Sylvanas Eternal Punishment: All Cutscenes in ORDER - Arthas Death Epilogue [WoW Dragonflight Lore]

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flow of souls into the maw has ended the covenants and the shadowlands have been restored only one task remains Sylvanas windrunner the time for your judgment is at hand [Music] there can be no True Justice without compassion and I can see your Deeds bear the mark of the jailers influence and influence we failed to contain the Jailer did not control me my actions were mine alone and I accept their consequences then you know in your heart to whom you must answer I submit to the judgment of tyrandha whispering entrusting Justice to your most fervent adversary are there any gathered here who object to this fate [Music] so be it what game do you play now Banshee the Sylvanas I hunted would never submit to the blade of her enemy Dove would be a merciful End Toronto and I do not expect your mercy your newfound remorse might be genuine but it can never erase all you have done there will be no peace for you windrunner until there is peace for the souls of your victims The Prisoner is in my charge now bring her [Music] True Justice brings both punishment and renewal by trust in tyrande to achieve both I know long [Music] but judgment comes below lies an unjust fate to which you do dude and it will be there that your Penance begins Every Soul lost in its depths betrayed or condemned you shall find and send forth to the Arbiter to be judged with the compassion All Souls to deserve you will toil there and adore this watchful eye scouring every dark Dutch until the final soul is free and You Are All That Remains this is how you shall bring renewal victims and my people however long it takes it shall be done old friend watch her well [Music] [Music] [Applause] the banshee's Penance will save countless lost souls faith that would not have come to pass had I slain her in art and wield perhaps that is why mother Moon stayed my hand I thank you for your Aid soon I must return to Azeroth to begin healing the kaldori and preserving our future so long there had been little more than hatred and Malice in our sister's eyes to At Last see a glimmer of the Sylvanas we knew I had ceased hoping for such a thing I am pleased we had a chance to speak with her Theresa I only wish I'm true to her word and sees this obligation through perhaps one day we will it will never be like it was before the pain she inflicted upon the caldori have on the world how could she ever answer for it I'm not certain she can but if her Penance brings any measure of peace to those she wronged at least it is a start you are right lady son our family has endured so much Darkness we must find a way to cling to Hope yes little man mother father [Music] they are only memories we thought our sister was as well but now we shall see [Music] well met King raymen Regent Lord I hope the fate of Sylvanas windrunner brings the alliance some measure of peace peace you stand in the shadowlands Regent Lord ask the dead she sent here whether they feel peace as for me that's something I will never know not while the monster who killed my son still endures I understand my people are haunted by the Deeds of monsters as well and what of you are you hoping that the ranger General you served comes back from the Moor or would you prefer having your war chief again I spent most of my life alongside the windrunner family Sylvanas was my hero and my friend but the Banshee who nearly led the horde to ruin was neither then you shouldn't have followed her commands good day Regent Lord good day King greymane I can't tell you how relieved I am to see you safe my king even after reading jaina's reports I can scarcely imagine the horrors you endured there were times I thought I would never escape the jailer's control [Music] the things he made me do those actions were not your fault you cannot blame yourself I should have been stronger and when Rin you were the strongest man I know and when you return to Stormwind the whole Kingdom will tell you the same I can't go back can not yet but the people need tyrellion will keep the alliance safe in my absence and I know you watch over everyone we care about old wolf of course take whatever time you need and when you're ready please come home those we lost await us here among these countless afterlives is there anyone you would seek out Bane for one last conversation before you return to the land of the living no need to spare my feelings you are asking if I wish to find my father the truth is I do not need to his spirit is always with me wherever I go whatever I do guiding me just as his ancestors guided him and what of you is there someone you would visit given this chance long have I held the title of regent Lord all the while wondering if I was truly suited to lead my people I would ask the last leage of Silvermoon if he regrets the choices he made a chance to mend Old Wounds and perhaps feel that the torch has truly been passed a feeling I understand all too well I pray your conversation brings you the peace you seek my friend Immortal life is so incredibly brief I questioned whether any actions taken within that span of time could truly be worthy of eternal torment I confess that as an aspirant I did not think of such things only of Duty it was not until I witnessed uther's plight that I recognized the Injustice of them all never again will a mortal Soul be sent to its depths all deserve a chance at Redemption [Music] recent events have shown us that a single mortal soul in fact every Mortal Soul can alter the course of Eternity indeed for good or for ill in the end it was Mortals and their decisions that shaped the fate of the shadowlands as Arbiter I will take that lesson to Heart every soul will be treated with compassion and will be given a voice in which afterlife awaits them you have betrayed your duty as Arbiter and shall be found forevermore your madness has threatened this cycle of life and death in time you could have sought another way brother imagine what we could have accomplished to you can have anything you desire [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Athelarius
Views: 458,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sylvanas, tyrande, cutscenes, eternity, end
Id: a1E7H1WrTug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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