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Turkish vacationers can now come to 10 Greek Islands for S days with a visa on arrival that cost 60e for Fore fore [Music] for for we're going to find out how much things cost and what each island has to offer I'm kind of obsessed with the Greek Islands so I'm really excited to show you some highlights today starting here in [Music] roads our first stop is the beautiful town of lindos this is a must when you come to roads so pretty fore a night in a three star hotel in High season will cost between 130 and 150 and here there's something for everyone whether families couples or [Music] friends likeo Fredo espresso the this is basically just espresso whipped up with [Music] ice if you want to explore the island the best way is to rent a car Beach lovers have lots of choices in roads especially on the islands East Coast I'm here right now at Samba beache speech fore speech my favorite place on the island is the Old Town Tada it's also one of the best preserved medieval cities in Europe speech forch what would you say to Turkish tourists thinking about coming to roads [Music] for and one of my top tips for any popular tourist ation like roads is to get off the busy streets and explore the little side streets just make sure you do it quietly because people live here there are daily boats from Fier and marmaris starting at 65 round trip and a boat twice a week from Bodum but check the schedule because new boats are being added all the time [Music] for speech so nicean [Music] [Music] so magical and our adventure is not over yet because tomorrow we are doing some island hopping I'm loving Sim already here we go I'm really excited to be here Simi is considered one of the most beautiful Greek Islands it's small a little bit more upscale and as you can see very [Music] Charming we're here in the port town of yalos which is famous for these very very beautiful colorful neoclassical buildings these were the result of a wealthy period of ship building and sponge diving so as I'm walking around I keep seeing people like Mary who are wearing these beautiful traditional simat outfits so I asked what was going on and she explained to me that today's a very special day and there will soon be a parade so we get a chance to see her and oresi is wearing the traditional outfits of Simi [Music] par for and when you're here check out the kist this is a road with about 500 steps that used to connect the Villages of yalos with jio and if you're not afraid of a little bit of walking you'll be rewarded with really amazing views it's really cool to have a different perspective too also in Simi and a lot of Greek Islands you still get Turkish radio stations that come in stronger than some of the Greek ones so we made it to the opposite end of the island to panormus Monastery and really it's very beautiful [Music] [Music] seafood and grease can be amazing and I always recommend when you're sitting down to eat you're talking to the waiter ask them what has been caught fresh always eat fresh whenever you can so I've ordered the Simi shrimps which by the way I was told you eat you eat them whole really good crispy and octopus and of course a Greek salad I really love having the opportunity to be one of the only people on a beach and that concludes our mini tour of Simi I hope you got a taste of what this island has to offer and soon we have our next stop the island of cnos this rugged Island probably isn't on your radar but it should be it's a great place if you enjoy being in nature and it's one of the world's top climbing [Music] destinations for where it's the second most popular climbing destination rock climbing destination in the world after usnational Park in the United States wow incredible so climbers know column no yes there are two kinds of climbers the ones that have already been and the ones that they wish to come what outdoor activities can you do in colos well this is endless but let's start from what was here before climbing which is diving the history of this place is about sponge diving so it's a wonderful place for somebody to dive recreationally the landscape is about hiking there is uh many caves we are a Greek island you can do boat cruises uh we do yoga the classes herbal walks as you see the landscape of calus is full of herbs this is Sage it smells so amazing [Music] oregano this is the Island's main town and it's also where the fairies arrive we are excited that the scheme with a Turkish Visa has opened and we are expecting our friends our neighbors to come over and visit the Greek Islands um my family has a long tradition with visiting uh turkey because my father used to go there to buy sponges like uh everybody knows calos is a well-known Island for the sponges and the spons uh divers and the first I have been to Turkey many many times the first time I went to Turkey was in 1985 and it was just a small uh Fishers uh Island and it's nice to see friends coming back and everybody is welcome we have the quick Visa right now on the island we are an entrance Port which means that people from Turkey can come to calos and get their visa either here or prepare the documents in turkey and uh come here and the Visa will be here waiting for them we are really really excited and we hope to welcome our friends here Welcome to our warehouse the SP Warehouse of cus o thank you welcome people did not have any alternatives to leave they have to support their families so they became sponge divers because they were uh very familiarized with the sea in the beginning they were diving naked uh then they uh they started diving with wets nowadays safer it's actually a sponge it's not a plant but it's an animal and they are very very strong and uh very good to use for your body quick stop here in vathi this very cute little Port town and these rock formations have caused this area to be referred to as a fjord it's honestly really stunning a be but my favorite view is from up here that's amazing and this is where we end our Greek island hopping Adventure so I hope you had a great time which island did you like best and which one would you like to spend your vacation on let us know [Music]
Channel: DW Türkçe
Views: 70,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DW Türkçe, haber, Türkiye, Almanya, Yunanistan, Yunan adaları, Simi, Rodos, Kalimnos, Midilli, kos, Atina, sehayat, tatil, gezi, rehber, Sarah Hucal
Id: CSS_s_-XA10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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