"MoBa Gaming" Sykkuno Uno Game ^_^  livestream Feb.19,2021

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more gift subs arts um okay okay that's too many subs guys and savant or surveying thanks for five more gift subs and vitalize thanks for five more gift subs um and shiaki thanks for five more gift subs yvonne thanks for five more gift subs jesus and luck thanks for 10 more gift subs that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks for a thousand bits panda thanks for the tier two daisy thanks for five more gifts and uh thanks for the five more gift subs also jesus oh man all right um okay and uh rambunc thanks for five more gift subs guys i gotta reset my password i don't remember my ubisoft password i got i gotta reset it what yeah i made it guys let's be honest who uses this thing i hate ubisoft oh jesus i gotta reset my password but rambunctious thanks for uh thanks for five more gift subs rambunctious and uh dank thanks for five more gift subs dank and jordan thanks for five more gift subs also all right guys i got up i got to reset my password so give me a second i will read out more subs in a second um okay oh yeah all right guys i'll take more stuff later i just i just got to get this set up i actually forgot my password i'm in i'm in let's see um where is it here it is hello okay hello did you get my invite let me check okay okay um oh all right let's keep reading out subs which thanks for 10 more gift subs which has a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch and kelsey thanks for five more gift subs also kelsey and drown thanks for the thousand bits uh comfy thanks for the 500 bits um john thanks for the tier two john and um cheese thanks for ten more gift subs cheese has a whole bunch of gifts thanks a bunch cheese and uh toe estefan thanks for the subs um d zone thanks for five more gift subs d zone and uh kobe thanks for five more gift subs also kobe and anonymous thanks for five more gift subs anonymous and alien thanks for five more gift subs also alien and demo thanks for five more gifts as also emma oh that's a lot of gifts ups jesus thank you very much for all the gift subs guys that's actually more gift subs than we've gotten all stream um so thanks a bunch guys really appreciate it oh and faith thanks for five more gift subs faith um well that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch guys and toast thanks for the sub also and crispy but thanks a bunch for all the gift subs guys that is way too many gift subs um i'll try to get some fancy food today today what all right um i need to change my password can you relaunch your whole game um i'm gonna remake the lobby okay uh sakura where are you at buddy you uh you do i have to reset my password oh okay um okay oh nyoko thanks for the 10 gift subs nyoko has a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch nyoko and max thanks for the 1000 bids yeah i haven't i'm resetting i don't have my account all right but thanks a bunch for the gift subs and chaotic thanks for five more gifts subs chaotic that's a whole bunch of gift subs the water bill i'm pretty sure the water bill is fine i hope but thanks a bunch all right well i think i finished resetting my password probably maybe um all right but thanks a bunch for the gift subs guys really appreciate it and makai thanks for five more gift subs also makhai that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch um oh guys there's actually more gift subs than we've gotten like in several streams probably um thanks a bunch everyone i will be able to buy fresh food today how do i link it to steam by the way be in your aesthetics when i just opened it up it uh did you open it through steam or yes i didn't open it through steam i have it on the ooby store yeah you have to open it through steam oh yeah i don't know how it works um sudo thanks for five more gifts up sudo that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch and tacron thanks for the subs too and uh chris thanks for the sub and tangerine that's a whole bunch of gifts gift subs thanks a bunch everybody um okay well we're just kind of waiting for uh it's downloading and then i have to open it through steam but i don't know how to do that um but thank you very much for all the subs guys i apologize if i missed any i probably did that was way more subs than i usually get in a very short amount of time so thank you very much for all the subs guys um i really appreciate it i'm gonna buy food with that probably feed me for days maybe even weeks uh probably at least one week perfect all right we sent your invitation oh okay yeah all right but thanks for the subs everyone and panda princess thanks for the sub and jaden all right guys we're going to try some uno um let me adjust the thing it's still downloading i didn't think it would take this long um all right okay um dara thanks for the sub shift all right guys we're we have to accept so how do we uh how do i connect it to my steam um uh connect your steam to maybe soft honestly this happened to me so long ago that i don't remember maybe ray how did you connect your steam in your ubisoft i just didn't i you just did it yeah no i no i didn't i just i just i i googled uno ubisoft i clicked the website link i bought it on the website there and then it said oh sign in with your ubisoft and so i just signed in yeah i don't even have steven through steam no what so do i just i just don't need steam or i don't think you need it but if you want to okay well i've always ran it through steam but if ray's doing it without then i guess you also don't need without okay um okay you got it liliana thanks for five more gifts absolutely i don't know i'm trying to open it now i think they're using a different mic okay oh yeah it sounds extra loud today oh god all right uh but liliana thanks for five more gift subs that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch guys we're having some some strange issues i i'm not sure if there is an issue or not but um all right let's just start it up i'm gonna deafen because sometimes games are super loud when you first open it is this working um um dank and pale thanks for the subs but thank you very much for the subs guys really appreciate it and declare thanks for the sub also eclair um i don't know if it's working it i'm definitely having some issues here um fallen thanks for the sub and mari um all right uh fallen thanks for the sub huh um okay man uno takes a while to install who could have uh who could have guessed that uno would take that long robo thanks for the sub and um alia are you deafened yeah because um sometimes it's super loud i don't know i'm just worried the game will be super loud when we first open it uh my uno is uh still installing um okay x moon thanks for the sub and melody thanks for the sub also melody that's what i thought this one's taking longer than most though um sassy thanks for the sub sassy still installing um okay oh what oh god flaming thanks for the sub flaming it's still installing oh you can't hear that i'm so close like i closed it because i didn't want uno to be loud but it looks like it's just still installing it i can't i clicked play and it's like no i think coffee coffee lizard thanks for the sound chat and uh thanks for the sub also we can't hear them guys that was on purpose okay guys that was on purpose because sometimes games are super loud when i open it so uh i'm tired for a different reason i think i slept too much two months seven key thanks for the five gifts up seven keep that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch 7k and uh ceda thanks for the ten dollars i hope you're having an amazing stream we had a lot of technical difficulties earlier but it was pretty fun after that 5 p.m um sarah thanks for the sub sarah i think uh you're i can't hear them you still can't hear them i you should be able to now i think because you did a 24-hour stream a week ago yes i don't like it i think something's wrong with it it's still a one out of four um the install for uno um let's see leah thanks for the sub and walking the game's no do you ever buy the version off of steam installing um is that kudo no uh leanne thanks for the sub what well i already have it it's just installing um huh that's installing through ubisoft connect does that know how it works um reaper thanks for the five gifts reaper from directly ubisoft and ours is from like we bought it off of steam and then it launches off of steam into ubisoft yeah but i click play on the ubisoft connect and it's trying to install is that not how it works uh i think that's how it worked for ray right now just still installing maybe restart it um all right i guess we can restart delete uh sean thanks for the sub and ming thanks for the five gift subs ming that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch ming um for the five gift subs and kiki thanks for the sub also uh but thanks for all the gifts and reaper thanks for the five gift subs reaper um thanks for all the gift subs guys really appreciate it all right so uno is not really working for us but i'm i'm gonna try again let's hope it works um all right uh corgi thanks for the sub corgi all right it's just trying to install um let's see panda thanks for the sub panda you have to restart it i just did restart it looks like it's still stuck or something i mean the little thing is moving like the little spinny thing is spinning oh uh comfy thanks for five more gift subs pumpy uh that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch comfy oh and jaden thanks for the five [Music] um yeah it's just stuck on one out of four for a vc run time must be uh must be a big game um um are you all right okay are you down to re can you refund it and just buy it off of steam to see if it works to run off on steam i thought you said it opens ubisoft connect anyway right yeah um wouldn't it just open the same thing honestly i don't know i'm wondering if it works differently harry and daniela thanks for the subscribe instead oh um okay i guess i could just buy it on steam i guess uh all right i i guess we'll just buy it again i i guess we just couldn't just say you want to play balloons or valor no it's it's not it's not installing guys i'll just buy it again i guess i don't know no that's eight dollars that's ten dollars but that's okay water bill i'll buy it again um i don't think it'll i don't know i don't think it'll make a difference but i guess we'll try confused how like everybody has different issues all right honestly i think it's the ubi thing nobody likes it um right let's just let's just try and buy it um i have to company desktop program installer it's broken i think it's just kind of broken guys not gonna lie every time i use it my computer lags it opens up on different monitors the game lags okay but for some reason it's not lagging today satsuna thanks for the sub and uh lily thanks for the five gift subs lily promise the game's actually fun all right i'm just happy this is like deja vu all right i'm trying to install it again oh jt thanks for the 10 gift subs jt that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch jt and lily thanks for the five gift subs uh again but thanks a bunch jt have different friends install it they always get different sets of problems and then we yeah we try and do it for a bit um oh i just bought it on steam what's happening can you guys hear me my whole computer just froze i'm gonna start waking you up soon paper scissors oh well uh comfy thanks for five more gift subs that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch paper scissors and then we say what we want to say all right i'm ready on shoot you know what's happening but shoot how does that work wait i i have to oh but thanks for the five gift subscriptions i have a higher winning rate if i could see your hands um and carolyn thanks for the sub also what i did was i i slowed down todd oh jesus oh jesus all right it looks like it works through steam dang it i wasted ten dollars well oh it worked through steam i think oh god my money i had to buy it twice oh man oh oh man we had to buy the game twice my ears chat told you guys everyone told me to turn it back on i said i can't refund it on the ubisoft store so i just it just there it goes guys there it goes um all right all right um ceto thanks for the sub and mads thanks for the sub also um it was loud well guys i wanted to deafen so you guys wouldn't hear it um okay um [Music] all right you guys got to give me a second [Music] let's do that do this um okay hmm can't hear it guys guys it's because the volume's super loud you're not supposed to hear it i turned it off because i don't want you to hear it because it's super loud guys um we can't hear the other guys it's on purpose because uno is super loud i defined it so you don't get your ears destroyed by the uno being loud um crosses and denise thanks for the sub all right um all right i'm adju i'm trying to adjust the volume right now um okay let's see let's turn this up a little bit all right um let's see falcon thanks for the 10 and ling thanks for the 10 also and uh nip thanks for the 25 oh god and sketch thanks for the sub and new licks who be patient i feel like i don't know if they just came to the stream maybe but wait if they just came to the stream how do they know there's others oh i can't can you invite me off steam or oh um why can't i turn the music off oh um oh man this is just this is it's all terrible guys it's all terrible this is so scuffed um all right does this work okay um sean thanks for the sub and left thanks for the 10 cover it and tack thanks for the 15 lact um all right um oh and dust and dark thanks for the five gift subs for me to you thanks a bunch guys and blue panda falcon mister thanks for the donations and nip thanks for the 25 again all right i'm just trying to set it up guys it's uh all right um it works it sort of works but i'm not really sure um we're just trying to set it up it's just it seems to have a lot of you know we may as well just turn the music back on um okay oh france thanks for the 10 gift subs f r x n um is this loud enough all right um no man this is a hassle uh all right how do we how do you invite me hello um yes i need your username or you add uh securities thanks for the 25 gift subs um i have no clue what that means but thanks for the 25 gift subs wait i have to what i have you on steam right sakuno yep i need your ubisoft username oh jesus oh jesus i posted it okay okay um ubisoft name ubisoft name um all right man this game is like tough to install um i am sending you an ad all right we have to um okay it has been sent all right perfect um do i leave it open or do i close it now you restart the entire game and relaunch it through steam what are we ready is it time no not not yet um okay man i am so confused this is the strangest um this game better be fun guys this game better be fun this was all right william thanks for the sub and riley thanks for the 10. um okay oh jesus that's loud uh it's bright um okay uh jord thanks for the sub it's fun i sure hope so guys it's it's this is just a struggle um is it supposed to take this long to load um oh uh saxorus thanks for the tier three saxos barely have any of those thanks a bunch saxorus all right it's fun i sure hope so it's very bright yeah all right i'm i'm in i think um we just could click play uno oh um oh man this is this has been a journey guys it's been a journey this is my thing i can barely hear wendy and unwavy thanks for the subs i want to remake this lobby is it this oh jesus am i leaking something oh wait you guys can't see it huh all right i'm gonna reinvite all three of you um oh wait all right i'm in see sakura online for me um danny thanks for the sub and jinya well i think i'm in the game already so are you in our lobby i'm not oh you're in my game okay there you go guys this is this is uh we should be good now okay i don't i don't really know how to play this game it's been a journey to get this working guys it's been a journey i've i'll be honest i'm intimidated but you're probably gonna get it confused anyways okay so uh there are plus twos and plus fours in this game which means you draw plus two and plus four you can stack them so if i play a plus two ray plays a plus two and then the next one michi danny gina and sakura thanks for the sub plus two then what kind of strange name is that but thanks for the sub same thing with plus four so it could be plus eight plus twelve et cetera when you play the number seven you get to choose someone's hand to swap with i don't know what's happening okay when you play the numbers honestly when you play the number zero um it rotates and there's no borderless window you have to hard full screen at everything so everybody's hands get rotated it's been a struggle guys it's been a struggle yeah that's heroes um mayhew thanks for the self jumping so if i play a yellow three and rey has a yellow three she can jump in immediately regardless of her turn i don't know what any of that means what does zero do i have no i'm just going to play the game in trying to figure out a number and you can't play a card i'm not good at following instructions i don't know if you guys noticed or not um let's go the rules guys i don't i don't know how to listen to rules did you guys see me try to set this thing up i struggled okay i usually just do things and hope i figured out something okay um season thanks for the subs all right guys i'm i'm bad at listening to verbal instruction i have it in my bottom right yeah saying bottom right where do you guys have your bubbles top right top right yeah test test test test test test can everyone test all right test test test test test test what wait i don't want to do that that's what it does wait mia give me my cards back i had such good cards i had such good cards i didn't know that's what sevens did oh jesus oh no i i don't know how to listen to instructions why do you think it took me so long to install this thing that's very true what color is it i can't tell what color is it it's four colors i think oh it's red it's red columns oh jesus i just gave her all these good cards huh oh so you have five seconds to play a card what happens if you don't play you what does that do take it get get away from me send it back my way i'll send it back again it's happening i'm all tabbed oh my gosh wendy what's happening hey what does that mean change it to green no no you're you're telling them what you have by what happened what is what is jump in i don't know what's happening uh bro thanks for the sub and local and anonymous thanks for the tips when you have the exam ryan and payne thanks for your subs did you memorize your cards no no that's what you get for not listening guys let's be honest even if i listened i would have forgotten in two seconds guys what happens if i don't have a card to play you have to oh no wait i can play the card i just drew what happened oh now i have how does this game even work what is happening this is more confusing than dungeon dice monsters what on earth i hate you who who do you hate who who's doing what you skipped my turn twice ray or me oh i i don't even know what i'm doing i just click honestly i've been clicking every card and hoping one of them goes down i don't like this game looking good for you what is plus eight what the heck what is happening this game makes no sense oh oh i like this this is good right i know you have to run out of cards please you guys wendy has a green and a yellow so does cycuno how do you know what i have she's because it's just i just she's stream sniping wait you guys she has a yellow she has a she has a yellow please end it wendy end it oh wait why can't i use this uno uno am i winning what happens if i click uno you have to save the game you have to save the game oh yeah i forgot all right what is happening what did i do what does button do jesus wendy why are you taking so many cards what the heck are you doing wendy what's up yellow it's yellow it's yellow oh yeah use do i need a 30-90 for this game i've been lagging so much it's guys i think i need a 30-90 [Music] but i clicked the button wait insane but whose turn is it it's wendy wendy do you have a plus two i do okay okay good stack double stack what does that thing do no don't do it don't do it we got this we got this you maniacs we got this what is this oh okay oh get him neon get him what that doesn't wait how did she go twice how do you play does anyone actually guys be honest to be honest you guys have probably played uno before but do you actually know what's happening do you actually because i have no clue what's happening i know you match the colors i think just pick the right card okay i got it you get the same color but then we keep switching hands every other round what see what well we keep switching hands why do we keep switching hands i don't want this hand no one tells me how to play this game yeah so 70 gets to choose who you swap with zero and the whole lobby swaps yeah one the whole yeah i don't i don't want this hand whichever direction how do we how do i how did i get this i didn't want this that's it i don't understand how this works does this match the colors guys you can't tell me i didn't match the red color oh my god my memory when does he help i don't know what's happening right oh oh it's ray's turn yeah it's raised all right come on um why are they laughing it's like kudo are you there yeah i'm just i just don't i just don't know what i'm doing same no same i'm kind of just clicking most of the things and hoping one of them goes down [Laughter] what if we put the same one down okay um andre and peachy thanks for the subs oh nice nice let me hit him with that one yeah go again go again go again go again oh i thought i was helping you i thought you could put a card down i'd i can't believe it i thought i was helping her all right ah you guys i think she's alright guys i'm gonna hit her with the big four i don't know what does choose a color mean what it's a roulette four so you choose the color you wanted to turn into and then edda thanks for the sub edda uh well right you're picking up a lot of cards right you're okay oh you're not going nope oh no i'm not going wendy's taking cards i have a plan nine eight okay zero all right it worked uno why do i have one what he has a blue seven he has a blue how did i do that seven i don't even know what i'm doing you placed the zero saikudo you played the zero dude yeah wait i should have used it what is happening i don't know what's happening i think i'm winning but i'm not sure uh okay wait who's wait why did neon go why did you get the same car in the same car it jumped in numbers there's a jumping what there we go [Music] oh wendy has a ton of green cards wait my turn got skipped yeah when you pick up when you pick up a card you turn ends i'm so confused uh vivid thanks for the you can jump um thanks a bunch vivid and callan thanks for the sub two and alex well there's the green where you can play your green seven second or green seven okay okay i don't know what's happening um green [Music] she is she has a plus two in her glam thanks for the sub glam you ray oh man guys i'm stressed was hard and i don't even know what it is if i had a plus two i would have played it you can always save it too for like you know other players okay we're not doing too bad um it makes it hard to save when your deck gets taken away from you and just gets taken away all right i didn't have a choice no i did it skip wendy no green do i want to do this is this good i don't know what's happening um this is not normal uno it's not i have no clue okay oh um all right you guys getting kylo why is it switch i don't know i don't even know what i'm doing i'm just clicking i might have helped thanks for the sub and mccoy are we winning we i know that the less cards you have the better right i'm pretty sure the less cards you have the better whose turn is it is it my turn oh she just go twice ah yeah we went oh wait what if i don't what are you swapping with all right who wants who wants my one card who wants to win i want it i want it all right you know what i'm giving it to rey how would you do that huh wait why not wait because i might win now what's wrong with you winning i i support my friends take i'll take it i forgot what it was it wasn't it what is this a rental oh a red doll oh jesus oh jesus well i have a nine and your turn me young wait did you already joke what is happening i thought she already put a card down so if uh all right guys i'm about to end this game like it's just a point watch this it's like oh i didn't get it you did that on purpose we did it guys all right but we can still fight for second place or oh no oh wait you can't we can't fight for second place you did that on purpose well i thought i would get second place you uh you did that on purpose i thought i would get second place said no you wouldn't you would have got last wait what are these numbers mine says two i think you threw that game for all of us that was the only card i could play i didn't have a choice that's the only card i could have played is i couldn't click any of the other ones um guys that was the only one i could click there's no other cards i could click that was a warm up warm-up um we almost all know how to play right yes yeah i know how to click cards is there a strategy to this is there a strategy oh who's got a good hand be honest guys be honest don't pick mine how do you know what's in my hand all right ray take it take it ray i believe it oh no no no ray you're going to be happy with my hand oh wait you're wait what does this one do hey guys what is the the thing with the four colors on it dude it changes it changes colors yeah all right there you go all right i'm gonna let destiny decide which color okay um now we could choose it but how cool would it be if the game wanted for itself it gave us blue that's exactly what we wanted see guys you know i i may have watched too much yugioh but you've got to believe in the heart of the cards it's going to be blue i told you guys i told you you got to believe in the heart of the cards and then i'll just choose the right one i want it blue anyway because i have three blues all right so uh i'm giving it back what's up thanks ray all right what wait i i can't use my plus four to counter it but no no exact same card yeah it has the exact same card oh oh i got one oh um what color what color saved did someone yell out of color red red why oh thank you thank you you saved me i saved who me i don't know but it lit up in bright colors it said it said nine or jump in as i jumped in i have no idea what's happening yeah if you have the same card uh-huh yep yeah yeah when it lights up i click it and that's my strategy guys legit my only my only strategy is when it lights up i click it another one another one another wait what happened ray you had so few that's a few that i have a lot so lot nine nine well two can play at that game guys i might win this i don't want to call it early but i mean i got a solid shot oh my god bullied okay oh my god what i'm being bullied too we're being bullied oh you thought oh my god excuse me oh my god she's she's gotten so many cards all right guys next round i'm feeling a little competitive i'm so confident wait why is it my turn again why is it what because i jumped in when you jumped in oh you don't have a bro i'm broke i'm broke gold thanks for the sub and tnt and vivid thanks for the 25. vivid thanks for the sale oh man oh okay the nines there because i still don't know what's happening nine yes so many nines ss what i pushed s oh this game's rigged hey guys i tried to jump in earlier but it wouldn't let me um uh it might be because it was you're already your turn oh no like earlier someone else played a red four i don't know how it works must be the lag i need a 30 90. 30 90 for uno me young i don't have a red card oh wait thank god it's not me oh crap wait i didn't have to jump in oh okay here oh it wouldn't have been me anyways i'm confused it's on right now what is happening oh oh no wait that works okay oh you saved you saved oh no you didn't no you didn't get it i had two plus twos i don't know what that means but i kept clicking it and then she sounded like she was worried so i think that's a win all right another one another one another one another one another one oh oh oh my god what's happening uh the naked oh god i was gonna say green or blue oh no wait why do i have so many cards where did that come from it's plus four psychodomo do you think i know what that means i i don't even know the card it says plus four why do they give it to me all right oh let's go oh oh i have red he just picked it up right i can't keep track of whose turn it is i'll be honest seven's a trade it's like ray are your cards good no they're kind of oh well i guess i'll find out i told you they're bad wait they're they're bad wait they're actually bad i told you okay hold on hold on what do you mean they're actually bad they're bad they're bad oh wait what the heck you can swap swap with me young she's the only ones who's no one's seen her cards yet okay what the heck oh guys i have so many cards i'm i'm it's over for me i i don't even know what to do dalton indo thanks for the series what did ray have what does this one do [Music] oh i'm about to hit you with my secret technique the reverse cards [Music] what can i put down a zero yeah you could this way you hadn't had it all right um center thanks for the sub oh no guys we got to do something about ray she's too powerful i don't know what color wait you should know what color she has i don't know what color she has you guys think i have a memory that good yeah seikuna remember it was blue it was blue why it was blue it was blue it was blue and remember it was blue it was blue no she's white no no no she's not lying she's telling the truth she's blue she's telling the truth choose blue choose blue choose blue choose blue plus four why she's done so wait what happened my turn my turn that's illegal all right i don't know now i have blue now she has the oh no wait i don't have any red cards oh jesus another one oh jesus um well i should have played that i should have played that um is this really your first time yep i've never played uno i do know that you're trying to get rid of all your cards jesus all right one sec guys i gotta um what is happening i have no clue what's happening but um another one all right i've got a genius strategy guys the best strategy i've ever come up with you have 15 cards all according to my genius strategy watch this guys what are you doing you guys are about to see you see i picked up on a strategy genius genius look at that jump look at that jumping all right guys i've got a plan keep it on red red red no no why didn't you make it yellow how did you know oh jesus oh jesus i make it red wendy make it red red no make it yellow i'm making a little red make a red i can't make it red how how could you well there's only one thing i can do now oh no no no can you turn it around no i could do this though oh my god oh my god [Music] what is happening plus two well i too can play that game oh wait wait how many cards does he have you deserve it you deserve it i deserve it i deserve it i deserve it i deserve it oh man we're a genius okay take it nope guys we actually have the fewest cards now why do we all have so many cards wait no it happens is there this many cards in the real deck it's important yeah because check out this six right here wow that's a six i can't believe after all these cards i have it's [Laughter] all right me and ray have the least card sorry ray oh oh my god ray oh my god oh that's a tough one wendy if you say sorry to me without meaning it one more time we're not friends oh oh my god what w what it doesn't work i swear it's broken it's broken i put i spammed w it didn't work i spammed it guys i don't know what else to do um mira thanks for the sub mira i don't i don't know what else it's gonna take guys oh no oh my turn okay okay now rain has to go again um maybe click it instead yeah maybe i have to click it because oh hey hey all right work that time okay young's turn yeah just keep skipping onesie i like it have to hold the key i mean that time smashing it works skip wendy skip onesie you know it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine all right and we have five cards left ray i can win this one i can win this tell who's my worst enemy right now it's wendy it's me young just give me yeah she's get me young skip she's only got four she's only got four cards she's four cards she's only got three cards oh my god guys do something do something do something do something oh man all right don't worry i'll help you mia oh thank you what i don't even remember what cards i had don't worry i'll help [Music] all right i'll help you ray um wait this is for the long con wait give me my cards back okay okay i'll give you your cards back here what the heck is this that was a joke what is this oh wait wait guys i only have two cards left yeah keep going keep going everyone what is happening i don't know what's happening this game but i think i'm winning oh god okay here we go choose green green oh zero zero plus four [Music] guys she's only got one left we gotta do something um wait wait it's like did you have her deck before what was it i don't know she had something something rare it must have been a red-eyes black dragon we skipped her we skipped her guys nice nice oh yeah nice nice i can't believe it oh she has blue she has blue food thanks for the stuff i have to keep this plus two i can't it's not my turn all right i'll see what she has oh my gosh oh my god she's got a uno don't worry i'll stop her with the plus two i can't it's blue it was blue guys we gotta do something do something hey do you have three or five i have three i have a three five yeah what okay okay okay oh nice another one another one all right oh no all right guys i've got a secret weapon this'll get her wait that's that's bad wait that's not wendy it's not windy it's the other direction oh god oh ggs guys oh my god guys why do i get the feeling wendy invited us to play this because she's smurfing no i'm knocked through can you get that she just invited a beat on us warm-ups are over okay sumo thanks for the selfie i hate this game i so how do i see if i'm second that was a one so much i can't believe it either of all the numbers it was a one spicy about this one oh okay there's this one there's the one i've got a genius strategy okay okay okay uh don't trade with me wendy whatever you do don't trade you need to see your genius strategy oh god my genius strategy ah i see i see your genius all right well i'm gonna have to take back my genius strategy oh wait that was rey what what what i don't know what what another seven stop what i haven't been wait my genius strategy oh god um jake thanks for the 20 gift stuff that's a whole bunch of gifts thanks a bunch jake for the 20 gift subs i'm gonna be able to buy food for days thanks a bunch change it i'll change it with my secret weapon the plus quadro what's your favorite color me young red red red no not red anything red red red well ray told me red oh my god she's she's she's got so many cards there you go oh i got you plus two plus two all right well i've got a secret weapon up my sleeve but jake thanks for the subs and ghosty crypto and queen thanks for the subs [Music] all right guys i've got a secret weapon watch this i've come up with this genius galaxy brain idea genius what do i do all right let's take a sneak peek ray let's take a sneak peek we could trade first okay you know what i mean oh god what are the cards they're good cards i don't you guys she has a good card she's gonna win she's gonna win i don't know all right who wants my cards i've got a i've got an amazing hand anybody any takers give give it to wendy oh these are good cards yeah well not anymore you think not yeah i'm about to win because it's blue now it's blue no no this is perfect this is perfect switch it to red or green wendy what oh oh green green that's already green perfect it's over guess it's over you better pull something out cause i'm about to win sleep and ribbit thanks for the subs what guys what did she have does anyone remember actually that was your deck of course i don't remember i have terrible memory oh no yes oh no yes what is this game this is rigged what is this game what actually is this kid ray what color do you need um honestly guess all right i'll try my best to guess it but i was just gonna if i were what she had all the everything oh my god she just won she just won i was trying to help her win but she could have won no matter what mm-hmm got him i mean i was going to help her win anyway all right uh silver ray thanks for the subs [Music] i've got a genius strategy think i'm done not done yet there we go two cards one round we're done what red red that's what you get for not playing red oh no [Music] all right guys i think i'm a master of this game now i've learned all the tricks i've learned all the tricks guys [Music] um oh me younger remember when you didn't play red yeah me too me too oh man oh god um silver ray thanks for the sub silver right oh right oh my god oh my god oh jesus oh my god oh my god she got destroyed oh wait don't trade with me i oh you traded with rey oh wait oh i want that back [Music] what wait what what is this what is this your turn oh okay when do i go guys i kind of need to go to the bathroom do i just what the hell guys i'll be honest i need to go to the bathroom so i'm just i'll be right back i'll be right back keep playing keep playing keep playing wait you have to go to the bathroom i don't think it's gonna be my turn for a minute so i'll be right back oh i gotta do what i gotta do i'm sorry you gotta do what you gotta do what i gotta do you gotta do what are you doing i'm doing it i'm doing it so i guess everyone's day good good chilling good good day that was pretty aggressive what why he's gonna be picking up oh wait he's automatically rolling picks up let's just give him all the cards i'm going to be picking up something i'm going to skip oh this is great five seconds this is fantastic oh no no no no get the 20 cards oh geez oh my gosh all right give him a plus four my young plus four no i can't oh wait oh you skipped his turd right god jesus how did i get so many cards i just went to the bathroom for a minute i believe right right [Music] hey guys i'm back from the bathroom i i'm doing great um wendy you skipped his turn explain yourself oh there we go um sophie thanks for the sub juice box crispy and livy thanks for the subs also oh oh you know what let me do you a favor i'll trade with you no don't who do you want me to trade with i don't know someone else all right i'll trade with rey we all have so many cars i believe in my car okay perfect i'll take that and what why do you have so many reds oh you have a reds what what is this mia what why does she have so many of these all right all right we got a trick not that trick zero oh i like it i don't like it okay okay it's looking good ish maybe just skip wendy the whole time [Music] oh yeah keep skipping i like it i like it reverse again oh okay a two i see wendy what color would you like i would like green all right here's that's not true she wants red oh then well you actually have green she actually has green you actually have green she actually has green nate thanks for the sun you were perfect what guys oh wait you saved you saved sakura oh thanks ray wow oh no problem that's not a two oh wait a minute oh oh wait here we go oh okay there you go lovely lovely she tanked it she tanked it she tainted it i taped it all right um okay oh oh oh wait wait me young what the heck how do you have 14 cards 14 cards guys yeah i know you you wanted those cards all right give me more cards i dare you yeah give him more cards give him more cards did i say i have 14 cards i mean you have 14 cards and then you have i can't believe you man oh god um [Music] give it give it to me don't turn it red don't turn it red she's got like a bazillion okay plus eight oh my god she's got 21 cards we did it jesus i don't have something good in there i don't worry it's fine things are you have to have something oh my god you have to have something he's getting destroyed something in there there's something in there for sure i'm gonna die well that's a lot of cards wendy's like wait why did i get a card did nothing i break i'm a bystander yeah i'm also a bystander i'm also by fine yeah oh okay why didn't you let me jump in that time hmm i thought it lets me jump in but huh all right um ammon rose thanks for the sub man now me young's going to turn tables on you do it do it she's got a red doesn't let you jump in if your turn's next oh i can jump in on myself yes yes that's insane i alley-ooped it to myself um all right uh darkness thanks for the sub darkness i literally mashed my keyboard like a maniac no idea oh oh nice jump in nice job i literally matched my keyboard like a maniac it didn't work why do they give you so little time i guess it doesn't matter havoc thanks for the sub give me a yellow oh what oh jesus we don't have any powered up cards either um enu thanks for the sub ah just click the card guys i have slow reflexes i can't just click the car to have slow reflexes oh no oh no oh no oh no how many how many what ray what did you say uno that's gonna be me soon after yeah wendy has three you're right wait wendy they're all red i mean they're not all red yeah they're not all red wait i couldn't i couldn't jump in man it never lets me jump in it said jump in i swear there's no reflex reflex reaction time it never lets me it never lets me um i don't know why it never lets me um honey thanks for the sub man annie and new crop it's never 20 it's never going to be red all right but thanks for the 20 gift subjects that's a whole bunch of gift subs really appreciate oh w oh we got it thanks for the 20 gift subs jake really appreciate it and daniella thanks for the sub also never read yeah yeah huh can i get a red looking for red um oh god you don't have green first try um oh all right guys guys when i need a red give me a red give me a red and i can save the game how did you jump in on yourself you just it you just click it again the red this is it this is it wait a minute what the heck here's a second i'll save the game oh we you saved the game save the game who gave me those there's four cards was it you ray was it you know what was you was it miami was it ray or mia who gave me those cards wait so you have all red cards oh do i um are they mia are his cards red no no yeah they are red nope nope they're not red at all they're blue um karma and daniela thanks for the subs oh jesus all right i'm just gonna keep spamming it looks like you spam wasd right to jump in so why don't i just keep pushing it why ever stop pushing it if you could just keep pushing it right oh okay is it my turn yet okay come on come on oh jesus yes okay saikuno has no no what if i had yellow and i drew i picked cards on purpose to throw you off yeah a lot of reds there wendy make it red make it red don't make it right don't make it make it red oh my turn get skipped oh yeah okay now make it red make it red make it red no um should have played i couldn't i think my turn got skipped um another one oh red red it's not red it's not it's oh red okay ignore that weird noise i made oh i hard-masked it i hard-mastered it wait what is what is happening here [Laughter] oh oh red that was his one blue card somebody read um ah all right oh no okay um they're jumping in i have no clue what's happening i can't talk about it what why can't you talk about it ray you saved me your hero ray your hero oh dang it i didn't mean to oh he oh again i have an issue and he oh god okay all right okay plus two okay don't worry he's still ha he still needs red what well what if i don't need red what if all right [Music] oh you did you don't have green guys what is this rigged game what okay um what i well two can play that game oh okay um someone take my deck i don't want it oh i mashed it so fast when do i get them in my deck it's red it's red everyone um oh it's looking bad for ray when do i get a play guys oh don't worry you gotta play right right soon soon don't worry you still gotta play don't worry oh oh this is awkward well good thing neon gets to play yeah good evening oh my god well surely she'll get to play now right right yeah there's surely why can't i play a zero on a zero can't you play a zero in a zero two minutes it doesn't let me play it cheers i thought it let me play a zero no you're good you're good what is this what are the chances she's she's not even playing the game um this isn't a zero oh it's different that's a skip it's not a zero oh well luckily we got one anyway oh [Music] wait i don't want to trade all right there's only one person i trust with such a powerful hand take it ray take it yes look at all those uh i hope you enjoy all those sevens i will i will guys we gave her so many stop signs so many stops i have so many skips but because i was saving them for me young but yes oh jesus all right um stop signs are they stop signs guys come on what's happening you plus two hmm okay she jumped on herself oh i don't even remember who has what cards anymore hmm i have good cards meow do you have good cards huh why do you have so many reds what do you have against me nothing wait what the heck what do you mean give it back what wait you guys where where'd wendy go wendy wendy she's not in the distance he's not in the discord did she disconnect wendy wendy waiters i thought she was just super focusing but she's not yeah me too she's just gone brad thanks for the sub wendy oh chad's saying that her discord isn't working what maybe it disconnected for a bit or something hmm that's weird um meow thanks for the sub meow um it's not the same without wendy wendy yeah this is this is awkward now she's still clicking things she's she's playing oh guys what if we all use our cards on her yeah let's destroy her i didn't jump in this phone i jumped in well too late her pc crashed did it um uh oh do you have a skip cycuno um no but i have one of these drawing abilities all right i mean she's still playing the game so i'm assuming oh why oh no ray you got jumped up what the heck guys guys guys guys okay guys um mayu thanks for the sub i don't understand how cicuno plays well that's because i don't know how to play the game trade with me trade with me what did you have mia what'd you have you have me young oh okay but wendy knows but she can't tell us yeah she can't even tell you guys when's he where's your chat how do i talk to her um can i do this what color you need me young what color myeong read my mind what color god damn it oh okay definitely not yellow yeah it sounds like it's not yellow yeah it sounds like it's not oh my god this is it i'm gonna win no you're not no you're not wait okay i can if i think really hard i remember what he had oh god i didn't mean to do that okay no no red oh no oh no all is right oh no no but i was about to win why can't wendy talk um i think i actually don't know juicy thanks for the sub oh oopsies all right hmm i'm coming red i have too many red guys i don't think this game is going to end everyone has too many cards what how could you what could you me young it's gonna be a long round because everyone has tons of cards oh oh what the hell is this okay um she's playing valheim wait when he's playing valheim what do you mean um i thought she was wendy's back oh never mind she left again what oh dang it what the heck is going on what's happening all right no she isn't i have no clue what's happening anyone else having discord issues they said it's easy she dm'd me apparently what what'd she say uh lex thanks for the sub lex oh she's typing she's tight and juicy and space cowboy thanks for the sub also she's still typing she's still talking we've been playing this for like an hour it feels so short um seems like some people are having an issue yeah it definitely seems like there's some uh oh discord broke for canada oh oh yeah she's from canada [Music] canada what do we do what do we do without weddings no is it what do we do without wendy yeah it doesn't seem retinol yeah it doesn't feel right um van thanks for the sub van no setup took a long time that's probably true yeah s s oh come on i can't i can never jump in i can never jump in guys it just doesn't work broken forever oh man guys it might be over it might be over this is the worst day of my life wait what oh because you gotta save my life oh another one another one 20 almost 20 cards oh all right oh no oh that's not too bad hopefully it fixes soon okay she was back on for a second and then i don't know what happens um let's see all right here we go um uh it feels weird when when she's not here uh zevron kendra thanks for the subs oh okay good job balckie all right uh soulmates thanks for the stuff hello and the cars oh i got a one this is it guys i'm about to win why i'm a couple rounds away a meager few rounds away from winning the game don't do red oh what the heck was that noise what is that what is that you guys hear that what was that noise he's messaging me what what okay what'd you have what'd you have saikuna what is that noise i keep hearing a weird noise what is this what is this noise i'm hearing what uh what what was that um let's see oh good good it's a steam call what's the steam call yes yes um no jesus what's happening um what open up a steam what who calls on steam is that a thing all right oh we double back double back double backs double double double back wait i have i have nothing i got it i got a draw wendy was trying oh doesn't have any more double back what the doesn't have greens wait wait ray why are you why are you remembering that why are you trying so hard to remember um she's calling on steam oh doesn't have greens um how do you [Music] is it this what is it what could it be what is it what is it i couldn't i i don't know what to say i have nothing for her all right i got something wait that's the wrong way okay um guys it's not working it's not working um damn it oh jesus wendy wendy is that you know has my greens mian has no blue wendy hello guys the steam voice call is broken it's broken um guys the steam voice is broken you don't have green or blue like kudos it's not working guys oh so i'm trying to do some weird i think it's broken answer i already answered it it's just not working no no no no no no i can't hear her either i don't think it's working guys i think we just give up we we just give up guys it's it's over no no no [Music] oh thanks ray thanks face for what i didn't know you could call on steam maybe that's why no one uses it because it doesn't work but uh she skipped me i skipped her oh nice nice all right i skipped someone else oh man what what did she have what did she have kenley thanks for the stuff man knight well if i i told you i'd be telling you what i have so so what did you have what's this exclamation point what's that exclamation point what was that what was that wendy one team what was that we've only got two cards left we could definitely win this one probably um oh let's see [Music] oh what i need wendy's voice yeah i don't know she tried to call me on steam but it doesn't work what does she have what does she have second one what does she have what does she have oh i forgot it was a green skipper a green skipper i don't have a skip i don't have a skip you need to skip whatever you do don't set it to green is that a green set of green what does she have green does she have green whatever you do don't set it to green oh my god he said said it green i said don't say it oh my god oh wait what doesn't have it oh she doesn't have it oh okay it must be yellow it must be yellow wait what the heck wait why did i get all these cards it's plus four what okay unicorn again another one oh jesus all right um she had yellow oh don't change it uno well i have uno now you'll never know what color it is what is it it's blue [Music] oh my god so you can do plus two if it's the if it's traded twice i think uh danny thanks for the stuff danny oh god um oh all right a one oh aha aha skip use your skip right use your skip i don't have any oh okay um danny thanks for the stuff oh you get plus t if you don't call uno oh wow that's a weird rule yeah like if someone pushes the exclamation point first wait that's a rule who knew about that i guess in this one so you have to click the exclamation points or yeah the other people press exclamation point or the person presses uno whoever does it first oh yeah you have to call uno once you get one apparently oh no oh no oh um oh she saved me all right wait i did it oh don't think i'm done yet i jumped in i don't know am i supposed to do that i i don't know if i'm supposed to do that okay always skip me it's cause she's next to me so wait i can't oh all right first one first one okay wait oh jesus oh jesus i'll jump in okay we got it that time we got it um let's see okay pain um you won't see this but hello um hello wait what color do you think sword discord's still broken any color any color honestly any color oh blue i like that one oh well may as well add on to it there you go oh wait i thought that was going to mia what the heck oh my god oh thanks ray you saved me you're welcome i can't believe this um i only have five cards left five meager cards left and i win five cards what hmm all right oh jeez this is a terrible terrible experience zero what oh oh no man that deck sucks oh don't know what to do oh my god i have so many cons um all right you can't win with this deck you can't win with it no guys this game is never going to end i'm gonna oh jump in okay two plus fours can i jump on myself with a plus four iced tea and melanie thanks for the subs um oh oh if you push the wrong one it messes up oh i see so you can't just push all of them you have to hit the right one um envis and ruby thanks for the subs yes but it won't plus eight oh well we can just do it one by one hmm all right saikudo huh what's up i got a 100 donation and they said maybe i could use it to help you with your water bill like what what am i even supposed to say to them congratulations on the water bill range no it's for your water for your super chat [Music] yeah you're welcome was that wendy oh no that was oh wait did i want to do that actually i don't even know who has one name um i don't know all right [Music] i thought i heard one i don't think she meant to do that what i no meow don't trade with me don't don't think oh well two can play this game i'll just what what is this what is this no this deck sucks don't play it don't play it mia don't play it don't play whatever you do don't play it don't play it she played it why oh no oh no oh jesus jesus oh my god what is this um wait a minute i don't have any greens [Music] okay all right um guys you guys this was all according to my genius plan it'll pay off in just a second it'll pay off in just a second guys just just a second you can play the reverse i can but it'd be funnier to get like 20 cards watch this guys i have a galaxy brain plan you guys are about to see it you've never seen a plan like this all right draw more cards more cards guys i've never seen this but i have two piles of cards 24 what on earth is happening 2627 what the heck give yourself a round of applause new world record oh my god guys i i thirty he did it oh my god [Music] oh that's a good one what are you doing you guys are about to see you're going to see the biggest brain play you've ever seen look at that jumping look at that clean jump in [Laughter] well that was really clear only 33 now it's really clean hmm hey hey uh hey miyang remember when you're not going to change with me you're not going to change this but you're not going to change you guys thought i didn't know what i was doing with me you guys thought you thought oh i can jump in wait i don't want to trade oh the galaxy brain galaxy brain what's the galaxy princess i just made ray put down one card and gave her her cards back that's like yeah galaxy brain i just put down a free card for rey this is why you have 32 cards 32 cards oh my god me on your cards nice jump in oh wait no i should have let you give it to ray oh wow i'm really helping ray out i traded oh my god all right wendy's back thank you thanks for the subs thank you it's going on for years i don't have a seven degrees i have thirty five cards let's get this game then you have a seven one believe me you know has 34 cards yeah he's going for the world record yep check out that clean jumping right there clean 33 cards now look at this jump oh i clicked the wrong butt oh look at this clean move oh and then i jump in on myself again i've determined wasd as a third one cards oh you're going for a world record i don't like that guys she's going for a world record she's going for a world record i'm just copying i think she said oh okay never mind okay yeah yeah yeah yeah who did that who did it i look if you trade with me nothing gets good job mia you made the right choice oh my god you do this [Laughter] [Music] [Music] the numbers of the rainbow all right oh two for ray oh my god i'll defend you ray i'll defend you ray i can't yeah no problem [Music] i was just trying to help ray i was just trying to help ray [Music] i was just helping ray you know all right um j-bomb thanks for the sun oh my god [Music] okay um wait plus four don't worry i have all the colors of the rainbow to play can't defend against that i can't even navigate my head they all clump up oh okay i got her i got her no i'll jump on her again i'll do it again i'll just do it okay like who don't know that's really cool [Music] gonna jump also just get rid of life oh my god you know me young just can't play the game you can just let me put one card down what color you know what whatever it's like who knows here choose the color and i'll you i know you won't you want red and i don't care green you know i can't i could take any card literally okay red um lex in problem thanks for the subs she doesn't have to wait what if she doesn't she doesn't have bread no she said she could take any colors that's it oh there oh okay there we go there we go whoo uh she didn't have red doesn't it okay it just never ends oh my god i can see my hand now oh yeah congratulations looking like you're lacking some cards there oh no i i'll be honest don't don't trade with me don't don't trip oh jesus you could have changed the color it's literally all reds all right seven oh wait who are you gonna trade with ray [Music] i would like to know you know what go again right oh but two can play that game okay okay i'll defend you ray i'll defend you why okay oh no don't worry it's my turn all right miyang what color would you like just just keep it this color you want it to be red all right i'm changing it no no keep it red no keep it red what um oh oh okay now change the color again wait change the color again yeah change the color i can't that was all i had well maybe i should have saved that for what you needed just don't play a card just don't play anything what just just don't play a card i have a red one no no no just don't just don't play it i could just play the red one my turn oh all right miang i won't play anything yeah just don't play a card thank you this is it no wait what do you mean no oh no [Music] she's not blue she doesn't have blue i thought i could jump in all the way what color miyan tell me the color yeah yeah no no rng it i won't i won't she doesn't have blue um i heard blue it blue oh my god are we losing yellow kimberlyn thanks for the sub and gabby [Music] my turn what i win i didn't i just yeah i did it what wait what i won i won okay let's do this let's play let's take let's say team she just handed me it it just fell right into my lap yup it fell right in there okay okay all right so [Music] i don't know what that was um but hey we won somehow or another all right i'm gonna send out the invites now it's gonna be 2v2 oh i'm on wendy's team she's no no you're on the opposite team why yeah but my card is you guys have a auto decline friend thing no wait you're getting friend requests yeah i'm not getting anything it just keeps popping up oh annoying i guess uh i have an idea sheldon thanks for the sub sheldon um king of uno guys i didn't do anything it just randomly won hey it's me and rey versus miyang and sakuna oh let's do it let's do it what did i do what do you mean all right guys there's one thing we've got benji all right ray wait the way duel we got this all right um shimooki thank you for this you're all ready you found another talent did i oh no actually let's just do it wait whose team am i on oh wendy okay okay yeah you can see yeah but yeah i'll give you your cards oh wait i can see meong's cars it's time together okay okay um eight hmm me young should i draw cards or should i play it play how you want to play all right i'll draw more cards well i thought you said i i asked you you said do what you i i wanted you did good you did good you didn't yeah we did it no no no no yeah now they're thrown off they're thrown off they're different they probably think we don't have blue yeah they're throwing off all according to my strategy that was insane wait does the only one person have to win yep oh i see she doesn't have blue so one person oh thanks ray you protected me what great anyone we're on different teams like you know oh my god miami's getting destroyed she's getting ganked up on she's on your team no no i mean only one of us have to win right plus eight jesus yep don't worry i've got a lot of cars to support oh i chose red on accident i was trying to choose bloop s yeah i got it i got it there we go there we go it's blue i got it i got the blue i got the blue i can jump in okay yep jump in i'm on the wrong team yeah do i drown or do i place i'm gonna draw you're gonna draw all right and then i jump in anyway to show that i had a blue one anyway genius look at that dominance they thought i didn't have a blue but i did i jumped in on my own draw you got to show them i had it yeah you uh i did it guys i did it yeah you did you did it too smart too smart just too smart guys how do i come up with these strategies um all right draw it he doesn't have yellow he doesn't have yellow that's what you think but look at that i just played a green yeah all right four um honestly guys we're kind of winning like wendy has 16 cards oh you don't have a blue wendy he's i don't have a green oh don't worry oh i have this guys oh all right oh she tanked it wait miang we're we're winning the young world you guys aren't winning you guys aren't actually winning no no no no this is part of the process um the process you're not winning you're not winning we're winning this is this is you know what let's just do this oh my god she planned it all right well two can play that game oh my god give me that wendy give me that oh my god oh i pushed the wrong button oh man um clean clean oh okay what is she gonna do trace me back is she why are you scared me young you got to take the good hand this is this is the team up that's for my teammates take it i did it for my teammate what am i supposed to do oh wait you're drawing card oh neon why are okay ames thanks for the sound all right all right why do they keep saying she doesn't have red no reds no red ray w we jumped in sure you're doing okay there thank you ray what color do you need ray what color i need yellow oh i have blue ah you skipped me oh whoops why would you he said what like that this is the team whoops wait wait what do you know what to do we're winning yes you know what to do wendy i oh don't wait what no ariana thanks for the song she's drawing she's drawing cards we're so close so close you know it's it's fine it's so close it's so close don't you mean we are so close i know what to do i know what to do no you don't know i do not know what to do i know what to do you do not know what to do i can't believe you guys didn't win last round you had the winning combination already oh my god oh my god all right all right oh my gosh skip wait a minute okay wait a minute now she still can't play yeah she doesn't she definitely can't wait i just yeah wait a minute [Music] [Laughter] yeah am i on my own no no i've got i've got another strategy how about this how about this there we go now we're close to winning right thanks to my genius level memory i know she doesn't have any yellows oh wait a minute oh wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute oh jesus oh jesus i have terrible memory oh genius genius hey wait what is happening wha what is happening i need help wait what oh okay plus four oh man oh man it stings oh my god oh okay nice we gotta get a zero we need a [Music] [Laughter] oh nice oh my god if she has a green it's over thank you oh clean no green no green no green [Music] oh god oh my god she's drawing so many don't worry we have a combo wombo we have a combo i was told you have no greens though right oh i have greens now what oh well wendy sure did part of the cards oh um what is that okay what is happening what is this okay uh lily thanks for the sub and casey okay okay [Music] hmm i gotta i got it i got it there we got a plus two what oh okay wendy has the less amount all right she must not have yellow she probably doesn't have yellow oh she had yellow what oh my god skip it no way all right there's no way she has more yellow after that she has more yellow well there's no way she has more yellow after that no yellow well there's no way she still has yellow all right wait me and you don't have yours yellow trade trader traders oh okay we we win we win we have a while all right wendy you know what to do i do um you know wendy okay you know what we gotta win you know wendy i does okay yes this is working according to our plan yes no no this is working according to our plan right me young tell him tell him about our plan what's our plan our plan we're winning first what okay oh my god the combo skip yes guys it must be that dude stand that freezes what is happening what do i do play the color play the color meong you actually played it you're crazy okay wow all according to plan perfect okay uh all right let's go clean clean luckily i have a color thing all i have to do is keep it the same color there's no way she can change the color there's no way oh my gosh it's over we win ray i'm gonna leave it up to you i don't okay okay that's a good idea what the heck is this what is this what on earth is happening what what is this look what the heck oh my god all right to the moon oh take it okay um wait wait that means you get to play it i you get to play the seven all right take it from me ugh oh my god you're right what thanks oh jesus don't let it go blue you know what you have to do me young you know what you have to do mia do the thing do the thing what do i know you know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right guys we pushed uno faster yeah yeah okay yeah yeah yeah all right what do i do okay this is perfect this is perfect uh-huh perfect perfect oh all right okay do i want to do this neon look at my hand look at my hand meong you gotta do it do it wait that's what you were gonna do what let's go okay okay oh my gosh colors do they have what colors do oh no meong it's gone wrong oh all right ray gasped that means she's defending her partner wendy oh my god this is it my god the reverse mute what okay maybe reverse mute you're muted how long was i muted for you i kind of forgot mine too i think it was like a blue and red i i don't know i was muted for that how how long was i muted for it um otter and rental thanks for the stuff i i don't know i don't know how long i was muted for but [Music] no jesus oh no perfect her this is it that's right this is it this is the this isn't it this isn't it this is it this is it this is it i can't i care right now mia what do they have i don't remember i don't remember yellow green green good what no not green green oh green green green that's nice that's nice all right i'm not bad oh she tanked it all right we're still in we're still in pixel thanks for the sub pixel and juliet thanks for the thousand bits julia that's intense that's a whole bunch of bits thanks a bunch juliette all right rz thanks for the sub arzy what ray that laugh she's evil i don't know wendy please uh cheese yeah yeah yeah that's good oh no not green hmm suspicious oh no oh no how many cards do you have left is it green green i ain't saying nothing right just all right it's not green no it's not green no green oh oh my god [Music] okay do you think wendy has another blue one oh wouldn't you like to know well how about another blue one okay okay okay okay okay so it's kind of tricky this is yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is like this yeah i like what's going on here i like what's going on here yeah me too because wendy's about to draw um yoshi thanks for the sound okay i am yeah but what about the other card no don't no no don't worry okay okay okay did you hear that that means there's two different colored cards they must have two different colored cards [Music] all right all right let's see what wendy has oh oh oh wait that's perfect wait it's exactly the same as before oh no we both had one blue one green ryan we got this we got this oh god it's blue it's blue wait he has he has nothing right yeah he has nothing i have tons of stuff i i have anything you have nothing oh my god thanks for the sub man we were so close we should have won we should have won no all right run it back back wait wait shouldn't we jumble up the teams guys i'm not very good at this you wanna swap you wanna swap the teams right now you can i don't wanna what the heck put me on ray's team put me on race oh god wait do you do you wanna swap now i'm fine with anything i mean you know what if we just got lucky you know what all right all right um all right guys we gotta win i'll be honest i still don't know how to play the game i just play cards at random but um [Music] all right yep my young's become quiet oh god my do i draw yeah okay he has blue he has blue what color do we want what color all right i don't know what i don't know what what do you mean you don't know i don't know all right oh oh that was a mistake wait that's good for us we're winning no no no no no no no it's not it's not oh clean skip queen skip i only have five cards we're winning yeah i forget the zeros do that yeah um five miami's got one no every time oh oh uh well she's got a four she doesn't have green no greens no greens greens well would she set it to green again you set it to green again who's crazy enough to do that oh jesus i guess you just you just you just have to draw again okay okay okay what okay there we go there we oh go god let's go let's go you're genius thanks i don't have three cards left oh oh my god okay wait what we don't know how's the other red um well wait a minute mia wait doesn't have to drop he doesn't have red he doesn't oh no or maybe he does have red i do have red lights what 20 more give subs jesus jake 20 more give something as a whole bunch of gifts thanks a bunch jake more subs than i usually get in a long period of time um thanks a bunch jake really appreciate it for the 20 more gift subs that's a whole chunk of gift subs um all right what color does she oh god i'm wondering [Music] me just me [Laughter] this is the best idea i've ever come up with all right miong you know what you have to do we're gonna win what do i do we win oh that's nice [Music] the seven oh oh the seven we predicted this the seven okay we're geniuses now we know now we know we have intel now yeah yeah yeah yeah no we know okay interesting um asta thanks for the sub okay what that's okay i want more cards good all right i bet you don't have more green cards oh no it was a reflex whoops um whoop whoops planned please listen thanks for the self whoops uh let's see let's do this really really you're gonna choose the one color i don't have jesus oh oh take this ray oh i'll take it okay she took it she taped it wild thanks for the sub i need more utility let's do this this is the one and then you do that oh i'll do this and then yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and then you can do the thing and then oh no do you think and then play it more things oh okay all the more cards to support her win [Music] you're gonna regret that mia try supporting like that wendy um asta thanks for the five gifts of zastar um oh clean two cards two cards left and we win this is this is the one there's no way she changes colors there's just no way [Music] this is it this is it is it there's no way wendy has it there's no way wendy has it oh what's the last card what is the last one i can't remember i can't believe it we actually won one oh my god we actually won one guys we actually won one penguin thanks for the sub penguin we did it should we mix up the teams or you want us okay yeah we can change it up now okay all right what team how do we how do we change it according to join order so i'll invite you in the order you want the team to be oh wendy who do you want on your team wendy i don't i have no pressure choose me i'm going to choose i choose me i want cycuno okay all right i'm going to test our brain cells we're going to win we're going to win ray i'm gonna see if you actually understand me psycho okay so then i don't i don't even know i don't know i need a p we'll beat them up okay uh okay so can all you join me first um [Music] but she went to pee oh all right guys we're gonna win we're gonna take a pee break all right guys guess everyone's going to the bathroom so i will be right back guys see you guys when i'm back all right i'm back hello uh coyote thanks for the sub coyote hello hello hello hello i'm back okay um young join first and then i'll invite ray okay all right here we go guys um we're playing with rey on our team this time i don't know how many more we're gonna play but um and then i'm gonna invite rey i'm regulated all right is that kuno back yep okay okay the silence is killing me so sorry um again well wait why am i apologizing for going to the bathroom we're gonna look at the wall so we'll have to see if we can fight against their shared brain cell all right uh lebron thanks for the sub lebron infernal twins guys just because we share a brain cell doesn't mean we're gonna be able to use it well oh where do i where do i find it shift f2 um all right uh it doesn't say i got an invite really oh that's weird did you get enough hmm usually it like pops up for me don't apologize yeah apologizing for going to the bathroom you're right i should have drank less coffee it's probably not healthy all right guys you know i actually bought um what's it called so i i thanks thanks to all the subs we've gotten i actually bought caramel syrup it's called caramel or caramel i don't know but i got caramel syrup it tastes productive i can make caramel it shows my friend request not my friend's list i also got almonds which is so weird pretty nice how many cups did you drink just one today i only drink two cups of coffee during valerant because i feel like i need the cracked reflexes i'm confused um i'm interested i could try to be making wait is it caramel or caramel or caramel i don't know what it is i have no idea um let's see syrup again it was pretty expensive guys it was like five dollars i think it was worth it it was worth it probably um jiho thanks for the sub would you like a pet in the future um honestly guys i like dogs more but i think they're too much uh they're a lot more attention and work i think if i got a pet it'd probably be a cat but i am allergic so i think i would like fosterize one is it called fosterizing i'd fosterize one to see if i'm allergic and then if it was okay it'd probably be fine um so i'd probably get a cabinet instead yeah the cats are cute right um shadow thanks for the sub shadow i can try something okay i'm gonna turn only the uh invites on invites okay okay uh if you have wendy added on your friends list you can just join us yeah yeah but she's she's not showing up in my friends list so we it shows my friend request not my friends added oh i found out oh scroll down yeah just scroll down yeah it's below it yeah you just scroll down oh my god i had to scroll down um zesty thanks for the sub you know you guys don't have icons it's kind of yeah weird am i in yeah yeah i'm starting okay okay why is the caramel so expensive um i don't know that's just how much it costs leon thanks for the stuff yeah that's what i'm saying i'm not even gonna say anything because ray already knows that we're gonna win you know i'm not too confident about that right all right check out this move okay eight okay okay oh um toxic toxic oh no wait do i draw ray do i draw cards or what do i do no no don't drop draw cards draw cards draw cards i gotta draw cards we need more cards i can't make plays without cards oh wait actually good draw good draw right good good good job good job do i play this do i play this okay uh your deck is terrible sekuno what i can't be honest it's really bad what do you mean ray ray look look look at all those those numbers i see the number yeah i see it you see it i see it look at that i could literally take anything i'm doing it go big you're gonna regret this you're gonna regret this meal you're gonna regret this you will regret this she'll regret this no you wish you skipped my turn i can't do it she doubles it's good it's good we have the number we have the number i have a lot of that number um a lot of that is good this is good they're screwed they're screwed are they they are they are are they they are are they they are don't worry all right don't worry they will rue this day um just draw some cards right here what draw cards right do it do it okay genius genius genius all right all right here it is genius um extreme genius yeah this is you guys have no idea here's where it happens the seven and then i trade with rey genius and then i i'm gonna play the seven oh i missed my turn what what you what you i i i i i didn't get that i didn't why didn't you we were supposed to combos trade with me trade with me [Music] i got to draw more cards no wait what the heck i'm confused now i couldn't jump in there genius i thought you could jump in there thanks for the sub wait i think we're actually winning we have less cars we have i only have nine yeah it's working out we're winning well you're the supporter don't trade with me don't trade with oh oh man you will rue this day yeah [Music] oh yeah yeah you will rue this day she's saying rue a lot more often that's not that it's about oh god um oh let's do this okay okay oh my gosh cool is that my turn what's happening rude that's fine don't worry kudo okay they will ruin this got a genius plan genius plane wait a minute draw more cards drama cards yeah draw more cards draw more cards i'll according to my plan draw more cards yeah yeah exactly yeah yeah genius this is the best yeah i want more more cards yeah yeah more all right go for it wendy go for it and give it to them okay okay okay okay we got this we got this nice nice what do you mean thank god well because i don't have any green cards oh you have this i have this too guys i don't have any green cards you have what about this red two hmm okay clean clean the combo rate i'm supporting you i'm supporting you ray i'm supporting you hold hold all the cards say i'm i'm holding all the cards and i'm going to support you you could draw more or you could play that card i could freeze the card i'm gonna play the card i'm jumping in again clean clean clean clean make her drop me make her draw make her drop make her drop this is part of the plan this is part of the plan you could just play if you want or you could draw oh she's drawing we got her we got her on the road we got her we got it right which one which one you know you know the one you know the one okay okay this one this one what if i jump in oh draw the cards not a six play it right play it okay i'm playing it oh wait oh genius genius genius okay we're just too smart we're too smart we're too smart let's just do that oh my god oh all right have fun drawing me young have fun drawing wait what cards you have wait ray did i have a blue play an eight no no what if i had a blue you have a blue i i might have a blue no no i had a blue no she i'll skip her i'll skip remember i actually don't remember what i don't remember either i don't remember why would you skip again i don't know me i'll skip again wait are you sure it was blue i don't know i don't remember i don't remember i can't remember i think i can't remember was it yellow it it's either red blue or yellow or green okay leave it might be green it might be green i don't know there's only one thing i can do there's one thing i can do you have to draw you have to draw no i got to slap the cards out oh wait that's a good one we got her we got her so okay and give her this yeah give her that ah then i'm gonna give him that what that anyways we wanted it anyway what if we wanted anyways thanks for the free cards i'm gonna make some big plays with this all right okay okay you know i'm gonna do this what nice nice yes i wanna play the game i wanna i wanna play the game oh oh well oh wait did i wanna do that no no no it's okay it's okay it's okay and then i'm gonna do the thing she's gonna draw she's gonna drop she's dying she's drawing she doesn't have a blue don't worry cycuno i go oh traitor nice nice [Music] she's gonna remember she just saw it i don't i don't really wanna i don't really want to but wait trade with me then wendy trade with me i have the winning hand oh oh i was bluffing no oh god it's two green nines it's two green knights two green nines two green knights i'm gonna draw how's it feel wendy you're exposed that's what i didn't yeah we know exactly what you have wendy you're never gonna win but now we are gonna win we're gonna win one though two green nines ray i got two green yarns ready okay two green nines two green nine oh okay here i give the uh we skip one d and then you do the thing second i do the thing i do the thing yeah make it make it not green all right make it not green blue that's nice oh jesus oh my god oh my god she double counted us i got nothing left right i got nothing left i gotta draw you could draw oh god ray what if it's just a green card no no all we need is a seven oh oh it's a good one perfect that was perfect the heart of the cards um oh okay we're saved we're saved we're saved saved saved um okay all right [Music] what if we hit her with this hit him hit him with it hit her with it hit her with it oh jesus yeah hit me yeah yeah what the heck don't say that young it's gonna get taken out of context wait what did you say nothing never mind never mind what did you say she didn't say anything you what the heck go wendy oh what the heck who says that who says what the heck no no ray watch this i've got a big brain plan big brain what okay wow what's happening hi um hey guys i have so many cards how am i gonna make plays all right all right um oh hmm but do you think wendy has another yellow ah you got how about another yellow oh wait no no that goes to me young that goes to me oh what it's a green it's the two green nines it's the two green knives she has the two green knights she still has the two green nines oh jesus all right blue blue you're blue too or i could draw a card jump in nice all right get wrecked miami oh she's drawing she's drawing she's drawing she still has two green nines two green nines two green nines plus two plus two okay all right wendy has no defense for this i know it we got her we got it good all right why are you always drawing a car inside kudo because on the car collecting them wait hold on hold on plus two um okay okay stressed i'm a little stressed too to be honest but that's okay what time that's exactly what we wanted wendy perfect i bet you wendy doesn't have a green you're right but i got these hey ray this is part of my genius plan trust me okay okay all right all right i know i'm gonna pay off see that yeah yeah yeah i see i see i see it all right all right let's get her with it let's get her with it big game play she's getting two points fantastic massive play massive terrible part of the plan being part of the plan part of the plan part of the plan all right oh i can't do that um this is kind of skip the skip the skip and you'll be doomed no that's part of the plan do it do it do it ray they'll never expect it oh god you drew cards i'm drawing i'm driving cars what hey i took too long it was part of the plan what uh wait is it my turn no no no no no it's my turn okay right you gotta change it to a green okay okay oh you have a five this is it i can feel it i can feel the wind coming ray as long as they don't swap my hand hazy thanks for the sorry i got this nice nice what color oh i'll do this one oh green is perfect yeah yeah yeah one of the green nines is gone two of the green lines it's gone it's over it's over it could be anything they have no idea it could even be another green nine oh god i'm jumping in oh good good oh okay that's toxic yeah i can't believe you've done this i can't feel that i can't believe you've done this to me wendy that's okay we're working on it we're all working on our cards that's all good it's all good snacking nice nice right yeah i got this this is all i got yeah yeah i've got a genius plan right genius oh i see i see a genius genius that's a genius all right then you play your thing and it's over yeah yeah yeah yeah genius i'm going to fake them out i'm going to fake them out and then i'm going to also genius plan genius it's over genius it's over there's no way wendy can change there's no way what oh wait raise joke's on you that's exactly what we wanted yeah we were planning for the turn it's not my predicting your green one and then i'll play this um yeah yeah yeah yeah oh perfect that's exactly what we wanted yeah i was waiting for that so i could play my yellow two i've been holding on to yep i predicted you would do everything you just did ten rounds ago i just made that up you could play a red one all right he did he actually knew that i knew that's why you guys were gonna do that i knew she would draw cards 20 cards 20 cards take this wendy oh take it oh she took it she's taking it all right okay let me think all right i'm jumping in jump in jump in i jumped in all right galactica thanks for the sub let's do this what perfect wait that's good for us we had you guys baited the whole time i just made it that's exactly what we wanted all right but here's the real trick we switch it again which is what we really actually wanted what you really really wanted yeah that's what i wanted to thank you well what well what's up that wendy's deck is terrible tycoon we don't want that wait we don't we don't want to skip it skip it don't skip it okay all right but here's the thing i also got to skip it oh wait ray wait well now what wait a minute [Music] i don't know i forgot no she has a blue she has a blue oh no it's okay [Music] trade with me trade with me no trade with me trade with me trade with me i forgot what the last one was but i'll remember now yeah yeah okay yeah just get that one [Applause] but i all right oh you see you thought you thought you thought you thought you thought oh wait wait why didn't you change it to the green you could have put the three green on there we go okay all right wait wait wait wait did you put the green tree on there it was a one we got a chance right you gotta switch it to green somehow i'm going to draw oh green green this is it this is the wind this is the wind nice combo race this is the run this is the one what this is miss thanks for the stuff what's her last card i don't know i i don't know trading with her i don't it's green it's green is it green no it's blue she had no reaction i was trying to bluff her out uh okay he's dry this is good saikuno can you make it red wait i don't know what she has i can do this we're just gonna have to believe in the heart of the cards you ever see the first episode of yu-gi-oh i did when he randomly draws exodia even though he shouldn't have won that's us right now wait this is the card that'll save us that's the same card it's the same card that's the same card why was it the same card [Music] why was it the same card was the exact part it was the exact same card card you could have played we gotta go until we win go until we win i want that we're never gonna win we're gonna win all right we'll take this wendy uh well i'll take this psycho what i'm funneling i wanted that okay you're always fun it's true what the heck um all right oh put it down put it down nice yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a good one that's a good one that's a good one she's drawing she's drunk she doesn't have yellow doesn't have yellow she doesn't have yellow but she doesn't have yellow she doesn't have yellow she doesn't have yellow i don't have yellow you're absolutely right um okay um okay nice nice oh nice clean oh clean um shamey thanks for the 500 bits jamie all right okay that was that was okay it was okay how does meowing only have three cards left i don't know i don't know all right did i say only has three cards left i meant i only have three cards left we're doing it right we're doing it wait she has a zero all right wait you're you had a lot of stuff like you know did i yeah um okay she has two don't skip it um trade me trade me trade me with the seven is it too soon is it two no no it's genius this is genius we're gonna do the double swap slap-a-roo i just made that up hey wendy okay that's mine zero what like right we don't have any i'm just going to draw all right duck thanks for the sub duck and flow uh-huh the double jumper okay all right are we winning wait wait oh oh i don't have anything wait right trade it trade it oh wait that's meong yes that's that's uh yep that's her teammate my teammate yup hi oh uh we're in danger oh yeah a little bit of danger there blue all right all right i gotta skip a little skip on me okay okay that was part of the plan that was part of plan now i'm gonna part of the plan skip again skip again all right and then i'm gonna i'm gonna draw and then hit her with this all according to my plan then we turn it blue genius genius level plane i was joining in um let's see six um nail it thanks for the sub nail it she wouldn't have an another red there's no way there's no physical way she's drawing she's drawing she's not strong hit her again ray hit her again with it oh she wouldn't have another blue [Laughter] oh she had another blue she had another blue that's illegal add another blue ah just there's no way she has a red she doesn't have blue she didn't even have a hat what was that it's a tactical plant tactical plan indeed oh she's only got two cards left she wouldn't have another red yeah yeah you're right but i got this oh um fatal thanks for the sub oh no what do we do what do we do it's like second you have to draw no no i've got a secret weapon there's no way it's green right no i think it's created it's not green right we have to bet on it i'm gonna put down the exact same number we just got bad luck we were just unlucky that's all we need more cells where do we get more cells we can't carbonated carbonized cells don't regenerate or whatever oh oh my god wow i i've got that from my hero academy whose turn is did you oh it's sexy you know i could have choose a color i am choosing a color oh i'm believing in the game to help me win oh wait a minute hold on i don't think i had read but i thought it'd be funnier if i just started drawing after what ah all right i have a confession to make i had read the whole time i just thought it'd be funnier if i started drawing after okay oh god what's up all right again saikudo yeah i had two red actually that's how much i was that's how much i was going but thank you for helping me clear wait i big brained them ray they thought i didn't have red so they kept ganging on me and i just got rid of all my red i'm too smart i'm too smart look at this guy's ego it's so big you guys thought i didn't have red you thought i didn't have red wait is it my turn i was busy laughing i was busy laughing i was i was surprised i was too busy laughing that's a lot of cars oh jesus jesus oh god i was busy laughing i want to play it oh man oh it's gone wrong guys i was too busy laughing i i wasn't paying attention uh oh god oh god all right hey you have to you have to all right i'm doing the deed ray i'm doing it i'm supposed to draw more right what oh my god oh the legendary was 12. oh my god we we destroyed her we destroyed her oh all right we could do some fun stuff coming right do it do it skip it skip it skip it oh my god all right clean double skip combo get her with a two oh my god we're comboing them we're comboing them oh my god you're comboing them all right big brain play big brain play oh my god big brain play ray no oh jesus we want this we want this hmm well that went wrong um shoes thanks for the sub i thought i can't believe it went wrong we had it we were so close our combo i thought we had the whole combo combo that was really close it was really close it was so close well played here right you can okay okay thanks for this if he skipped what skipped i could have skipped i couldn't oh well i don't know how to play i had to skip um not too late now wait she didn't have a green one though um cassandra thanks for the sub is there something i'm missing uh-huh we got it we [Music] it was raw it was raw she sent it back [Music] all right maybe i watch too much cooking shows what can i say all right you know just me all right um hmm oh we're gonna do wendy oh don't do that don't do it don't do it don't wendy don't do it trade with me wendy trade with me oh my god that's crazy well you just you just cost yourself the game wendy yeah you cost yourself a game once you pause you cost yourself the game it's over it's over what do i do that's exactly what we want exactly what we wanted so ray could funnel harder that's we wanted i'm funneling i'm funneling she's cars these are good cars i'm gonna i'm gonna keep funneling aha keep finally keeping i know what i want to leave i don't want to file all right here here wait it's red it's red all right here we go we switched we switched we switched we switched oh my god whoa this is great this is great we're winning all right genius genius swap this yeah there we go genius and then you have the thing big combo i have the thing i have a massive thing massive thing oh she's drawing she's drawing um okay wait ray what happened what happened we got it first try first try put it down put it down put it down put it down put it down all right watch this jump in humongous combo humongous she's gonna draw again she's gonna draw she's gonna draw she's gonna try what that's perfect perfect that's perfect well she can't have any more greens catch oh no no you were so close you will ruin this day you will ruin this day oh god oh my god they're bullying us what is this bullying what is this oh oh oh nice nice what is she gonna do pile it on we gave her two [Music] according to my genius data me young doesn't have a green card that's exactly what i thought it was gonna happen yeah whatever yeah yeah my genius level date yeah yeah [Laughter] all right all right oh let's see what they have yeah what is that oh no what is that do you have two pairs of pairs that are blue oh no all right oh yeah oh put it down put it down okay um aha 11 according to plan ah this is exactly what i thought would happen so i was ready to use the reverse this is the plan what this is the plan and the plan this is the plan this is the plan what is happening [Applause] stop this is harassment what what all right check out this plan though i like this i like this stuff well check out this plan then that's the place how about this one well how about that one there's no way she has another yellow card [Music] [Laughter] wait right you're drawing what happened what about them she has a lot of blues a lot of blues that's true she doesn't um cassandra thanks for the uh five dollars um happy birthday cassandra thanks for coming to the stream oh what about that what about that what about this oh perfect that's perfect do it right oh yeah what about this insane insane like that did you what about this oh okay oh sorry about that what about this all right well what about this oh genius i've only got three left right three left i have four i don't remember what my card we're gonna win we're gonna win i remember what your cards were let's do this first okay okay what what oh perfect oh genius okay all right okay okay okay oh but you'll never know if i'm bluffing you out or not okay oh wait i have less cards than before wait what is happening all right we're winning we're winning ray two cards two cups i'm confused right you know exactly what we need to do you have everything in your hand that we need to win oh i do have everything actually yep i have it all just cards i have it all it's over huh it's over yeah deal with that you want to do it all right do it she has a seven she has a seven oh it's a to zero that's the only thing that could have ruined my plan oh look at this this is wait we get combo big combo big combo here the biggest combo all right ray you know what to do right you know what to do i don't know but i'm going to guess all right right you know exactly what i'm thinking right you know exactly what i'm thinking this yeah do it do it this this this that's exactly what i was thinking you're doing it right you're doing it all right all right this one and then this one and then wendy she can play it oh yeah yeah yeah i can play yeah what are the chances absolutely right oh wait that's what we wanted this is what we wanted wait what the heck how come i could all right all right all right let's take a look okay interesting okay oh my god i forgot i forgot i mean you forgot you forgot what colors they were right she's only got two cards left i think it was yellow one was yellow and the other one was yellow one is this one is a huh and a huh jesus jesus [Music] no mittens thanks for the stuff i see it i see the play you know what she has i know what she has i know she has she has two more cards in her hand what oh my god that's illegal that's illegal that's so illegal that's so illegal what is that seven okay okay yes all right should i do it do it do it do it no no no no this first okay okay genius and we're gonna do this okay and then now you can do this oh you got the four um okay i forgot everything actually i actually have no idea where the cards are we'll skip wendy because she has two okay and then i'm gonna skip miang because she's the enemy she's the enemy what i skip again we skip again uh-huh yeah we skip again and then i'm gonna do this clean uno oh no right right your reflexes oh wait this is good no this is good that you're right you're right really good we win we win we win check this out okay i'm checking it out i'm checking it out yep yep all right this is really good all right this is really good all right the big one the big one yeah yeah yeah okay one time it's time it's time it's time okay all right okay this is part of my big plan okay massive big massive oh wait no oh no don't change it no wait that was the same color it is oh jesus oh jesus ray our master plan no no it's massive it's working still it's working okay lizard thanks for the c see now oh my god okay all right double double okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay oh oh you can chain on chain on all according to plan take that yeah it's like we're playing phoenix right there's a few more than i thought take that wendy yeah take that wendy all right she took it haha she she took it she took it she took it she took it just okay let's do the thing all right okay queen [Music] the plans [Music] no all right all right all right now that we have matching what what's happening um virtual thanks for the sub and commy oh my god oh man does she have a blue no no probably not play it play it right play it all right clean let's go oh ready is it over it's over ready let's go [Music] thank you we're i don't know where it went wrong did i jump in no no oh um okay virtual thanks for the sub and uh chang thanks for the sub also one more guys last one last one oh we're giving them cards right plus two yeah yeah this is it this is it all right all right ray i'm gonna do the thing i'm gonna do the thing ready no no no oh which one which one wants to which one you could take saw kudos no no no no no take mine take mine take mine no oh no skip it skip it right and now i do which one the big oh wait no no save that one save that one this one the other yeah this one this one this one or this one this one this one that's all i ever made yeah do this one this one yeah do it do it i don't know what's happening was that the play okay uh son thanks for the sub no wait we're gonna wait wendy must want to go to sleep oh all right are you trying to end this faster by giving us the win we're gonna wait it's literally over it's literally over they've given their will to win as it's gone their will to win his car oh oh my god great we win this is gonna be the cleanest win in the history of uno the cleanest win no no no yes no that's it we win win we win i just keep it blue keep it blue okay okay okay no no no no no no no no no please oh come on please don't do it i don't know what oh my god oh my god we did it we made them think do you want a swap team i can play like a little more but i've been playing among us all day yeah it's all right okay okay last one last one last one last one last one i mean i would play again though i'll play again i mean i gotta wake up early again oh yeah me too me too ray we're waking up for the same thing i know but it's different you lied oh what all right i'll trade her i'll trade her don't worry i got her i got her for you ray i got her oh i traded her what thanks for the stuff you got this i'm not sure about that but ah genius big brain big huge huge brain let's go extremely huge where we win okay this game is oh my god we're just doing it huge brain huge brain galaxy level brain galaxy level brain okay okay can't believe this galaxy brain galaxy uh what's going on tomorrow we have a pretty cool lobby for among us we're playing with dream corpse whole bunch of people we haven't played a weird hand all right large brain large brain um [Music] uh but you can with my card oh [Music] genius it's over she has a draw we didn't have a yellow oh she just gave us the win she's just kidding she literally gave it to us oh aha wait right oh she's just giving it to us oh right i forgot it does that oh god we're waiting we're waiting we're still going to win though like we're still going to win that's perfect it's too late right put it down put it down uh-huh i have to do is one last thing okay what don't worry don't worry don't worry don't worry i got this i got this i got you got the big brain the huge brain galaxy massive massive galaxy brain no way two back-to-back back-to-back champions we did it right we did it back-to-back back-to-back wins we did it yes we're genius um oh okay is that it oh that's it oh you want to keep it no no that's it that's it all right that was the last game that was the last game yeah why are you guys drawing cards well everyone's drawing cards it's robot box wendy's leaving us i guess i'll hide guess if wendy's going oh yeah everyone left says a.i all right that was it that was it that that was it guys ai we're all right no that was fun that was fun i was i do have to wake up early tomorrow i have to wake up yeah um well that was fun i would play again sometime honestly yeah me too i thought i'd play for like 30 minutes play this forever yeah really um we should do it again see you guys later all right bye guys bye all right guys i think we're pretty good for today that was pretty fun it was pretty fun i thought it went pretty well sasha thanks for the sub but we do have to wake up early tomorrow we have an early among us lobby so uh we'll be waking up early tomorrow for among us it's gonna be it's gonna be a crazy among us day i think we haven't played with these certain people in quite a while um but anyway that's it for today guys um yep that was fun i thought it was pretty fun too more fun than i thought i was actually a little afraid but um thank you very much for coming to the stream guys really appreciate you all and i think i'm super lucky that so many great people show up to try and make my day a little better so uh thanks a bunch everyone um thanks for making my stream more fun for me i really appreciate you guys and hope i see you next time um yep well that's it for today hope you guys enjoyed it among us was a bit of a struggle because of all the technical difficulties but overall it was pretty fun um thanks a bunch for coming everyone really appreciate you guys and uh i'm glad i started streaming because of all the great people that show up so uh thanks a bunch guys and um see you next stream it's gonna be tomorrow tomorrow um thanks for coming everyone um really appreciate you guys um see you next stream who do we raid um i really appreciate you guys oh jesus i opened my oh that's awkward um you know we who we haven't rated in a very long time um we haven't rated jody in a long time all right let's rate jody guys um because i feel like we raid meong like every day and then play balloons but um we haven't rated jody in ages so that's it for today guys thank you very much for coming to the stream again and uh see you guys tomorrow i hope thanks a bunch everyone really appreciate you all thanks for making streaming fun for me see you next time tomorrow bye
Channel: MoBa Gaming
Views: 33,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 4sec (10804 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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