Surreal COIN TRICK - TUTORIAL | TheRussianGenius

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what's up guys it's the Russian genius and welcome to this video and in this video I am super excited to show you a really clean visual coin trick that looks like this [Music] [Music] [Music] the coin trick is supposed to look like you take it like this and then it vanishes so let's move on to the tutorial how you do this is that you're gonna grab the coin by the thumb index and middle finger and then the other hand is going to be like this and you're gonna pretend to grab the coin with the other hand so you hold it with these fingers and the thumb is gonna lay on the middle of the coin and then you're gonna pretend to grab it and what you do is the index finger is gonna grab around the coin so the middle finger is pulling the coin back and the index finger is going on top like this and then what I'm gonna do is the thumb is gonna pretend to grab it so with this hand I'm pretending to grab the coin while I get into this position and this position right here hides the coin while vanishing it and then later I'm gonna teach you how to reproduce the coin back again so you pretend to grab the coin and when you do that your index finger goes up and you clip the coin like this so the coin is being clipped as you can see and the middle finger is gonna be right there so it covers for the coin at this level so basically when doing this you need to make sure that the coin is pointing at the spectators eye level because then it's gonna be invisible from this finger because the middle finger is gonna be covering most of it you pretend to grab it your index finger goes up you clip it like this the middle finger extends and then you try moving the coin and getting it into the eye level of the spectator let's say if you're here but the spectators eyes are up there then you need to level the coin like that so the hand covers the coin the index takes it the middle straightens out and then you're gonna act like you're grabbing it right here and actually what I do is I rest my middle finger on the index and then I rest my thumb on the ring finger and that is approximately the size of the coin so it looks pretty realistic from the spectator on the other side this is how it would look like with the coin and then without a coin it would be like that so approximately the same and make sure that your fingers are closed and then you're gonna slightly open your fingers and then rub your middle finger like that and it's supposed to imitate that you have the coin but then when you spread your fingers and you glide with the middle finger it's supposed to look like advanced and typically you can impress a lot of people with that so you know like this boom and then the middle finger acts like advances instantly so in speed it would look like that and then BOOM advanced and if you want to reproduce the coin you do this once you are in this position and you have made the coin vanish to reproduce it you are gonna go with the hand that has the coin and act like you're grabbing something out of thin air and then you're gonna transfer it to the other hand like this and you show it to the audience and while showing it the hand with the coin is going to curl like this and you're gonna grab the coin from the thumb so you're basically in this coin thumb clip and then you're gonna take the hand back the hand is gonna come back and you're gonna wave your hand over it and one waving you're gonna grab it like this at the fingertips and come up and it's gonna look like you reproduced the coin magically I'm gonna show you this a few times so like this you make it vanish you take something out of thin air you show it and then just like that the coin comes all the way back hope you enjoy this and I'm gonna try to do it a little bit slower and if you want you can try following along what you can even do is you can kind of flash to the spectator that you're grabbing the coin and then when your fingers are around it you can come up so the spectator doesn't see the coin anymore and then you can grab it with the index and get back into this position and make it vanish and once you are here your hands grab something out of thin air you transfer it to the other hand and show it and then you just squeeze the coin into the thumb clip and now you take the hand back and you simply wave the hand over it and just like that you're able to reproduce it so in speed it looks like this and then the coin disappears you pull something out of thin air and then it appears as a coin so that is the trick I hope you enjoy it I will do this maybe like two three more times and that's it so you're holding it you grab it like that pull it with the finger and you make sure that the coin is leveled with the eye at all times you make it vanish like that you grab something out of thin air you pull something out of thin air transfer it to this hand you show it while showing it you clip the coin at the thumb you take the hand back and then you wave over the fingertips and you grab the coin and you reproduce it you can if you want to you can wave once and produce it or you can wave two times like that also what you can do that is kind of common and coin magic if you are really advanced instead of grabbing it from the fingertips you can cover the fingertips with this part of the hand and as soon as you cover it you can throw the coin and catch it between the fingertips and when you do within speed it can look a little bit more impossible typically for most people I would recommend when you do it make advance you grab something I would recommend that you simply come in contact with the fingers and take it off instead of letting it fall and trying to catch it anyways guys thank you for watching hope you enjoy the video if you enjoyed it makes your to smash the like button subscribe if you haven't subscribed to this channel and check out my second channel right over there you know it's 2019 happy new years to everyone and I'm quite excited to post a lot more content on this channel and also on my second channel right there where you can see my face and other stuff as well so thank you guys for watching and I will see you in my next video
Channel: TheRussianGenius
Views: 781,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magic, Magician, Magic Tricks, Tutorial, Revealed, Tutorials, Easy, Beginner, How To, TheRussianGenius, DisturbReality, David Blaine, Reveal, Cool, HD, Coin, Amazing, Magical, mathematic, math, disturb, reality, entertainment, Card trick tutorial, easy beginner, card tricks revealed, for beginners, magic card trick tutorials, how to do tricks, mismag822, coin trick, coin magic, visual coin trick, coin tutorial
Id: Nv6-_j1ayfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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