Swan Lake from TchaÏkovsky (full music by the Bolshoï Orchestra)
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Channel: Classicool
Views: 345,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bolshoï National Theatre|Algys Juraitis, Tchaïkovsky: Swan Lake (Etoiles Of Bolshoï ), Via Classic, Musique Classique : Musique Romantique (1820 - 1900) - N-A, ballet, music, tchaikovsky, swan lake, lac des cygnes, swan lake tchaikovsky, lac des cygnes tchaikovsky, etoiles of bolshoi
Id: bj9GV3Nv5qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 48sec (6708 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2017
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