Sylvester Stallone Interview RARE 1985 Rambo 2

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my uh my first guest does not exactly need the long introduction for me he's a very accomplished actor and also a writer and a noun director and he's currently starring as you probably know Rambo First Blood Part two which opens tomorrow would you welcome so mr. Stallone right have a recording I'd like to have a record down okay really where do you go just to feel secure every morning get up hit the applause button and it's didn't alarm clock go back into your career ten twelve years would you ever thought you'd walk on a television show and have that kind of reaction no our standards let's take take ten years ago ten years ago yeah I don't know they usually don't scream like that when you sweep floors no it I never dreamed that it would even get to this magnitude I thought perhaps I could be playing bullies and people like that that Jack Lemmon would be beating up in films and always when falling down I never thought that I would ever transcend into a character where he would be somewhat likable do you ever have any fantasy about us saying hey maybe there might be something that break the Lords of Flatbush actually I guess was the first and though Susan Blakely listen Susan Blakely Henry Winkler Harry King right and a fella named Paul mace but it was interesting the people that didn't do it that originally scheduled to do it was my DeNiro Richard Gere Michael Moriarty so it's Becky who's really a charmed production that's nice right yes funny what do you think that and if you put in perspective good let me ask you wonder will off-the-wall question are you happier now then you were say ten years ago when you were struggling it sounds like a dumb question most people say of course you got fame he's getting the money now that's therefore there's got to be happier to get crusty you know as you know what what success is double-edged I mean because what comes with it is a great sense of responsibility and you have to try to keep up a certain level of performance before when you're unknown and you're struggling every day is an unknown x-factor you don't know where you're going what I would do is I'd open the yellow pages and there in New York there would be about 1500 agents and every day I would mark off ten and those ten I would sit there and you know make up the most atrocious lies I just backed in from Europe I have a clown act that I'm working on we film on it but it's really just took him I know you and so it would be enough work for like six months and then I would start all over with the six months because they hoped it had forgotten me or I'd go in with a mustache or a beard so every day was kind of an adventure today there is no more like that it's like the responsibility of trying to get the film done of trying to stay in shape of trying to be on budget to have try not to get beat up too much hell I fight entire Russians you know things are giving up your lack of privacy and your personal relationships and land like this you know blast it all everything no this is the negative sides but basically I think it's funny when I talk to most entertainers some of the happiest time in their life was when they were back there struggling to get the recognition all there's some strange reason or well it's faster I think to climb up the mountain this is the most exciting because you don't know what lies ahead once you get supposedly to that top of your profession the only place to go is dad does that bother you every time you make a picture that somebody's gonna come and say well salons on his way out or this didn't measure up for the other one well President Lee John there will be no rhinestone too I thought you'd be cutting an album soon but I are I'm sorry that's it no MTV yes mucus television he's been doing MTV no we'd probably go great I'll bet you they're pretty clever the way they do it they could stage it and Athiya oh yeah sure you know I started Lily if they would have shot that with an x-ray camera it might have worked it was hot LT never play inside out but the way was done as it no no okay now let's saw we're going back again talking about your youth you were bounced out of how many high schools 40 49 obviously we're either bored with it or you were a lousy student or you just didn't you remind us somewhere else daydreamer and I think a lot of people suffer from that you know you go into school and you pretty much know what you want to do in your life say you have an overactive imagination and you're not really interested in building a bridge or learning SMS geometry or learning to split an atom or whatever so you tend not to be in sync with what's being taught so you look out the window and you say boy if I could climb that tree and flap my arms and fly to mom I said meanwhile you here in the back of the head so it's it's it's just repetitive rejection because you are just not in sync with what's being taught and I think schools at least from what I've understood are kind of accelerating their ways of teaching become a little bit more pliable to understanding the needs and not everybody goes at the same level right and they're going to get into specialization I mean in college when I was going it was like you had to have two years of a Bachelor of Science you had to study everything now I think you can go right into specialization immediately like you want to be a turtle breeder you're gonna be a turtle breeder the B duty and that's it no matter what nothing's gonna stop you from raising those hard little things boy and that's sounds kind of nice huh it is actually reading Turtles yes no great hurry of the whole thing what's what's the story about you running around pretending to be Superboy's that true north cool with a cape it was that sick huh that's what we're here for we want to hear all the sick stuff hey you know well Rona this barbecue story yeah what it is my father's beautician so he had a lot of barber escapes around and I was scrawny I had my body was you ever seen like a man comprised of pipe cleaners well that was exact it's what I didn't have a shadow no let's talk about talking soon all right so I would I was fascinated with with two characters the Steve Reeves Hercules Garrett and Superman so I devised I bought some rip die and I dyed my t-shirt blue and I dyed my underwear red and I dyed my socks blue and I took this barber cape and I put the S on with a crayon of course it was backwards and I put it under my clothing yeah and I was going to school except I was looking like a hunchback you know there's a kid I don't like this and I had my friend Jimmy corner I pull him into the men's room I said you're not gonna believe this I know you think I'm Sylvester I know you think I'm like Tweety Bird and PUD eat and make fun of me and I like but underneath all this is Superboy okay and I said you know your dog so I opened up my showed him a little s Jimmy my best friend of course runs out into the classroom going ah my friend is Evan Evans dragged over here Superboy in the bathroom so what happened is they took me up in front of the entire school at lunchtime made me take my pants off my clothes on everything yeah knocked me with his Barbara cape on and I said now flap for us flap and you better fly I never went back to school no wonder you went to school to school flying high for school we're gonna take a break we're gonna come back when cost more we also got a clip from Rambo part - stay where you are pick it up every picture you do we did the rocky pictures you did a Rambo part web part one first blood first blood you really got to get yourself in some kind of shape I mean that that's strenuous work right it's pretty strenuous well I feel that the character dictates that you have to have a certain body style I would like to just you know weigh 400 pounds in city eating cashews in Tahiti but unfortunately the character dictates that he's kind of a fighting machine he doesn't have a family doesn't have a passive him a future ollie is geared towards as combat so I think and I've known men like that so all they do is everything is physical physical constantly working on looking for ways to perfect themselves so I have to kind of like live this lifestyle it's it's not a healthy one I mean looks alright but it's really after a while it does wear you down but for this character I felt so close to because it's it's it's so important because he represents a lot of people today that are that are alive and well hopefully and I wanted to do justice by them with him you know the American military fighting men okay we're gonna show have a little excerpt here what is this huh what is this piece we're gonna see slice well he has gone back to Vietnam to extract POWs he has been caught in some intrigue he has been captured and now he's escaped and what has happened is he's gone through most of his captors and as a last resort we find out to the Russians are behind the whole thing and they're going after him now with helicopter and napalm over a waterfall and now I'm being chased by a ball of fire I think just an average day in the country just barbecue watch the monitor here thank you while these people go you gotta hit there you mentioned that that one stunt you were involved in it's not closer the the fire so well is a what happens is there's a little bit of madness that seems to permeate my brain when I'm doing a character like this it seems like how hard to believe what you can achieve sometimes it I want to do that stunt and what they do is a fire that gasoline from a cannon and you mark it off about 30 feet away and as a fire you hopefully that it's the same amount every time and as you run if you keep a certain speed you'll just clear this ball of fire if you don't we're having rice crisps ice krispies tonight you know so and this is a few of the stunts in the film that we're really interesting to do because it's all a matter of timing stuntmen are extraordinary human beings I mean their whole life is as a matter of millimeter yeah especially call them gag the eggs egg but very brave men yeah yeah thank you for coming I know you can't stay the night it opens tomorrow all around the country oh I'm sorry folk song I'm staying you got the maestro okay we'll be back we have a Whitney brought a very funny young man in our SEO Gutierrez who plays piano so beautiful
Channel: Tony Montalbano
Views: 1,471,307
Rating: 4.8725786 out of 5
Keywords: Sylvester Stallone, Rocky, rambo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2016
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