Surprising Rebecca Zamolo on Daughters Birthday!

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guys it's 10 o'clock it's 10 a.m I will have to be there at 12. get my makeup done I didn't even the clothes yes we have to hurry I don't think anyone's hearing you right now okay so basically we're going to our friend Rebecca's house because it's her daughter zadie's birthday and we're late because we still have to get the gift we still have to get in the car we still have to drive honey you're late I'm ready up to down we're supposed to be there at noon exactly foreign [Music] here we go Noah's shoes okay yeah yeah we're really a crazy family are you okay be careful baby 10 20. we're late [Music] dude we're actually gonna be late to the party we still gotta get the gift get the things dude we have to go babe we're really late honey we're late we're late okay okay relax you're showing all my clothes on the floor don't enjoy Taylor Swift can you just baby I swear we're not gonna make it to get the gift okay give me like 10 minutes they're done 10 minutes is done we're done we're ready to go I don't know if Venice is gonna put this part in here but as you can see I'm super mom I have to do everything by myself I cook I clean I make breakfast I get everyone ready as you can see my husband's pretty useless he just gets up gets himself ready thinks of himself but you know I gotta look up [Applause] speak of the devil hello honey if we don't make it on time it's gonna be so embarrassing how about instead of calling me you get them in the car and now I'm rushing my makeup and I look like a clown oh honey you're the most beautiful clown I know [Music] come on let me put some we need to put some product on your hair come on okay hey Mimi can you can you film again [Music] it's just water no it's just water it's not gel it's not gel it's just water show me me show me look at me Noah wow it looks like a little baby rock star no I do like this [Music] yeah I'm falling down here and 44. it took you 45 minutes [Music] okay guys we're ready so next destination Target okay so we just got to Target and I'm gonna pick a gift for zadian Anna subscribe and then we're gonna let her decide which gets us better honey I promise your mind will be better I know how to fix because I've had two kids and you've never even bought them nothing what do you talk wow okay this is my life oh wait what I need a bag silly mommy I'm already one step ahead of you [Applause] she's usually the person who does all this for me how are we on time are we on time dude we're really late it's 11. yeah so what would a one-year-old like let's see let me look okay I'm gonna look here too oh honey you know it's our first birthday I do what are you talking about some kissing a mile or something like for 13 year olds no no I'm getting her something really quick I'm trying to find something educational but everything says ages three and up so I want something for her age you say oh see like like this like something like this any kids don't want anything educational kids want to just have fun [Music] what happened we're so dysfunctional oh this is it what this oh I'm smart what is this she was saying that zadie is not walking yet so this is not only fun and it helps her with motor skills as a one-year-old so it's gonna happen let them learn things when they're like six seven at the beginning this is why people appreciate my gifts not yours well Daddy will have to pick between mine and yours and I promise you she'll pick mine okay I'm gonna go get mine I have an idea we put both gifts on each side and wherever zadie crawls to is the winner okay so Sadie's gonna be in the middle my gift to the left your gift to the right and then whichever she picks wins yeah I do and whoever loses no no we're not not doing any more eggs don't leave them with me yeah I am I'm gonna go pick mine you guys have fun one of them okay Mimi come with me we're going a different store because I didn't see what I like here I'm going to Macy's do you want to go okay we just got to Macy's oh the toy section okay Mimi which one should we get for zadie something something gross stuff okay I'm looking for a slide slides are not safety for just a one years old yeah they are if their bombs are with them okay maybe there's a slide here what do you think of this dad what this is for boys okay yo I'm pretty sure there's probably one for girls I'm gonna look for it we're gonna ask them if they have one for girls and then we'll meet you guys at the car right Mimi yep guys it's literally 12 20 right now and we're supposed to be there at noon oh you know what we forgot to do mention the name of the nazala family member who commented the last video stop looking through the comments here we go hope that's done here we go done Mila's it's such a good job here we go so thank you to Emma for subscribing we love you so much and if you want us to mention you in the next video make sure to subscribe with notifications on and comment down once you've done that and that's it we love you guys so much and yeah we're late let's go to the party okay so we just got here I don't think we're that late I'm seeing a lot of people just arriving but Noah passed out hi baby do you want to go down to the party oh okay let's get the gift let's get the gift okay here we go you get yours I'll get mine down hello hi okay [Music] it's not Matt's birthday today Gosh guys that's a lot of presents no I just knew his wasn't that great so I got mine I just knew hers wasn't was really really bad for starters look how he wrapped it what are you talking about she threw me under the bus anyways we'll see zadie will decide so before zadie picks which gift is better we're gonna sing her happy birthday let's go baby having a fun time [Music] is always [Music] okay the moment of truth let's start okay so basically what's gonna happen we're gonna open the gifts with zadie and then we're gonna put the gifts far from each other and see which one she chooses she's 100 pick in mine because it's a lot more fun hers is so boring really boring here we go ages two plus zadie just turned one yeah maybe you didn't get the memo when we got the invite it said first birthday that's no okay you have to we add on the age we're in this together yeah I feel like I've already chosen a sign myself Sadie seems a little more interested in the wrapping paper so I don't know anyways let's open my gift time for mine I even added this oh look what she what better way to get this Walker and also it's playful fun you learn to walk and you learn to play and it has songs oh my gosh everything included Katie this is a tough decision are you sure [Applause] come here come on zadie what is this right here Daddy daddy you want to go nap or bottle Sadie do you want food oh no oh no come on Zade cozidi go zadie come here I love you come here baby zadie she touched it what are you talking about that's it okay honey we went okay I'm not gonna lie your gift was kind of good but I just want to say happy birthday it's okay that you didn't choose my gift or look at me while I was good to hit you but I love you so much and Happy First Birthday I love you guys so much thank you for everything thank you for having us beautiful beautiful party and you guys better go check their video on their Channel right now okay and honestly she's going gonna love both the gifts but I'm obviously team girls I'm so happy though [Music]
Channel: Anazala Family Vlogs
Views: 7,893,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anazala, Anazala Family, surprising, family, anazala, My Daughter, Jordan Matter, rebecca zamolo, Brent Rivera, lexi rivera, ben azelart, Stokes twins, Challenge, Anazala vlogs, the anazala family, anazala family, royalty family, mila, zaidy, birthday, bday, birthday surprise, gift, present, birthday gift, dream gift, rebecca zamolo birthday, birthday party
Id: SW9aXlVsiCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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