Tableau Server Installation on AWS EC2 Linux Setup A Z

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hello welcome to my youtube channel today i'm going to be teaching you how to install tableau server on linux aws ec2 and you can just practice along with me so let's do this let's get started so we're going to log into aws aws amazon web services sign in and now i'm going to go to ec2 um it looks like i have an instance currently running right now okay this is the instance where i um installed linux so let me just terminate this instance so we can we can do everything from scratch okay i'm going to show you how to create the the linux environment then i'm going to show you how to install tableau server on it let me go back to my dashboard let me see how many instances do i have here delete this security group delete what else do i have okay um quickly you know this is the key pair we're going to need a key pair while um using putty to access to access the the instance so let me delete this one delete type delete okay now let's create a new key pier call it w next test and instead of picking pm i pick ppk okay so that's for putty because i'm not going to just go straight through ssh i'm going to use pudi first to set it up so i'm going to create keep here then let me save it where i save most of my other files tableau server let's say you want to replace yes i already had i already made one before but i'm going to replace it with this new one i just created and now let me go to the instance that one has been terminated so let's launch a new one you click on aws marketplace then you search for sense os you see centos 7 this is supported by linux this is supported by tableau server and this is a linux environment so you just click select click continue and when you get here to choose your cpu and memory you just do ctrl f you do m5.4 right there m5.4 you click that click this uh since we're just going through just a regular setup right now just for teaching purposes i'm not going to div dive deep deep dive into this so i'm just going to click add storage let's put android gig delete on termination okay um no need to encrypt it right now then click add tag let's add tag this one we call uh should we call it name let's call it tableau test tableau linux let's let's just call it that for now so for this one we're going to put http we're going to also include https and let's include rdb rdp so that we can we can uh use remote desktop um for ip address uh let's just use my ip okay so for that um no need to add descriptions right now just to speed this up um review and launch everything looks pretty good cpu memory ip addresses and you just click launch so now you know the the key pair which we made earlier right you just click click the drop down then you click acknowledge data access then launch instance says your instance are now launching so you now view instances so this might take a minute if you come in here you click monitor um check status increase this a little bit system status check and instant status check these are the two statuses that must be approved before on the status check before the instance can be opened and to monitor instance performance and all that you can use monitoring right there so we're going to install um after we launch this instance we're going to install the gui um so that we can install tableau server in a more familiar environment than just the terminal you understand so this is still installing just give it a minute let's check see it still says initializing illusion lies in okay so it says um check pass check passed two of them are complete right there um description so this is it the instance is ready the next thing we do is let's just copy the public ip and we'll go to putty you paste the public ip right there and uh let's ssh since this is ssh let's give them the authority the key pier that we created which is this one right here the one we created and i saved to my folder right there then i'm just going to click open sava os key is not cached in the registry okay just click yes okay now saying login as send os perfect so um to make this whole process smoother i have a script that we can use to install gui for um linux on centos right so with this script we can just we can just copy and paste okay so we're just going to do sudo su to switch to roots user and now i just want to create the password for centos copy paste okay and i'm typing the password right now okay now let me create the password for root user right there copy paste okay so successful successful the next thing we're going to do is sudo yum update you can just copy that from here as well ctrl c paste it now it's um doing configuring all the update um is this okay click y enter okay just do y again enter so after the update i'm going to do sudo yum group list and every time you want to do a standard procedure at your phone it's always good to have a scripts written out step by step when you are doing your um test process during your testing you write out your scripts step by step so it can be a smoother um process when you're doing it in the production environment so that's why i have my script right there to get it done pretty fast so this shouldn't take too long should be done you know in a minute now okay it's still running so it's going to be done pretty soon you know it updated some of these documents now it's cleaning up some of the others that we're just lying in the system complete right there so the next thing we're going to do is let me just see the last thing i ran if i click here that was the sudo update so now we're going to just do sudo yum group list right there click enter that's done and now um this is for graphics purposes um i'm going to copy this so paste it right there and click wine and i can definitely put the um the scripts in the description so you don't have to type yours out word for word you can just copy my script and get logged into the os it's still installing okay so let's let's just sit back and watch it should be done pretty soon so i don't think i'm going to be cutting this out of the video since it's not that it doesn't take that long okay it should be almost done by now to the right over there it says install installing so so it's done so the next thing we're going to do just to make sure that that's the last thing we installed we're now going to run sudo yum group install server with gui this is the main thing right here copy and that is done so after that we're going to copy this right here and once that is done then we're going to do sudo reboot it says remote side to uninspected okay just click ok then right on the top bar just right click and uh restart session so now it's going to ask again send to us um just type clear let's play this okay so now we're going to do sudo yam install is for epl copy the e-pal basically oh apl whatever so now this file right here you can get this file um you can get that file let me show you let me see i think i put the address on my right there control copy on my red app linux install so if i open a new tab right now i put the address keep [Music] then i type e p here release in the search then under 7 i just come here i click on this and you can see download link right here binary just copy that link and that's the source file for that um but i already have this in my scripts so let me just close out this linux version and copy it directly from my script copy now i'm just going to paste it then i'm going to this next one i'm going to paste it now after doing the first one it says the package already installed so then we're going to do sudo yum install xldp copy that is complete then we're going to copy this one systemctl start xrdp copy this is very important then you're going to use this other one right here copy okay and now let's enable xldp okay now that that is done you have to set up the firewall because it will prevent tableau server from installing is going to be quite a number of of errors popping up if you don't do this and after that you do sudo firewall for the port then lastly do this and click enter so once that is done you can just exit out of this and now you can go back to your aws copy this copy the ip again go to remote desktop remote remote desktop you paste that ip right there you hit connect and you just click yes and it brings you right to the screen then you do send as mos then your password that you created click ok and this is the linux environment you just created you can exit out the start guide and you right click open terminal this is terminal right here and for this we are going to run some scripts i think i already even have the script file created also let me see i think i have it right here install tableau server on linux okay perfect the first one is we're going to click on applications firefox changes then go to uplay download get tableau linux here start free trial tableau server on-prem for linux we're installing it like it's on prem but you know it's actually in aws ec2 cloud then now you see we're using centos s7 so you just click this then click save click ok 1.6 gig should download pretty fast because of my internet so now that that has completed you don't don't need no need to open it right there just can close this tab also open minimize that go back to your terminal let's see if you say ls cd download download ls that's the file right there so you say sudo yum install that file name copy paste and just click enter it's saying is that okay click y so that package is the tableau server package for linux and we're basically installing that right now says complete right there let's minimize this again it says complete we have our scripts right here so um there's something i want you to see so in this path right here packages right there is a script that would that would help us initialize tsm as um tableau server manager which is the next thing we're supposed to do right now is to initialize that so what i'm going to do is do cd let me do cd paste that path and click enter so i do ls see you so if you see the that's the script right there that is the script that we need to use in initializing tsm so what we're going to do is compare that script right there to what what number we have right here you see that script is not the same with that but it is the same with this um since i just created this but if you're installing if you're doing this practice session a month from now or some of some weeks from now the script um number zero six two six or 1.1424 that will probably be different so you just tweak the script with the new number right there and now you copy it copy and after you copy you just come down here you paste it and you click enter and it starts to initialize tsm so it says right there starts in csm services this shouldn't take too long should be done pretty soon see it says done everything set up go back and check to see if there was any errors it looks pretty good so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to make sure we include this path we're going to source this path so it can be in this while we're while we're doing this process so now that we've sourced that path um all that i need to do now is to use rather than continuing using the terminal for the installation um tableau has done a really great job to help us develop the gui in such a way that we can um finish up the tsm installation and also the server admin username and initialization all using the web browser so i'm just going to paste this into the web browser then click enter advanced since it's not uh um we don't have an ssl set up yet so definitely this is going to keep bringing up errors just click accept risk and continue so now the same user account that was used to set up the administrative process set up this entire linux environment or if there's another user that also has administrative privileges in the administrative group then you can log in using that user so let's do sense os and the password we created then click sign in you can just you can save it if you want um we don't have a product key so just use the free 14-day trial then let me put my information my phone number email address organization industry education department i.t job bro let me just pull student then city zip code what is the zip code for that school again give me one minute let me find the zip code the zip code is seven nine zero one six then country united states and state that's texas so for for the rest of you to register your tableau server you might have to create another account like this info you can use my information to register your tableau server you have to use your information that you've been using for your tableau desktop for your tableau prep and all the other accounts that's what you used you click register then um we don't have active directory setup right now so just click local which is fine you could you could install thousands of users using csv file using the local setup anyway so i don't i wonder why people are so adamant on using the active directory or stressing about that then product usage data no need port number 80 that's pretty default then just initialize so this initialization process is going to take 10 to 20 minutes so i'm just going to pause this video right now let me minimize this or let me just close that out and pause the video now it is completed initialization is complete so we're just going to click continue so it's going to bring you to create your admin um server administrator for tableau server so i'm going to just type admin add me and my password and password again you can save it so you see so this is the node name everything is everything is working this girl backgrounder everything looks good uh but if you go in and you click on backgrounder dashboard it's probably going to say that you don't have the drivers installed you see unable to connect to the data source you need the postgresql server uh locals you just need a driver for postgresql so this is what we're going to do we're going to minimize that go to uh i'm going to go to terminal but first let me see what the website is okay that's the website right there to get the drivers for all the different type of databases just click copy you come back in click a new tab tab and you paste it and just click this scroll down to you see postgresql or is there anything else other than that i think that's it for linux 64 beats you see you need this version because you know um we're using rpms in this um um in this type of um linux but if you're doing ubuntu if you're running this on ubuntu then this is what you you download so let's download this one i'll save it to the downloads folder yeah we come back to the terminal let me just clear this um cd ls cd downloads oh sorry cd okay so we're going to do sudo yum install and we want this driver right here you copy it you paste it and click enter click you and it says complete right there so when you come back into a tableau server go come back into status go back into background or dashboard and now it should load you see and now it loads um if we go back into this let's let's go to explorer let's look at one of these is one of the workbooks one of the v's in the workbooks um then i'm going to come back into status again then i'm going to go to traffic to views the very first one you see double sample basically add mean one view that's the very first view we've seen all day from the default site um superstar workbook okay so and if you want to create a new site just go to add a site right there but this is not how to use tableau server this is just how to install it so and there's so many paths and everything you can use you can check your backups and all that um so this is this is tableau server and it's full glory let me let me go into the tsm side of it full screen so this is status is everything installed on this node maintenance is where you do your zip ziplocks and config you need to add more backgrounders you need to this is where you download your bootstrap file to install this on other nodes increase the nodes and everything this is node one right here and this is basically it um so thank you so much for watching this installation um i'm very grateful um for you sticking through the entire video and i hope you were practicing as we did the tutorial okay i'll catch you on the next one have a great day bye you
Channel: Education Center
Views: 2,049
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Id: IlqMjxpsiM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 31sec (2911 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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