the bottom down and here's a good tip for you get one of these Logitech things because you can zoom in on the on the screen here if it'll work let's just get it right there so I can zoom in down to the bottom of the screen alright see all right so yeah for all you trainers out there you definitely need that so now we have that that scale it'll adjust automatically so when you when you zoom in you'll see the scale starts to change and then if you're another nice tip here in the radio when you zoom out it adds the distance so you can kind of see the one mile the two miles so that that's that's fairly new as well alright thank you this one I think there's a great tableau video on this one by Emily and the tableau wannabe podcast group Emily did dash lines you want to do a dash line and so this one is a bit tricky because you just have to know which fields to click and which ones not to click so I'm gonna I'm gonna create that for Ilic let's just walk through it before I do I want to fire up one that I encountered I think it even cost me a point last year because I had a magnifier up but I'm gonna open up Snagit anybody you Snagit you know - right all you Snagit people yeah you're in training and somebody's following along and you take state and I'm going to take state and put it on columns and wait a minute State won't go on columns so I won't state go on columns nothing will go on columns why because that little Snagit thing is right there on top of my columns and I can't drag a pill up there so make sure you don't have that open people are always confused on that all right okay so let's go back and build what we want to build here I'm gonna build this dash line with just it's just three fields month of order date and sales so let's let's build that quickly so real quick I'm going to double click I'm gonna find my sales down here and talk about this in a minute double click that double click my order date and then I'm gonna change that to a continuous month I have a green pill there and I'm going to put my order date on pages all right so now I have and I'm gonna change it to month because I needed to match my month okay so I have this on the page filter and the thing is if I go over here all the way to the end I can kind of see what's what's going on here the trick is that this really needs to be in circles like this and you want to show your page history you're going to show your trails and down here with a line I did something wrong there one my what up thank you my month is my month did not kick over he's helping me with my tip thank you Andy alright so then kick this over to trails and when we bring this down these it has to be on circles you would think it would be on lines because you're making a dotted line but you can't get the trails if you put it on line so you need these trails and then down here what you're going to do is you're going to click on your show your history of the trail so put all on there and show your histories and you just make it a dotted line in there so that's how we get the dashed line in there all right creating fast hierarchies we could you know right-click to create some hierarchy but I we have the standard hierarchy in the superstore data I just sort of uncollapse tit here so I guess we have manufacturer product subcategory and category up there well I'm just gonna highlight these three with my control and drag them right on top of category and when I do that there's my fast hierarchy to say products and I can create the hierarchy so there's my fast hierarchy for that if you need to thank you if you need to change in the hierarchy category goes to subcategory just drag it up or it underneath so it's category subcategory manufacturer and product all right export to CSV I showed this last year where we went to a the data we opened up the data to view the data and we hit copy we selected all of them and we hit copy and then we pasted it over to excel well who wants to do all that we're just going to go to the let's go to this vinca plot here and I'm gonna right click on it and all we have to do is export data to CSV one click of a button we get a CSV file okay that is true but I think you have the greatest tool tip ever of exporting the CSV that's right you did let's see shapes for custom legends so we have these we have a dot plot here I've assigned my color remember it's got the red color and the tend to not color so I want to create a custom legend for this which is not say not squares so I want to create a new sheet now some of you may use the new sheet button over here which I'm very fond of but when you click it what's gonna happen is it's gonna put a new sheet way over at the end and now I have to drag it all the way back to where I was so let's not do that what you need to do instead is where right where you want to create the new sheet right here I just right click and I'm just going to do it here because my new seat will be right where I want it and thank you from here our custom legend what we're gonna do here is just take our whatever we're using our field for category we're going to put our category there and just change it to shape we'll just do circles and then on color I had color for category which is assigned to that highlight color so there's my custom color legend and I can use this and I can even create a dashboard action to use it to filter so custom circle color legend keep going okay I thought it was coming up you want I find a we get superstore and I have so many fields in here I started using this more and more especially when I have long rows just to control F will give you the search box back and forth and you can type the word sales and then you only get the fields that have sales and sales coughs it's much faster so definitely do that right shapeshifter this was a fun one and I I did a blog post on partly how to do this so this this is really just using a parameter down here for shapeshifter and so let's just look at the parameter of what I created I have typed in three words airplane house and car and so very simple I could type in whatever categories I want the calc the calc field though is the shapeshifter calc up here segment calc and we'll use our tip from earlier to view in for you and all it really does it says if it's this house and your segment is consumers so it's checking both of them then we're gonna use the consumer data if it's an airplane and its corporate and so by doing that that double statement there well that'll let my parameter change both my number for consumer and my shape so I can have a custom shape for whatever I pick home price home office and so on hope icons are great you might want to just grab a I con of a question mark you throw that in as a custom shape like to use this one a lot and on your tool tip just put your instructions in a tool tip and then you can use that on your dashboard up here so that you can hover over it and you have a beautiful help menu for your user on what they should do and what they should click alright I'll finish up one more here so custom shapes you bring custom shapes in and if you're like me you go find these custom shapes hey we both have the same amount of time so we go to custom shapes and we pick our shape and in the shape folder you'll see that I have this folder called a thousand free icons who doesn't want a thousand icons so I downloaded a thousand icons and put them in the folder so what I want to caution you is is that if you just use one of those icons in that folder your whole folder of icons gets packaged in the package workbook Wow well that means that you really get a different size when when you do that so as an example let's just build two workbooks really quickly I'm going to just copy this a1 here into tableau to create the smallest possible workbook I can create here come on tableau so I have one filled the letter A with a single value and what I want to show you here is if I'm going to just put a shape on that a single shape and I'm just going to use a circle very simple and I'm gonna save that as I'm just gonna put it right on my desktop circle I'll make it a packaged workbook so it takes my shapes and packages them up I'm going to do the same thing I'm going to take the shape and I'm going to change my shape this time to one from my thousand free icons I'll just do the footsteps here and apply it so all I'm doing is putting the footsteps in here I'm gonna save that one as well tips are getting longer aren't they Andy I'm gonna call this footsteps and then let's go look in my desktop on my desktop we will see the circle is a properties of a whopping four kilobytes but my footsteps the same single icon that wrapped with the thousand icons is a whopping two megabytes so there you go okay alright it's very close right now okay so this one comes from from Mesa from the data school and there's a blog post here to read it but in this case what I want to do is first thing I want to do is draw a route map for all of the bus routes in London so I'm gonna take root and put that on detail and I just get a mess right and then I'm gonna take sequence which is the order of the bus stops and put that on that and now I get a nice little little map of bus stops so it looks pretty cool but what I want to be able to do is basically when they choose less than ten routes I want the lines to get thicker right so they're a little bit easier to see so if I just start by just picking ten for example you see the lines are still thin I want them to be a bit thicker so let me go back to all so what I did was I created a calculated field just that just says if the total of the number of routes is bigger than ten then make it a one else make it ten right so I'm going to take that and drag that on to the size shelf and now I'm going to go into here and I'm gonna make it by range and I'm going to say from one to ten and there we go and maybe I'll just drag this over a bit hit OK and now if I pick less than ten routes there we go my lines are thicker so you can use the size calculation for that okay so in this particular example I have a continuous months for sales right and when we hover over but what I really want on my axis here is I just want a single letter for each of the months so I'm gonna right click on the axis and choose format and down here in the scale and down here in dates I'm gonna go down to custom and I'm just gonna put the letter M two three four five times and there we go so now I just have a single letter and if I want the Year in there as well I can do YY so now I can do like November 11 12 something like that so use your custom formatting to save you a bit of space alright so in this example what I want to do is I want to actually also put region on the label shelf and you see how my labels are cut off there so let me make these a bit bigger let's see no it's okay I'm just going to choose to match the mark color they could have been easier to see maybe make them bold okay but you see how central is kind of cut off a bit right so what I want to be able to do is I need to give space over there well what I could do is I could just go in here and change the end date manually but what happens when I get new data and I get past that right then the data would get cut off so I need to do it manually alright automat automatically so I'm gonna create a calculated field that's called my max year plus so what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to use mustachios and I'm just gonna do the max max and I'm gonna drag this down here I don't want to do the month yeah let's do months it's okay let's make this max month instead so what I want to do now is I want to take the max I want to do a date add and it got rid of that I want to take my I want to do a month at the month level I want to do month and then I want to add to and there's my date field and I did it wrong so I'm gonna go back and switch this to year because I messed up and I'm just going to add to something like that and I have an error because I'm missing oh I lost my moustachio on the end didn't I and a bracket there we go okay so that gives me two years yeah so now I'm gonna just drag that on to my I'm gonna drag that on to my detail shelf and let's just make it months to be consistent and now on my analytics pane I can drag a reference line on the months and I could say to base it off of my max month so now let's do none and share recalculate there we go oh it didn't work okay so I messed up my calculation this has to be year I think okay anyway you're it's supposed to work I messed something up there oh that sucks ass okay so in this particular example I kind of like the way that this this was built so I want to understand let's say that you just see an image of it or something like that and for some reason somebody decides I hide the rows and columns you understand how they built it well you can go up to worksheet and if you go to describe sheet which nobody ever does you can go on here and you can see all of the marks that they used it's really cool that's one of my favorite things for reconstructing things all right now this one is this one totally blew me away so in this particular example let's say I want to drag let's take a year and put that on the filters and let's say we want to look at everything from let's make it continuous instead let me just right click continue this make it easier okay and I want to do I want to start at 1960 something like that right hit okay and that filter is that nice and neat but what I want to be able to do is I want to be able to apply that to all data sources or all sheets that are these teal colors right so I don't want to do all I don't want to go here and choose apply to all using this data source I only wanted to do it to the teal colored ones so what I can do is I can go in here and I can do apply filter selected worksheets and notice how these are colored right I never knew that before so I can go in here and I can just pick the teal colored sheets to apply that to instead so that's a good way to use your sheet colors okay so this one so anybody that follows Puja know she likes doing all these like weird design things to try to look cool so this actually came up in a webinar that even I did so I thought I would add it as a tip so basically how can you create these kind of boxes that have these these lines right so I'm gonna choose a floating object here and I'm gonna start by just dragging on a text box and just hit OK and let me make that bit bigger so you can see it and then I'm gonna go ahead and format my text box and put a maybe I'll put a nice thick border on it so you can see it better can you see that okay yeah so what you do there is if you want to kind of cut this out is you drag another one on top of that one and I'm gonna call this best tip ever and I'm gonna make that maybe 28 points enter it whatever there we go something like that and if I put this one kind of in the middle here and I drag it up and down oh come on come on come on come on there we go and now if I format this text object I can make the border white in theory if I click the right spot what is not working there feeding oshi 18 whoops God yell at me okay and there we go is that how you doing pooja said how you doing okay yeah I was just guessing I figured I was right okay so in this case what I want to be able to do is I want to have nice little divider lines between each of these sections to kind of split up the view so there's a couple different ways you can do it the first ways you can drag an image in between goop let me make it tiled drag an image in between and on my computer I have tons and tons of different lines I created in PowerPoint and just save them as images right so I'm gonna go with a moss colored thick line because that's what I want and I could stick that in there and then I choose fit image and then center image and there we go I have a nice little line and then I can choose to edit the Edit the height and I can make it 1 pixel and now I have a nice line in between something like that the other way is to use a text box so I'm going to drag a text box in between these two and this is actually my preferred way and now I'm good just going to go to format text box and shade it I'll make it maybe like a grey or something and then again just set the height to 1 and then you have a line that goes all the way across time to ensure that one last year three months okay should I stop there then probably okay you stole this one so I stole her from you okay we could keep going - if you guys want all right you have a tableau workbook that somebody put on tableau public and you want all their shapes well this is a cool app by one of the tableau developers you can just you can actually bookmark this and it'll show up up here as a bookmark so it only works in Chrome but you can find anybody's tableau public page let's go look up Jewel and just find her tableau public page and see what she has I think she's got some she's got some cool tableau public visits I don't know if this one has shapes in it let's find her actually let's go over here and find one that has shapes how about about this one over here so history of the drum corps so we view this it's right here in the browser just pulls it up in the browser all we're gonna do once it loads here is click the button once we click the button you'll see it downloaded a zip file of all the shapes in the browser and you have all of the shapes that were used in her viz right in part of the big book of dashboards we talked about big numbers big-ass numbers you know it only took him three minutes to curse this year I think you know that was a record time here so our limit in font size in a text box this is is 72 so if I bring a text box and put it over here the largest I can go in anything I type in here is 72 well you can actually go bigger than that the easiest way to do it is just any kind of word editor I'll just use Microsoft Word I'll come in Microsoft Word and create something like 150 and I will make this really really big font well I can do the 7d but I can also type in here 350 that might be a little too big but we'll copy that bring it over to our text box paste it and we have a giant text along the same lines you can also copy special characters from word one of the fun ones is ligatures these are right here this is just Times New Roman and you'll see that I have a ligature in the font that that just comes from the same thing I'll crank down my font a little bit let's go to 50 now and this is under the insert tab and word anyway there's symbols you'll just have to go look through your symbols they have all kinds of different symbols including very various ligatures if you want to insert something like that so that's fun can give you some decorative fonts you just copy and go over here and paste that into tableau and it shows up just like that okay Andy likes donuts and ice cream and chocolate and Reese's peanut butter cups I think so here's a here's this chart that's in a text box that says Andy likes donuts and the thing is if there's multiple layout boxes here you'll see over here that I have three of them and Andy likes Donuts is on top this one comes from Rodrigo you can actually click over here on your objects and rank them Jeff likes Donuts too and I can rank that above that to put that on top team Jeff alright now pooja does some great work you know she likes to do all the design cool design stuff well one that I thought that would look cool would be 3d text so I'm just gonna copy pooja tastic they're just gonna copy the text and I'm just going to put another text box a floating text box not a tiled Xbox a floating text box right on top of that and so we have that I'm gonna size it so that it's the same and then I'm gonna change the color of that second one maybe to a about a gray will do a light gray like that and I can put that right on top of the other one to get ya a nice 3d text in tableau all right you're working on dates you can take a year and you can hit the plus sign and it'll go down to month and quarters and days and that's that's great but what if you need to go back up well down here the user can do back and forth we can go down two days down here the minus sign will bring it back up so great quick access to go back up and down for continuous dates this one came from one of my my students what we're trying to do this in a in a crime file and so they wanted to just color a certain part of the line maybe four to highlight something so what I did was is just create a calculated field here date range but before I do that I just want to highlight over it oh did I mention that Andy likes Donuts how did I get that in there well I right click and down here in default properties we can use comments and we can comment our fields so there's a tip for ya we can even have more fun in week 5 of deer data Andy spent more on ice cream the Mother's Day it was kind of sad yeah anyway that field that I created here is orderdate and I used and II talked about how to make a date well this is how we do that in tableau we just take order date greater than or equal to or make date we're going to take that and put it on our color and we can color our line now yeah if you like it um the the thing with this is though there's always a break in the line and so this is an interesting one if you want to connect that just go down to attribute click your attribute make it an attribute and your line is now connected okay we're doing speed dipping now two minutes each way keke going to if they you guys want to just stick around so Jeff showed this one so I'm gonna skip that one okay so in this particular example what I want to do is I'm gonna duplicate month on to the color shelf and I get a different color for every month everybody loves these kind of charts right so what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna assign January like a blue and maybe I'll leave December the way it is but all the colors in between I want to have in a in a range right so I'm gonna go ahead and here and pick one of my color palettes maybe green hit assigned palette and that only gets assigned to those fields okay so Jeff just called me and told me that all of our sales numbers are off by a factor of a hundred so I need to fix that so I'm gonna create a new calculated field I'm gonna call it sales fixed and I'm gonna say sales times 100 because everything's off by a factor of 100 I don't know why you're not a accountant apparently but what I need to be able to do is it would really suck to go back through every one of these charts and fix that right so what I'm going to do is when I have sales here I'm going to right-click and do replace references and I'm gonna get it on here to sales fixed and hit OK and that's going to replace it every single where that it exists in the workbook at once all right so in this example I'm looking at the average days to ship and what one minute okay and I want to be able to round these both up and down so what I'm gonna start by doing is just doing a round function and I'm gonna drag this in and let's say we're gonna round it to zero decimals oops comma zero okay and the round function actually rounds all of them up right well what if I wanted to round down well I can do that with an integer just do an int instead and that will truncate everything essentially but there's also two more I could do floor and put that in and guess what the other one is anybody know the ceiling right and so I can do ceiling so all these functions exist in there you just have to know how to play with them so I'll get in there get in there you get the idea right okay yeah okay ten seconds all right chart trend for okay these are all gonna take too long I put all my long ones at the end so I'll just stop there for now alright I guess I'm down to two minutes so time for quick tips like iron fist I'm here right okay so embedding an online image you might have your images on a website you want to put your images well okay I have an image of Andy here and I want to put that in well the thing is is that image is stored on a website and as soon as I put it in it'll show up in tableau desktop the problem is when I publish it to tableau public it's gonna say oh it needs to be HTTPS and you can't control that so what you do is I built this for you anybody's welcome to use it just put your URL at the end of this URL and then when you put it into tableau public you'll see the difference the one on the right will work and the one on the Left didn't you also might want to have a blank object so I built a blank page there is a web page right there but it's not going to show up until I click something so there's a blank page that you can put in as your placeholder URL and then when you click on it it will pull up a URL inside of there along the same lines you can do base64 images which are really just like your shapes in tableau and the data that I'm bringing in are just a field right there you'll see this really long list of things there if it's too long that's why I put the length there so you could kind of see the length if it's more than about six thousand characters it won't show up but this one when I click on it will pull up and this one there's no way this is all this text that I brought in and there's Andy you went fine you know I'm gonna take my extra second side I did bring something for it Andy I did I did get a doughnut for you all right I think we're time's up so I only got halfway through my workbook - so it's gone oh we got worried I wasn't prepared enough all right what's the final seller I lost any guesses on what the score is anybody want to guess it's not it's not a tie the things Jeff won oh he's singing through this go ahead yeah so it looks like this year Jeff Miz the winner 38 to 35 well done Jeff yeah well then next year all right I think we finished a few minutes early so I mean we could keep going if you guys want to sit here no that's all right go to the next session get in line early
Channel: Tableau Software
Views: 14,590
Rating: 4.9841895 out of 5
Keywords: Visual data, Visual analytics, Business analysis, Business analytics, Business analysis tool, Data analytics tool, Data Analytics, Analytics, Analytics platform, Cloud application, Business analytics platform, data analysis, data visualization, business dashboards, business intelligence, tableau, tableau software, High Technology
Id: UXN05cLxamU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 25sec (3265 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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