"Sweet Home Alabama" Piano Hack

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hi everyone welcome back to the channel this is rock your living room I'm Colin here to show you how to do some rock grooves and apply them to songs you like on the piano we're going to do Sweet Home Alabama today um this is a new groove that I like to call the Boom Boom Clap group different from that one five one six Groove I did in the last video um the Boom Boom Clap if you think about like um Queen um we will rock you it's like yeah okay and instead of um Boom Boom Clap it's left hand left hand right hand on the Beats one two three and then four is held so it's like one two three four one two three four one two three four um so for sweetnam Alabama um we can apply this by putting our left hand um thumb on the D right here and then uh second finger is on C and then pinky is on G so your hand doesn't have to move at all really um in the left hand you can just go one two three four one two four [Music] it's pretty much that the whole song um and then in the right hand we're gonna play the D chord it's D major C major and G major um pretty much the whole way through so um we're gonna play D major chord but um the melody IS F sharp so we're gonna move it down we'll take the a from the top and move it down down below that's called second inversion and I think um and um then we can just take that whole structure and move it down a whole whole step for C major so GCE you know D major is I play a d f sharp and then g c e first for C major and then you only have to move the top two notes down a whole or down from c and e to D and B so it just kind of falls under the hands pretty nicely you don't have to move too far um and again your right hand is going to play on three every time so it's one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three one two three okay you practice it slow but then eventually you know both hands separately and then once you got it you can start doing it slowly together one two three four one two three [Music] if you're a singer you can just sing right over that um Groove that's that's pretty much all you need um if you want to play The Melody again starts on F sharp right there so we can kind of play the melody and then throw some chords in um [Music] I'm throwing in some more stuff that's you know signature looks from the song um in particular the one that goes a b d e d b a b um uh you know it's just kind of like [Music] it's a very signature lick from the song um and then the intro I like to do something like this [Music] here we go [Music] thank you so there's a few ideas um but the main thing is you get the melody plane in the right hand mixing the chords and then in the left hand you're playing that boom and then the right hand clap that's the groove that you need and then for the Melody I was kind of you know you can always add the left hand can be an octaves you know if you might need to practice that a little bit but um it doesn't take too much to add that again that's most of the time um gives a little firmer Foundation but you don't really need it um you can certainly play it like this okay and then um for that last part I was doing the melody F sharp and it you know for the chorus I kind of went you know so C major but I'm filling in I've got F sharp and octaves and then A and D in the middle and then C major e and C autism and G and two in the middle and then G Major D and D so [Music] the best part is F C and D um so yeah there's some ideas for I hope that helps you learn to play Sweet Home Alabama using the rock your living room style method thank you see you guys
Channel: Rock Your Living Room
Views: 5,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Piano, Rock, Sweet Home Alabama
Id: 3EN4FrL3214
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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