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what's your name daring my name is Susan Bo what's the dream trying to beit professional sing I Dre dream time hard to believe that just nine short months ago Susan boy was literally [Music] [Applause] unknown was Susan ball right to dream a dream [Music] yes an innocent very nice [Music] a ladies and Gentlemen please welcome your host here's Morgan [Music] [Applause] thank you good evening and welcome to a very special show she dreamed a dream and that dream became an incredible once in a-lifetime reality tonight we're going to celebrate the amazing story that is Susan boils I'll never forget that spine tingly moment that I first heard Susan sing her original Britain's Got Talent audition in Glasgow tonight we're going to bring you the Inside Story on Susan's meteoric rise to fame and she'll be performing some of her favorite songs with some really special guests but now let's discover how it all [Music] began Susan is very W class in Blackburn a close nit Community we look out for each other we always have Susan's always been part of [Music] that Susan was a beautiful looking girl she beautiful black curly hair she always had the best of ribbons and the best of clothes and Susan was always a classy one when I was a baby told my parents not to expect too much of me cuz I had a slight disability I didn't make friends very easily I couldn't trust anybody and when I did try to speak to people they made fun of me so the only escape from all that really was music [Music] walking out the door Susan opens her mouth the jackets are off they all sat down oh please one more drink oh sing another one sing another one what we seen that night when Britain's Got Talent I've watched that for 20 years after mom died in 2007 didn't fully Regent maybe 6 months after it when loneliness really s well I used to find myself crying a lot I used to find myself so not been able to manage not been able to cope although she's not here anymore physically spiritually she is and I know that she meant me to do something with my life but I didn't know until I appli for the television program it was January 21st 2009 and I was going to be on Britain's good talent as an [Music] addition I traditionally don't like doing auditions because I get bored and I get frustrated when Simon's miserable we're all miserable we first saw uh Susan up in Glasgow kind of you know didn't wasn't really chatting to anybody just kind of sat alone in the corner so we didn't really take that much notice of her i' seen many act come and go and they came through by yeses they came through by NOS here myy going hello there hello how you doing I'm good how are you that nervous yeah sure no yeah well that's that's not surprising but you know trying got fighting would you know and we just thought oh here we go we've got another one of those we've got another one of those Susan was nervous definitely she she was definitely nervous we kind of sent her on stage and then if I'm honest with you our thoughts kind of turned what we were going to have for lunch all right what's your name darling my name is Susan Bo my KN were not but decided yeah either sure nerves I get damn cheeky with them and how old are you Susan I am 4 7 and that's just one side of me they must have say to themselves oh my God okay what's the dream I I'm trying to be a professional singer I could actually feel the audience behind me beginning to get Restless you feel it they smelt blood seriously okay and who would you like to be as successful as elain page El page God you know you can imagine this one think she's going to be a lame page the level of delusion appeared to know no bounds and then she began to [Music] sing I Dre a dream and time G within about 5 Seconds of her singing I felt this unbelievable change you didn't expect that did you did you no how arrogant were we to assume she was going to be rubbish and she proved everybody wrong in that one song it was brilliant and she absolutely knew she was going to knock our socks off it was spellbinding it was one of those moments when your spine starts to tingle it was amazing that was the moment where I thought if she can hit the chorus this song is going to change her life forever I could feel it in the first moment she started singing I Dre a dream I was just on the edge of my seat going wow can she sustain it and for some reason the lyrics of that song seem to epitomize what she wanted uh her own dream of Life anded her own life [Applause] experience stand inovation even the judges stood up it was exib eting and and it was amazing I I to say it at the time it was quote bloody fantastic what I felt during and after the song I don't think I've ever felt on any audition in my life there was something magical about that audition Susan Bo you can go back to the village with your head held high is three SES [Applause] [Music] what a fantastic moment that was and don't worry we'll definitely get to hear more of that song later but now it's time to welcome a star of tonight's show singing a song written especially for her it's our very own Susan Bole [Music] [Applause] [Music] when I was a child I could see the wind in the trees and I heard a song in the breeze it was this singing my name but not a girl I've known the tast of [Music] defeat and a finally grown to believe that it all comes around [Music] again oh I may not know the aners I can finally say I'm free is the question lead me he I'm who I was born to [Music] [Applause] be open up and ready to stand I've got the world in my hand and it feels like my turn fly oh I may the anwers I can fin the say I'm free I'm question leave me he who I was Bor to [Applause] be know [Music] the I can find say I I am a if question me [Music] [Applause] here I was to [Music] be I'm who I was born to [Music] bre Su congratulations fantastic Susan Bo everybody how amazing was that it was a stunning start of the show Susan but more importantly how great does she look [Applause] tonight your album has sold 4 and a half million copies in 2 weeks thank you thank you all for your support I've got to ask you I mean you sang about dreaming a dream are you still living a dream is it reality how is this crazy Journey you're on how does it feel now it feels very real and is bloody fantastic well look we're very lucky we've got you for an hour to ourselves today the whole world wants you you're here with us and you're going to be performing some songs and more importantly for you I think you're going to be singing for the first time a duet with a very special lady to you aren't you don't say don't say it it's a secret but it's going to be a great moment back after the [Applause] [Music] break welcome back tonight we're celebrating the incredible story of Susan Bole and I want to take you back to when Susan stepped off that stage in Glasgow and her life changed forever Susan sang the world listened and she became an overnight sensation second the audition went out on on on TV in England it got picked up on the internet it was the equivalent of an Internet Wildfire I've never seen anything go like that in my life like bangs easily the hottest piece of video on the web in the world now o is one of the most recognizable faces in the world to go from the complete anonymity into Global Superstar and having 300 million people downloading you it is to me the most extraordinary transformation in terms of speed I've ever seen in this business unbelievable pressure I was getting text messages and emails within an hour of the show going out on TV from China from Russia from friends in Australia from all around Europe and I texted Simon who was in LA and said are you getting the same reaction I am this was on the night it first went on television and he went crazy I said there something going on already we could feel it the reaction was just insane she couldn't quot with a Paparazzi that was her biggest problem she couldn't quot with M motor bikes chasing a and journalists under cover in the hotel these were the pressures that Susan was put under now she had to sing R she had the world watching the whole of Britain was closing down to watch Susan Bole walk to that microphone and sing memory and I could tell she was in a very very I think difficult State she couldn't quite get the top of the song [Music] right the and for any singer particularly somebody like her without any experienced live show it throws you then the first crack appeared with no pressure then having all this pressure on top of and found I found a bit suffocating you know as anyone would cuz it was such a a short space of time it felt like a bit of a demolition ball really I was feeling very anxious during the the final but it got so bad it was actually know sort of St at the wall and stuff I didn't want to know anybody you know I asked to see her before the final went out I just cleared the dressing room uh and said I want to talk to you Susan you don't have to do this she said Simon I've lived on my own I've dreamed all my life about being a singer this is the one shot and I'm I want to do this I said you're the red hot favorite which for me means there's a chance you may not win how you going to deal with that and she said I still want to enter Susan Bo what had started off as a bit of fun for her had now become quite scary and the weight of expectation I think was almost unbearable [Music] for everyone was expecting her to win all the way through the SE she was favored to win favorite to win and that's that's immense pressure if Susan Bo doesn't win Britain's Got Talent then I'm a donut and then you get to that moment it's live TV you're sitting there she's in the final too I mean you could cut the atmosphere with a knife that night the winner of Britain's God Talent 2009 is it was electric everybody in the studio was on the edge of their seat desperate to know who was going to win and then we got word and it wasn't Susan diversity normally and look at the winners this time I'm looking over to my right I saw a glimmer of fear then no one's going to want me anymore no it was TI with the huge pressure she'd had the lack of sleep the lack of eating this extremely pressurized week it all got too much the Scottish spinster who became a worldwide internet hit has failed to win the TV talent show that made her St The Bookies were celebrating toot favorite Susan Bo coming second in Britain's Got Talent after all that pressure after all of the attention to not quite make it must have been very hard to take this was the lowest point we'd ever reached where suddenly you go we have a responsibility here and that's the point where you question yourself the show and have we ruined this person's life I saw the picture of her in the car under the headlin the the saddest woman in the country and all this kind of stuff and I really fell for her I I thought it was awful awful situation that you couldn't make her feel better everyone kept saying to her don't worry Simon was saying don't worry it's going to be great she wasn't having it she knew that other contestants who had not won these shows just disappeared as fast as they came hadn't eaten properly for about a week hadn't slept properly for about a week was like looking everything through glass you know and the feeling the feelings was one of extreme exhaustion go over to Susan and whisper in our ear we're still here if you still want to make a record I'm going to do this and I give you my word just remember that now let's go back to when I was sitting with Simon cow and Amanda Holden on the Britain's Got Talent judging panel Susan was chatting to us before she auditioned and she told us she had one very particular ambition okay and who would you like to be as successful as page was inundated um with emails from people from all over the place telling me to go on to YouTube and watch this [Music] performance she came along at a time when the world was a bit weary and dispirited with the with the recession and uh and she sort of just lifted us all out of it for this moment in time together for the very first time please welcome elain page and Susan [Applause] [Music] Bole so good it lasts [Music] eternally perfect situations must go wrong but this has never yet prevented me wanting far too much for far too long looking back I could have played it [Music] different one A few more moments who can tell but it took time to understand the man now at least I know I know him well wasn't it good oh so good wasn't he fine so isn't [Applause] itness he can't be but in the end he needs a little bit more than me more security his fantasy and freedom I know him so [Music] well no your life is with you constantly no one is completely on your side and though I move my world to be with him still the gap between us is to [Music] White looking like I could have played it differently few more moments who [Music] I was ever so mucher love at least I know I know him well wasn't he good so good wasn't he so madness he won be my [Music] didn't I know how it would go with my you from the Star why am I falling wasn't he is it he won be mine but in the end he needs a little bit more than me more security and freedom I know him so well to [Music] understand I know him so well [Applause] I'm not actually sure who was the most excited there but it was probably me anyway time for more of Susan story after deing with the pressures of her overnight Fame Susan began to finally relax and enjoy herself she was kind of back to her cheeky self but I said to her Susan you know if we're going to make the record there's no release date there's no time period on this takes a year it takes a year it takes 6 months it takes 6 months it doesn't matter just enjoy the process well after 23 years of a waiters to told you you're making a record with someone as big as Simon cole sort of breathtaking really take your breath away I wanted to make a record which represented her I wanted her to be able to make a record and feel proud of it and also have that feeling of you weren't expecting that either were you and I said this to Susan I really really want you to enjoy this uh and what I will promise you I will make you sound better than even you believe possible now that the whole pressure of Brit's Got Talent is over and Susan now is um singer in her own right she's beginning to really enjoy it she loves being at the studios and that was maybe one of her happiest times when she was in the studios recording her album seems to me she's having a whale of a time and I think the more she does it and the more she experiences it the more she'll be able to deal with it better she wants to go sing as a living but then come back and be normal with normal people my mom's from Blackburn my mom's quite happy sitting at home watching TV we a rich tea and a cup of tea you understand Susan's like that life's all about contentment was Susan B right to dream a [Music] dream yes Susan B was good for all of us I mean she was certainly good for me because I look at me in that first audition and I saw something which I didn't particularly like which was incredibly judgmental so I think Susan is going to help an awful lot of people who didn't have the confidence to do [Applause] this when met up to begin with I saw this we W with a night here doing the ey no a look in the m i see this sophisticated lady I think I stop up quite [Music] well coming up Susan sings a classic the Movic the tears and she recorded it for her album plus the song we've all been waiting [Applause] [Music] for welcome back to the Susan Bo story now it's every performer's dream to conquer America the ultimate land of opportunity and the hardest to crack for Susan who' never even been there it seemed like a dream too far but how wrong was she Susan Bo Hing America was literally like a [Music] hurricane the nearest thing to The Beatles Mania of the 60s returning to America it was unbelievable and there the whole American Dream thing as well they applaud success here so we thought there'd be a couple of people you know taking a picture when she arrived and then I saw the pictures beautiful how amazing was that when a skill one to [Music] ATT to be used to that kind of reset I was blown away a bit surreal doesn't it mean one minute you're in the kitchen second the next you're in America I mean it does seem a bit [Applause] wewish the warmth was just unbelievable I mean it's just so good to be [Music] there it's triumph over adversity it's it's the underdog coming out on top and it's it's a Hollywood movie it's a Hollywood script this hey get get it down write it down about the f i gets phenomenal and that means love a lot to me because well being a performer is very important the way is a very very touching this is for you this has has the 163 contrib nice Susan Bole makes me feel wonderful she is to me what life is all about or what life should be about not [Applause] beautiful it's a little bit like an addiction but it's a great addiction it really brightens up my life she's brought happiness into my life I think Susan means there's there's no time limit on your dreams as long as you can dream them you can do them so don't give up keep trying hello Susan hello Susan hello Susan H Susan hello hello Susan boy I read that when you were growing up as a little girl one of your Idols was Donnie Osman was daed about the everybody was you know especially [Music] Donnie hello Susan Bo hello dony how are you has it sunken yet that you are an international Superstar it hasn't really sun in yet though it seems a bit unreal at the moment I'm leing slowly I'm leing slowly cuz you're too [Music] sweet innocent very nice so you it was lovely to see her on America's Got Talent it was really a really proud moment for us to to see her on there doing that song um yeah and she blew them away now this is the biggest summer show in America when she walked out I couldn't believe it the audience went up as one cheering screaming and in the middle of it [Music] Susan I thought we are now seeing the blooming of this woman from talent show contestant with a great voice to a genuine world star America give it up one more time for Susan I think she could become or will become the biggest selling recording artist this year and I'm talking about around the world that is the significance of Susan Bo right now and it's all about her 10 years ago Susan saved all her money to record a favorite song of hers 1,000 copies were made and sold for charity and that record has now become perhaps understandably a hot collector's item singing that haunting classic cry a river ladies and gentlemen Susan Bole [Applause] [Music] now say you cried the long night [Music] through well you can cry me a river Cry Me a River as I cried a river over you now you say you're [Music] sorry all being so one true well you can cry the river C Cry Me a River as I cried a river over you you drove me nearly drove me out of my head though you never shed a [Music] tear remember I remember all that you said you told me love was to you told me you were through with me I know you say you love [Music] me but just to prove that you do where you can cry me a river Cry Me a River I cry the river over [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] War [Applause] everyone C even by your standard the last two weeks have been crazy haven't they did you ever think it could come to this well the answer there would be no because it was totally unexpected all I want to do at this stages to uh thank everyone here for the support Susan you sang about dreaming a dream and I think it's fair to say you've now realized that dream and I think to celebrate that we'd like to give you a little a little treat a little little surprise for you which is every artist in history in recognition of your astonishing achievement and selling over million records the triple platinum record very few artists in history have done this Susan Bo you dreamed a dream this is the dream come true congratulations congratulations when we come back Susan will perform the song that made her a star and sing for some remarkable special guests coming back [Music] soon welcome back for SE conquer America go platinum with her debut album and she's truly living the dream and looking to the Future Susan Bo made chart history tonight with the fastest selling debut albums since records began I waited so long for what I really wanted the 48-year-old's first recording outsold the rest of the top five albums combined I've dreamed about this for 23 years her incredible rise to Fame has translated into topof the chart success you realized that it's all worthwhile that's striving so many years has been worthwhile absolutely fantastic welcome home thank you very [Music] much she is a fairy tale and she's had a happy ending it's it's incredible but security I you remember maybe one day finding the right person continuing really to make people happy it's a great human story without any hype or without any tricks it it's all about her it's because of her story and because of everything she represents that she made it as far as she did as well as obviously being able to back it up with that great voice it's a typical Cinderella story she just displays there's hope for us all you know no matter what stage of life you're at no matter where you live yeah what you look like you know where you're from you can it can still happen for you if you believe in it and you've got the talent and she's she's the best example Susan Bo is here to stay and she's here to stay with a smile on her face and that we now have the happy ending that nobody thought she'd have now isn't that a story no one's actually owned I Dreamed a Dream until Susan Bole C our [Music] hearts I let you to be a kind of spectator looking outward at the world but now I'm part of that world very much part of the big bad world if you like and uh although frightening I know embrace it because I feel a bit more confident Within Myself now more able to take part in the dream [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Susan Bo story is one of the greatest in Show Business history and I feel very proud to have played a tiny part in it but there was one song that started it all off and only one song that we could possibly finish with lay miserab is the world's longest running musical and has been seen by nearly 60 million people Susan chose to audition with one of its most memorable songs I dreamed a dream and with her wonderfully unexpected and uplifting performance she found a place in all of our hearts and here she is fulfilling her lifelong dream with the London cast of lay miserab [Music] one more day before the stor I where the barricades of brother our ranks do I st take a place with [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me one day one more day to reolution we will lip it in the bu will be ready for these school boys they will wet themselves in blood [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] do you the people my place is here I fight with you [Applause] [Music] Tom what our Heaven one more one more day one day [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I dream the dream and time gone by when hope was high and life was living I dreamed that love would never die I prayed that God would be forgiving then I was young and [Music] unafraid when dreams were made and used I st there was no Ransom to be [Applause] paid no song unsung no wine untasted all the Tigers come with the voice as soft as found as they tear your hopes [Music] apart as they turn your dreams to [Music] shame I dream it come to me and we would live the years together but there are dreams that cannot be and there are stores we cannot WEA I had a dream my life would be so different from this h son enough now life has killed the [Music] dream I [Music] dream [Applause] oh [Music] congratulations how you feeling suan Bo couldn't have done it all without every support thank you very much [Music] [Applause]
Channel: maomaomoa
Views: 1,816,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SUSAN, BOYLE
Id: A225vZns_2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 55sec (2755 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2011
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