Swordmasters of Ginaz | Dune Lore

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As a companion to Deni Villneuve’s adaptation of Frank Herbert’s Dune I’ve been exploring the unique characters, institutions and elements that make up this intricate universe. The school of martial artists known as the Swordmasters of Ginaz are renowned for producing elite warriors.. In this video I’d like to talk about their place in this epic saga as well as their history, techniques and notable trainees. In this future society forever changed by the universe altering decision to ban all computers, thinking machines and robots humans adopted new ways of advancement by looking within and with time, intense training and conditioning to enhance their own natural talents and abilities they continued to evolve as a society. In the midst of a technological reversal and an emerging Empire, martial arts, weapons and warfare evolved as well. These changes are clearly seen by examining the swordmasters of the Ginaz and how they became renowned for their fighting prowess. Frank Herbert didn’t include any details regarding the origin and history of these warriors in his 6 part Saga. However the expanded novels later written by his son Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson though controversial among the fan base, attempt to further elaborate on their culture and background. The planet made famous for these infamous warriors, Ginaz, is a world similar to Earth though with over 90% of the surface of the planet covered with water with multiple islands scattered about. In this seemingly humble water world a small but fierce independent warrior nation resided. Ruled by a counsel of veterans the people preferred freedom from outside influence and foreign affairs, their unique environment possibly contributed to this independent nature. This was until the time of the Great Revolt against Machines that devastated the known universe in which they served as Mercenaries. These warriors became famous for their skills in combat against the thinking machines. Throughout the Machine Crusade the mercenary soldiers of Ginaz became driven to strive for superior excellence in combat and martial arts, to become greater than the Machines that had enslaved humanity. Jool Noret was chronicled as the first true Ginaz Swordmaster. Noret would train with a captured and reprogrammed fighting machine to hone his skills against their enemies. When his father, a famed Ginaz warrior, was killed in a training accident against the same machine his vengeance and guilt over the loss of such a fine warrior and what his absence would mean on the battlefield drove him to become the finest swordmaster in history in order to lay waste to the thinking machines. He dedicated himself to superior excellence in martial arts and swordplay and engaged in a rigorous training regimen that resulted in increasingly faster reflexes. His style of combat was unique in that he fought with wild abandon and specialized in fighting in close quarters with pulse swords designed to send electromagnetic pulses through a machine’s body to incapacitate and destroy it. His martial arts style also included techniques to take down an opponent using a personal shield, techniques that soldiers would continue to employ in adapting to the increasingly wide spread use of shield technology.. Noret’s legendary accomplishments during the Butlerian Jihad caused many Ginaz mercenaries and offworlders to seek training in these martial arts. Instruction of Noret’s legendary fighting style would come to be passed on with the establishment of the famed Ginaz swordmaster schools. After the Butlerian Jihad that ensured the destruction and prohibition of all computers, thinking machines and conscious robots a feudal Empire arose. The people of Ginaz were awarded their homeworld as an independent fiefdom becoming House Ginaz. Offworlders were allowed to study and train in their schools yet the highest levels of combat training were reserved for those who served as retainers and members of their own House. 10,000 years following the technological purge humanity continued to adapt and progress looking inward and perfecting human talents and abilities. House Ginaz and its swordmasters became renowned for their skill with melee weaponry and hand to hand combat. As previously stated, what would come to be the signature martial arts style of the Ginaz, proven most effective in defeating shielded opponents, would become invaluable in the aftermath of the technological revolution when the application of significant scientific developments would change the methods employed in warfare. The discovery made by the famed physicist Holtzmann relating to the repellant force of subatomic particles led to widespread application of what would become known as the Holtzmann effect. The most notable use for this discovery were Holztmann engines that enabled instantaneous space travel by folding space and time. Another application of this theory that had great effect on humanity at large was the creation of shielding technology. The Holtzmann effect allowed for shielding that could repel traditional projectile weapons yet would allow for slower moving objects such as bladed weapons to pass through. The very nature of warfare transformed by the time that the novel Dune takes place where the use of personal shields has become commonplace throughout the Imperium rendering conventional weapons mostly useless and laser weapons incredibly dangerous as contact between a lasgun beam and a shield would result in a nuclear explosion. The art of swordsmanship gained newfound appreciation by society and those with great skill with a blade and the art of being fast on defense and slow on attack became essential to the armies of the Great Houses. The highest level of the warriors of Ginaz were thought to be the finest in the Imperium outside of the Emperor’s own fanatic Sardaukar soldiers. In the original Dune Saga while there isn’t mention of a planet Ginaz it is noted to be a Great House of the Landsraad that comes to ally with House Atreides. The association between these two noble Houses however draws the ire of the Emperor and would set House Ginaz on a path to its eventual destruction. The Emperor Shaddam the 4th in a bid to weaken his perceived rival Duke Leto Atreides, secretly lends support to House Moritani in a War of Assassins against House Ginaz. A War of Assassins is a limited form of warfare permitted in the treaty known as the Great Convention whose articles are intended to protect human life and limit harm to innocent bystanders in the conflicts of the feudal Houses by setting rules of military engagements such as prohibiting the use of atomic weapons. The legendary House Ginaz and one-time allies of the Atreides, were defeated by the Imperial backed House Moritani in this military campaign when the Duke of Ginaz and all his family were poisoned. Despite the downfall of House Ginaz it’s legacy lived on in those trained in their martial arts who remain invaluable to the Houses among the Landsraad and whose skills are employed as military commanders, teachers, and personal guards. The most notable Ginaz graduate is the swordmaster Duncan Idaho who fought with great finesse. He devoted himself and his superior fighting skills to Duke Leto of House Atreides, a leader whose rule was marked by fairness, prosperity, and strength, qualities that inspired fierce loyalty from the best and brightest strategists and warriors in the known universe such as the likes of the great swordmaster Idaho. He became one of Duke Leto’s most trusted military aides along with Mentat and Master of Assassins Thufir Hawat and Warmaster Gurney Halleck. The instruction and training from each of these men imparted to the Atreides soldiers were significant in forging them into an army that approached the strength of the Emperor’s own fanatic Sardaukar. Duke Leto made sure this education in political and military strategy and training in the art of war would also be passed on to his son and heir Paul Atreides. Who himself noted Idaho’s feline movements and swiftness of reflexes that made him such a difficult weapons teacher to emulate. With powerful forces conspiring against the popular and influential House Atreides they must utilize to the full the skills of such talented strategists and warriors such as Duncan Idaho. Duncan’s fighting abilities are showcased in a grand way in Frank Herbert’s Dune, serving to reflect his superior martial arts training and adding to the legacy of the mighty swordmasters of the Ginaz. I hope you enjoyed this video. Leave a like if you did and be sure to subscribe for more Dune and other sci-fi and fantasy news and lore. And let me know in the comments what you think of these legendary warriors and what facets you most appreciate about this group. Thank you all so much for your support and as always have a very nerdy day.
Channel: Nerd Cookies
Views: 138,096
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Keywords: denis villeneuve, denis villeneuve dune, frank herbert dune, dune lore, frank herbert, dune remake, dune reboot, jason momoa, dune 2021, duncan idaho, dune movie 2021, duncan idaho fight, dune sword fight, ginaz, ginaz swordmaster, swordmaster of ginaz, denis villeneuve’s dune
Id: EQoKmeScnY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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