Susanne Sundfør - Delirious
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Susanne Sundfør
Views: 2,214,691
Rating: 4.9079466 out of 5
Keywords: Susanne Sundfør, Delirious, Fade Away, P3, Norway, Pop, Music, Electronic, Röyksopp, Kleerup, Lykke Li, Guld, White Foxes, Robyn, Highasakite, M83, The Brothel, Silicone Veil, How to dress well, Active Child, Oblivion, Ten Love Songs, Maps (Composition), Jaga Jazzist (Musical Group), Robyn (Composer)
Id: MdSB_PcBW3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 12 2015
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