Swords: Life on the Line

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tonight on swords man bad luck continues to plague the fishing fleet mother nature exerts her awesome power this is I can't even believe this just off the coast of Massachusetts 1,200 miles to the southwest at the dock in par negate light New Jersey more or less this is stopped and locked ready to offer full trip that's off right now captain slick clamp the crew with a fishing vessel Francis and prepped for late-night steamed out we need to be out first they've been fishing Georges Bank all season but were forced into port with a busted autopilot now they've fallen behind other boats in the swordfish fleet look at the autopilot fix it ended up being a couple things now they're all repaired and good to go so hopefully my crane is cleaning that mess and go out and read about catching fish right here last trip and away we go get the whole family down here singing by get have here stuff to say goodbye sometimes have you got to do it so no room for being soft and that's a mistake last trip to fall for machine mostly we do it big if we don't know it's going to be a morning season we all confuse the money we did really well back here yeah grab this seize it up top tone and George's from be fishing on Sand Canyon area right now be some swordfish there's the elephant's big eye tuna captain slick takes a chance on a new fishing ground Hudson Canyon one of the deepest underwater canyons in the world 100 miles off the coast of New Jersey I want to be the first have my set I want to be in control the set I don't want to be second third or fourth vote out me and sweet thought I want to be in the zone I want to be in man inside they want to move we can follow like you can pump another potion away everyone we are a 12-hour spot you forget we need we need to be in that position we need that spot and we need it bad this is nothing that's gonna turn us around nothing at all nobody gets seasick nobody missed mommy and Hut now it's not as they leave Barnegat Light behind what man planned this way go ahead just five minutes ago and this way this we're definitely going the wrong slickness back off the end we made it two miles off the beach already on the back I don't know what's going on right now once again the boats autopilot is down without it slick can't keep the boat on course and is forced to turn around pilots don't work in slick spits hey Doc the autopilot still gotta be kidding me man gotta be kid we weren't even supposed to be in from the last check oh it's we were supposed to be still out there fishing right now I believe I believe I can't even believe this is happening right now 300 miles off the coast 100 miles to the southwest back again at the dock in Barnegat Light New Jersey it's gotta be something no I said I had down there all over next to this round this for the second time this trip captain slick and boat owner Rick Mears face a busted autopilot on the Francis an accomplice any zero degrees in the compass we're going 30 on the GPS without the autopilot the boat can't hold a course headache if it stays broken the Francis and will be done with no money to show for the season yeah the electrician seems to take our compass needs to be compensated it's doing the best he can to get back to us here but you know right now that's not good at all we're gonna go for a spin here and see if we can't get a line on that ourselves the competent autopilot have to be able to communicate and be on somewhat of the same heading to hold a steady course mr. mater building some magnets around may work who knows at this point we gotta give it a go hope it works the last name isn't long trying to hold the 102 it always wanting come back tonight Rick adjust the magnets on the compass hoping the compass and autopilot will line up both magnets around a little bit about four inches little magnet over a couple inches make all the difference in the world we appear to be holding course here right now it's working his hope yet we have I don't know meanwhile every other go with it please got a head start on us now I at this point the frances ann is just lucky to be fully operational hopefully the problems fixed if not I told Rick we're not coming in if it isn't fixed and butters going to be our auto pilot so hopefully this is our last time you see Barney and lighthouse for two weeks so far slicks boat holds a course setting two hours we just got at work when it works for two more hours the vet I won't know no gamble right now coming up all right Eric Oh captain Linda makes a comeback the crew of the big guy gets pounded any mile to the west the Frances and is ready to pull its first set on Georges Bank after five days we'll just going up to the buoy here right now this maiden a good day hope I'm not getting overexcited but we'll find out for me they're busted autopilot force them into a late set out last night picking it up pretty shoe now the crew will have to pull up the hooks on almost no sleep we're not number one on the set we're number five now there's nine votes here slick is exactly where he didn't want to be stuck in a little pack see how we do today where we at come on this after the setbacks the past several days Francis and desperately needs to put some cash on the books we are on the live line connected off the main line fighting the fish by hand right now come on Danny jumpin swordfish like a Mexican jumping bean live sword down here and jumping around you gonna lose them just about took the entire line doesn't want to come up it's going down deep we're fishing today we got a swordfish good start guys I feel weight a lot fish on the line I'm sure what it is that feels like a tuna I feel pumping away so far today the Francis Anne doesn't suffer from being late to the visual grounds tunas have a consistent thump thump thump a swordfish having more lazy bum control than a tuna nice dude now I'm good don't let him get away every fish has different tires or feet to its tail after a long time of doing it you can feel the line you can feel what species of tuna or swordfish blue shark or you have to know how to fight that best prior to you know snapping on your lifeline it's an acquired feel either got the knack to feel them or you don't like fishing without a fishing pole what it is you know the fishing pole you can feel what's going on this is my fishing pole my hand 150 miles to the east let's see now but that's gonna be with me in my heart and my soul forever he was very good man and I'm gonna miss him a lot of times commercial fishing this it has a lot of letdown there's a lot more let downs than let up Senate I guess you would say we are used to let downs this is just another letdown for us putting my stepfather to rest now it's over and we have to move tonight come on swords a few captain's are on the fish over here for we aim to please Jimmy but for others it can't get any worse here one Camden Gamble's her reputation and another risks his most valuable asset the grand banks have failed it's over Korean banks has definitely been the most discouraging season that I've had yet ten times more votes now than what we left while the Grand Banks has been a disaster the coastal waters of Georges Bank continue to pay off for captain slick one who fish was gonna be good I knew it I knew we'd do good once we got where we needed to be a more than thrilled with the quality of our fish were there's been a few more now with only days left to fish and the entire Grand Banks fleet muscling in on his home waters the captain doesn't know if his prime spot will keep producing just too crowded up at home I mean just too many damn boats right now for us and I just can't deal with that kind of sucks when your catch from this kid and you run out of space now it's like a mob scene one of the votes crowding them out is the Eagle I to my ass commends got to put everything out tonight yeah keep scratching enough to stay come in yeah Ravi Oh George's bank is 150 miles long but with only a few prime spots it's shrinking by the minute it just looks real fishy it looks right you know and that's what we need right now stupid people boy to grow perfectly good day 150 miles south captain slicks finally found a spot where he can fish oh we don't get jinx I hope tonight you know we get out that extra 10 miles a year that extra that extra those extra four hundred hawks and I hope it pays off moving east has given slick more space but he's unsure this new spot will produce and starting to feel the pressure not worried about putting weight on the fish we'll worry about putting quality on the boat right now the captain's stress is shared on deck as the crew sets out the most important 40 miles of line all season every Hooksett is a chance to catch big fish Slick's plan is to gamble it all with greenhorn butters didn't anticipate the captains and vicious tactics never know it's a crapshoot I guess getting up made out for every piece of gear we got but slick doesn't like bait sitting around so some days I feel like that should be a moderator thank God butters inexperience shows as he struggles to keep up with the hectic pace and I told him with over a section ago that we're setting everything on the boat he had more than sufficient amount of time to fall now we're traveling now we're really it takes hours to properly defrost bait but butters only has minutes to keep the rest of the crew working don't have an update for it Oh what are we doing slick one at 400 hooks in the water but with no more bait ready 340 is all he gets butters knows all too well that when failures pile up captain slick can go one of two ways angry we're crazy wouldn't want to bow to be a jackass butters I can't see because it's like what it's not Slick's rule is and forget to turn the strobe on throwing the last beeper out you get the Omaha nut box flash whiplash she's stroking that butter is not good under pressure totally falls on his face and flounders to high-stress job high-stress area hopefully cutter does better already tonight keep on truckin 1,200 miles southwest is the frances ann ran a debate last night wasn't too pleased with that thought a mile or two to go but again butters so we'll see what we have on the gear here today first beeper the morning here hopefully it's loaded with fish because of greenhorn butters mistake the crew sets 60 less hooks than slick 1 & 2 things are a little slow and shaky this morning this late in the season those 60 hooks will make all the difference I understand completely it's embarrassing they have four and a half hour to set out and still run out of me for the greenhorn it's a no-win situation if they land on the fish its butters fault they didn't catch more but if they don't well that's butters fault to see the marker good morning mama this 150 pound marker swordfish is a solid start seat butters you didn't run out of bait we probably would have caught another one but it's dog Bilson wait here get ready butters get this started vice tuna yeah good morning man good morning right a marker a mark but you change our 22 big i-130 hundred forty pound swordfish cup that's been doubled yeah I'm gonna take his okay come on walk the plane that's why I left this year if they catch a fish like that big mark your swords from thick Peggotty's that's what it's all about the fish already $10,000 better that you have got the first beeper again on a sword boat a deck load of fish means all is forgiven yeah way to go butter after today's hauls the frances ann retakes the lead from the eagle eye in the Hannah Boden continues to fall behind while the bigeye gains a little ground really want to finish strong you know this is this is a trip you know woulda taken to finish the season strong I'm not doing it trying to put a bad decision to stay on the grand banks behind her captain Linda's teams to Georges Bank hoping there's still a few fish left I need George's I don't I don't want to go to George's but I have to do what I have to do I have a responsibility to do everything I can to get a trip aboard this boat the fish are gone the boats are gone and we are going near the end of the sword fishing season and it's taken a toll on the fleet we're already beaten we don't need to be broke down more about now it's the last chance for a comeback for others it's the last straw you 100 miles off the coast of Massachusetts from Linda we can get a shot at these big guys again captain slick and the frances ann are keeping a low profile I'm on a suicide all backside - into the trough just rocking the roll taking ways over the rail good morning man good morning this set of disasters aggravation to the northeast we go bad and we're charging now the first hook comes up empty and the next and the next Jeff we're in the desert we slow down like driving through sand the only thing here is dolphin mirages eyeball that official on but I'm seeing things halfway through the second set Yellowbird head yeah let's play a blue dog plate yeah of course you didn't come back and leave anything for beaver and then first sword in the day little asshole on the way to the top fits all piss off this is coming up on the main line I can feel confident down pretty deep we fish a lot deeper ball drops last night so the gears a lot tighter than normal that can feels the nice big iron line then step some spunk left in them I'm a loud snap snap snap it on the live line and dad's gonna fight it hand in hand go forget my big I live ding uh on the side other side of the pole yeah come on the dog live big guy on the line come on little bit bigger to tune in develop of it bigger I hear that's the sound of the money with so many high-priced tunas on the line fish all greenhorn butters was having a tough time keeping up butters is expected to sort the hooks gaffe the fish clean the deck and pull the Dobbs without slowing down Oh you would get the palace 6 win big guy barely barely a big guy yeah I didn't have a good shot on my backup man without an O or something all contributed some more so mothers whoa last beeper is collected bringing the backbreaking Hall tune in I'd pick fishing to that good day to be a fisherman it's a bad day to be a big eyes it's also a bad day for the greenhorn who's running out of chances to earn a job for next year every day he gets reprimanded for a lot of things a lot of things that's not right maybe this better pulls head out of I mean I can only repeat myself so many times I can only show you so many times of how to do something and do something the right way and if a you can't comprehend it or be you don't want to you're going to get your ass chewed out like a dog on a bone I'm sure whup green invest tomorrow control something up tomorrow 30 miles east 250 miles northeast and in all name is wrong after a successful day of fishing Francis and is setting back makes it feel like as the hooks are baited the crew realizes that butters has made yet another mistake fact that in there I thought I had air on through the squid so I didn't think I thought I had enough aeration but it did the waters all your fake ghosts man catch anything make me big fish purple bean no fish it's always some kind I get I get the brunt I get the brunt of it you 145 miles deep into Georges Bank captain slick is facing another day of butters I don't know what his problem is but he's floundering and fall backwards fast that's the new guy syndrome I guess doesn't listen doesn't pay attention doesn't comprehend I don't know what his deal is but just what you're supposed to do don't stop that's the bottom line today's a new day there's going to be a wet ball back wind and waves right in our face so what kind of surprises we do or don't have on the year today hopefully we do as good as we did yesterday backwards snaps and frontwards snap don't go together they saw first fish of the day I've tuna Dahlberg nice fit Oh monster forever pesto I swore they're so pulled big eyes now we have sort the crew kicks into high gear pop off as hook after hook scoops up gold from the Georgia's Fertile waters slowly the fleet thin it out eats less hooks in the water in the more chance catch a few more fish plus the constant grind leaves butters scrambling to keep pace 5 big on what you do wanna fix there Chris once again butters sluggish pace on deck sets off captain slick up done I'm done dude I'm done losing a cup of coffee or something dude snap out of it 20 second delay you're like an air throttle butters gaffing a giant tuna in the lips can yank the hook right out again freeing the fish costing the boat thousands of dollars Oh Elmo I'm camping what up here up to here hey I don't know the other guys can always repeat myself over and over and over and over and over again and it's not comprehending I don't know lie is nothing up there just ignorant I don't know what his problem is but he better pull that of mass we want them man good paid attention voters just suck away right in the face right on the wall of water smashes into the Francis and violently knocking greenhorn butters to the deck in the corner there by four or five feet of green water I don't know why I've been hit by so many reef so when I see somebody else get if I wonder just makes me laugh so here if we live in butter so spread out all the dogs and butter on bread yeah heads up big that that's the whole thing of the game you should be able to know the boat feeling in a boat when you're gonna get dumped off never turned your back to the sea never turn your back to you 250 miles south de France forty miles southwest put on a fantastic day go here right now we didn't catch another fish after this wouldn't cry one minute back on the fish doing even better than yesterday connecting an item seasonal to flammer trip come pull that fish right there just let us out of the red put us into the fire we're in the green throw it come on even greenhorn butters is staying clear of any rookie mistakes tell us this butters albacore look at the chill butters yet so mutters remedy Stanford any yellow sir alright the shotgun every fish that comes on deck now is more money straight into their pockets this is what it's all about here coming off a thousand dollar bitch easy weather conditions the way this has been the last couple days we're doing pretty good today the fishing is good so good captain slick isn't about to tell anyone for being the outside boat kind of in the know zone hush hush is the word with another strong day the Francis and strengthens their lead the eagle eye to remains in second while the big eye is far behind and forth after months of brutal storms dismal fishing and bad luck ain't catching the fish a mecca no money the end is in sight this is the last chance for the Highliner it's a matter of pride that says it's our season for the legend it's her reputation for the greenhorn it's a job and for the big eye it'll take everything the captain's got to keep his boat cake from the mother nature out here and his crew one piece communities was all you across the North Atlantic late fall brings shorter days and cold November carrots the legendary Hannah Boden people know that this boat survived the perfect storm Linda Greenlaw has reclaimed the captain's chair I love the Hannah Boden I have a lot of history aboard this boat to bring this boat back to glory after 16 years has been an epic challenge everybody's giving up hope on making a huge paycheck have we caught any fish yeah I don't think we're gonna catch it do I want to take this boat again next season you're damn right I do am I gonna be able to if I don't put fish on the boat don't know on the eagle-eye to captain Scott Eid Rabinowitz oh look at this nightmare is suffering through his worst season ever Linda Greenlaw has managed to tangle up with us just been a nightmare all around oh yeah we're definitely working on major catastrophe dumb on the Frances and captain slick lost his most experienced deckhand fingers busted up pretty bad I need surgery on it not too happy about it and suffered through a season of butters myself over and over and over and over and over again as not comprehending 250 miles northeast of the bigeye is the Frances and if we catch 12-month stay after a strong season gambling and winning on Georgia's banks captain slick wants to add a few more chips to his stack Everly chambers right on there no problem butters the entire season greenhorn butters has taken a beating shut up butter get them in there and steer what do you do when the fish is there Chris butters this rainy miserable set does butters last chance to do everything right pretty much guaranteed to get wet drenched dial-in shrimper though even after all the abuse butters as his nose to the grindstone you the crew knows they're getting a good payday but they're after a great one 1,000 pounds were going in we haven't fought a thousand pounds in a couple days and buddy said if we catched all hundred we're saying again I Oh 40 miles east 140 miles off the New Jersey coast on the frances ann when the weather is terrible at the wife of fishermen deal with the elements everyday the weather on Georgia's banks makes the work more difficult the captain slicks goal isn't changing we don't get a catch thousand pounds today we're going home catch over a thousand pounds stay that is on the line today his last-minute attempt to make a few extra bucks is looking like a bad gamble Ellen barkins calm most agreeable right now it only takes one section still got six sections in the water we're fishing all year today one fish terrible got a torah pay attention the frances ann is finally on the fish powder gradable all right but at this size you'll need 20 more to hit the captain's goal of 1,200 pounds to fit on the dark sides I go to the dollars board in San lien gonna get a strap this all 50 pound tuna money in our pocket we've got a yellowfin second one of the day after year how much happens missile is all Bordentown yell faster 140 powder at this point coming near 12 my day we're going to be lucky to have three other bouncing I'll say it the spot just blows captain slick has only one course of action left knit the last all back in the seat I just made up my mind a little while ago I'm not to amend myself dress myself out to get something I can't get something that's not there no other pair beyond my control right now the fishing is slowed and so is the abuse all season winding down to an end good job go it now we're going home like here going home oh happy we going on it may have been a long haul for the crew the greenhorn butters survived the entire season with one of the toughest captains of the fleet butters did all right he just needs to get his circles that he runs in organized instead of untoward need to work on gettin there he's almost at the greenhorn stage his little tiny greenhorn tree to fall off so proud of you my horde is ready to fall we definitely found a rhythm here his last few trips I think I found my own rhythm too Boxey leaders a lot better all kind stuff make all my repairs don't what you need me to get it done in Barnegat Light New Jersey the Frances ends turbulent season on Georgia's banks has come to an end last fall floated season by this game cold fish and sucking off the offload begins and the crew will find out if their catch pays them big or just pays expenses first tuna albacore we don't have much 100 tunas handful swordfish this was slow pour 50 red no I can't complaints like put us on a lot bitch a lot a good fish listen fish 55 today captain slick is getting an average of $4 pound for tuna and up to 6 bucks a pound for swordfish yeah that's that's the thing about my alignment make more money doing this strike out or you have a grand slam my favorite snack I do hey guys sixty-four number one big our biggest fishing seas coming up right now nice triple mark beautiful fish totally unexpected we're all stoked when Akita it's phenomenal fish without a doubt the big swordfish money fish six bucks someone to keep thousand dollar bill couldn't ask for anything nicer one of the arrow up Tyra we're done over and out I knew I was gonna take abuse you know being a greenhorn and everything so kind of prepared myself for it for the greenhorn the brutal season is over well butters had started to turn it around he doesn't know if it was enough to impress captain slick wasn't much of a trip you guys put your time in you guys did it all a good job this year y'all stuck with it whoo thick and thin guys did all good jobs thanks butters you did good little flounder II but you're welcome back next season thank you all right with a nod from the captain butters goes from greenhorn the longline fishermen time to pack out they told me I'm welcome back anytime and I'm definitely gonna be here next season butters is definitely sneaking around he's not going anywhere 150 miles northeast is the Eagle Eye to the big I pulled in 11,000 pounds for an income of $65,000 for his work each crewman made 1,500 dollars the Hannah Boden's fast start helped them to 41,000 123 pounds for an income of two hundred and fifty six thousand dollars from which each crewman made 24 grand the Frances and catching mostly yellow fin and big eye tuna caught fifty one thousand eight hundred pounds for a total income of two hundred and two thousand dollars each of the three crewmen made twenty four thousand dollars finally captain Scotty and the Eagle Eye with the top earners again this season pulling in forty nine thousand five hundred and fifteen pounds worth three hundred and one thousand dollars each member of Scotty's crew takes home thirty three thousand dollars but ten weeks worth fifteen thousand five hundred and fifteen pounds we did get better than I thought I'm pretty happy cheers captain yes sir we need to finish it on ya and way to finish it back seriously high grades will love it I'm going to be happy to head up to Maine go gear I'm happy to see my gal I mean what a way to come in the price is high we got more fish than when we thought we had and better grades I mean it's just great great ending you
Channel: Dan Lantz
Views: 685,272
Rating: 4.4872503 out of 5
Keywords: sword fish, tuna, fishing, frances anne
Id: m5l-OapPYiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 36sec (3216 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2013
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