Synology NAS 教學:防火牆設定、阻擋分散式攻擊、阻擋攻擊者 IP,預防 NAS 資料被破壞
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Channel: 科技爸爸 Lee
Views: 2,122
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Keywords: synology, Synology, NAS, network attached system, storage, cloud storage, Ransomware, internet security, firewall, DDOS, hacker, protection, optimization, ban IP, account, 群暉, 網路伺服器, 雲端空間, 雲端硬碟, 資訊安全, 自動阻擋 IP, 帳號保護, 分散式攻擊, 勒索病毒, virus, 防駭, 駭客, 防火牆, DS723+, DS723, DS720+, DS720, DS223+, DS223, setup guide, step by step, IT, 網路硬碟, DSM, upgrade, update, DSM更新, antivirus, 防毒軟體, toturial, DS224+, DS224, nas, 教學, 路由器設定, DS213J, DS220+, DS223J, 223j, DiskStation, Disk Station, Server, 伺服器, DS220J, DS220, router, DDNS, NetWork Drive, privilege
Id: 4gV4N5h5684
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 15sec (2235 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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