Swordfish W5856 Restoration

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as war clouds gathered towards the end of 1939 the Royal Navy's Fleet Air Arm was ill-equipped as far as front-line aircraft were concerned it lacked modern machines and its mainstay torpedo strike aircraft was itself based on a 1930 specification virtually obsolescent even before it went into service this outdated strike aircraft was nonetheless to cover itself in glory [Music] it was the various swordfish incredible as it may seem this relic of the biplane era was still in successful service nearly ten years later but the string bag as it became affectionately known was all the Navy had to go to war with and war it was amazingly when peace was finally declared over five long years later a total of almost 2,400 swordfish had accounted for the destruction of more enemy shipping tonnage than any other aircraft flown by the Allied forces its outstanding success was the result of two basic facts firstly the swordfish was almost exclusively deployed in environments where the possibility of attack from modern land-based fighters was minimal and secondly it had almost vice 'less handling qualities and superb controlled characteristics all this and much more led this staffing pantie by play to contribute hugely to the victory with a chemical theme [Music] this oldest surviving swordfish the blackburn built w5 eight five six has been lovingly restored to a standard probably better than new initially the swordfish was designed and built at the ferry Aviation factory at Hayes in Middlesex from which completed aircraft had their tails hoisted onto truck tail boards and were towed backwards for flight trials to the company's Great West aerodrome now London's Heathrow Airport this prototype swordfish originally known as tsr-2 first flew in April 1934 in flight it was stable and docile if slow and the ideal mount for a pilot with no experience of the type well I just I just got in and flew for it I can't remember having any flying experience with it I suppose when it was filled up with pilots in return radar and they do and what have you about 19 knots I spent I mean if you get a good if you got a good playoff win back remember friends by Alexandra told me when they were moving moving from one station to another and there was a hell of a hell of a wind got out and they were absolutely full up to the gunnels with equipment and everything else belonging to the squadron's or the bicycle strapped to the side you might have yo you know I talked about a Christmas tree and with the wind blowing like yes the car of the car the cars were going faster after producing 692 swordfish fairies had a pressing requirement to develop its successor the albacore and so swordfish production was transferred to Blackburn aircraft ironically the swordfish outlived the albacore operationally it was not long before the Sherbourne an ailment plant where black burns were to build what would be known as black fish setup extensive production lines well away from any enemy bombing a threat rows upon rows of fuselage and wing skeletons were soon taking shape but the Blackburn company was to produce nearly three times more swordfish than ferries the new production plant was established towards the end of 1940 between Leeds and Selby and the first blackburn built swordfish was test flown on the 1st of December the same year in many ways the original sight has changed little over the years apart from its tenants one of which is the successful sure banned Aero Club this had as part of its beginnings prominent members of the Blackburn family his founders peak production reached 60 saltfish per month test pilot HP Wilson flew the last from this field on the 18th of August 1944 today about 200 people who used to work at the factory still live locally Ellis Pugh a maintenance electrician who helped set it up is one and tells of the early days well when I went down there in 1940 about eight of us down there then because they are still building then there was building more or less at the same time was in sections where there was doing know the Sailfish and they brought the skeleton so fishing as a copy for it all to look at gives the fuselage and from then on we started employing people and I remember the first plane going out because there was the manager and the Lance was pushing the plane that there was made for the first standing world and then they took it outside put the petrol in tested it and everybody cheered and ruined the first one to be followed by another 1698 Blackburn blackfish in fact it was maintained that pilots could distinguish between a fairy and a Blackburn built swordfish but history doesn't record which they thought the better [Applause] having seen service not only in the UK but with the Canadian Navy 2w five eight five six was discovered in a field after a period of crop spraying in Canada and found its way to the Strath Allen collection in Scotland [Music] in 1990 British Aerospace acquired this the oldest existing swordfish for restoration and eventual presentation to the Royal Navy historic flight [Music] already partly restored by enthusiasts at Strath alone five eight five six left Scotland bound for homicide [Music] so it was that two truckloads containing a collection of partly restored components and sub assemblies together with assorted car booth debris headed south [Music] 400 miles later the convoy arrived at the British Aerospace Bruff factory more used to turning out hork trainers and major Airbus components Mike Jackson begins an assessment what we've got here is the basic fuselage the superstructure me metallically is very very good but because this is a primarily we're concerned about some of the world no it is a skilled task under those circumstances we were looking for kind of skills the conflicts [Music] many detailed components look for all the world as if they'd been dredged up from the Titanic [Music] gram cheese no is British Aerospace's director and chief engineer and explains the challenge the swordfish will pose a considerable challenge with sheriff's face it represents Tigers constrict - hawks and Buccaneers which this site is familiar with it is built up from many and represents skills which we we're trying to retain as much alteration structuring we employ it from the music in addition we're trying to see it as quickly [Music] overall [Music] charged with initially assessing the restoration ahead Gregory Featherstone begins by carefully hand cleaning all assemblies and use of the components likening it to antique restoration initiative stub wing and all that paint on the spouse in the internal structure is all flaking off polygons do we just remove it by hand there's no machine you can do it with it's got to be you know just all meticulously rubdown it's quite a laborious job it's a long job to do at all kitu checking just how corroded and indeed damage the structure is the various non-destructive testing procedures available today hardly existed 25 years ago let alone 50 when this swordfish was first built fortunately a british aerospace is in the forefront of this technology and its facilities are readily available an industrial use of the world proven medical x-ray technique can look inside a structure by producing an image on a plastic film that can be viewed on a lightbox five eight five sixes cracked and worn limbs will show up just like yours and mine had in a hospital not only this but hidden corrosion the archenemy of all alloy aircraft structures will be revealed [Applause] another clever means of internal inspection uses a magic eye Dennis Locklear explains this is the application of non-destructive testing the the most important part I think is the visual and we're applying this to the rear spa it's not a very high-tech device but it just enabled us to look in the nooks and crannies which otherwise we have to x-ray our guess yet another method is magnetic particle testing and David sine is the expert okay what we'll do first is we spray on their white background paint which creates the contrast between the black ink black ink is made of my netted particles extremely small we then apply a magnetic force around the component and honestly force is applied using an AC magnetic coil magnetic particles hump around any defects or include the component these defects or inclusions probably they're from this original packaging currently the only air worthy swordfish in the UK is at HMS Heron @yo victim home of the Royal Navy historic flight the British Aerospace Team paid an early visit to discuss Navy requirements in order to make the new swordfish as compatible as possible and to discuss matters of mutual interest okay if I can really close the meeting up with a summary what we've done is we've got the survey status of the plane we we told me you've completed the wings and the power unit yes yes fusion are 7% completely sir yes you've experienced okay the other main problem is your exhaust collector II conservative we've got any salt collects ring here is the atmosphere companies we paired up lastly and most importantly the Overton's alt fish was carefully inspected with the british aerospace team familiarizing themselves with a flying example many details for which no known drawings exist were photographed making invaluable reference shots [Music] back at brough John Owens is one of the only three british aerospace engineers permanently engaged on five eight five six years restoration a major problem we found after x-raying a train the the spars was that we found corrosion showing up between the two laminations and the two spars and how we've chuck all that is by putting a laminated piece over the top of it which we then will demonstrate you in a minute how we're doing and what we've got to do is put a section around the outside of the spa to reinforce it and how we've done that is by making a section up like that like that to actually click around it's very important that we clip down tightly as that is now the method we've used to actually make make filmed aspiring man it's very very simple what we ought to be doing he's got two links of mild steel bar well do chick just chuck will be together and just quite simply by just round to form a section tightly round very effective like any permanent splint the finished article is probably better than new stronger and very little heavier to preserve the aerofoil shape of the wing at the vital leading-edge region where the air flow is laminar extra riblets are fitted these are delicate but essential and have to be made with precision they fit between the main wing ribs and have to be accurately secured which is not always easy [Applause] what a contrast the sword fish's construction is compared with today's strike aircraft which by comparison seemed to be almost carved from the solid metal but for its day the swordfish was as rugged and reliable as any currently flying back in the 1940s rib assembly was mainly a task for the many ladies drafted in to help with the war effort [Applause] British aircraft carriers their planes and personnel have already many fine exploits to their credit in several theatres of war they have greatly profited from the experience gained in action against the Germans and they have maintained the highest degree so famous did the swordfish become during the war that its daring and conclusive exploits were regularly reported especially in the cinema down in the Mediterranean the fleet and Lafitte Iran have been the dominant factor since Italy decided the time had come to enter the war their greatest achievement to date is of course the crippling of the Italian battle fleet at Toronto when the Fleet Air Arm put 50% of Mussolini's battleships out of action including one of his two brand-new 13 otters it meant that our Mediterranean fleet was now numerically superior at the Fleet Air Arm Museum at yo volton there is a diorama of the Battle of Toronto showing the tight balloon defense system through which the two ways of attacking swordfish had to duck and weave a swordfish observer on the raid lieutenant Alfie Sutton tells how it was done we approached the Toronto from the northwest and then dived down in the middle of the defences where the enemy pushed a box barrage ahead of us terrific mass of bursting shells to which we had to fly and then down on to the water weekend a little bit too soon up over the masts of some cruisers which were posts with battleships and then down again motoring in towards the battleship Anchorage my pilot torrance pence released the torpedo against the Balaton Latorre oh it didn't come off here II cocked and then released second time by which time the enemy battleship just about covered the whole horizon and was massive steady flame at us as we were the whole ship was firing and all the ships round the firing had this too was an incredible cost point of fire and then having dropped the torpedo Oh a steep Bank away to starboard and away as we got away oh great smash and we thought we were down but we weren't it hit the water with the wheels and fixed undercarriage and John Spence who was an expert pilot threw us out of the water and then we picked our way through the barrage balloon by flying between two flames which you can see on the water and then out underway and back to ship the result of the operation was that we lost two aircraft one ahead of us was shot down but for that we sank three enemy battleships the immediate effect was that British therefore had predominance in the eastern Mediterranean for about the next year now this operation was a very intense and frightening experience when one got back to the ship while had a great sense of relief and then one felt absurd a shadow like a piece of chewed string and I realize what I've been through as restoration progressed so major components of the soon-to-be new swordfish so lovingly restored could be laid out for all to see and admire wings in particular for in all paths the top stub wing atop the fuselage closely resemble a giant model aircraft but among the more important visitors to witness ever-increasing progress were those from today's Fleet Air Arm for whom this project was finally destined they would discuss many topics and agree on mutual help as these mutual get-togethers progressed so difficulties were overcome and greater collaboration entered into lasting links of friendship so common in aviation were forged w5 eight five sixes tailplane at elevator were in such poor shape as was much of the rear of the biplane that it had to be virtually rebuilt from scratch but such was the versatility and persistence of those dedicated enthusiasts involved in this restoration project that new skills were quickly learned in an age of computers and stressed skin [Applause] families day at brough is always a time for young and old alike to see for themselves the achievements of those who today work at the former Blackburn plant now part of British Aerospace examples of current projects are on display with the chance to chat on informal terms to bosses and workers alike but at the 1991 event there was an added attraction the largely renewed skeleton of the oldest existing swordfish proudly displayed alongside advanced technology Hawks in production for the world's air forces but why do they build a Hawks upside down dad easy son because they fly upside down [Music] and after the breathtaking grade arrows comes a wide variety of aircraft old and new a Sea King from the Royal Navy [Applause] the Blackburn b2 trainer from the 30s [Music] the latest show-stopping hairier [Music] and even a grounded tornado the amphibious American PBY Catalina with Coastal Command and world war ii had close wartime links with the swordfish the sinking of the Bismarck was due to the cooperation of the RAF with the Navy it was a Catalina aircraft for instance that did much of the shadowing when word was passed later to the western mediterranean squadron british SEPA had already gathered its strength to destroy the pride of the Nazi Navy Admiral Somerville and his staff working out the position decided that an attack should be made by the Fleet Air Arm and from our krile pitching heavily swordfish torpedo bombers took off [Music] we know the success of teeth vitamins laying up the Bismarck and we also know the punishment handed out by Admiral tubby in this perhaps the most dramatic naval film ever taken juicy Salvas from the Bismarck failing to hit one of our battleships this was during the chase right across the Atlantic while the no ship was running from the guns of our squadron [Music] telegraphist air Gunners or tags les Sayer and John Griffith recall the Bismarck attack as long it's a long while ago cause but I can recall it it was not not very nice weather from the victorious and we were hanging around for many hours waiting to see whether we're going to have to go and eventually we did and it was a pretty rough ride out and I was flying with Percy chick I thought this is for real it's not practice and when we went when we on our way out were we were alone right down on sea level and the Bismarck insource and she gave us everything the whole lot you know the main armament and the splashes from the main island blew out the bottom of the the aircraft so we had a culture of that as well we he went two months and he wasn't quite lined up and he said he was going around again I knew this because you could see the torpedo through a hole in the bottom the aircraft see the drum and we turn away violently and it was still there and I thought it was stuck up but of course it happened we went around again I think you had a lot of courage to do that but he he was incredible man I mean it wasn't for us and quite right the gratitude for what they gave to us we commend to your merciful keeping each year there is a tags memorial service but many originals still happily present at this time old comrades remember those who gave their lives and watch again a string back in the air with all those with God before us we make our prayer [Music] [Music] Jimmy Edmonds who worked for the old Bristol aeroplane company was a Pegasus engine troubleshooter with the squadron's I was one of the troubleshooter service engineers mostly our modifications when I first came up - Shervin were what I wouldn't like to say how many probably 50 to 100 planes grounded here at you so we came up to clear them and I know that we arrived approximately 430 and I suddenly afternoon went into the factory and we didn't come out for six weeks well we got that cleared up I was working 36 hours on 12 off between 10 of us but the modifications we have to do I have to get them going to get aircraft moba Peter Dean has become an expert on the Pegasus engine built by Bristol now a component part of rolls-royce aero engines mentality Alton and acquired all the necessary parts that we could a bunch of the total they are you see that several parts Khan Younis we'll have a look at see if they're serviceable raka brackets there not too strict check to see if their service you see there's other parts there which is the push or choose which there's quite a few that are damaged they've got to sort through them we set out see there's their crack chefs [Music] just here's parts of a supercharger [Music] the cactus here well angel so how's the restoration going so far very well indeed actually we're going well on with the wings now the fuselage is taking shape and we've got the bulk of the fabric cover panels completed and so overall we're just waiting the engine and then the electrical installation it's a complete we've used the Leon salon aircraft as a template because of the lack of drawings and information there's been a good guide for the guys who can just use it as a reference aide one of the Saab fishes for completed wings has been corrosion proofed and painted and internal components and fittings will be bolted on the use of modern day materials will greatly enhance both durability and reliability internal wiring is installed glass and the wing is ready for covering such was its condition that all original wiring was discarded handy coming back yeah Morris Moore is a resident Quality Assurance inspector from the Ministry of Defense as each job is completed so it is meticulously checked it's to to be shortchanged inserted in stand on the bottom one we actually pulled them right out and we've gone in about three point for the next actually it's actually up about three gauges by the second half of 1992 as more components were going on the aircraft of being taken off the restoration process was gathering pace here the standard 155 gallon fuel tank is being fitted sometimes extra tanks were installed in the rear cockpit for special duties and ferry flights again modern technology is used in instrument calibration under the watchful eye of John Bo's normal duties of the department or development of the Hogs there 100 and 200 but this particular job we're doing now with the swordfish is particularly interesting because it's a different generation of instruments the old pneumatic altimeter has been replaced by electronic units engine pressure instrument is all digital nowadays whereas the old analog systems although they were particularly reliable they're not what the pilot wants to see anymore the artificial horizon vacuum driven well we don't come across this much nowadays and again the airspeed indicator we're going really back to basics now with a pneumatics or the model wants to revert back to the original philosophy of an impact pressure going into the system we can't really get away from the fact that they're custom moving through the air and that's the only means of checking it with the impact pressure into the pitot system [Applause] five eight five six his first all-weather mission was a quick - from its hanger across the apron on dead reckoning for both safety and convenience the swordfish reborn was painted in the brough fire station but it didn't come out red or on fire it's back to Scotland now and a picturesque corner of muscle bra near Edinburgh and one company that knows a thing or two about bracing wires and flying control cables is Brunton's [Applause] so does Jack Stewart [Applause] let's machine was designed and manufactured by Brunton's for what 50 years ago and it was probably used in their original manufacture of the steam waves for their first thought Fisher's start with their own bar then it's flattened and it's shaped into a groove and it's stretched to the size it's required than specification and after each batch the wireless tested at their test house and roughly has a breaking point about 70 for fun testing is also carried out on the stranded control cables to check the strength of the crimped ends [Music] but before cable ends were crimped they used to be spliced and Edna Copley used to do it well I'd send it leads weapons at least and then when they opened a caiman comes to Sharon and I was spicing then except for the flying controls i spliced photos and werster was doing that one night gene patents she used to them quite often to select them after being the final inspection being given father machine used to come to collect them and go along take them along went to the base where I don't have to go so and one night she gave me a photograph photograph of herself and her autograph which I was very proud to receive that betimes emerging from the hangar a completed wing is about to be weighed prior to covering weight is the enemy of flight and every unnecessary pound will penalize aircraft performance but final assembly is approaching and completion in sight [Music] newly tested instruments are trial fitted to 585 60s panel by Peter hatch and care has been taken to exactly a mirror the layout and positioning which exists in the yo vault and swordfish in this way pilot disorientation between the two can be avoided meanwhile the delicate process of weighing this wing and all other major sub assemblies takes place using scales hanging from a suitable gantry simple but effective anxious eyes patiently wait for the suspended wing to gently return to earth me too like a lot of clever ladies Margaret Bennet had a passion for sewing and has always lived in the Sherbourne area many's the string bag she has sewn together and she was one of dozens on the old Blackburn production line the war broke out after Kent another job so I didn't have to go away from home Blackstone's was near so I got a job down there covering the wings and then camped soand they all used to be sown they all used to be hand-sewn with the thread worst the Sherbourne factory in the forties is not far removed from the brough fire station fifty years later where today's wing covering takes place today Dave and Patricia Fenton's stretch stitch and dope fabric for a living and perpetuate those old intricate skills in these days of Benton and Ribbit's we've learned a lot we learn something new every day on this job but the fundamental problem is the material you're actually working with that it's the linen fabric it's it's fairly heavy and there's there's virtually no stretch in it there's no giving it so the tension that you see now is what you must have the dopes won't work miracles so the tighter you can get the fabric now at this stage in the covering the better is this the end product is going to be because the dopes will only shrink it a small percentage to make it tight enough to be air worthy so we've got to do the rest both pulling stretching at this stage that's that's the biggest single fundamental problem and then the mechanics of the job that it's it's on a fairly large scale so with only the two of us we can't do things as quickly as we'd like so we're stuck with having wool fabric in this state for maybe a day or two days which is not recommended so we have to control temperature and humidity fairly carefully Patricia lets us into the secrets of how to stitch aircraft fabric stitching the easiest and most effective way of putting on the Barbican get more attention from the stitches they're an eighth of an inch apart with a lock stitch every couple of inches it's a waxed cotton thread which is easy to pull through and a curved needle which makes it a lot easier I quite enjoy it it's very satisfying it's Africa it's the magical process and I told timings up you're never quite sure what it's going to come out like whether the back you've spent several evenings oh and I was going to effect leatherwork plays its part to humour Kray lives in Oxfordshire and is an aircraft interior expert but modern-day regulations have to be adhered to even for 50 year old aeroplanes well obviously the materials they're used to to fill the cushions before don't meet the new standards for the CAA regulations so I've obviously conformed with the new standards for filling for the cushions and things like there's three seats and obviously to be done in the swordfish and padding's for around the cockpit various sharp edges have to be padded in pieces like this this is the old one which we're now constructing the newer parts [Music] altogether three coats of dope and laborious ly brushed on and rubbed down before the final finish is applied meanwhile back at Bristol Peter Dean has newsprints started the engine assembly process now this is the mounting ring which we will now start to build the engine originally we had a few cracks on there which we have no weld be paired I painted it we assemble its understand and 12:7 very cranky [Music] all major components of the original Pegasus are now gleaming and in first-class water but then what do you expect from rolls-royce [Music] [Music] back at the fentons workshop at Seton Ross near brough the nearly new swordfish tail plane is small enough to be taken back for covering after the wings and tail plane have been stitched and doped stringing takes place this is where the torque and fabric is stitched onto the individual ribs to prevent fabric slippage this is a nostalgic moment for Margaret Bennett as she recalls her days stringing string backs we used to string them two of us worked one at the front with the needle and the string push the needle through TIA pan she used to push it back from the top to the bottom then we would do almost all the ribs that way then we who still not it and that was the wing completed the would spray them then take these row into the main shaft so put on me on the plans Oppidan happy day yes [Music] apart from strength and durability fabric-covered aircraft were as our frontline aircraft today painted for many reasons nationality of course squadron identity even operational role and sometimes personal quirk and here is the livery selected four five eight five six in the colours of the commander of eight one o squadron whilst aboard HMS Ark Royal summer 1939 [Music] the heart of w5 eight five six its Pegasus engine is delivered to brough in pristine condition this ubiquitous powerplant was one of several outstanding air-cooled radial engines designed and built by Bristol's and was fitted to numerous single and multi-engine aircraft of the time this version is the pegasus 30 a nine-cylinder unit capable of providing 750 horsepower at four thousand seven hundred and fifty feet this would propel a swordfish torpedo bomber at a hundred and thirty-eight miles per hour at five thousand feet [Music] fitting five eight five sixes wings proved the first real obstacle in the assembly and it eventually took two days to get it right with twice as many wings to fit alignment and rigging seemed to be eight times more difficult not only did the outer panels have to fit the stub wings accurately but the folding geometry had to be perfect added to this was the strutting and wire bracing between each pair of wings the correct dihedral angle and incidence but as with all other temporary problems encountered the problem was eventually solved and wings to fly it Hannah [Music] [Music] however one problem that was unfolding behind the curtain could have led to a serious snack propeller balancing using the static display saw Trish from Lian Solent not only does an unbalanced propeller call serious vibration but it can ruin an engine the equivalent wait there I mean if we weigh that to get that with washers I think I think would be very lucky and you know he didn't heavy washers not not the statement not saying that it's balanced then you don't know what you're working with from the beginning do if you knew it was balanced before you painted it you'd know that it was the paint that was throwing it out the same as when we're doing the watches I think from the initial where I'll seen checks off the product they're gonna have to reach strip the paint off one blade and try and play in a thinner coat of paint or possibly the worst regrind in that blade which really says back something so off with the paint an unenviable task for Trevor Bruin the offending blade had to be ground down to reduce its weight oldest took place under the watchful eye of Colleen wet from H and s aviation let's take it off isn't this yeah yeah we love together as closely as we can with not that little ow to put it on either you if you then you find was you looks like trouble the only way to give it just one week maybe an extra coat on the relevant blade just to make that one heavy the balance after disappointed again anyway [Applause] in the end all was well now it was full steam ahead for completion of the brough swordfish with dates of first engine runs and maiden flight firmly in the diet [Music] contact a splutter cloud of smoke from the rich mixture and away she goes with the first engine run an instant success relief was a well-earned luxury for all concerned [Music] this must be a great day Trevor all right yes see it going yeah probably yes only twelve good point really good they're really pleased about it first time as well are you happy now when them two shops get on that carpet their army generated we will first time which are not there or the change [Music] the shelter of the hanger feels is almost there's no wind at all if you have a lookout though right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] w5 8 5 6 again about to fly represents not only a tribute to all those brave pilots nags and tags who flew swordfish operationally for nearly 10 years but to the ferry design office whose vision resulted in such a masterpiece the ferry and especially blackburn production teams and all those directly or indirectly involved in the magnificent two and a half year restoration may it fly for many years to come and serve as an inspiration for future generations w5 8 5 6 52 years young and a string bag reborn Thor voyage [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Navy Wings
Views: 264,232
Rating: 4.869442 out of 5
Keywords: aircraft, swordfish, baesystems, #aviation, #fleetairarm, flyavy, heritage, charity
Id: fVVAA7oJsuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 17sec (3617 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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