SVG & React JS : Why & How!

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Hello everyone! Today we're going to talk about  the subject that I find fascinating, which is   the way we can use SVG files in React JS and  the way they work particularly well together.   The point of origin of this interest was  work I had to do on a website for H&M,   where we had to create a dynamic map where we  had different projects with different states and   different types of products, and the types of the  projects in the states would change depending on   a number of things like how completed they  were. There were different ways of doing this:   We could have just created image files  with transparent png files and created   20 odd files but I started looking into how  SVGs worked in React. What I found was really   interesting, and it was something I didn't know.  Okay, let's get using SVGs with React js! We have   five reasons to use SVGs and four ways to use  them in React. Now, the five reasons to use SVGs:   1/Because SVGs can be they can be light.  A properly done SVG (which doesn't have an   excessive amount of details) can be weigh one or  two kb, where an equivalent PNG file would be at   least 10 times as big. Now this is not an absolute  rule. I've seen SVG files that were very heavy in   details and that were half a meg in size, but in  general for a simple illustration or for an icon,   for anything that's vectorial SVG is the  perfect fit and will make your network load a   lot lighter and make your website load faster.  Which is a good thing! The second thing is:   SVGs can be scaled. We can have the same file look  good at a small size and a big size because as it   is vectorial content it's vectors: it's basically  the case for the icon that we have on-screen here.   It's vectorial content. It will scale up  simply. It's not a load of pixels that trying   to make a circle it's in code. We say this  is actually a circle this is actually a line   and so this means that it ends up looking  good a lot better at higher resolutions   and at higher scales. The third thing is: SVG  files can be styled. We can apply CSS styles. We can apply CSS styles to SVG files,  we can apply a number of things   which means that they can take on different styles  depending on the context, depending on the logic.   This means we can have SVG files that change  color depending on if the item is active,   in the icon in the menu for example.  The fact that we can change the image   dynamically in code is really important. We  can't do this with a png for example. We can   do a filter but this can be heavy it's not going  to have a good color, whereas here you can say   this outline, this class has this color,  and that can be done dynamically in code. SVG files can also be animated because  there's logical content The way it's done:   We can say okay: This this part here, we can  change its length, we can change its curvature,   we can turn this on and so this allows  us to animate SVG files in a way   which is not possible with PNG  files and which is lightweight too.   Lastly SVG files are basically text files, and the  fact that they are basically text files means that   they can be indexed, and so they can be useful  for SEO. They can also be useful (for the same   reasons) for translation. That's slightly more  complicated because words have different sizes in   different languages but basically if you're in a  context where you must have text in an image (and   I'd recommend against using text in an image in  95% of the cases). But if you absolutely *must*   have text in an image, and you know that the size  is going to be safe you can use your translation   (and if you need to have it translated  obviously). You can use the translation   underlying translation of your framework, for  example of React, and use that to inject text   inside the SVG, and that have that text  be translated. So five reasons (six,   if you count translation) why it's a good idea  to use SVGs. That said, how do we use SVGs?   Well, there are four ways to do so. The simple  way, and the way we're most used to, is to just   include it like any other image file: do an image  tag with the src equals and go and fetch it on the   server. Now the problem with that, is that we're  fetching on the server and that we're actually   not making use of a number of the good things  that I mentioned before. We can actually also   import the SVG logo directly into our react  component, and this is actually what the   create react app start page does. The app  actually basically has this code here,   and if you do a "create react app" you can  see it for yourself. I've simplified it,   I've moved out some of the fluff which is not  relative to the subject at hand, but basically,   this means that it's a lot nicer way of writing  things, but it's basically the same thing that's   happening. That is: it's basically fetching a  file from the server. For other image files of   other formats (other than SVG) so: PNGs and stuff,  when the file is less than 10 kilobytes in size,   React will actually inline the content, i.e.  write it as data inside the src attribute of the   image tag. But this is not true for SVG files.  There's a bug that prevents it from happening.   We're still doing a round trip to the server with  the SVG files, and round trips to the servers are   generally a bad idea. Now, there's another  better way of using SVGs, which is to use   a library called SVGR, and you can look up how to  install it. I'll include a link in the comments.   This allows you to transform SVG files into React  components, and this transformation means that   you no longer have a round trip to the server. It  means you can basically do as we have in line 2:   import ReactComponent as Logo from an SVG file,  and then use that logo directly as a component.   And the advantage is that you're no longer doing a  round trip to the server. So it's better in terms   of speed and responsiveness of your application,  it also means that styles are better applied. So all-around it's a good solution, and for a lot  of use cases, it's largely sufficient. However,   for my use case (with the map) that I  talked about initially, it's not sufficient.   I needed to be able to apply logic and to  apply conditional styling and stuff like   that based on what the content was that  I was trying to display. And basically,   the reason why SVGR works, and the reason we can  do even better is: Because SVG files are basically   just a text file, and the fact that they're just  text files mean that they can be rendered by   React. And in fact, they're just text files that  have an XML-type structure just like HTML does.   This means that we can actually render them  directly inside a component. So if we take this,   this is more or less the code for the React logo  on line six. The line is actually a lot longer   so hence the etc. But this is basically what SVGR  does, and in a lot of cases, we can actually do   it ourselves. Now we don't always need to do  it ourselves, it can be a lot faster just if   we don't need to change the icon if there's no  logic to apply. If there's no business logic   that is required then SVGR (which comes bundled  by default in CRA 2.0 by the way) is fine. But   basically what it's doing is what we can do  ourselves, and it's creating a render of the   SVG file basically like the text we have  on-screen here. Now, what does this mean?   This means that we can apply all the fun  stuff we do in React to this component.   So this means that we can easily include a state,  we can include a callback on a click that changes   the state, and we can take into account  that state to change the styling of the SVG.   So basically this means we can have an icon that  changes depending on the state of the application.   So in my case, in the map, I could change the icon  based on whether the project was active or not,   I could change the styling. And this is actually  a really powerful thing. It's not useful for every   single use case, but it does allow us to do a  lot of things, and to do it in the natural React   way, using hooks, using a component that renders  the SVG. This allows us to break out the context   of just HTML and to apply the same kind of React  goodness to images that we include inside React.   I hope that was useful or fun it was both :) It  was fun for me at least. It was an interesting   subject that I haven't even completely finished  exploring. I think there are lots of things to   discover with SVGs because they're a very powerful  tool and a very useful tool. And the interesting   thing for me was that how closely, how well they  fit into React, how well the two can intermesh.   Anyway if you found this video interesting,  if you found it fun, please feel free to like   the video. In fact please do! I appreciate  the encouragement. Subscribe if you like,   if you want to hear more, if you want to learn  more, and I'll see you in the next video. Bye! oh and if you have any questions any comments   any requests uh for example if  you're interested in learning how   we created the map component in the website i  showed in the intro um let me know thanks bye you
Channel: Kodaps - The fun of understanding how things work
Views: 1,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: svg react, react svg tutorial, svg image in react native, react svg, svg icons tutorial, svg icons, svg icons react, react svg map, svg react js, Svg tutorial
Id: b71Dd-7iGeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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