Synergy Prime : The most advanced and efficient family aircraft

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just imagine an aircraft that can transport you and your family to destinations hundreds of miles away in style and with economy in this video we will cover Synergy Prime the most advanced and efficient aircraft that leaves even the Solara 500 L in its wake as its name suggests it synergizes drag reduction and Aero propulsive efficiency gains the result is 10 times more fuel efficient aircraft than the average small and 10 times less costly and this makes Synergy prime one of the biggest practical fuel economy breakthroughs in aviation history in this video we will not only be looking at the engineering of synergy Prime but also the philosophy behind its Innovation on this channel electric Aviation we bring for you the latest developments in sustainable Aviation subscribe to get all our updates a thing of beauty is a joy forever aircraft that fit this description include the Spitfire the F14 the 747 as subjectively there might be many more but there is one aircraft that adheres to the worse very profoundly and yet it is hardly known it is the Synergy prime a flying machine so revolutionary that it changes our perception of aircraft design completely looking at it one can be forgiven for categorizing it as as a box wi aircraft it is not the prime is in fact a double box steel aircraft which is one of its many unique features that contribute towards its high efficiency the synergy aircraft can fly you 200 mph at just 40 MP gallon the aircraft is the brainchild of John mcginness an aerospace engineer from Montana it was designed specifically to provide Regional transport for up to 5 people people John explains that the regional transport system in the M age is broken particularly if one has to travel from 100 to 1,000 miles we have all experienced that it can sometimes take more time to reach a place that is 300 M away in one's own country then to travel across continent to destinations thousands of miles apart why is that so it is because we haven't cracked the code for regional transport our vehicles and in particular aircraft meant to cover this range are fairly inefficient interestingly there is a very good scientific finding that explains this phenomenon a little known study called The gabrieli wona Limit produced what is known as the GVK diagram it plots the dimensionless specific resistance for a vehicle against its speed this value can be determined for all modes of Transport including ship and trains gabrieli and ju caraman drew a curve on the plot that showed the performance limits based on the theoretical efficiency of the vehicles at different speeds at low speeds we do very well with existing technology and remain close to the limit even at higher speeds of 400 mph and above we reach quite close to the Limit it is however in the region of 100 to 300 mph that our vehicles perform extremely poorly this point is further illustrated by the fact that a cesa 172 transports a person at 7.5 km for 1 L of aviation fuel in contrast a modernday jetliner is able to transport a passenger 42 km per liter of fuel interestingly the jetliner transports the passenger at speeds of over 500 mph nearly four times higher than the speed of the cesa 172 furthermore the cesa uses AF gas which has an octane rating much higher than the jet fuel used by the jetliner this clearly shows that general aviation aircraft that fly from 100 to 300 mph have the highest margins of improvement what is ironic is the fact that vast improvements in the past have been made and instead of being adopted they have been put away and and forgotten ber Tran demonstrated high efficiency aircraft multiple times through his Voyer the global fire and even through the Long Easy just to put things into perspective The Long Easy was rolled out in 1979 it has a fuel economy of 13 km per liter which is almost double compared to the cesa 172 although modern four to five seaters are improved proving efficiency like the pestal panthera and the diamond da50 they merely improve upon the existing template of aircraft developed nearly 70 years ago only jet optera and the Cera 500 L in the present times have embraced a radical change in design it was the stratospheric performance of routin aircraft and the high margins on the GVK diagram that led John mcginness to think outside the box challenge convention and produce an aircraft that can fix Regional transport the Synergy Prime aircraft was born let's look at some of its engineering specs it has a 748 kg empty weight, 146 kg of gross weight it has a wing span of 9.8 M and a tail span of 4 M the wing area is 14.5 square m and the tail area is 4 square m the wing loading is 113 kg per square M lower than the 135 kg per square m of the popular beachcraft Baron that has a similar capacity the main efficiency of the Synergy Prime comes from the laminar flow fuse Lodge and laminar air foil Wings one has to remember that almost 50% of the drag in most aircraft comes from the fuse large whereas around 30% comes from the wings therefore for any aircraft to benefit from Lear flow the fuse large cannot be ignored if we look at the prime fuse Lodge it resembles a revolved air foil this shape allows for natural laminar flow as reported by carmichel at all The Pusher configuration allows for laminar flow over the fuse Lodge it has been reported that a well-designed pusher configuration allows for a 20% drag reduction compared to a tractor configuration let's now talk about the wings even as far back in 1924 Ludwick Pond's paper on the best Wing system stated that a closed rectangular lifting system produces the least possible indued track for a given span and height part of the Clos Wings efficiency comes from the presence of vertical Wing section which acts the same way as winglets lit reports that up to 10% efficiency can be increased through the use of wing tip mechanisms in modern airliners 5 to 6% efficiency has been achieved through winglets but there comes a point when compromise has to be made because of increasing mass of the winglets and the added structural stiffness requirements for the increased winglet size the box steel used by Synergy Prime allows for the longer winglets as they are structurally supported by the top wings and there in lies another ingredient of Prime's Secret Sauce the top Wings in Synergy are actually horizontal stabilizers that provide down force in other words they are part of the empennage the cross-section of the top tail reveals that it is an inverted aeroil that actually helps in converting the closed Wing design as a Venturi John mcginness has suggested that 8% downforce of the total gross weight of the aircraft is provided by the tail this precise value actually optimizes the lift for a Clos Wing configuration such as the Synergy of this mechanism that it also alleviates the problem of adverse y note that adverse y results because of the difference of lift between the two Wings when the aircraft rolls Synergy Prime on the other hand experiences a prover here because the role is not coming from aerons on lifting Wings it comes from the tail stabilizers on the top that provide a downward Force making the aircraft inherently stable John mcginness in one of his talks explains that there are six proven technologies that go hand inand for improving an aircraft's performance they are laminar flow vacuumer propulsion pressure thrust non- planner span efficiency open thermodynamics and Optimum volumetric displacement Synergy Prime tries to take advantage of not all but most of these Technologies for example just at the point on the wings where the flow can go into turbulence the viscous sublayer is sucked it is channeled to the engine where it cools the engine this heated air is then released from a slot underneath the prop it helps to fill the Wake this exhaust augmenting heated Air Stream can can deliver significant Cooling and thrust other than this technique John mcginness also points to the wake immersed propulsion which is well known in the Marine sector for this to work he opines the inflow field for the F propeller has to be given careful consideration if the fuse Lodge is laminar flow fuse Lodge then the propeller should be significantly behind the point of transition so that the propeller is not in a terrible environment for making thrust whether these techniques have been used in the Synergy has not been confirmed or denied by its designer from the cfd results however the wake of the Synergy Prime and the cesna 172 can be seen the low footprint of the Synergy as it flies through the air is representative of its high efficiency Synergy Prime has been in development for over 15 years its 1/4 scale model was flown way back in 2007 since then it has garnered a lot of interest but has seen funding challenges it even won the 2013 Popular Science Innovation awards at present it is being tested by DBT Arrow there are many admirers who are now getting weary because of the delay in its release fans of the synergy aircraft have built RC models based on its unique airframe and have flown it even the RC models have shown to be efficient and stable so what do you think of the Synergy Prime is it an aircraft that will revolutionize travel do let me know in the comment section if you learn something from this video then please to give it a thumbs up this aircraft has so many layers of revolutionary design techniques that it merits video we will keep you posted thank you for your attention
Channel: Electric Aviation
Views: 133,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lMklmhXGcJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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