Synchronicity and the Secret Structure of Reality with Carl Jung

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synchronicity is one of those phenomena that people seem to be endlessly fascinated in and I understand why when a really compelling one happens to you it's as if the laws of physics break or as I said my last video it's like a glitch in The Matrix orchestrated just for you like some Hidden Hand set an impossible sequence of events in motion tailored just for your psyche and in that same video I did Cover a lot of the basics about synchronicity sticking closely to yung's own explorations of it and interpretations of it but I did shy away from some of the really big questions like what really is synchronicity what causes it can we construct a plausible logical explanation for what synchronicity is can you should you try to bring more synchronicity into your life well my friends now that I've come across some new information and I've really let it marinate and integrate for a while I think we can answer those questions but first some quick review and context what is synchronicity it is a personally meaningful coincidence with no direct physical cause or connection or as Yung called it an a causal connecting principle synchronicity means the simultaneous occurrence of psychic state with one or more external events which which appear as meaningful parallels to the momentary subjective state but better than any wrote definitions let's look at some common examples I'm sure almost all of you know what that spooky moment is like when you're listening to a song and just then you look up at a sign and you hear the same word and read the same word at that exact moment in the song the word that you're hearing shows up on a sign or a license plate in front of you or perhaps maybe you're thinking about a friend you haven't seen in quite some time and who texts you right then but that very same friend but if we're honest with ourselves of course we have to consider that maybe these simpler more common kinds of synchronicity might be mere statistical aberration just coincidence and that in part is why I love the really complex multi-layered rare variety of synchron ities because they're so much more undeniable they're so much harder to explain these are synchronicities that might be tied to some underlying theme that may go on for days on end you can hear a personal example that I experienced in this video here and rather than sharing my own again I wanted to share this absolutely brain melting example from Yung which he relays in his book synchronicity and a causal connecting principle the infamous fish synchron it quote on April 1st 1949 I made a note in the morning of an inscription containing a figure that was half man half fish there was fish for lunch someone mentioned the custom of making an April fish of someone in the afternoon a former patient of mine who I had not seen in months showed me some impressive pictures of fish in the evening I was shown a piece of embroidery with sea monsters and fishes in it the next morning I saw a former patient who was was visiting me for the first time in 10 years she had dreamed of a large fish the night before a few months later when I was using this series for a larger work and had just finished writing it down I walked over to a spot by the lake in front of the house where I had already been several times that morning this time a fish a foot long lay on the seaw wall since no one else was present I have no idea how the fish could have got there what I love about this example is it's not only incredibly un likely and multi-layered it's dealing with a highly charged archetypal image the image of the fish which of course has existed throughout mystical traditions and religions for Millennia I'll speculate a little more on the relationship between archetypal images and synchronicity later so now that we've reestablished what synchronicity is we come to our first irresistibly tantalizing albeit very irresponsible question how do synchronist ities work one of the very reasons synchronicities are so interesting is because they seem to violate the laws of physics they seem to violate the laws of cause and effect they seem to be non-local and instantaneous for instance either of those common examples of synchronicity from earlier hearing the word in a song and seeing it at the same time thinking about a friend and having them text you at the same time there seems to be something both psychical and physical happening instantaneous L something has to be transcending the boundaries of mind and matter of cause and effect is there anything like this that we know of the answer is yes and it's what's commonly referred to as Quantum non-locality and before I go here two things first shout out to Dr Justin riddle and his amazing video on synchronicity this is what sent me down this particular Avenue of inquiry you've got to check out his video on this topic too and also I'm always reluctant to explore anything having to do with the word Quantum because it's one of those words that is often irresponsibly wielded as a placeholder for Magic by people who don't know what the hell they're talking about and by the way I freely admit I'm not an expert on this topic even exploring Quantum weirdness in this way would trigger a large majority of physicists probably I'm sure right now Richard Dawkins is rolling around in bed muttering pseudo science to himself but that doesn't change the fact that multiple Nobel prizewinning scientists do consider the idea that there may be Quantum phenomena involved in Consciousness and for our purposes May potentially provide a partial explanation for synchronicity so with all of that qualification out of the way one of the ideas at the core of this which is widely accepted by the scientific mainstream by the way is what's known as Quantum non-locality the idea that phenomena can occur instantaneously across even vast amounts of space that two things can impact one another even if they aren't causally connected usually this is experimentally demonstrated by entangling two photons and shooting them in opposite directions now on this note one of the things that's really hard to wrap your mind around is that on the quantum level these things like our photons don't really have any attributes until they're measured so for the sake of this example let's talk about spin that's something you might measure in one of these experiments before these photons are measured they don't have a spin we don't know if their spin is up or down and it's not even if it is up or down it's not determined at all until it's measured so we have our two photons flying apart we don't know what their spin is but here's the crazy thing when you measure one Photon and you find that its spin is up the other photon's spin will instantaneously be the opposite so if we measure one Photon and its spin is up the other ones is down again this happens instantaneously once the measurement occurs no matter what the distance so this is what's meant by non-locality there is no classical cause and effect occurring here there is no information being transferred between the two photons measuring one instantaneously affects the other now when all of this Quantum weirdness was first theorized it was a very big deal in the history of physics because it flew in the face of everything we thought we knew I actually did a whole video on this topic if you want to do a deeper dive but for our purposes when Yung heard about this Quantum weirdness he couldn't help but think perhaps this is part of the equation that we need to solve synchronicity perhaps this kind of quantum non locality could be a piece to the synchronicity puzzle and this is where our first Nobel prizewinning scientist comes into the picture Wolf Gang Paulie interestingly he's not only a famous physicist he was actually Young's patient for a number of years they did extensive dream workor together and even after that doctor patient relation relationship ended Paulie remained deeply interested in yong's work and he even helped him form and sculpt the theory of synchronicity much of their lengthy and dense correspondence actually took place over the course of years in the form of a lot of letters you can actually read these letters now in the book Adam and archetype in those letters Paulie and young tweeted clarified and speculated about synchronicity and other topics at length including the idea that perhaps there's some kind of quantum element involved in synchronicity and that it might somehow explain the seeming physics breaking bridging of the psychical and physical that we experience when we're having a synchronicity in the words of paully quote to us the only acceptable point of view appears to be the one that recognizes both sides of reality the quantitative and the quality qualitative the physical and the psychical as compatible with each other it would be most satisfactory of all if physic and psyche I.E mind and matter could be seen as complimentary aspects of the same reality there's a lot of interesting multidisciplinary speculation in this correspondence between Yung and Paulie and of course they don't produce any Smoking Gun they don't give any final explanation of how synchronicity is really occurring especially not that they can demonstrate but through a combination of the speculation we've already done this link that's established by Paulie and Yung we can propose a basic overarching scenario and what would that look like well similar to our two particles that are shot in opposite directions that are entangled imagine you have two things that are entangled in our world perhaps some Quantum process in your mind with something in the outside world perhaps the subjective experience of that entanglement results in what we would call a synchronicity or at least has a role to play in what we would call a synchronicity maybe that Quantum element crosses that psychoid bridge that psychophysical bridge that we can't make sense of this is where two brilliant contemporary scientists Dr Stuart hamov and our second Nobel prize winning physicist Roger Penrose come into the picture because they're actually working on a theory of quantum Consciousness now I don't want to get too deep into what this Theory entails because it would require me introducing a whole bunch of new Concepts like microtubules and I don't think that's worth it for the purposes of this video we'll just leave it at that I think this is the sort of spiritual successor to the work that Yung and paully were doing trying to connect Quantum processes to Consciousness but it is important to introduce it for a couple of reasons one I think it's a plausible and potentially falsifiable successor to some of these ideas that Yung and Paulie were playing with and two because Roger Penrose is very important to this conversation of synchronicity for another reason and what is that reason well I think Penrose points to the thing that really brings this whole equation together an invisible Realm and it's where our ability to make sense of reality comes from in the first place and if this sounds farfetched as Roger Penrose puts it in his book Shadows of the mind this realm is a logical inevitability when we understand something what's happening you might be thinking to yourself well we logically go through a problem or gradually acquire a skill or knowledge until we arrive at understanding and this is sort of an iterative process that just keeps going on and on throughout our lives and yes this is pretty much the empirical mechanistic view of reality you go out there and you interact with stuff and you gain experience and knowledge but if you think about it a little more deeply and I would even say basically that doesn't really answer the question the question is what is understanding why is it that something clicks and we know it it's as if something snaps into place right where it belongs this is especially true and straightforward to see when it comes to math and logic once for instance you discover that 2 * 2al 4 it's over there's no debate it's self-evidently true and by logical extension all of the constituent parts of that statement are true in and of themselves too and by two I mean also not the number two even even though we're talking about too but anyway this feature of reality of understanding in and of itself has long been a topic of Fascination for Roger Penrose and he explores it at length in his books the emperor's new mind and Shadows of the mind and to fully spell this out I'm talking about the phenomenon of their being understanding of their being sense structure and logic at all is hugely important because it leads us to this logical inevitability I mentioned earlier that the sense we locate through the utilization of logic and math is not ours it actually exists a priori of our brains it actually exists in a realm somewhere out there to use the same example 2 * 2 would still equal for whether or not your brain or anyone else's brain existed clear clearly the laws of physics must have existed before human beings discovered them and labeled them right and by the way don't confuse the notation of two the way that we write two for the actual concept of two so to sum this up and get to the punchline and tie it back into synchronicity Penrose believes that while the brain and the process is going on in it are important they don't in and of themselves explain the phenomenon of understand understanding or why we are able to understand things in the first place rather we discover or we contact that a priori that pre-existent sense that really exists in another realm through our rational process so Penrose believes that the mathematical rules that underpin reality really exist in some unseen realm and he openly equates that realm with the platonic realm of forms as penr says in Shadows of the Mind quote somehow the very world of physical reality seems to emerge of the platonic world of mathematics and Penrose makes clear this is not just a concept this is something that he takes seriously he believes this Transcendent realm of forms is what underpins reality and he even posits that it's primary that it's somehow Superior to the physical world and to the mental world and I've kind of backed into the explanation of the platonic realm of forms here this is an idea that was proposed by the ancient philosopher Plato that Penrose finds to really describe reality and this idea is essentially that there is this realm of forms and sense and Universal Concepts that we are all tapped into and this is why we can share ideas this is why we can arrive at mathematical truth this is why we can make sense of the world and for related reasons Penrose believes that there must be something about Consciousness that must lay beyond the computational processes of the brain so he often talks about an element of Consciousness that's quote unquote non-computational that can't be captured in any kind of computational or neurological scheme so this leads us to really the final piece of this argument and this final piece is Roger penrose's view of reality a threep part reality and I think this model provides a plausible clear route by which synchronicity might occur so what is this three-part triangular reality luckily in principle it's simple you're already familiar with all three parts one part is the platonic realm of forms one is the physical world and one is the mental so how exactly does this potentially make synchronicity make sense well if this realm of higher order of forms of mathematics does exist as Penrose posits and our Consciousness is somehow connected to it and likewise is the physical world now suddenly we have all three ingredients for synchronicity we have sense and understanding itself which comes from the realm of forms we have the phenomenon in the outside physical world and we have the realm of our own subjective experience so if we plug penrose's three World hypothesis into the phenomenon of synchronicity we can say that perhaps a synchronicity is the harmony of all three worlds it's some kind of non-local sense coming from the pl onic realm of forms and existing simultaneously in our own psychical world and in the physical world and this is what gives that sense of reality breaking non-locality so just to unpack this one more time if Penrose and really all of the platonists throughout the ages are right and there is this Transcendent realm of platonic forms projecting mathematical sense and rulle and Order down into the physical world and that world is being translated by our minds which in turn have rational access to the realm of forms through being rationally rigorous or what Plato would call our logos this really completes our psychoid connection this psychophysical circuit that Yung was looking for for more on the soul/ psyche according to Plato check out this video I do touch on this concept of logos if you're curious about that so this completes our picture but there's some dubious speculation I want to engage in and there are some questions that go along with it that we haven't answered yet namely can you and should you try to bring more synchronicity into your life there are a couple of ways to address this and to look at this but I'm going to go with the one that I think I like best and also fits in with what we've already discussed if you are actively using that higher part of your psyche your logos to interact with those higher Realms like let's say Roger Penrose might have been or Yung might have been it would make sense that perhaps you would see connections more readily perhaps you would see synchronicities more regularly you'd be aware of more interconnection and correspondence and sympathy between phenomena and this is where the speculation gets very dubious I don't think this applies to just mathematics I think this applies to all kinds of psychic phenomena especially archetypes and as I already covered in another video Yung himself likened archetypes to the platonic realm of forms quote archetype is an explanatory paraphrase of the platonic idos and he also defines archetypes as active living dispositions ideas in the platonic sense that perform and continually influence our thoughts feelings and actions so perhaps this explains why if you're researching an archetype as Yung was researching the archetype of fish he suddenly Unleashed all of these synchronicities because as his psyche approached closer to that archetype all of these other sort of psychophysical relationships between him and that archetype started to emerge in the form of that fish synchronicity I can't help but wonder if perhaps this is an example of what the Ancients called sympathy or sympa in Greek a kind of hidden correspondence between archetypal forces and objects here in our realm and in higher Realms or to put it in a way that you're probably already more familiar with as above So Below there's some kind of Correspondence between higher and lower forms and we can tap into that correspondence if we sharpen our psyches enough or do the right rituals or have the right realizations of course in a modern sense this idea would be totally dismissed as pseudo science but this way of thinking was prevalent in the ancient helenistic world later among Alchemists and Mystics so I think it's a circumstantial but still compelling and hard to ignore potential element of synchronicity and just after recording this I tried to search for an example of Yung talking about this and of course I found it the normal interpretation of synchronicity as far as this is possible at all is based on the philosophic premise of the sympathy of all things or something of that kind but anyway sympathy or this kind of As Above So Below correspondences really taking us deep into the realm of speculation and the intuitive and the dubious it's a deep Topic in its own right one that I'm sure I won't be able to resist returning to in future transmissions and the final question I promised I would get to should you try to bring more synchronicity into your life well like any good question the answer to that depends I think Yung was clear that in some cases synchronicity was the Forerunner of cataclysm that when bad things were about to happen all kinds of symbolic coincidences would emerge on that note there's one example I want to share but it's rather dark and I have a feeling the elgo will not appreciate it and this one's getting really long so I'm just going to link it in the description below Yung also makes it clear that too much synchronicity is not necessarily a good thing yes he says that it's an everpresent reality but he also makes it clear that it can borderline on pathology quote the schizophrenic's interpretation of synchronicity is morbidly narrow because it is mostly restricted to the intentions of other people and to his own ego importance however if you're seeing increased synchronicity in your studies like Yung was or you're really trying to put in the work and and follow your intuition and what the whisper of your conscience is telling you to do and you're honing your intuition and this isn't just wishful thinking then I think yes I think synchronicities can be a kind of evidence of higher order so I do think there's a lot of nuance necessary in trying to answer that question I do think it's easy to go overboard with synchronicity so I think this is Case by case ter teritory I think we need to exercise critical thinking we need to learn to discern between our intuitions and our bias uh I would not dare to make any Final proclamations on this topic but what do you think my fellow Wonder knuts not just about that bit but everything we've worked our way through in this video does the quantum angle coupled with the platonic realm of forms and Pen Rose's three worlds does this provide provide a satisfying potential architecture by which synchronicity occurs not just synchronicity but does it paint a compelling picture of reality for you let me know in the comments check out some of my other videos on yungi and platonic milu on the channel and again I cannot recommend Justin Riddle's video on synchronicity enough that will be linked in the description as well I would be ever so grateful if you tickled that algorithm with a like a sub a comment a share all of it is supremely helpful and with that my friends much love and I will see you in the next transmission
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Keywords: carl jung, carl jung synchronicity, synchronicity carl jung, carl jung on synchronicity, synchronicity explained, synchronicity carl jungs theory, synchronicity meaning, what is synchronicity, synchronicity physics, synchronicity examples, quantum consciousness, roger penrose consciousness, Rodger penrose synchronicity, Consciousness, platonic forms, plato philosophy, plato realm of forms, as above so below, law of correspondence, synchronicity by carl jung
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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