Swiss Grocery Store | $50 Challenge at LIDL

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hey guys welcome back to how to Switzerland Sarah here today and in today's video I've got you on my cell phone because we're gonna go on an adventure and we're gonna check out a Swiss Lidl so Lidl is a discount grocery store I believe based out of Germany but they have all sorts of locations all around Switzerland and we don't normally grocery shop there just because it's not the most convenient location for us but we thought it would be fun to go check it out together and see how far 50 Swiss francs will go at Lidl so 50 Swiss francs is about the same as 50 US dollars so we are gonna try to do our weekly grocery shopping all at Lidl and all for under 50 francs so we're gonna walk there now and we're gonna just show you the inside check out some of the vegan food there we're vegan if you didn't know so that's why we're gonna be looking for that stuff obviously while we're at the grocery store and then when we come back I guess we'll do a little haul and show you exactly what we got so let's go [Music] in our last video some people thought we don't go to Aldi or legal because you're Swiss and Swiss people don't like to shop there what's your take on that it's usually like that that Swiss people prefer me grow and cope but yeah like lead and Aldi they're also getting more and more popular and you you care I prefer me I have no I'm totally indifferent that's a Swiss thing [Music] okay so we are inside and it's like two o'clock on a Monday there a good amount of people in here it is gorgeous like it must be really really new because everything is very bright and clean it's not like a dingy gross discovery store not at all so the cool thing about Lille and all these that have all their like name own name brand own brand drinks and stuff or all kind of stuff not just drinks but yeah super super affordable what's this fifty five cents for what is this this like orange soda what is that um you also have bitter lemon I love this stuff this is probably the closest you can find to like american-style lemonade it's like a lemonade basically like Minute Maid you know but a little bit more sour but if you put a lot of ice cubes in it it's pretty good look at all the Ravello I told you guys about rubella so a big one point or no it's 1.25 liters is $1.99 okay so we made our way to the back and we're gonna work our way to the front we saw online that they sell frozen pizza that is vegan so we're gonna be on the lookout for that oh I know berries is on our list Matthias frozen berries 399 for 750 we can get that for smoothies let's try it that is a humongous bag isn't that yeah that was on our list for smoothies we'd get that 399 they also sell a lot of stuff here that it is non-food but as you can see it's super super picked through not a lot left so they have these huge bags of paprika chips oh my gosh the weird thing about chips here a lot of them in spend they're like fold to the top I feel like in the u.s. they're usually like that folded I can feel the chips literally up to here so this is a bag in here 400 grams it says it's 259 so that is really cheap way cheaper than the name-brand ones but I don't know I feel like the name-brand ones that's why full are really the best paprika chips they have a little ice-cream section I find that ice cream here in general is not as big as in the US speaking of that kind of funny here look American ice cream it says cookie dough we could do a whole video like finding American quote-unquote food here and trying it because it's kind of funny sometimes the things that they mark as what American food is like sliced bread and stuff like that this was exactly what I meant hamburger buns American Way I don't know who is American hamburger its hamburger buns a super American things I feel like everybody needs funds but yeah that's funny is it just me or does this bread section look amazing it's just like so clean looking and well let's write it looks fresh all the bread looks really really fresh I love the bread and sweat son in general and I love that you can see all the ingredients right here so you can check if there's eggs or milk or whatever so that one is vegan look at that that looks healthy but still good Wow look at all these breads they honestly look so so good I feel like bread here is a little bit more expensive than in other countries though because I know when like France and stuff you can get baguettes for like I don't know like 25 cents okay so here is a plain baguette a dollar 25 one franc 25 I feel like that is kind of pricey compared to like neighboring countries I swear when we were in France they had them for like 25 cents okay this is hilarious look at this chicken nugget packaging does that remind you of it looks like McDonald's that is really funny Oh plotz Lee you guys before we even went vegan and I was in college I was basically vegetarian because meat is so expensive here and I used to eat these like schnitzel see said she's slots Lee used to really really like those have some interesting stuff here some frozen veggies I think we do we need some frozen vegetables is that on the list okay we have found the pizzas let's see if we can find the one I'm looking for I think it was this brand here this Alfredo I saw a picture of it online veggie veggie I'm seeing lots of veggie pizza but no cheeseless pizza so they have an Easter section set out here for a dollar 79 you can get a little chocolate bunny it's still Fairtrade it's not lint I think they're knocking off limbs is that right link not sure they also have chocolate eggs five bucks that's a lot for these little packages oh no it's for this one here this is the one for five yummy Wow you can get this huge Easter Bunny for $1.99 that is so cute I saw that Cole Pez dark chocolate ones that's on the milk in them I have to go check that out this is an Easter chicken I've never seen that before that is actually adorable so we've made our way over to the meat section I see here they have tofu for 149 oh don't let's out there's two packs should I get them both let's get a bolt-on 149 that is a really good price they also have some vegan I don't know what good music vegetable triangle that doesn't look that interesting what's back here we have falafel I find that falafel normally is not very good and what do we have here chicken nuggets should we try those feel like it's always good to try out different oh here the schnitzel what do you see Schmidt saw yeah uh-huh okay hang on here we have these are all by the way sign these are all to 99 oh no I'm wrong these are all 395 I don't know should we get these lemon pepper or should we get or should we get not good let's get in August we get schnitzel all the time we get a missile at cope I want to try not get I usually do not like these like in general but I've never had this brand so we're gonna give that a try so since we couldn't find the frozen pizza we're gonna make our own sometimes we make our own dough but this week we're gonna try this out for 189 a pizza dough check the ingredients real quick yeah okay let's check out the vegetable section here is iceberg lettuce this is 199 oh we need that lets get that and they have a ton of vegetables here for like a discounter lots of stuff what is that interesting what are we looking for this is just silly how they wrap those like that though what the heck oh I know we need celery do we need celery right for bolognaise bin so this is 249 for this pack which is I know way cheaper than what I buy it for at me grow every week so that's a deal here thank you so we are now in the chocolate I'll look it here for 89 cents they have knockoff kinder eggs chuckle sauce made by ladle super cute used to love getting those when my dad would go to Europe when I was a kid he would bring those back oh they have like all sorts of chocolate that I do not see other places what is this actually looks really good it's like a Toblerone a shape but it has like some cream in it so we normally get one or two bricks of dark chocolate every week these are 59 cents they're Fairtrade nothing you're gonna give these a try it's double check here looks good they have all sorts of good-looking chocolate here though they have the name brand and they have the knockoff stuff oh look at these good at your sport that Switzer's that German that German oh my gosh this looks so good let's hope for no milk no milk chocolate see once swiss premium it's not even made into it one austria austria check out the milk section it is so impressive we have soy milk for 159 which is a very good price for Switzerland they have almond milk coconut milk rice milk oat milk almond I think you know we haven't really been buying almond milk I don't want to try it for 189 oh Sh these are some vegan spreads for bread but how weird does that sound what is this a eggplant spread and a pineapple curry spread I mean come on vegans like chocolate spreads too they should just make some without the milk I know you can get them in other places I'm not sure about here though they have here maple syrup for 449 that's a pretty good price for organic a maple syrup to keep that in mind let's see here I think we're looking for jams let's see these look pretty good how much is this umm 189 Oh down here is for 119 what's the difference this one looks better right what kind you like babe strawberry raspberry go with the raspberry raspberry did you check fit as gelatin so it's always fun to hunt for stuff that's accidentally vegan and these are like these butter flaky Italian biscuits and I just gave it a quick check and they are actually good so I think we're gonna try these I've no idea what they are looks like you're meant to drink it with like a coffee or something that looks like a pastry YUM I love anything like Italian or Italian inspired usually I like it here's an another another American food chocolate chip cookies I missed chocolate chip cookies I haven't had chocolate chip cookies in probably wonders who year oh you guys when I was in college in Lucerne I used to shop at Aldi and I seat these like crazy for like a lunch it was like rice cakes covered in chocolate so we tend to buy whole-grain pasta but I don't think they're gonna have it here look at these huge guys huge tubs like they literally are on pallets so this is a kilo of spaghetti for 89 cents which will probably get if they don't have anything whole-grain see anything oh you're dinkle oh wow that is a really good price babe because we pay like four bucks for a thing half the size that me grow what have they got these are gluten-free okay perfect oh here this is organic but I don't think it's okay oh here oh that's like super whole-grain okay good good good good here 45 cents for a half kilo of penny so that's a really good price we'll get home and do a little haul you make it perfect so we are back from Lidl I keep wanting to say all these we didn't really go to be ended up spending I think it was 52 Swiss francs so weird two bucks over budget but we got a lot of stuff I'm pretty impressed I can't say it's like substantially cheaper than what we normally do because we usually do pretty good I felt it was almost the same as shopping at like dinner but yeah we did pretty good info on some really cool stuff that I haven't ever tried before that I'm excited about namely these um cookies should we open them on the walk eight like four of them these are so good they kind of reminded me of like a doughnut mixed with a croissant mixed with like a pastry so I definitely think if you happen to be busy the rake and you're looking to pick up like some snacks or a bottle of wine or some Swiss chocolate and you know you want to just sit outside and have a little sandwich super budget kind of travel of your super budget traveling definitely check out Lidl it's literally in the center of town they have an amazing location there were actually loads of tourists in there buying lion chocolate and groceries and stuff so yeah I would definitely recommend this place it was super fun so this is the haul we got two cans of arrabbiata sauce one can of Maduro Maduro he knows a whole bunch of bread we go through so much bread in this house coming up some sandwich bread we have some dinner rolls four packages of those two loaves of bread we have a bunch of celery lettuce tomatoes peppers lemons we got tofu we got chicken nuggets we have some organic pasta here regular pasta carrots jam we have some beans here these are a great deal at Lidl ease for 99 cents and I think in me grow there closer to 3 bucks a can so these were a really good discount also this coconut milk was I think 199 which is again about half the price that you pay and Migros a really great deal got these cookies are so good this chocolate we have to try it hopefully it's good it's made in Switzerland I actually did not check oh it's made in Germany nevermind so this is not Swiss chocolate if you're looking for Swiss chocolate I personally do not care but did try that we have some pizza dough almond milk actually these were a really good deal - these were like three frames around three frames and we use this to make any cream sauce sour creams really good price thing big bag 200 grams so definitely we should stock up on those because that's much cheaper than at our regular store we have some ketchup frozen raspberries and our sorry strawberries and I think I think that is it for the haul so overall I had a pretty good shopping experience I think it's really a nice store it's bright it's clean it's organized so I really like it in that sense but since it is a bit out of the way for us I don't think the savings are worth like the extra walking to get to the store so it will probably stick to our normal routine but if you guys would like to see what 50 frames gets you at different Swift grocery stores we'd be happy to film with more of these just let us know your thoughts about that in the comments down below that's it for today's video I hope you really liked it if you did leave it a thumbs up and I'll talk to you soon bye [Music]
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Views: 46,832
Rating: 4.8281789 out of 5
Keywords: switzerland, swiss, how to, life in switzerland, move to switzerland, moving to switzerland, sarah nourse, sarah nurse, sara nourse, swiss life
Id: b5bVruNhzJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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