Primitive Survival Tips with a Caveman: Flint Knapping skills

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foreign look at this entrance unbelievable come on in mate cheers thank you well this is uh this is a very impressive structure thanks so much for having me I do appreciate it welcome in it's a pleasure to have you along so what you find yourself in is an environment full of skins stones and bones on the left here what we have is we have artifacts from the Stone Age and then as you sort of sweep along what you find is the reconstructions the things that I make to help people understand um uh the Stone Age period basically um so we've axes ads's with arrowheads we have iron priorities things to light the fire we have um as we move along we've got ancient venuses that these are things that they were making in the upper Paleolithic um because basically I've got three three different episodes of pre-history that I I used to support the ideas of what I'm up to which is the Paleolithic the Mesolithic and the Neolithic and we go right the way back we move on down to this back wall what you can see as you see a lot of skulls and these aren't real um I could never have the real ones because there was only one of them so um but what you'll notice is they're all different to each other and these are all the different species of hominid starting right back in Africa with Lucy Australopithecus efferensis and um the the Kika baby and then you've got Homo erectus and you've got Homo habilis and you've got the homo Georgia curse and the homo hide up against this they're all there and then we move into some of the craft as you see the Venus will endorph and swimming Reindeer the crystal dagger um with the mammoth ivory handle that is actually mammoth ivory um and these are all good things to help me teach and then on the floors you see in the deer antler you see in various traps like siberian Hammer trap you're seeing skins which were in production that's a rawhide skin there it's in skins that I use that people to sit on and there's a whole range of different uh skins that I've got there then the clothing that I'm dressed in is all clothing that I've made myself this is all dear skin um and I I actually wear this pretty much all the time I've learned to make clothes in such a way that they they're comfortable and they're rugged so when I'm out in the wilderness there's things that would normally be stinging your puncture in you and a braid in you they're not getting through this it gets wet it works it's stitched with tendon from the animals then we have the bows and arrows um all these types of things like this this has an obsidian tip in it and um basically what I've what I'm trying to do is build a complete picture so that people can understand that living in the wilderness is um something you can do successfully happily and um fundamentally you can make yourself quite happy by achieving them kind of things so welcome in and I've we've got a few plans that we can get on with today for example I've I've got us a deer which we need to skin we're going to cook that which will make our day kind of tasty but we're going to need to approach some flint and make the tools so that we can actually take the skin off when I do get the skin off I'm going to keep that because I can go on into the tannin arena with that and make something to wear um so it all goes on real to me in the turn of the 20th century because it was eating people really crikey I mean look at the teeth on those things no really God they are face and breaches those so this is a hand ax and this is the type of tool that they were using thousands of years ago when they were butchering game a lot bigger than this deer you know things like Mammoth Flint stone like this should be good enough for me to get something like that out I was quite lucky because as a child my parents became custodians of a flint mine and it's an ancient Flint mine in Thetford Forest about four and a half thousand years ago they were digging down to get the best Flint they could get from far far down in the ground it's called tabular floor Stone the reason being is it's like a great big flat sheet of Flint the problem is today we can't dig there because it's an ancient Flint mine so I have to go back to um an earlier point in time to get my stone I've literally got to go to rivers and coasts where the Flint is going to exist the Flint itself is made up of is a Cretaceous seabed so this is this can be anything up to 100 million years old sometimes you'll break it open and you'll find sea urchins and fossils inside you never know so it's a bit like opening one of the oldest story books there are in time but to do that I'm going to use I'm going to use a quartzite Pebble which is unlikely to break at the same time as some Flint breaks and that makes the whole journey quite safe and as I progress into this then I can go on to a second tool this one here is a it's a piece of deer antler and this face here is called the Coronet face the bit that was attached to the head of the deer every it takes three months for a deer to grow a full set of antlers and they'll use them throughout the winter and then they'll cast they'll dry out these antlers will drop and they'll be laying around in the forest I think the first things first is we'll break this open and we'll see just how easy it is to make a tool foreign ax but would be perfectly good for um approaching that deer there is a chance that the Flint won't be any good at all because it's been shifted by an Ice Age um a couple of times and being shifted by an ice age is a pretty cold thing so we're going to try and hit that just there and we're going to break something off and we'll see where that leads us so the thing that's um good to know about that is the Flint inside is good quality so drop that and we turn that over the reason I'm turning it over is because what I've got is I've got a fresh piece of flint really really nice um there's nothing there that sort of suggests in I can't take a tool from it so I'm going to use that as a leader and there's another bit and what you'll notice now is every time I turn every time I take a flake off I'll turn the Flint over and it's this new flake scar that's going to allow me to lead on the kind of things that go wrong is you miss or you don't quite get a good contact on the platform however if we look in here now we've just bumped into problems there's cracks in here cracks that I didn't put in there the cracks that have always been that the Ice Age put in there that could that could actually stop me taking the tool that I'm looking for from it and that's common with Flint knapping see how things are breaking away but right here in our hand what we have is we have something that is really really sharp just here in fact nothing gets any sharper than that but it's a very small piece and we might get better opportunities as we go on right and and that's the Flint that's me losing the chance to make that tool from that so instead of actually trying to make a hand Ax from this what we do is we'd do something they did in the Stone Age anyway would just make a a much more simple tool so this is the preparation and this one should give us what we need this sharp edge here and we're going to see just how sharp that is when we cut that into that deer but I'll be honest with you I know that I can do this well I'd prefer to see is if you can yeah that's the challenge so you're going to come and sit where I am yeah and I'm going to show you where to hit it okay let's get you to make the tool right you set yourself down that's nothing are you right-handed I'm right-handed yeah okay so on your left leg I want you to tie this lead pedal that's kind of like the one Hazard you might get you'll shoot sharp shards into your leg Yeah Yeah and then in my hand I have a piece of flint that I do know a bit more about yeah and this is a really nice quality Flint what you're going to do is you're going to knock a flake off of here right but prior to knocking it off you've got to prepare to knock it off so you're going to hold this on the left hand side of your leg like that right so you're saying there's a bevel here if I show the camera there's a there's a kind of curved bit there isn't it it's like it's curving towards the edge and how that's going to benefit us is the crack that we create is going to run on that bevel right right now you know a bit about your knives right you know about your scanning grind yeah about your Cutthroat razors yeah yeah that bevel tells me one thing it's the sharpest Edge that you might ever have seen or touched in your whole life it's amazing because of the way it's going to break yeah so with this rock here um I want you to tilt this down a little bit and then browse around that edge that's about there yeah but don't aim in just take them down straight down yeah quite hard just go for it and see what you feel nice that's good so now can you just go around there and create it create like a crescent doing the same thing yeah knock these little shards off you see this yeah Splinter side that little Splinter is technically a micro lift you can hardly even see it yeah yeah it's tiny little thing but they would have you hunter-gatherers would have used them they would have actually they couldn't snap them yeah like that and then they use them as tiny little assemblages behind the point in the arrow really yeah wow they were you know they wasted nothing no nothing needed to be wasted right carry on I'm going here next yeah that's good I want you to do is I want you to tilt this back and you see this new shape that you're getting yeah do you see how it leans to 70 degrees Yeah that's what we want we don't want Square sections you want it coming up curving up so I want you to hit that there quite hard straight down yeah lovely right so now what you've got to do is you've got to change technique slightly okay what I want you to do is I want you if I just cover this so you can see see that shape that I'm giving you yep you need to construct a shape like that but you're not going to strike with this anymore right okay you're going to use we're gonna I'm gonna call the word that you're looking for a braiding a braiding so you're sanding that okay just to show you what we need to do because I want you to sand like this all right okay and create that shape you're putting that lovely Crescent in a bit harder there's not a crack on me as a new note can you feel that yeah you can see it as well actually this sort of a bit dust almost isn't it it is like just there's dust off the Flint and there's dust off this yeah so keep going around and keeping that up a bit yeah so you can actually get to it platforms are hard to construct when you've never done it yeah is that so am I still coming in here more um no you see you're like you've got a tooth there okay now what we're going to do is we're going to turn it over we're going to really look at that the question is is do we believe that's strong enough to strike right on that very edge and cast that long flake off there does it look strong it looks it looks strong to me right okay so I want that just to be just a little tiny bit stronger okay right so just keep doing that a bit more you don't need this now what we're going to get you to use now is you actually gonna use this soft Hammer right okay so you're going to turn this over right like so you've got that there yeah and this part of the soft Hammer is going to connect with this very edge yep and you're going to slap it right okay so when you do that but whatever word you want to use give it a spank right okay right so quite hard don't be shy about it is this going to crack off a big chunk or is this it's going to be thin long and razor sharp so your hand needs to come further to the back go I really want to keep going right back yeah that's perfect now give it a good smack oh yeah that is superb don't let that go to the ground right that is what we wanted so you've actually created the tool wow the perfect can you feel that yeah that's unbelievable that you could shave with that couldn't you yeah that's amazing so that's the that's the piece we need that's the bit we need here what we're going to do is we're going to pressure flake this little hook away okay because that's going to be an old way and what we're also going to do is we're going to blunt the back right so this is then going to be described as a backed knife okay right do we need to clean these fragments off the leg see this don't throw that that would be the perfect thing to turn into an arrowhead and you didn't even try and make it it's going to say it almost looks like an arrow but you need to now learn how to use this right okay so this is the tire the tying off of Red Deer and you've got a little leather hand pad yeah so if you can hold the leather hand pad in your left hand put the flake of Flint where you want to break it which is there and grip that now this you're going to hold it quite near the tip and the funny thing is I'm going to ask you to do it's going to feel awkward I want you to turn your hand over and now you're going to start putting pressure on there keep going yeah see how you're using your thumb yeah I'd prefer you didn't really yeah so I want you to do is I want you just grab it like a fist okay you'll you'll get that so that's pressure flaking right yeah and you just keep chipping away at it like that yeah just remove it yes so with that technique yeah you're creating things like that um and you can imagine the value of that yeah in the Neolithic period right so you've you've adjusted that back which is good so now we're going to turn that flake round literally just trim the sharp edge off so it's safe to use this is the bit that would be uh start at one end and then just work your way up okay same technique just yeah it should go quite easily if you're right near the edge you're literally blunt in it there's a technique that they used in the Mesolithic Neolithic yeah right through incorporation into the Bronze Age but as soon as they got to the Copper age they started making the tips of the pressure footage of copper that helped him put these fancy little notches in because it would be stronger to take away more material it's stronger and it grips The Edge Bar ah okay right so we've got the tool we're not going to use it just seems strange to think that that when you think of our modern day knives that you know small piece like that yeah is going to be able to a new mode that knife with one hit yeah a little bit of preparation a little bit of a cognitive intelligence yeah you know that didn't just happen you designed designed that you manifested that through good good wielding of thought it's amazing I'm just gonna do his job I hope so it's I'm struggling to comprehend that it is right because I've butchered a deer before but with a knife yeah so for me to see to think that that's going to do the same job I'm still I bet you ready to be do you reckon yeah let's try it thank you so let's just extract that back strap and the interesting thing is you'd probably when you see me doing that you're probably thinking no you'll cut straight through it I don't actually need to worry about it look can you see this is why we use it is because it's so so strong push all that off so we have that side turn it around and you may have heard of people with sinew backed bows I'm talking for archery this is the new bats I have heard of that yeah yeah so this is this this is the back end this is the this is this this is that wonderful membrane that you would that you would glow onto the back of the bow and that would help um protect the bow from uh snapping when you're using it that's what you showed earlier that that yeah it's thin piece so all I'll do with that is I'll just hang that that will that will stick itself to this I'll just stick that on there like that that'll dry out and then it's stored but I'll clean the rest of the meat off before we actually finalize that yeah wasting nothing though are you really not really still sharp after because it's rubbed up against bone right yeah a fair amount and it's still got that edge even though it's been tracing the spine it's slowly it's it's not as sharp as when we first used it but it might be taking a bit of damage but it can still solve it's it's still perfectly serviceable and I'm not having to strain what I mean is I'm not having to really push and and hack away as you can still feel it that slicing now the other thing is right you know what when it's gone blunt it doesn't matter at all because you know what you've got in your hand don't you you've got perfect preform for an arrowhead ah so only if you're going to get to chop a deer up then you can go out and Hunt another one you can repurpose it yeah that and you can't really for those that don't know this is I would say the best eating part of a deer do you agree the best part definitely yeah so will you you actually offer this experience to people right so they can come and can do this exact thing yeah that's one of the courses um we use Dia on many of our courses um sometimes I have a course called foraging from the carcass yeah which means they're going to be using the bones they're going to be using the brain they're going to be using the skin um literally the lock the whole lot we're making cordage we're making needles making pouches we're making pemmicon we're making um you know this is fine dining yeah it's gonna get to eat really well as well um and it sort of falls into the scope of not only being able to get more than just the meat but actually honoring the animal yeah showing some sort of respect I go as far to say that this is quite this helps to support mental health yeah in people because there's a reattaching I totally agree yeah and in the 21st century it's one of the things we know that many people suffer from yeah you've got a love of petramax fiber I was just gonna say I'm very familiar with this this petromat setup yeah actually you've got it set up really well in here it fits perfectly doesn't it it does and I really love using it because this is solid yeah yeah as well and it's going to outlast us that's for sure [Music] that's a lovely cell back here [Music] it's going to be a lot of people working this so I don't want to be in this sausage that's it yeah yeah [Music] as you know we're now coming to that season where we've got all the chestnuts and we've got all of this oh I know berries look at all the fungi so many different things to look forward to it's a lovely time of year don't compliment the plate this is breakfast yeah if cameras could do taste right now toast and smells it's phenomenal yeah you don't really with a back strap as well you almost don't need any seasoning do you it's just just butter simple a little simple it was just butter and that's it because it's such a tasty cup of meat A contemployed but I'm garlic but yeah you know what it's lovely sometimes you just want to taste things as they are and this is as like we were saying earlier as connected as you can get to to Nature having done that with a you know from from what it was to what it is now with just a tiny piece of flip yeah that's that's quite amazing when you think about it yeah in terms of the Simplicity of it and you know that Flint could go on to do this yesterday yeah that one hit so one of the questions I guess will you might get asked by the viewers is um which I think I asked you as well do you do you live here in the earth Lodge because obviously you hear a lot I see on your on your posts and things you are here a lot yeah so from running my courses here but that binds me to here for large volumes of time um so I kind of live out the far Corner we have a few items of clothes and yeah a few things to eat um and um I can find myself here for blocks of 10 days now I've got a lady and we've got a house together um and we kind of see each other normally a couple of times a week but outside that this is my this is my happy place yes where I choose to be yeah and um we've got the winter coming right and the winter when the winter comes what we're going to have is we're going to have a lot of short days long nights and if I'm here just by myself that can become a little bit lonely yeah and I'll probably find that I'll because I've got a nice choice to be with a lady yeah I might spend more time there but also it's a nice opportunity the winter is a good opportunity for me to get into new projects so um and and one of many they may be so for example that skin that we've just started taking off yeah that's going to require quite a bit of time yeah that I don't have now because you're busy with your courses yeah so I'll freeze that and that will um go on to be used another day either by a client all by myself prior to having this I actually lived in my garden oh really so I've been living outside for five years yeah wow I didn't like being in my house do you know when you put a bird if a bird flies into your house what's it want to do get back out get back out yeah when I go in guess what I want to do outside yeah that's that says something about you as a character as well as a person you know this isn't this isn't just for show for you this is this is a way of life like you do genuinely feel more connected doing this than than the modern day things as such being connected into the land is something that I think becomes an addiction once you've had it it's it's a really hard thing not to yeah choose into your everyday existence what made you kind of choose this particular site because when I when I pulled up and I started walking down it was it was almost like a natural clearing kind of anyway what was what was sort of here before was there a lot of work involved in Toronto well basically there's no place was a Brembo patch right um it's an old issues Quarry okay so 70 years ago they were taking Aggregates out of here oh right um but more so than that you're where you actually are you're in the place called breckland and brettlanders um home to some combination of rare species of insects and birds like the stone Curlew everything yeah just boost on top of what we're sitting in right now out the back I have about 30 Acres of prime mildness that's amazing for these four species of deer out there really I have red fallow row and monk Jack running through that Woods it's amazing battery on Fox and it's it and that's really great I mean there's a lot of history to this area injected so we're Norfolk based there's a lot of history in general to to this side of England for those that don't know this probably holds most of the history in terms of uh humans yeah then this would be the kind of capital history of humans Norfolk isn't it really this is what I'm about to say now is quite mind-blowing at the top of my hill as the land goes down what you'd be standing on if you go down into the bottom of of it is something called an ancient python riverbed right so uh 550 000 years ago there was a river going through and the the British museum come here twice a year to dig on there and they find they're finding all the fossil evidence of Mammoth Rhino hippo and then they're finding hand axes they found saber-toothed tiger yeah just over the hill just over the hill you've got an old river system that's amazing and obviously the most probably the richest survival tactic there's ever been is a source of water yeah and um that's incredible isn't it you go that is just the proper history there it was almost like it was meant to be having a sort of Earth Lodge here I didn't have anywhere to run my courses and it seemed like do you know how you do something that you don't think you're ever going to be your permission to yeah I knocked on the Duke of grafton's door introduced myself and just asked yeah I said is there any chance that you may be interested in giving a guy like me a place to run my affairs and he said yeah come in sit down have a cup of tea let's talk guys you do not you do not find many people like that these days that is uh so he's become a very important man in my life yeah yeah that's some lovely food there will kettle's on yeah the sun is out yeah I was talking about being out um we're currently in yeah I've got a good idea what's that have you ever shot a an in a proper U-Boat never right really well this is my new youbo wow and I reckon that since we've eaten dear I'd like to find out if you stand a chance eventually done it in a day do you want to try it out I'd love to look at this yeah I'd absolutely love to I'm sure my viewers would love that as well yeah you say you made this yourself as well yeah and in my life I can tell you I've heard just less than a handful of staves that have come from English you that have been just right yeah for the perfect bow and it just doesn't grow like that yeah imagine yeah right let's go yeah have you shot a boat before I've only the small kind of plastic type those I've never shot with a wooden baby this would be new I love this bit for us this is just beautiful yeah I see another shelter will yeah this is my open air shelter so our whole idea is you can have a night sleeping in the forest with the air you can be under the Eve so it's dry you've got the fire to go to sleep by and then you've got the actual beautiful Forest to wake up to so we've got a brand new Target face over here and you were putting the first Arrow into it I guess where I want it I want it in the gold yeah right well what's right so here what you have is you have an English you longbow right so it's one piece of wood it looks like there's two so what you've got is you've got the sapwood and the Heartwood and the reason these were so special is because this the sapwood it stretches well and the Heartwood compresses well so with all the tests and studies they've done this particular type of wood returns to its shape that it's sitting in now faster than any other woods and that's why you was used is the best the best that's why it was used yeah I never knew that so we're going to give you an hour right and um I'm going to see you load that up wow God it does doesn't it so what would be the draw for the archery nerds out there what would be the pound like what you're pulling at about 60 pound Archer would be about 130. 100 what and I'm if I go as hard as I can that's about theirs yeah and they're doing what double that yeah any double yeah that's insane it's usually double they were built differently those men sure it rearranged their skeletal structure it'll be back muscles and stuff I mean they'd be really strong yeah they can tell because the skeletons are really deformed from doing this in their lives wow right it's a good luck right let's try it yeah oh you're on the top I hit the target but it didn't hit the gold now you know what you're in for yeah you can find your way to the middle that's better you're getting better best third ones in the goal no pressure didn't imagine doing this was Under Fire from other arches have you ever heard of the toxicity of archery no this is the way of the Archer it's Fearless shot okay see the gold yeah point at it you'll never miss when you're boiling or something okay no pressure right yeah oh you got the height right yeah two three inches to the left of the red the previous one I'm I'm pulling left slightly looking at all of those yeah yeah nice in the gold yeah indeed that is really satisfying yeah so what you've got is you've got the sapwood which is really good for stretching so that's the outsider for people that don't know you've got that's more of the closer to the bark yeah that's known as the back of the bow where the bark would be and then you have the Heartwood which is known as the belly so it has a back and a belly so this is a Dacron string um really I should have a flax string on there um but this is going to last me longer and then the same as my clothes are made out of this is buck skin that's been made out of deer skin and it's stitched with the sinew so a nice little bow a bow that actually belongs in the forest right you're up well it's your turn is it my turn it's your turn well not in the gold some power though the power yeah foreign we're not faking it here he genuinely has but this is um this is not a stone age Arrow the thing about Stone Age arrow is when we're shooting um an arrow with um with pine pitch glues you'll actually pull the tip off when you pull it out the target so this is made for um field shooting having a little bit of fun and we have an ash shaft we have Bodkin head we have left-wing turkey feathers which are bound on so that it keeps them nice and secure and a little plastic head you can buy all these components but one of the things I've done when I've bought this is I've bought a I've bought spine tested shaft what that means is you hang it between 26 inches apart you put two pound weight on it and that will bend a little bit because the back of the bow is going to make this Arrow Bend and we want every arrow to bend they're pretty much the same when we call that the archers Paradox so that it weaves over the central line as it takes its flight path um and uh you're going to wreck arrows so that's one of the things your bow might last you for an age but you're going to lose arrows you're going to break arrows so you can just go to an art a regular archery shop you can buy all them components and they're a great thing to stick together while you're watching the Telly or something like that I will thank you very much for that that short uh insight into archery I was just speaking to will actually saying that maybe down the line we might come back I'll come back and do a video if you guys are interested on on bow making because you do you make your own bows I think that would be really good I think I think you guys really appreciate that there's I'm really intrigued about the shelters that you build it's almost like from my sort of what I do as well on my channel a lot is shelters but you know each time we come into the woods there's like a new shelter there yeah it's progressing into this kind of Village I have 30 Acres of wilderness out there yeah um be great to take you in and right in the thick of it I've got the first one I built and it's a bit like going into Jurassic Park to a place where no one's been for you we've got to do that haven't we you want to see that yeah of course I do let's do it right I've seen Flint everywhere well every everywhere we go there's so much Flint it's an old gravel Quarry and gravel Clinton yeah it's amazing to be here a little bit to eat on the way got all your nettle flowers they're really good at this time of year because they're nutty and they're crunchy and they're good for you if you can see over there what you've got is you've got all the banking of ghost grass which is fantastic for lighting fires but the nice thing about this because it's off the ground right because it's off the ground it um is always nice and dry or 90 is nice and dry look you've got the absolute perfect Tinder bundle and you can tell what it is because it's got these little seed heads on it but it's storing that is a great idea I also love coming up over the bank because what you've got is you've got the perfect opportunity because the wind down there is is you have to check what was happening with the Wind but as you come up you're moving into a new layer of landscape so I've always got my eyes really peeled to see if it's something exciting to see as I come over the edge of the Hill you'll all know about Silver Birch but basically there's lots of different styles of bracket fungus Amadou and chaga that we can glean from this the very bark itself is the best you can tap it um it's just a fantastic tree and you see them in lots of different um stages right here we have a big Burr which is growing on that but a huge friend to somebody who's into survival but that alone is a big subject all by itself so we'll leave that one right there for now so while we're walking through the forest obviously we're moving all the nettle to one side incidentally when you look at that nettle as opposed to that nettle that's a female that's a male as you can tell the abundance of the flower head right there but just stepping back to this one what we're going to do is I'm going to sacrifice his nettle and just show you pull it up we'll clean that off and then what we'll do the break in do you see the water pour out there so if you're thirsty there's a drink it's a drink I'd trust back there what we had is we had like a stall of water um in the crevice of a tree and what you've got is you've got lots of tannins in there and raisins that you wouldn't want to drink it we'll just split that open now we're going to snap that like that we're going to pull that down there like that and then we're going to take that you can tell at this time of year they're getting tight on the Node heads so you go over the node heads gently we've managed to obtain from that is all this and then what we can do we can separate these fibers off from each other so what we've got is we've got four or five and it depends on how thick you want your cordage but just for now and we'll cover this up as we'll talk about this what I'm doing there is I'm rolling it but then what we're going to do is we're going to start to see what's happening there it's locking itself in together so using a thigh roll and instantly we're making nice cordage then you'd need more nettle just to lay in you can also lift it up off of the thigh you can start doing this mechanically by hand but that's a friend if you're living out here which I am quite a lot you need all the friends you can get um so you recognize them you know they've become part of your journey if you're ready I'll introduce you to another one of my little friends so grass to ancient people was a toolkit and this one is called softrush so we pulled it up and what you've got is you've got a round stem if we split into that round stem with my thumbnail like that then what we should be able to do is you should be able to come in here and get what's in the middle and in a minute there you go you got that so going back to that deer we can collect the fat we can render it down and then we can pop that into the rendered fat light it and we have the Purple Perfect candle wick not only that We Gather that like that tie it off on the bottom and start bending all these over what we're ending up there with is a grass tube and we can put the meat into that that isn't cooked and that's going to keep the flies off as we come through here what you're seeing is you're seeing lots of damage on the back and this is Red Deer chewing on this they're getting a lot of medicinal properties out of the willow bark some is fresher than others are squat old this is Elder always love this tree it looks dead and what you have here is you have Jerry Aid fungus just like an hero in fact look at this you've got choices you can dehydrate it rehydrate it in brandy dunk it in chocolate and you have them or you can fry them already this is what we come for that's so well hidden look at that in here wow that's a good place to spend the night wouldn't you say I forgot that this is amazing so you've lime washed the walls um yeah I keep saying about this general area the Woodland is just so quiet there's a couple of barrel mounts behind us I was there and uh the place has got a feeling yeah my mate Scott said to me he said I don't know whether you brought it here Mr Lord or whether it was here when you before you started he said there's a feeling in here hmm and he ain't wrong I just wanted to show you this I know you know all about big old trees but this one's unusual because it's a big old silver birch and um I've never seen one do this before that is really impressive I've never seen a birch like that silver birch oh it's massive it's so gnarly like an oak isn't it yeah it's incredible isn't it yeah they're still growing what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cast another flake off of here which is a bit thicker than your knife and um I'm visualizing I'm gonna get it from here the reason I'm thinking here rather than here or over here is because when you look at this it's raised up and then it drops down either side so if we make a platform at the back here which is what you did to take that flake off then we can cast a nice flake out and it has an exit strategy because the material falls away and that's what allows me to take a really nice flake out there so the platform is really really important the platform's right not right then you can't expect anything um to happen right so I'm just moving material out of the way from there and when you get to the age of 50 you realize your eyes start failing you really need to see a bit better and um manufacturing a shape that I really like the look of and I'm going to hit that right there so we have a nice full flake and um the type of Arrowhead I'm going to produce for you is going to be a style that was made in the Bronze Age called Barbed Untamed bring it back across and then we're going to invade the back with these notches like so this not only a decent Arrowhead but it's nostalgic so we're going to use a copper tipped flaker which is what they would have used back then it's going to help to speed things up and um not only isn't going to help speed things up can force its way through a little bit easier than the antler sometimes you get bits fly off that doesn't mean it's the game is over it just means it's changing things slightly what I'm doing here is I'm putting a platform in and I've said a couple of things that are left unexplained at the moment like they use the word nostalgia and this what happens next we're making that platform strong what happens next that's going to add the Nostalgia because we're going to turn this over and we're going to push flakes out across the surface and it's going to give it a look and the reason I'm saying that is because when I was just literally um five years old I saw my first properly produced Arrowhead that my dad has made which is like 47 years ago now and it had all these beautiful flake skulls on and it really does look something and it captures our attention and it kind of you can't look at it and not know what it is um and even way back in the Bronze Age when they were making arrowheads they didn't just shoot these things into animals or people or whatever it was that they were shooting but they also quite often put really nicely presented and well performed arrowheads into important burials so people like the Amesbury Archer had 17 Barbed and tanks arrowheads in his burial chamber along with copper items gold items Flint pottery um and it was important so it's a new platform now let's get on the opposite side the interesting thing is is you could change things but the way I would if I change it in the wrong direction I'm going to let myself down so if I go like that see the way the shape is now pointing that way instead of that way before try and use that I can't get the right angle so if we watch the side of the tool touches this instead of the tip and that means I can get hold of that a much easier if I start holding this like this my fingers have got to have a lot of power and they haven't got it so when I've got it here all of the energy is going into the palm of the hand and technically I'm stronger so I can push these long powerful flakes off so that's all part of the technique That's essential to be unable to present and produce an amazing looking Arrowhead you're not only really looking at a flint Arrowhead what you're looking at is you're looking at a form of currency that applied to the Bronze Age period because I didn't just get copper and Tin make bronze and that was the end of the Stone Age bronze was a luxury because it took so much effort to get and get rid of that let that flick away we don't need that it took so much effort to extract malachite and considerate because they're the oars that you would smell and um turn into your bronze so you had the beaker period you had the end of the Neolithic period where they were grinding Flint axes when they were grinding Flint axes what they were doing is they were reducing the particles this end down to a dust and that dust they then put into the clay which was then described as like a Grog and a temper and that meant that the molds that they were pouring runs into had something called thermal elasticity and what that actually means is that you can put things in and out of a fire without them exploding and without them shrinking too much when they were learning new technologies so at the moment I've got this to a position where it's pointed and it would work as an arrowhead but the scarring on the surface hasn't really come up to a standard that's high enough to claim my high status in an ever-grown community how come you use the stone again after you've just done some fleet like to me it's like you you've made a sharp edge and then you're okay so what's that reason for them making it if I hadn't have done a braiding then what we have is we have all of these vulnerable little glossy fragile edges so when you put the copper tip pressure flaker against it instead of allowing me to build any pressure up it will collapse before I've got any got any force behind it and you would you leave more material then it would mean that I can't generate a long flake because the edges um fragile and it'll collapse I see so when we when we're braid what we're doing is we're adding some strength into the edge so then floats can get pushed out and push it off but even with this we're running into a couple of problems because we have a little bit of hinge in which is where the flake has terminated abruptly in the middle and sometimes you have to put up with that and on occasions if you've got your skill set up what we can do is we can clear that from the opposite side so over here what we've had is we had a couple of flakes that completely went right over the other side then dived down rapidly and plunged and ripped some of the opposite side out and they're just part of the problem set that a flint knapper will experience and when he's making high end I quite often term it as top shelf stuff meaning we can make crude tools but then what we can actually do is we can advance our game and we can make really really really nice tools and you can imagine to a community that has already got plenty stacked against them such as being able to survive in the wild if you've got somebody that can make advanced and efficient let's call them tools or weapons that's a huge game changer to your clan and your tribe and even so much as there's a lot of people yourself included you come from the side of the country where you're not looking at Flint every day because you haven't you haven't the geology of your landscape doesn't carry Flint yeah so if you migrate across the country which they did to meet a clan of guys that are good with the stone then you could actually go across there and trade with them that's quite nice flake work across that surface now so what we're going to do is we're going to sort the back out and you'll notice that I can clear that quite quickly just by dropping in quite deep that comes the tricky bit because what you can see is we've put quite a bit of time and effort into getting this to the shape it is now and now what we've got to do is got to do the risky bit and it's always risky the reason I say it's risky is because there's a very good chance that we'll ruin it because I need a flat top one that's hammered flat now and I'm gonna bite into the back sounds like we've got a what's that a bird we've either got a bird on the roof it's like something knocking on the door isn't it when you're living in nature you have to recognize that Nature's going to be about um a problem that I've had in the past is uh I found myself living with rats and I don't do living with rats they ruin things um you know once rat starts peeing on your bedding and yeah getting into stuff you've got problems so if I discover I've got any evidence of rats then I'm I'm I'm sorting them out you see here what we're doing is we're doing this what we call invasive notching and there are times that you'll get to a point and you'll get locked out so that's the bottom of the that's the bottom of the notch um so what we have there is we have a Bronze Age Style napped Flint Arrowhead and uh that's for you to take away with you oh yeah I mean you made that look so easy will it's ridiculous that's incredible look at that that's like an iconic shape isn't it that it really isn't it so if you were securing this to an hour shaft kind of primitively what would you what would you do well we were going to let's just have a look at this one for example this is bound on here with a pine resin which you know about as soon you're doing a video on that I mixed a little bit of beeswax and charcoal into this which has given it a slightly more um robustness then the other thing I've got is I've got the fiber from a stinging nail just wrapped around there not made into cordage but you can see why people like obsidian right I've got a few fresh shades of purple going on there and that's crafted into there it's a little bit wobbly because things become attached detached after they get knocked about a bit but I've only got to offer that into the fire for a minute let that glue melt again and that'll rebind it into the tip and you were saying like the issue with obviously practicing with these arrows is that when soon as they go into the Target and stuff the they're much more delicate in terms of reviews you have to accept if you're going to shoot that anything it hits is probably going to obliterate that yeah but if it gets it to the Target then it's going to do its job yeah um and to be fair a bow and arrow is one of the last things you really want to go hunting with you really want to set it traps over up over your land and then move out and let the traps activate for you while you're not there yeah well thank you so much it's been an absolutely I've really really enjoyed that I hope you guys have enjoyed that too that's uh that's basically a snippet into the things that you do here um where can where can my followers come find you and you know what platforms and okay yeah well um I've got a growing YouTube channel yeah and it's called world prehistoric survival okay and um I operate there quite a lot so I'm active there but I'm also um featuring on Facebook Instagram and Tick Tock I will put all the links to uh Will's social media channels down below definitely definitely I recommend I highly recommend go over to his channel especially the YouTube channel hit the Subscribe button will has got uh some really really good content on there that I think you guys will enjoy they want to come on a website yep then we uh lead you to my website which is um the three W's I will funny little hyphen yeah Lord hello day dot Co dot UK and you can find the courses that I'm running so you guys can essentially live out the experience that I've just had and filmed for you but in probably a lot more detail with a lot more things with it so um yeah I I honestly could highly highly recommend coming here you can't fail to have fun without some technology can you it's brilliant it's absolutely brilliant you just get lost in it we've been here for hours just walking around the woods and yeah taking it all in it's been a it's been a really enjoyable experience and hopefully next time maybe we can look at Bow making or something like that we've got a happy back oh I'd love to be back um I'd love to be back and now I know what you can draw it helps me because I know what sort of stage a little bit a small one probably yeah that'll be fun Longbow right guys thanks so much for watching really appreciate it as I said links are in the description below and we will see you in the next episode cheers guys
Channel: TA Outdoors
Views: 105,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survival skills, primitive technology, caveman, real life caveman, caveman survival, primitive survival, primitive survival skills, flint knapping, making an arrow head, flint tools, making flint tools, caveman tools, making caveman tools, living like a caveman, earth lodge, earth house, hobbit house, hobbit, lord of the rings, ta outdoors, bushcraft, bushcraft skills, ta outdoors survival, survival tips, bushcraft tips
Id: ou_7LNceE5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 5sec (3905 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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