Sykkuno Stream - Playing Ranked VALORANT with friends! (ft. Jack, Valkyrae, Ludwig, QuarterJade)

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oh jake thanks for the 5 000 bits that's a whole bunch of bits thanks a bunch jake's insane amount of bits i'd like for i'll be able to buy food for for days thanks a bunch jake for the 5 000 bits uh nice sweater i mean thanks it's actually 10 years old the thing is guys people can't tell that how old my clothes is because um i don't go out barely you know like if you don't wear it you know does it really matter probably not what does that mean oh no i didn't say you were in pregame here we go guys i think i'm locking in because i know uh butterwig likes to play actually obs like if i switch scenes they get whiz thanks for the set and then it looks brand new that's because i've only worn it three times because i never go out so pretty much is brand new and some kind of weird is that a bad thing no it's not yes all you need baby it's inefficient but it's not exactly you guys ever see lord of the rings lord of the rings is one of my favorite movies and you know what they say they say one scene to rule them all that's exactly what i do except on my stream it's the same thing yeah and then i just use one scene just like one ring it's like one ring but one scene and and the craziest thing if i click one button i can make my entire stream invisible because i have one scene if i accidentally delete it it's all over we have no smoke well the entire story of lord of the rings is for them to oh i don't know destroy that sad ring so yeah i don't know if that's me yeah well luckily i'm pretty bad at it so uh it seems to be working so far do you have problems with hobbits like you know no they're pretty cool i don't think i would if if you could be anyone in lord of the rings would you really pick like frodo or something i would pick gandalf or smeagle run yeah i'm aragorn all the way baby yeah see that would be cool right when i was a kid i was legolas though my precious okay guys let's be honest i don't dislike smeagle i had a crush but if you were to choose one character nobody's gonna be like oh i can't wait to be smeagle that would be my favorite i don't i don't think anybody's going to say that i think they would choose a legal loss or some people might choose gimli he's pretty cool here we go gamers no way they choose uh what's it called no way they choose uh smeagle or or frodo or something or bilbo basically let's be honest if somebody says my precious they're pretty much off the off the choice half a second before the painting the minute they say my precious and bite someone's finger that's when i don't want to be them anymore okay i'll just play heels um anyway the point is let's just uh let's cover along see uh mochi thanks for the 200 bits and queen and syrian can't go cover the map right i forgot um i'm kind of scared you guys my hands are so cold oh oh my gosh oh jesus they're coming see oh no i was trying to cover my map i forgot there's so many people crazy oh look we took out one we did our share we did our share right guys i was trying to cover the map so i wasn't ready but realistically we did one for one it ain't that bad all right um now that we've got okay yeah that'll mess with you this is a warm-up race game it's fine are we forcing it doesn't exist all right let's force it guys let's force it let's force it force therefore we'll force their force um yeah where's jody guys what do you think stinger or spect thank you i usually oh man this might sound like that you have 200 paint um that's so much better than all your stinky loping oh my god please don't peek me please don't peek me oh wait what oh lord wait this dude bought a phantom round two jesus uh there's a bunch c it's okay that just means we forced even better i thought i'd be able to out do them but this dude bought a phantom second round he's crazy i gotta pick even headshot in them um madame thanks for the sub the spectre it wasn't that bad i mean i headshotted him but it's really hard to out shoot a rifle with an smg at long range um also there's two of them i'm gonna hit 85. i actually think i heard kilroy set up on a vacation thanks for the back come on ray careful i had a specter on the floor if you want to loot my body it feels like i'm playing wrestling yeah they're hitting either heading he's got one maybe still warming up it's been really cold guys it actually snowed yesterday um tap and madara thanks for the stop and peanut butter okay i didn't dodge anything you shot me the closer you sit to the screen the better you play that's what i've been told i think you're doing wonderful i'm gonna let you solo hey here we go how did it snow in l.a i don't live in l.a anymore of it's course flash and then dink everybody all right here we go have you been to the strip yet no i haven't really gone out at all i mean there just hasn't been a much of a reason and there's covid and all that somewhere um yeah it's in your window all right ray let me flash out and then we'll go yeah i'm left oh nice oh jesus okay when i say left like that it makes me heal jody sorry you guys ever see haiku where they randomly go like left or something and the other thing that's right and then you know nevermind 110 to omen hell all right here we um we're go call this the self flank spike planted going in one enemy remaining and over here wait we did it we did it guys for free vandal the buff defused they're dead what number is diffuse it's not f it's not f oh god i thought it was f uh um i'm looking for a name oh wait do you prefer the phantom there you go oh oh i should have bought her the phantom so she could have had a bubble skin right now sean thanks for the sub and levi you guys wake up i'm warming up i'm warming up you want garage and you want to see broke they're broke i can say garage all right they're broke guys we got this they've always gone where this there's nothing that gets through me nothing that gets through the garage yeah i think they rotate it out careful man right um good pick flash out angling they haven't hold the passes huh oh just kidding oh my god go pop off this place looks strange yeah all right oh jesus what there's a dude here scared me i did not think there'd be a dude there that was unexpected wait for me for me i did not expect that guy jules and gabby thanks for the stuff continue to win i was i didn't i didn't you know i wanted to do this i didn't well i didn't want to i just i didn't i didn't want you to be the only one you know saying the thing and i just i didn't want you to feel like you your loss sounds so sad well i was a little nervous you know i wasn't i wasn't fully committed i was just i was a little nervous about it i think it's adorable no thanks jack because he's a good team player timey thanks for the sub oh damn you should run um pretty sure they're at a yeah they're right all right here we go oh oh if we grab this orb and use our special ability all right guys it's time for a dimensional drift oh pumpkin he may thanks for the enemy subscribe i'm going in let me take a short i'll scout for people okay it's empty it's empty right go in go i'm going on a jet i'm back where are they we're on defense what do you mean we're on defense are we attacking i don't know i thought i was i was trying to get the plant money that's the first game of the day for the first first game of the day guys it's the first i'm using this oh jesus i was trying to get the plant money i thought i thought we were on offense no we're defense defenses oh garage hold garage all right uh defense first game of the day guys first game of the day in his garage okay he's in the garage let me get him let me get him i'll avenge you ludwig what wait where was that guy i i straight i thought he'd be in the corner there's literally there's two people to the left and the right of the corner and i shot straight at the corner which was the only spot i could have shot to not hit people jesus jody you're insane i literally shot the only spot that didn't have people in it i can't believe it there's people on the left people on the right i mean it was smoked so i couldn't see but i figured they'd be in the corner so um oh luckily we have jody here oh joey you're insane jody you're not sure she's really condescended that ray was just getting stinky the whole time like i said jody's jody's a ringer she she's got us stinky is sully oh no no it's okay i don't need abilities okay wait jody can i you want the fancy gun skin here you go oh thanks uh-huh oh you deserve it after that make you even better don't mind him can jodi even play better she's insane oh god that dude's insane he's a he's a maniac i'll take the vandal in your honor um all right seeing anybody oh jesus nice um i think he's to the left oh but he wouldn't expect me to be here unless i reload and make a bunch of noise on accident yeah you didn't do that i'm just running up all right i'm running up too all right jody we trade we trade i go in he kills me of course he's got one garage he's completely disappeared all right um bae and kevin thanks for the subs to your right ray i think um where are these where are these push all the way don't see their cdc all right i'm going to see they're planning oh no kill him right kill him i hope he's not back here spike planted back sight in a default i don't even know what default means what i hit him so i feel like i hit him so many times oh jesus how much did you hit him before i i only hit him for 80 apparently but i feel like i hit him a bunch it's like so much more it's weird it just literally this dude lost like five gallons of blood and he just tanked it he did take it guys did you see i swear that dude this dude was spewing blood out he lost like a gallon of liquid blood of fluids and he just tanked all right here we go uh she does just kind of dash and they kind of follow her because she's the best player we're still four and three we're doing solid first game of the day we're warming up in paragon thanks for the subs i don't have many flashes all right here we go outside garage and see here um this is probably a terrible idea yeah that's a bad idea yeah what oh i guess i didn't throw the flash far enough i thought the flash would have been far enough to uh to blind them let's see dm thanks for the sub tanked it yeah i just messed up the flash i think um a couple ceilings killjoy skater thanks for the sub and ash all right good luck team nice wall oh one thirty six on two that went wrong okay usually they camp it i know they would camp it but that's why i threw the flask and try and blind them um unfortunately i guess i messed up the flash oh i wish that gun sucks okay uh 52 fees come on jody i've seen her do these oh my god it is a bit hurtful to say i don't know what i'm doing when you're eleven and six and i'm three and eight but go off that's good to be fair i didn't know that you were i didn't even look you know three and six that's not even that bad i can't see that part now probably hurts your eyes it's really it's really not that bad you know three and three and eight they have the pain of like 16 and 12. they're just they're just in the future all right um all right it's time to go in with dimensional drift oh careful she's watching see uh long careful careful sage is behind you right here uh short is clear she might be lying all right yep nice do this that's what i tried to do oh glass is longer oh i blind how did how did that blind even work would you like me to diffuse i'll oh jesus i can't believe she she tried to wait we want a cab i call that a win i call it well it literally said wind so i have to save same i'm gonna play aggro mid or something just buy another one of these all right i'll slightly safe too all right um hobbit thanks for the sub and jesse and alpha pros don't fake apparently not and then i'm down to push oh yeah i'm just smoking window yeah yeah yeah all right classic has 200 bullets i believe i have no clue let's push him i hit her for 90. um oh she's in there what oh there's two of them i thought that was the jet back there well i got caught way off guard i thought that was a jet um i was not ready for that there's a delay on the flash yeah i realized that uh when something when the flash goes off they aren't blinded yet honestly we killed a lot of them you know that was a good save right oh that was a yeah that was a rico yeah phantom or sheriff i really like the sheriff but i'll be honest i haven't been doing great so do i keep practicing in a ranked game or do i just kind of so tom brady huh let's just buy the sheriff what could go around the lips what could go wrong look at how cool it looks guys look how cool it is super bowl jack princess thanks for the sub princess phantom i unfortunately can't afford shields in the phantom so oh um uh left click okay for one tiger right click for three oh that wasn't good all right yoru's middleweight another one shorter you're alive a headshot in him he should be super low he should be super low where'd he go he's dimensional oh spike planted did i hit him i could have sworn i hit him i tried i'm trying to practice with the sheriff because it's it's pretty cheap and if you're really good with it then it works oh it's here i don't have anything left either probably close right whoa jesus i uh i just i just i i did it um we just did it guys well maybe the share is not so bad after all oh he's in hell he's in hell wow oh oh that was still you looked really cool you looked really cool yeah yeah you know you looked cool and you heavily intimidated them it's worth more than the one round that's true that's true that's right i didn't think of the intimidation factor yeah you've shown them that you can pog on them is that a word you didn't get the full champ but um yeah you're always talking my heart all right i do want to buy an operator but i kinda wanna guess i could just buy a phantom my father was killed but the d is nuts sorry i got a plan here good i got a plan here oh jesus my plan has not worked stop the game what we just running headshotted me i couldn't even well that that shit's insane the jet has 21 kills jesus all right guys i think the jet and the omen they're just cracked i don't know it just happened um let's see kimmy thanks for the sub and blueberry well yeah that dude's crazy i feel like there's a lot of okay i don't know if it's just me it feels like there's a lot of smurfs is it just me am i crazy i i don't oh look at that's crazy you know how does he do that dude's insane yeah that jet seems really a lot of people i don't think they're aim-botting because you can do this trick i've heard about it so let's say i'm running full speed if i stop for a split second then i have really good accuracy you just have to be like really good at this okay let me try you like run right look at that it was 100 accurate right you just have to counter straight i think it's called counter strafing but it's really hard to do especially while you're being shot at so it's kind of tough kind of tough um but obviously like most like guys i'm a bronze player i don't think most bronze players should be able to do that um well i mean i definitely can't um nopey and jupiter thanks for the subs i can barely see i need a scope oh how do you throw that out time to jump oh in here okay cereal thanks for the stuff cereal uh yeah there's still a dude c so you got you got plenty of time okay um all right um sin thanks for the stuff nice try yeah i did not expect that but um hopefully our team's got it i mean it's two again jack ct right now she's right going up to hell heaven oh no rock walking through ct right now oops all right one sec oh i clicked the wrong button unfortunately oh yes sir i like how everyone's in a good mood it's i feel like when everyone's in a good mood i it helps me be in a good mood too zero thanks for the sub yeah let's just plow through sea i'm gonna let's just mow where am i oh jesus what the hell is happening i don't know i don't know either oh god ct um oh clean oh god did you just walk in okay lit lit on sight i mean on the bottom nice yeah just play for oh my god oh jesus oh my god right you're insane defuse defuse diffuse right oh wait we're on offense oh you get a pic i teleport in we clean it out you're insane all right flash coming out i'm gonna flash again in the back i'm planting all right let's get him i just flashed myself but that was on purpose all right these blind things will get them distracted for sure one's flanking and one's in garage by the way oh man i was going to get that garage dude nice wait ray's insane today this is such a good oh my god ray's crazy oh the reload you know she's she still looked really cool i should just count my gun anna thanks for the sub oh oh hey you ever play valerantash you could i i know you're from a different area people it's a horror game i don't know it's it's good you're doing it you're right scream screaming yeah you're doing great you deserve it it's a it's a battle cry it's not it's not a scream it's a battle it's a battle cry yeah do i hold day long yeah i win this all right i think i'll flash you in this hundred percent oh jody here take the skin what is it um oh oh all right here we go they knew i was going there i want to give jody the skin all right hold on did i just almost get head shotted um all right shoot out the orb i call this the self flank so i shoot the orb to the right i push through here right i push through here you have no clue what's happening oh that's not good uh sage is heaven uh he's uh the the thing that i don't know how to uh on the left wait for the thing come back come back back here oh oh jesus oh my god i did not check that angle so all right who who shot them noah thanks for the stuff took that kill who am i playing i'm playing your room i hit the scene no no no no no no no no no no all right jody you get the orb and i'll cover for you okay okay all right uh boys this time we put our backs to the flash all right shoot out this thing and i have red so if you go down straight back up here we go guys actually i think the vandals better for long range so we'll go with the vandal this round vandal tap fire vandal nice got him um i'm going in i'm going in two i don't have the bomb by the way i'm gonna dimensional drift and check the back nice i love that like i said there's a guy in ct he's angry um uh gonna come back to me for heal oh jesus wait did i just get hit oh behind where are they killjoy's behind us where were they man i was so confused there i had no idea where i should have just watched ct i'd have no idea i got shot in the back somehow uh zaruka thanks for the stuff cringe on maine what oh my god jody you're insane jody how are you so good at this game how are you so good at this jody you're insane you literally kill them both at the same time with the grenade and then the walk you're just crazy you're crazy you're actually oh my god here jody take this thing there you go do you want my social security what do you want from me yeah but they never expected it either you flashed him but he turned too late so he turned his back to you and you shot him oh we're going in you guys we're going in i'm covering see um i'll try and get a pixie and meet up meet up with they're already rotating by the way i'm splitting the sight oh all right i'm coming short oh that's my bad sorry um what ah well all right i tried to flash but you just peeked me too fast um the rest of them have like a bazillion kills it's crazy the flash is kind of bled i think the weird thing i noticed is i flashed them and then it takes like a second before they actually get blinded i don't know if it's just me or if i'm sure uh but anyway sleepy thanks for the sub and jargon so i got flashed my teammate flashed me and then i got opt uh which is a terrible terribly unfortunately um situation well anyway go see go see go see i don't understand why honestly guys that their jet is just cracked i think they're a smurf probably um yen thanks for the 10. ow all right um jeff's already here i hear cpd yeah planting on season race twitch account she doesn't stream on twitch i believe in you psych thanks upon spear peter we should play sometime you got a smurf ray you're cracking up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you grabbed it man our team's doing great wait do we have extra guns i i can buy one um thank you again thanks for the five gift subs yen and rm thanks for the sub also i hope your move went great peter do you want me to have this spike i i hope all right here we go all right um i've got a secret technique oh jesus he's on the right side he's on the right side nice pick i'm splitting sight i call this the crazed bounce maneuver um oh jesus jesus oh god what just happened um um oh god ctct one flank what he headshotted uh yours this dude spray headshotted me through the smoke um well i mean oh i can't believe he sprayed me through the the viper ultimate and headshotted me um oh uh you're here i hit him for 76. um spend thanks all right oh it's two against one our team's got it um you're popping off i most definitely am not popping off let's go definitely i'm not but i'm not i mean i'm not doing terrible i suppose yeah i literally only play vipers okay viper will leave that's all i've ever practiced very much let's just go for the sheriff again light shields yeah ray's doing great today uh this omen and the the omen always peaks short all right i just think we can just take care of this all right yeah we go i really hope we do a little better but the jet will probably alt here yeah she seems a little crazy yeah um p thanks for the sub all right now we gotta show her who's boss oh my god jack you showed her who's oh wait that's that's uh that's jody oh my god i will take credit for that well both of your names starts with a j jack thanks for the res they're morales down there yeah yeah beat him up beat him up all right i got it i got a stingar there we go can i get all this if you want decoy watch this this will distract him um okay okay i'm watching uh one enemy remaining oh my god that was crazy jody yeah last one was ct last we saw they might have moved too short all right ray here's my plan i'm gonna charge it and you actually killed him um heaven 108 though all right we did a lot of damage to him he just headshotted us oh one nana thanks for the sound oh psycho you died oh yeah i'm pretty good at that um you want me to buy you oh no i'm okay oh wait you guys are rich can i get an operator sucks there you go oh thank you i can buy it oh yeah as well i think i might be the only one i'm gonna cap as well i think we all live though everyone lived except for me oh wait jody let me peek this let me peek this uh sure okay okay all right watch this i call this the 360p oh i missed i thought that would hit um ag going up all right time to jump i thought it would work ah god what is jesus what is happening uh killjoy is here when did he get there i didn't even see it oh man this jet's crazy last one's long oh man that's tough um pat and nana thanks for the subs i don't even know i got there i know he dashed but usually you can still see him while they're dashing that two just disappeared let me buy you jack i think they should show somewhere and then go somewhere else because we have been hard committing to everywhere oh i know what to do all right let me use my footsteps oh i'm down to show here and then maybe try to come back yeah just so show c for a bit uh maybe shoot down the walls garage and i'll catch the rotators um all right then nt means nice try yeah i'll hang back there's penguins i mean i'm trying i'm just not doing so well oh yeah lots of footsteps oh cutting through okay okay don't be scared we uh we can rush that right oh he's right now wait a minute does that mean i can oh i couldn't use my kind of weird they don't over rotate now i might be a little stuck nice get a little stuck here you're stuck nope we tried maybe or just yeah i could have i was gonna save it for a rare occasion well we tried guys we were just stuck there with an op watching us um all right let's see here not the name what well i was just trapped in there guys it's tough it's hard to out do it if you get the plant you get your stinky juice oh man we might lose this one go fast go fast gotta go fast how do you like valorant it's pretty fun but i'm not very good at it so huh 30 seconds left all right good luck team someone's here we already see 25. oh nice oh messed up all right winnable now winnable they got one i think garage one or two garage um careful lung yeah there could be one back jack there's gonna be one there for sure oh there's wait he teleported in he's on your left right he's on your left nice whoa they rise they're cheap well there's a good try man guys you're not doing too well right now um yeah all right matching point this is so close it could be over guys if you all through garage you just take it out that way can someone get this i can't buy it uh just just carefully peeking this because he he has uh i was told to sneeze in your elbow it's been really cold here lately um can anyone buy jack let's see oh no i'm poor uh not that it matters because i'm going to be living alone anyway but you know there's a lot of uh killjoy traps in garage though here we go i really hope we pull this off inside go go uh let me go check window she's in here nobody no i didn't know where she was oh uh he's coming out of uh we don't have this no are you kidding me okay they're they're on site they're on b oh they are just here um there's two on b could probably rotate to c yeah you probably could go c might have to go fast oh there's one on c oh okay oh my heart is funny it's 102. you can't take us all i should be able to get one though on this nice look at this wall jody no idea no no maybe backside nice let's go got one you guys are doing great all right what he didn't fall for the footsteps 148. well thank you um let's see 13 degrees here yeah it's pretty cool 29 kills jesus jody i want to get your name tattooed on my forehead name over time name all right hold up let me hold it down let's go i think jody's frenzy pushing mid a lot faking they don't usually goes five so i'll just hold up a shorty i don't know that's good they're definitely pikachu oh peachy thanks for the stuff not the tattoo if i gotta pick great if i don't honestly guys tattoos can look cool i don't know about getting a name tattooed on your forehead but i think tattoos can look good a lot of times they do and then sometimes they don't but it depends it depends um all right i don't have any of myself though and i don't think i'll ever get any but it can look good for sure for y'all all right here we go nico thanks for the sub see what nice job i pushed the wrong button i was trying to throw my blind out but i pushed the wrong button well we technically got one i i mean technically we got one i'm just saying uh i pushed the wrong button i was trying to throw my flash out in the long sieve and i have no smoke okay um hi bunny thanks for the tier three hi bunny i hear once we have any of those thanks a bunch yeah they're being weird for now john ludwig yeah yeah yeah stay where you are that's okay um flashback i just got so confused ludwig he's got it he's got 25 seconds he's going to focus on demon slayer zen choo choo thing i still haven't seen the demon slayer movie oh one way yeah on them coming coming 30 seconds ludwig nice amazing good defense doing great today it's a close game but yeah i'm feeling good about it um shorty let's go oh peach geisha and panda yeah all right i'm gonna send decoys in the garage okay all right if if you get a pick here let's see i'm pushing it okay charge carpet this is did you get him oh jesus nice ludwig one more outside one more inside two more outside actually all right killjoy's up oh jesus i'm dead i'm dead i got him oh my god i did it i missed so many shots but uh omen's here somewhere 3v2 you got um nice i just missed guys also i was saw that happening um ambien thanks for the sub nice i usually use the phantom so i'm not used to the recoil as much um at least we traded one for one so it wasn't it wasn't terrible all right it's up to ludwig it's two against one but the omen is pretty cracked oh that's so unlucky yeah the omen's pretty cracked guys he's got 26 kills so oh clutch um that's right it's all right that was a good snipe though yeah we hit a couple but that's tough well if we're into the tiebreaker i'm not drawing never draws all right well their whole team drew okay so if we don't win this time they're definitely going to probably what's the point well i think they're probably just they're probably just upset with their sage and they think their sage is going to throw it for them why are they so sad with this pizza pie thanks for the sub pizza because they know omen and cheddar they most definitely are they said he's sold or something so maybe just didn't buy a gun let's see try not to die wait does he have all chat in atria you should not have all chat on but mia thanks for the sub and kim oh no oh there's a bunch see we might be in trouble we're good we're good here i can't see him oh jesus what where did this thing come from all right jack they got a grenade there alright alright well that's tough also the jet 360 spin to flick headshotted me um she's either having the best game of her life or she might be a smurf guys i teleported behind her she spinned all the way i guess 180 i don't know she spinned all the way around and one tapped me in the head so she's just good it's hard to play against people that good um that jet she's just crazy guys she's crazy i it's hard to believe she's bronze too come on 137 on stage turn off fade crosshair i don't even know what fade crosshair oh my god i don't even know what that means jody's a smurf too she is and um she's got more kills than jody i think jody's like diamond on her mane so all right we're should only be the sage on site and then we're going to just run someone playing on a different account because it's too hard to hold um tish thanks for that um time for my secret technique god the plan's falling apart already oh right side i'm going to flash in out jet here let me flash uh come and see i'm going to check the right see oh two here two here one more left left yeah what is that line yeah yeah a is totally clear switching me here yeah all right and i'll just op um i hope this works pop up guys they just walked into it i i didn't really do anything while mid actually yeah yeah sure uh oh and then um well kind of nervous warm-up game warm-up game it feels really cold though it's been cold lately guys just me um probably on the right side i imagine it has so many i hear a bunch of yeah yep i gotta use my e defensively too so i get a pick and then i run away it's gotta be a yeah i think they were rotating a last i saw might be going b hmm i can't see he doesn't know i'm here i think i hear him going for a okay yep i hear it yeah short okay let's just keep waiting here actually i might just flash i hear them right behind me i hear them yeah i hear them grabbing orbs a yeah yeah they're they're around a for sure one dude near window let's try again i think seconds left uh well we should have yoru see him right oh there's a guy long oh it's lined up oh jesus i thought he was reloading he's not there uh they're probably going to see probably go and see the plants got one guy though just the element left okay you guys gotta go together good job um i'm gonna go from long and then we'll peek at the same time here we go um all right let me send out my orb first jump sure um and then i'll send out footsteps it'll sound like we're both going from here all right i'm going inside i think he legit 1v5 does max thanks for the subs nice try i couldn't even react guys he killed me before i could even shoot a look at him like i couldn't even click all right um i can't believe this is our first game of the day oh yeah i feel like i've been playing for a decade um let's let's go through quiet until door you heard your teleport yeah but i knew where he was and i couldn't even react i just you just had faster reflexes guys okay go forward but here's the thing time blocks clear they're gonna expect me to teleport there at some point no they don't know do this oh what he didn't get blinded oh man i am not good at using these blinds they just don't really really do very much um seems to me matcha thanks for the sub and banana thanks for the sub too uh garages one ct oh oh my god that was nice okay um oh two garage yeah i mean he didn't get blinded but i still didn't even shoot at him oh there's two one i think my reflexes are too slow guys my reflexes are slow and my aim is not good oh got him okay maybe ludwig can oh he's maybe he could do it but it's going to be tough yeah it's going to be tough oh nice wait you guys smoke man this guy oh we all right i'm gonna be raised now i don't like this jet shenanigans oh oh man that was rough guys i was wrong yeah that was that was a warm-up all right oh nice wonderful warm-up well at least i didn't lose too much rain i'm ready whenever yeah probably can go during the the waiting time uh jumbo thanks for the sub man jake thanks for the 5 000 bits jake um and jade thanks for the two gift subs that was a warm up guys i'm most definitely not cracked at this game i think i'm like okay at it but i definitely i have slower than average reflexes and my aim's not that good either but you know i try my best uh gerber thanks for the sub all right um well let's hope it goes well um play raise i don't want to play raise because a lot of my friends are raised mains so besides i think yoru is really cool so i'd rather just practice yoru then um try something i've never well i'm what i'm used to you know i do think i play better as rey's but yeah we'll figure it out um alerts thanks for the sub alerts all right um well let's just let's just do our best i thought he was gold i am most definitely not gold guys i'm i'm bronze and at this point i'm not even sure if i i belong in bronze um but you know that's how it goes oh chelsea thanks for the five gift subs chelsea that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch chelsea oh and michelle thanks for five more gift subs michelle as a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch you aim better than gold's i don't know about that guys i will say i think the jet was a smurf but that jet and that omen were definitely destroying me and they were both like bronze so uh i'm not even sure i belong in bronze z and moki thanks for the subs all right um hello from oh hello um cycuno you sound tired i don't feel tired but i apologize if i don't sound very good today uh michelle thanks for the sub and bow let's see um don't underestimate i'm not guys starlight thanks for the sub rude comment well guys i i don't know what to say i i feel fine though so you know i apologize if i don't sound great um let's see starlight and hannah thanks for the subs okay this is quite the cute time you think it's because our our party has different ranks or all well right much ready to go oh uh ritz thanks for the five gift subs ritz um how much did it snow not very much guys the i think it snowed here and it looked nice for like a couple hours and then the snow melted by like the morning so that's pretty much it um cook thanks for the sub cook oh and uh prince thanks for the sub and vampire you have a bed now nope but i i do sleep on a little mat on the floor and it's quite it's it's pretty comfortable for a mat on the floor you know it's not that bad uh did you get to ravioli uh no i didn't but um i i'm sure you know i hope to get some food with corpse one day maybe when the cove it's over um lil and winnie thanks for the subs um let's see lily's music i'm not playing it right do you plan on buying a bed i definitely do guys but there's no rush i mean i i'm not super fancy you know um i'm pretty i'm pretty relaxed when it comes to stuff i don't know i don't want to say i have low standards because that makes it sound like a bad thing right but i'm like super chill guys i i'm not you know i'm not very fancy um olivia thanks for the 10 gift subs olivia all right guys let's focus this game not that i wasn't focused last game but my hands were a little bit cold so but thanks for the 10 gift subs olivia um are you living alone yep living by myself i'm not very i think i'm pretty chill um it's been like three weeks bro pull out the ring i don't think it has been i think it's supposed to be blind sure i think i've i've moved for just about a week maybe a little longer my account is half smoking it hasn't been that long maybe a little longer than a week but there's no way i've been here for three weeks i'm pretty sure at least i don't think i have um i don't know i don't i don't keep track of the days um do you smoke have you tried i don't really smoke anything um it feels like i'm choking and uh i think you know unfortunately i i'm not into that you know so i'm just kidding every time guys is it just me every time i hear choke i think of corpse's song i i don't know is that a bad that's not a bad thing that's not a bad thing okay and to be honest when i said i wasn't into that the answers i don't know i've never tried but that's besides the point the point is every time i hear that i just think of corpse's song i don't know why is it just me guys all right we're going to play corpses uh we're going to play corpses song for for good luck it's actually pretty we're going to cut that part out anyway um here we go arvin thanks for the sub um all right that's for good luck guys this round is for corpse um you know what guys we're gonna try something different this time something different i call this the uh the camping strategy all right i learned this this tactic from uh from a pro player watch this guys what is it hey thanks for that second oh wait corpse you're here what hi mommy's gone oh god what did you do nothing nothing what did you do i guess he was watching that's that's a little embarrassing but wait wait does that mean he doesn't mind look guys it's not my fault every time every time i hear choke i just it that's what comes to mind what am i supposed to do kid thanks for the sub answer rudy and nova one enemy all right well that was a little embarrassing but let's do our best guys don't touch mom let's go you guys we did it guys what no no ludwig ludwig told me not to say that word for some reason that's a bad word a little coup i have no idea if i try to do predictions on twitch and i put in does cooter get a 3k it's against terms of service really oh my god i guess you're just so good at the game it's uh i flashed myself um right there i tp this side come to you yeah there's three at b i did not expect that i heard there were two at a so i thought they'd all be a i was gonna go for the heavy flank unfortunately there was three at b and i was not ready for that i missed everything oh my god lord the lord i'm just going to call you lord is that okay push push push i'm going to call him lord because i can't say the other part of his name josh thanks for the fun where do you live in vegas i don't think i should answer that um but i do live in las vegas now but i don't think i should answer that that's my bad i thought phoenix was on site right i was confused uh but thank you for the five uh josh all right here we go um well what should we buy i have a lot of regret oh man what happened right yeah yeah let's save um sakuno huh sakuno you're trolling and i gotta save ray i only have four hundred dollars i can't afford anything so sakura just gave me a phantom and now i'm stressed oh is that where it went oh dang i i accidentally dropped it well you keep it ray you keep it that's where it went i thought i bought one i can't believe it just disappeared um all right well they're here in a major way i'm coming i'm coming there are there's three of them i have a shorty i'm going for the flank um what he just mowed me down um well that happened but rey's got a phantom she's standing i have a shorty spike planted you know it could happen to anybody could happen anybody um um yeah oh oh um let's see i love thanks for the five gift subs i love that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch well good thing i saved last round oh let's get a sheriff what's up ray now you don't have a gun do you see the consequences wait hold on check out this gun right look look at the gun i just dropped check out that skin see how cool that is uh uh all right let's let's just go pick it up pick it up you got to see the animation let's just say the animations cost an extra 10 you know i do like winning it's kind of a rip off but i bought it anyway here we go check wall short hi corpse wait is corpse here what's that wait guys does corpse have a twitch account oh it's me okay i didn't even know he had a twitch account um all right we gotta focus on this round for now they're at c they're at c i mean this is b there is no c this is there a b um they're not out yet right they're not out there there's one in hookah they're out they're out oh god i was in a panic i wasn't ready yeah these guys are they're sweaty um what oh man that was a tough one i was in a panic i wasn't ready um lightning thanks for the fight you got it i'm most definitely nice nice we got him i forgot he was surrounded yeah that was kind of scary jack jack you should res you can rest for eco to pick up a gun like a phantom or something wait all right there you go oh that's that's jody yeah thank you so much jack was thinking of me right that's what matters i think hey thanks cooter oh man send me in coots i cannot afford it's always wait ray ray how do you how do you spell good um i normally don't make it that's the name all right i just pushed g oh whoops oh you two oh that's awkward oh darn it how's that all right here we go um oh no pretty sure they're going to rotate and we can put three if i were to take things the teleporter jesus okay um so they clearly knew i teleported because i immediately ran out but also this dude dude camps teleported with an op what a maniac um coming out now all right uh big thanks for the sub and anthony and chess last player well good thing we gave ray this the phantom she's going to be able to pull it off maybe spike planted hmm quite good why are they at 9k they just invested well yeah they're uh they know the stock market they've invested in gamestop my roommates try to convince me about gamestop right now or how long do you think it'll last like literally an hour ago oh good luck um come on ray oh no thanks for the sub going in keep going come on ray here he comes here it comes let's play three on htb okay i think they've been let's focus uh mac thanks they're so good yeah they're pretty crazy wow oh they broke uh they broke what is this a yeah um okay the rainbow lights right side i heard one i wish i had a scope this is so hard you're in heaven which means you're my angel right now so protect me please i got it covered you got to cover jack be my guardian angel down oh there we go i'm going to go through teleporter can't stop oh my god are you not out oh nope got me through the wall he sniped me through the wall here well there ain't much i could do that or with that i'd be sniped before the door's fully over and her damns man this brimstone's insane um alien thanks for the stuff and kate thanks for the five gift subs kate i apologize yeah do not wall because they've only they've never smoked ellie thanks for the stuff ellie so good guys is it just mine does it feel like everyone's better than me i don't know how to play phoenix i mean i don't think i'm great at this game but i do think i'm not that bad they're you know i feel like i should have at least one or two games just slow it slow it oh lord there's three of them all right oh damn it all right oh geez they're everywhere i can't see you honey here we go i kind of made a mistake there come on team come on let's go i was in a bad position anyway spike planted [ __ ] went down oh nice oh get out oh man and they just bust um ditto thanks for the sub uh and i would just use your slows before your walls you got poor again i don't think i can buy this round my name here we go dave definitely because all they do is flash they've never smoked ever all right they have two they have so many flashes do you guys want to like smoke all right they're probably going to go away again they always we're all a yep but so will they and we're going to be ready for here they're already here oh bye um they just they just kind of i couldn't even yeah i think i fired one shot but missed so technically i was able to shoot back i just missed um they killed me pretty quick killed me oh yeah i saw her on site and i didn't realize he's an enemy for a while um all right all right i'm hopping here we go boys the opponent's cracked yeah they're definitely better than i am um but you know that maybe we can get at least one kill or something ops i'm hoping to get at least one kill let's go why are they so good i swear guys the matchmaking is broken in this game i swear i just i don't know how it happens but i feel like um i always go against players who are just like miles ahead of me all right shoot that over there uh uh they're not ace edge oh all right come on come on there we go excuse me sir excuse me sir oh oh hello oh oh my god we got it one enemy oh that was good that was good did i say they're always better than me i take it back sometimes i do well on rare occasions um wait was i on muted oh yeah it sounded like you're unmuted no i'm sorry dude you deserve it you did wow that was cool guys that was so cool that was so cool guys i i teleported i went behind the other guy shot the other guy and then i went behind that guy he didn't even know i was there he had no clue um i don't know what that means she's a short oh what all right well i had my one good run this dude running vandal sprayed me from a mile away and headshotted me but i had my good run that's all we're gonna get so here's my strategy guys um in a week most people won't remember this stream right but but uh take the one clip of the i what just i they flanked i like i said take the one clip all right take the one clip everyone will remember the one clip where i did well and they won't remember the parts where i died like that so just just remember to take the one good clip everybody watch that when you say remember last week when he did great we did great and then only watch the one clip and ignore the rest where i went three and nine um because the clips that's what people remember big brain right here you get a couple good clips everyone thinks you're amazing oh my god oh my god ray get up they're gonna try to knife you oh little jesus they're gonna oh oh god ray oh my god you're sweating on them you're sweating into their eyeballs and the salt is burning them anyway that was [ __ ] awesome good job right periods that was great that was great all right we're both degrading technically they all rushed at her with knives and she had a machine gun but she technically got them all and it looked bad i went from jesus where am i not a poison oh that bounced away where am i help help i'm in a dark place i'm in a dark place um oh jesus the right side right inside this door okay we technically got someone i mean sky's their top fragger so i think we i think that paid off in some weird way okay come on come on jack and ray all right it's two against two two gets you okay uh no i believe i was shot in the head but other than that i'm doing fine uh but that's a pretty bad thing to happen to you so so i'd say probably not but in general i'm doing okayish dumb all right come on jack and ray oh uh dirty dan thanks for the sub and sayuri i think broom might have enough brim has all you're gonna have to tap the bomb oh yeah um no there it is luckily she was ready for it and jody has a good game wait you're both going to die anyway i guess okay at least he died yeah they lost their ops it was worth it that was only 40. last round before the science uh yeah i have no money all right if we win this we're doing fine let's buy stingar and a shorty i mean we're we're going to come chloe thanks for the one uh your stream's making me happy sorry i can't give you um it's okay chloe the best thing you can give any or at least my stream is um just showing up and being positive because that that makes me want to stream more than any donation but i do have water bills to pay so thank you very much for the donation um get out of my way all right watch this guys i call this the positive for what well there's a lot of mean people in chat sometimes guys this guy is when you show up when you're friendly then that helps to stream more than almost anything i've got your train bike planted jesus what's happening ultimately um i was a bit sold let me tell you everybody's lit though anybody here oh jesus here we go to your left oh i did not know he was there i only saw the one wait how did they see that well i only saw the dude in the on the right side i didn't know all right this is our side well good thing we're an offense sided team now they get to feel what we need kraken and swag and kiki thanks for the subs uh thanks for the five gift subs kiki sided team here all right walking over here caution here this is not our day we're not doing too great i'm not doing like super super bad but a tough game tough game hmm all right are they stream snipers they're 100 streams um they answered word on sniping oh how are you snipers well that's awkward we're not sniping what do you mean who scott tech thanks for the what's up guys that's a that's a real good win for you oh let's go let's just go um okay planning they're planting uh to our backside coming in all right i'm going for the heaviest flank the heaviest flank you'll ever see 78 on oh wait a minute oh too slow brims on site 78. oh he dunked oh man i can't believe he ducked i right clicked straight on to him i went for the head oh we got this we got this we got this huge round all right imagine sniping and losing all right i guess we're forcing these right now we're going but yeah definitely for us here we go uh shoku janna thanks for the subs um turn on game chat i'd rather not guys um like let's be honest guys in what situation do you want to talk to the enemy team because 99 of the time they they end up saying some weird stuff that you wish you never saw um i don't think there's too many situations where you want to talk to them i i don't know i at least i can't think of one where i was like man i sure wish i had all chat on um and there's a lot of times where i said i wish i didn't so nice all right here we go it's clear okay we got two picks oh okay yeah we got a bunch down here oh one more okay okay i'm coming yeah just rotate back right right back stage stage stage what that's so bad that's so bad well i tried should i stay here i tried i got stuck he knew i was there all right uh kaiju thanks for the stuff that's horus nice i mean we tried he just knew i was there good job oh wait ray got a bunch of bathroom uh me thanks for the sub and data yeah she's there care heaven though you're both watching this yeah she's going up heaven coming up i like it oh oh that was a good try um i did it we're actually an offense team apparently uh yeah they just kind of peek oh tyler thanks for the stop tyler i think they're watching ludwig and not me fantastic so i'm gonna go be sneaky that's an awkward hey guys so over here on twitch you got twitch prime and yeah at least sub if you're going to snipe oh god um all right here we go oh alexa thanks for the sub or alexandra um okay time for the technique all right oh there's a guy long sky's peaking long i think my oh thanks for the heel jack another one no problem bud we just go fast let me flash go fast okay that's okay these things happen on the case there's one site still scruffy thanks for the sub she's she's in the tunnel i think okay um we got the first kill right that's good the the second one you know we got blinded um so that was just a terrible situation um i don't think they're on site yet all right tptp oh oh dear thanks for the sub dear unless no one's here yeah killjoy oh and chris so thanks for the sun up back up back up awesome and where oh oh i didn't think she could [ __ ] shoot his head shot me yeah oh sorry i got him both um corente thanks for the sub and no [ __ ] well that was a rough one you know we're behind but we're not losing that badly yet and able thanks for the cell blocks it's up to you guys but their money's pretty bad i am extremely poor so i they'll have three buys how many will we have let's save for next round all right i'll sit down for that i'm going to save i'm gonna extremely hard save we can we can plow through a short all right let's go i've got a secret strategy charge oh jesus he's on the okay well i mean we tried to plow through no it didn't you know i mean these things happen um he was waiting there with a i don't know how he knew our strategy uh he was clearly ready for it lucas alien lame and laura thanks for the subs um it was a good strat i think okay i'll be honest guys some of our teams think that they may be sniping but i'm not sure i i will say that they have told me for sure they're streams typing no guys they said that they were not sniping for sure even though we never talked to them so that's a little weird that they would randomly randomly say that but but they assured us that they aren't but um anyway all right beans thanks for the sub and summit oh jesus christ honestly we're not losing that bad right i'm not losing that back we could definitely still win this that's a tough one though um they told you well my all chat's off but ludwig assures me that they they intentionally they said that they weren't so we're just gonna have to trust them on it um i thought of a genius idea all right run ads after every single round they have to be subbed and they won't be able to see our tactics honestly that is genius all right unless they have adblock does your adblock work for twitch anything on twitch yeah mine isn't working anymore ads support content creators so i wouldn't use that but if you figure out how to make it work ludwig send me a dm turbo what does that mean turbo doesn't that cost money i can't just buy turbo what cutie yes all right jody i joe did i i joed in i charge in and then we trade yeah you guess what could also tp if you want it oh i sort of traded ish all right we're in we're in bikes planted he's behind me how do you get there huh i didn't know he was behind me cutie pie thanks for the sub and weeb uh thanks for the five and um mars thanks for the sub also that hurt yes it definitely hurts when you get shot in the back um but it hurts just as much to get shot in the front so it hurts the point is we won the round how do you get more confident on the camera um i don't think i am very confident so if you find out let me know i'm bean thanks for the five gift subs beans all right here we go um where are they broke they're broke reyna brim yeah that's all a right reyna sat atriock is love right now that's his name oh sorry um just and mad and hail thanks for the subs you can actually only run ads every day all right i call this the weird peaking strategy that usually gets me killed i'm going to split sight in push hookah um okay i'm jiggling i'm jiggling to distract ow she's crazy um i just realized i've got a genius strategy shoot that in there take the teleporter make them think i left they thought i left right they totally thought i left 100 they thought i left but here's what's going to happen we're going to run in can i just run into peak um teleport anyway flip around go for the heavy heavy flank everybody's dead so this isn't going to work um so um clutch there's no they don't call you clutch kudo for no reason i don't think anybody calls me that they usually call me blind or papiga or something they never say that i called you chad kuno for a reason hmm okay where are these guys one is definitely oh jesus i sat there with the bomb and i couldn't figure out how to plant the cherry let's just go along and get the paper jody and then you go to site and then bing bang boom boom um bad thanks for the stuff bing bang is your new name yep i think you can pull off some really cool plays with them but i usually can't i shoot people and then nothing happens um well i mean they had the spike down so of course they went out today i feel sad man all right here we go okay if you make me the bird is oh wait they need it back um so what i mean all right getting into some obviously one of the worst ideas i've had but yeah hey a free gun well i'll take that oh i thought they would be distracted by the teleport noises oh taro and pinky thanks for that good luck with me it's you um i'm playing for bathroom my own team live waiting for a teleport maybe cover in heaven um carbon tp kill try one seven one seven oh jet's there all right oh i'm a little worried i think i hit her oh jesus wait away oh wait behind me there's two in showers it's hard oh heaven last night oh you got it ludwig you got it your rocket's about to oh she ran away she ran away oh jesus that was awkward okay king thanks for the stuff you couldn't do anything um can you watch this clip uh no i'm in the middle of a ranked game but thank you for the seven julius but unfortunately i'm in the middle of a ranked game so i i don't think i think i should watch a random video in the middle uh but that thank you for the seven daughter and maria thanks for the subscribe thanks for the sub also i hit her for 140. all right um why don't you use the judge um i don't know let's find out let's try using the judge streamer he wants a phantom well i don't have enough money yeah it's a quick bite you could buy yeah sorry all right here we go that'll clear left oh my god that was on purpose that one was also on purpose but he is hit where am i where oh no i hit him 64. his elbow i just randomly i got two of them i just i got two of them check them out i'm a jack alive i could use a heel no why did i go i dropped this bike i dropped this bike hello please don't kill me please don't kill me oh god i'm going for the spike i'm going for the spike no no i have watch this i got a trick i got a trick nice your trick um that is the worst jet player that's ever we did it guys we did it i can't believe that worked out that way um i am also a poor boy can someone buy me every time we push b they make a battle or a tpm there you go um astro you sorry and knight thanks for the selfies if we just show b they'll go to b no no b's clear sky's dead i got clear okay okay i'm going i'm going oh did i say clear um well we killed sky technically double blind does the blind even work does the blind even work all right i need to go to the bathroom really quick i'll be right back um all right see you guys when i'm back hookah1 um love thanks for watching oh damn there's a lot of lost 1v1s by all of us match point fabric okay well we got a force um let's get this pip for you bathrooms and let's give jack the bomb so we can plant and get all how do i drop it uh take it down press g oh [ __ ] just walk till come on yeah let's go all right i'm coming to get this orb they could definitely hear you guys oh yeah jesus jesus uh let's just back off yeah so now we have all uh where's that oh uh he's afk but it looks a bit all right let's see what happens nice pick we got a kill that's working help skull thanks for the five gifts of skull they're teleporting by the way okay the teleporters who let's go ahead let's go away check them on all right i got a secret strategy you can wall our ct if you want uh well let's go here genius strategy look at this lineup right here outside one on site you got to line up like that now if we go to a yeah tight right here all right devin thanks for the stuff [ __ ] oh oh wait that was a terrible lineup oh you died oh please don't yeah that does way more damage than you thought you can rotate if you guys want they're going to be over god oh god get the inspector you pull too close watch it see that guy no that was a tough one man i did not even see that guy um doctor thanks for this i think we did fine i think that we could have won and we will next time yeah i feel like we're doing pretty well today even though you said third parties even though we've only lost we're doing well but we keep losing yeah it's kind of weird i feel like we're doing pretty well other than all the losses uh yeah you too i'm glad we're all in the same two same page yeah those games we would be winning by a lot right now yeah yeah i think if we won those games after that it would be even more um we we definitely would be winning a lot what if we won this one like just for fun okay like just for funsies yeah like don't even try we could go for a win yeah i mean if you want i guess i could definitely go for a win yeah i mean i'd like that i don't know about you guys though yeah yeah i mean yeah we're definitely going to win this one i i can feel it it's like you want to win right um yeah of course i do but you know we we kind of already won let's see devin thanks for the sub get more kills that's such a great idea change the region so why hadn't i thought of that no i feel like four of you having better ping is better than all of us having middling but but jack if i have higher ping when i when i lose i'll just be like oh i just have slightly higher than usual yeah just my ping and then you can also still say oh that's my astronomy well you still get it you still get that because your ping will still be higher so we both we all get that oh yeah didn't even move for like the first half of that round it was really the ping is the ping uh um wait we haven't switched it yet yeah the ping really got me there um you know i i just moved the internet at the new place it's really it's a little spotty and it snowed there recently it snowed it snowed yeah i i heard that too um it's weird do you not go outside secondhand huh what ludwig you think i'd go out he's a gamer i'm a gamer yeah he's a valorante i'm a valerie you seem like a like a like a walk and listen to podcast guy no do you go to coffee places no no i just drink coffee at home um it's like we should go for coffee yeah we should wake up we should hang out sometime jack if we ever get the chance to after after i saw you wanted to eat sushi i do like sushi the only sushi then coffee why not the only place i mentioned the uk jacket from crazy thanks for the stuff joe do you want to get sushi yeah jody let's go get students oh no no you got ev everyone's invited everyone oh no it's too late all right well me and jack we're gonna have a great time we're gonna we're having a great time me and jack we're going to be we're best pounds yeah well well are you guys going to get top of the morning coffee because that's the best coffee out there and we get that we get that i like them when i like got room for three of them savage guys jack's coffee is called top of the morning all right guys let's sweat it out who knows he asked him first yep but days yeah are we group pooping i'm gonna go i just imagine all of us going out to eat and then ludwig sits at home and looks at his business what were you saying well we were all talking about going out to eat and then ludwig's like my bidet and i'm just like i imagine all of us going out of restaurants is that just me yeah it's one of my favorite things to see what kind of bathroom they have yeah oh okay cool if you can tell that their bathroom is clean then you know their kitchen is clean yeah and like sometimes they have a nice bathroom i'm like damn this place is nice i feel nice to take care of their bathroom well they take care of everything else if they have a mirror in their bathroom that that's a plus for me yeah not not in the mail bathroom never oh i like when they have like music playing oh uh-huh uh-huh and they have guys i'm just saying i've been to places all right this is this is actually what i think okay a lot of places i've been to no offense they're a little they're a little more sketchy all right they don't put mirrors in them maybe because hooligans keep breaking the mirrors right japan but if they have mirrors in it gas stations then usually that means there's less you know there's less vandals around vandalisms what do they call them i would um i don't know what the word is am i coming up with the wrong word but are they called hooligan i have no idea but i've been to places and and even some some restaurants they say like you know we take mirrors out of it because um you know people keep breaking um so if there's a mirror that means there's less people smashing them for fun sure but but you know i i don't know why people do things you look really cool with that knife you look really cool honestly your character's like we have like this little slit in his eyebrow and his eyebrows wait you have an eyebrow skin no you should get an eyebrow slit oh i should get one maybe all you have to do is run into a tree all right addicter can't you just like shave it a little bit nice pick i'm ready they call me the commit lord what i clicked him he just killed me okay well i'm not that good at committing i'm just saying we have to go through it come on uh oh no yeah it didn't work too well um commit lord i may have committed too hard nice guys we did it on their clocks um no one says cleaning their clocks yeah you guys know where i got that from so i used to watch a lot when i was like oh man i used to watch yu-gi-oh a lot when i was a kid and the first time joey used time wizard to evolve like a thousand-year-old dragon or whatever he said i'm gonna clean their clocks and he summoned the time wizard then he flipped a coin and he pretty much just won because he got lucky but he has plot armor that's besides the point the point is that's where i heard it from um or something like that i don't know i used to pkk um all right watch this i've no more blinds though okay this seemed like an over rotating group huh uh um no they they didn't they were waiting okay that was a bad idea um sing thanks for the sub see that's nice look guys sometimes you go for crazy place here's my my actual big brain theory okay i have a genius big brain theory works every time let me explain it so when i do stuff like that everybody in chat laughs it's a funny time and then nobody clips it because it's awkward and then we just leave right but if it works out right let's say it works out then everybody clips it and everyone sees the clip they think i'm a god but if it doesn't work out people just laugh and they have a good time and then it moves on and that's it that's it so um that's why i go for crazy plays because when you get a good play everyone clips it they see it they think you're a god when it's not a good play everyone peck w they laugh and chat have a good time and then everyone forgets about it in five minutes when i do another terrible play so there's only benefits there's only benefits here other than the fact that i got shot repeatedly but other than getting shot repeatedly and dying there's only benefits here there's only benefits either you get a great play or everyone gets to laugh at your silly play how can you guys buy it all right i actually i'll force you i was gonna force it [ __ ] it we ball wait jody come here wait you got it jody you got it oh okay you know what i will you go in if for some reason you don't wipe them like i think you will i'll just pick up the gun we get amazing economy nice she got one um oh she won't be for long after i finish her all right all right what jesus christ she just tanked it i okay both of us i'll be honest i thought i was going to kill her i thought i had i thought i had her i just shot her right in the face she just tanked it um anyway matt and krista thanks for the subs oh the spikes oh the tough one i heard you killed um i did watch a lot of yu-gi-oh when i was younger you got this i think if i had a better gun i probably would have had that one but all right now these things happen on occasion how's your stream going pretty well i i have a great game this is gonna sound weird but with this i feel like we're doing pretty well and light armor and meet me in the bathroom okay i was with you till that last part yeah come on guys it's gonna be cool the theme in our conversations going on today um right uh so right now i was on board until he said meet me in the bathroom i only got a little weird but um oh the what all right ray pick up the bomb we got the orb or we're gonna clear it for you first ah ooh there's there's a guy camping me for sure i can hear him walking hello oh yeah he's short yeah thank god he didn't see me sophia and alley cat thanks for this three here oh yeah yeah if i ran out i would have gotten moles down 105 we're done guys we're done we're done there's nothing we could yeah that was tough um they knew i was there there's two people watching my angles so that's a tough one um nostalgia thanks for the sub and sophia it is what it is yep that was a tough push the uh hey great save exactly we um wanted plan go plan all right let's all right what do we buy starts now spectre time everyone else is buying so i want you know what let's buy a sheriff and we'll just pick up someone else's gun um what do you think of jody's new hair i think it looks great i hope i i want to dye my hair one day but i think if i did i'll just go for like a slightly lighter brown i wouldn't want to do anything crazy probably all right here we go uh clips thanks for the soccer maybe all right there's gonna be a wall hmm so you can hear us running yeah nice shot but there's that's tough man they're good at aiming guys oh my god oh that was close enough um free thanks for the sound yeah yeah but he comes straight out of hard tv he doesn't wait all right i wanna i'm gonna do some feet to b and then you guys go away all right maybe they'll think we're pushing b again um alera and fueny thank you for this kill the sage trust in my hearing i'm gonna just make you all right probably gotta okay all right i'm gonna pretend we're pushing line phoenix's lamps all right joke's over oh no i don't like this oh never mind um you're gonna tell me i think watch out right okay please don't beat me please don't peek me i can wallow what yeah one is still one is there's just a wall over here now um i'm walled off that line i'm going for it uh we should let's go away what i thought they would be distracted by the teleporter oh that's a rough one i thought they would think i'm in the teleporter and um i'll let me go but nice shot all right good luck all right um katie thanks for the sub katie um maybe ray's got it so bad um maybe oh yeah that's tough um all right yeah the only body really was mine and it was on top of things let's see yeah i have such a hard time like seeing where the bodies are still it's the blue x on the map if you can visualize map to stream i don't know guys they're just playing well rank i'm bronze too honestly i'm starting to think i belong in iron or something um i think we can win this oops uh sid thanks for the subscribe um okay we're kind of losing guys i'm zero and six i haven't gotten a single kill at least that time we peeked and then the last time so i think we can all right yes thanks for the subscribe mm-hmm yes well the firing comments i hope it works out somehow all right phoenix is usually uh u-haul area as well okay nice nice pick all right i'm gonna grab the mask take a look i'm gonna go ahead oh please don't kill me all right take it off and then we take the teleport oh i'm splitting sight well outside i mean i thought it'd be tricky i thought it'd be tricky you didn't really work that well i'm planning i don't know if i'm bringing you in yep i did happen guys it happened um also i thought all my team was like pushing a so i thought they would try to rotate maybe especially after i took the teleporter but he was still camping waiting for me oh that's tough huh 120 remaining wait it's only one guy left maybe they got it um they could see her teleport i know they could see the ball guys i just mean i thought they would think i'm leaving after i took the teleporter so uh yeah i don't know i don't think she has time i think they got it at least she there we go let's go well at least we want a round we got this whoa zero seven still tell me what you're telling me no one's ever followed phantom yeah i'm too weak i just hear 120 and i'm like that's a kill yeah that's what i heard she was like 120 i was like don't peek i mean come on man i'm at 150 in here your tp's loud i mean look guys i'm trying to make plays i i died so you don't have to remind me how bad my play was i already know so yes reminding me how bad i am it's just gonna make me feel worse but uh thank you for trying to help i think if you are trying to help anyway um let's just try and cover this all right see here yeah we can um i'll come around with heels i did not think that would do so little damage at least we got him he's speaking from there he's speaking with auburn we don't have any smoke in here we gotta use some viper i can i can switch side here okay let's split site go go go there we go raging thanks for the celebrating you just need to win out the rounds all right i think we just are way more successful be we just have to have a lot of presence alone yeah i have i can't quite afford that maybe we go for a sheriff i have to save um oh are we saving dave right here we go well we got one kill let's let's kill this arena yeah i'm pretty poor she does peek every run all right all right all right all right all right um when did you start streaming a little bit about two hours ago just about two hours ago all right well let's try and get a head shot if she throws it in here oh twenty hey wait they're all dead maybe they think it's your footsteps there you go oh i missed well we missed andy had not you killed her well that's tough um don thanks for the sub and hayden ches and ellie thanks for the bits we're kind of getting destroyed okay so there's an off a mm-hmm all right we've tried to a firing squad and we're successful one of two times and i think if i use it this game hard it is very hard but i'm hoping we either just get pretty long rant against opponents we stand a chance against or or maybe we improve a little but it seems pretty tough guys it seems pretty tough um they're already out hookah or uh oh she got me through the wall well at least we got one guy so it could have been worse you got two hookah uh jazz thanks for the stuff and julia thanks for the five and anna thanks for the sub also oh oh god he's on site maybe jody's got it um oh oh god um i'm a little bit worried i'll be honest oh um she's only got seven minutes left she headshotted guys gotta be super low um 1v2 phoenix should be virtually dead i think all right um inbox thanks for the sub 30 seconds left how long does the smoke last good luck jody oh my god jesus nice all right there's two against one you know guys this one's uh this one's looking what to do against look a little tough yeah they seem a little cracked they're just kind of rushing at us and we should be more easily ready to rotate because they had three there and we had three there so we just left in one a we just get that free so yeah they seem to just be destroying us thanks for the sub hayden and we should be fine all right maybe we change crosshairs maybe that'll help somehow um um i could that uh i have an idea is this better i don't really know cross thanks for the 10 gifts us um he's usually really bad at misses so i tried to debate the shot but this time he learned one second can you flash flash i got it oh he's not there anymore he might tp if he hears that time to jump i'm gonna do this dude all right right second okay you're well thanks for the sub also we're trying guys it's kind of a tough tough game okay i think we just need to be spread out yeah spread out spread out okay um all right sean ray ludwig and jody are who we're playing with the morale's low i mean let's be honest guys i'm getting completely destroyed so oh they have two ops on short a um well i mean that's that's a tough one they just i have two ops i um that's a tough peek all right the team is cracked yeah they're just oh i knew she was long that's a tough one um i think you got to take that fight check it could be over guys it could be over then you get rez you could actually just maybe meet up with ray and go bathroom all right i think we've lost every single game today i i would i should be an iron guys i'm pretty sure i'm a legit iron player um heaven by the way oh all right you want at least one i don't let the dude be able to hit you seconds left um dukes dukes see that he doesn't go ahead oh my god oh my god they just he sniped you jesus all right all right yeah defense we're a defense sided team 10 is all they get 10 is not all they get they're going to destroy us but we're going to try anyway all right um hmm that's pizzle so wherever all right 10 is all they get i think it's over guys uh but we're going to try anyway maybe we can get a couple kills or something you think they're going a or b i just feel like i'm outclassed guys they have so much faster reflexes they aim better it's tough it's tough all right here we go all right let's get the teleport ready cutting through right flashing out oh my god okay uh well i i i'll say i was not ready for that quite um i'm gonna split side yeah there's uh yeah i was not ready for that at all um oh all right they're not doing too bad this is awkward oh man they got us well that was tough um tabby thanks for the stuff yeah he dropped it right as your um wall went down so then it's a rough one i think okay guys i've got a new strategy i'm just gonna buy the bucky and camp in a corner this strategy has only ever failed me but maybe this time it won't fail let's force and win we can do this i'm buying we are on 11. why is this so hard i don't know um getting i also think there's a lot of smurfs in mallard yeah it's probably anything else maybe it's harder because we have unranked people so that's like um throwing us everywhere yeah we'll see i think i hear more outside ow well hey i got one of them so that's not terrible right um tapper thanks for the subs are they some of them are unranked some are silver but oh no they're definitely just good players compared to me at least you could rotate back here too one long break careful oh rain is here cross again i'm in a rough spot all right good luck jack oh uh cutie thanks for the tier three cutie barely have any of those thank you it's a good try but that didn't even hit one time it didn't even cause it definitely could be over guys definitely could be over oh arabella thanks for the sub arabella come on ray oh that stress the [ __ ] out of me they just surrounded her and kept shooting they just oh god um all right let's spend what we got this is it guys it's the last round nicer we cringe play double oh no we're just it's the matchmaking guys it's really the matchmaking fail of us i think we'll crush them cringe i'm here i'm super right judging hooks well you know we've had worse games all the way in all the way um we've probably had worse games don't quote me on that stick together i would but on defense you usually want to have some people on each side um you technically can stick together but it's i'm flash usually not the best because then you have everyone on one side left side left side jack you know good damage okay okay you got him jack oh my god okay i mean there's just no way um um i think we lost every single game so far crazy i can't believe we can't wait hey yeah that's so strange right um so guys i'm gonna link you a song and i i hope you listen to it and give your your group a rallying cry um is this uh dmca free or yeah it's just a bunch of people on a football game yelling you know you know like we just we just learn the synergy together we make sure we like that okay what is this number one rule of valor is you must trade and never bait if somebody if your teammate is shooting at someone just wide swing because you will most likely save your teammate and oh i always wide swing i always charge that we're gonna go into into this game and we're gonna we're gonna win all right we'll try and learn one new thing every game jody we go alone and we go hard each of us a different site each of us a different player oh wait we win our onesies we're gonna do it we're gonna do it dynasties aren't built in three games we're gonna wow three losses in a row that's rough guys i don't know how to tell you this i'm usually just the funny one uh and the loud one when it comes to actual gameplay uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh it's it's all just a first no it's a facade wait the loud funny part oh no no no the gameplay part it's it's all just when people hear professional video gamer jacksepticeye they think something better is that what you're labeled as uh i think so in some circles i'm labeled as like variety otv streamers somehow i don't know how i [ __ ] that up but thanks for the five gifts of skull yeah i'm just i'm also ambrose forever i believe i mean youtuber i don't even get the funny and loud oh i was like yeah for sure uh-huh it says ludwig american pro gamer oh i will say it does have the the purple though so like if you go to um different people it'll be purple or red based off of youtube or twitch and cycles purple so you got that that is true okay let's just say twitch information tabard thanks for the subtitles better known as quarter jade as an american youtuber and twitch streamer who mainly plays video games she has played twitch wait she has played with twitch streamers and youtubers such as members and friends of all tv oh you're just an expansion yeah they're all like quite the internal people in offline tv it's so funny because there's like 30 of us who are considered the quote-unquote friends yeah i bet they don't even have the updated list of otb either if you look it's all right no i think it is right on wikipedia you know what we should do guys we should start saying we're friends with jody now you know jody and i'm five three and a half what do you put on your license because you know you can just you don't have to be right i'm fine yeah they just let you fill it out i'm six one of my i rounded up there's six words i wanted double up i ran it up to six feet on my original license and then cut it up again why are they gonna is it isn't that just making it up i yeah exactly oh i was creating hazel eyes and light blonde hair oh this way if i morality get away with it because i'm tall uh-huh well you're going to need that for this game because we're going to yeah we're going to destroy this game yeah warm-ups are over you guys this is how we're going to get this we're flaming hot right now we're hot spicy spicy or spicy extra spicy cheetos cheetos uh-huh with lemon lemon no hot hot cheetos with lima yeah okay i love lemon have you ever had lemon over salmon oh yeah yeah yeah that's good stuff over salmon um i think limon um let's see ice thanks for the 10. ice that one's great um and hazel thanks for this up too all right lee i do think our games might be a little hard because we don't have any smokes but i don't have smokes on this account other than brim you know i think i mean i can play room yeah we'll be fine without smokes we don't need them oh i can remember this game it's just because it might help in the short term but long term will be healthier without it match found i just made that uh never mind did someone dodge um i'm gonna play i'm doing it all right how are you doing do what your heart desires pop off hmm oh wait we got you know what if that's the case then i'll just play jet yeah let's go but yeah you're doing well i don't think i am i'm doing pretty bad as yoru we gotta mix it up guys we gotta mix it up me too i decided prediction will ludwig talk frag let's have a race whoever gets maybe like the most kills gets a twitch prime sub one singular twitch prime twitch prime sub i barely have any of those subscriber because you don't even have gifts from brx thanks for the five gifts of brexit and blaze and princess thank you so much they're working on youtube for like eight years it's one of the things they need emotes yeah yeah no they need a wait they don't they have emotes don't they no they don't like bt tv oh like global emotes like global you don't have global emotes they don't even have like a directory me neither me neither there's no hosting no raiding there's no clipping yes oh no there's tons of clippers there's tons of clippers the one thing i was worried about you know the ones i'm talking about actual good one yeah somebody clipped me speaking fluent korean i will say again fluent korean and it has three and a half million views wow wow jack that's more views than most actually i can't even get three and a half million views in some of my videos yeah that's crazy that crazy i was like i gotta watch it you know the job god damn that jacksepticeye is fluent clips like this is the last game i ever play um i'm playing this as if my life depends on well that could go either way you might just be super sad that it's your last game ever and i'll play one right you know guys i haven't done this since i haven't done this one i'm gonna follow you and watch you frag out see where do we go where do we go all right i'm going to rush into the garage like a man is straight all right my posture is that my skin is clear my height my aim is true my ping is high here we go here we i'm going to rust go and shoot them all right lenny and chris have no idea what we're doing me neither i don't know be careful all right this is called the rushing tip this is dangerous there's nobody in here get them charge c charge c okay sorry i got one i got one keep charging ludwig keep charging oh jesus jesus i'm planning i'm planning you guys i have oh i got another one what god damn oh jesus there's another one back there uh russian ludwig oh push push push he has no clue we got him we got him ludwig we got him yeah it's working guys i can't believe it what happened it's working i have a ghost as well i kind of want to just stick to the shotgun man guys if i do well with the shotgun i'm going to go back to i'm going to buy the vfx for it about armor two all right okay guys i have i have a crazy strat yeah why don't we just do the same thing again i mean i don't see why not um smoking as long as we have cycuno on our team we can't i'm gonna make a ton of noise right ton of noise walk up you have spikes i can see oh he's on the right and the one spot i didn't check i checked everything except that one right side that's tough um nice let's go okay our team's got it though they got two pixels um that's tough it was tough but our team got good pictures i'd say it worked out okay guys a genius strategy i'm gonna do the exact same thing where i go to garage and smoke it but you guys all go to to a or something i'm gonna smoke it and they'll think it's the same thing sage sage walls long i'm going to do the exact same thing i'm going to hop over the wall and just kill her we smoke garage we get ready they all think we're going c again because we've done the same thing two times in a row but my team's going a i'll come with spike oh what um all right here we go okay i think they can hear us yes but dash through what it's not here this time there's something short i don't know how to smoke you guys i'm sorry oh i'm terrible stage on site and no one will else on site i don't know if you want to commit how did you know that's crazy i i was inside of two smokes up i guess you just guessed i was there um let's see mj in ascent thanks for the sound i'm not sure i think he's high i don't know guys he just sprayed into the smoke i suppose um one on site all right your gun was put there's no way i was in two spokes guys i was in two smokes there's no way the gun was poking out [ __ ] me i'm with you all right tight oh one more tight oh i think he just randomly sprayed into him nice my team's not doing too bad all right dropped i think oh my god that's a tough one jack that was a horror film i know i tried to get to hell fast uh that's all right that was the bonus oh we're still two wins here still 20 right all right uh we should have enough to buy next round are they peaksy long what's the situation all right back to phantom huh what's up i've only got a garage all right here we go um there will be a cipher trap at the end of this someone how do you not lag i don't know you gotta ask my internet about that i'm gonna split site okay here we go um there's a cypher cam oh i got me saw us all i'll destroy the enemy team um uh-huh all right let's just wait here jesus all right huh why is everyone laughing what's happening i'm confused um all right i call this the slow push what okay my smokes ran out so i thought i could trick him by dashing to the right after the thing got him and it completely worked except for the smokes running out and then his team killing me so that's absolutely fine i didn't destroy the tripwire oh well my e is supposed to get rid of it i think i'm pretty sure it's supposed to anyway i think i missed my smoke what get here all right love your content thanks a bunch nice reloading tv maybe jack's got it's two against one yeah jet smokes were nerfed up what's happened again 7 36 i think healing jody should be better no charges left he's heaven how long does it take to climb um i'll be honest it just really depends on how good you are like i'm not very good at the game so i'm not even sure if i'll ever climb but um you know i just play anyway i i do try to get better but i don't know guys it's just not very good at it who's on the boxes and the [ __ ] um all right oh nice odin right now yeah i don't know where they were i couldn't find the huh well i was weird i'm splitting a second i'm bubbly thanks for the stuff i checked the corner well we just i just didn't know they were there um i didn't even have a chance to fight back good thing i bought ludwig the phantom though oh oh get out of my way good thing i bought ludwig the phantom though um everybody's on scene all right it's up to jack what happened they just shot me i didn't even not everybody all right all right all right no planting unless we're all there not bad plan okay well what do we do now take them um mid is soft so let's just do the mid plate all right let's go from mid to uh a let's hope this works the same they're pretty weak yes they do they do all right i think no one plays b who is this like this is live by right yeah yeah thanks for the subscribe game i don't know guys i hope so but i'm still struggling a lot so it's been tough it's been tough um we got shot in the back unfortunately once again um garage of the bucky this is a nice try yeah yeah they just you got me in the back hmm let's just let's just make sure we five man all right all right let's try it yeah i agree and let's swing on each other if you know your teammate's shooting swing with them all right guys let's let's try i agree um valve thanks for the five gift subs val right here here we go swing swinging all right okay you're kind of loud all right that's okay hey [ __ ] it bust down oh um all right ray's got it probably um okay um you had no range well i mean i didn't even see the guy he killed me before i could even shoot back so it didn't really matter what gun i had rush him nice nice right oh we planted this up okay oh man purple thanks for the snowball all right here we go let's try and get at least one kill this time yeah i think five man's the way it is for show yeah uh we're gonna fake a and go see long so everybody all right let's cyclony you want to go fast on c c uh i'm gonna do my breaking i'll go through garage perhaps um ov thanks for the two gift subs get down here we go come back come back come back really hope this works can i get this orb that lasts like two seconds is this thing even useful uh oh what oh where are you that's tough um man that that smoke like just barely does a thing okay that was indeed short i couldn't even get to the garage before it ran out um oh they reduced it i know they reduced it i just made it super super short i can't even get to the garage because what's going on it's half as long oh no wonder in the head oh hey pokey how's it going oh don't watch i'm doing terrible tonight it's doing absolutely terrible um but how's it going and yeah it seems like he got nerfed pretty badly um well back to the bucky you know i'm not even gonna buy it guys because i'm pretty sure i can't i don't know how to use it oh whoops i was muted hello jack i gave you a spike i don't need it anymore okay i i used my stinky and then i psych and psyched um oh god i love hate relationship well we're not doing too well today but um we're gonna try i want to kill sage while every round actually i'm gonna push up a regardless here we go i think short is better for shotguns so he is a darling perhaps there's a oh jesus no i just threw the smoke i love that song oh they just got us both they're rotating um and i'll never let my dog mango thanks for the sub and he he oh that's tough good luck jack um why'd they nerf it i have no idea but it's not working too well for me yeah all right hopefully our team's got it okay you're great with the judge i mean i'm not doing so well yet all right um hopefully we're hopefully we're just warming up you know silence is killing me i'm not gonna smoke because i don't want them to know we're here yet okay they're here i think plant okay 30 seconds left you got this i sure hope so but you never really know all right are you kidding me that timing don't freak out somebody maybe she could do it i don't know um maybe all right oh seconds left oh she got two she got three no time maybe save well i've been saving you're just warming up yeah we just haven't been warming up for three hours i don't i don't know if we're still on the same page all right hey you guys want a five man through garage like a bunch of kings there is there's a section last time all right here we go um really five minutes away for us all right no no no noise no noise i'm going to bomb yeah well that will that trigger the trap yeah yeah i think it does yeah all right blocking site statue oh wait that doesn't hurt anymore it scares the [ __ ] out of me that was strange no clue what just happened i'm a little worried i'm not peaking i only have 30 half life okay that guy okay um i couldn't even react that's tough all right he just turned and instantly headshotted his nice sound he's gonna start defusing um justin thanks for the sub slow reaction yeah guys i don't have good reflexes reactions um one enemy remaining good all right storm thanks for the sub storm what's going on all right good luck ray nice one [ __ ] all right good job where the hell is this open oh oh i got pokey you don't understand we've lost every single game tonight um it's been a struggle it's been a struggle i'm trying it's my life okay i i think that's it if we could jump that trip all right blink thanks for the support shoot his camera and not commit here all right uh okay hmm all right oh i'm reloading i sure hope i think seifer leaves c because he has traps maybe so i think if we go fast one time it'll be clear um slowly walking through yes i could i'm gonna split site i'm gonna walk okay my genius strategy to jump over it never mind uh by the way oh jesus jesus all right left no oh i missed well that went wrong uh you know i i knew he was there i just terribly missed but at least we tried um sammy thanks for the sub sammy behind it yeah you know at least we got one we technically increased our kills by a lot because we only have three kills technically out of here hey it's clear if you want to go plant got the spike good luck um oh aj thanks for the stuff aj all right where you going you also have ulti wow jody's good at this game that's a 1v1 the jets kind of cracked though smokehouse three times easy clap oh wait they're not that crap outside most down [ __ ] i don't know how to play this damn come on jody do it she's hiding inside of the smoke oh maybe she'll walk in the gym okay oh nice jody last round okay um no bro link thanks for the sub phantom i don't have enough money let's buy a shorty okay so i have an idea i love it if we all walk to a the sage will wall we can walk all the way up to the wall then i'll hop over the wall and kill her with my alt then you shoot down the wall and it'll be just omen on sight i think so yeah we need okay maybe someone's short i'm going to kill this cam and then insta come on okay oh wrong button oh jesus okay i'll go short camera oh they walled immediately yeah yeah all right i'm i'm moseying along short all the way up all the way up i'm just um just hold positions don't peek here don't peek here we'll head level let's wait for jody is this head level i can't really tell okay i'm going for it um get ready to shoot down okay okay okay oh don't worry nice kill i don't i i don't stay somewhere here somewhere here um i think that was a waste can you do this you shot down the wall oh no that didn't work at all what where was this guy i actually don't know where that guy was that's crazy what just happened um i have no idea where that guy was i those just came out of nowhere um let's see second jason thanks for where'd he come from actually um i i don't think he could have been in that corner right marion and cece thanks for the subs nice good point wait our team's winning i got him yeah i still don't know where he was coming from he was in the corner there's a wall there though i didn't see him all right here we go you know what they say it's a game of two halves you have the first half and then you have the second half who is them at its finest yup yup that we're technically winning sort of technically i don't really feel like i'm winning um bucks and princely thanks for the seven and mary um pokey coaching you know pokey's really good at the game maybe i do need coaching guys i feel like i'm usually the type to just play a game and i hope i slowly improve fuegan thanks for the 20 gift size that's a whole bunch of gift subs let's do it i mean all right watch this guys they wouldn't expect me to push game says i'm on defense but i think nothing window oh jesus okay i saw that and i knew i was dead i was stuck out there with a shorty there's three people peeking me my life flashed before my eyes well slowly flashed before my eyes because i had time to wait before i died but um look when you're caught out like that with a shorty there's just there's nothing you could do it's it's a risky plan you know that is a nice smalling over the wall over there oh nice jesus nice right what the heck that was scary yeah i was stuck out there with a close-range weapon behind a little box they're both spawn this one's tough oh man that reyna got everybody um cheeky lily thanks for the stuff he said it you said it what did i say um uh nah i just said yeah we should play like normal well let's hope we can do this money was weird alti side can't really afford much time for the buckaroo do people call it that the buckaroo you need to make calls for your mega hot cheetos the shorty is very short range but this gun you can right-click and it works much better all right over here so definitely full a or c right now right above me right above me no one see see clear make a random smoke i watch this watch no one else do no way i missed it it was all the way through it sounds like this this doesn't work there's no way this doesn't work this doesn't work no way this doesn't work no way this doesn't work please work please he walks right past you blood wait you tag the rainbow oh jesus what we tried we tried i i tried to dash out of the way after the shot but he got it i'm so rotating right now oh man this is tough um ceo thanks for the selling and slytherin we had a pretty good flank though it's just it might rotate off here tough that may be right they did i heard them running okay yeah all right good luck team quite cheesy all the way on scene we were close at least we did some damage you know it's better than when we get killed before we can even react we just do our best all right it's up to ray get as many as you can um leave nothing behind i'm ready to run out at the same time all right uh thanks for watching let's see what gunny has you know [ __ ] them all i think guys okay ready to run it right here there's a wall reloading all right i'm ready i'm running it oh [ __ ] that was awkward um yeah they just had better guns you know they had they had real guns yeah they just had better guns that's all gun difference they had a nice angle yeah yeah they also had an angle yeah all right here we go that's all we got you know it's still seven to seven guys we can pull this off it is seven to seven yeah still still seven to seven um do they smoke here we go here we go smoke once twice dash over this window all right clean clean we're in boys we're in i'm playing hitman's three i didn't even play that game but i saw charlie play it before it looked cool all right does he know i'm here i ain't peeking i am i'm cowering in a little corner there's no way i don't know i'm gonna wait for them to make noise and then i'll peek out they're probably looking for um i think they're a okay yeah i mean they were short they're definitely waiting for me i think they know oh my teammates are dying i have did you hear that the other day i'm gonna go in you trade for me oh jesus jesus well that was tough um rich and starving thanks for the sub well i was not ready for that i mean i i tried i i tried didn't really work um yeah i wasn't quite ready for that one that scared me yeah it scared me a little bit too um scared me a little bit too i didn't even hit them i got one no i didn't get any of them i did zero damage um oh maybe jody's got yeah yeah i think i know okay so we found out that they play very sweaty and very slowly so we just can't push anything um they're just hoping to explode out at the end yeah yeah keep going i'm just trying to do this jet shotgun thing that people told me was good um that you know just to try it out no one would know oh days and wars thanks for the subs all right wherever they go they're going to explode out um slow ay waiting for it kelly thanks for the sub kelly jack today okay all right don't peek just hide in the corner yeah they're waiting for us to push for sure hiding in the corner okay if they're going see there's probably at least one going garage at least one going garage no way they're all long c right yep i'm dropping any second now this is so quiet we don't have my mom not made it through here my ball popped up me second now okay yeah they left they left oh i heard him in mid they might be going for b uh freeze what guys i think my head moved forward as i strap wait what just happened we we got so many guys we got so many what what what happened crazy we got him guys i got two two solid knifes in two solid knives stop a plant or something okay man now let's have you solo hold on honestly it doesn't even feel like you're planting it from freezing thanks for this oh yeah they just kill us they play very i can't believe that word they play like i also think since we um since we didn't shoot and we knifed them that's why the other dude didn't hear us because we didn't shoot so he couldn't hear anything so he had no idea that i was behind them every time we lose we're boosting somebody else's morale right um oh wow that guy's insane how does he get out of my mind just walk down and instantly headshotted me i couldn't even click no and i feel like guys are my reflexes slow my are my reflexes just that much slower i i can't even react half the time when they kill me i know am i just slow i think i'm just really slow um thanks for the subs all right oh guys oh this is clean ludwig's got it what that did not that didn't kill them i'm actually shocked that didn't kill him too i'm actually shocked that that i feel like that all should have planted it's all right in there um lulu thanks for stopping and hari i'm shocked that didn't kill the jet oh man ludwig's doing great she's on site lit i think i think my reflexes are just slow guys what's a good way for a slow reflex player to do well in a game like an fps game you know i feel like fps games you know they're not good for people that's just i don't know maybe it's just me yeah crazy all right all right we've yet to win one on this side but i know that we're gonna do this yeah seven and five and now it's seven and ten um but hey sure i am going to push up all right push-up a joe not a good idea all righty i'm coming okay all right lolly thanks for the sub um yay thanks for the sub too all right the smoke what about the the smoke i okay um well uh it happened um i think he just sprayed into the smoke and predicted where i'd be two two two yeah all right good luck um don't read i mean guys chat had nothing to do i thought i thought they wouldn't i mean they just sprayed into the smoke and got me it has got nothing to do with with chat or anything i just didn't expect them to uh jets here spray into the smoke and kill me oh stinky all right um spike planted last player good luck jack frag out jack okay actually there can't be one up here maybe he's got it oh i think he hit him technically um you got it jack oh he's right there in front of you i thought that was a smoke oh god and reyes can actually all jump up there oh man and that's his teeth that's a tough one two seconds or something okay you know what everybody let's get a phantom until like can somebody sit here with me i'll have a cross here and then like b sits backside we play retake windows all right new strategy we're gonna hide all the way back here i think we just hold it there's no way they do it if i hide all the way back here in the corner i'm just gonna say sometimes i've never done this before so there's no way they would expect this space thanks for the five gift subs i i don't even know what i'm supposed to uh he just kind of ran by and immediately headshotted me that that's a tough one there i i think i shot back a little bit right like i shot back a little bit at least right um but i will say i've never done that before so i'm shocked that they got we're ready for it um because usually i'm camping with a shotgun in the front so and the one time i'm cameron in the back he just wants that's a tough one um cherry thanks for the sub and kenzie oh nice okay um comes up with a new technique uh it doesn't matter they just got me read like a book or something i don't know um you drop bomb bot on her and she didn't even know good luck team um they'll never expect this yeah i don't know guys they clearly expected it good job jesse thanks for the sun jesse one of many we stopped we did it guys we did it we did it we always held them at 11. we always will always hold them yes yeah we got this we got this there's no way this goes wrong uh okay can i trade i think i need to change something i'm sick of dying in garage i'd like to die somewhere else realistically i'm still gonna die right but at least we won't die in the garage anymore we'll die somewhere else so it's a little bit different right um i've got a genius strap i'm pushing guards it's come to me in a vision guys we camp short a we've never done this before and there's no way they expect it also no one ever camps this angle because it's one of the worst angles so you gotta look into the wall so your gun doesn't stick out all right i'm gonna flick and shoot let's practice we're gonna practice all right my gun's not sticking out flick shoot if there's a guy there are you ready flick uh shoot him all right and flick shoot a little more to the right a little more to the right okay too far to the right that's probably going clean flick just blink of my leg they are so bad for how hard they are trying oh too hard too hey it's it's hard to flick because i can't like if i'm aiming at like uh jack right i can see it so it's easier to flick but i'm flicking like where i can't all right i'm bored let's charge i don't think they're even going here so 30 seconds left i don't know what i'm ollie sorry all right they might rotate a so they're rotating a coming down good picture i got two i got two what i'm killing them i'm killing them guys oh poop you got me seconds left look it worked okay nice um thanks for the three i play osu do you think osu will help me play valorem better i'd rather play valorant to play valoramp better although i'll be honest it's not working too well but um we got a bunch of them we did it nice hold second we did it guys yeah they just kept walking into me and then i just believe they're playing mind if i go a again it seems to be my goodness yeah of course yeah yeah yeah yeah let's have you go ahead i'll hold all the garage all right uh lollipop and quinn thanks for the sub and jesse and ryuno you can just smoke maybe this is my spot guys i just need to change the scene over the pc um they have a dc all right let's just charge them what are they going to do stop us with a 4v5 um spike down oh jesus oh jesus guys no well hey look i did 100 damage 100 damage they're severely wounded all right look we did 100 a 203 damage 203 damage you can't tell me that they're rotating the spike right now um okay uh go garage here all right um nate thanks for the sub nay i'm gonna try to come in ultra spike okay i think you're leaving you're leaving a piece of hair in my eyeball what are they gonna do well look we did a lot of damage it's 4v5 there's no way we lose this there's just no way i wish i had a better uh judge skin oh yeah tell your team tell them what um what's happening come on team guys we're making a comeback this is it it does yours is actually the best one i've heard nothing i know it's gonna be really really really bad but can i get a heal um i might have felt thanks you know what guys we could use a shame he'll joke okay here we go i hear some a okay a short um i'm gonna try to oh god okay at least we got one i should have been able to get two but i panicked i panicked all right she looked me in the eye and i just i'm gonna i just it was tough but at least we got one but i can't get one so that's all right um is it are they planning yeah i think they already did they already well they tried i think they tried oh right i don't hear beeps of course look we got a one for one that's not too bad um justin thanks for the sub and get in corner cubby okay [ __ ] him up oh all right we're going oman isn't dead under heaven under heaven eight short and long oh what how how is he not dead what the [ __ ] is happening i trolled she trolled god i've redeemed myself ran a short hmm oh you can res me heaven go back sorry i hit her for 40. okay uh this is competitive yeah it's a little tough but we're holding on somehow all right oh yeah good all right we could still win this we could technically still win this somehow justin and ice thanks for the subs you're good you're good all right uh let me start with op and just watch down the line and then we can i was trying to put the cat under there put a mid or how's it going see long if you guys want a pretty good job garage all right back to the phantom i'm coming see let's see here we go guys we can't lose this one or it's all over oh okay hold here we go um how did they even see me i couldn't even i'm just gonna see them oh god it's so far i'm not doing it i couldn't even see them there well that's uh that was all my health i didn't even see anybody there you want to say crutch all right hey jack i'm i'm calling for a morsel of a heel i'm just gonna smoke that off for you thank you jack problem buddy that hurt yeah they're going b oh my lots man they really love spraying into the smoke to see okay uh there's two of them right outside i think they just decoyed oh god oh god oh spike's down at sea all right he's gonna walk through the smoke he can't resist never mind he resisted he's planting at sea um oof up top i'm gonna go to long grab spike 30 seconds left i shot one enemy remaining oh there's only one left he must be on site oh yeah he's on site all right time for the technique i don't see him i'm watching long oh you did it we did it all right all right all right let's take it i can buy anyone anything if they want i just have to win another one i just have to win one more dog oh they're super poor they'll only have three buys huh oh i was gonna give it to you but if you prefer the vandal that's uh um well thank you for the offer i do prefer the vandal oh all right i'm gonna start you want to get good with the vendors yeah me too i like the vandal now too but um it's over pick them again ludwig pick them again oh jesus they're probably going short i think they rotate it off i got them it's over it's just it's over i'm smoking it i'm going to try to do it what this display of sheer gaming power okay i was not ready for that at all not ready for that at all but look we got one of them i call it one push we don't get a push i'm fluffy thank you fluffy nice yeah i did not expect that guy because all right here we go i had some we did well when we went as fast um a because the omen there and the wall i think um okay is the stream lag let's just give her something i don't think so down the camera that's fine we went seven five and now it's 12 12. we're we're going to nc here we're just going to shut down the stage wall and then we're going to do it you have yeah yep um here you want to check you want me all right here we go uh i can take it really hope this works don't show i really hope it works but it might not be there oh just walk over to see quilly all right off we go oh i pushed the wrong wall um all right um no cam on c here's the plan we cover we're over here they're being weird where do we commit they're up to some weird stuff funny business right here check right there oh it's short what's up oh they're behind us now i think we have to run we have to go oh rush okay all right we can also drop off oh oh no well it might be over he was too fast yeah he was fast um all right uh juwan thanks for the sub man gnar and rc mon i didn't even realize she got an ace good job okay here we go guys so this is a really strange angle last time they could shoot me when i couldn't even see them i don't see anybody there looking should i be aggressive nice why not guys it wouldn't be me if it wasn't aggressive all right here i'm in window i think all right this is my clean angle yeah here's some mid yeah one uh outside garage no way they check here i have a smoke though they're just spraying right here right outside i'm now sitting in a cheeky spot on c okay okay for the dude waiting for the dude you know let's oh jesus oh jesus okay well look we got one all right that's that's better than not getting any so i call that a win um radio thanks for the four let's see play oh soup uh look guys i'd love to play osu but i'd rather play valorant if i want to get better at valerie um i know that sounds very simple but i just i think i'd rather play valerant to improve at ballerina um not saying it won't help i'm just saying i'd rather just play valeran we did it guys we did it we won one mvp we got to keep going again right rio thanks myself i'm going to get ranked can we do a potty break real quick um okay short break should i use my lg should i faces okay that's fine for me too okay okay i'm all okay i'm just going to keep queueing short bathroom break they said chosen thanks for the sub chosen all right guys looks like everyone's going on a short bathroom break so i will be right back um so proud i mean i'll be honest i kind of sort of got carried but that's okay all right guys i'm gonna play a short ad we're gonna go bathroom and i'll be right back um all right see you guys when i'm back all right i'm back um shark and pansy thanks for the subs all right oh man silver thanks for the sub also where's the ad did it not work maybe it's broken i have no idea but you didn't miss anything we've just been sitting in queue looks like it's the last game for jody and ludwig i do want to play some more though if i can alright guys i think we should change our title to hmm foxy no no not foxy spicy let's go spicy will you be tweeting more relatable tweets um i don't know but i will say i guess saying i'm hungry was quite relatable it worked shockingly it worked um here we go all right um twitter expert i'm definitely not a twitter or instagram expert guys honestly i barely use instagram i don't know how long it's been since i've posted anything or used it for anything but that's okay we're on icebox all right guys here we go we're playing yoru again randy and brown thanks for the subs um i went to get food because of your tweet what else is relatable guys i don't know try an instagram story i know people use that but i actually don't know how to use instagram stories i'm not gonna lie numb all right well let's hope it works i'm tired well that might give people the wrong impression they'll think i'm i'm feeling weak or something i have been pretty tired lately but um i think i'm getting uh i'm getting a lot more sleep lately like when i first moved i was stressed out by random stuff random stuff i tell you um but i'm okay now so hopefully it's better i got like so much sleep yesterday guys got too much sleep too much sleep perhaps actually can you really have too much sleep tweet that you're thirsty i guess that would be the next thing after i'm hungry next thing would be thirsty ice box um so relatable true oh god what don't do it why not i i isn't go from i'm hungry too all right here we go oh don't do this don't tweet it oh it looks like that okay i guess i mean i already tweeted i was hungry you know what um i'm gonna make this map my favorite map oh how do you plan to do that because i would also like to winning and i think if we just waited we'll like it yeah let's do it guys let's just win why don't we just win you guys all right let's just wait i can't believe i hadn't thought of that i just need to see it all right um here we go jack do you see anyone just i'm coming all right bird called i'm coming too in fact i threw out my orb already they just slow i have no clue okay i got one i got one one's down i got one too i got one two flashing they're dampened they're dampened oh jesus there's so many i got there's two more mid two more mid i got two good to say here jack all right we got two guys two for one uh that's a good trade um character maybe we should pull back okay just wings let's see let's win this let's do this here where's it we already are winning it's four against two one enemy remaining she clutches she clutches she clutches four against one there's no way no no there's no way to lose it's impossible literally impossible jody just go eat them he i'm one half dead but yes ma'am you got it joey also he's he's lit 50. all right yeah he's hurt hurting afraid jody you got so what are you guys thinking before you get to it oh captain all right swap one to mid and i'll play a with we'll save just in case we lose but i'm gonna buy a sting guard i'm not worth it what do you guys think what is that wait where do i go what do you mean you're not forcing um uh mid discover mid just here watching this and then one of the person ludwig if you're not forcing why do you have a stinger are we saving or are we using up next you could already have a share if you needed um oh i'm coming a2 all right um you watching mid-right all right i'll go mid the other way the other way wall them off right side nice wall nice wall all right time for the flanking technique honestly i might just run it because we forced my wall's gonna drop in three seconds there one's on site one's on site they're knifing my wall where am i two on the right i'm scared right right behind that wall oh build a nest oh jesus oh what there's two walls who puts two walls oh jesus there's there's two outside um oh jesus what's guys i flashed the wall and then there was another wall who does that who does that oh you guys held them off pretty cool this stinger has gotten me through two rounds there's no way it lets me down now a solid point all right i got a genious strategy here we go rhett thanks for the sub all right stinky down mid my stinky didn't go far enough shutting through there we go the arrow day again there we go okay this i think we've had to play a little slow because we're bonus round peaking slow peaking my wall oh they're on site already my wall didn't make it across all right not the best long range gun i'll be honest and they cover flank so we just need us slytherin thanks for the sub but we saved for a reason all right hmm good flick i mean it was a try um the stinger failed it was like a mileage um i did just get my snipers so i don't really want to fm all right here we go i got a secret strategy for comedic purposes then we go around here uh all right guys genius strategy all right i'm going to go through this tube and set off my footprints in the middle and that way they think i'm going to make it i'm actually going to who's next okay i've got a genius strategy the best strategy i've ever come up with in my entire life i'm gonna hide it they're here already nobody would expect me to hide it their spawn i got shot through the wall never mind nobody's here okay okay just got it gotta slowly sneak on through sneaking through tina's down snowman thanks ct area nobody here what you're standing all right he's just waiting for me to work my office he knew he knew how he knew i'm not fully certain i'll be honest i'm not fully certain how he knew but he knew we're going to beat him anyway honeydew and sadie thanks for the support all right um a little poor now look guys i'll be honest my footsteps are you guys all in streamer mode is that why they keep asking me uh ignore that all right we should do this ignore that too i did that on purpose uh yeah yep they're here they're here all right so they know i'm flanking but do they know i'm flanking from here okay that made really no difference but all right i'm just gonna wide swing it wide swing it peek it peek it i dare you to peek it um jesus this isn't working oh jesus stop shooting all right look the stinger is not good at that range i'm not i'm not gonna lie to you the stinger not the best gun for that range right but you know we get we gave it a shot we get he just outgunned us um thanks for the sub all right jody's got it maybe oh ah good try all right good save there we go i think it's there will always be the silva watching playing so just be keen to it so yeah he seems to be doing that um they do be doing it what's a good gun for if you're let's go to the sheriff this round let's like send my save we'll pick up someone else's gun let's still work great fight all right i got a strategy genius strategy um emily thanks for the sub emily as you see someone i'm gonna rotate i don't i don't think they fake sides okay all right phoenix has an opponent he's got a head shot all i gotta do is head shot up wide swing it wide swing it nobody there nobody there okay okay someone's on top of box you know what i've got an even better idea what does that mean so i'm going to use this they wouldn't expect me to go all the way up here and hide in the back i'm going to crouch in the corner no way they know i'm here there's literally no way they know i'm here right be careful judy yeah that's an op um okay well they don't know i'm here but it looks like ludwig just pushed through already they're um all right here we go one nice grenade all right just got a head shot head shot um we got him done right i mean i didn't really do much but thanks that was so stressful okay you held them all off got all that fake out it's a good wall actually fancy yeah thanks they thought they were safe and then it went down them um cn thanks for the sub and lucia thanks for the five gifts of lucia um all right here's my plan guys we're gonna oh wait i know exactly how to play this i saw this in a youtube tutorial we got to go through oh i missed the angle already but all right walk over here lucia thanks for the five gifts up lucia all right over here is pushing the top left um hmm do we have any stage clothes all right thanks oh nice big shot right there right there um i didn't do a thing together i kind of just wasted my flashes and got nothing done but uh let's see anti thanks for the sub how much does a phantom head for 140 if it's uh far but 150 if it's close all right all right okay i've got 45 armor left that's debating buying you should probably buy yeah you think yeah you know we're doing pretty well this game is fourth and i think that unfortunately i haven't done anything and i've been surviving which uh you know which is kind of i mean it's not very exciting right so here's what we do does it help help help bad bounce but this one's gonna work damn it hit 40 for phoenix i'm shocked definitely right on the right side nobody there nobody a shot okay all right that dude's probably on the left side so footsteps oh right around the yellow box what oh jesus he was there that time this enemy remaining stage unknown that's one stage i just sprayed i sprayed a really good job we just yeah ray you should sell for sure 100 i'm going to be kept next round oh okay there you go thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you oh max thanks for the sub max staying alive i rarely ever stay alive it looks like they never cover mid though oops oops um hey it just feels like they never cover them i might be faking it all right here we go i still was here ow that was on purpose i promise you that was for some reason on purpose can't explain the reasoning quite yet but i'm incoming coming as fast as i can okay there's no way dude's watching flank right bottom closed okay okay we're alive they're planting no nice still here let me up let me up um all right one nest um okay i shot him in the foot that's what oh jesus oh jesus what oh god okay that went wrong that went terribly wrong like here um maddie thanks for the sub where was that i knew where he was but he just clipped my head i suppose um all right good luck ludwig out of charges just save um no shot oh what oh oh man that looks so cool though ludwig that was so cool that was so cool what the heck was that no scope that that was crazy he just um all right i just saw him walk by the container and i followed where i thought he'd go yeah but it was it was cool yeah that was that was really cool they have op now thanks for the sub are we are we getting or somebody else oh we are so rich yeah oh yeah i'll go um i'll go be maybe practice with the vandal a little more let's have um they haven't really got presents yeah yeah they pretty much just let me through every time wherever they dart they go yeah yeah here they're just killing them oh man that was clean guys that was clean the place the yoru plays guys all those clean he had no clue this dude just had no clue um well it just worked quick thanks for the sure there's no way they're demoralized after that i hope so man we got some clean places all right you know one of my crazy plays worked out for once who knows kuno oh um i swear i promise you that was on purpose i just don't know why it was on purpose oh one is backside b oh they were all a b i thought they were all a b wall's gonna drop he got me with a stinger he's here tiffany thanks for the sub and dude i thought they'd be all at b i didn't think who watches the flank from the other side that that's tricky that's tricky um cassia thanks for the sub did they rotate well maybe they rotated they never did i think they actually rotated okay uh i hear another one okay so what was darting uh a a okay clapping planted you know i really hope i get to play with charlie again he's actually pretty cool to play with well of course he is that's why we like playing with him um i hope i get to play with him again soon though charlie's pretty cool all right good luck everybody custom you know i do miss playing those valor ant custom how do none of those shots oh that's also a rough one um okay they're learning they're learning they're adapting hi how's it going they're adapting last round in the half a bit good thing we have so much money anyone need a purchase yeah true um i think we're good i think everyone bought uh gold thanks for the sub uh i'll take this bye thanks oh ray leighton b with your old bye sheriff just cuz we can um let's see drink your milk oh god okay oh uh kicks thanks for the five gift subs kicks all right let's sit back and play a little safe for this round they've never pushed me to sing with a dirt they just never put what's up like they just never push mid guys yeah they're here i swear they never pushed me i don't know why all right here we go oh there's a guy right there oh my god damn i'm lame all right all right he has no clue i'm behind him no clue i hate his old he's uh he's oh jesus i did not expect him up there i just i wasn't ready i wasn't ready um maybe my team's got it so 1v1 uh he was coming from their side on top of the theme oh yeah he's right up oh nice try oh he tried i'm surprised she stayed in there i'm kicked thanks for the stuff really cheeky spot well that was tough she got two clean kills though um two clean kills unfortunately we still it's a loss but that's okay we're an offense team i think good thing we're an offense sided team warmed up after all this time maybe uh ff all right guys i actually have a confession to make before we started this game remember the bathroom break we took no no no i put some socks i don't know if that made a difference all right i i don't know if that made a difference but i'm just saying i'm playing a lot better and all i did was put some socks on after i went to the bathroom so um massive coincidence maybe maybe or maybe socks are just the way to do it who knows who really knows guys do that reloading okay what how did i get that i shouldn't have gotten that nice wall back backside flanking flanking careful heaven 56 heaven and flanking heaven and flanking oh come on really 85 on your route oh they're all behind us they're all really low one top no phoenix yeah one's right above me oh my god okay i heard the right click we just we just jumped i just shot him i've i it looked cool i did it looked cool um okay i don't think we forced here guys it's the socks i don't know what to tell you it's the socks putting socks on did it it just did it mimic you thanks for the selling she's gonna wall can't we i think that's the secret they're all unbelievable what round are we on yeah let's marshal this i like that idea i never do this but we're gonna give it a go i don't have a blind though so i don't know if it'll like work really well here we go guys um the jump right click yeah i've heard that got nerfed honestly but they definitely heard that right uh yeah we're a little loud oh i clipped him in the back i heard them i hear them rotating uh uh okay they're rotating a lot they're all rotating i heard them all right yeah okay flakes place like they're coming flank right now what all right oh let's take the fights take the fights oh man that's tough well we started traded before i'm gonna die swing here hmm guess he must have bought armor oh man that's so berries does beat us yeah i guess they they just bought good thing none of us bought i didn't i buy something i bought it oh sorry i couldn't try rotating oh man um okay what do we buy here all right but now we have real life uh let's do the same thing a and i will just take care of the uh the flank okay um i just think we can't make noise they'll they'll rotate they just they just instant rotate yeah or we make noise on purpose they instant rotate and we rotate back okay that's fine too we could if you want to do that you should use your footsteps if you have them oh um that's fine no no i'll i'll use them i'll use them all right decoy all right okay so now that we did that we go this way right we got one we got to pick everyone going right side europe i'm going in i'm going in my thing was not where i thought it was i thought it was at the back of the site but there's a little apparently there's a little ledge there that uh gets it stuck um gets it stuck there unfortunately all right you killed him that was bold well i always go for crazy plays it's just how i do it um okay what good luck ludwig how did that not kill him what um get out of here all right one second oh okay oh that's a tough one oh my gosh with all my life good effort though thanks for the fun hiding in the toilet to watch your stream i go mid control i'm a little concerned but we can also wait out this we don't arrow and then let's just push all right so everyone just stands right here try our best no noise he'll do his arrow he'll start walking towards us we bust out and we beat him i'm trying to take his gun take his money take his [ __ ] take a sip um i'm trying to practice all we have to do is make practice right here oh god no this is tough um okay ooh let me intentionally get caught by the arrow no sir and then i'll run over here to distract them and then i'll use this ability he's crazy help oh well i didn't think they'd push through mid like that was not expecting that one but we traded and he had uh he had a vandal and all i had was a sheriff you're trying not to let me get this i call it a good trade you know you trade a guy with a sheriff or a guy with a oh my god um well for an eco round you know for an eco round it's not that bad wait does he know he got stuck he knew oh that's tough and he has an op good luck jody yep um and i'm jumping yeah my time good save round guys good good save round um all right now we have oh some of us have real guns let's just buy another share why not all right here we go yoshi thanks for the sub yoshi all right all right i got no plan what's the plan we make them think we're going a and then we kill the flanks and then we rotate all right oh yeah yeah we tried that but it lasts yeah but yeah instead we didn't it sounds like a huge push huge push we break the wall all right we're going um okay there's a couple here so now we care for flanks let's go angle to the left this time nice okay i'm rotating b maybe we can get a good oh i'm i'm unmuted whoops no op spoiler you okay oh geez they're not rotating oh man that looks so clean though that looks so clean didn't it that looks super cool unfortunately we died but man that looked cool until we died um teak thanks for the sub and jen not so i mean i thought it was pretty cool until we got off but it was a solid try um all right oh through the smoke why why do they do that um zyra thanks for the five um i'm in class well i love you uh thanks ponce zyra for the for the five and for watching the stream play on higher frames for some reason it's stuck at uh 144. not sure why i thought i thought it was a very good plan but no one wanted to listen to it i thought it would have been nice we maybe we just follow saikuno oh all right sakuno okay is our leader all right sekuno where are you going all right let's see a and then we'll go see you son of a [ __ ] do you know what do you mean what what that is exactly our game plan from the last time that's to say i have the same plan it didn't if it worked last time why change it up um okay here we go all right i call this to get a free pick free pick okay definitely hear that mm-hmm all right decoys decoys coming out um okay and now i'm leaving all right oh come on peek me peek me i dare you oh i wasn't ready i wasn't ready he's gonna he's gonna walk into it i'm leaving oh jesus they probably heard us all right all right this time he's going to peek me and this time i'm going to kill him all right let's come here peek me i'm stuck on you what's up man go in go in all right go b everyone go b um genious extremely how dead am i right now behind his finest 25 kitchen where am i where am i he knew how loud is that i am shocked that he knew i i thought i was going to catch him off guard um well we tried we tried guys can't believe it he was ready that's tough i thought i had a cool play there um kua and piano thanks for the subs all right well it was a clean try all right what does everybody want to do this time huh how about down mid um all right off we go yeah i don't know either we'll figure it out i can put the ball and see what happens thanks for the sub chip cutting through all right um oh jesus what he's already saved my life um i'm dead i'm so dead i'm so dead uh okay with an aries so i'm just gonna stand right here oh turn this off the plant um i see no danger he's up here he didn't have a shot shot like he just shoulder peeked out the window i i didn't have a clear shot you know i just it was hard to pay you the sun was in my eyes you know let me uh let me buy you i'm kind of poor thank you breezy thanks for the sub i have to save here okay guys realistically i would have gone for the knife but we got the kill and we won the round so all in all it worked out besides we got two knives earlier that was crazy wasn't it um all right gotta go all right excuse me sir could you keep okay okay flank carefully nice pick huge pickup huge pick um this should really work kind of run away i actually think you have to go i got one spike i got two of them we can go away i think you have spikes i'm sorry i took out two of them though isn't that you did great screens nice hey look guys that was a clean play wasn't it that was a clean play we got him um i'm a person thanks for the tier three barely having yes thanks a bunch person for the tier three and sophia thanks for the bits guys that was a clean play all right that was a clean play i thought it was great maybe i shouldn't have spike all right actually but it worked out we won the round what do we got what are we on b nothing to complain about right um yeah they shouldn't have enough unless this phoenix buys one which is very possible yeah but uh yeah yeah it's really it's a really good wall all right i'm gonna shoot the orb over oh we can split underneath um like half go under to b and half go i think they know but i think they know two yeah it should we go just because they know doesn't mean we can't stop them charge let's go charge go in my wall's dropping my balls dropping oh i missed i missed i missed horribly oh okay i shouldn't have sprayed i should have tapped i should have tapped in a weird place i'll never expect it our team's got it though our team's got it over the bomb baby got destroyed yeah it happens yeah yeah yeah it happens but if we didn't tp he had the angle on us so we would have got so who's atrial that is ludwig's smurf account i believe ludwig's a smurf account we have so many faults that it is so hard for us to lose this yes and they also have less money let's just bust down one site our midplay kind of works yeah usually only one guy's watching mid so if we all just peek out and mow him down right yeah we need to put up the wall let's put up the viper wall all right there's usually one guy peeking from there maybe we can all just walk out and headshot him you know okay i'm gonna put the wall up and then i'm on three i'm gonna drop in we just shoot him oh jesus oh my god jesus get a rest oh he died um we're going to be what he didn't get flashed my i don't even think i heard the flash go off um what happened i i don't think the flash even went off there well that's unfortunate um you can look away i i didn't even hear it go off guys i don't think it happened um that sounds strange i get a sworn i threw it correctly yeah sorry oh man that's a tough one oh well i was trying to found you there that was crazy and that was tough maybe it didn't bounce all right everybody gee good gg good good games guys good games oh man we kind of like lost almost every single game are you all done yeah i want to keep going yeah okay so i couldn't i think we could find pete thanks for playing you guys yeah thanks for playing guys that was down thanks for having us i'm silver one oh yeah nice ray you're silver one too no congrats yeah oh let's go silver one gosh that's pretty good for going one and four yeah what wow i think i kind of want to play a few more everybody thanks for playing guys bye all right oh everyone's everyone's uh do you do you really want to keep going because i could definitely find people um i mean if you're gonna keep playing i'll keep playing okay let me let me message some people how do we find some people guys charlie's on does charlie have a group um do you have some people that you would like to message let me see um abe yeah abe is a good one yeah he wanted to play yes is charlie even on oh he's charlie's got three people with him um yeah guys charlie has three other people with him so i don't think um let's see who else plays this game well we could ask ryan i i know he already i i mean i know ryan already played today but maybe just maybe we can bait him in right we'll bait him into playing some more um who else plays this game hmm oh ryan responded instantly he said i got ryan i got ryan he's coming ryan's awake oh he's he's addicted to valor and he'll he'll play at any hour of the day wait really yup oh my gosh a plot tweets okay all right we got ryan go let's go all right hopefully ryan's around our rank um let's see who else can i think of that plays this game guys my memory is terrible did you get anyone i messaged a few i'm afraid to message too many people okay oh my gosh ryan's in my chat yeah he's coming hurry up ryan hurry up hurry up okay um yep he's gold he's gold wait if he's gold then i'm silver too um wait guys ryan might be too high-ranked cause i'm i'm bronze too um you changed like you know you changed oh oh sorry i was i was busy i was busy trying to get people i was trying i was distracted i was trying to get people in the game back home right i was distracted i was just trying to get people for the game trying to draft all right um feby thanks for the sub all right well we got ryan coming yes two that's two there's two you said to rush ryan you're here ryan you're here you're here i wanna play on with psycho um oh ryan i got a new hero on bloons i got ben jammin benjamin he makes me cash he's good yup he makes me cash money yup i joined public i joined public games and then i only put down a free dart monkey and then i build benjamin and like three banks and hope they carry me for the first like 10 minutes yep and do they usually no oh no i think oh you're silver three here oh no you got a smurf um no i'll just see myself out this way no right wait you don't have a smurf i'm too low right guys i'm too low rank earthquake and hoda why would i need a smurf i'm silver um to play with this well to play with me yeah i'm going to play with low rankings okay i was silver two earlier today we just went on a little run at the end oh oh man guys i'm too low rank i i still think i still think it's weird that silver and bronze can't do well who came up with that why can't silver and bronze duo that's crazy um all right kuno thanks for the stuff oh my gosh ryan all you have to do is find a couch well guys it sucks but they they made it harder to do it it's pretty strange you have to be exactly within one rank so ryan is silver three and i'm bronze two which means we can't play which i think it's kind of weird i feel like it's not that big you have one right so um i think at higher ranks like let's say like radiant versus like diamond five or something um is probably different but i feel like silver three and silver two like you should just let people play with the friends um so i'm not sure why valerant does that i i don't like it but what can you do guys what can you do see bars i'm sarah thank you brian you don't i'm sure you remember your password to your other account yeah ryan sure i'm trying to find my other i feel you yeah it sucks like i really wish i could just play with my friends yeah yeah or like obviously you could also say like oh just get better at the game or something but i really feel like they should just silver and bronze at a minimum should be able to do it together i don't know that's um that's just what i think at least i i feel like that's close enough we're about to get carried so hard guys i i really think silver and bronze is not that different let us play together actually cocaine okay wait what no i'm just kidding you want cocaine no i don't like cocaine no i said i said celine and janet are cracked oh like actual cocaine never mind this is a tough one um why is he acting like you got someone what no is ray good yeah she's better than me honestly guys i'm by a mile the worst player in my friend group it sucks but you know that's just how it is guys i i wish i was better but i'm just not i'm just not we can't even play with ryan because i'm i'm too low rank you know it's tough it's tough out there being bad at games but you know at least at least we're here all right oh my gosh it's happening who's dia no clue who that is but we in this we should uh clear up our friends please i thought you go to bed early there he is no who's crawlow because well no clue who that is um aj thanks for the sub let's add dia for you is that uh celine no i don't sleep all right oh and danny thanks for the sub also so early in the morning though yeah i start early and then early and i do other things anytime oh hey hey there are you canadian way there oh hey there's celine wendy told me that's canadian not canadian is that a canadian thing to say wendy told me it was and she's canadian so she would know peter's coming i think unless she was baiting me right i don't have another audi it needs 10 wins still yeah i can't play um 10 wins is a lot of work i can't believe they have you do that right we've been playing for four hours and we have one win yeah but we've been playing really well take 40 hours oh my god ray i saw your age we've been playing yeah everyone peter hi peter peter how's the new place great peter do you you got that you got that smurf right peter i heard you know i wanna tell you i'm proud of you buddy thanks you know why uh why i saw you make a [ __ ] sick play on yoru it was the one where you oh yeah yeah that one was the one and you killed that and then i tell you and then afterwards and i said hello you played it well you didn't even say i got lucky you said oh [ __ ] i'm sorry guys i'm just solo rank i i've been calling my people it keeps your old rank a little bit yeah yeah i'm sorry guys i'm just i'm just too low rank i keep peter do you have you have another account right this is awesome man guys i'm just i'm just too i'm just too low ranked just tough guys it's tough i guess i shouldn't miss another account um nigel thanks for the stuff man is getting out of bronze in like two days starting to worry about it all right um i'm so excited you guys valerie thanks for the dude i see you popping off i love it um i i had a some okay jazz thanks for the stuff jazz dude i heard you're insane all right your collection i had two aces apparently you know when the whole team is coming after you with a knife all right uh jazz thanks for the sub jazz i just had to kill them to prove them wrong you guys are all right ranking on your smurfs right uh sir yes sir i'm on my main i'm i'm bronze too yes listen like kuno and i don't have smurfs yet but we will wait okay i don't think i'm ever all right i guess i'll just play it what am i gonna swear from iron on bronze high five bronze two well i i just thought of it right now thanks i actually laugh at his jokes well normally i'm like wait you what that's like like normally like it's like kudo but that's how i was like i've pinged him like 30 times but he hasn't messaged me back all right this is happening in the house no i mean honestly i would if i guess i could out of bronze though you know yeah i've played five days of unreal all of us are unranked and we can't yeah it's it's hard to carry me you know it's just it's tough dude there's no way you guys ever play raft before yes you know when you get that first anchor that's made of stones in a bucket yes i'm not that anchor i'm the second anchor that's permanent and much heavier that's that's me right now no no way better is someone that holds down the sight by themselves that's a great thinker so when you're at it doesn't stop so you're so if you say you're an anchor that means you're you're a pivotal part of the team uh-huh yeah yeah i mean occasionally i have one good play and then but overall you know i'm just i mean no no it's like you know i actually watched you a lot today you haven't many players oh yeah maybe like one i mean i don't know you've had lots of good i think i think later but no one was around me to hear it and all i i said i said to myself alone in my room oh you know what leslie's around my rank isn't she yes oh yeah uh oh realize that wait tell leslie i'll play balloons with her later i just got a new hero benjamin now so so she's uh she's gonna ask meong first if she wants to play balloons and if she doesn't want to play balloons she's gonna she's down to play ballot with you guys oh oh my god that's so cool you guys play balloons together yeah i actually played balloons by myself for five hours last night because i'm addicted to that game oh me too dude i like benjamin i love that game oh i'm here so what's the problem if you guys needed someone low rank the problem was that we missed playing with you and we wanted to sometimes you just fit the puzzle perfectly it doesn't matter where you are they don't need someone low right they already have me they just wanted like someone that was a perfect silver shape someone just say true someone just said true after that i mean it is true though it is you're true to hit platinum leslie platinum leslie platinum leslie no good sounds great oh my god we've got team player c bar spicy cycuno and genius foosley how do i put a tag on oh i actually don't know is it in profile it's in career or collection and you click your thing and on the bottom left equipped titles i'm going to change my title are you uh yumi thanks for the sub yumi we have moral support from ryan and peter we're gonna win you guys dude you guys are gonna [ __ ] pop the hell there's no way we like this no way we move in here there's no way you lose pog we're gonna sweat this one out all right i'm ready leslie said she's coming she's she's coming i mean she's already here but she responded to my message saying she was coming all right are you too good for us you don't like making sounds with us yeah all right call him out call him bogu that was so cute i was trying to join in i thought i let you i yeah you did great you did great you did great you got you got ryan all flustered and blushes eric thanks for the stuff okay not sure how to respond to that one i'm ready to play what's a fresh oh that looks fancy what is mario's favorite kind of jeans i'm not saying this joke but i've heard corduroys oh that's a good one dude i'm going to be the meanest mom my kid's going to crack a joke i'm like your jokes are [ __ ] my friends are twitch streamers make me laugh look guys there's no way there's no way we lose this one we're going to clean this i just played this map wise oh man okay okay here we go wait leslie you play kill joy killer is great on this guy's mind if i feel as yoru yeah i can play games no you do whatever you want you do what you want psycho yeah all right put your foot here we go yeah you say i'm going to be your ow and no one can take that away from me well yeah i definitely can't know i locked it yeah yeah yes i couldn't call us [ __ ] what the cause of [ __ ] why yeah yeah call me a [ __ ] i need a new alert for my channel and i feel like that would be very popular uh wait peter you don't have a cyclo alert yet oh yeah not yet but yeah oh my gosh it's it's the greatest thing in the world no no it's not it's not what i say cute no it just feels weird it feels weird now hello you're so cute sorry uh well i did it feels it just feels weird now i did yeah it'll come naturally eventually yeah yeah yeah it comes naturally kuno has a tendency to say it after me but with a question mark so and then he'll go and then he'll go oh it's like you're having a conversation like ray's like lulu thanks for the stuff but he says it very miserably like miserably of course i'm not miserable because i get to play with all of you guys oh here we go all right focus focus time for the trick i can't okay i have a plan i'm going to wall this off i'm going to run to be from underneath okay okay genius strategy i love it we're not running yet what are we ready what where am i being i'm so dead i'm one kitchen oh jesus i'm dead i'm extremely dead on a scale from one to dead i'm dead oh jesus jesus do something oh god i'm crying i'm crying oh so good how am i going to play i'm laughing too hard spice thanks for this i forgot it's fine it's a save um yeah guys i'm like yeah okay oh god i'm dying i'm so dead oh we got one kill oh god oh yeah yeah let's go pop off we have guns now you guys oh this is yeah we're going to win what i can't i just i did it i did it i got the ring where am i hey go be good i got him um let's give you that marshall we got this we got this oh what 78 i hit him for 78. he's 78. he's late yeah that was a good speech okay another um um here here come take this one wait bye oh geez oh here you want we could just rush mid again i don't know why not yeah oh geez it's a dog wait they they had four on b we should go a no that's yeah okay i'm going to send this in and then they'll think that i'm going b oh jesus yep yeah okay 140 on them 14. that's not bad king thanks for the stuff help i don't have bump um oh god oh god um what noise well it's still two against one there's no way you could go leslie go leslie you've got this game leslie if you hear her tap the bomb you can yeah yes all right leslie's got this um evan thanks for the stuff you can trigger the mines oh nice leslie run leslie leslie oh no oh my god it was a good try good try that was great guys can i have a gun please of course oh i'm a little broken how many accounts do you have um this is my fourth smurf oh my god um guys i'm pretty sure my mates could have played with you guys like cylinders here we go all right time for a large champion i mean a good place watching oh my god that sounds what was that oh he's right behind here he's right here um oh nice nice oh one's nearby careful oh she peaked me one heaven one ct oh wait did i get strong 34 on killjoy 134. okay i can't believe that dude yeah and that's crazy all right come on team you got it leslie i've never seen you lose to this dude this dude's horribly wounded he's horribly wounded leslie you've got him for sure yeah yeah i don't actually know if he's wounded but i'm trying to give her hope he's here oh i have to diffuse don't die no no no no no no no no no no we're on offense we're on offense oh right oh no oh no yeah i don't know it's okay i do the same thing i do the same thing all the time um all right walk over here right like this um what are we yeah uh oh stinky um okay you want to peek this janet i've got rest oh yeah balls coming we're gonna do like it lunged at me i swear that was somewhere oh my god i did it that was insane look at that we did it guys this dude always he always camps up there with the shotgun second time second time but that was a cool move guys i'm just saying that was a cool move up until i got shot by the shotgun dude who seems to keep getting me but that's besides the point how did i lose that one enemy remaining i don't know i didn't even see anything i i didn't even see why great great rounds everybody great round guns beautiful guns chef's kissing yeah i didn't even see anything did you guys see anything not me not me i can buy for somebody same request request that's requested request yeah i need a drop i'll take a phantom this is a good game we're doing pretty well oh maybe i can alt onto we're not doing that we control it we hold it and we win everyone go be rush hard rush b i'm nobody's there of course this dude's camping with a shotgun i guarantee you he's gonna keep him oh leslie be careful there's usually a maniac with a shotgun is he there no there's a thing oh my god i knew it the maniac with a shotgun he was there he's always there i'm telling you i'm telling you the maniac with the shotgun's always there i um serena thanks for the sub called it i did call it um i did technically call it this dude he's always there and he's always got a shotgun um oh jesus all right celine's got this she's cracked she's cracked come on oh bird come on that's a rough one guys that's a tough one um okay well guys who can play that game this dude's a maniac with a shotgun i'm the maniac with the shot a lot of weird things he thinks he's the maniac with the shotgun and this time i'm the maniac okay yeah we should say i got to say it i'm going to send my safe too all right here we go um aura thanks for this yeah all right the reverse uno card we're the maniac with the shotgun this time moon thanks for the sub moon here we go 360 spin into this ability into that shoot randomly nobody's even there i'm charging smoke that's not a smoke that's a another thing only three of them oh god what just happened i thought he was flat i know it is was he flashed guys i threw the flash out what was that how am i supposed to know i got it i didn't say i was just going to charge in i didn't think it through um all right she's above she's above she's about all right it's one against two though so it's pretty much oh yeah you guys just have to cross we have celine and janet our two are two ringers how is he still alive you hit him so many times okay oh my god celine you destroyed them you destroyed them dude oh that was that was scary oh my god what a tasty guy dude yeah she just tanked it up for her all right here we go all right guys i was told the closer you are to the screen the better you play so i'm going to move as close as i can to the screen um and then i'll aim better let's see how it works that's what i was talking about for anything all right all right here we go man i feel a little too close but the dog oh jesus here we go oh she's in tunnel oh no she wasn't she just shot me like through the door there excuse me sir i know you're in there he's gonna peek out leslie the maniacs here we gotta be careful oh there he is i saw he peeked out with a shotgun he's crazy is he mid oh god where is he no all right time for my new technique oh no i'm reloading where are they what the what the what how did i win that oh jesus come because hey or something okay okay okay i couldn't i couldn't find him i thought i thought i'd find someone i just i couldn't find him i could i i tried um the birds coming that was close it was kind of i should have slowed down instead of spraying just slowed down so the spray really got me the spray really good oh yeah yeah 30 seconds left our team's going oh no oh no okay man that was fast good plan our team's got it our team's clean team's clean um those birds are coming out one enemy remains oh my god dude you got him oh celine it's too good all right you have to have 10 wins or 10 games 10 wins what the secret award is yeah so they made it like it was like 20 games and now it's just 10 wins but like honestly winning and unrated is so that's so hard it's pretty surprisingly yeah i guess it it makes people not want to forfeit i guess yeah get out of my way here we go secondly by the way oh is this my life um all right i'm coming back i'll grab it i'll grab it and you go do your thing no no i got this oh you wanna okay you got this if i let go of the spike that means i don't believe in myself hard enough all right i'm going to do the plant plant oh someone i want the orbeez i've got i've got a big brain play coming out um all right oh yeah them all right planting planting oh jesus well they got us i'll revive thanks celine who killed me oh geez uh he's he's behind the thing enemy remaining i got you yeah she's like nice job oh we did it wow celine's caring she most definitely is so is uh uh janet she's doing great too actually everyone's doing pretty well let's go all right here we go let's go all right i got a genius strategy guys this is called the long push i'll show you why i call it the long push in a second have you guys ever looked over here by the way what's up like see out like you guys can look out like this is what they gave me and this is what i did or something and this is what i work with yeah all right oh my god oh no oh no um there she teleport um i thought i'd be oh headshot that wasn't a headshot i can't believe it legit the only thing i could even see was his head i don't know what happened camera um angela thanks for the sub angela uh leslie oh that was a tough one yes i can hold i will go up here and open all right last player oh my god one lower all right leslie ten gift subs if you pull it off the camera that's a dead body leslie you know 20 gifts yeah that was a very fast reaction sprayed that dude down he was dead before he even shot that's how fast he reacted at least i confused the cipher he said how do you treat up there um ranger thanks for the sub all right wait a minute guys i just realized something that raino wasn't using a shotgun right so he's not using a shuck and this is our chance to be the maniac with a shotgun you'll never expect it didn't work so well for me it didn't work as well for me for some reason all right all right this is our side you guys we've got yes this is a defense sided map so the fact that we're six and six teams we're winning all right celine i have a strategy i'm gonna charge out and probably die and then you kill the people who kill me okay but but but i might charge out and kill them in which case you don't have to you want to leave like your tp here you know just in case oh no i'm gonna use it to flank behind them when they least expect it okay this isn't going to work she's she's probably just going to think i'm terrible and that's why i'm bronze but that's besides the point banana thanks for the sell banana all right here we go deleted why did you kill the guy oh my god she just walled me off guys i was so distracted i i couldn't believe she abandoned me she just i i probably could have won that to be honest but i was in shock i was in shock that she just walled me off i couldn't i couldn't believe it i can't believe she's just done that to me i can't believe it um let's see blr thanks for the sub and kyoti there's no turning back apparently not um i can't believe it guys i should have been ready i should have been ready liz thanks for the sub and slimy so the the the killjoy fell back there oh skies by yellow box leslie leslie my yellow box and here she faked it she's got it she's doing great oh jesus she's in trouble she's in trouble i believe in you guys oh man i'm sticking it oh my god oh oh oh well that went kind of wrong kind a little bit wrong a little bit uh tion thanks for the five gift subs tia that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch tia and uh chambers thanks for the sub i'm down for whatever i'm down to force if you want to force all right but we'll get so punished if we lose this is such a bad idea this is one of the worst i've ever had but let's do other oh god there's so many there's just so many guys there's i saw c and i thought c lean and i never mind oh my god oh my god you're insane you have your ultimate you have your ultimate there's a spectrum specter oh god wait here behind you um yeah good job you killed a lot you looked super cool no we force again i'm gonna force two let's force their force their force okay uh also the radar likes to go into the tunnel or like right away so scary yeah they like all stand around mid so i'm just gonna throw a poison i'm gonna throw my secret technique into the corner that was on purpose oh nice nice shot clean clean clean flick um what oh i almost got the third one man that was a clean round guys that was a super clean round we may not have done amazing but like two headshots with a we had two dudes with actual like a phantom and stuff we just head shopping that's clean unfortunately we're still getting destroyed but that's okay um all right um you clicked heads i clicked the heads it worked you got it ray i believe in you okay my bad i need to stop like throwing come on that looked cool it was pretty cool i think getting kills with the [ __ ] oh my god getting kills with a sheriff is always very satisfying because you just know you kind of you just killed them you know you're fighting you must keep going even if you're the only one all right um leslie leslie take this gun no way it's yours leslie it's yours i believe in you really uh-huh she's getting all right i'm gonna opt guys i believe in you yep there's a reason they call her opsley obviously somebody's asleep all right all right here we go right here all right oh my god i'm just oh i didn't expect him to be on top of the box that was wasn't ready for that one um he was on top of the box last i saw but i don't know the gun looks cool it does oh what where is that from all right leslie's going to clutch this nice leslie and uh c-bars got it i every time i say c i want to say celine i don't know why whatever you do don't die janet what are you gonna have for dinner i don't know how do i get out of oh oh sh he's a top last place oh nice try let's try nice try nice 39. okay you got it leslie how much happened i believe in you leslie you're gonna clutch it she's oh oh no that one was really bad that is hard how do we win um that one so they really like to gather like midfield yeah after that if we get a fish we can pick and just like stay back stay back and then just like fall back towards the side all right it was a good try guys it was a good try you know maybe oh leslie leslie i'm broke i don't i don't have anything left leslie that's all i had that's that's all i got nothing left we'll be rich this round yeah we're gonna win this one all right watch this 360 and then that oh he's hopping from spawn he's gotten up his eyes okay i think guys all i had was a sheriff how was i supposed to win that how was i supposed to pull that one off i'm combustible thanks for the sub leslie we just play off of janet's flashes all right okay um okay that was a good 360. it was a clean 360 until i got sniped um mordecai thanks for the stuff what a spray transplant oh my gosh she's crazy oh uh you know honestly not bad not bad at all dude yeah i've ever done in his life man let's see what would i do for seikun okay okay someone switches me they never come b i'm gonna go i go i go okay okay jamie thanks for the sub they walk up a very quietly eleven's all they get kill joyce really really hope so yeah all right guys let's sweat it out with a phantom a vandal vandal all right peek with the vandal instantly kill him we just win we can have next time the phantom's actually quieter so tell me where to put the chicken oh oh oh what through the wall what are these guys crazy what oh they were waiting they might be man i thought i'd have them distracted there well that's tough went for a risky place i thought they'd be distracted thought they'd be distracted with all the gunshots the flashes coming out one's in kitchen for sure nice oh one and two one it's still two v two it's still two two they might have it all right last one offer all right janet's got it janet's got it for sure i ain't going there there's no way there's no way i tell you what okay um oh okay all right um 10 seconds left oh my god janet she's crazy malaysia all right put a chicken down for me here oh yes it was amazing i can't really afford it put it on top of this thing chicken so we can do this one right here on top of this okay we need to mix up the stop going there i can buy psycho let's go go oh i'm gonna go b i'm gonna go be cutting through they've flashed mid kara mid okay all right i got carrot under two two okay you guys have that yeah yeah yeah you go there with your off right here hmm there's pretty much nobody here as far as i can tell they're closed i think they're going away i did not expect them to go i just saw them show hey hey on the other side of the yellow box um good luck team oh yeah yeah you're crazy alright got three of them she got three of them oh okay one be long okay be long okay um and she's like yeah he's got it leslie's probably got it he's at yellow boxes oh he ran away oh he ran away two against one no way they lose i'm [ __ ] writing it then all right yeah you win these oh you can stop it oh yeah ten seconds left yes come on james it's out of my way janet can pull this one she's looking for you oh no she's trying to plant she doesn't know oh you know what leslie you can have this no no all right well i already threw it on i can't refund it oh i have to see wait wait wait find me one of these can i get it thanks leslie yes chicken coming chicken what's a chicken yes token thanks for the stuff watch this guys i may have like no arms but if i just headshot them oh you're kidding me i missed i should have slowed down for the head shots i was afraid she's bad no i feel like she should have known i was there because i just killed a teammate i probably could have waited for the headshot though spike planted tokens thanks for the sub okay oh let's blind again you got it leslie she's out of birds there's no way she can have more birds after all that um she's got one she's got one next one let's go oh um look at the speed the speed and accuracy the speed the speed oh look at that quick scope the speed where are they can i see her behind you they won't think i'm gonna stick it they wouldn't think you would well i wasn't actually gonna stick it yeah yeah good try though leslie match point um wow i really can't afford anything or um sl thanks for the sub okay get him let's just buy what we can um we can either buy a better gun or no armor but i'll take the armor because if i just get a good head shot i still win right is it easier to retake b than a mm-hmm it's easier to retake b than a probably hmm i have my ult oh honey thanks for the stuff let's see you can put stuff down so you can watch because here we go i gotta do the lucky trick jump 360. well we tried they just got us with the flash and then they had a phantom so nice nice pick that's tough i think there's more nice try i think we tried it was just we just didn't have a good chance to really set that one up they just blinded us and um yeah i think the rest are b yeah oh i'm revived here's a gun i think that's me tough oh one's close oh my god oh they're detained oh it's two against two oh oh this is tough i think it's too late to defuse um that is true but i think we've lost almost every game except for one you know 13 is all they get 13 is all they get man no but i have had rough games today it's okay guys it's okay you know this is gonna sound i feel like i haven't been playing that bad like yeah i feel like i've been playing well me too i feel like we're doing pretty well but we just we just keep losing somehow i can't believe it happens i don't think i'm playing well adam thanks for stopping what you've got leslie you're doing great so i did really well you got a bunch of wait leslie are you you're right no no don't let me play with your it's been disastrous you know what leslie why don't you play yoru this game we should mix it up i'll play something different that i've never played before no ice box leslie you play yoru this game no you play guru all right i'm gonna lock in i'm gonna lock in a champion at complete random and if it's yoru then i'll play yoru what if we all go random but if it's not yoru then you play you got you guys realize this is ranked right there's no one careful right right right what's gonna happen you know we're gonna lose that's crazy talk with a new champ maybe probably yeah well leslie's got the yoru icon she's a genius hard time winning on our main yeah yeah yeah ray i don't know if yuri is my main i've been playing him for three days yeah but you've been playing well on him yeah yeah have i though i've been losing a lot at least you probably check my career history yeah don't look at it one two three four five losses in a row with yoru oh yeah my mine is all red except i got one win as jet maybe i should play jet again we won the jet game that was the one time oh maybe that's it i played i stopped playing yuru and then we won i i think it's a sign no no no no no no i think it's a sign game play play the thing that you want to play yeah what do you want to play i don't feel like playing them as much anymore after getting savagely beaten down for five games in a row but no no no no no no no no no no no okay dang thanks for the sub no no no no guys i'll be honest i'm just meaning i was just gonna i was just gonna play jet i was just gonna play uh raise again because there's no raise in our party i was just gonna play raise again because she's my actual mane all right waiting for the queue time let's check the collection match oh we're in that's fast all right here we go time for raise guys all right all right you can play your no no no no leslie leslie i believe in you i have only lost on yoru oh well you're about to change that you're right uh-huh this this is your chance oh yeah wow that was quick you could what did she do oh i messed up i was seeing how i could do with the same laugh i did it like four times in a row thanks ray thanks wait sharks are fish what huh sharks are not mammals or fish has anyone seen that movie shark tale yeah a long time ago yes okay good because every time i make a reference no one ever remembers it no will smith all right jenny thanks for the sub and yelling all right what's the reference um it wouldn't be a raise game if i didn't do the trick oh wait leslie leslie follow me up this alley i'm going to dive in like a maniac you follow me and kill the guy who kills me got it got it got it i'll even put a teleport here so i can come back oh we have raised cruno this is going to be a win yep there's no way we're going to raise watch this aggressive raise tactic wait nobody's here i just got right clicked dude nobody's [ __ ] yeah nobody nobody's here well i just wasted all my money i'm letting them close the doors all right gotta focus focus extremely hard bike plans shoot them head level head level aiming geez okay guys are you guys here peek peek three let's see are we peeking right got one got two two left one let me get him with this move one enemy thank you like the door that was awkward i threw the grenade to try oh i i got exploded psyched yes i was trying to throw it under where the raino was and then i i went in there yeah awkward awkward uh our our brain cell isn't working today uh-huh we can fly all right so i threw the grenade where the reyna was but ray pushed the reina at the same exact time so terrible terrible situation okay ma'am all right oh i said i fell asleep that guy okay 100 gold um all right guys if this play works i'm i'm going to buy the vfx for the bucket i have money all right leslie ready oh right here what is here okay okay b's clear b is clear b i'm pretty sure if i was using a regular gun i would have killed him i i just i'm not buying the vfx this is this i'm just not buying it i'm just not buying them one bike i gotta pay the water bill i tried guys look i i should have just pulled out my pistol but i really wanted to kill him with the bucky our team's got this all right yeah he was lurking b-side all right maybe careful flank miratec thanks for the sub closed all right we have bombs please guys she's got it i'll watch guys i right clicked he was just even extra far all right here we go um i'm feeling the stinger this they save so they can buy guns all right so here's what they saved last round with this strategy there's just no way to really do it yeah so armor either i kill them in a split second or they kill me so we're gonna go for it and hope it works python thanks for the sub gift ready leslie let's do it i call this the second wave there we go spike's down all right stand back leslie leslie you're crazy how'd you do that they both cried you just mowed them down both died down leslie just put him down with a shotgun oh no there's no way they expect me to be they're going spawn they're going spawn we're going to spawn oh they saw me i thought they wouldn't expect me i thought they wouldn't i should have shot earlier i just did i thought they wouldn't expect me to be there i thought they wouldn't expect it guys i thought i had him thought i had him i'll be honest um all right because especially because there's two of them all right still 2v2 2v2 2v1 2v1 nice guys they did it they did it guys i was leaning so far to the left oh my gosh oh my goodness like your physical body i i lean and i duck it's a good gun yeah i do that too i get so immersed i have extra money uh actually i'm gonna go spectre one more time yeah all right well i'm going to go too here we go frost thanks for the sub same thing oh yeah all right nobody's here i'm pretty sure they're all a lots a lot say okay all right oh right here on the left cool clean thanks leslie i'll never forget this we got spike we have spike got a phantom okay um at least we got a phantom they're getting i call this the high grenade they have shopkins uh well stop it um i uh holy [ __ ] he hasn't you're going both ways yeah what oh jesus jesus i thought i choked i thought i choked we're doing it we're cleaning it up wait leslie leslie don't don't buy that gun leslie oh don't buy that gun why would you ever want that gun when you can have this gun oh no the other thing i dropped a specter there you go no more where'd my phantom go oh i'm holding it oh you're popping off with it yeah you're popping off like one kill all right guys here we go you guys ready make it five saturday yeah all right where is he where is he there we go there we go spikes down oh my god well guys i'm just i'm telling you guys i'm much better at raise i don't know exactly what it is i don't really do anything or see people oh jesus i'm dying all right now i'm just going to get this i'm telling you guys i'm just i don't know what it is you're just harder to play maybe i mean it's kind of i think you have more practice i don't know what happened it was just harder to play oh just just got a lucky round you know lucky lucky around all right here we go breaking thanks for the shot man all right follow me up they're probably gonna know my strategy by now true but they won't expect ray to be backing me up out okay they definitely expected it i got 69 on the brimstone 69 damage um oh no ray are you okay he's wounded right he's heavily wounded one one one by b lobby all right um we still got one and we still did a bunch of damage and they don't have a safety they might be rotating because i'd say it worked out okay um oh this is an interesting ultimate i don't think that worked the way i don't think that worked the way it was supposed to work i think um i'm going to flash out that's awkward logo my god you were you're right i did 111 to that jet and 140 there we go oh that was a that was a weird round now we can purchase i died to the freaking shovels yeah all right here we go guys i think we go vandals okay i feel like when i play raise i do better all right let's try and uh get a pick middle maybe is the moving near the screen working what does that mean oh you mean moving closer to the screen maybe okay i heard footsteps okay oh you're going in all right um leslie what why am i familiar all right here's my plan oh poop i thought i'd catch him off guard i thought i'd catch him off guard by being too high then thanks for the sum oh my god oh celine that was that was some fast flicking unlucky yeah i thought i'd go above because usually people are looking at head level right they're not usually looking up uh tough one yang thanks for this up all right guys let me show you another raised trick um leslie and i can buy people um oh yeah i can buy i can buy all right i call this the delayed push huh no i'm okay i'm going for uh a thing leslie can buy leslie can buy something guys here we go oh no i wanted the judge um okay this is the delayed one so we give them a couple seconds to catch up they're doing this again oh they moved dang it they were ready how did they know usually they don't expect it and i can get one or two kills with a shotgun but one minute so the trick is you're supposed to leave them leave give them like a couple seconds to uh get closer but they they predicted it so i guess i have tried that strategy a few times are they on site oh that's tough um did it too many times well that was the first time i did the delayed version usually um what's it called usually i do it instantly but this time we're going to be ready for it all right i'm stinger probably yeah actually let's try to share um okay they all right jet just flies through the smoke every time let me play on v wait i can buy someone i'm ready i've got don't know [ __ ] writing it i don't hear anyone b oh no probably oh wait there's nobody here they're definitely yeah they're already on a well guys here we go we would predict that we would go here okay let's get it over there okay um i don't want to double peak otherwise well i'm gonna split site all right i'm just going to charge him what where are they oh what there's nobody on the side i'm shocked i can't believe it guys they knew my moves um i thought for sure at least one would still be on the side well i was tough uh pete thanks for the sub and bread well now guys they just predicted my moves i 360 around the site looking for somebody but there wasn't a single person on the side they predicted my moves i can't believe it um well all right let's go for a vandal and try and get a pick time to uh slow up the pace a little bit surprise them well it doesn't work if they all you know clear the site leslie if you can hear anything let me know okay here we go i hear it here nobody ever peaks mid all right let's try and go around the back side here they're already on the site i'm trying to catch up oh i kept moving i think if i stopped i would have had him one enemy all right team right here all right okay i'm gonna close this door so you can't come through here not every loss means there's streams yeah i haven't even accused them of stream sniping a single time i don't think they're sniping at all i think they've just they've just figured out i'm an aggressive player um cat thanks for we'll try um it's like never i haven't said that a single time but so much pressure wait this is our op i could tell because it has the toaster on it and our skin um let's see anyway guys i i don't think i ever oh there we go who does that that's weird okay well i was not quite ready for that um they must be sniping guys it must be all right we still got one kill though so it's not that bad why do you play on 60 fps i don't it should be 144 spike planted i don't know why it's capped to 144 though i think it's only this game strangely enough um i don't know why my cap is oh my god i freaking have my oh oh bouncy flash you got it leslie oh i'm sorry i entered that dude holy crap i just got five man peaked i should have gotten at least one more last round putting my blind away takes so long all right vandal time i hope they don't five man peek me mid again damn we're broke um king thanks for the sub save all right here we go this is the last round it's the last yeah oh oh last round all right turn off v-sync vsync isn't on guys it's because v-sync turn it guys it's not it's not facing all right here we go huh usually they do a quick peek before the smoke comes down lots of a mm-hmm need rotation oh man that's weird how'd they know i was gonna who smokes mid and then peaks it that's crazy well i didn't expect that um let's see if she's generator this game's close it's pretty close i just didn't think they'd be peaking mid after smoking oh offer main offer main one by generator okay good try leslie um lala thanks for the stuff switching sides all right all right this is the size this is our side uh-huh uh-huh um okay here we go what's the wow cute i just i just didn't expect this follow where janet goes jenna flashes and then i flashes and then we just execute i've never been able to do this jump it's really hard it's really hard to do this jump but i'm gonna try um that's pretty good for defense though yeah yeah we're an attack sided team all right here we go i'm right off limit guys it's not the videos just go i'm going to split site look if we turn it all off it's still going to be the same fps look i'm flashing left it's all off it's the exact same fps it's not the video settings guys it's just that falls up some weird bug or something i don't really know why oh my god do we go in um heaven heaven let's see gary thanks for the bits but yeah it's not it's not the settings guys it's just bugs or something i limit it to 164 so my computer doesn't get super hot but i don't really know what um i don't really know what causes it i'll be honest i think it's just a weird bug and it is only this game that's just default sheriff okay i can't really if i buy a share if i can't afford next round it's okay i mean i personally don't care i think it works fine but a lot of people are upset in chat it's really weird because the stream is only at 60 fps anyway so it's it's really not uh makes no difference for you guys but um all right thank you they're flashing out and droning out okay there's there's three b there's three b oh shotgun would you like the bucky no no no oh god oh oh uh this is one heaven okay i hit him for 78. nice i think i'm gonna reyna was the judge a heaven maybe we just leave how's bee looking right no no no guys go b they're both a they're both a's okay unless they heard that and are rotating now but they were hmm okay i think we go over well oh ghost oh they're coming i got one i'm super low all right i'm just gonna wait until uh she's here ray we got him nice we did it oh maybe we go fancy like phantom's actually just as good as the vandal on most parts of this map except for mid oh yeah that's my satchel charges i use those to charge in oh here we go then wait you're trolling huh oh god oh i closed the gate oh jesus nice picture in it oh god don't don't just mark it once market okay we tried i um wait we won we won oh man that was a good win all right what's our plan oh yeah i mean we sort of did i do anything i don't really think i did but all right sage thanks for the sub oh my god that was like a champion here we go what was that peter peter celine can you oh wow yes oh jesus what was that well i guess we could just charge in see who we get oh he what heaven one oh wait you have bobby bomb right side one um oh god oh god guys oh god um where's the bomb we're dead we're extreme it's on the side oh my gosh i believe i though i got blocked i got blinded by like the tiny little the tiny little angle i could see the eye so much happened oh man all right i am confiscating the bomb do not give me that right um alexander thanks for the sub and titan thanks alexander thanks alex thank you alexander for the song oh god well he definitely got his value on that one um all right here we go all right i'm gonna go in and mow someone down okay oh i've used their ability all right oh jesus well we tried um i i didn't think he would charge like that but you know as a safe round all we had was a classic could have been worse um oh vandal she looked at that for me help sage thanks for the five gift sub stage we're here oh god i've i have dimensional drift oh dimensional drift perhaps in the back she's hiding in the back oh my god leslie you flanked her she had no clue she had no clue yeah you saved her it was the dimensional drift of the dimensional drift i didn't do it all right here's what we do instead of that right now and then we use our ultimate what's our plan here honey thanks for the stuff actually let's go around i will show them that's about your channel i've had worse no prisoners i've had worse ideas probably a is scary because brim smokes please don't have enough please don't have anything that's annoying all right i hear them um well they're gonna push out um i know i'm waiting for it care people mathias thanks for the sub hey okay i'm just gonna go cat decoy um oh all right i'm charging okay let me off it'll scare him back she's hiding me nice and nice oh my god oh jesus okay i put a wall up just hide just hide oh here we go okay i'm gonna plant don't get in my way okay phantom um on the right one one one right here here he's entering this way what he's in he's in on all right where was he i was so confused i kept looking around i couldn't find them i've man that was confusing sydney thanks for the sub pop up guys i i couldn't find them where were they where were they this whole time um oh i was unmuted whoops that's awkward okay guys i just i couldn't find them i couldn't find them guys with my poor gun um looks like my team's not full buying well let's try sheriff round light armor oh i was muted have we tried five mining b yet all right let's five man b uh nope they always have like ooh race stuff here we go oh okay nice picture nice i'm gonna quickly heal myself because i'm well that didn't work too well oh oh no wait there was actually a guy there that's a bucky there's only one guy left did any of them have a phantom right here yeah i had one okay i thought it'd be funny okay we tried i mean we tried we gave it a solid effort i thought it'd be funny i thought it'd be funny it was it was a little funny it was a little funny um all right come on ray i think she's still up there who wants a vandal i do like vandalism i mean i guess i could take it i can purchase for someone i have 6 000. all right thank you thank you here we go uh mickey thanks for the sub mickey no that's a nice skin um who here's the hope and this works let's go we just follow janet she knows the flashies oh oh let's go let's sweep thingies out she was in there with a bucky oh jesus i'm dead i'm dead i'm extremely dead there we go um jenny thanks for the stuff oh it's hard to beat an off with evangel it's tough good luck okay i was just watching janet's body thank you right here um i didn't expect that one she went to her spawn she left she spawned she's fun nice are we doing okay i can't really that means three against two remaining three against one um you guys getting them dubs time for us um all right here we go um that was an accident i'll be honest with you let's watch cat oh she's oh she's close left two well we tried i thought that would work um sofa and razor b hello trying to kill me huh what do we do here we go towards uh that's our op though oh that's our off um oh my god oh i got you through the smoke recon recon um did he tank that or did i miss like in a terrible place all right well time to do the thing that was so cool though i'm not cool enough 30 seconds left there's three of them there too bad in legacy thanks for the sub and us probably should have stuck to the op oh my god wow what a weird angle that's a tough one um hmm this is crazy going too well and some armor i can buy someone um thanks for the sub and bada we want to buy or can we make this work thank you all right someone else got it all right so you can fire oh no you can okay i'm really hoping we can come back from this because if we don't we'll have to go into overtime let's do it's our easiest bet okay okay okay they might have an off huh i have a wallet if we have flashes we could go probably probably gonna die aren't i oh man this is tough okay got one nice i'm planning there's a guy in markets over there oh what the freak oh my god one enemy remaining oh nice right here i hit him once it should be pretty low nice yeah nice job dude oh wait i should pick up a gun oh poppy thanks for the five gift subs poppy that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch papi oh everyone step by step there's no way they can afford oh okay actually oh yeah buy armor there you go rain thanks for the sub brain okay so they can't afford a knot should i be afraid literally pushing i'm just gonna keep using that together works i think yeah we just always have to fight why don't we push a together wait second you don't want a gun huh nope nope i'm going to pick one up i'm going to eco okay this is going to work this is going to work guys watch this doug trio thanks molly molly don't go don't go oh my god i ate the model this might be a cancel yeah all right probably send the robot in to distract them okay oh let me get my ultimate they'll probably still think we're here because i just took the all right let's get out of here good luck leslie yeah don't worry that i'll distract them here okay i'm gonna go meet up with bee leslie's got it i'm gonna i didn't clear back arches careful i don't know if anyone's in there all right i don't see anybody they're planting i'll try and get them on the transfer random bullet what the she's afk okay um uh 62 guys here we go i probably shouldn't have done that there's two there janet there's no way they come through here one more to your right oh there's three arena you guys have to you guys have top right right you guys have to run i'm gonna run in this way one's market leslie you got the flank on them oh jesus left side oh below that was the worst you know we won we won that's what matters that's what matters my god that's what we call zoning old yeah oh man this is tough um zoning alt yeah something like that let's hope we can pull it off with the other one oh my god i need seven more wins here we go seven oh you've been yeah all right um i'll send in the robot i'm surprised just in case he's around there still i guess it is a clear um not sure um is it spawn oh jesus jesus here give me this guy what is this an aries who uses this i thought that was a vandal i okay okay uh i'll i'll be on who who buys an aries in the last round oh my god guys this literally this guy has three thousand dollars he uses an aries i thought that was a van i've thrown off okay that wasn't a good hiding spot i'm so sorry oh wow wow through the smell guys rayna literally walked through did not expect that did not expect that big guy thanks get out of my way so close it was pretty i think if i had done better if i just kept the off i really thought that was a vandal and i was completely thrown off over time how many of those vandals shorter over time i'm going to say here we go next round it's overtime so okay okay everybody just gets regular guns unless you like don't buy armor then you can get the actually um why is this so long it's ready by now all peek i right you to peek i dare you to peek dare you to peek there outside be main yeah a couple okay my eyes are glazing over guys i can't i can't stay focused for this long they're getting older i can't do it i just can't i can't do it either shock dirt from narnia somebody out they might be transparent raises food that smokes they're executing they're all in they're all in okay go go go go go get there faster than they expect i can't believe that didn't get her did we even hit her oh we hit her three times i think if we didn't get blinded we had that i just i couldn't see that would have been super cool if not for the blind though i can't believe it blinds me when i'm not looking at it it was facing my back wasn't it oh b main one here oh that was uh oh that's tough um oh man you didn't get the kill i didn't i didn't get the kill if i aimed a little higher would have had it but i mean i couldn't see so all right let's hope we pull this one off uh woof thanks for the stuff that's something yeah and bidaxi thanks for the bits okay playing another i have no idea i do think playing for six hours i'm gonna play a little worse yeah um she uses everything worm thanks for the sub morning okay okay here we go okay i have a market and all right clean shot okay wall's up wall's up oh god okay that hurt uh a little bit here we didn't clear the market we didn't clear markets all our armor oh i didn't push it twice i can't believe i messed up my move oh well i i was supposed to land in the market but i messed up the move i could have sworn i pushed cue twice oh my gosh guys don't look oh my god oh my god guys that's that's a tough one oh man that's tough anna thanks for the stuff man that's probably one of the worst reasons um you know that was a lot of tough rounds tough round as the kids call it um don't worry no one was streaming so no one oh yeah no nobody saw that yeah not like everybody was dead or anything no no no no no one was watching we were all collectively closing our eyes hey guys i'm bronze one now oh wait what's one three better bronze three is better i'm bronze one now um did you demo yeah i may have slightly demoted oh no it's okay i'm honestly i probably belong in iron i no you don't legit oh man that was a tough one um okay we didn't see any guys i'm just not good at the game no i'm down to play one more game one i could do one last one one more can we really end after i just demanded on a lot on a d-mode you know we at least gotta win one one more we have to win two one system is actually flawed there's no way yeah it's gotta be something if you're a bronze one i'm actually iron one imagine playing for almost six hours and losing nearly every single game we won one game couldn't be you know what stream snipers stream snipers has to do no explanation we did have for sure one game for sure street cyber wait wait ray you're talking about that game where they randomly told us they definitely were not stream sniping yeah they specifically said they said they weren't stream sniping so i'm pretty sure they weren't yeah must mean they weren't be reasonable guys be reasonable um micro thanks for the sub micro um water where are you guys you know guys did they really yeah i am i am manifesting this dub for you guys you know what we need guys here's what we really need forward because i never get the finisher anyway so there's not really much a point everybody has is why did they wait so long you know i'm so where's the finisher that was the strangest trailer i've ever seen it was just for the trailer and then they randomly shot to the side for like maybe um maybe i'm complaining too much can you guys add my smurf account it didn't show us the finisher for like 30 seconds there or something or not 30 seconds but it felt like a while felicity thanks for the sub felicity okay um well here's the hope and it goes a little better for us this time patience well i mean i'm patient but you'd think for the finisher trailer they would just show you the finisher you like how you added that question i was expecting more judgment but yeah last game probably last game guys it is it's getting pretty late i gotta eat dinner you know vlog um all right imagine we all queue up it's like star smitten one surely this will go better this time there's no way it doesn't do that it should be like stark smitten fans star schmidt and simp what else is there star spin tier three sub star schmidt and stan wait you just said that didn't you no i did it i did i said okay good night uh thanks for coming we're gonna win this one for sure guys there's no way we play all day and only win one game that's impossible it's literally impossible i think well okay it's it's not impossible but like it let's be it's probably probably gonna lose i'll be i mean what are we gonna lose again um this queue is taking a while though taking a while ryan lost eight in a row you know guys i'm thinking it's just not not a good day for valerant i'll be honest probably just not the day for valoramp maybe that's what i'm starting to think anyway what's for dinner but does anyone have like this game that's way harder though oh yeah oh nowadays everybody can aim so it's like if you want to win you've got to win there like executions wait everybody's watching yeah i feel like everybody can aim these days yes you can takuno i literally saw multiple plays of you you literally people yeah what does that mean what does that mean d means one bullet in the brain or the sheriff oh you know i should buy that more often i'm gonna buy this game oh gosh yep well you know it's like you know some people say that the vandal is like several sheriffs combined so i would say vandal's an even better choice right oh you're right i should buy the bucky yep that's exactly what i said i bought the vfx for it i bought the the special effects i have to buy it now i gotta get my money's worth honestly that um thanks for the subs dark man guys we demoted we're bronze one it's tough out there it's tough out there we almost finished all our missions though so that's nice um oh look at that thing okay i want the spray kind of the spray looks cute um this looks not bad um a little crab with a knife okay you know i kind of like this one it wiggles around it's rays i like it um what else is there what's this one's called versus omen sage looks kind of cool i'm not going to use that probably um this is a nice skin too oh what's this boosted well that's me i i have to get this one that's pretty much me um oh that looks really nice uh bubble thanks for the sub and aylin oh spicy social blade get nerfed or something what do you mean nick is social blade like it doesn't show the actual subscriber oh wait i already have a better phantom i mean maybe people are saying it's nerfed hmm uh i don't know my subscriber count is so low that i i wouldn't even know if it's nerfed or not uh uh koei thanks for the sub koei oh no one laughed and now this is just awkward no no no no no no no no no that was uncomfortable i was hoping someone would laugh but now it's just like um i'm looking up your youtube channel don't look up my youtube channel it's not peter let's do it again guys we're going back home don't do it don't do it but this time we're gonna do even better you have a hundred thousand subs yeah what the hell are you what that whoa a hundred thousand yeah congratulations peter consistently well you could be uploading more to be honest um let's see fiscal thanks for the sell grandpa peter slays the ender dragon okay well no when did that happen no this is oh no that was during the leslie that was the minecraft speed run you remember leslie you remember that leslie oh my god here we go five seconds wait where are we playing uh okay i know you're playing ascent oh no guys i'm so bad at killjoy i don't unless she was your mane she was back in the day but now i don't really have that thanks for the sub back in the day killjoy was released like three months ago leslie you act like it was from nineteen nineteen ninety-four or something true months i wait yeah right was it really maybe hmm or was it more it's been a while okay oh yeah the game there's no way we lose this all right i say we hard rush to to send a statement that we're going to beat them down i like it i like it it's going to go so wrong never mind this is going to go so wrong um java thanks for the sub and jumbo all right i'm gonna rush b i'm holding w everyone hold w there's nothing that can stop us all right i'm holding w okay okay we're running such a bad idea everyone's saying congratulations congratulations right 3 million that is more people than congratulations oh god oh i can't see oh god oh gosh how are you alive sir oh jesus i messed up clear clear it's extremely clear i'm just planning market market not not market it's in my cubby in my cubby yeah yeah oh what he was camping at the spawn who camps at the spawn like that never died just who does that we're literally on the site planting the bomb as dude camps to spawn um okay oh nice ray um last guy was probably the dude camping oh [ __ ] she i thought she was going to like the place yeah i'm honestly crazy you like that's a good choice didn't you say you would go sky i said i'd go if my friends went but i don't think we'll have the opportunity uh all right do we buy i'm staying we force wait i bought it we could just force if we wow look at that look at those effects guys saline look at that look at how we're gonna buy a monster on her eyes mm-hmm all right thanks for the center switch for or yeah monster under rice yeah is monster hunter gonna be out on a switch yeah it's gonna be a lot for switch i don't know sometimes i just like laying in my bed i do now uh leslie she's my shoulder she's pushing garage she's pushing garage character oh goodness should have done more than that cinnamon thanks for the stuff cinnamon i'm running and i thought i'd do more than that for sure w um oh god they're chasing leslie they're all hurt they're hurt badly you got them um yeah they're heavily wounded oh my god leslie she's clean she's clean you're so good leslie she did it uh steph thanks for the stuff steph oh good try fortunate nice try nice shirt no that double headshot intimidation now they think i'm good i've tricked them you are good luck you're cracked even think straight let's just buy bucky gotta get our skins worth look at how cool that looks that was good for safe round yeah oh my god here we go zyra thanks for the five watch your stream in peace all right thanks for watching thanks peace i thought i was unmuted thanks for thanks for coming peter maybe if i rank up you know i mean i know i just deranked but uh once i rank up i can i'm not going to rank up i'm not going to rank up there we go oh no 146 oh my god i'm trapped she's healing charge oh nice i think he's in markets raise his garage oh [ __ ] you where are they i i guess i technically got one uh i didn't expect them though got a running head shot okay garage raises garage celine's got it oh my god she's got her nice dodge she's alive she's she's got it um oh what i was such a stranger yeah i heard her i was like where'd she go yeah did not expect that something about being gone fun all right you know we're not doing too bad we do we do have three kills we'll definitely rank up oh this i didn't like that i regret it all right maybe we buy the spectre let's try the bucky one more round one more round i got ulti oh what excuse me sir please don't kill me thank you for not yeah he's in there what we tried to get out your body yeah i tried to jump out of there with the satchels but it just it didn't happen i'm gonna play from here yeah all right you know um maybe raise it it's two against two there's two against two okay i'm just letting you guys know i'm using a vandal and i'm a phantom player okay they're right next to rey i think one enemy remains nice oh my god you guys got him god well i cleaned him up we got it roll out um they got him guys you're muted but i hear you get that roll out autofocus does anyone want this vandal take it yes please actually my oats i also have my all right okay let's buy a bucket all right i'm gonna buy for leslie charge go in go in faster faster going faster oh jesus um [ __ ] where am i i don't know who's here who's left who's right oh i'm planning hey i'm watching her oh god i don't think that should have worked quite that well like or mid mid they're mid it's not like flank freak one's cat one enemy there we go this guy was mid michael cat hmm oh i hear that got a gun thank you my posture is so bad oh my god don't scope in they're probably saving right oh oh yeah probably oh run leslie run am i gonna make it out i'm running she's gonna hide go go go go go oh my god oh god oh wait too close oh wait ray freaked out because i started shooting whoops through the nades that leslie shot at ray well i was just i was just hoping i'd randomly clip them you know like well um i mean there's no friendly fire other than the grenade but i was wondering where i took damage from and it was from sakuta's old team oh god well then i technically i killed a guy with that too viper razor here flat thanks for the sub oh wow what a shot dude must be in uh using that little cubby yeah nice what jesus he's too good i'm gonna do it okay there's no way he takes three of us out ray you got him you avenged us all right um flat thanks for the sword 64 on viper one here one enemy remaining baby get that 4k last place that went wrong you should hide in the other corner because she'll think you're here cause you're bothered what how did she know she looked so scary how did she do her hair what um i actually didn't know viper looked like that like where did her hair go because you're always the only one i don't know like cypher um i love this i don't like when cypher doesn't have a hat no me too oh yeah me too it looks scary can we all all right time for the uh oh sakuyuno can buy thank you i have my alt let's go like on cat anymore okay who is it um you know let's just buy the bucky oh here's why i bought the bucky you guys will see in a second um yeah i flashed oh god i can't see remaining where are they um reloading one's heaven all right let me try and get him hello i thought he'd be here um yeah i was wondering where they were huh this can't be healthy um massage i i can't believe this like my my i'm actually like skipping heartbeats from pure fear uh-huh are you okay all right i don't know but you're having fun right that's what matters oh yeah i love this definitely having fun really um all right here we go i got a trick guys i got a trick watch this guy always throws his grenade he's corner she's garage corner oh god oh jesus he threw a grenade swing okay he usually throws it from the other side we just got caught in a bad spot oh my god okay jesus yeah she just she didn't do what she always does she tricked us all right um leslie the other way okay i'm come so i should leave come on what if they think i'm gonna leave but i don't leave oh all right um it just turned brighter probably just my imagination um thanks for the twitch for the sub and uh mossy thanks for the 300. oh and island thanks for the two gift subs all right here we go okay ray got one there's two uh oh uh does she have it oh god oh my god celine oh my gosh he's crazy you were so good looking holy [ __ ] thanks that was awesome uh-huh nice i can't i can't i can't believe it i cannot believe it um oh we have 9 000. well if we got max money i suppose we just go for the operator right oh man oh akana thanks for the five gift subs cannon wait is it a whole bunch of gifts the fire sticks a bunch okay i think it's the one in my get brighter why is it so loud thanks a bunch canada i think it is the wood of my room all right here we go all right peek excuse me sir please peek me so i can kill one's cat for sure cat viper guys oh oh you're the best one you're the best oh oh that was going to be fun what are they shooting at uh all right let's get this angle viper rotated the market oh jesus oh jesus he's got a marshall he's got a marshall um oh jesus um am i dying am i dead yet uh i'm not dead you're alive oh thank god oh um also flanking potentially all right you know we could just go to b i mean oh my god it's 78 to get parking oh well i was unfortunately wait i can refund purchases now wait really oh yeah apparently the person that bought it for you oh yeah well that's new yeah you both go together guys i'm waiting for this stupid thing out yeah she always does her thing yeah her cat well two of us can do the thing oh jesus oh god she pushed me well i wasn't ready for that guys i wasn't ready for that i mean i took care of the robot but oh no all right good luck team oh she got another grenade oh she must have killed two people then um wait guys my fps went up to 164 for a second yeah see nothing here that's weird must be i think it's just bugged only for this game on site oh right now we have to go this is tough um adriela thanks for the stuff well it's looking bad guys i'll be honest for us oh he's right there viper's on the other side one enemy remaining oh they got one is this an ace for you no no no oh oh they dropped um all right um win for ten i think i can play this every day all right let's go back to the phantom it's easier to use actually it'll stick to the van i can buy someone oh um take my money all right anyone can i get a driver thanks ray no problem um have we already been on the other side i hope we could do it um no we have no all right raise is going to throw our stuff so why don't we try something different smells i'm just going to push mid lane and hope i shoot them in the head one cat thermos cat what oh jesus i forgot about that nice pick oh listen mid mid okay nice shot takuno uh this one begins kinda works okay i'm planning all right okay can't appear i should save my ultimate since it's 4v5 we'll probably just win anyway what oh they came from behind um from our spawn huh our spawn uh-huh right about where you were looking i think um i think they were there right because they shot me from behind one enemy remaining i thought she was around there hmm she's heaven yeah oh okay she probably went through mid i think she can do this nice we won we're winnings that's six and five guys last round before the switch all right buy out buy out last one last round all right guys here we go uh yeah whoo hope this works is that better i don't know what's better yeah all right i do have my ultimate too hoping to use that um you inspired me to try and play my oh well i'm not very good at it but thanks a bunch alina there you go going she's in april so this is a tough you have to care right side janet she's heaven oh she's heaven she's outside of it run run run run run run run i think i saw that where was she there i can't race usually there we go oh wow amazing here we go here we go seven and five well with such a healthy two-game lead there's no way this goes wrong oh my god oh i'm gonna do the thing i'm gonna do the thing all right uh follow me this is going to go great okay okay watch this watch this watch this uh do i knock on what i think i want to smash my face yeah just follow me and follow me and when i charge it i have a feeling here we go oh [ __ ] there's way too many people here i'm leaving i'm moving oh okay oh i'll take care of him i'm smoked off cat anybody they're needing me oh jesus i missed everything i missed everything go god okay oh god um did i get them oh god well i got two of them i got two of them that's good i call that good you know two for one trade as that's the clean one right i think this is not good oh this is not good at all um osmosis thanks for the sub and jura okay hmm no thanks for the sub boss fair one was around mid oh and uh king thanks for the sub also so dead no oh oh god okay oh man she just got head shotted okay king thanks for the sub king like 78 grenades left hopefully that's enough just save or oh let's go bucky all right genius strategy here okay this is probably not that genius but we're going to try it anyway the armor okay we're going to do a delayed push delayed push that sometimes works on rare occasion all right just wait again enemy what for sure they'd be pushing here what wait that's so weird okay i thought they would have pushed out by then they they clearly i don't know they played it too slow uh luckily we only had a bucky so it's not that bad i suppose oh my god she's right next to me that says a weird pushing thing joel thanks for the stuff joel and slump they reversed it yeah they they pushed even slower than i thought they would oh they got them technically nice we won let's go okay you know technically we won so i'd like to say uh like to think pushes same thing but better same thing but better all right um no delayed push well usually they push in but they like waited for some reason even after they shot the spikes out all right um okay you go they screwed out oh what that should make it in well i wouldn't expect me to do this oh my god that's a lot of people okay um i don't know if they expected it but i didn't expect that either so i guess we were both confused i pushed out though they were all there yeah but you know maybe that's that's where i belong maybe that's where i belong i yeah i'm kind of doing something or another all right this time guys i think i think we just got a d rank until we play play people of similar skill level you smoked cat again throw that in facing sentry they're working is it b again um the viper wall's up but they could be walking oh it's mid mid mid careful i'm not thinking there's at least one reign of mid i'll poop that out and i'll distract them oh wait they're going down they're they're going through a cat um oh jesus oh i missed is that a vandal oh it is thanks oh my god what they're they're they're going back to b they're going back to b going back well that was unexpected um good luck team joel thanks for your service all right how do you pronounce your name it should be cycuno but you know anything's fine i suppose look leslie leslie yeah yeah he's in the smoke he's careful he's probably to the right of you or something nice nice leslie oh you can take his gun close to leslie you have a vandal leslie don't need the vandal this year she didn't need the vandal she's too good all right here we go that was clean she didn't need the vandal wow nice job oh we have a lot of old okay oh yeah apple p2 one all right time for the technique okay this has never failed me except for the times it has that's ready guys that is very true get out of my way viper wall they're definitely a b right oh my god wait i didn't even do anything i haven't seen it um i thought they'd be there guys i thought for sure they'd be there oh well that just happened i know that was she just killed me um jamie thanks for the one oh it was tough guys they got us we even used our ultimate um pixel thanks for the stuff i wish 105. jesus she's on site now oh my gosh i wish i could just wait oh nice leslie nice great leslie all right actually i knew this would be easy guys leslie's popping off this game it's popping off i tell you all right clutch i have a new strategy i can't believe i'm just gonna walk out there i believe it have i ever walked out there before no i haven't and this times it's gonna work here we go oh my god we have the same strategy um what wait we did that okay okay we clearly are doing the same exact thing which is very awkward i'll tell you one tiles two tiles okay that was just a strange i was honestly a little thrown off i'm not gonna lie i was a little thrown off by that um that was just so strange we both sent our robots out we both threw grenades it's just like this just felt very strange oh okay oh my god um gar thanks for the sub that was just very awkward i'll be honest it's just so awkward i didn't know what to do um but maybe ray's got it maybe okay um she's still mid does she have it hmm they haven't planted yet have they not even planted spike planted oh that's something oh my god they planted today for what though i can't believe they planted today for a while she had a shotgun she did uh i have no idea but i clearly wasn't ready for her oh all right we have no money yeah i'm broke well um i can buy i think i'm not sure should we savor force oh are we saved um i have to save all right it's time for actually let's stick to the book we can make it work jamie thanks for the two let's get the win i really hope i do but i don't know something let's do that i like that all right here's my genius strategy here oh jesus right you get him oh wait he's still oh what oh i thought rave i scared him off i didn't know he was still there well that's tough um well that went terribly wrong um okay so i'm gonna buy spectre this time actually let's get the stinger all right that's tough that's a little tough yeah all right um worth i don't think that one was quite worth well let's try it i really hope we can make it work but i don't know guys i don't know we're not doing the best this game we're not doing like super bad either wait we actually have more kills than them shockingly oh all right oh jesus oh someone's close um the guy on the side got me it was a good try i thought i could um yeah no thanks for the sub jana you got this i don't but i wish i did i wish i did hmm well the other race didn't even kill me i think it was the viper that killed me um should i go in this to the right all right oh they got him pick up guns well we're technically winning sort of i mean i don't feel like i'm doing much good time to reset how is that all right uh jess thanks for the five smoked off cat again uh hopefully we can make this happen okay i'm losing my 1v1s okay i don't want to peek anyone anymore okay all right i'm gonna play like a rat camera is that a camera oh jesus okay did that do anything i don't know i well i don't want to peek all i have is a sheriff um here we go let's get him leslie all right together you can't take us both oh jesus man that would have been cool if i got on the first shot i'm just saying i'm just saying we would have gotten it if we got on the first shot that would have been cool um that would have been cool jesse thanks for the five i wish man i was worried i was legit worried for a second there i have not covered just i see you two pushing and one person saikudo was like dancing around oh did you do you saw the 360. i saw the 360 on the map oh that was awkward two thanks for the sub get out of my way all right i'm smoked men um it's their the phrase i'm pretty sure it's a i could be wrong all right oh they're all mid um oh jesus oh jesus i'm in trouble i'm in trouble last two are men one enemy oh man am i going to get promoted down thanks for the 10 gift subs down that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch down yeah that was a stressful last game that was stressful but we did it we ended on a win i usually sleep at seven oh my god guys i'm back to bronze bronze2 yeah thanks for playing everybody see you guys next time again yeah congrats oh she's gone yeah goodbye see you guys later thanks for playing yeah bye oh i'm pretty tired okay guys well um that's probably it for today we streamed for quite a while today for six hours that's pretty long right i think it's pretty long i don't know um that was pretty fun that was pretty fun i've actually really been enjoying valerant lately i'm probably gonna play more i promise i'll practice off stream because i am unfortunately not as good as i like to be also i can't even rank with half my friends because i'm too low rank so that's a thing um but anyway that's probably it for today guys probably it for a day and thanks again for the 10 gift subs dochi uh our doll dotchini um all right well either way thank you very much for coming the stream guys um did amazing i didn't we lost so much but um thank you very much for coming the stream guys really appreciate you all and hope you guys come to the next stream too i hope i see you there um probably tomorrow or the next day but uh thanks a bunch everyone for making the stream fun for me really appreciate you all and um hope i see you guys next time um glad i started streaming because of all the friendly people in the chat um but that's it for today thanks a bunch guys really appreciate you all and um see you next time um hopefully we play some more valerian or something i'm not sure not sure but um that's it for today thanks a bunch guys and um see you next time i said that like 10 times um all right who do we raid today not too many people are still streaming right now well we can raid ludwig um that's ray ludwig guys he was playing with us earlier i think he's playing chess right now um i don't know anything about chess but that's it for today thanks a bunch for coming guys and um catch you next time thanks so much for making the stream a great great place to be alright bye guys see you next time um all right bye
Channel: Sykkuno Archive
Views: 9,850
Rating: 4.9783783 out of 5
Id: fKQsD26jyx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 357min 52sec (21472 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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