SZA - Drew Barrymore (Audio)
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Channel: SZAVEVO
Views: 9,743,013
Rating: 4.924304 out of 5
Keywords: drew barrymore sza, sza drew barrymore, why is it so hard to accept the party's over, sza, drew barrymore, why is so hard to accept the party's over, Hit different, all the stars, love galore, kendrick lamar, the weekend, drake, The Weeknd, summer walker, ella mai, h.e.r., Tiktok, tiktok songs, why is it so hard to accept the part's over tiktok, my question today is, am I really happy or am I just distracted, Drew Barrymore, R&B, SZA, Top
Id: DcRi3j8sjtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2017
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I was always really surprised that she dropped a winter-themed music video for this song in the middle of the summer.. instant classic though, one of my favorites off the album.
"Why is it so hard to accept the party is over?"
I want new SZA music...
Such an awesome song!