Switzerland: The Don'ts of Visiting Switzerland

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hello fellow travelers mark here with welder's world and today we are here in basel switzerland for the don'ts of visiting switzerland and let me be honest there's a lot of dues you want to do here and a few don'ts along the way so i hope this video can help you know what to do and don't do when you're here in switzerland and i gotta tell you i gotta start off with some safety advice and that is don't choke on the fondue look fondue really is all over the country and you have to have when you're here that creamy cheese with some wine and it just makes it fantastic and whether you're you're dipping your bread in or whatever it's fantastic but do be careful because you get a little too rambunctious with that cheese you can actually coat the back your throat and choke a little bit so if you're going to be here with kids have a heads up or if you're going to be in switzerland with me having fondue make sure i don't choke to death because jocelyn's watching me i about die a few times because the fondue because it's so good and you get too excited so just just just know that okay maybe maybe raclette would be a safer alternative than having fondue all the time when you're here okay now my second don't for you is don't waste one second looking at your phone reading a book doing anything else when you're on the train here except for looking out the window because when you take the train through switzerland i mean this is truly god's country i mean it is just gorgeous this is probably the prettiest places in europe when you're taking the trains through and you see the little houses in the in the hill and you see the the mountains up there and there's jungle and there's zermatt and you see all this stuff it's just it's just gorgeous and when i get so sad when i'm on the train see and i see people playing their video games or on their switch or doing whatever i'm like stop just look out the window i mean it's just gorgeous just just unbelievably gorgeous okay so don't don't don't pass that up because for me that's the most special part of going through switzerland is taking those trains through and seeing the beautiful nature that's here okay and if you're going to be experiencing that nature one don't i have to tell you is um don't underestimate your mountain experience because hiking is a big thing here and as a traveler you should definitely go on some hikes wherever you're going to go throughout the country now there's different level of difficulties that's one thing to think about also think about the shoes you're going to be wearing do you have shoes that are going to be good for hiking that's going to be something there also if you want to stay in one of those huts yes there's lots you can stay at when you go hiking make sure you're checking those things out beforehand so it's all arranged but probably the most important like mountain experience thing you need to think about is don't forget to check the weather because the weather can vary a lot when you're in the mountains and when you're on those hikes you want to stay safe because you want to hike some more and see some more beautiful nature here in switzerland okay so do be aware of that now when you're going around the country i think one thing that's really important for you is don't get confused with the languages when you're here because there's actually four official languages you've got german you've got french you've got italian then you've got red romanus and not everyone speaks all of them they speak the language of their region and then maybe one other one and then they'll speak some english but don't expect everyone to speak all the language when you're here so as a tourist if you speak english you should be fine obviously try to speak some of the local like hellos and highs when you're here in the different parts but yeah i mean don't get too confused with the languages because there's a lot here and as someone who speaks hulk deutsch high german i'll tell you right now don't even bother with the swiss german because like i speak hawk deutsch pretty well and i have no clue what swiss germans are saying okay so just just be aware of that for my german speaking friends now another don't i think i have to mention just like every travel blog and every travel vlog mentions about here in switzerland is look don't expect this to be a cheap visit and don't expect this to be affordable visit switzerland is an expensive place to visit whether you're going out to eat whether you're getting accommodation whether you're you know you know doing excursions and hikes and skiing i mean it's not going to be a cheap thing like we have a video on budget tips for visiting switzerland and the first thing i say is there's really no budget tips there's just some things you can do to minimize the damage to your wallet and once you realize that it's easier to kind of enjoy this it's like when you go to disney world you know you're gonna spend a lot of money and you're okay with it first if you think i'm gonna save money and it doesn't go as well that's why i just understand but don't don't think you're gonna save money when you're here it's gonna be pricey okay now one of the best things you can do to kind of like mitigate a bit of those prices is don't forget to get a pass now you may say which pass mark because there's lots of passes yes there are lots of passes here the swiss pass the half fare pass you go to different cities you might have the zurich pass or zero card and puzzle pass basic or whatever what's cool is they have all these discount deals you can get now you've got to buy the card you get the swiss pass you can put cover your transportation um if you get like the zurich pass a card like you get the museums and if you use those you're going to visit all those sites that can actually save you hundreds of dollars hundreds of francs while you're here if you're here for a few days or a couple weeks it does make a difference so don't pass up getting passes when you come here to switzerland now i know i talked about you know the hiking and stuff like that but i think another thing is really important don't miss out on the other kind of outdoor experiences that you can have here in switzerland now probably the most famous place in switzerland for travelers to go to for you know your kayaking and you're canyoning and you're prolonging and all that kind of fun crazy mountainy stuff is interlocking and i'll be honest with you interlocking is a fun place to go ballmers is probably the most famous hostel in europe that people go to and they've been going through since i was a kid you know and so don't think interlock it is the only place you go in switzerland to enjoy the fun kayaking and outdoor activities there's lots of places but to be honest for me that's the most fun one okay now another don't i have for when you come here is don't be too proud to stay in a hostel i know some people we get older like oh hostels are for kids not here in switzerland hostels actually are significantly more affordable than staying at a hotel especially if you're a solo traveler i mean your money goes a lot farther those hostels and you can meet other travelers and the thing is the whole country has a great hostelling network so you can really get that and going back to interlocking embalmers yes yes yes we have that but there's all over the country you have fantastic hostels and it's not just for young people it's for old people as well we were in zurich a few years ago and we stayed with grandma grandpa me jocelyn and the boys yes we shared the bathroom we shared the showers but it was worth it because the amount of money we saved helped us get a lot farther along in switzerland so another donut i have for you here in switzerland is uh don't break the rules whatever the rules and regulations are the swiss really like their rules and regulations and they like everyone to follow them now they might not tell you that you're breaking the rules though they might definitely tell you that but just know if you are there's some swiss person shaking their head going ugh tourist so just have a heads up for that you know follow the rules and you'll be okay now another thing i need to say though is i know i've been really harping on the outdoor adventure you know kind of stuff here in switzerland i also have to say this don't skip the towns and cities of switzerland because they are gorgeous walking through basel going in the town hall and seeing the courtyard they're all done up going to lucent and walking on the covered bridges and taking in the old town i mean lake geneva you're going through geneva and stuff in zurich and bonhoeffer and doing the shopping there i mean there's so many great towns and cities you can go to saint gallon is fantastic go to the italian part and you feel like you're in a swiss italy you know it's such a fantastic thing seeing these little towns and big cities but just how beautiful they are and the architecture that's in them and the churches and the paintings on the walls i mean it's just really really fantastic so don't think it's just taking in the natural beauty here there's also the city and the urban beauty that's here in switzerland now when you're in those cities you might be thinking oh we're gonna have a good time here we're gonna party and go all out well i gotta tell you this much don't expect to do too much partying when you're here in switzerland that is that's not a thing here that that's just not a thing okay anything loud and boisterous is just not a thing here in switzerland so so probably not a good place to do your bachelor or bachelorette party just to let you know um if you are going out to eat here i have a a little dome for you don't think you have to tip service is already included on your bills i mean you can tip but you don't have to it's not expected so that could be helpful for you and the thing is i talk about tipping because that leads into service and one thing i will say about service here in switzerland don't expect them to come up and ask you if you want help now if you need help you need to go and ask them just like a swiss person they won't come up and help you but if you ask for help they will come up and help you and you're going to get professional service when you're here don't expect to be friendly don't expect to be prompt but you gotta ask okay so don't just expect the service to show up that's why it's important when the menu comes make sure you get your order in as soon as you can just so we get the process going along okay oh and speaking of those tippings i think it's important to mention this don't think they use euros when you're here in switzerland they use the swiss franc now credit cards are taken all over the place and a lot of places will take some euros but remember swiss francs are the way to go and i really think i need to reemphasize this one don't be loud look the swiss do not like a loud people they do not like loud anything if you're on the train if you're on the bus if you're going out to eat shh if you're walking around town i mean i'm filming all these videos in switzerland on the river with nobody around me because i don't want to upset any of the locals because they really don't like loudness okay and what's crazy is actually there's regulations about loudness so if you're going to be staying someplace you might not be able to flush the toilet too late at night or do laundry on a sunday or whatever you need to be aware of your noise level when you're here so if you're one of those loud talkers uh be ready to bring it down to the inside voice when you're going to your hotels or restaurants or cafes and with that kind of thing i think one thing i need to let you know is don't expect to make a lot of swiss friends when you're here you know when you travel around sometimes you can meet people really quickly and make some local friends it's a bit tougher here because small talk and getting to know people isn't as much of a thing here it's much more of a reserved society now like i said if you talk to them they will probably talk back but they probably don't want to because small talk really isn't a thing here like they look at you like why are you talking to me person i don't know so so just to be aware of that another fantastic thing you need to have when you're here in switzerland is actually swiss wine i know we never really think about swiss wine because we don't see it at our local wine store well that's because the swiss drink all of their wine so when you're here make sure you try some of the swiss wine it is fantastic and then i want to finish off with this very important don't and that is don't confuse the swiss cheese from your local grocery store back home with swiss cheese here in switzerland because you know the swiss cheese back home has got that big holes and look like it's from a cartoon that's now how they roll here there are different regional cheeses they're seasonal cheese there's all kinds of great cheese from here and no it's not just raquette and fondue cheese okay it's so many kinds of cheeses here and don't think that when they say we're going to have a cheese plate that is going to be a bunch of that stuff you got from home no that is an insult to the word swiss cheese okay because when you're here the cheese is amazing all right so i hope these helped you know a bit more of what to do and what not to do when you do come here to switzerland it is a gorgeous country the nature really is god's country when you're here when you're going through on the trains it's just it's just beauty beyond belief so if you want to learn more maybe what to eat when you come to switzerland we've got that all over on our walters world eat channels also we have the don'ts here in basel and all kinds of fun budget tips as well so we hope you have a fun time here in switzerland and i'll say goodbye from basel
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 255,558
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Keywords: travel, europe, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, Walters World
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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