Swimming with a Prosthetic Leg: The Fin

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it's hard to explain someone cousin hypothetic because you don't know the feeling that you have when you're walking with they could be like a hybrid everyday workout water leg that's great I have some photos here from when I serve the nation is profoundly grateful for your service by President Obama this is where I keep all my prosthetic that's my shower leg right there and that's like my full leg in the corner and then I had like 20 other legs there's something new every like eight months it's ridiculous how fast they pump these things out come here hang out with me for a little bit I was in the Marine Corps for about four and a half years and I did two tours Afghanistan September 28th 2011 we were just conducting our normal operations at night we were driving down a road that we've been down a thousand times we hit 90 and it's 120 pound pressure plate and our truck hit it and I broke every bone hit down the doctor came up to me a week prior my invitation he says we can keep your leg but we'd have to take a skin graft all from you and you won't be able to walk - well I never asked you know like a bullet and do take my leg and I get up and run again can I be active and he said the technology they have right now you know you're almost better off so this is a version of my face that we had 3d printed it's also really good if you want to take a nap at your desk you're like this and gotta sleep no one will know the difference it can't quite unlock my iPhone but it's close this is the 3d printing core facility of Northville health we can work from all patient-specific Anatomy all the way up to prosthetics you can have legs that allow you to swim but doesn't allow you to enter and exit the water or you have legs that allow you to go in the water but it's kind of acts like an anchor not pushing you forward and allowing you swim so we said how can we get all this into one unit the Finn came the only difference is now we have this 3d printed piece here in the middle and the kick get allowed to move through the water so they can stand and you know have no issues walking around to get in and out of the pool or water they can just seamlessly enter and exit just like your I would without even thinking about it let's go stay that I walk in this leg and it's comfortable enough for me to walk every day in and that when I do swim it feels like I'm swimming balance and like swimming tilt it to my right side because that's where my power is coming from from my only leg [Music] sidekicks underwater [Music] [Music] no legs just feels like you dislike cutting through the wood took like a board motion power your bounce spray-z it out only an inch on each side what's that that you were doing best way to look at it as you're going from swimming bare feet in the pool swimming with flippers on a lot more power a lot more control your balance you know earlier before I stand with no prosthetic and I was like turning and tumbling I couldn't control I couldn't stay balanced and then when I got in with a fin it was a whole different story it's like being a kids at Toys R Us there's all these different legs on the shelves and you get to pick out which one fits you best [Music]
Channel: Motherboard
Views: 59,315
Rating: 4.903172 out of 5
Keywords: education, war, health, veteran, swimming, Tonic, prosthetics, Prosthetic leg, vice, documentary, vice videos, SCIENCE, motherboard, future, exclusive, vice mag, vice magazine, tech, Technology, Sci-Fi, motherboardtv, documentaries, exploration, amputee, fin, the fin, kevin vaughn, 3d printed prosthetic leg, 3d printed, verterans, military, engineering, water, amphibious, innovation, bionic, breakthrough, new technology, best prosthetic leg, limbs
Id: hk3PLVxAO6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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