Svbony Dielectric Diagonal

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foreign thank you so much for dropping by well we've not got another great product from SV Boney to have a look at and today it's their 90 degree dielectric diagonal what makes this diagonal A Cut Above the Rest is it's got dielectric Coatings now on normal on your stock diagonals probably the one that you got with your telescope um it will be more than likely a aluminum or aluminum coating for our friends across the pond um an aluminum reflective coating that's put on there just a single thin layer of aluminum now with this with the dielectric coating it's a completely different process and they put multiple layers of reflective surface on now this results in a surface that's 99 reflectivity which in a nutshell leads to brighter clearer images now if there's ever a weakling in a telescope it usually is the diagonal now you've heard about you know upgrading your eyepieces but it's no good having good quality Optics in your telescope good quality eyepieces and a poor quality diagonal because if there's ever a weak Link in a telescope it's usually this when it comes to uh telescopes that accept diagonals and it's often overlooked by beginners you know that they don't think they need to upgrade this but believe me upgrading your diagonal is just as effective as upgrading your eyepieces in fact if not a little bit more because uh you know like I say um when you upgrade your diagonal it's a little bit like upgrading your telescope and your eyepieces because this is one of the final things that light passes through and if you're losing light through a an inferior diagonal then obviously you're going to be losing light in your eyepiece so upgrading your diagonal is just as advisable as upgrading your eyepieces apart from this having excellent Optics it's also incredibly well built and the attention to detail SV Boney have not missed a trick now it's a fully metal construction it's got a fair bit of weight to it I mean it's not massively heavy and you don't want a great big heavy thing on the end of your telescope because that does start affecting balance but as soon as you you take it out of the box again you can tell it's quality um it's uh it's all blackened on the inside and one thing you will notice as soon as you take it out of the box and have a look in is just how much light's coming in there looking down there it's like looking at a shaving mirror it's quite huge um the other great thing that uh SV Boney have included is a compression ring fit in here now these are so much better than just a having a thumb Screw As where thumb screws these little thumb screws here can some sometimes scratch your eyepieces and and just damage the overall look of them but with these compression Rings they actually grasp the eye priests all the way around uh like an equal pressure and it uh it's a lot more secure and it doesn't cause any marking on your expensive eyepieces I should have mentioned actually this is an inch and a quarter so this will fit uh inch and a quarter focuses and will accept inch and a quarter eyepieces another little feature that I'm glad they've included is a internal thread uh on the on the end here now on diagonals this is so so useful because you can directly put your filters uh to to this part of the diagonal you've put filters and you can also put Barlow lens cells and this makes it uh really uh handy and convenient as where instead of having to swap the filter out every time you change your eyepiece you can just simply change your eyepiece you know as will as you would normally and the filter or the Barlow stays in place a really useful feature on diagonals to have that thread the minute you can get one of these amazing diagonals for around about 55 pounds I believe I'll flush the right price up on the screen there and uh believe me folks it's worth every penny um I just couldn't believe the difference if you if you're like me and and like to go for the Deep Sky targets you'll know that they can be quite a challenge and it it's literally like turning the uh turning the light switch up a little bit if it was on a dimmer switch it's just like turning it up a little bit you're just getting so much more light grass with one of these uh dielectric mirrors um and and just a noticeable difference compared to the aluminum as always folks I will leave Links of where to grab one of these great little diagonals from in the description below well that's about all I can really say about this fantastic little diagonal uh I'd just like to thank SV Boney for sending me this and having a look and please remember folks that I'm not getting paid and no affiliate links uh to SV Boney I just give you my honest opinion of their products and believe me I've reviewed a fair few of SV volley products and not once have I been disappointed so I'm I'm sure you're not going to be disappointed with this um Quality little item here well that's about all I can say about this fantastic little diagonal from SV Boney as always folks thank you so much for watching if you've watched this far don't forget like share subscribe and I will see you on the next one bye for now foreign
Channel: Small Optics
Views: 7,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Svbony, astronomy, astronomy for beginners, astronomy for dummies, telescope, the moon, stargazing, eyepiece, astrophotography, upgrade
Id: LFs2w-B57wM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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