T1 vs C9 | Day 4 LoL Worlds 2023 Swiss Stage | T1 vs Cloud 9 full

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take the kalista first here and break tradition from what we've seen from them so far for this going to be the Oriana they'll actually go to Guma Zia now this pick has such an insane win rate at this tournament and it has been the best teams that are prioritizing it the highest and it's one of gum's best as well yeah it Z itself is 11-2 at the world championship it's the most wins that any Champion has won in the main stage thus far and it was also goma's most played in summer yeah I mean I was just going to touch on that Guma is so strong on this pick I'm glad that at least they take the raan away because we saw a little bit of Z raan getting through yesterday weren't too happy about that on our side but uh C9 is going to take that one away they also take away fakers Oriana which is the only thing he has played so far but I do have to say that first pick Zia still very valuable here for the side of T1 now baker has gone back to Nico a lot in these types of scenarios where his priority pick is gone the air is taken away and I think he might actually save counter pick for the later part of this but it will be the Rumble they pick up here for Zas first so already two top tier picks going over the side of T1 we'll see if they want to grab an Alistar here as well doesn't show a whole lot it's a top tier support pick one that Cara is very good at and I think that if you want to hide Baker's pick for now and see if C9 are interested in going deeper down that rabbit hole the alist is one of the safest picks you could grab here right now yeah it looks like they're actually going to keep support and mid to basically pinch c9's ability to ban out a specific role but kind of just straight up power picks for T1 so far jarvin Rumble Synergy is going to be really high rumble's a champion that hasn't made it through all that much it's been banned 12 times so far in the main stage the fourth most banned of all Champions but I mean there's a chance we just go through this entire draft zero kalista so even though it was the most banned Champion th far it'll go unpicked unbanned this draft yeah now Zary going to come through here for Berserker as the 80 carry pick so Zer raon very strong in the late game you have so much setup for this area and even though you don't have a front line in this draft just yet there's a lot of strong picks you can utilize like Cante that will give you that front line we'll see if T1 want to take that away you also have a pseudo front line in that raon can hold choke points you have Oriana to hold choke points you can buy a lot of space for zeri in a composition like this let's see if T1 want to keep the focus on that gante the answer is yes gante has been all over the rift as we have seen so far at uh the world stage the Nautilus against the zeri taking off the board here what is going to be this last ban for the side of C9 could just be the aliser you know I was talking about a lot here just seems like a really safe choice you can pinch that support pull because Faker is a bit of an unknown here in this draft but you know what the top tier support picks are for sure and it's a no-brainer here I think especially since Berserker will be so critical to any C9 win just trying to make the T1 bottom Lane as weak as possible via support bands is actually more important than trying to throw random bands at faker yeah I think it's pretty interesting that T1 left you know K and potentially Faker here is the last picks because these are the two guys that have the biggest champion oceans on the side of T1 so I think it gives you a lot of flexibility to just say let's see what C9 are going to pick and then we can decide what we want to do next I do wonder if Faker wants to play Nico to try to set up for rumble and jarvin combos here because it's left available or if he'd rather go for something like a lablanc or strangely enough it's not as popular these days but it's a pick he's very well known for and one that would allow him to S side link pretty efficiently put some pressure on the Oriana later on coming at side angles to threaten zeri it's definitely a pick that I think is pretty Niche but one he could pull out here car well what do we have here wow carrier pulling out the first bard of the tournament and the Silas going to be taken here as well definitely some decent ultimates on the opposite side we've been seeing chovy pick this up as well the sty is pretty interesting I'd say honestly I've definitely seen better silus ultimates nothing here screams to me great Silas pick there's no maai or alist on the other side that would be super powerful it's more of that Faker just wants this for the general theme of their team composition and then the bth coming in for blabber as well that's a it's actually a departure from what blab played for most of the summer split summer split was a lot of maai Sani Duty so a totally different look here for c9's jungler as far as what he's been playing recently there's a lot of pushing power with j and the belth of course if you end up getting a lead or if you drop R Herald top side if you win that early Rift Herald fight there is so much you can gain from that pretty tough to win that fight of course against silus in that first battle of ultimate syus will be able to match the Oriana ultimate you have to deal with equalizer but I think if C9 can actually win the first heral drop it top side they can get Jax pretty ahead and then he's going to have an opportunity to be a big S Side Lane threat later on to buy time for Zer to be that late game carry the composition here I feel for C9 is pretty vanilla although Zer is not as common Bel Beth a little bit rarer you know what this comp is set out to do for T1 I think the execution a lot more complex on how they're going to utilize this B pick yeah so uh 423 career games of record for blabber this is his second belth so not the most common pick for him I I'd be curious about the uh the barard numbers as well because I know that ker has played it before and it can work in terms of setting up some of the Wombo Combo that they do have but uh yeah the B belet coming in I I think it definitely does have power it can be a little bit beaster fast but we have seen a feast a bit here at Worlds when we have seen it so I think that C9 trying to bring in some pocket picks trying to bring in some interesting stuff uh to potentially take down T1 got an answer for you on The Bard seven and one so that's seven more wins than blabber has on uh belth and it's of almost 550 games for K's career it's quite a lot of games and guys are ready to jump into the first game of the day I think that tells you who the crowd is siding with for this one huh shocker I I didn't hear a C9 cheer weird strangely enough where are we well hey they they've got Korean players on the roster all right sometimes when you have T1 versus geni or T1 versus KT you feel like only T1 was there is is by far the most popular team in Korea they drown out a lot of fan chance and uh we do have this early aggression here by T1 at level one ultimately won't end up being too impactful a war drop here either yeah Silas Bard very strong level one so maybe just want to see if they can catch someone out a little bit off guard but just going to be returning to the lanes and we'll just have to wait and see what does happen in this bottom Lane match up especially I think you know we were talking about how Berserker very key very um big carry aspect of the C9 roster whereas G us getting a big Comfort pick with the first pick Zia definitely going to have my eyes on that bottom Lane and early on on I'm really curious how well T1 is going to be able to push these lanes because the rumble up top definitely gets push I think zard is likely going to be getting push early although I can see that being contested so it's this mid lane where you would think Oriana can get shove early in the lane just because it's range versus melee but then that's also going to be owner's First Look for where he's going to be ganking because the way T1 I feel like has tried to default their play style is a little bit back to how they were winning about a year ago where they just try and push every lane play Super aggressive so I think that's what T's going to be going for this game and m& needs to make sure he has really good Wards and he needs to push as well so that there's not three lanes getting pushed in which would stop blabber from having any river access yeah looking to try to use the moments when Faker is clearing to actually get some damage in with his Q as he did there trying to keep the health slightly to his advantage to use the range Advantage there as best as he can to get one of those Wards up a blabber will be seen speaking of wards here by this one as he does come down towards owner's portion of the jungle and this early game here obviously for rumble and Ja can go either way Rumble has a lot of advantages there Z did take Comet and the ignite so he is going to have some ability to put some real pressure on in these first few levels yeah and very early on I actually think this is Advantage T1 because what blabber did there as F just trying to sneak in behind the turret of zus that's not normally how Rumble Lanes go unless I've uh haven't been studying Top Lane most recently we have seen a few times that Jax will try to go at level three level four like on the cusp of that and actually proxy that wave so they can avoid the harassment but he kind of failed it there and we take a bit bit of damage meanwhile uhoh they just line up for it that's a lot of poke damage got to be careful about that we've been seeing a lot of Summoners burned early in the bottom Lane of this world so far yeah so I think good start by fudge in the Top Lane he'll be able to get a recall off there the problem for blabber is he's not going to get access to this bottom Scuttle crab most likely because the zard is already there early it will depend though mns's condition is very good uh so there could be a I mean blabber being able to get this because of mns's condition is very strong this is going to be huge here we'll be able to pick this one up you see the push in mid also going to be able to help as M&S could come down and assist ker looking for the journey nice Juke yeah not going to hit that one Berserker just keeping his cool very important to do that especially with both the supports on the Rome got to be careful yeah and that magical journey is going to be very useful for setting up flanks for the silus later on setting up flanks for jarvin later on it does work very well with this composition the ultimate as well can really put a damper on ja trying to flank depending on how K wants to utilize it as as you mentioned fudge will be able to come back to Lane with that proxy without burning his teleport feels very nice to do yeah and I I think M&S whether or not he's able to hold on to his flash is going to be so critical this entire game nice steal there by owner recovering from the earlier crab but basically you can see fudge blabbers ven Berserker they have all ways to escape a jarvin or bardal M really doesn't so if he ever is without Flash they're going to very easily be able to kill him owner beginning to bully a bit here in the enemy jungle he's just going straight at blabber he's got the push in the top side blabber he's not going to hit that one he's taking damage from the little kugs here and he nearly loses his light but he is going to flash out of this one as now here comes carry a Flash Forward extremely aggressive and once again Berserker just going to kind of laugh at him and there's putting pressure on in top side and bottom side here in the 2v2 once again K using the journey to put that pressure on does commit the flash this time around doesn't find a ton of success but they are really just trying to tax C9 everywhere knowing blabber was tops side knowing he was pushed out there he's forced to flash and fudge now level six is up oh he's taken way too much damage from that equalizer already he's going to go straight into the death chamber First Blood given over to owner in the Top Lane I mean that was just perfectly done that play was about 45 seconds in the making as well jarvin invading blabber's jungle pushing him down also zus maximizing his experience to hit six at the right time very very hard for C9 to counter that big play for T1 yeah he's going to be able to pick up his sorc shoes as well off of this play and yeah he doesn't have teleport but the wave is fine he's going to be able to get back to Lane Without Really any cost here fudge at least was able to you know proxy that wave and return to Lane on that first pack without using his so he can get back to Lane right away but that's a massive amount of gold going into a rumble's pocket early on yeah it's a pretty good start for T1 yeah feels pretty good for them I'm sorry j so far he not great we'll see how this game develops you know T1 did struggle a bit against TL early but he's got the shock wave and he's looking to get the Flash and that he will m& just going to get out of Dodge that's all Faker needed to do he didn't have to burn any Summoner spells in order to get the flash of M&S so now when jarvin hits level six he can just move in and Al Ms if M&S ever moves past the halfway point so not only do they get the top kill they get the mid Summoner spell flash that they needed which lets them move to this Drake pretty uncontested I was going to say when you use that at that timing to grab flash then you this is before six Bon can use his flag and drag to threaten that with Faker stealing the shock wave and now youve grabed Dragon control and I me this is just t1s map to rule right now all right Berserker trying to take an aggressive trade here he's level five against goa's level five does have some help from blabber who was shadowing them down on the bottom side of the map but not going to him out to too much schuma just walks away from this one as double control Ward it's going to be some free gold over to C9 I suppose take their time killing those I just a quick reminder on what's at stake here as well both these teams are one andone in the Swiss stage a win won't advance them a lose won't eliminate them but it will put them into either an elimination game or a promotion game so 2-1 is obviously way better because then that means you'll get two chances to play best of Threes where if you win one you'll Advance loser goes into the onew pool and will be on the brink of elimination and there are some top teams down there uh as well there will be after today and K here a little bit over extended just going to grab some spal thief's Edge stacks and they're not going to commit anything towards him despite his flash still being down his owner's not done yet with this harassment here on the top side he's got level six yeah this time it's even more powerful he has the push on the top side again AL blown down on the bottom Lane though Sven going on in as K just trying to walk this one out but the zeri ultimate just going to push T's bottom Lane back as they will not take that fight at this point in time yeah C9 doing their best to try and make something happen that top side is just getting AB absolutely steamroll though by T1 really rough start for blabber you really would love to be able to get that first Rift Herald as the belet but he is just behind an experience since that early invade by owner since the rumble has been able to push top and is really struggling to get the farm you need to take over the game as belet the the null magic mantle that fudge has right now isn't going to be doing too much at this stage obviously with the s shoes already online and you know if you lose this Herold as C9 you're not going to be able to get Jax accelerated for the mid game it's just not going to happen Bel as we were talking about in the draft would love to have that power get Jack some additional plates but as it is right now he just doesn't have any agency here on the top Lane now they did stop the heral take here they are grouping for this this is going to be really interesting because zven left a while ago leaving Berserker down bot Lane for a long time it's allowed carer to push the wave recall and now be on the way to Rift ter which wouldn't give C9 time to kill it 22 at the top side The Equalizer getting some big value and now owner is going to join up with this one as they do want to extend this play but not sure if they want to overextend his F has come on in the FL drag goes in up to the raon his owner just doesn't give a damn he has carrier behind him gets them in the death chamber the ultimate comes out and everybody is going down on the side of C9 in the Top Lane T1 just burning them to a crisp in the Top Lane well that'll be four kills for T1 now in this early game an over 2500 gold lead and it was off the play there owner's top side he saves cataclysm so long there to make sure he can get the most value out of it then Cara gets the double ultimate there the lock two in place and Guma he's going to force the flash has to use his alt but that's still going to be a win you'll always trade your alt for that flash there absolutely but now you're looking at a rumble with five dark seal Stacks this of course does give the herald over as well what a dream start for T1 playing around Zeus's Rumble for all the games that Faker missed in the summer split even though they didn't win that many when they did it was often off the back of zus and he's been so dominant in that Top Lane right here even though the ultimate was used early it gets them low enough that gives I feel like C9 had a little bit of confidence here I don't exactly know why because I mean the problem too is that he could flag and drag away from The Counter Strike here and fudge is then forced way too far up and you've taken so much damage already as fudge here you you can't stick around in the fight for any extended period of time it's not like you have any sustained damage in your members whereas has all the sustained damage you could ever want in a skirmish like this as long as he's at full health and he's untouched he lose those oh boy here we go again I feel like car is just kind of playing with this food at this point Berserker has dealt with this many a time but now he doesn't have Flash so got to be careful about that but yeah ker gets up to the top side I think they thought it was a 3v2 for a while and maybe they could just isolate owner but it was just not meant to be and now T1 have really turned the scales in their favor over uh 3,000 gold in the lead already yeah I kind of feel like C9 was stuck between a couple of bad choices either they just reset and let the rift Herald go over in which case they're already down in Gold they're getting bled out belth Falls further behind or go for a low percentage play which has bigger drawbacks if it doesn't work and unfortunately for them it did not work the second dragon is spawning T1 also has control of the river so so C9 is absolutely on the back foot and T1 is I feel like in their comfort zone this is what they live for Big Goal lead able to engage any fight they want and they're doing it absolutely well of course this is still the feature match up presented by mercedesbenz gusi versus Berserker and there has been a lot of action in the bottom Lane we'll have to wait and see how those two 80 carries do scale up and who is going to get the better of this game by the end of it as the Top Lane talked a lot about it uh well I mean we did see of course that win probability powered by AWS earlier and uh I think your guess is as good as theirs at this point in time it looked very heavily favored even 12 minutes into this game and that bottom match up has been it's it's currently deathless for both ad carries but K put a lot of pressure on Guma forced that flash out earlier he still doesn't have it now he can't really defend this turret without help and belb is in the main base so blabber can't help out and this is just straight up T1 grabbing plates here essentially for free and they may not even need to commit the herald here might just want to drop it somewhere else and that looks like that's what they're going to do I think pretty easy to drop at mid lane as well get a little bit of extra gold on a faker he's the only person on the team who isn't currently ahead that's also the one lane that wasn't naturally winning early so wouldn't shock me if they just use this bot pressure push people back in the river and look for a fight or drop the herald mid oh they're over the wall they're looking for zven as he is going to get dunked on and he's got one hope his ultimate ability but that's not going to do enough as he was Alone 1 V4 as T1 come over the wall you know not playing against a lot of bars I would imagine but that ability to just attack you in your own jungle very difficult to deal with yeah I mean you already don't have a lot of vision you're already having to pre-plan around a lot then that happens as Z actually getting a little bit caught here Z just going to walk it out I mean he's still up a level as the ultimate committed to there by fudge and you talked about the ri T it is going to be dropped in mid lane and this might just be a full turret I mean C9 not really in a position to defend this as finally some people are coming over owner is just going for a little little walk behind the turret just for fun I mean I don't even know know what he's doing he doesn't seem to care H showboating maybe yeah I can't really think of any other reason to do that than to have a little bit of fun because they know they're up 4,000 gold I feel like they're really in their comfort zone right now yeah he had the portal there wasn't able to take it to get back over the wall but took the long way around perhaps afraid blabber was coming down faster than he expected but ultimately doesn't matter but this is what you were talking about in terms of the engage range here look at this getting Faker into position to help lock spend down yeah he gets away from the everfrost tries to hold out but the cataclysm is going to keep him in place so he's just simply dead no way out of that one and that's what you're dealing with with Bard is just putting these melee engag Champions into range of slippery Champions like Zer of slippery Champions like Recon they feel fairly safe even without Vision when you know generally where people are but they can go through walls looks about right MasterCard Lane economy snapshot it is uh well faker's only up 31 gold the rest of the map very heavily favored on the top side plus the plates you would imagine down on the bottom side that give Guma and K their lead down there yeah I I think even even at this state in the game there's an extremely low chance that C9 loses and the currently the disappointing thing about this game for C9 is all the plays that C9 may have been dodging in the early game like carer flying over the wall and throwing qes at Berserker and Berserker juking them there was never like a counterplay that C9 would be able to make uhoh but in a lot of trouble he flashes onto the other side of the equalizer as Z just tanking this one up bu is still alive underneath this tur he's just going to get flagged from the heavens as owner going to pick up his fourth kill in this game and here's another example they spent so long on that dive top so there's three people for C9 bottom trying to make the counter happen let's see if C9 can at least get a turret I mean they're going to try to here Cara does have ult this is going to be very difficult to pull off and Faker of course can hijack something as well could grab the shock wave here and try to defend with it I don't think they're going to be able to get much meanwhile Berserker can't defend this turret by himself is a cannon wave so get the top side play to be a success unfortunately fud Flash not good enough to get away from that cataclysm and The Equalizer he's impaled by the flag they lose top turret mid turret's down they find nothing bottom side 15 minutes and 45 seconds in those bounties are up objective bounties are up but there is just nothing to take on this Rift and I mean we are on Pace I'm not saying it's going to happen but we are on Pace for a perfect game here potentially for T1 yeah I mean wolf you've been here for the Summers split struggles of T1 I have yes right the the MSI disappointment faker's D injury falling to what was it seven and seven and then Faker coming back and kind of scraping the team through playoffs where would you put how they look in this game compared to how they looked in the summer split they look very coordinated and the thing that happened when Baker was gone was not that poby his replacement was so weak comparatively they couldn't play the game it was really just about the lack of shot calling and they had a clear game plan to play around Z this game put the pressure on bottom side of the same time and Faker if he had fallen further behind in Lane if M&S had actually been able to find some success there maybe there would have been a pressure point for blabber but it feels like owner is just one step ahead of blabber this entire time I think Faker coming in as a leader that's always been his role in recent years right we've all know the faker moments we've all seen the LeBlanc plays we've all seen the Zed versus Zed but in recent years he has kind of been that big voice and you can clearly feel the preparation going into this series is much stronger than we saw at the latter part of summer season without him yeah I feel like the going through world's history you know things Faker does 2013 always these amazing mechanical outplays things Faker does has changed a lot in the last 11 years now the thing Faker does is get a bunch of really mechanically talented players around him hold his own in mid lane and press his F Keys really good in talk he's been pressing his keys pretty well owner once again I maybe it's show voting I'm not sure owner in a little bit of trouble as he does have some help from his Squad but he is going to be able to get away blabber gets hooked by the feathers and now there's a massive equalizer on the entirety of C1 just trying to C9 rather trying to retreat out of this one that's a huge BL comes out from K and they turned this one around and even the tower can't get into this one as CA will disable that this fight just be a clean Ace going into the hands of T1 and that it is nobody will fall on the side of T1 an insane win here for T1 but we all saw it Comon they had control over the dragon and at this point in time owner is just so tanky he could absorb a lot of that damage and as the turn begins it feels almost tool assisted the way that T1 chased the fight and the the way the equalizer is is set up by Zas watch this play again as owner takes a lot of the aggression here as they kite back through missed extendo beam here from mka look at The Equalizer positioning as it goes through this brush it is just so clean and no one on C9 can avoid this equalizer damage except SPV he's only get over the wall you can't flash out you're on a fat wall and now you're trapped between this this wall here and Carri withney set disabl turret so they fur deep dive here and you are just not going to get out if you were Cloud9 you were just trapped between a rock at a hard place one of our famous lck lines all right so it's it's only 9,000 gold at 18 minutes this is definitely this is one of the most lopsided games we have seen all Swiss stage and we've we've seen some big ones too yeah we have we've had a couple of uh 24 manye games as well and uh you know wolf was talking about it before we're on Pace for a perfect game that's just going to be Berserker Dead for free there's just no help under the turret he has flash but no time to react and T1 are just taking whatever they want on this map right now yeah certainly looking very much like this game is not going much longer I mean we're talking about it's chemtech Soul that's a that's one thing you put the positives calm it's not like they're getting hex tech soul on this next dragon here but the map is completely open Miss Herold is going to take out the inner will likely get a charge here on that inhibitor turet if they want to commit to it they don't even have to and T1 have control over every Zone on the map look at the wards they have to the top side of the jungle as well towards a baron that will be spawning in 10 seconds you got to clear all of that as C9 before you can even think about the contest it's quite clinical what T1 has been able to do this game good timing on the first three Drakes really good timing on this last reset as well so that they can move towards Baron on spawn that's a T1 classic I mean they do flip a lot of Barons they they actually move towards Baron on spawn even if they're not up 11,000 gold it's true uh but this time they are and Faker I mean he's thwn three four five people down to the bottom side of the map and yes they will get this objective Bounty not a perfect game chat not a perfect game but it's a perfect bar nobody is going to contest them on that one as we saw the win probability once again powered by AWS it looked like 100% actually this time there wasn't even like a little blp yeah that's about right this would be a higher win probability than g2's comeback on day two when they were at a 99.4% chance of losing yeah I think we might be adding 50 be higher 50 gold for the Nexus on this Red Bull power Red Bull um Baron power play if they they wanted to push it further but just to be safe they will of course sink up the waves they're going to put Faker in the bottom Lane here and blabber hey he got the blue yeah you know what at what cost pretty good he got the oh no he's in a lot of trouble yeah he's he's being chased down here by owner I think that carry is just going to let him do the One V one thing and there he goes dunk into the ground I say this a lot but it's hard to criticize teams that are in positions like this 13,000 gold behind I mean you could say there's no way he has any right to that blue buff but if you just sit in your base what are you doing at this point I mean T1 have won this game and everything that happens from now on frankly everything that happen from 5 minutes ago on is really hard to criticize for for C9 there really is no correct play now Faker is just doing a dance in the enemy base at this point in time picks up the quickness and uh just kind of shoves it in their face as T1 you know they're on Pace to try to break one of the fastest games that we have had here in this swis stage the turrets of the Nexus are already going down C9 they're going to have to make one last stand and they get the knock up here on Aus who loses a total of zero Health at this point in time as the B ultimate comes out as well and car is having a lot of fun at this point fudge is in that backline but he's just going to be ripped to shreds by the feathers once again as C1 will play with their food they will get what they deserve after this Victory as down will go the Nexus T1 will move on to two and one in the Swiss stage really dominant showing by T1 this is the team that T1 fans wanted to have show up at the world championship ship and moves him to two and one unfortunately both those wins were against North American seeds but that's what happens at the world championship you have to be able to beat lck and LPL teams if you want to be moving on so C9 going to have to just take that one on the chin and come back stronger next time yeah I think the difference in owner's play in this game and some of the other games you've seen in the world you can definitely feel it I think owner's been one of the most heavily criticized T1 players in the world thus far despite you know only being one in one and yet he showed up in a big way
Channel: EpicSkillshot - LoL VOD Library
Views: 464,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: groups, Korea, swiss stage, swiss, LoL, LCS, EU, NA, 2023, Worlds, World Championship, S13 Worlds, #worlds, esports, #esports, Season 13, S13, 13.18, 2023 Worlds, lol worlds 2023, lol worlds, lol esports vods, e-sports, lol esports, lolesports, league of legends, epicskillshot, game, play, match, pro, full game, HD, 1080p, VOD, VODS, lol vods, worlds vods, C9 vs T1, T1 vs C9, LNG, Zika, Tarzan, Scout, Gala, Hang, JD Gaming, JDG, 369, Kanavi, knight, Ruler, Missing
Id: F1oDtdPqqWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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