T1 vs DRX - Game 1 | Grand Finals LoL Worlds 2022 | DRX vs T1 - G1 full game

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Ezreal we've seen it before wow with different 80 carries the various insta locked here though for T1 right out of the gates Goomba has performed so well on this Champion I wonder if they'll see something like Tristana here from Death I mean the 80 pool is really pinched at the moment there's not that many setup AVS left other than Jin so he's gonna have to dig deep death isn't that much of an affilios player we saw his third Draven game all time in this tournament when they were down two nil uh there's the a trucks coming in for King and Zay was probably gonna go something like Fiora yep the aatrox has been a staple of Top Lane throughout this entire tournament I think they also have a high priority on this Silas that has gone through when you ban out the Kali for one side here for for T1 also raising that priority second has been a monster with it yeah I think the problem they run into with blinding Silas is they're gonna face against faker's rise I wonder if Faker will blind pick it regardless but there's sevillago coming in from Jose Graves is still up as well so I wonder if owner wants to go in that direction alrighty T1 second part of the draft forum see what it's going to be to accompany that Forest remember this 80 carry is typically very vulnerable normally you want the support to be able to protect be able to keep him safe but there it is counterpick into the eight trucks the Yonex locked in for T1 Renata glass gonna be the last champion here in the first half for them the mechanics on this Top Lane Prodigy get everyone excited for this pick meanwhile terria has one series entire series for T1 with this Renata pick really really great ultimates coming from him to bring that structure to their team fights and there's the Silas baby I wanted it for zeka he throws it down versus Faker the God and then you can protection ban it here in the next two bands really nice stuff from TRX see the rise band already coming through you think of azir you think of Victor as the last two remaining Champs in terms of control Majors that can go into the silence but like you said yone is such a Powerhouse pick for Zeus and it was embarrassed that carrier was alongside in that bot Lane matchup to dominate the lead yup we got the rise Band Away Darrell banned out by T1 respecting barrels wide champion pool there's the graves band out recognizing the T1 still has that jungle roll yet to pick they do not want to deal with the graves there with that Diego matchup Ezreal will be the final band of the draft for T1 and the high locked in in game one for Dra barrels heimeninger shows its face again we've seen time and time again that he doesn't need an ash by his side we've seen Ezreal Heimerdinger come out from TRX now the question is jungle pool is slightly pinched here a little bit too for owner said you onion Graves being down viego being picked away what is his option for the draft might go for at least in by Luke Smith a lot of meaning Champs so can find those kicks you'll love to see it this style always possible to come out there with the Lee Sid and Baker Baker Baker What's it gonna be here comes down again okay so 80 carry here I'm thinking Miss Fortune for death if you go by what has been most played but do they have something secret that's a good question you think of misfortunately doesn't sound the strongest secret Heimer ninger maybe not the best up against azir with the long range so I think something that can either go in or something that can set up pushing Lane is all the DRX lead here in the bot side savior is going to be the answer a bit short-ranged against the azir but death constant enough that that champion can get the push and keep the push in the mid game when you're thinking of push when you're thinking of 80 carries differs always the one that first comes to mind for me especially when you have these solo laners that have the capability of being a side lane threat of being a 1v1 monster super to clear the waves feels great you know what's beautiful about these two cops there's no Frontline this is all just an Armageddon in team fights if any you want to connect spells there is so much follow-up from both sides especially on T1 the front line is your ability to outplay that's it it's not a health bar it's your mechanics which puts a lot more emphasis on these key big abilities we mentioned as soon as carrier locked in the Renata that's something that can bring some structure to your team fight if you get locked up in just a moment of CC there's so much damage on both of these teams boom instantly taken down so so much is gonna come down to execution there is a lot of damage and I think both compositions diving into the opposing team's composition just looks really tricky right Renata is here in terms of pushback and hostile takeover the heimeninger committing into a high mining receiver seems tough of the current meta of that melee matchup with Silas with the Carly taking turns here we go then on to Summoners Rick for game one of the world's finals it's been 3 318 days since Faker won his first world championship a thousand and fifty games 190 patches and he's looking for another it's been a damn long time but they're back here and ready to go the arena is packed the players are locked and loaded and T1 and DRX are ready for their first conflict what an epic finals here everyone waiting on the edge of their seats for the greatest organization in the history of League of Legends T1 and Faker versus DRX the greatest Underdog run in world history play into Worlds finals they've just been scaling throughout the entire tournament death taking down so many of his former teammates DRX finding ways to topple teams like EDG and now just a very standard level one here award there in the river the pink place by piosic goes for the normal health club just gives a little bit of vision to zeka to make sure he's safe in the early stages and definitely looking at jungler's both starting bottom sides because the Top Lane matchup is so volatile Zeus is one of those few top laners that people have confidence to pick these sort of skill matchups into with that Yoni on the top side and we want to see if kyoshik or owner will get there first to influence this it's gonna really snowball uh and damage the minion Wave Control afterwards all right po gonna go ahead tear out that gromp second just go ahead make sure you maximize that exp just want to continue passing towards that top side I would believe Baker versus zekka there's going to be a lot of conversations about this matchup throughout the entirety of the series I guarantee it tri-lane shot showing us to say who has that push here in the Top Lane meanwhile bottom side it's DRX taking early command of the Wings definitely is and of course T1 is eight and zero against DRX this year DRX haven't even taken a single game in the best of Threes And every single time in those games C1 I've had responses to what the RX have blind picked you know you think back to even his Sprint round one they played Trinity into 40 backs into re vegan to rise so many examples but piocic is now looking around mid he's done his three bot side camps looking for Faker he might have to flash the stun Yoshi coming in with spectral more Faker gets away nicely Flash from that and as we have a little bit of early action here remember the prime gaming is giving away 150 000 RP to several lucky fans every single day of this competition and we're almost done so head on over to Prime gamingworld22.com to enter and make sure you put in today's secret code to get those engines I love this early pass from fioshik because it doesn't take much of his time at all and it's a very variable Summoner spell as well as owner now walking over the ward that he left behind really good manipulation of information here red buff is going to be pulled off since they saw him on the wars yeah Joseph knows that owner's on the way might have to reset the red buff here and call his solo Lane don't really have any push so owner's just gonna go over to the Crux instead kill sick very aware of that happening so he's gonna try to push him back as well doesn't want to give up any of these Camp's owner wants to keep the pressure they use his first to the point one nicely done owners faster on the Smite the ocean's gonna have to walk away now zayo's commanding control over the wave crashing it into the turret means he can back up his jungler so owner can stick around and secure more of the smaller trucks and actually it was just like who used the Smite an owner got it with a little bit of damage there so owner now has Smite Advantage for a little bit over piyoshik and he's got a ward on the red buff he could just steal this yeah that Ward is perfect he's scared of owner and he will spot him out on the way he's gonna try to reset it again you have to imagine no push in mid lane for zeka pulls it in the bush she looks like he'll be able to finish it out of vision nicely done right back in on the other side of the red to prevent any further patience loss he doesn't even have to Smite it anymore they see owner on top of the ward they know he's no longer contesting this but he is still looking into the enemy jungle pioshik just gonna back out there's nothing left to fight for and this is the trade-off of the mid gank you got a flash you lost krugs not the end of the world did pick up a couple of them and managed to get his red now he's gonna move down towards his fault crab second response coming in there's still pressure a lot here for Faker in midsecker has the TP if he needs it kyosik has flashed the Gap close on the faker Faker might have to be careful in these next couple of minutes not a lot of Mana to work with here on Deca with the Silas he's playing nice and safe we'll see if pyosha can find an angle here Baker's still pretty far cool in First Blood over to the star here bundled multiple ganks returns before the flash gets back up as you said instantly flashes in there for the stun they get their kill and they get the money exactly where they want it this style of skill so well and can have some kill pressure this is gonna be a huge problem for T1 in the mid game Zeus forced to flash away these solo Lanes going in favor of the RX it's king and piocic off to a great start these two players were last placed in the lck last year in summer and now they're in the world's finals and they're already off to a great start and I love their story with kingan and deca as we have it after 8 on bottom side boys we might not have the time for any stories because death is about to drop in bottom Lane but heels through it there he had an owner still chasing after owner wants to land this there's a little bit more damage coming out from carry a flash into the Pimpin to make it second and second goes into the stolen ulti he'll Shuffle Faker right on back but owners on the way so zeka can't do any more beautiful play there from owner and carrier chasing down on bottom side and because they get death down they get Supremacy over the river knowing that zeka cannot Chase Faker any further into it what an explosive start Barrel just gonna help zeka get a little bit of vision around mid there did get the first base off his carrier whilst looking toward that a lot of Summoners blown across the board Becca ideally wants to crash his wave in doesn't have the Flash and Faker has the shuffle needs to respect it and back away a lot of early action yeah got Faker still having that shuffle because remember he was level five when zeka engaged on him with a stolen ulti let's now take another look at what happened bottom carrier nicely done there using e to pop the shield before the handshake gets the shield off and then pulls depth back in wants to just make sure the wave crash there they have to Terry up stopped him in his tracks his former teammate almost managed to find the solo kill an owner right behind carrier make sure he's there to back him up e-flash comes in double flash expended for that kill carrier is so good so incredibly good this support Prodigy from rank one actually started with death on DRX as well getting the kill there but now it's Dragon started up for pioshik and DRX and they should be able to finish it no leasing arounds means no attempt at a Smite steal oh who needs to fight when you've got an Arrow's eye for gumayushi picks up the dragon piosic doesn't even use the Smite all this blood pressure for DRX and then fiosi coming down having the mid push and starting up that Drake backfires and this just reminds you of how T1 got here to finals it was bottom different oh my goodness carrier takes down depth and immediately afterwards Goomba is able to snipe away the objective as well this T1 bottom Lane is the T1 bottom Lane that was promised originally best in the world right these guys stumbled at MSI after an incredible incredible run in spring in summer it's been about recovery and when I look back at their semi-final they played this past weekend against jdg it was the bot diff that really stood out it really was an owner's hovering around there now making sure they have some kind of vision to push out Deft with no flashes an easy setup with a level six lease in owners just trying to juggle this mid in both push to make sure they can control this both side River but with Harold up King is going to stop that one Top push in favor of DRX they use no flash that guy's ready to move across Barrel is on his way up will be first to the top side River how does T1 dissect this fight they're looking for kingan owner throws out the cube and he's not gonna find it zaka jumps in owner's ready to retreat back to his own teammates contesting one 1v2 owner and Faker ready to join in but barrels made his way into the fight owner jumps in it's secured by TRX now the fight breaks out posa coming right back in T1 with a lot of move Deca tries to get the hero but he won't be able to secure it save charges forward but not finding another kill just yet it is T1 they lose the objective they get the kill and they stop the eye from being picked up yep their Smite was a little bit early 95 Health left on that Rift Herald so DRX they get the 300 gold for getting the rift held but Faker sweeps in the azir sweep back allows them to pick up the kill and owner surviving there on the back side also means they get priority on the map so they're able to deny that eyeball you're talking about as well as Baker getting an extra turret plate so let's look at that again goes in owner with the Q2 Smite 95 HP and then piocic picks it up and save us who gets to knock up on the po6 the shuffle into the Zeus actually catches three of the barrels off level six so he can't put down the big turrets they was confident enough to chase through and like you said kill to T1 pushing Lane through T1 with plates means it's in their favor display I love the fact that we gotta fight that big early on in game one it votes very well for the series series T1 up about 700 gold now just shy of 10 minutes into the game they've got a one kill lead they've got that stolen Drake but we're probably not going to see any more big fights for another two minutes until the next Drake spawns total goal on the left side of your screen it's zeka and gumayushi pulling out in front and carry a man in the last fight as well sniping him again with another handshake to push them together to set up that kill getting uh last hit for himself as well will be a fairly Rich Renata but River control goes over to DRX and they secure the crap it's all about ball push ready for TRX Kingdom's Wing in isolation and zekka needs some kind of vision to threaten Faker to make sure that he can't push into his power keep him under his powers that has that looming thread of the second he lands of chain if you push him back into piocic it's all about mid bolt side here for both these teams and you saw the way zaka just used the Spells throwing out the E2 following it immediately with the r if that E2 connects boom just shuffle them right back into the lane as we pan back top side and Zeus is still in control owner coming up through the crushes now yeah with all the focus on the other side with these little skirmishes Deus has been able to get himself that CS lead with his yone counter pick and owner does have Flash and Lee sin kick available they're gonna look for the knock-up I wonder if they can execute this dive zeka has TV so the longer this play goes on the more it'll backfire I think they're hoping the king and takes a trade into Zeus and looks for a kill King and showing a lot of respect so no play to be made their owner T1 could have broken the entire game open by getting that kill heralding the top Tower Azalea should be unlocked on the map but zekka's gonna TP back mid start contesting his wins and you can see the timing for owner he does not want to waste any further seconds on top side because dragon is respawning so they set themselves up for that possible counter play uh up on top side or a dive if there's a play ready but they don't want to over invest and waste time with an objective coming right up so get back down to bottom 30 seconds on that Dragon respawn but it's piosic who's gone up towards his throats and carrier has retaken the both side Vision allowing Faker to push in this midwave and then move towards to both sides and feel safe they should be able to secure that Dragon pretty handily oh alrighty we've still got the stolen azir ultimate on zeka as well there's a ton of playmaking potential here on either side back to what you guys were talking about in the draft the lack of front lines is going to be very heavily felt once we get into more of these big team fights and it's T1 with control over the river as the Drake spawn another big thing with T1 getting control of that River like you're talking about is the Renata Ulta that can come from carrier he can cut off these entrances with the wide wide crowd control that is afforded to him let's see about it though TRX they bully them off wow TRX showing up forcing T1 back a little bit that can see on the flank the second Drake stole it owner gets hit me gets away second the rest of TRX they won't have a whole lot more to do but that is two Drakes to nothing now for team one ocean soul 4 T1 as well if they look forward to the next couple of dragons DRX very late to this play they managed to find an Avenue in it did turn into a little bit of a 50 50 but he won't have really good position and set up in terms of vision before they had arrived still a little bit of pressure on this both side as that guy is the one catching both wave and Deft has moved towards mid yeah Kyoto coming down the river too I love both these junglers the confidence even after the 95 Health left on rivered owner says don't worry I got this one dealership with the gank on the carrier gets at least his Flash doesn't follow through the old a little bit scared of owner and if you've watched TRX versus T1 the majority of this year it's just been a slow bleed out he won had better macro in the regular season they had more pushing lanes and more options to play for and it was just a slow and steady loss every single time for DRX barring the last time that they face each other in round two of Summer where DRX actually had a pretty good Goldie and a massive kill lead but it was tiwan's macro to brought them back into this and his trx's macro that has improved so much in this International Tournament and talking about macro that's the other thing that really stood out for me about T1 in their semi-final last weekend it was the bot Tiff and it was the decisions being made as a team not just later on but early too to outmaneuver jdg and constantly find advantages yeah I think Tijuana are one of the best in the world in fact probably the best in the world now at pushing these leads when you get this gold lead to be able to set up on the next objective owner comes top again Davis goes in gets his turret plate and ripfield number two about to arrive but remember Rift Herald number one despite the fact that there was a fight over this and a lot of players were there the eyeball was never cleaned we never got to see that Herald used so this second one I'm hoping we get some more results from lots of Lane shifts coming in here DRX have sent their jungle support up to a top side for King and death to stay in mid so I wonder if the RX just want to break the laning phase right now and put the server in mid put the hybrid towards mid and start pushing in these waves building towards those two items to control the map a little bit better yeah it's always so nice to be able to get mid push when you're looking at the next spawns of these objectives so then you can either move in to this Herald first or once giant comes up of course you can do the exact same thing from the other side and T1 get it first Bolton's coming through t1's gonna start it up but zek has moving his way towards mid he doesn't have the TP and Faker does that allows him to stay in the lane DRX no this has been started the question is are they going to contest it this is very similar to the dragon where they're just arriving a little bit too late yeah T1 like clockwork going to these neutral objectives continually posing this question to DRX and they get this one without a fight the gold lead continues to build one and a half thousand now 15 minutes into the game for the second seed from the lck as Faker gets away from the ever Frost there of zeka the extra playmaking potential somewhat kind of the fact that Faker does have crown of the shattered Queen gonna make it hard order to kill him when they go in and especially considering the squishy nature of both compositions I like this purchase from Baker definitely agree and he won showing why a lot of people had them favorites in this matchup here the lane phase very oppressive from them and being able to consistently push the temple are still hovering around this top side doesn't look like they're giving much resources to Faker he has TP and they want to look for a play through top King and seems to be the target for them owner is actually going to base and move towards mid you have to expect so very stock standard swap of Blade phases here just moving around pieces on the map to try to control Vision around mid no new subjected just yet well the big thing I'm looking at is we have solo laners hitting their level 11 second level ultimate power spikes here that means that the dimes the burst potential is really starting to get high so I'm expecting to see more of these plays I'm expecting to see more of these roams I'm expecting to start seeing some Dives and a little bit of testing the water to see if they can just skill check their opponents and T one of the ones who can pull the trigger first they have that Herald they probably want to put it towards mid or top I mean every single Tower is incredibly low they're having push in all of these three lanes which allows them to control this map so well DRX grouping up now trying to find an Avenue to get a little bit of vision maybe they can look for a pig carrier still not having that flash up there's a ward around it but owners ready to cover yeah I think their biggest Advantage they could set up for themselves here is ERX is trying to establish that vision control over the dragon before it spawns because T1 since they got that Rift Herald number two so late they can sync up the activation of the second rip her out here with the spawn of this Dragon you know make a hard push first to gain priority on Mid then slip down to the objective Heimerdinger does so well though this pick that has been so fun throughout world when your opponents have to come face check you into brush and that's what Barrel is trying to accomplish yeah you see the turrets being placed towards being put down my eyes are on zekka for this next fight it would be a third Dragon for T1 of course sold points TRX first ones in the river zeka has a great position to look for say it's walking down remember zekka has no stolen ultimate right now so that's a big deal what's he going to steal when is he going to steal it making the right choice goes a long way first Herald of the game summoned up here in mid lane this will be the first turret killed by either side and it's mid lane tier one dropping T1 claim it they pick up the tower and they get the wave in but it doesn't give them an Avenue into this Dragon because King and TP Vault and Zeus needs to respond it's gonna be a dance around Vision here as Faker is the first one to step up owners going towards midwave King it will find the boss lady T1 oh that's not where they want to be going they're ready to go can they survive no carry-up will fall but he's traded back for zeka 0-1 for one that should favor T1 that was a fantastic setup for DRX so a little bit of a backfire to go once for one a couple ultimates used from T1 DRX the same dragon is still up but the RX still looking for a pick they're hoping that kumayushi walks back through this tribe which I think T1 thought they had to go through bot Lane there and look at this Faker goes mid to put up the azir turret try and get his mid priority that way and then he can come right over remember kumiyushi as well stole the other Dragon Kenny fish around here uh they've got Vision inside the dragon pit and teleport coming right out all right teleport from Zeus bottom Lane King and Barrel gonna keep him back say he was ready to try to outplay here with a soul Unbound immediately resets his position his job was to distract and distract he did Drake secured as Faker goes in depth is on the Run 40 percent Baker gets the kill and T1 are ready to go D1 so precise just dominating this game they use magnificent sleight of hand on the bottom side but they're not done yet Keenan looking for the snipe onto Faker he just walks out of The Inferno chains and goes for it oh but Faker goes back in Baker gets barrel and t1's ready for more po shakes on the run but the ruined King will barely survive owner walks away and now T1 Mike just paid for it King is ready to chase down Goomba even further say who's coming around from the side King is backing away T1 getting another Baker getting another deck up running home oh it's turning into a slaughtering game one boys 20 minutes here and T1 have three Drakes as well as the gold lead huge swing of gold now for T1 massified around the dragon they played it with so much patience there was never a moment where they felt rushed or pressured to just take a fight all of a sudden they're just playing through waves making sure they have numbers Advantage they sneak it away under drx's nose then DRX kind of think they have to get into this fight and T1 are the ones who Stand Tall playing with Supreme confidence zayu is here in his first year on the international stage the sleight of hand to distract the TRX down to the bottom side then Faker says we collapse on them pull off the pincer and this is the the severe right not very good range in terms of hitting back the azir is just damaging your health bar Deft holes and then T1 looked for another players we've got a fight on live we've already got that play right now Pio Chic on the run but he'll run nowhere Faker goes into Rampage and Barrel goes down with him T1 fine two they find the jungler and they find their way to the bear there's a reason why T1 is undefeated versus DRX they're outclassing them in every single role right now and T1 will pick up that Baron just shy of 21 minutes in the game absolute domination here the objective bounties are already up the game signaling just how far ahead t1r and they picked right up where they left off the team their Ascent has been so fun to watch consistently outplaying people in draft in mechanics on the stage pressing these objectives at every turn they using King in getting into a bit of a 1v1 here but deca's also nearby Baker ready to respond to King it is low and safe takes the kill now with the full Retreat coming out deck is gonna whip the shuffle and T1 just has to wait it out they'll take out these Minions zeka trying to find any sort of a way to get out of this one but it ain't gonna happen no sir Faker Unstoppable I especially love the story well never mind owners on piyoshik we don't have time for stories owner looking for another finds the r finds the Q finds two there it is his owner picks up the kill the only story here is that drx's history after game one T1 are just dominating them and you can't fault TRX because they have to find pigs T1 have a baron but they're gonna start The Siege with his ear and Varys they can go for 1-4 with Zeus on the Yoni they tried to make the picks happen but T1 are very aware of their plans T1 ready to break the base in half the first inhibitor turret is gone inhibitor a little bit more there we go that'll get him across the line but DRX comes in with a TP T1 has the azir turret the sun disc can protect them zekka's looking to the angle he steals the Fate sealed away from Zeus Barrel going to throw down these turrets but DRX can't find the opportunity they're looking for and T1 will escape they can't punish The Siege they tried their best with the TP but that azir Tower is just too much of a threat to go for a 5v5 underneath their Tower with this gold deficit this is the RX looking for the pick onto Zeus to stop the 1-4 on a side day but Baker's there to respond he knows that their only plan and their only play is killing the top laner of T1 Baker making sure that doesn't happen yeah Davis with a slight step back here dodging away from the stolen azir ultimate himself too this player and T1 story with them having confidence in their own never mind carrier that's not where you want to be buddy jeffco's in a killing three there's a second shut down TRX get two for nothing 20 seconds on the dragon spawn as well that will be the soul of T1 but look at Faker he's just barreling down mid lane looking for another inhibitor looks like two will fall because all of DRX are staying bases are coming in but zeka doesn't have the TP it's owner and kumayushi who will play patiently and Faker with the TP coming back up soon means that T1 might be able to match the numbers around this dragon fight Faker in mid lane taking out the inhib DRX immediately jumping onto the Drake they want to stop this Soul by any means possible owners come in sonic wave over the wall owners still waiting for it not going to happen objective Bounty becoming a DRX but now they got to be ready to run they've got to exfiltrate and T1 will not pursue even though it really hurts to give up your mid inhibitor to Faker there you have to stop this Soul here for DRX you also get the objective Bounty shutdown trying to make some of this gold deficit up they need a couple more item spikes you can see King has just picked up the death stance but it's Infinity Edge on death the three items Syria that TRX need to look towards level 14 right now actually ahead of kumayushi in terms of levels so the silver will keep the wave clear going on the top and mid inhibitor T1 needs to stop pressuring the map a little bit harder put their foot on the gas and look for this bolts here too yeah From t1's perspective there is one lane to go to with supers going in both mid and Top Lane just group up on bottom side pressure it in continue to take objectives don't let DRX Farm comfortably the Eric's gonna hold this but owner actually fails to kick flash there zekka just dashes backwards the second the gender of T1 hops over the wall and that's very important TRX cannot afford to just lose a man for nothing here a TP under the Heimer turret Renata ulti finds him but he runs backwards to berserkately attack his own team he still gets away but that's the final tier two turret falling on the side of DRS T1 maintains a seven and a half thousand gold lead with less than two minutes until Baron respawns and I think sieging that both tier three for the final inhibitor is going to be a bit tough for T1 at the moment one minute 30 seconds like you said flowers on that Baron that's gonna be the next threat for T1 a little bit of top side Vision keep that mid push have Zeus on the side lane perhaps depending on his TP timer and then look to force that Baron Force the RX to walk into you and if we're looking at the hope for the comeback for DRX the Underdog Story of the entire tournament you see it right there Jeff has completed the infinity edge this is their hope the Civil late game farming trying to annihilate these minion waves see if they can pull out a team fight meanwhile big objective is to keep vision control over your red quadrant of your jungle so that you don't get into very dangerous Barren scenarios it comes up in only 57 seconds I'm trying to deny that red buff there but the RX smartly pull it back you're absolutely right there Kobe it's the it's the sivir of death that needs to find the damage in the fights he's a little bit outranged by Faker zazir who has three items complete drilling towards that rabbit on Zeus also picked up his right Spike the RX need to find some kind of vision around this Baron and juggle the waves while they do so T1 in control of this game from the very start 30 seconds until the baron spawns Kingdom going to clear out some of the vision here DRX must be very careful a single misstep will give away this Baron and any hope left in this game Mount T1 right there can DRX scale that mountain it's gonna be a difficult next five minutes for them Baron coming up in only 10 seconds and you see how ferociously they're fighting over the vision just to have a safe place to check from they have walked through or left on death that'll be an emergency usage in case they lose all vision and right now they can't see it T1 are starting it up with their 80 Carry On Top owner can jump rope a little very quickly where's the floor from Death he still has anything up he is going to pop it over the wall there's no time there's no time T1 already gets the bear Now The Siege will come in on that ball tier three you can see the pings on that both side of the map already for T1 they know the easy way to win this one is just to push in these Lanes go towards God tried to take that final inhibitor DRX will be forced to fight them underneath their Tower and T1 now with the baron buff you have the luxury of going one three one pushing all Lanes in getting these Inhibitors as they're respawning Zeus already has been allocated up to that Top Lane push it in this yone so oppressive the RX gonna have to fight on all sides right now DRX is caught in such a difficult position here in this game they have to weather a storm that is barreling towards this bottom side barreling towards their last remaining inhibitor turning Sometimes the best hope when you're in a position like this assaulted on all sides just sivir alt and go attack one of them as quickly as you can because the more time he gives he won the more damage they do well it's T1 on the offensive three men bottom one men in each other lane Sayers leading the charge towards that exposed inhibitor in top Faker maintaining pressure in mid Kuma's got all the push power in the world here in bottom last standing inhibitor turret that one's going to fall Goomba can just go ahead clear that out no problem Zeus taking out the other inhibitor there in Top Lane two more Autos will do it he'll just let the minions take it out triple in his game for T1 that's gotta be the nail in the coffin for DRX they have a small 30 second to one minute window before all these super minions will Pile in and the soul is spawning for T1 are they going to run down towards this Dragon pit and fight it or they're just gonna give everything up gumayushi even tried to use the old onto death spell shield came through and even with that ultimate down the RX didn't feel confident enough to find and engage TRX are in tough uh so that's a tough spot but they have been in so many other tough spots and they have come back and a lot of them they have not beaten Genji either and ended up coming back in that series T1 will finish up their soul and then they will March down mid lane to finish this game one up well there is also less than one minute remaining until Baron spawns again if T1 want to play this as safely and as surely as possible they will make their way over to that pit they will secure that objective and then they will push for the win that's the remaining timer on the bear and I'm trolling you guys that's just my bad I was checking to see if you're paying attention but they have it for another 45 seconds they can take out this inhib that has just respawned and then leave DRX still in the same impossible position and the emperor tp's back with a rabbit on the death cap this is here it's gonna do so much damage they just might even find an engage already say who's looking for it fake Shield only gonna find one king and gonna away for now owner still looking for the angle flash kick is available TRX fully in defensive position now as barrels only got 40 HP T1 looking for any angle all they got to do is find one and eight thousand gold lead is definitely enough to end this game Minion wave making its way up owner threatens the engage change the corruption going out second look into the play but owner goes golden he's gonna stay alive for now backing up yet again next is turrets first one's about to die a little bit of HP still keeping it around zakka's only a one-quarter Health he has to heal Pio Schick beats the sonic wave no resonating strike just yet TRX are out of turrets and Out of Time T1 still looking for the end still looking to keep going the Nexus is All That Remains I love how odor keeps checking them seeing if they will Flinch jumping in on the leasing but not going for the flash play and here comes the end Zeus looks to Q3 zaka goes in foreign strikes again very similar game to the DRX gen G Series in that game world where it was just cleaned from the get-go out skirmishing out setting up in terms of objectives and vision that man on your screen right there on the azir just dishing out so much damage was never really touched in these fights you can say that again every T1 member clapping in this game number one establishing the dominance here right from the get-go we got
Channel: EpicSkillshot - LoL VOD Library
Views: 1,212,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: playoffs, final, finals, LoL, LCS, EU, NA, 2022, Worlds, World Championship, S12 Worlds, #worlds, esports, #esports, Season 12, S12, 12.18, 2022 Worlds, lol worlds 2022, lol worlds, lol esports vods, e-sports, lol esports, lolesports, league of legends, epicskillshot, game, play, match, pro, full game, HD, 1080p, VOD, VODS, lol vods, worlds vods, T1 vs DRX, DRX vs T1, DRX, HLE, Korea, Zeka, Deft, Pyosik, Kingen, BeryL, SK Telecom T1, T1, Faker, Oner, Khan, Gumayusi, Keria, Zeus
Id: t7R6KDE0ejs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 53sec (2153 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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