Surprising Results Logging w Battery Powered Chainsaw Husqvarna 350i

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there are several viewers of this channel who are big proponents of electric chainsaws I have resisted electric because I know they are not yet to a point where they can compete with the production I get out of my Pro saws my gas powered saws but they have brought up some compelling arguments one of the major ones around here when we get into the height of wildfire season the Department of Forestry starts restricting the use of gas powered saws in that case having an electric chainsaw could be the difference between having to shut down for a part of the summer and being able to still work another Advantage they bring up an electric chainsa is not going to be blowing exhaust fumes in your face that you have to be breathing all day you don't have to buy fuel or haul it around you can make your own fuel with solar panels along with a few other advantages even with those advantages I continue using the gas saws for the increased production and the ability to run a longer bar I like running the long bars one of those viewers decided to put his money where his keyboard fingers are and he bought me an electric chainsaw this husky 350i he has a channel dlw Oregon he has some videos about using electric chainsaws electric power tools and other outdoor videos we're going to try this out today and see how it performs see if it has a place within what I'm doing when I got it one of the first things I looked at I was a little disappointed to see this flip top on the oil cap I was thinking oh no huskys decided to go with these goofy Fuel and oil caps that steel uses one of the few things I don't like about the steel saws is these goofy Fuel and oil caps but on a closer look that's just a handle for a regular threaded cap so that's nice it's a really lightweight saw 18in bar although when you put the battery in that adds quite a bit of weight let's put it to work see how it works we'll start out small I got a couple junky Douglas fur trees here we'll cut those away from the bigger better trees so the limited resources here will go to the better healthier trees this is the first time I've used it first time I've actually used a real electric chainsaw other than that little 8 in one actually I take that back I did use my dad's Makita saw timer too just briefly though turn on the power button and I guess we just [Music] go I wonder if this is the first humbled undercut ever made with an electric chainsaw probably not but I like to think it is got a good high stump on it we like our high stumps out here one of the nice things is in between cuts the saw is not making noise being used to faster cutting saws I left a little more hinge than I would for a tree this size but it went where it was supposed to that worked quite well [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one thing I learned with an electric saw same as with the gas saw if you move the camera then forget to turn the camera back on you're not going to get footage of what you just did same with the gas saw although I haven't confirmed that yet once I edit I will confirm that [Applause] I don't think this chain is taking everything this Saw Head can put out I'm going to knock these rakers down a little bit more but see if that makes a difference [Applause] one of the commonly stated benefits of electric saws is they are quieter compared to gas saws I've been using earplugs with earplugs this thing is very quiet no I'm not putting my bar in the dirt I'm going to just try it for a moment without earplugs to see how quiet it [Applause] is I think you could probably get away without using earplugs that is really quiet compared to some other ones I've heard I'm going to continue wearing ear protection because I really value my hearing which I think is pretty good for my age considering all the equipment I've been around but I always wear ear protection when I'm around equipment people think I don't because I don't have ear muffs on but I always wear earplugs I know there's a big YouTube channel that did a test with a steel saw with a deciel meter and I think the steel saw was about the same as the gas saw I think there could have been a little flaw in that experiment though this is definitely quieter than the gas saw I think I said steel saw before when I should have said gas saw I've been a little bit turned off by electric chainsaws because I don't like the sound of most of them I think they sound like they are self-destructing when they're running but this one has a much better sound to it something is after me just found a tick crawling on me people sometimes ask me what do I do about ticks well I very rarely find ticks here I maybe find one or two crawling on me per year here is number one and I put them on my thumb nail then with a fingernail I smashed them took care of him her or whoever it they but I've learned the feel of a tick crawling on me and I usually catch them crawling on me before they ever bite just like that one that was number one I might find another one crawling on me in a year otherwise this just isn't a real Ticky place after cutting this much wood I have one light out of four left that's like a quarter tank actually it's somewhere between zero and a quarter I don't know where let's cut another tree down see how much I can get done on this battery [Applause] that is the end on a single charge I was able to cut this many rounds the smallest one about 7 in diameter and all of this I cut these trees into firewood because they are too small for saw logs and or too crooked how does this saw compared to this saw it doesn't but as Larry might say you don't have to be head cashier at to Walmart to know that this saw is not going to be the same as that saw most people don't need a saw like that a lot of times I don't need a saw like that I've only cut these three small trees with this saw there's a dead tree up here just died much bigger I want to take that one down put it on the Sawmill it's a much bigger tree I want to try it with that before I give it a really good evaluation but I'm not going to do that today because the Sawmill is all plugged up with logs waiting to be milled the drive belt went out on it they sent me the wrong one I'm waiting for them to send me the right one I think the deer are happy about this situation I don't want to cut any saw logs right now until I get those processed we have some hot weather coming I just don't want the saw logs sitting out cracking out in the heat I'm going to have to wait a little while on that one and I want to touch up this chain first factory cutting edges are not always the best this one is no exception everything I cut today was cut on solar power I charged the batteries up here using solar power the guy who gave me the saw let me borrow his jackary portable power station with solar panel to charge it it's 120 W solar power but this jackary power station is only accepting about half that it charges the batteries but it's not going to work fast enough I think to keep me going on one of these I have my own 100 watt solar panel here at The Sawmill I use that to charge deep cycle batteries that's what I use for charging my cell phones my cameras my laptop you may not have known but most of the videos on this channel are solar powered I've been talking to the old Jarhead who knows a lot about solar I have some parts coming I'm going to make my own solar power station not just for charging this it will be able to charge that this property is off grid and I have some other things coming up that I'm going to need some solar power from what you saw here what do you think of the performance of this saw let me know in the comments I want to do some more with this saw before I give it a really good value valuation I need to do more with the charging keep track of how long it takes to charge see how many batteries you would need on hand to keep that going all day obviously it's not going to replace a saw like this people who need a saw like that are not going to use a saw like this what I've experienced today I think this is a viable saw for a lot of things I like this saw let me know in the comments what do you think about this saw I still have the rest of this one to cut up I could use the other saw and just let you see the difference on a video like this someone is inevitably inevitably inevitably going to say lithium batteries are worse for the environment because they have to mine the lithium as if you were the only one who's ever heard that and the rest of us haven't heard that before but do you really know that lithium batteries are worse for the environment than the petroleum industry or is that just something you've heard from the media Outlet or whatever information Outlet you subscribe to I don't know the answer to that I know there are a lot of people who have an emotional resistance to battery powered equipment because they are opposed to a lot of the politics that are promoting battery power and in some cases trying to force it upon people I'm not a huge fan of that myself but I'm not here to get into the politics of it I'm just trying to evaluate what I think might be a useful tool and I think it's going to be hard for us to evaluate a tool tool when we're when our minds are clouded with politics and with that said let's start up a big gas guzzling petroleum eating machine and cut this up [Music] [Music] oh oh
Channel: Wilson Forest Lands
Views: 16,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jYmakA09vIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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