T-ARA - Roly Poly, 티아라 : 롤리폴리, Music Core 20110716
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Channel: MBCkpop
Views: 3,094,258
Rating: 4.9066792 out of 5
Keywords: MBC, K-Pop, Show! Music Core, Dance, 티아라, Roly Poly, 롤리폴리, T-ARA, 티아라 롤리폴리, ทีอารา, 화영, ファヨン, 지연, ジヨン, 보람, ボラム, 은정, ウンジョン, 효민, ヒョミン, Qri, キュリ, 큐리, So-yeon, ソヨン, 소연, A-reum, アルム, 아름, Hwa-young, Ji-yeon, Bo-ram, Eun-jung, Hyo-min, ara, 음악중심, 20110716, live, 라이브, ティアラ
Id: tTd9Gna50ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 33sec (213 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2012
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